Waterproof Fire! _ 10 Useless Walmart Items!

around are you talking about like I got to get him something I've always wanted to try this because it can potentially make your selfies that much better or that much sillier am I right shoot point clip the only issue I have with these things is that you like you have to bring them around with you everywhere and in the one day when you're finally like yeah I could use that you forgot it at home and the glass on these things is usually like subpar so it's like way better if you don't use it and just zoom in later but sometimes these can actually alter the field of view on your lens but you can't do late technology speaking okay so we got a couple additions here we have a wide-angle and I assume this is a macro let's test it out shall we huh you think it's because the case on my thumb okay let's try Brian's phone nope it's just the way it is however it is showing a little bit more I'm going to take a picture right now snaps now let's take a picture without snaps boom okay so if you guys can see the difference between these two photos this one is without it and this one is with it so you get decent amount more but it's very oddly shaped fish-eyed it's not great now we're going to try the other one so we screw this piece off right and I believe if I'm not mistaken either this is telephoto or oh it's still why oh no it's macro oh hold up hold up hold up I think I may have just stripped it fisheyemacro and wide-angle okay so here's what's up this is mackerel you still get that severe than getting if you can see photo and then this is with macro okay look at that no joke pretty close and then this is wide I'm just gonna make that the background on your phone never mind there's too much work dude I think that's it though does this piece come off oh it does look now that's the macro and I screw this back in here I bet I can get even closer oh so now there's no vignette encoder and this is how close I actually have to get oh yeah really really close those glasses grow and how they look like wet and sticky why so sticky dude there's a lot of moisture a lot I do I do okay I'd say this is a steal because I like the macro feature next items Oh storm proof match kit stay lit no matter what windproof and waterproof windproof how do we put it out if we try to like this put it in water it says waterproof good no it's not why are you sticking a bowl of water it'll yeah but if there's water on it it'll still work oh okay this is weird looking oh oh I see how it's waterproof there's an o-ring there it's a gasket essentially that allows you to like this to not get wet so the matches aren't water through doesn't look like it we'll have to test it though all right this is it - there's a moment of no return right there okay come on bro I'm doing that right bro there we go cheese let's blow it Oh oh what whoa what oh it's still burning dude uh turn the arrow dude and that's it okay so okay so we were absolutely a hundred percent wrong this still burns underwater that is thick you do all on that same time no dude I'll start a fire oh my gosh that was intense bro no lie this is a steal and I'm keeping these for a future camping trip that is insane dude I was like okay I'm slightly impressed right now blowing on it and then I put it under water and it was bubbling and I was like oh that thing's not done and I pulled it back out was there still on fire that was impressive dude that was absolutely impressive that is so cool wow that is a steel tool real good job you see Oh storm proof matches boom you get a shout out from Matthias oh which is hard to do guys make sure you click this ten strange dollar store items you see that goo in my hand it was bizarre it was very strange that's all I can say about without you watching it click up there and also click up there for Tennant's strange as seen on TV products you see that that projector there a things says things all over the wall it's pretty cool alright check it out I'll see you over there high-five

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: endoes this piece come off oh it does looknow that's the macro I bet I can geteven closer oh that's funny dude ohthere's a lot of moisture a lot of Ijuice i juice what's going on guyswelcome to 10 useless things that Briansay hello Brian hello hello found atWalmart and we're going to find outwhether it's a steal or whether it's inno deal all right you guys ever curiousabout what Brian looks like good mysteryman keep it a mystery man you don't wantto show your face yeah okay he's notready yet guy I'm sorry he's not readyyet guys make sure you click that Bellicon next to my channel name on desktopand on mobile because I live stream andI show you exclusive products in thatlive stream that don't end up in videosand I also comment back for the first 30minutes so that Bell icon just got tastydidn't itand you can't watch those live streamslater too because they I don't have thatDVR function so it literally is justlost after after you watch it I mean Icould turn that function on but I choosenot to oh did you open thisoh you open this on sound changingsilencer okay now I'm a little bitexcited right as you guys know we have achannel called battle universe check itout using that link in the info cardright there battle universe where we doexclusive Newark and like battles andstuff like that and it's a blast I'venever seen a silencer oh wait it doesn'tactually show anything does it oh comeon why you buy a gun in an actualprojectile I'm so shook nasty okay let'stest this out got it finally got it outokayokay for a gun that literally only makesnoise it's not bad okay so here's what'scool about this gun right when I pull atrigger the action goes back I assumethat little that thing that you seeinside there is a little button thatthis depresses when I screw this puppyin it presses that button and now itknows to make a different sound kind ofsee through it not really you're dead Idon't know it feels really good in thehand but then they permanently attachthis so I can't undo that oh yeah I canthis thing right here oh man oh wellno I can't really because I justdestroyed it right now does it look socool you're only bit what that justworked to what the heck as strong as myhand that wasn't supposed to come off ohnow it looks kind of weird wait I don'twant the other members of high-fiveStudios to know I'm about to destroy youI know dad no your Casa oh that's astealyes miss teammate cooling caps so for afew minutes stay cool for hoursoh no this is this seems kind ofpractical you know sometimes you do thatwhen it's super super hot outside youtake your shirt you'll like put it inthe water and then you'll wrap it aroundyour head and you'll stay cool for hoursbut I don't see why this why youcouldn't just get normal bandanna that'slike ten cents and not pay ten dollarsand this woman as you could clearly seethis is photoshopped that is sophotoshopped they did not get that womanto do this I guarantee you watch I'mgonna save this image them in a Googlesearch do image drop here and Oh wrongman throw you are wrong I don't dude youtoo nicely have that hat on Gotti Gottialright let's test it alright oh you gotthe pan on dude I can't believe thatthey actually used that picture maybeit's like a royalty-free picture andthey paid to use the rights of it orsomething like that I don't know oh Isee this is how this has those beads init again it's filled with those liketiny little beads that have thatabsorbed 200 times there's their sizeyeah I'm not gonna put water in itbecause I'm actually kind of cold rightnow and I know it would actually work soI'm just gonna wear it like this what'sup this yeah it's not bad it'scomfortable this is a steel I think it'sa steellook how great I look dudemoto Ted Cali 36 volt electric pocketbike white what you mean it's a minibike three hundred and seventy sevendollars hey guys I got thisoh tech pocket bike because look at thatthing do the thing with dope I just wantto see it moving okayRobert please write it please write itoh my gosh she doesn't write it Robertthat is awesomeoh my gosh yes dude I need this I needthis think of all the fun laughs youwanna fun challenges we could do Briandid you get thisI didn't oh no Brian it's another life -by a guy that's expensiveyeah it's like $400 guys please and wewill buy this and write it around foryour enjoyment and honestly my enjoymentguys please I want to review it a littlelive pets chiloe chile the cool frogthat was an ass being on TV product dudethe cello setup with flipping yourpillow looking for relief some nightsyou feel like you're on fire introducingchiloe oh my gosh chill off chill off Iguess you got to try it dude we got tosee if this chill stacks up to the nextam i right hey don't be a chiller huhwow that's a that's big I didn't thinkwas gonna be this big it's kind ofcreepy how like the frog's legs arestrapped in I don't know why it's alittle creepyJamie chill Oh Kamiya chill oh he's homerelax dude chill oh how long to mean youlike this geez thanks dad Bobby try toget any saltprobably Oh Bobby tried to get you toeat raw for all legs braless I'mprobably on a team men challenge hedidn't think I see that I could eat it Iliterally they're not cooked he's likecan you get him I check the box he comesback like yeah it's cooked girlmicrowaves up Bobby sometimes Bobbysometimes all right so what do we do isthis a button right here oh oh I wouldhave thought he jumped would have jumpedfarther whoa one oh now he's dead didyou put your water no do you think is hesupposed to be in water I swim in waterno way oh yeah he kind of fun oh ohyou're splashing everywherestop chill Oh bad chill Oh bad chill ohmy oh my gears like strokes I had noidea was gonna spray that much chill ohoh oh I got a discipline chill oh holdon chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo i don'tunderstand why like what you supposed todo with it oh great it hops now look addsomething better to make it more thanjust like hopping it's gotta hop for areason manNo Deal ahice-cream sandwich Oh savor theadventure ready to eat no drip no methso it's like astronaut food itsfreeze-dried camping that's the samething I'm pretty sure going to space andgoing camping is nothingno it's just as intense dude sometimesat night you don't know what's happeninggood I just want to clarify that thisthing says ready to eat no drift no messit says no mess on it so I'm openingthis up expecting there not be a mess ifthere is a mess it's no deal automaticNo Deal ingredients milk cream skim milksolids skim milk solid the hexxus skimmilk solid because that this is themoment Oh white oh wow that looks like amess to me here's what I'm saying Idon't that looks like a mess to me theymelt like a ice cream that like when itdrips that's still a mess it says no mattry doing my mouth as water here I knowyou shouldn't see Brian right now he'slike just intently staring at the icecream stand she's like I don't even havelike there's not one piece that that hasstayed on the other side Oh scarf it'sweirdtastes like an Ice Cream Sandwich butwarm because once your mouth hydrates itit just tastes like warm ice creamthat's true these are good but look atthat mess disqualified do No Deal allright Brian thinks it's a deal thoughwe're going camping you want ice creamand again totally take action with youjust don't have ice cream for a day ortwo people can't lay em that littleself-controlI need my ice cream pigs when I gocamping how much more enjoyable brohey I don't think this is enjoyable ohmy gosh relax dude are you soft yeah youdooh my god guys do you want to see memake fun of things more often follow meon twitter at matthias I am boom there'smy username right there actually guyswhat I'm going to do right now is tweetout something from when I'm filming thisvideo so you'll know the exact moment Ifilmed it hey guys that's a pretty easytweet to find right so you'll find itfollow me and like this tweet boomdiscovered up Alan hurt she's got to bemr. funny bad no it wasn't thatthat's hiccup attacks me dude hiccupattack displaced and includedtyrannosaurus rex 3 excavation toolsdinosaur skull dig excavate and reveal adinosaur skull you'll be a nerd I likethis stuffI'm just kidding looks kind of cool I'mgonna feel like Ross from friends 90sjoke oh oh that's not supposed to happendo you really expect me to excavate thiswhole thing today yeah oh yeah it's notit's a rock oh no it's like chalk soit's like the same thing so these thingsnone of you guys have noticed but thesehit it big idea nice wooden mallet ohother way yeah that's that's the partthese things are made out of like reallykind of heavy-duty chalk this is goingto take foreverthat's it let's just go outside andsmash it oh my god bro I would havetaken you forever hey OhMarchese now oh oh look at jaw bone ohthat feels weird that's like cold ah Idid it guys look like a truepaleontologistlike a yeah dude this is how they do itright yeah just smash it it's theeasiest way that's a steal if you gotthe patience I don't why is just likesewing why is it open all right what doyou mean why did you do nothing guys gotsmashes afrezzaknow if I trust them guys daredevilboneless wings a flavor pack and kickersaw buffalo style turn up the burnincludes kicker flame and pepper sauceif you dare I mean I don't mind spicyfood I don't really like super spicyfoods like I like medium to hot salsabut I don't like like the salsas thatpeople like for sport try yeah when youstart to like COFF and stuff like what'sthe fun that where's the fun in thatyou know what am I like Connor orsomething so here's the Buffalo stylesauce what's this oh that's the kickersauce what is this fries and this notfor you it's a little concerning thatthe kicker sauce didn't freeze dang it'scold but it didn't freezeyou just got this straight out offreezer right can we just check this oneto see if that's the same thing happenedit didn't breathe that must be reallyreally high but this did actuallydoesn't smell half bad he's probablytoxic for you though little just thingright there you're that what we'recontains no wing meatoh no no wing meat oh you got me first Igot dude you got me for a second brobecause I thought it just contained nomeat wellno wing me okay so it's yes chickenbreast which is probably better honestlyprobably better shaped chicken breastpatty fritters with rib meat with a ribmeat that's weird that's weirdlet's try it anyways though I may I mayhave Connor try to super spicy saucethough Connor Connor will do anythingall rightten seconds left and we're going to trywingless wait their wings but then Iwinged me in the moat that's a wolfstrange they don't smell bad what's sofunny Bobby is everything funny bigConnor eat something really bad and hejust takes it like a man how did youknow I was gonna make me something I canjust tell them look at his face rightnow okay Connor here's what we're gonnatry actually here's what I'm gonna tryI'm gonna try these wings okay I want totry these wings standarts all God'sgoing on hopefully things are cooked upputting the kicker sauce no I'm notgoing to do the kicker sauce dude youdid supposed to mount your mouth oh goodoh that glug it sounds like sour is itclose it's cooked now this sauce righthereConnor yeah this is supposed to be superhot stuffOh why good kicker I'm just gonna addkind of bolt in there oh my god careertrack on there you go Connorwell the whole thing dude well Connor istrying this come surf subscribing theteam edge gaming to make it worthwhilefor him well not even hot at all haveyou ever not like something you tried onthis channel I don't ever not like foodwell I'll show ya is it spicy at allyeah managua on fire Robin's on firewell I'm okay with it alright well youtake the rest of me thank you I guessit's a steal not for me thoughOhOh boomerang do we have enough room forthis high-tech engineering what doesthat say really flies back to you okayit looked like it was just getting cutout I couldn't read it but they justwrote it like that that's kind ofstrangeokay okay not in - none - it really it'sjust a boomerang right so we're justgoing to really have to test in the teamEdgware house I'm slightly afraid tothrow it out in the street and hitsomeone's car or go over to the fenceinto the neighbor's yard full men Johnnyold man Johnny's yard dude aerodynamicsoft foam if it hits you it won't hurtyou yeah I hardly doubt that okay let'sgo test it outall right Tanner has the boomerang rightthere can you see him right there we'vegot that boomerang I'm gonna tell him tothrow it I'm gonna see if it goes to mehooker goes back to himall right cannon do you know how tothrow one of those no you do like thisno like this no neither good nowno wizard around in your hand yeah yeahwe may have a problem here it wasoffered to turn to Tanner he it lookslike he's in the bush now let's see ifhe's having any successI'm invite not to all my doubt there'sbogeys in here oh my god with Jin in thebush this is like my home I found it andshe said you just do it oh my goodnessoh look look something for my eye whodidn't know John I just not so many beesin here you can do it tanner you're totell us one of the vulva oh my gosh ohmy gosh there's be there are bees dudeno no joke he's not lying okay I don'tknow if like it's like right in themiddle oh you want it now I'm gonna tryit see if we have any more luck I knowwe're throwing it wrong guys I knowwe're throwing it wrong someone in thecomments let me know how to throw itright Oh what's wrong with you what areyou doing right before camera startedrolling oh I couldn't see that didn't goback to himdeal cuz it still could be used as afrisbee what's the knot that's itguys before we hit the next couple ofproducts make sure you're subscribedwith your new year because we makevideos Tuesday Thursday and Saturday soclick that big ol subscribe button thatlooks a little like this and we'll seeyou here more oftennext product Oh selfie three-in-onemobile lens kit you know I've alwayswanted to try these I've always seenthem aroundare you talking about like I got to gethim something I've always wanted to trythis because it can potentially makeyour selfies that much better or thatmuch sillier am i rightshoot point clip the only issue I havewith these things is that you like youhave to bring them around with youeverywhere and in the one day whenyou're finally like yeah I could usethat you forgot it at home and the glasson these things is usually like subparso it's like way better if you don't useit and just zoom in later but sometimesthese can actually alter the field ofview on your lens but you can't do latertechnically speaking okay so we got acouple additions here we have awide-angle and I assume this is a macrolet's test it out shall wehuh you think it's because the case onmy thumbsokay let's try Brian's phone nope it'sjust the way it is however it is showinga little bit more I'm going to take apicture right now snaps now let's take apicture without snaps boom okay so ifyou guys can see the difference betweenthese two photos this one is without itand this one is with it so you do get adecent amount more but it's very oddlyshaped fish-eyed it's not great nowwe're going to try the other one so wescrew this piece off right and I believeif I'm not mistaken either this istelephoto or oh it's still why oh no itsmacro oh hold up hold up hold up I thinkI may have just stripped it fisheyemacro and wide-angle okay so here'swhat's upthis is mackerel you still get thatsevere than getting if you can see photoand then this is with macro okay look atthatno joke pretty close and then this iswide I'm just gonna make that thebackground on your phonenever mind there's too much work dudeI think that's it though does this piececome off oh it does look now that's themacro and I screw this back in here Ibet I can get even closer oh so nowthere's no vignette encoder and this ishow close I actually have to get ohthat's weird dudeso this is what it looks like when youtry to take a normal picture what's yourfuckin space this is how close you haveto get oh yeah really really close thoseglasses grow and how they look like wetand sticky why so sticky dude there's alot of moisture a lot I do I dookay I'd say this is a steal because Ilike the macro feature next itemsOh storm proof match kit stay lit nomatter what windproof and waterproofwindproof how do we put it out if we tryto like this put it in water it sayswaterproof good no it's not why are yousticking a bowl of water it'll yeah butif there's water on it it'll still workoh okay this is weird looking oh oh Isee how it's waterproof there's ano-ring there it's a gasket essentiallythat allows you to like this to not getwetso the matches aren't water throughdoesn't look like it we'll have to testit though all right this is it - there'sa moment of no return right there okaycome on bro I'm doing that right brothere we go cheese let's blow itOh Oh what whoa what oh it's stillburning dude uh turn the arrow dude andthat's it okay so okay so we wereabsolutely a hundred percent wrong thisstill burns underwater that is thick youdo all on that same time no dude I'llstart a fire oh my gosh that was intensebro no lie this is a steal and I'mkeeping these for a future camping tripthat is insane dude I was like okay I'mslightly impressed right now blowing onit and then I put it under water and itwas bubbling and I was like oh thatthing's not done and I pulled it backout was there still on firethat was impressive dude that wasabsolutely impressive that is so coolwow that is a steel tool real good jobyou see Oh storm proof matches boom youget a shout out from Matthias Oh whichis hard to do guys make sure you clickthis ten strange dollar store items yousee that goo in my hand it was bizarreit was very strange that's all I can sayabout without you watching it click upthereand also click up there for Tennantstrange as seen on tv products you seethat that that projector there a thingsays things all over the wall it'spretty cool alright check it out I'llsee you over therehigh-five\n"