is NVidia RELAUNCHING GTX 10 Series Cards.... 4 Years LATER!

The Smart Move: NVIDIA's Plan to Reclaim the Gaming Market with the 10 Series

NVIDIA has been working on a new plan to address the issue of crypto mining and its impact on the gaming market. The company has gone back to the whiteboard and rethought their strategy, recognizing that the 10 series in terms of crypto mining products was not as desirable as launching the 10 series for gamers at cheaper prices. By doing so, NVIDIA is able to alleviate a section in the market that needs cheap graphics cards.

The 1660 Super Discontinuation: A Curveball in the Equation

NVIDIA's decision to re-release the 10 series card with the 1660 Super being discontinued and the 1650 Super drying up in stock, was a curveball that adds another layer of complexity to the market. This move also reveals that NVIDIA is not going to meet too much of a supply constraint for their new cards.

VRAM: A Cheap Solution

The RTX 10 series card carries GDDR5 as opposed to the Super cards and AMD's newer graphics cards. Having GDDR5 makes it cheap to put together, especially considering the demand for GDDR6x.

Temperature Tied Down: Not Desirable Like Newer Graphics Cards

The GTX node that is made on this card is not anywhere near desirable like those seven nanometer and eight nanometer products on newer graphics cards.

A Problem in the Market: Crypto Miners Buying Up Cards Above MSRP

Crypto miners have shown that they will buy up cards that are higher than MSRP, essentially screwing the game. This theory has already been proven in the past.

NVIDIA Helping to Alleviate a Problem in the Market

The new card is very not impressive mining performance but decent gaming performance gives people an option where they can go to the store and reliably put something together to play some of those games that will give them enjoyment during this miserable time going on right now in the world.

A Perfect Storm: Artificially Higher Demand from Gamers and Crypto

The two real problems that come about are artificially higher demand from gamers themselves due to Covert, now combined with crypto demand has really made a situation that is just totally fubar. This artificial high demand is partly because institutions have too much cheap and free money flowing around where it's flowing into crypto.

Raising Prices of Cryptos: A Symptom of a Disease That Needs to be Addressed Properly

The prices of cryptos are levels that are just unbelievable to be honest, and they're spurring on people to go mine and use graphics cards to make money. It can't be put down on the average guy who works hard every day and then he's going to leave his gaming PC on mining crypto when it helps him pay his bills.

A Question of Preference: G-Sync or FreeSync?

The question of whether one prefers G-Sync or FreeSync has been asked by Julian Lorzon. He questions which technology is better and how it affects the performance of games. The answer to this question varies depending on the card being used, with both technologies working well in different situations.

A Preference Based on the Card Used

To answer this question directly, the preference is to use the technology that is on the graphics card at the moment. If you're using a G-Sync card, you'd prefer to turn it on for gaming RPGs and leave it off for competitive multiplayer titles where response times are more important.

Conclusion: A New Beginning for NVIDIA

NVIDIA has shown that they are making smart moves in order to reclaim the gaming market. By doing so, they're helping to alleviate a problem that needed addressing. The company is focusing on providing affordable graphics cards while also leaving it up to institutions and crypto miners to buy up their products.

A Real Tech Yes City Content: Stay Tuned

If you've stayed this far and enjoyed the real tech yes city content, be sure to hit that sub button ring that bell and I'll catch you in another tech video very soon.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso when will you guys see when you got themin stock1050 ti's and before that when was thelast time you had come throughthat's insane man like that's actuallycrazyif you've got this annoying windowsneeds activation message and you want toget rid of it for cheap then today'svideo sponsor scd keys has you coveredfor as little as 14 bucks after you usethe coupon code pftyc you can getyourself a legitsingle end user windows 10 license todaylink's in the description below wilcamobackhoe to tech yesocitothat's uh that's german for welcome backto tech yes citywhat i've got in my hands right here isa gtx 1050 tinow we've covered this in a recent videotalking about the performance in gamesversus an rx 570 and this card righthere it'snothing special but what it is is a cardthat can playa lot of popular multiplayer titles outthere especially at1080p and so this card's come back intointerest lately when i got a couple ofcalls from some retailers where you guysaround tech your city you're alwaysgoing to get the wordon the street what is happening andwhat's going oni'm going to break it to you as soon asi know and here's the dealthe gtx 1050 ti is coming nowback in stock and this is at quite a fewretailers and this is with differentvendors too so the main one that i'mseeing back in australia coming backinto stockis the azus phoenix and now i did askazusabout this card and saying what's thesituation here and they told methat it's never been actually officiallydiscontinuedthe tvti was always in production butwhen i look back in2019 i believe jensen did say that the10 series was being sold outdiscontinuedso now that nvidia has also hintedin january earlier this year that theyhad the ability to start thecmp line and basically that stands forcrypto mining product linethey have only on that line essentiallygtx 1066 gigabytes i think they had thethree gigabyte as well butsince then those cards are not desirablefor minersas opposed to their new rtx 3000 seriescards namelythe rtx 3060 ti and also the rtx 3080those twoin particular if people um especiallycrypto miners if they can get theirhands on these cardsthey will definitely want to snap themup and then put them straight away ontheir mining benchesto make profit which is a big seriousproblemright now for gamers who just want togame in a timewhere there is a worldwide pandemic andit's forcing people to stay at homeand get bored out of their mind if theycan't do things like play video gamesand so what is goingon with the situation right now is thata lot of the distributorswho are getting the rtx 3000 seriescards they are preferring to sell themin bulk for higher than msrp prices topeople who want to buy hundreds of themat a timeand so that's where they want to maketheir money on the distribution linesbefore they even reach retail for gamerswho were promised them at a particularpriceso this situation leads to the warrantyof looking at it to two sides of thefence if you're a gamer it's going to becrypto rearing its ugly head in thatcase it's going to besomething like the stare of medusastaring you right in your eyes and thenturning you to stonebecause you're going to be petrifiedwhen you see those pricesand what scalpels are asking for them onebay especially for an rtx 3080 forexample then you've got the other sidedefense and that's the crypto minerand even with an rtx 3080 they can bemaking basically 10a day profit on one graphics card so theincentive there is for themthey're looking at um not the medusaanymore they're looking at the midasstatue and they're staring back at themwith the golden eyes so their graphicscards to them are like goldso whenever you see someone holding upan rtx 3000 series cardthey're pretty much holding up gold so2021 so far is looking to be a yearthat's going to be even worse especiallyif you're a pc gamerthan 2020 was and i mean 2020 was hardto beat in terms of a bad year buthonestly going forward i gotta say tonvidia directlythank you for re-releasing cards like agtx 1050 tieven if they're coming in at prices thatwere similar to when they were firstreleased four and a half years ago andlook i know this card is two generationsold nowand it's going on in this year to befive years old and have its fifthbirthdaybut that doesn't change the fact thatthere's a problem going on worldwideand there's people out there who don'thave a whole lot of moneyso nvidia deciding to reproduce the tvtiat least inmuch more proportion than they had itofficial so calledstill in production for is actually areally good thing to the marketand i think the person who made thestatement about the crypto miningproduct line has gone back and looked atit and said wella lot of people want the more desirablertx 3060 ti gaming graphics cards andthere's the thing about the cryptominers they're not stupidthey like the gaming graphics cards withthe input output portson them because when they go to resellthem if crypto goes belly upthey've got something that retains itsvalue as opposed toespecially if you wanted to relaunch anold product linelike the 1060s or the p106s they're notgoing to be as profitable for minersespecially in power efficiency terms buttheir resale value is also going to bepretty muchnon-existent because nvidia on thosep106 cardsmade them virtually worthless to gamersand the worst thing about the p106s wasif you got them to work and a new gamecame out that needed a new driver updateyou were pretty much up that proverbialcreekwithout a paddle and your canoe wasprobably capsizedtoo basically if crypto follows the samepath as it did in 2018you're going to see those p106s thenlose an extreme amount of value asopposed to a 360 ti for examplewhich isn't going to lose much value atall and so what i think nvidia has donehere is gone back to the whiteboardand drawn up a new plan where they'vefigured out that the 10 series in termsof crypto mining productsare not going to be as desirable as justlaunching the 10 series for gamersand charging cheaper prices for it thanwhat their current products are outthere on the market and now to furtherthrow a curveball into the equationthere is the 1660 super which i was toldwas discontinued and it's looking likethe 1650 superas well is drying up in stock so nvidiare-releasing the 10 series card isactually a very smart play not just toalleviatea section in the market that needs cheapgraphics cards but also when you look atthis card and theattributes of it you can see that it'sactually in a position wherenvidia aren't going to be meeting toomuch of a supply constraintfor instance when we look at the vramthis card carries gddr5as opposed to the supercards and the newcards coming out on amd's sidethere's all this demand for gddr5x andalso gddr6so this having gddr5 makes it cheap toput togetherthen we've got the gtx temperature tidie and the node that's made onnot being anywhere near desirable asthose seven nanometerand eight nanometer products on thenewer graphics cards so coming out ofthis video i am justall sorts of confused and do let us knowin the comments what you guysthink about this news do you think it'sa good thing that nvidia is doing thispersonally i do feel like this is a verygood thingand nvidia is helping to alleviate aproblem in the marketand crypto miners are gonna do what theywant and they've shown that in the pastthey'll buy up cardsthat are higher than msrp essentiallyreally screwing the game or overthat theory has already been put to thetest and it's already been tried andprovenand so i think with a card like the 1050ti with its four gigabyte vram bufferits very not impressive miningperformancebut its decent gaming performance givespeople an option where they can go tothe storeand reliably put something together toplay some of those games that will givethem enjoymentin such a miserable time going on rightnowin the world but the two real problemsthat come about and that isartificially higher demand from gamersthemselvesdue to covert and now the crypto demandhas really made a situation that is justtotally fubar and addressing thisproblem directly well it's one of thosecasesof institutions having way too muchcheapand free money flowing around wherethat's flowing into crypto it's raisingthe prices of cryptoto levels that are just unbelievable tobe honestand then that's spurring on people to gomine and use graphics cards to makemoneyand honestly you can't put the blame onthe average guy who works hard every dayand then he's going to leave his gamingpc on mining crypto when it helps himpays his billsand of course person x is going to wantto mine crypto it's a symptom of adiseasethat hasn't been addressed properlyanyway guys hope you enjoyed today'svideoif you did then be sure to hit that likebutton also let us know your thoughtsnot just about this 1050 ti situationabout the wholecrypto and the rtx 3000 series dilemmaat the momentdo love reading those thoughts andopinions as always just like thisquestion of the day herewhich comes from julian lorzon and theyask hi do you prefer g-sync or freesyncquestion markbecause in the games you show the 6800xtis very stuttery comparedto the 3080 perfectly smooth uh when itcomes to syncing technologyi actually only prefer to turn on g-syncor freesync when i'm playing rpg if i'mplaying competitive multiplayer titles iactually usually leavethe syncing technology off just to getthe best response times possiblebut in terms of picking freesync overg-sync or vice versa it just depends onthe card i'm using and i think both thetechnologieswork very well so to answer thatquestion directly i'd prefer to use thetechnologythat is on the graphics card i'm usingat the moment hope that answers thatquestion i'll catch you guys in anothertech video very soonif you have stayed this far and you'reenjoyingthat real tech yes city content and besure to hit that sub button ring thatbelland i'll catch you next time peace outfor nowbyeyou\n"