The most POWERFUL MacBooks are HERE! M1 Pro and M1 Max!

Kind and Captions: The Transcription Behind the Magic

As I sit down to create this article based on the provided transcription, I'm reminded that sometimes, the most magical moments come from unexpected places. In this case, it's a video transcript from 2021, which has now been transformed into a captivating read. As Justine, the host of the video, promises, you haven't accidentally clicked on an old iJustine from the past; instead, you're about to embark on a journey through the Apple event that took place recently.

The Apple Event: A Packed Schedule

So much was packed into this event! It wasn't even that long ago that Apple released the new iPhone and then the new Apple watch. But guess what? This year is not over yet, and Apple has announced a bunch of new things today. The biggest news from this event is that Apple has now released two new versions of their M1 chip and two new MacBook Pros. There were also a bunch of other announcements in the world of music, including a new Apple Music plan, colorful HomePod Minis, and something that I'm extremely excited about – a brand new upgrade for the AirPods.

A Brief Glimpse into Tim Cook's Safari Adventure

Before we really get into things during this event, let me mention a side note. Before the actual presentation began, Tim Cook was spotted in a field, looking like he was all alone, just hanging out in front of Apple campus. It looked like he was on a safari, like in the weeds! I didn't even think anything of it until I saw a couple of people on Twitter mention it. I was like, you're right; why is he standing in some tall high grass? Honestly, Apple, if you need someone to come by and mow your grass, I would be happy to do it because I feel like I am going to need to take out a few extra jobs to pay for this fourth quarter of our new Apple gear that you all just dropped on us from the heavenly Apple gods above.

The New Third-Generation AirPods: A Huge Upgrade

These new third-generation AirPods are actually a huge upgrade. As someone who is a huge fan of the original design of the AirPods, I was like freaking out when they announced this. When it comes to sound quality, these new AirPods have an all-new low-distortion driver that produces better base and cleaner highs. They also now support Adaptive EQ, which they first introduced with the AirPods Pro. Depending on your environment, your ear shape, and other factors, the audio will change to make it as accurate as possible.

A Big Upgrade for the Case

The case itself actually got a big upgrade, which now supports Macsafe and wireless charging. This means you can get four full charges in addition to six hours of listening time on the new AirPods. However, they are keeping the price the same at $179, and the second-gen AirPods are getting a discount, with prices starting at $129. The AirPods Pro are also now getting a MaxSafe case, but the price is still staying the same at $249.

More Music-Related Announcements

There were some more music-related announcements during this event, including a new subscription plan for Apple Music and new colorful HomePod Minis. I was a little bit confused about the voice plan when they first announced it – it's half the price of the normal plan, but it basically limits you to only using voice commands with Siri to play music. You won't be able to open the Apple Music app or access ad-free content.

A Perfect Solution for Casual Listeners

However, I realized that this voice plan might actually be perfect for people who just want a casual listening experience. Plus, you'll still get the ad-free access to Apple Music, radio 24/7, hundreds of brand new mood and activity playlists. In fact, I didn't even realize it until now, but I don't think I ever even used the Apple Music app at all! Most of the time, I'm always asking Siri to just play music.

HomePod Minis in Five Colors

Finally, they didn't make any actual hardware updates, but they do now come in five colors. In addition to the white and space gray, you can now get a little HomePod in orange, yellow, and blue. I would have loved to see them do the entire iMac lineup color on these because that purple would have been in my shopping cart faster than you can say "Apple".

In conclusion, this Apple event was full of exciting announcements and updates for music lovers. From new AirPods to colorful HomePod Minis, there's something for everyone.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, it's Justine from 2021.I promise you haven't accidentally clickedon to an old iJustine from the pastI know this white wallmay have thrown you off,but I'm actually in the processof moving to a new studio.So this is currently my temporary setup,but it's not what we'regoing to talk about today.Because today we are talkingabout the apple event that justhappened and oh my goodness.So much was packed into this event.It wasn't even that long of an event.It was barely even a month agothat Apple released the newiPhone and then the newApple watch. But guess what?This year is not over yet,Apple has announced abunch of new things today.The biggest news from thisevent is that Apple has nowreleased two new versions oftheir M one chip and two newMacBook pros.There were also a bunch ofother announcements in the worldof music, a new Apple Music plan,new colorful HomePod Minis andsomething that I'm extremelyexcited about. A brand newupgrade for the AirPods,not the AirPods pro the thirdgeneration of the AirPods.Also side note,before we really get intothings during this event,Tim cook was actually, he was in a field.It looked like he was like all alone,just hanging out in front of Apple campus.But like John and Johnny andCraig, they're all inside,hanging out inside Applecampus, all comfy cozy.And thenit looks like he's out there on a safari,like in the weeds.I didn't even think anythingof it until I saw a couple ofpeople on Twitter mentionit. I was like, you're right.Why is he standing insome some tall high grass.So honestly Apple,like if you need someone tocome by and mow your grass,like I would be happy to doit because I feel like I amgoing to need to take out a few extrajobs to pay for thisfourth quarter of our newApple gear that you all justdropped on us from theheavenly Apple gods above.So these new third generation of AirPodsis actually a huge upgrade.I am such a huge fan of theoriginal design of the AirPods.So when they announced this,I honestly was like freakingout because I still use myoriginal AirPods. There's a new design,it's a new ergonomic shape, shorter stems.And they brought over the foursensor from the pros to theseAirPods for more control. Now,both the case and the AirPodsthemselves have a new IPX forsweat and water resistance.And there's a new skin detect sensor.So they'll be able to sense ifthey're actually in your earas opposed to a pocket orjust sitting on a desk.It's also kind of interestingto note that the AirPods proonly have the IPX four ratingon the earbuds themselves,not the actual case.So these brand new generationthree AirPods, the case andthe bugs themselves,are both IPX four rated.Now, as far as sound quality goes,they have this all new lowdistortion drivers that producebetter base and cleaner highs,but they also now support Adaptive EQ,which they first introducedwith the AirPods pro.So depending upon yourenvironment, your ear shape,it will change the way thatthe audio sounds to make it asaccurate as possible. Now,the case itself actuallygot a big upgrade,which now supports Macsafe and wireless charging.It will give you four full charges,in addition to the six hoursof listening time on the newAirPods. Now this is a pretty big upgrade,but they are keeping theprice the same at $179,and the second gen AirPods are gettinga discount and will now cost $129Now the AirPods pro are alsonow getting a max safe case,but the price is stillstaying the same at $249.There were some more musicrelated announcements,including a new subscriptionplan for Apple Music and somenew colorful HomePod Minis.Now I was a little bit confusedabout the voice plan whenthey first announced it it'shalf the price of the normalplan,but it basically limits youto only using voice commandswith Siri to play music.So you won't be able to browsethe Apple Music library onany of your devices.You won't be able to savethe songs or make playlist,and it does not includesupport for spatial audio orlossless audio like the other plans.And it won't let you playaudio on third party speakersystems like Sonos.That does seem like it'sa lot of restrictions.If you think about it,this is only $4.99 a month,and this might be one of theleast expensive streaming plansout of all of the streamingproducts out there.This could be the perfect planfor a lot of people who justwant a casual listening experience.Plus you're still going to getthe ad free access to AppleMusic, radio 24/7 as well ashundreds of brand new mood andactivity playlist. And I actuallydidn't even realize this,but I don't think that I evereven used the Apple Music appat all. I don't ever open it.I hardly ever use it. Most of the timeI'm always asking Siri to just play music,to play nineties rock,to play a specific album,to play a specificsong, a specific artist,or a lot of times I'll just be like, Hey,play a chill out playlist.So for scenarios like that,the voice plan is actually pretty perfect.That also would be prettyperfect to use with one of thesenew HomePod Minis.Now they didn't make anyactual hardware updates,but they do now come in five colors.In addition to the white and space gray,you can now get a littleHomePod in orange, yellow,and blue.Now I would have loved to haveseen them do the entire iMaclineup color on these becausethat purple would have been inmy shopping cart faster than you can say,\"M one max MacBook profive\" five times fast.M one max pro, oh my god wait okayLet me think about thisM oneM onemaxpro Mac bookM oneit's a Mac book proM onemaxproshoot.Speaking of which let's moveon to the new M one chips.Now we knew these new chipswere coming eventually,but what we didn't know waswhat the final name would be.Now, Apple started this transitioninto using their own chipswith the M one lastyear in the MacBook air,the 13 inch MacBook pro,and of course the MacMini.Now this M one 13 inch MacBookPro is basically what I haverun my entire businessoff of this past year.I have edited so many processorintensive videos on this.I've done massive 4k projects.I've even edited a bunchof AK videos on this thing.So to put that in perspectivethis year is the worst and oneMacBook that they'll ever make.And it is the best MacBookthat they've ever made.If that makes any sense to you.But what I'm trying to say isthe thing is so incredible.And that was just making meget super hyped up for what thefuture of Apple Siliconwas going to look like.VM1 was already prettymind blowing with whatit could do,but now they've officiallyannounced these two brand new Mone chips, the N onepro and the M one max,there is so much to talk aboutwith these new processors,but the main takeaway is thatthis is a massive upgrade fromthe original M one withhuge boasts in performance,but also massive improvementsin power consumption.And when I think about theMacBook that I ordered,I ordered the specked out MacBook proM onemax,it's going to take me a whileto figure out these namingconventions and not messit up every single time.M one max MacBook procompletely specked out with aneight terabyte hard drive.I also expected out Lu 32 gigs of Ram.This thing is going to beso powerful that honestly,I think it might even replace my Mac pro.I can basically just dockit to my pro displays.You can actually link upthree pro display XDRs,plus it has an HTMI out.So you'll even be able tohook up a 4k television to it.So that's a lot of action happening.I do only have two pro display XDRs,so I think that's probably good enough.I think we'll be good right there.On the M one pro you can onlyhook up two pro display XDRs,but again, you do have that HTMI out,which would be really great ifyou want to just sync that toa television or any type of monitor.Basically these chips are goingto be insanely fast and thebest part is they arepowering two brand new,fully redesigned MacBook pros,and these look so awesome.I can't wait to check themout. They have bigger screens,smaller bezels, butthere is alsoa notch.I know what some of your guysare thinking because I wasreading your tweets and youguys were crying about the notchon the MacBook. And honestly,this MacBook could have afreaking hole cut out of thecenter of the display.And I feel like I wouldprobably be more productive thanfive of my MacBooks previous to the M oneI would still be moreproductive with half the stringcutoff. So the overall designof this case is all new.There's an all new aluminumenclosure with new thermaldesign it's 16.8 millimetersthin and 4.7 pounds for the 16inch and 3.5 pounds and 15.5millimeters thin for the 14.This new design shape isactually kind of reminding me ofthose first MacBooksthat came out in 2006.And that was actually one ofthe first MacBooks that I everpurchased for myself.And that's actually what I madea bunch of my first YouTubevideos on.I used the eyesight camera thatwas built into that MacBookto make a lot of the firstvideos that I ever posted toYouTube. And speaking of a camera,they also made the upgradeto the FaceTime camera.It's now a 10 ADP camera,and it has a faster aperturefor two X better low-lightperformance. The studio qualitymic also got an upgrade with60% lower noise floor thatwill make recordings sound much better.The speakers also got anupgrade with larger Wolfers andtweeters for deeper bass andcleaner highs. And of course,spatial audio is now supportedon both models as well.And I'm sure some of you guysmight be excited about this,but they did replace thetouch bar with the standardfunction keys. I personallyreally liked the touch bar.I'm not sure if you'rea fan, but if you are,let's do a little handsup in the comments.They didn't really make muchmention of the keyboard.So I'm curious if it's goingto be sort of the same style asthe M one,because I know there's alwaysso much drama about theMacBook keyboards. Also, Hallelujah.Apple has brought back the ports.Can we get a round of applausehere in the studio? Anybody?Nope, just I'm the only one here?Cool, great.Well, let's add a sound effect.The new MacBook Pros now havethree Thunder ball four ports,a full-size HTMI port,andthey brought back the SDcard slot. Now this is great,but I stopped using SD cardsalmost like two years ago.At this point. I now useall CF express cards.So this is really justmore of, kind of like a,like a slap in the face. Like cool,Justine, we remember whenyou used to use SD cards andnow you don't. I do actuallysometimes still use SD cards.So I'm just kind of beinga little bit dramatic.I'm actually pretty excitedabout this because there aretimes that I will just throwa few files on an SD card andI'll be able to just transfer those.And I won't have to lookfor a freaking dongle.I won't even need adongle for an HDMI. I haveOh boy. I'm just thinkingabout the possibilities dude.I'm hyped. I'm so freaking excited.Now, in addition to the returnof those ports that we justdiscussed, apple has alsobrought back freaking MagSafecharging. Okay.But this was where I was alittle bit concerned because thesecond that I saw theMagSafe in the presentation,I was like, oh, wait a minute.Does this mean MagSafeis coming back, but wait,will I still be able to charge with USBC?Because there were times inthe past where I had lost orforgot my MagSafe chargerwhen I was traveling and thenI'd have to go to the Applestore to buy it because it waslike this proprietary MagSafe connector.So you still can charge them with USBC.So love that. The displaysalso got a huge upgrade.It is a liquid retina XDRdisplay with a billioncolor support for promotion upto 120 Hertz display and peakbrightness of 1600 nits.So before this event,I did see a bunch of rumorsabout the notch and it wasn'tactually sure if they weregoing to go that route,but they did.So the notch is placed rightin the middle of the menu bar,which honestly is unusedspace most of the time anyway.So I think everyone complainingabout it just feels likethey should complain aboutsomething because that's justwhat we like to do. We needsomething fun to complain about.So there you go have fun.You're going to be fine.Let's just take a deep breath.Let's get out our Apple creditcard and let's not thinkabout it. Let's just go shopping.So all in all the eventwas pretty exciting.I know so many of you guyshave also been waiting for thisupdate. I have had peoplemessage me like my close friends,family members who have beenmessaging me over the pastyear.Like I have some sort of insightinformation about Apple andI'm like, dude, I don't.I know nothing. I absolute, I don't.I know just as much as you do.So now I can go out to all ofthe people who were askingme over the past yearwhen Apple was going toannounce their new MacBooksand I can say you can go shopping now.I would love to hear from you guys thoughwhat would you like me to testout with all of thesethings that have beenannounced? Don't forget tosubscribe, hit the bell.So you'll be notified when Ipost new videos and I'll seeyou guys in the next one. Bye-bye.\n"