**The Keymander: A Game-Changer for Console Gamers**
Hey Guys! This is Austin!! Have you ever wanted to use a mouse and keyboard on a console? Well, I've got some exciting news for you - there's an emulator that lets you do just that, and it's called the Keymander.
**What is the Keymander?**
The Keymander is a device that lets you use your actual controller and pass the signal through to play games with a mouse and keyboard. It's pretty straightforward: grab the box, and inside you'll find the Keymander itself, a pair of mini USB cables for connecting to the console and PC, and some paperwork along with the driver CD.
**How Does it Work?**
The Keymander itself is pretty small on one side, where you'll see three USB ports for the controller, keyboard, and mouse. On the other side are ports to connect to the console, your PC, as well as an optional power port to get everything up and running. You'll need a keyboard, a mouse, and either an Xbox One or PS4 controller.
**Setting it Up**
You can also use the Keymander on the PS3 or 360, although for the 360, you will need the wired controller. Just plug in your keyboard, mouse, and controller on one side, and connect the mini USB cables to the game and PC ports. Then, just look it up to your PC and console out of the box won't work, so you'll need to head over to their site, download both the firmware as well as the software (which is Windows only here).
**Customizing Your Experience**
You can create your own profiles for each console and game, and you'll want to spend some time customizing these. By default, it maps things reasonably well, but some of the buttons are weirdly set up on a keyboard, tweaking the mouse sensitivity can also be a big help once everything is set up.
**Using it with Different Games**
Once everything is set up, you can save your profile and disconnect your PC. You'll need to keep the controller connected to the Keymander, but aside from that, it's pretty seamless navigating the menu with the keyboard works just like you'd expect, the directional keys replace the d-pad, and the spacebar works for the X button.
**The Verdict**
Using a mouse and keyboard can be a big advantage in some games - I noticed it especially when playing Last of Us, where the advantage is noticeable even though it might not be a super twitchy shooter like Call of Duty or Counter-Strike. The keyboard works very well with essentially no lag, but the mouse can be a bit weird since it's essentially replacing the right stick on the controller.
**Other Features**
There's also a play mode where you can plug anything you want to use, including joysticks into your computer and then pick play mode in the software. This will disable any keyboards, mice or trackpads from working on Windows, however, you'll now be able to use them to control the game.
The Keymander is a very cool little accessory that can bring a lot of value to console gamers who want to experience games with a mouse and keyboard. It's not perfect - there might be some lag issues, and it won't work for everyone - but overall, I'd definitely recommend giving it a try.
**Thanks for Watching!**
I've got to give a big shout-out to Shape Up for making this video possible. Shape Up is a game that's all about making working out fun - it gives you a variety of different workouts that range from running punching push-ups and way more, and quit 90-second bursts. I go to the gym all the time, but seriously, I was really surprised at how much more fun working out is with Shape Up.
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