Is a Manual Transmission Swap Worth It?

Here is the organized version of the original text:

When I started working on this manual transmission car, I decided to put in a clutch kit myself. This system operates on brake fluid, so my first step was to drain some brake fluid from our master cylinder and reservoir. That's where we'll start.

My favorite place to work on a car is in the driver's footwell – there's plenty of space and it's therapeutic for your back and neck. The nuts and bolts were all tight for the new pedal set, so now we're fully over the hump. We're putting manual stuff in the car, so it's really time to hit the ground.

Next, I'm going under the car and pulling off the automatic flex plates to install that lightweight flywheel and our clutch kit. This would be a great time to replace your rear main seal, but that puppy is bone dry at 93,000 miles, so I'm leaving it for now.

Yes, I do need to put in the pilot bearing – thank you for reminding me! To push our pilot bearing in, first I cleaned out the hole with a little Scotch-Brite and applied some lube. The trick is to find something to push it in with; sockets are usually easy to use, but if you're pushing on the inner race, you'll damage the roller bearings or the balls.

I just put two bolts in and evenly tightened them down to pull the flywheel all the way onto the crankshaft. With the rest of the bolts, I'm going to add a little bit of orange threadlocker – this is high-strength stuff that's removable, so you can always get it out if needed. You definitely want to put threadlocker on your flywheel bolts; you don't want your flywheel coming off.

As you tore down these bolts, you're naturally just going to spin the engine, making it hard to torque them down. They make tools that'll lock into the flywheel teeth and you can attach to the engine – or you can use a pry bar. Don't worry about tiny marks; they won't affect the performance of your car.

Now that we've got our flywheel installed and torqued down, it's time to install the clutch disc and pressure plate. Before we do that, we need to make sure we clean off the pressure plates, matingsurface, and the flywheel. Clutches don't like oil, so you need to get all that stuff off before installing it.

With all that cleaned off, now it's time to install our clutch disc – pay attention to which way you put it on; there's a right way and a wrong way. The good news is that usually it'll tell you what's what. You can see here it says "gearbox side" – this side of the clutch disc needs to face the gearbox.

I've got my clutch alignment tool, which is necessary for aligning this thing. This end just goes into the pilot bearing and this end locates your disc; it keeps it all centered.

With the hardware started, now we're going to tighten it all down evenly – and torque! You know what I'm saying.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This is our brand spankingnew E36 off-road rally project.And unfortunately, we gotan automatic transmissionat the moment.So today, we're gonnaswap out this automaticfor the more desirablemanual transmission.And along the way, we'llfind out whether or notit's worth all the time,effort, and money it takes.I think it's gonna be.Well I'm Zach, this is MoneyPit, let's get shiftin'.(upbeat music)Thanks to eBay motors for sponsoringthis new season of Money Pit.Did you know, eBay motorsis one of the only websiteswhere you can actually buy a carand all the parts you need?Facts. Take this transmission for example.All we had to do was enterin the vehicle's infoand boom, like magic.We found the exact part we needed.And you can trust that it'sthe exact part you needbecause eBay has this proprietaryweb feature called Fitmentwhich guarantees any part you orderfits the car you're searching for.So don't waste your time online,get exactly what you needby going to the link inthe description below.Now, let's get back toour newest money pit.All right, if you guyshave been sticking with usthe past couple of weeks,you already know about this car.We got an E36 and we'regonna be modifying it to bean off-road rally car.And I'm super excited about it.Now, of course, you can justdrive a stock car off-roadto some degree of success, butwe want to go a step further.And last week we tookthis out to the desertand drove it around pretty hard.And one of the first thingsthat was apparent was thatthis automatic transmissionis a bit of a hindrance.It doesn't really dowhat you want it to dowhen you want it to do it.And in terms of a competitivesetting or a racing setting,like, you know, rally racing,you want to be able to put thepower down when you want it,where you want it, how you want it.And that's what you can dowith the manual transmission.And that kind of begsthe question why we evenbought an automaticcar in the first place.Am I just hard up for episodes?Well, no, not really.The fact is that the E36market is insane these daysand it's hard to find a five-speed examplefor a decent price thathasn't been absolutely abused.So, if you want to pay not anarm and a leg and get an E36that hasn't necessarily been abused,well you're kind of lookingat automatic cars these days.So if I've convinced youthat an automatic E36is a good way to get into anE36 or really any project car,as long as you can then swapit to a manual transmission,well, you might be wonderinghow do you go aboutswapping it to a manual transmission?What do you need?Well,you need this stuff.Obviously you're gonna needa manual transmission itselfbut that's just the start of it.Then you need a way tocouple it to the engineand an automatic transmissiondoesn't use a clutch and flywheellike a manual transmission.So you'll need a clutch and flywheel.You're also gonna needthe proper mounting stufffor your manual transmission.So we've got our transmission mountwithsome poly bushings.Then you're also gonna needyour clutch hydraulic system.The master,the slave,and the pedal.And the lines that go inbetween to connect all that.You know, the thing thatactuates your clutch,the actual hydraulic actionthat you impose with your foot.So we've got all that stuff.Then you'll also need anew drive shaft to connectyour new manual transmission to your diff.Usually the length ofthe manual transmissionis different than theautomatic, often shorter.So your drive shaft willultimately be longer.Then you need all the shifting componentsso you can actuallyrow through your gears.And you know, depending on your platform,you'll need other little odds and ends,little pieces of hardware,little bushings, that kind of thing.And there's plenty of that on the E36.We'll go through each ofthose things as we install.But this is the meat and potatoes of it.These are the big parts,and this is pretty muchwhat you'll need for anymanual transmission swap.The trans itself, the clutch and flywheel,the mounting stuff, the shifter stuff,the drive shaft, and the pedal set.So let's see if that proves to be trueor if I'm forgetting anything.I hope I'm not.(deep techno music)All right, so the first thing I'm gonna doto get started on this project isactually take apart the interiorwhile I'm still good and clean.So this whole shifter areais gonna need to come apart.The center console needs to come outand I figured I might as well do thatwhile the hands are still not so grimy.So we'll start in here,then we'll get the car up offthe ground and go underneath.(lo-fi music)We are officially done with this piece.And that makes me feel nice.Oh, wow.This stuff doesn't comeout quite as easilyas it does on a Miata, but it is out.And now we're down to our uglyautomatic shifting mechanism.All right, so we've gotthe whole automatic shifterand about half of the dash out.So that's gonna be prettymuch all the meticulous work,all the tedious stuff.And from here on out,it's pretty much justscooping out elbow greaseand smearing it all over.So that's what we're about to do.I'm gonna get this thingnice and tall on jack standsand then we'll go to work gettingthe automatic transmissionitself outta here.Now this part of the jobis never very much funand it's easy to kind of get complacentbut you're gonna be gettingunder this thing a lotonce it's up in the air.So don't get complacent, payattention to how you do thisor else you could kill yourself.(lo-fi music)All right, well now wegot the car up in the airas you can tell, because I'm under it.So now it's time to start getting thatautomatic transmission out.So we've got to get somestuff out of the way.First thing I'm gonnado is pull this bracethen get the exhaust off.Then some heat shield,then the drive shaft.And then we're getting closeto actually touching the transmission.You know, I meant to do this first thingwhen I jacked the car up, butat least I remember before -- You spill it everywhere.- Yeah, I don't evenknow if these spill outwith the way the outputof the transit is butI want to find out the hard way.All These automatic cars also havean automatic transmission cooler.So that is an additional thingthat I'll have to remove.Probably no big deal.I can see the lines right here.Got to go though.Got to go.Solook out for a transmission cooler.All right, so now I amgonna take inventoryof all the bell housing bolts I can see.So I can kind of put a game plan togetherand determine when isthe right time to starttipping the transmission.I'll probably get as manybolts as I can easily get offas is off.Then,we'll come back here andremove the trans bracketand hold this puppy up with just the jack.Then once it's being supportedat the rear by the jack,I can let the jack down or up,depending on what I needto tilt the whole engine transmissionto hopefully give mea little better accessto some tough to reach hardware.I mean there's really nothing left to it,but to do it.Shall we?(lo-fi music)Okay, so now we've gotall the bellhousing boltsat least loose.I've got two left in justto keep the transmissionfrom falling out before I'm ready,but I'm just about ready.I've got my handy-dandytransmission jack here.Now you could do thiswith just a regular jackbut it's a little sketchy.One of these makes ita little less sketchy.So I'm gonna ideally wrapthis chain around the topand lash it to my platform here,put the platform nice and tightup on the bottom of the transand wedge this puppy out.There we go.(audience applause and cheering)There she is.As easy as that.I mean, honestly, yeah,there was some elbow grease involved butit's kind of to be expected.Butit's definitely doable.See?So now we've got a lotof stuff to put back inwhich means we got a lotof stuff to talk about.We've got to look at all the parts we got.I guess it's just -Does that make sense?All right, so we'vegot the old pedals out,ready to put the new ones in.So it's more than justbolting the pedals in.You've got to run some lines.So one line, this soft line, will come upto our brake reservoir hereand catch some brake fluid to come downto our clutch master cylinder.That's what this systemoperates on, brake fluid.So there's a little nipplehanging off the backsideof our reservoir here that is not open.It needs to be cut so thatfluid can flow through it.So I'm gonna cut that.And then this line willcome up to that reservoir.Then this hard line will go out and downto the transmission,to the slave cylinder.And that's what will operate our clutch.So we'll get those lines run,get these puppies bolted in,and then we're off to the races.My favorite place to work on a caris in the driver's footwell,there's plenty of space.You can lounge super relaxed-like,and it's therapeuticfor your back and neck.That said, all the nutsand bolts are tightfor the new pedal set.So now with that done, weare fully over the hump.We're putting manual stuff in the car.So now it's really time to hit the ground.So next, I'm gonna go under the carand pull off the automatic flex plateso that I can installthat lightweight flywheeland our clutch kit.Now this would be a great timeto replace your rear main seal.However, that puppy is bone dryand pretty fresh at 93,000miles so I'm gonna leave it.So,just jam a flywheel on there.- Don't you need toput the pilot bearing in?- Yes, I do need to putthe pilot bearing in.Thank you for reminding me.All right, so to pushour pilot bearing in,first I cleaned out thehole that it's gonna go inwith a little Scotch-Brite.I'll also put a little bit of lube on itlike a little WD-40 or something.And then the real trickis to find somethingto push it in with.Sockets are pretty much always gonna work,easy thing to go with.But if you're pushing on the inner race,you're really gonna damagethe roller bearings in thereor the balls rather.So you just want tomake sure you're pushingon the outer race andeverything will be fine.Solike that.So that's cleaned out,spray a little lube,tap it home.No big deal.(funky music)Good.That's a pilot bearinginstalled.And we didn't even forget about it.Now, where is that flywheel?(grunting)All right, so I just put two bolts inand evenly tightened them downjust to pull the flywheel allthe way onto the crankshaft.Now with the rest of the boltsI'm gonna put a little bitof orange threadlocker.This is high strength, but removable.I love this stuff.I'll put it on the next six boltsand then I'll pull out these first twoand add some threadlocker.You definitely want to put threadlockeron your flywheel bolts.You don't want your flywheel coming off.(funky music)So as you tore down these bolts,you're naturally justgonna spin the enginewhich makes it prettyhard to torque them down.Now they make tools that'lllock into the flywheel teethand you can attach to the engine.You can also use a pry bar.Now these teeth are onlyresponsible for starting the car.They only interact with your starter.So don't be too worried abouta tiny mar here and there.It's not that big of a deal butyou're gonna have to dosomething to keep it from moving.Okay, now that we've gotour flywheel installedand torqued down, it's timeto install the clutch discand the pressure plate.But before we do that,we've got to make sure that we clean offthe pressure plates, matingsurface, and the flywheel.Most of this kind of stuff is shippedwith a light coating of oilto keep it from rusting.But you got to make sure you get that offbefore you install it.Clutches don't like oil.All right, with all that stuff cleaned,now it's time to install our clutch discand you got to pay attentionto which way you put it on.There's a right way and a wrong way.The good news is that usuallyit'll tell you what's what.You can see here it says gearbox side.So this side of the clutchdisc needs to face the gearbox.And I've got my clutch alignment tool,which is necessary foraligning this thing.You won't get your transmission installedif you're not using one of these.This end just goes into the pilot bearingand this end locates your disc.It keeps it all centered.(funky music)So with the hardware started,now we're gonna tighten it all down evenlyto tighten our pressureplate in an even manner.Now we torque.You know what I'm "torque-ing" about?(laughs)(disco music)Okay.And with that, we're ready tojam a transmission in here.Let's go get it ready.We got to prepare it just a bit.- Big announcement.- Donut is looking for new -Sorry, can you give me a minute.You guys,Donut is looking for new hosts.Do you love cars?Do you know how to work on cars?Do you have a potentially unhealthy desireto be the center of attention?Perfect.Then go hereor click the link inthe description below.We're looking for the funniestperson in the pit crew,the most hilarious person in the shop.If this is you, submit to be a host.If this sounds like someone you know,encourage them to submit to be a host.The last time we did this,we met both Zach Jobe and Jeremiah.- Thank you guys so muchfor watching my audition.- Hello Donut Media.My name is Zach Jobe.- You could seriously be next.So go ahead and click that linkor send it to a friendand let's make videos about cars together.- Goodbye.All right, before we go jammingthis new old transmission into the car,I want to do a couple of thingsto ensure proper operation.So, we're just gonnaclean a few things up andput a little light coating ofgrease in some critical spotsto keep things from squeakingor making any weird noises.And we're gonna put a newthrow out bearing in place.Just the things you need to dobefore you actually put a transmission in.Because if you you put it inand your old throw out bearing was bad,boy, would you hate yourself.How do I know?Disengage, engage, disengage, engage.I'm also gonna throwthe new trans mounts onwhile we got it out of the car.All right so with that,that's all the prep work we needed to dofor the transmission.And it wasn't very much.That was pretty easy.So now we just got to putthe transmission in the car.Let's hope it's just as easy.- That's one way to do it.- So that's what connectsto the bottom of the shifterand actually does theshifting on the transmission.And that'll connect to the shifter,shifter'll drop in here.Sweet.Now it's actually ready to go inor so I say.Hey, who knows?(lo-fi music)I think I'm on my last bell housing bolt,the last bolt for the starter.And then,once that's done,you can pop the shifter arm into place,get the rear trans bracketback on, hold the trans up,and then do things like drive shaftand shifter from the cabin.And we've got to put our slave cylinder onand connect it to thelines we installed earlier.And we're in the homestretch though.You could say.Okay, now we've got our shifterconnected to the transmission.It's time to actuallymount the new shifterto the shift arm.So I just need to cinch this collarunderneath the lip on this arm andwe'll be in business.Okay, so the shifterassembly itself is installed.Now we just gotta put our shifter on.The final piece of thepuzzle, most exciting piece.So let's see.Hell, we're going fullrally all the way up, baby.Woo-pa.Woo-pa!All right, it's all coming together.All right, now I'm justgonna go down belowand crack the bleederon the slave cylinder.We'll let some fluid flow through,then we'll bleed itand then our clutch should work.Not bad.Not too bad.So last thing we gotta do herebefore we can fire the car upis a little bit of hacking.So this was an automatic carand automatic cars have a computerthat controls the automatic transmission.So we just have to take that computer outand basically pull its brain out.And then we'll be ableto start the car up.And we'll probably havea check engine lightbut we'll be able to fixthat with a scan tool later.But we do need to take outthis chip out of the trans ECUto be able to start this thing up at all.So...(electronic music)Obviously this is not the way to workon an ECU that you care aboutbut I don't care about this thing.I don't need it to do anything.In fact, that's why I'mtrying to turn it off.And with that, the automatictransmission's brainis no more.So now we can actuallyput this back in the carand everything should be fine.It won't knowthat it doesn't have anautomatic transmission.Well, like I said,I think we will get acheck engine light butthis would have stoppedthe car from startingbecause there's a lot ofstuff that should be therethat isn't anymore according to this.So we'll put this back in the carfor safekeepingand nowit's time to fire this pig up.Neutral, okay.No clutch.(engine starts)Wow, what a babe.(engine revving)Wow.We did it.Fourth gear, baby.Fourth gear!All right well, at first it seemslike everything is working.I do feel a slight jutter Ithink from the driveshaft.I'm worried about thecenter support bearing.However, if that needsreplaced, that's no big deal.I can replace that realquick, but the fact isthe wheels spin and the gears engageand all that feels smooth.So I'm ready to call this a win.And I think it's time toput things on the groundand go for a little test drive.What do you think?Yeah?Let's do it.Feels like a manual car.Hey, I need a garage door opener.Everything feels smooth out the gates,just sitting in there.The transmission shifts reallynicely, nice and smooth.Got a little extra noisecause this is open.Ahh.But that feels good.Clutch pedal feels nice.It seems to be doing its job.Yeah, shift's good.Ah.And you know, something thatI'm really excited aboutthat I haven't actually talked about yetis we're getting a little bit of a,almost a bump in power with this swap.You see this car has a -well it had an automatic transmission andthis car with theautomatic transmission camewith a 3.91 diff.Now that's a pretty short ratio.It works great with the automaticbut with the manual transmission,it ends up being a pretty short ratio.Now what that means is thatthis thing is gonna wind outa lot sooner.Our top speed is gonna drop,but it's gonna feel a lot torque herewhile we get to that top speed.So even though we didn't changeanything with the engine,this thing got a lotfaster in terms of like,the kind of driving we'regonna be doing off-road.We're gonna be not reallylooking for top speed,I don't care aboutgoing 140 miles an hour.This thing will probablytop out around 120 now.But it's gonna get therea lot quicker than it didwith the automatic transmission.So, since we've got themanual and the 3.91 diff,this thing feels a lot quicker.Sure, it wasn't easy.There was a lot of grunt work.I got as dirty as I've been in a whilebut now I've got a manualE36 and it's in great shape.This car as is, wouldprobably cost me easily$2,500 to $3,500 morethan I paid for the car.And I paid less than that in parts.Sure, it took some time,but you learn a thing or twoalong the way and it's kind of fun.So I would say thatbuying an automatic E36and manual swapping it isa great way to get yourselfthe E36 of your dreams.This used to be an automaticand now it's not.What could be better?So I hope you guys agree.Let me know in thecomments, what you thinkif manual swapping a caris worth all the timeand money it takes.Thanks for watching.I will see you guys next Wednesday.In the meantime, don't forgetto go follow me on Instagram@zachjobe and follow Donut @donutmedia.And please don't forgetto like this video.It's how YouTube knows that we're doingat least a decent job at ourjob, which is making videos.So please like it,subscribe to the channel,and come back next Wednesdayfor more E36 stuff.(engine revving)Traction control.What a loser.(car engine revving)(car tires screeching)- Have youever dreamed of a worldwhere cars and ideascreate vision?Where collectibles 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