**Prepaid Data Plan: A New Feature to Look Forward To**
Trying to purchase a prepaid dataplan may not work until you turn on Wi-Fi, so the company has offered that as a workaround. If you're using Xcode and Safari or simulator with iOS Siri doesn't work, series specifically won't work in iOS simulators. That's really it as far as the features and now, there may be support for air power, but we don't know that for sure yet.
**System Storage: A Change of Heart**
Let's talk about battery a little bit before we take a look at system storage. We'll go into settings and then go to battery. With the previous version of iOS, 12.1.3, battery life has not been amazing for me, in fact, it was worse than the betas. I was getting four hours and five minutes of screen on time with about 20% battery life left usually before that I could get seven to eight hours of screen on time. There is definitely something that changed there, and my battery health is at 100%. Over the next few days, I'll be monitoring battery, and you can't tell in an afternoon what the battery is like on a particular update. You need a couple of days for it to kind of normalize.
**Battery Monitoring**
I'll be checking how my phone is handling this new update, and we'll do a follow-up with a YouTube community poll like I normally do. Also, those of you that are concerned with storage, let's take a look at that prior to installing this. I had 43.7 gigabytes used and then also 8.4.9 gigabytes in system storage. If we go into settings, we'll go over to our storage here, and you'll see now I'm using 43.3.7 gigabytes of storage. Scroll down, and before this isn't showing system storage at all. I've waited for it to show up; maybe they removed it, but then I checked the 6 plus, and it's actually there soon.
**The Disappearance of System Storage**
The six plus is actually using less storage, and now it's disappeared from the list. It was there before, but it seems to kind of disappear and reappear from time to time. It's almost like they don't want to see system storage anymore. It was there; it's gone, but maybe with the next update, it'll be back.
**Speed: Everything Seems Nice and Smooth**
Everything seems nice and smooth and fast right now. 3D touch is working well if you're on one of the plus phones. Landscape is working well, and it's only available on the plus, but it's nice and fast, even on the 5s. It does seem a little bit better when opening apps like Minecraft and things like that.
**Geekbench Scores: A Slight Improvement**
Let's take a look at the Geekbench scores. Many of you have asked me about this, and many of you have asked me to actually run a GPU test as well. So, let's take a look at that first. I scored 21729 on iOS 12.2 last time, but it's actually down from the previous version. This may improve with future updates, so don't take that directly.
**Geekbench Scores and Comparison**
I ran this twice with iOS 12.2; I scored 48,222 for single-core or 110,920 for multi-core, so it was pretty good if we look at the history. So, this is the current Geekbench score, and this was the previous one with 12.1.3, so it's improved a little bit not by much, but a little bit.
**No Exciting Features Yet**
There are some features and tweaks, and we'll see if they bring anything new. I wouldn't expect anything too exciting until iOS 13 is shown at WWDC like I said. If you'd like to get your hands on the wallpaper of course, I'll link it in the description as I always do.
If you haven't subscribed already, please subscribe and like as always. Thanks for watching this is Aaron; I'll see you next time
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andtoday Apple released iOS 12.2 todevelopers now this may come out topublic beta testers by the time you'rewatching this either later today orsometime tomorrow usually is how it goescame in at two point eight gigabytes forme let's take a look at the build numberyou can see the build number is 16e5181fand this particularbuild actually does add some featuresnot anything incredible that we've beenwaiting for they'll probably push thoseto iOS 13 so we'll talk about thefeatures then we'll talk about the bugsthat are in this beta and then batterylife storage and things like that at theend so the first thing is support forairplay two TVs which they showed thisat CES so if you go into the home app inthe home app tap the little house iconhit home settings and then tap on yourhome there and what you'll see is allowspeaker and TV access so this is new itallows you to control airplay to TVseventually when that comes out nowthey've also redesigned the remote forApple TV so if you go into your commandor control center here and we tap on theremote which is right here you'll seeit's now full screen if I do the same onthe previous version you'll see they'vechanged it so it's a little bit of anupdate there another thing they'veupdated is the wallet UI so if you're inthe wallet app let me open that andyou're on something like Apple pay cashyou can see on the left is the oldversion on the right is the new one youcan add money see your last transactionsthings like that and it just looks alittle bit better and it's easier tonavigate as far as that part goesthey've also updated the screenmirroring icon so you can see here isthe new oneit looks more accurate to me there's twoscreens and they're mirrored as opposedto the old one also some people have anew airplay icon I don't have this on myphone for some reason I tried it onmultiple ones and for some peoplethere's new airplay icons let me see ifit's here and I don't have it anywhereso if I was err playing you'll see downhere there's an airplay icon for somepeople it's a little bit different forme it's not different at all sohopefully I'll get that later on or witha different beta now if you're usingMaps there's a new option for airquality so if you go out to here go intoyour settingsgo down to maps and you'll see down herethere's an air quality index button nowso if we turn that on we'll go into mapsand I search for Charlotte and let's seeif we can get an air quality index andit's not showing up but for some peopleit's showing up as far as the airquality goes I guess it depends on thecity you're in but it should show up forcertain cities now they've updated thestock app icon for the Mac so I'm theMac it now matches this and then whilethat's not terribly exciting they haveupdated Safari a little bit on the Macas well as far as its showing dark modethemes automatically that used to bepart of the preview settings on a Mac sohopefully we see that come across to theiPhone maybe with iOS 13 but they haveupdated Safari a little bit and if thewebsite is not using HTTPS securitysettings basically or a securitycertificate it will say not secure sothat's something new and then if we taphere and I search for Zolo tech forexample you'll see there's some arrowshere now so there's some arrows and thatwill bring you to whatever you'relooking for just tap on that and it willshow you some of the information here sothat part's really nice just a littletweak to the UI there's also a newfeature in the health app if we go tohealth and then we go down to our healthdata at the bottom we have the highheart rate notifications and we can seethat as read information or read onlyinformation so we go to high heart ratenotifications irregular rhythm and lowheart rate notifications so if you'vegotten those notifications that shouldshow up later as well now anotherfeature is Apple news and this isspecific to Canada so if you're inCanada you'll now be able to have accessto Apple news in iOS 12.2 when it comesout and it will also be in French andEnglish there's also signs that theymight do a subscription service withApple news as well so that would bereally nice if you are into using Applenews I actually don't use it that oftenand occasionally when I do it doesn'treally have a whole lot new so maybewhen that subscription service comes andthere's magazines in there like thereprobably will be later ondid buy a subscription service for thathopefully we'll see that integratedlater on now for a lot of people thereis a slight change to the modem numberso if we go into here we go to generaland then about at the bottom you can seemodem firmware and it's one point zerofour point one zero on the XS Max sohopefully they've updated that for LTEso if you were having issues with LTE orWi-Fi hopefully that's fixing even moreissues if you had that it's hard to saywithout using it for a little while nowlet's talk about the known issues thatare in this particular release the firstone has to do with authenticatingdifferent wallet cards so if you'reusing the wallet the Apple Wallet appand you want to authenticate a card itmay not work initially when you're doingthat you may have to try it over for itto work againthe second bug has to do with purchasinga prepaid data plan when you're usingcellular so if you're in your settingsand trying to purchase a prepaid dataplan it may not work until you turn onWi-Fi so they've offered that as aworkaround also if you're using Xcodeand the Safari or simulator with iOSSiri doesn't work so series specificallywon't work in iOS simulators and that'sreally it as far as the features and nowthere may be support for air powerfinally built into this we don't knowthat for sure but there's not a wholelot of exciting features they'reprobably going to save most of that foriOS 13 when it comes out or at least isshown in June at WWDC now before we takea look at system storage let's talkabout battery a little bit we'll go intosettings and then go to battery now withthe previous version of iOS that justcame out a few days ago12.1.3battery life has not been amazing for mein fact it was worse than the betas so Iwas getting four hours and five minutesscreen on time with about 20% batterylife left usually before that I couldget seven to eight hours of screen ontime so there is definitely somethingthat changed there and my battery healthis at 100% now over the next few daysI'll be monitoring battery you can'ttell in an afternoon what the battery islike on a particular update you need acouple days for it to kind of normalizeand use your phone just to see what it'slike so I'll be checking that and we'lldoing the following follow up with aYouTube community poll like I normallydo we'll talk about that in a few daysnow also those of you that are concernedwith storage let's take a look at thatprior to installing this I had fortythree point seven gigabytes used andthen also eight point four ninegigabytes in system storage if we gointo settings we'll go over to ourstorage here and you'll see now I'musing forty three point eight gigabytesof storagescroll down and before this isn'tshowing system storage in fact I'm notseeing it on here at allI've waited for it to show up I thoughtmaybe they removed it but then I checkedthe six plus and it's actually there soon the six plus it's actually using lessstorage and now it's disappeared let'ssee if I can get it back but it wasthere maybe they've removed that I'm notsure it's almost like they don't want aseeing system storage now so it wasthere it is 6.5 gigabytes but it wasn'tthere before and it seems to kind ofdisappear and reappear from time to timeit's kind of strange now as far as speedis concerned everything seems nice andsmooth and fast right now 3d touch isworking well if you're on one of theplus phones landscape is working wellit's only available on the plus but it'snice and fast and even on the 5severything is working well compared tothe previous version of iOS it does seema little bit faster when opening appslike Minecraft and things like that itdoes seem a little bit better I'm notgoing to fully load it this time butsmoothness seems nice unfortunatelythere's no updates to the iPad but itdoes seem nice and fast and on the XSor XS it's working well also nowlet's take a look at the Geekbenchscores many of you have asked me aboutthis and many of you have asked me toactually run a GPU test as well so let'stake a look at that first and I scored21729 on iOS 12.2 thisis actually down from the last time Iran it quite a bit from iOS 12 now thismay improve it may have been doing somethings in the background so don't takethat directly as you shouldn't installthis but it is a beta and I would warnagainst that unless you don't mind nothaving stability on your phone now I ranthis twice with iOS 12.2 I scored4822 for singleor 11092 formulti-core so it was pretty good if welook at the history so this is thecurrentGeekbench score and this was theprevious one with 12.1.3 so it is improved a little bit nota ton but a little bit and it seemsfluid and fast right now so there's notmuch more to talk about with thisparticular update there's some featuresand tweaks and things like that andwe'll see if they bring anything new butI wouldn't expect anything too excitinguntil iOS 13 is showin like I said ifyou'd like to get your hands on thewallpaper of course I'll link it in thedescription as I always do if youhaven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and like as always thanks forwatching this is Aaron I'll see you nexttime\n"