This Will Save Your Life in a Car Accident

Rev Up Your Engines: 5 Life-Saving Items to Keep in Your Car

As we all hope, getting into a car accident is never a necessity. However, it's always better to be prepared than not. Having these essential items in your vehicle can be a lifesaver if you find yourself in a serious crash. Let's take a closer look at five life-saving items that you should consider keeping in your car.

First up, we have fire extinguishers. Specifically, Halguard fire extinguishers are a great option for cars. These extinguishers use a chemical called FM-200, which is 96% weaker than the original Halon gas used in older models. This means it's safer for the environment and less likely to cause irritation to sensitive people. One of the biggest advantages of this type of fire extinguisher is that it doesn't leave a residue behind, making it safe to use on electronics and other sensitive materials.

In the video demonstration, we see the Halguard fire extinguisher in action, easily putting out small fires such as those caused by gasoline and electrical malfunctions. The fact that it can save both human life and car life is especially impressive. With a reliable fire extinguisher like this one, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be safe from fire damage.

The second item on our list is a crash safety device. This small but mighty gadget contains a knife blade inside, allowing you to cut through seatbelts in the event of an accident. Additionally, it has a strong light that shines brightly, making it easier to see in low-light conditions. The device also comes with a cool tip that can break glass, should your automatic windows become stuck.

The video shows us how this device works, using it to cut through seatbelts and even break through stuck automatic windows. This is especially useful if you're upside down in an accident or struggling to open the windows due to debris or damage. Having a crash safety device like this one can be a real lifesaver in a pinch.

The next item on our list is a flare. These small, portable flares are designed to alert others to your presence and location, even if you're stuck in an accident. The flares use a combination of lights and sounds to signal for help, making them an essential item to keep in your car.

In the video demonstration, we see how the flare works its magic, shining brightly into the night sky to attract attention. This is especially important if you find yourself stranded on the side of the road or in a remote area with no cell phone signal. Having a reliable flare like this one can be a real lifesaver in an emergency.

The fourth item on our list is your medical insurance card. This may seem like a straightforward necessity, but it's often overlooked until it's too late. In the video, we see the devastating consequences of not having this important document with you after a serious accident. The customer thought he was fine and went about his day, only to discover that he had internal injuries that caused him to bleed out internally.

This is why it's essential to always have your medical insurance card with you, especially if you're involved in a car accident. Even if you think you're okay, internal injuries can be serious and even life-threatening. Having this document with you will allow you to get the medical attention you need quickly and efficiently.

Finally, we have the importance of keeping your phone charged and accessible. With modern smartphones, it's easier than ever to stay connected and find help when you need it most. The video shows us how Google can provide directions to the nearest hospital or medical facility, even if you're in a remote area with no cell signal.

This is especially crucial after an accident, where you may be disoriented or struggling to think clearly. Having a fully charged phone and a reliable GPS system will allow you to get the help you need quickly and easily. And of course, having a light on your phone can make all the difference in low-light conditions.

By keeping these five essential items in your car, you'll be better prepared for any contingency that may arise. While we hope you never find yourself in a serious accident, it's always better to be safe than sorry. So remember to rev up your engines and stay prepared!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines, today I'm gonna talkabout five things that can save yourlife if you get in a big accident, eventhough nobody wants to get into anaccident you should be prepared, becauseif you don't have these things in thefirst place it isn't gonna do you anygood if you do get in a wreck, now the firstthing is a fire extinguisher this is aHalguard it's made especially for carfires, now people used to use Halonbut, the original Halon fireextinguishers, the Halon is a reallystrong chlorofluorocarbon, so it reducesthe ozone layer and it was against thelaw decades ago they made it illegal,they're allowed to recycle it and stuff butthey can't make any new, so they came upwith this instead, now it still is achlorofluorocarbon, but it's 96% weakerthan the Halon itselfso really it's only 4% it's no big deal,it's not like you're running aroundspraying stuff with a fireextinguisher every three seconds, nowthey use the same chemical to put firesout in airplanes, so they test it out andfound out that it works just as good as theold stuff, but it doesn't ruin the ozonelayer as much and it doesn't bothersensitive people as much as the oldstuff did, it's not that much of anirritant, and the big advantage of thisstuff is, not only can it save yourlife but I can save your car's life toobecause it doesn't leave a residue, itdoesn't ruin electronics, it's a verygood fire extinguisher like I'm showingyou here, here we have a little gasolineelectrical fire, and here comes the fireextinguisherno residue, the flames went out, it's anamazing fire extinguisher material, youcan have your whole life saved or youcan have somebody else's life saved, youreally want to have one of these in yourcar, now the second thing that can saveyour life,is one of these little crash safedevices, it's got a little knife insideso if you're upside down and yourseatbelts stuck, you can cut through theseatbelt with itthere's a very strong light if it's nightand you can't see, but mainly it's got thiscool little tip in it, so it can breakglass, if your automatic windows arestuck up and they don't come down, thiscan break right through themI went to a junkyard bought a car glasslet's see if this can break it whenyou're stuck inside, here goes nothingyes indeed it does work, now the nextthing that can save your life is a flareto warn people that there's been anaccident, especially if it happens thatnight, now there's tons of differentflares you can get, when I was a kid theyhad the old mechanical ones that you litjust like a stick of dynamite, it looked likea stick of dynamite and it would burnbright red, but this is a smart flareit's electronic and man they really workat night, they don't cost much and sincethey're LEDs they go a long time beforethey run out of power, and thisparticularly one Hey,it's got a USB charging port, so you neverneed to buy batteries for the thingthat's the main hassle of any electronicflare, if you got to keep puttingbatteries in it maybe you don't use itfor four years and then you got to turn iton nothing happens, this is a much betteridea and you don't have to worry aboutbatteries, this is a handy one cause it'ssmall you can clip it on anything, stickit in the ground, whatever you want to dobut of course they make big ones too, youcan get really big ones or you can getmedium-sized once, you get whatever sizeyou want, but just make sure that youhave at least one in your car cuz if youneed it, it's too late if you got to gobuy one later, now the next thing thatcan save your life in an accident isyour phone of course, if you get in awreck or if you see someone else in aserious wreck, quick call 911 get help tocome as soon aspossible, even if you don't know whereyou are hey there's always Google Maps, youcan tell them exactly where you areusing your google map, so don't leaveyour phone at home, take it with youwhenever you go places, it can be alifesaverI remember when I was a kid NiagaraFalls, it's a shame they didn't have cellphones then, a kid my age fell into theNiagara River in a winter and by thetime the guys ran back home to use thephone, it was too late he went over the fallsthat was the end of him, if they had cellphones or those day, somebody could havecalled up an emergency and say hey this kidfell in ariver quick come get him, we all take themfor granted today but hey, they can belifesavers, so make sure your phone'scharged up if you're going places, get alittle charger in your car if you don't haveone already to plug it in soit stays full while your driving and of courseyour phone's got a light too, and thelast thing that can save your lifeduring a wreck is make, sure got yourmedical insurance card on you at alltimesI had a customer got in a pretty bigwreck, and he thought he was okayhe was walking around so he just went onhis merry way, guess what the next day hedropped dead, he had internal injuriesthat he didn't think anything of and heended up bleeding to death internally, soif you get in a wreck even amedium-sized one, let's say you gotrear-ended and yourhead got snapped back or you hit somebodyand you end up smashing into thesteering wheel, you can have some seriousinternal injuries that you don't evenknow about, so go to the hospital or anemergency room, and get yourself checkedout, because if you don't, it's not like acar where you can look at it and you can see,wellthat's bent, that's not bend it's okay, orit's really messed up, you could reallybe seriously injured inside and not knowit, so always have your insurance cardwith you, and since you'll have yourphone, you can always find where thenearest hospital is, it's not like yougot to look around like you did in the oldendays, you just push nearest hospital andgoogle will tell you right where it is, sonowyou know five things that you can do tosave yourself if you get in a seriouscar wreck, now I hope nobody ever gets ina serious car wreck, but let's face itodds are many people at some point intheir life are gonna get into one, butnow you can be better prepared for anycontingency, so it won't be the end ofyou, it might be the end of your car but heyyou can replace the car you can'treplace yourself, so if you never want tomiss another one of my new car repairvideos, remember to ring that Bell!\n"