The Beauty of Texas Weather: Enjoying the Moment

As I stepped outside today, I was greeted by the warm sunshine and a temperature of 70 degrees. It's moments like these that make me appreciate the beauty of nature and want to soak up every second of it. However, I'm also aware that this perfect weather won't last forever, and soon the heat will become unbearable. So, I've decided to take advantage of the pleasant conditions while they still exist.

I must admit, I'm a bit tempted by the rain clouds gathering in the distance. But for now, I'll just enjoy the sunshine and take my top off. There's something about feeling the warmth on my skin that's hard to resist. As I look around, I notice the beautiful scenery and the people passing by, all enjoying the perfect weather. It's a great opportunity to get out and about, and I'm making the most of it.

Speaking of getting out and about, have you completed your photo assignment for this week? The topic is photo sequences, where we use a series of images to communicate an idea or tell a story. I've been thinking about this assignment a lot, especially after my conversation with Peter McKinnon. Peter is a wonderful YouTube personality who recently discussed the concept of perfection and its relation to the arts. He made some thought-provoking points that I'd like to share with you.

According to Peter, perfection is something that can be achieved in art, but it's also a myth that we often chase. At some point, you have to turn your work in or put it out there for others to see. This got me thinking about photo assignments and how they relate to the concept of perfection. In my opinion, photo sequences are a great way to explore this idea, as they require careful consideration and planning.

As we move forward with the assignment, I want to remind you that this one is a bit more challenging than previous ones. It requires putting some thought into your images and coming up with a cohesive story or sequence. However, I believe it's also an opportunity for growth and creativity.

I've had feedback from many of our viewers who shoot film, which has led me to consider a slight adjustment in the format. Some have mentioned that they find the current pace too fast, and I want to ensure that we can continue to produce high-quality content without losing momentum. We'll be getting back into a tighter format soon, but for now, let's focus on completing this assignment.

Before we move forward, I'd like to share some examples of photo sequences that have been turned in so far. First up is Duncan Davies' sequence, which tells a simple yet powerful story. Duncan is an old friend and long-time viewer who has always impressed me with his photography skills. His work is a great example of how a sequence can convey a message or tell a story through images alone.

I'll be creating a video showcasing all the submitted sequences next Monday, so don't forget to get your assignments in by the end of this week. If you're unsure about how to turn in your work, I'll provide more guidance in the coming days. Until then, I hope these examples have inspired you and charged you up for the challenge ahead.

As we move forward with the assignment, keep in mind that perfection is not necessarily a requirement. It's about creating something that tells a story or communicates an idea through images. With patience, creativity, and practice, I'm confident that you'll produce some amazing work. So, take your time, enjoy the process, and don't be afraid to experiment.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso weather in Texas comes with adeadline you have to enjoy it right nowit's like 70 degrees today it'sbeautiful but once the heat hits it'sover you don't want to even be outsideuntil like October so now is the time toenjoy it I do realize that I am temptingthe rain once again by taking that topdown but it's just so nice out here yougot to do something have you done yourphoto assignment for this week (meow)last week I was having a conversationwith my buddy Peter McKinnon some of youguys might know Peter he's got awonderful YouTube channel he's a reallynice guy we were having a conversationabout perfection and the arts and isperfection something that actually evenexists because at some point I meanyou can keep massaging something over andover and over again but at some pointyou have to turn work in or you have toput something out and maybe perfectionis a myth that we tend to chaseanyway he did a really nice video onthat and get me a nice shout out so I willlink that video up at the end of thisone but speaking of perfection andspeaking of turning things in let's talkabout photo assignmentsso right now weare on photo assignment number six Ibelieve which is photo sequences andthis is where we are using a sequence ofimages to communicate an idea or tellsome kind of story and so the last videothat I talked about these was a coupleweeks ago and I told you guys that I wasgoing to give you the rest of the monthto work on these and there were tworeasons that I did that first of allthis one was a little bit more difficultthan previous assignments have been andso it requires putting some thought into and so I wanted to get people ampletime to do that it was the first reasonthe second reason is is I have a lot ofpeople who shoot film that watch thesevideos and I've had many complaints thatthey just simply move too fast to getfilm processed and scanned and all thatstuff so I'd like to make them not quitethis long in the future so we're goingto go back to a little bit tighterformat because I don't want to losemomentum I really like photo assignmentsI think they're inspiring to people andI want to give you guys a chance to showyour work on the show as well and sowe'll get back into a groove on that soI'll be putting together the video withall the images of people whoparticipated in photo sequences and I'llbe doing that next Monday so get yourstuff in this week and I'll talk alittle bit about that if you're not surehow to turn it in and all but anyway Iwant to share a couple with you thathave been turned in so far and thisisn't by any means the final video ofthis I just want to share some thingsthat I think you'll find inspiring that willhopefully charge you up a little bit ingetting into this and so first of all Iwant to talk about this sequence andthis is from Duncan Davies who alongtime viewer I've known Duncan for awhile and I really like this it justbasically tells a very simplestory he used two \"actors\" Iguess you could say in here and you seeliterally an idea and the story beingtold with this park bench and the womanleaves a person the hoodlum does thenice thing and returns it so very nicelydone another one I think is really coolit's from Kasia Kolmas I think is howyou say your name and this is kind ofjust more less set up and it's not actedout necessarily but it's just kind ofmore of a kind of a vlog approach intojust showing life and this is a hotelroom the last morning of vacation is whatwas titled and I think it's reallyreally nicely done another couple that Ithink are really nice as well and thisis from mkc8band its hands cooking and itcommunicates something tells a story aswell it's more simple and so I'veexplained these as being very conceptualas we started but I've had a wide rangeof interpretations on this idea thatsome of them aren't as conceptual andanother one fits into that is this onewhich I really like with the elevatorsit's just one view and you see differentthings happening within that view orthat stage and this is from Kok Chai Kooiand this is really nicely done and notethat on a lot of these things are keptvery simple and remember when you'redealing with four six or more images totell a story or maybe even it's justthree images that's still a lot ofinformation so sometimes when these arekept simple I think they really workwell and that's when they're mosteffective and so in this one is the samescene and each frame in fact a lot ofthese have been that I'm showing youtoday and so you're seeing things thatchange within the frame and it justmakes it more cohesive and easier tolook at so I think this is definitelyone of those cases where I think less ismore and I think you're going to havemore successful results when they arekept very simple this last image is fromDavid Witte and I love this because thisis definitely more on the esoteric sideof things but it's it's very funny andand very brilliant this is TalentBorrows, Genius Steals - self-portraitas a pickle and so this one isdelightfully bizarre I absolutely loveit and this strange sequence of a picklebeing stood up with a screw and a deskor something anyway it's brilliant and Ilove the fact that this one is also doneand mounted on board so it just gives ita little more tactile vibe to itespecially since you're showing theseonlineultimately and so I think it'sreally nicely done so I wanted to sharejust a few with you that have beenturning so far that I really just caughtmy eye in the last couple days and Ithink you guys are doing some amazingwork so if you haven't turned your stuffin yet and you want to do it do it thisweek try and do it before Friday there'sa couple ways you can do it if you'renew and you don't know what PhotoAssignments are I'll refer you to aplaylist up here and you can go back andcheck out the whole thing and see whatthe idea behind it is and all that stuffbasically Photo Assignments are a weeklychallenge they are a way of us to take atheme or an assignment and interpretthat over the course of a week or twoand what I do is I pick some of the bestwork and I just share with you guys onthe show and it's important because Ithink that these are designed tochallenge our creative thinking and whatwe do as photographers and if you wantto share your work what you're going todo is you're going to do it on socialmedia and we use a hashtag for that andthere's a couple different ways you cando that and I'm going to mention thisright now because of the nature of thephoto sequences these get kind ofinvolved and I hate to say this but Iwould actually discourage usingInstagram this time around if you'vealready done it we'll find your stuffthere but the problem I have withInstagram is when I'm putting togetherthe final video to show you guys thework that's been submitted Instagram ishard to work with because the images arekind of at a fixed size they're reallysmall and so I shoot all this in 4kbecause I want to show the details andeverythingeven at 1080 it's kind of a stretch andI think it definitely is a stretch forthis assignment because this is notreally geared towards something likeInstagram it's just a lot of stuff inone image and so I think it would beeasier to use Twitter or Facebook inthis case and so if you want to useTwitter like I said I'll look atInstagram and I'll use it but I wouldrecommend because of the imageresolution that we do something elseanyway Twitter you're going to use asorry you're going to use ahashtag that hashtag is #PhotoAssignmentsand I go look through allthose and that's where I find your workand so share it on Twitter that way andthen you can do the same thing onFacebook you can use the hashtag orbetter yet if you go over to the Art ofPhotography page on Facebook so it' you'll see I've alreadyput a thread in there where you cansubmit your work directly into that andI put a little video just reminding yousubmit your stuff this is the week soanyway so there you have it I can't waitto see what you guys have in store forPhoto Assignmentsthis week until the next video dancelike nobody's watching if you enjoyedthis video please remember to like itshare it subscribe to the Art ofPhotography for more videos and I willsee you in the next one until then later\n"