How to Setup VoiceMeeter Banana For Streaming [2020]

**Configuring VoiceMeeter Banana for Streaming and Discord**

As a streamer, it's essential to ensure that your audio settings are optimized for both streaming and communication with your audience. One powerful tool for achieving this is VoiceMeeter Banana, a software mixer that allows you to control multiple audio sources and send them to different destinations. In this article, we'll explore how to configure VoiceMeeter Banana for streaming and Discord.

**Setting Up Audio Routing**

When using VoiceMeeter Banana, it's crucial to understand the concept of routing. The software provides separate channels for each audio source, including your microphone, headset, and PC audio. You can route these channels to different destinations, such as your stream, Discord chat, or even external devices like a mixer or audio interface. To set up audio routing in VoiceMeeter Banana, follow these steps:

When you open VoiceMeeter Banana for the first time, you'll see an interface with multiple columns labeled A1, A2, B1, and so on. These columns represent separate audio channels that can be routed to different destinations. As a streamer, you'll want to use the A1 column for your PC audio, which includes everything from your web browser to your games. You can select this channel by clicking on it in the VoiceMeeter Banana interface.

Next, you'll need to add your microphone and headset channels. Select the WDM device prefix for both your microphone and headset, as these are the most common settings for PC audio and game capture. When you've selected your devices, click "OK" to confirm the changes.

**Routing Audio to Your Headset**

Once you've set up your channel selection, it's time to route audio to your headset. You can do this by clicking on the "Add Device" button in the VoiceMeeter Banana interface and selecting your headset device. Then, select the B2 column as the output destination for your headset audio. This will ensure that all the audio you're receiving through your headset goes directly into the correct channel.

**Muting Desktop Audio**

One of the most powerful features of VoiceMeeter Banana is its ability to mute desktop audio for specific channels. For example, if you want to prevent your stream from hearing the audio coming from your PC's speakers, you can simply disable the B2 column in the VoiceMeeter Banana interface. This will ensure that only the audio going through the A1 or other selected channels reaches your stream.

**Adjusting Microphone Levels**

VoiceMeeter Banana also allows you to adjust the levels of your microphone for different applications. For example, if you want to reduce the level of your microphone when speaking with Discord friends but still have a strong signal on your stream, you can do so by adjusting the input volume of your microphone in VoiceMeeter Banana.

**Using VoiceMeeter AUX**

The final step in setting up VoiceMeeter Banana is connecting it to Streamlabs OBS or another streaming software. To do this, open your streaming software and navigate to the audio settings. Look for an option labeled "Mic/Auxiliary Device 1" or similar, which should correspond to the output of the VoiceMeeter AUX channel. Select this option as the microphone input source, and you'll see that all the audio going through the A1 column is now coming into your stream via the microphone.

**Testing Your Setup**

The best way to test your setup is to experiment with different scenarios. For example, try speaking into your microphone while streaming to ensure that you're not picking up any background noise or distortion. You can also test your headset by playing music or watching videos through it and seeing if the audio is clear and crisp.

**Additional Tips**

VoiceMeeter Banana is a powerful tool for streamers and content creators, but it does require some technical know-how to set up and use effectively. Here are a few additional tips to help you get the most out of VoiceMeeter Banana:

* Make sure you understand how audio routing works in VoiceMeeter Banana before setting up your system.

* Experiment with different channel settings and routing configurations until you find what works best for your streaming setup.

* Don't be afraid to try new things – voice chat and stream audio are constantly evolving, and there's always room for improvement.

By following these tips and experimenting with the features of VoiceMeeter Banana, you can create a powerful streaming system that meets all your needs. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this software mixer is sure to help you take your online content to the next level.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Instead of watching sevenvideos on VoiceMeeter Bananato learn how, exactly, this program works,you can watch this videoand I will explain youeverything you need toknow to understand it all.(chill pop music)What's up, everyone?Jelle here with The Video Nerd.VoiceMeeter Banana can lookpretty complicated at first sight,and breaking those thingsdown and explaining themin an easy-to-understand wayis what we do on this channel.So, if you're into streamingand content creation,and you're taking it seriously,then make sure to clickthe subscribe button,because this channel isjust perfect for you.First of all, you will need todownload VoiceMeeter Banana.I will put a downloadlink in the descriptionso go ahead, click onit, download the program,make sure to restart your computer,and then you're readyto follow the tutorial.The first step of setting up amixer like VoiceMeeter Bananais making sure that your audiopasses through the mixer.Now, to do that on Windows,right click on the soundicon at the bottom,and go to the sound settings.Then on the top, insteadof making your audiogo to your headset or to your speakers,click on the dropdown,and then select Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO.Make sure you do not select the AUX VAIO,but just this one.Okay, then we can close this again.Now, instead of sendingmy audio to my headphones,my PC will send my audioto VoiceMeeter Banana.So, right here we arein VoiceMeeter Bananaand I will explain allthe columns at firstso you understand what everything means.The first three columns arethe simple hardware inputs.One of these three shouldbe your microphone input,so let's select the Hardware Input 1,and choose your microphone right there.For me, it's this one, Steinberg,this is my audio interface,so I will select this one,and you see it's alreadypicking up my microphone.When you're selecting your audio devices,make sure that you pay attentionto what it says in front of it.Right here you see WDM, MME,KS, or some other thing,and this is the driver that's being used.WDM has the least input lag, so,usually that's what you wanna go for.But, if you have a badconnection or a crackling sound,et cetera, you can tryanother driver right here.But, do mind, that whenyou select one driver,you need to select the same onefor every other input or outputyou are going to set up in the future.Then, in the middle wehave two virtual inputs.At the top of our first column,you can see VoiceMeeter VAIO,and this is what wechose as our audio outputin our Windows sound settings,so this means that all ourdesktop audio, so, YouTube,games, Spotify, et cetera,it's all coming in throughthis column right here.The second column righthere is VoiceMeeter AUX.Later in the video, wewill set up this columnso it goes to our streaming program.So, right now what youneed to keep in mindis that everything that we're sendingto this column right here willgo directly to our stream.Then this section on the rightis for our hardware output,so, this is, as the name says,is to send audio to hardwaredevices like speakers,headphones, et cetera.We have three outputsright here, A1, A2, and A3,and we will be using A1 tooutput our audio to our headset,so let's click on it, and then right here,it's already selected.Make sure you use the same driveras you selected beforefor your microphone.So, WDM Headphones right here. Okay.So, right now, we did setup the very, very basicsof the VoiceMeeter program.So what's happening right nowis our microphone is coming inthrough this column, then, our PC audio,so, our games, music, et cetera,is coming in through this column,and everything is going outthrough this column, A1,to our headphones.Of course, VoiceMeeterBanana is used to controlwhich audio is going to your stream,which audio is going to your headphones,which audio is going to both,making sure you can lowerthe audio in your headphonesand not on your stream, et cetera.So, that's what all the As and the Bsright here at the bottomare being used forand that's what I will explain right now.All the As right hereand the Bs in all columnsare being used to sendaudio to different columnsright here in the VoiceMeeter program.But, before explaining them exactly,you need to know what all the columns are.So, let's quickly go over the columns.This is A1, this is A2, and this is A3.Then this column is B1,and this column is B2.Now, what are they used for?Well, right here, our Hardware Input 1is where our microphone is coming in.Now, right here, yousee that A1 is selected.So, what does this mean?Well, our microphoneis coming in right hereand because A1 is enabled, it'sbeing sent to the column A1,and since A1 is our hardwareout for our headphones,right here, that means that our microphoneis going directly through our headphones.Then, right here, thiscolumn, VoiceMeeter VAIO,this was where our PC audio was coming in.So, if I want to hear my PCaudio through my headphonesor my games, YouTube, et cetera,and that's something we wantto hear in our headphones,then we need to select A1 right here.So then our PC audio's comingin through this column,and because A1 is enabled,it goes through column A1through our headphones.Now, of course, our streamalso wants to hear ourgaming sound and our music,so, to do that, right here.When the PC audio is coming in,we will enable B2, becauseB2 is this column right here,and as I said previously in this video,the VoiceMeeter AUX columnis what we will be sendingthrough our stream.So, then, of course, what elsedoes our stream want to hear?Our microphone.So in our microphone columnwe can also enable B2,which will send ourmicrophone to the B2 column,which is this one and thenit goes to our stream.We can then disable A1 so wedo not hear our microphonethrough our headset.So, right now, to break things down,what's happening exactly,while our PC audio isgoing to our headphones,and through our stream and our microphoneis only going to our stream.If you want to add some basiceffects to your microphonelive on stream, then you canmove this square right hereand usually this is a pretty good positionto add some basiceffects, to make it soundthat you restart your computerbecause otherwise, it will not work.After installing VirtualCable, let's go to Discordto set up the sound settings.And, I see that while recording this videowe have someone who justjoined the Discord channel,so, let's welcome her to the channel.Okay, and you have to be honest,this is the perfect opportunityto promote my Discord.If you want to join a growing communityof like-minded people whoare into content creation,streaming, social media, andare trying to grow together,then make sure you go to ourDiscord in the descriptionand just say hello.And, it also looks likeshe has a great question.She's asking how she canuse queues on her streamto make people queue up andthen join games with her,and that's actually somethingthat I will probably makea video in the future.I will answer her questionafter the tutorial,but for now let's click on the gear icon,then click on the Voice & Video settings,and then, as your inputdevice, select your microphone,which is my audio interface for me.And then, as your inpudevice, you want to selectCABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable).Okay, like this.So, what we are doing withthis is sending our audiofrom our Discord, so, ourfriends who are talking,we are sending it to theinput of a virtual cable.And when we go back to VoiceMeeter Banana,right here as our Hardware Input 2,we can select CABLE Output,Audio Virtual Cable.So now we are sending our Discord audioto the input of the cable,and then the output ofthe cable is connectedto VoiceMeeter Banana andit's coming in right here.So this column will beimporting our Discord sound.Of course, right now, the As and the Bsare all deselected, so the soundthat's coming in righthere is going nowhere.So, we want to hear ourfriends in our headset,and since our headset was the A1 column,since this A1 column isgoing out to our headset,we want to be sending theDiscord column through A1,so now our Discord audiois coming in right here,and because A1 is selected,is going to this column,the A1 column, and is goingto our headset right here.Again, make sure whenyou're selecting thisthat you use the same driver prefixas you used for yourmicrophone right here,and for your headset righthere, which is WDM in my case.So, now we, as a streamer,can hear in our headsetour PC audio and our Discord friendsand then our stream can hear our PC audioand our microphone andthat's the way it should be.Now, because we have all thesesliders in VoiceMeeter Bananaand everything is goingto different columns,we can do some interesting things.So let's say that you need tohear something in your headset,but your stream canabsolutely not hear it,then you can mute yourdesktop audio for your stream.So, right here, our desktopaudio was coming in,so you just disable the B2 column,and then the audio isonly going to your headsetand not to your stream.Also, the other way around,if you want to make thingsa bit more quiet for your streambut you want to keep hearing themright here this columnis going to your stream,so you can just reduce it a bit,so then your streamingaudio will be more quiet,but your audio is still the same.Let's reset this by doubleclicking on this slider.Now, another thing you can dois changing the volume of your microphonefor your Discord and foryour stream separately,because when we go to Discordand we go to our settings again,right here we can seethat as our input device,we directly chose our microphone.So, for Discord, the microphoneis not going through VoiceMeeter.So, if you reduce theinput volume right here,then your microphone will be more quietfor your Discord friends,but as we can see,on your stream it willstill be the same volume.Same right here in VoiceMeeter,if you mute yourmicrophone for your streamclicking on B2 and disabling it,so it doesn't go to this column,so it doesn't go to your stream,then your Discord friendswill still be able to hear youbecause it directlyimports your microphone.Now the last step is making sure thatthe VoiceMeeter AUX columnactually reaches your stream,and to do that, we will begoing to Streamlabs OBS,click on the settings icon right here,and then click on theaudio tab right here.There, you want to disableeverything except forMic/Auxiliary Device 1,or your microphone inputin whatever streamingprogram you are using.Then, just click the dropdown,and select VoiceMeeter AUX Output.So, what's happening rightnow is the same thingwe were doing for our Discord.When we go back to VoiceMeeter,you can see that right here,we were sending our streamingaudio to VoiceMeeter AUXto the input of the AUX cable.Then our audio goes through the AUX cableto Streamlabs OBS andit comes in right hereas your microphone so theoutput of the AUX cableis connected to Streamlabs OBS,so all your streaming audiocomes in through your microphone input.Then you might have todisable the desktop audio,because all your audio is coming inthrough the VoiceMeeterAUX output right here.Now right here we cansee that it's workingbecause when I'm talking it is moving,and it's actually goinginto the right a bit,so then you can go to VoiceMeeterand you can just reduce thevolume a bit, like minus three,let's test this, okay, andthen you can see when I talk,it's only going into the yellow.So that way you can tweakeverything in VoiceMeeter.This is controlling what you are hearing,this is controlling whatyour stream is hearing,and then this is yourmicrophone separately,and this is your Discord soundfor in your headset separately.Now when I would play someSpotify on my PC as my music,or gaming sound, you see,when I press play on Spotifyright here, when I shut up,(chill music playing)it's still moving becauseSpotify is playingand it's also pickingthat up for on my stream.So as you see, everything is workingand you can experiment withthese things, of course.Everyone has different needs.Maybe you don't need Discord,you need something else,you name it, there are a lotof possibilities with thisand since you understandmost things right now,it will be pretty easy for youto test around with everything.Now if you wan to learn moreabout setting up your streamand creating online content, et cetera,make sure you subscribe to this channel,because we are teaching allthose things and some more.Please drop a like ifthis video helped you,say something in the commentsand I will see you in my next video.Have a good day.