iPhone 6 Mock-Ups: An In-Depth Look
By Phil from TechSmartt
Before we dive into this video, I want to reiterate that these are mock-ups and not working units. These are almost exactly what we can expect to see, but keep in mind that the hardware may differ slightly. So, when looking at things like antennas, flashes, or even button placement, just remember that these might not be exactly how they'll look on the final product.
We have two colors of our mock-up iPhone 6 model: a silver and a slate color. We also have both sizes of the phone available for comparison. Now, let's take a closer look at the hardware and features of this device. On the front, you can see the larger display, which is probably what we'll be expecting from the final product. You also notice your home button, which appears to hold onto that Touch ID feature.
On top of the phone, you can find your front-facing camera as well as one of your speakers. Flipping it over to the right side, things start to get more interesting. You have your sleep wake button on the right-hand side, and also a sim card slot. When looking around at the bottom of the phone, you'll notice both a lightning port and a 3.5mm jack. Again, these are just mock-ups, so they might be slightly different in the final product.
When we flip the phone over to the back, there's no branding on the device, which is quite unusual for an iPhone. You can see your camera up top, as well as a single flash. This single flash is definitely something that could be swapped out by Apple, and it is indeed a concern when looking at this mock-up. The camera is also slightly recessed, similar to the iPod Touch.
On the left-hand side of the phone, you'll find your volume up, volume down, and mute switch buttons. These buttons are very similar to those found on the current-generation iPod Touch. As you can tell, this iPhone 6 shares a lot of design cues with its predecessor. The curved body, aluminum backing, no glass, and front display are all familiar features.
One thing that's noticeable when comparing the two phones is the size difference. While the iPod Touch has a slightly smaller display at 4 inches, our mock-up iPhone 6 has a larger display at 4.7 inches. This difference in size is definitely one of the main differences between these two devices. In terms of feel and comfort, I personally enjoy the size of my current iPhone 5s, but this new design does have a nice, comfortable fit in my hand.
The curved sides of the phone do make it feel very pleasant to hold, and your hand wraps around it easily. However, when comparing it directly to the iPod Touch, you can see that the iPod is slightly thinner due to the smaller size.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys it's Phil here from TechSmartt andtoday we are going to take an in depth lookat these iPhone 6 mock-ups.So, before we actually get into this videolet me just reiterate.These are mock-ups, these are not workingunits.These are pretty much just a almost exactlyprobably what we are going to be seeing.Size wise, not necessarily the same hardware.So just remember that, so stuff like the antennas,the flash, even though it's not a duo flash.This isn't necessarily what we will be getting,this is probably just the size that we aregoing to be looking at.So, without further ado lets go ahead anddive into it.So, as you can see we have two colors here.We have the slate model as well as the silver.So let me just put this one down and we willgo ahead and walk around the hardware of thisdevice.So on the front you have the larger display.You also have your home button, which lookslike it's going to obviously hold onto thattouch ID feature.Right on the top you have your front facingcamera as well as one of your speakers.Flipping it over to the right side, this iswhere things start to get new.You actually have your sleep wake button onthe right hand side.You're also going to have your sim card slot.Looking around to the bottom of the phoneyou're going to get your lightning as wellas a 3.5mm jack.And again, these are actually capped up becauseagain this is just a mock.You have one speaker on the right hand sideso again they may add one to the left handside, but then again who knows.the left however, again, who knows really.And flipping it over to the back you see thatthere is no branding on this.There is your camera up top.As well as a single flash.And this is really a disconcerning featureup top because it doesnt have the duo-flashwhich is obviously a staple feature on theiPhone 5s.So again that is easily somthing they canswap out.The camera is also slightly recessed.SImilar to the iPod Touch, i'll show you thatin a little bit.However on the left hand side you have yourvolume up, volume down, as well as your muteswitch.And these buttons are also very similar tothe iPod Touch.If you can't already tell, this iPhone itselfshare a lot of the same design cues with thecurrent generation iPod Touch.It has the curved body, the aluminum backing,no glass, ugh, and obviously the front display.But as you can tell, size-wise, its a considerabledifference.And I think this is really the differencethat everyone has been waiting for.I personally enjoy the size of the iPhone5s, I don't really mind it.However, this definitely feels really nicein the hand.It's very comfortable, the curved sides feelreally nice.It kind of just, your hand wraps around it.Ugh, so looking at it compared to the iPhoneTouch.As you can see the iPod Touch is a littlebit thinner again since this is just a mock,we really can't be too sure about that.Ugh, looking at the front on the display youhave the 4 inch display on the iPod Touch.And you have the larger 4.7\" display on theiPhone.Now flipping them over again youre going tohave all branding on the iPod Touch.However, you're also going to get the addedantennas on the iPhone 6.As well as this model is going to have thecamera.Ugh, the iPod Touch that I have here is justthe basic 16GB without a camera.Ugh, looking on top the iPod Touch has thesleep/wake button right on top.You're going to have it on the right handside of the iPhone 6.And then looking at the bottom, you have yourlightning charging connector, as well as yourheadphone jack and they each have the onespeaker, which is very interesting to see.But overall from a size standpoint, you cansee that they are pretty different size-wise.The iPhone 6 is clearly much larger and definitelymore substantial and I really think that thedisplay on this seems like a very nice sizeand its definitely something I am curiousto play around with when we have a workingmodel.So, let me go ahead and set that aside thewhite one so we can take a look at the blackone for a little bit.Ugh, you have this ugly gold ring on thismock that we have here.But lets go ahead and compare this to thegold Iphone 5s.So, as you see here immediately you have thosemajor differences from the size.Pretty similar on the front, you have thefront facing camera, the speaker, as wellas the home button with touch ID sensor.Flipping it the right side of both devices,on the iPhone 5s you have that squared offdesign that you have seen on every iPhonesince the iPhone 4.Youre also going to have the sim card slotson the right hand side, however again on themock you have that sleep/wake button on theright.On the left hand side you're going to havethe volume up and down as well as your muteswitch.And again, this is where things get a littlebit different, in regards to, ugh, the actualbuttons.You have the circular buttons on the iPhone5s and then you have the more \"pill shaped\"buttons on the iPhone 6.So, thats something a little bit differentand something thats really a design traitcarried over from the iPod Touch.Ugh, looking at the bottom of these devices.You have the dual speaker grill on the iPhone5s.I say \"grill\" because really only one of themis a functional speaker, the other one kindajust duplicates the sound.You also have the single speaker on the iPhone6 and then you both have the Lightning adapters.Flipping them over to the back, you have theApple brand on the iPhone 5s as well as thecamera and dual-LED flash.You also have that two-tone material withthat metal on the inside and the glass onthe top and bottom.The iPhone 6 just has the camera on the top,single flash as well as a full aluminum backing.And from a size perspective as you can see,the iPhone 6 is definitely larger and is considerablythinner too.And I can't really comment too much on weightbecause this is very much just a strippeddown model and I really don't know what isinside of it if there is anything in there.However, as you can tell, it is much thinnerthan the iPhone 5s.So lets go ahead and set that guy aside, andwe will pull out the probably the most comparablephone and really what everybody's biggestdecision is going to be, the Galaxy S5 tothe iPhone 6.So as you can see from the front, they arevery very similar.You have the 4.7\" screen and the 5.1\" on theGalaxy S5.And just looking at size, they are prettysimilar.The iPhone is a little bit skinnier and thenif you look at the thickness, the iPhone isalso thinner as well.Now this is where the button layout is almostthe same so on the front you have the homebuttons, you have the displays as well, youhave the front facing cameras too.Flipping them over to the left hand side,you have the volume rocker on the Galaxy S5,and then the volume switch on the iPhone 6as well as mute switch.On the right hand side, both phones are goingto rock a sleep wake button.Looking along the bottom, you have the USB3.0 port on the Galaxy S5 and you have theLightning adapter on the iPhone 6.Right up top is the headphone jack on theGalaxy S5, and you have nothing on the iPhone6.Flipping these devices over to the back, youhave you camera on the iPhone 6 as well asflash, and then you have the perforated backingon the Galaxy S5 with your heart rate scanner,flash, as well as your camera.So, lets go ahead and compare it to the lastdevice here, and we'll pull out the whiteiPhone 6 here and comparing it to the HTCM8.So these two devices are very very similar.Really, more so from a physical standpointthere both aluminum devices.Obviously, the HTC M8 is much larger.You have the 5\" display on the M8, and 4.7\"on the iPhone 6.Looking here, it's a little bit taller andwider.Looking at it from the side, they feel verysimilar in the hand, however the iPhone 6is a little bit thinner and tapers throughoutthe backs so it gets thinner on the sidesand then thickens through the back.So looking at the front you have your physicalhome button on the iPhone 6 and on the HTCM8, everything is all software based.You have your dual speakers on the front ofthe M8 with your front facing camera, youhave your front facing camera and speakeron the iPhone 6.Looking at the right hand side of the device,you have your volume rockers on the HTC M8and power button on the iPhone 6.Looking to the left hand side, you have yourmicroSD slot on the HTC M8 and volume switchas well as mute switch on the iPhone 6.Along the bottom you have your charging portand headphone jack on both devices and youhave your single speaker on the iPhone 6.Looking at the top you have your IR blasterwhich doubles as a sleep/wake button on theHTC M8.And flipping these guys over, you have thefull aluminum construction on both devices,you also have that same antenna that is goingright through it as you can tell on both devicesas well.You have a couple of branding marks on theHTC M8, which obviously we're going to seeon the iPhone 6.Then you have your Duo Camera, dual-flash.And on the iPhone 6, we just have our singlecamera and single flash.As you can just tell size wise, they are verysimilar, the HTC M8 is definitely larger,but regardless the iPhone 6 is definitelygoing to be a larger phone as well, whichis really nice because this is something we'veall been waiting for.Anyways guys, that's going to do it for thisvideo, if you want to see any more informationon this brand new iPhone 6 mock, be sure tosubscribe to the channel, also LIKE the videoif you enjoyed it.Check out all of our social links in the descriptionbelow, and I'll see you guys in the next one?Later.....\n"