INSIDE OUT CAKE How To Cook That Ann Reardon Disney Pixar Movie Cake

Welcome to How To Cook That: Inside Out Cake

We're excited to be making an inside out cake today, and because it's inside out, we have crazy colours on the outside and on the inside. We want to know who your favourite character from the movie was. We've had a lot of requests for this recipe, and we're thrilled to finally get started.

To make this inside out cake, you'll need to start by making one sponge cake. You'll need to bake it and cool it before crumbling it up. You can do that by hand or if you have a food processor, you can use that instead. This step is essential, as it will be the base of our cake.

Now, let's talk about how to make another batch of the sponge cake recipe. I'll be sharing a video showing how to make this cake, and I'll also include all the information you need to know for this week's recipe post on How To Cook Be sure to check it out below.

Once you've made your batter, grab four bowls and put 1 cup of those cake crumbs into each one. Then, add half a cup of the cake batter and stir it through until you get a thick paste that can hold its own shape. This is where the magic happens, and our inside out cake starts to take shape.

Next, we want to colour each bowl by mixing in some food colouring. I'll be making some blue for sadness, green for disgust, orange for joy – they were kind of orangey yellow but orange looks better in the cake, red for anger, and a special purple colour that we'll add later. Take the remaining cake batter and fold it through some pink and blue food colour to make a beautiful purple shade.

Now, let's talk about how to assemble our inside out cake. We want to take the remaining cake batter and scoop it into the bottom of three lined 20cm or 8-inch pans. After that, we'll add a layer of the purple mixture on top of each pan. This will be the inside of our cake, and it's where all the colours come together.

Take your coloured mixtures and start adding them to the cakes. You can use any combination you like, but I'll be using blue for sadness, green for disgust, orange for joy, red for anger, and purple as a special treat. Don't worry if it gets messy – that's all part of the fun!

Now, let's talk about how to serve our inside out cake. You can choose any topping you like, from whipped cream to buttercream frosting. Be sure to get creative and have fun with it!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook That I am Ann ReardonAnd today yes I've heard all your requestswe are making an inside out cake.And because it is inside out we have crazycolours on the out side and on the insideI want to know who your favourite characterfrom the movie was.I liked joy let me know who you liked in thecomments below.Now to make this to start with you will needto make one sponge cake and you are goingto need to bake it and cool it and then crumbleit up.You can do that by hand or if you have a foodprocessor you can use that instead.Now you need to make up another batch of thesponge cake recipe - I have a video showinghow to make this cake I'll put everythingyou need to know for this cake on thehowtocookthat.netrecipe post for this week and I'll put a linkto that below.Once you've made your batter grab four bowlsand put 1 cup of those cake crumbs into eachone.Then add half a cup of the cake batter andstir it through until you get a thick pastethat can hold it's own shape.Next we want to colour each bowl by mixingin some food colouring.I am going to make some blue for sadness,green for disgust, orange for joy - they werekind of orangey yellow but orange looks betterin the cake and red for anger.Then take the remaining cake batter and foldthrough some pink and blue food colour tomake a purple.Add a scoop of the purple to the bottom ofthree lined 20cm or 8\" round cake tins.Then put the coloured mixture into a pipingbag fitted with a large round piping tip.And pipe a circle of blue into the pan.Then in the next pan pipe a different sizedcircle of blue so when you slice the cakethe blue dots are in different places.They are not just all lined up down as yougo.Now I've seen this effect done using cakepop balls before but if you do it that waywhen you cut into the cake only some slicesare going to have some of the centre of theballs and other slices are going to have theedges of them and it is just not going tolook good and even.Doing it this way means all the slices lookexactly the same.We are baking it in three tins instead oftwo because the circles sink to the bottomso we are going to make three making threethinner layers of cakes with circles throughthem.Then add the rest of the purple cake batterover the top.and bake it in the oven until they are cooked.Then let them cool and level off the tops.Put some purple frosting onto a cake board,add your first layer of cake then more frosting.And continue to stack up your layers.Use a spatula to smooth the frosting thatis around the edge of the cake into thosegaps there.Then put the remaining frosting into a pipingbag fitted with a large flat piping tip.Pipe a thin layer of frosting over the wholecake.I am using a bought frosting today and noone in my family liked the taste of this comparedto homemade so I'd suggest you use the recipethat I'll put on the website for you.Use your spatula to smooth it off or you canuse the back of a large knife if you don'thave a spatula just look in your draw anduse what you've got.Now we are going to decorate the sides sodon't worry about getting them perfect.Smooth off the top and then place it ontoyour plate or cake platter.Take some gum balls and put them in a plasticbag and then add some white luster dust, shakethe bag and rub it around until the gum ballsall have a fine coat of the luster dust andthis gives them like a shimmery effect likethe memories in the inside out movie.Add a row of gum balls all the way aroundthe base of your cake.Then take some bubble gum tape and stretchit along one edge to make it curve around.If it is breaking it may help to warm it inthe microwave for 10 seconds particularlyif it is cold where you live.Once you have a nice rounded piece add iton top of the gumballs around the cake.If you can;t get bubble gum tape where youlive you could use fondant for this instead.Add another row of memories and then bubblegum tape and continue all the way to the top.To make the console take some white fondantand roll it into a thick cylinder.Put it up on one end and using the edges ofyour palms of your hand roll and put pressurein the middle so it becomes fatter at thetop and bottom and skinnier in the middle.Then shape it to be more of an oval shapeas you go.Then use your fingers just to smooth downand flatten around the top edge of the console.Run a knife around the edge just to make sureit is nice and smooth and even.Then add two cake pop sticks down into thebase.And these will just make sure that it standsup on the cake and doesn't fall over.Then poke that into the top of the cake towardsthe front edge of it.Now for some control buttons Use a pipingtip to make some big circles and the otherside of it to make smaller ones draw somelines with a knife and decorations and someedible food colouring wherever you want themto be.In the movie if you've seen it then you willalready know the five main characters werethe emotions anger, fear, joy, disgust andsadness and they control Riley's the thoughtsand behaviours using this control panel.Now it's a bit of a deep movie so a deep questionfor you... other than these emotions whatelse should be involved in leading your thoughtsand your behaviour?So for example in the car this week someoneside swiped our car and they didn't even stopthey just drove off.Should you be sad and angry and chase themdown and get road rage happening.Or should we have other things involved therelike wisdom and self-control, what about thingslike peace, patience, kindness and gentlenessand peace, goodness, your other values - wheredo you get those from?Let me know in the comments below what doyou think other than your emotions what shouldcontrol your thoughts and your behaviour?Now we can add our characters to the top ofthe cake.Now we could make all of these out of fondantbut you've been asking for an easy cake - addingtoys to the top is definitely the easiestway to make a cake.Then of course when you take a slice of thecake you will reveal all the memories insidetoo.Subscribe to how to cook that for more cakes,chocolates and desserts, click here for therecipe, here for last weeks bean boozled challenge,here for all of my other videos.This cake was requested by sofia, litzy, pinkgummybear,faith, zeinab, kensey, jekaylee and all ofthese wonderful subscribers.Put your requests int he comments below.Have a great week and I'll see you all onFriday - well actually I might put up a bonusvideo this week so look out for that one too.\n"