Revving Up Your Engines: A Discussion with Scotty About Air Filters and More
Q&A Session: K&N Air Filters and Triumph Daytona 675
Anna asked Scotty about her concerns regarding K&N air filters, specifically whether they allow dust particles to reach critical engine components and potentially grind the pistons. Scotty assured her that K&N air filters are good quality and reusable, but they do have one major drawback: they can clog up quickly in dusty environments. To maintain their effectiveness, these filters require regular oil changes to collect dust particles. If left uncleaned or clogged, the filter's performance will decrease, potentially causing engine damage.
Scotty advised that for a Triumph Daytona 675 motorcycle, paper-based air filters are the best option due to their simplicity and ease of use. These filters can be easily cleaned by removing them from the bike, vacuuming off any debris, and replacing them with a new one. This process eliminates the risk of dust and other contaminants entering the engine, ensuring optimal performance.
When it comes to deciding between K&N air filters and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) filters, Scotty suggests sticking with factory-approved solutions. These filters have been specifically designed for your particular vehicle and are less likely to clog or cause engine damage due to excessive dust buildup. While K&N air filters offer excellent filtration capabilities, the added maintenance required can be a drawback.
John Simon chimed in, stating that people often get overly emotional about their vehicles, which can lead to misinformation and biased opinions. He believes that Scotty's advice is spot on, as it emphasizes the importance of saving money elsewhere while making informed decisions about vehicle maintenance. By doing so, individuals can avoid unnecessary repairs and maintain a healthy relationship with their transportation device.
On the other hand, Scotty disagrees with people who get overly attached to their vehicles, viewing them more like toys rather than essential transportation. He notes that owning a vehicle comes with significant financial responsibilities, including fuel costs, maintenance expenses, and potential repair bills. For those using their cars for daily commutes or long trips, it's essential to prioritize practicality over emotional attachment.
One enthusiast even asked Scotty why he wouldn't recommend buying the standard transmission BMW for weekend driving. Scotty explained that while this option is fun and budget-friendly, purchasing a brand-new model for $80,000 and later discovering its value drops to $8,000 would be financially irresponsible. Instead, he advises buying used models or considering alternative options like renting cars.
Benny inquired about his car's weak performance at half tank, which Scotty attributes to factors such as fuel quality, engine condition, and driving habits. He recommends taking regular breaks during long trips to stretch legs and refresh air, rather than relying solely on the vehicle's climate control system.
Xavier Rodriguez shared a valuable insight, highlighting the benefits of working outdoors in terms of safety and overall well-being. He emphasized that even with proper ventilation systems, garage exhaust tubes can leak, creating potential fire hazards. By performing repairs outside, individuals can avoid enclosed spaces where gases build up and ensure their own safety.
Finally, Xavier noted the importance of vitamin D for overall health, which he believes can be obtained through spending time outdoors. He encouraged viewers to join Scotty's community by subscribing to his YouTube channel and remembering to ring that bell to stay updated on new video releases.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines,q Anna says Scotty I saw a video said K&Nfilters allow dust particles to criticalengine components and actually grind thePistons what do you think about it,should I stick with OEM for my TriumphDaytona, here's the thing,K&N air filters they're good air filtersthey're reusable, you can clean them and reoil them, they have to have oil put intothem to collect the dust,well they filter quite well, but it alsowill clog up a lot faster in dustyenvironments, you have to decide whetheryou're gonna take care of them or not, iftheyget all clogged up and pieces startcoming off yeah it'll wear things outfaster basically, you got a TriumphDaytona 675 it's a motorcycle, really forthem the paper filters are best becausetheir just paper, and they get dirty youtake them out whack them get the dustoff and vacuum or have a spare one andthey're so easy to change on those thingsanywaysa little box comes in andout, I'd stick to the factory ones youknow you they work just as well, andyou don't have to think about them gettingallclogged up with dust and stuff gettinginside them, John simmon says Idon't know why people keep getting mad atScotty saying this car is bad or thisisn't good,he wants you to save money elsewhere andhe's absolutely right, okay yeah peopledo get mad at me, because some people getemotionally involved in vehicles, andthen they say, oh he's nuts that's a greatvehicle, I even had a guy once in Englandtell me how great Jaguars are and theydon't break, and oh they're wonderfulcars you don't know what you're talking aboutyeah I laughed at that one, I meanwho knows what the truth is on theInternet,but unfortunately people get emotionallyinvolved in their cars, don't ever dothat if it's your transportation devicenow if it's your toy that's perfectlyfine go right ahead and have a 68Jaguar that your toy and you polish it,and you take it out on Sundays when it'snot raining you know, it's a toy it's funit's a completely different thing, thangetting something that you're gonnadrive every day that's gonna bedependable transportation, you know itall depends on what you want, likeearlier today I even told a guy goahead and buy the standard transmissionBMW, because hey if you can get one for 5grand and you want a toy for the weekendwhy not, I got customers to do that andthey have fun with it, but you don't gobuy brand-newbmw for $80,000 and then find out when it's8 years old it's worth $8,000, yeah I'mtrying to help the average guy out herebenny,wherever my gas tank is at half markmy car feels weak or slower, is that thesign of a bad fuel pump, it often is orthe strainer that feeds the fuel pump,the fuel pump is there and it's got this littlestrainer sock that's a filter, and ifeither of those are weak, when you getlow there's less pressure of thegasoline, and so it has to suck more andit usually is that the internal fuelpump or the sock is going bad, any timeyou're changing that pump always put anew sock on it, cuz you never know ifit's clogged inside, and the things costlike five six bucks, if you don't changethat it's dumb, because then if it'ssomewhat clogged up you'll have the sameproblem and if you got to pull the gastank to do the job, you're gonna bekicking yourself, anytime you've got ajob where you see something isaffiliated with it and you got to do a lotof work, change the whole thing, do ityourself you're under there cursing andswearing ripping those parts apart, soalways use all the parts that areaffiliated with that system when they gobad, ernie say scotty please make avideo why Honda doesn't want to recalltheir 1.5 turbo engines oil dilutionproblems, and why the NHTSA isnot pressuring Honda, unlike theChinese government that stopped them sellingthembecause of it, well here we gocapitalism, the Chinese have a communistgovernment they can do whatever they what,andif they see they're getting bad enginessent over they can stop it you know, theyobviously have a problem with the oildilution and it's gonna wear the enginesout faster, you get gasoline in the oil, it'sgonna make the engine not lubricate aswell and won't last as long, it's onlycommon sense, but the problem with theNHTSA is that's safety, they'remainly interested in safety stuff, anengine that wears out earlier, a lot oftimes they let that stuff slide by, Iknow they shouldn't but a lot of timesthey do because, hey honda is a bigcorporation they make a lot of cars and makealot of money, I'm sure they've got alittle Lobby in Washington likeeverybody else does, you know I thinkit's cool that the Chinese stopped thembecause of those engines, I think that'sthat's interesting you know, XavierRodriguez I think Scotty is smartbecause he works outside and gets Sunand that's aidea, well you know that's actually avery valid point, I sometimes getmechanics yell at me and saying Scottyyou can't do that, you can have a fire ifyou do this or that, and I say no you cando a fire because you're working insidea building in a sealed atmosphere wheregas vapors build up, chemicalsbuild up and you can have a fire, I workoutside and I have a giant fan,so all of it dissipates I've never had anyfire problems because of that, it's allout in the open, and if you are out inthe open you're gonna feel better, youdon't feel enclosed, you don't have to worryabout carbon monoxide building up, cuzeven if you have a garage that's gottubes that you stick on the exhaustthat's supposed to make the exhaust gooutside and not stay inside, and there'salways some leakage they don't sealcorrectly, a lot of times guys are toolazy and don't put them on, it's muchbetter working outside, than it isworking inside, and yeah we all need somevitamin D there's no arguing with that,and the best way to get it is to standout in the Sun, so if you never want tomiss another one of my new car repairvideos, remember to ring that Bell\n"