I'm standing next to one of the cleanest, lowest mileage second gen Mazda RX-7's known in existence. Now, Mazda made the second gen or FC RX-7 from 1985 to 1992 and during that time they built only 1,500. This is an 80's time capsule and today, we're gonna crack it open and we're gonna show you five things - even the most die hard fans might not know about this car.
We're going bumper to bumper on the FC RX-7. (Imitates motor rumbling) It's rotary time. Thanks to Ring for sponsoring this episode of Bumper to Bumper. If you want to feel safer at home and know what's going on when you're not there, well Ring's wireless security system is for you.
Now, I've replaced my old boring ding dong doorbell with a Ring video doorbell system. I can be anywhere in the world and see what's going on at my front door and even hear or speak to whoever's there using only my phone. It's good for adding some security to my place and my mailman and I have kindled up the beginning of a fresh new friendship.
He doesn't get frightened when I yell, “Come back here!”
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- I'm standing next toone of the cleanest,lowest mileage second gen MazdaRX-7's known in existence.Now, Mazda made the second genor FC RX-7 from 1985 to 1992and during that time the built only 1,50010th anniversary additionswhich this one is right here.This is an 80's time capsule and today,we're gonna crack it openand we're gonna show you five thingseven the most die hard fansmight not know about this car.We're going bumper tobumper on the FC RX-7.(imitates motor rumbling)It's rotary time.(upbeat music)Thanks to Ringfor sponsoring this episodeof Bumper to Bumper.If you want to feel safer at homeand know what's going onwhen you're not there,well Ring's wirelesssecurity system is for you.Now, I've replaced my ownold boring ding dong doorbellwith a Ring video doorbell system.I can be anywhere in the worldand see what's going on at my front doorand even hear or speak to whoever's thereusing only my phone.It's good for addingsome security to my placeand my mailman and I havekindled up the beginningsof a fresh new friendship.He doesn't get frightenedwhen I yell, "Thanks baby!"anymore so I'd saywe're freakin' bros now.And because you're part of the Donut fam,you have a special offeron a Ring Welcome Kitthat includes a VideoDoorbell and a Chime Pro.Go to http://www.ring.com/wheelhouse.That's http://www.ring.com/wheelhouse.Thanks for supporting thecompanies that support Donut.(electronic music)So before we get into this,we gotta appreciatewhat we have before us.This car, this 1988 10th anniversary RX-7has only 1,803 miles.If you do the math,that's (modem screeches)56 miles a year.(electronic music)Now today, we're gonna use this exampleto dish out some ofthe interesting detailson one of the most belovedcars to ever leave Japan,starting with the looks.(electronic music)Now if you take a lookat it, you might think"This looks kinda similar tomaybe a Porsche 924 or 944"and if it looks similar,well you'd be rightbecause it's almostmodeled exactly like it.See Mazda knew how popularthe 944 was in American marketand America is wherethe majority of all thefirst gen RX-7's were sold.So they had this idea.They were like, "hey, whydon't we use the 944 to"help style the car and become a rivalof that German brand."Now there's a big misconception out therethat the designer of the924 also designed this car.Harm Lagaay, he didn't do it,that's not true, that's false.This car was just copiedby Mazda engineers.So I hope that answers your questionsbecause you guys askedus on the community page.Which speaking of,start using thatcommunity page on YouTube.We're gonna be asking a lot more questionsand we wanna give you some answerswhen we shoot Bumper to Bumper.(electronic music)Now while the carsmight look very similar,they're very different animals.The engines are different,inside the car is very different.The suspension set up, all that stuffis all very unique to each one.But to add insult to injury,this car copied the Porsche's looksand then went on to beat itin Car and Driver's BestList in 1986 and 1987.It was also Motor Trend'sImport Car of the Year in 1986and it beat out Porsche's 924, 928and they're flagship 911.So the Porsche boards were a little pissedcause you could get a similar lookingand slightly better performing carfor $10,000.00 less money.(electronic music)So when you look at thiscar, your first thing is,"Yeah, they stole Porsche's design"but you also look at it and think,"Man, that thing screams freakin' '80's"and this thing has got somesweet pop up headlights.Max, pop me on over there.(upbeat music)So let's talk about pop upheadlights for a second.You guys know the song.We made a slappin' beat allabout these engineering marvels.Pop up headlights wereat a peak in the '80'sand they even made them all the way upinto the early 2000's.The Corvette C5 actually had them on 'embut they were taken away from usbecause of more strict regulationsinvolving pedestrian safety.Once a lot of manufacturersstarted using pop up headlightsthey used some shotty electronicsand so they would sometimesopen, sometimes not,and they'd get stuck,they'd go up and down.You've probably seen alot of winking faces,winking eyes with pop up headlights.They're not as safeas you would probablywant headlights to be.(upbeat music)Which brings us to oursecond fact about the FC RX-7and that's this clear lens right here.Say, you're driving yourcar during the day timeand you wanted to flash your lights.You got pop up headlights.You don't want to have topop them up, flash the light,and then bring them backdown, that's way to much work.And so, the Mazda engineersdesigned this clear lens right hereand so when you flash the bright lightsyou can see it through this clear lens.Pretty cool little touch.You don't need a dedicatedbright light flashers during the day.(upbeat music)Another thing that makesthese pop up headlightseven sweeter, is that they're squirters.(jets whirring)So apparently, you wantto clean your lights,you can squirt some juice on them andthat's the way to clean them.They don't wipe, they don't do anything,they just squirt juiceand it really squirts ya.And just to clarify, by juice,I mean windshield washer fluid.So how about we go to the insideand see what other tasty little treatsare in this cool '80's mobile.(smooch) (giggles)(car door squeak)(upbeat music)Now the first thing whenyou get in this car,it's super comfortable.Now this was built as a touring car,it wasn't a strictly sports carso it actually is pretty roomy.This leather is freakin'nice man, so soft, super softand everything in here is all original.The head unit which has all thesekind of like Space Mountainylooks digital but's all analog.In terms of beingthe most tricked out cassetteplayer you could ever havein factory car, this car has it.First of all you canselect your tape type.So back in the day,depending on the typeof tape you recorded to,you could optimize your settings for that.You could also optimize your EQ.This has one, two three, four,five, six, seven, eight, ninedifferent EQ adjustment tabs.(electronic music)Has these twisty knobs forall your important functionslike your windshield wipers,your pop up headlights,your pop up headlight misterin case you wanna get squirted.Now aside from all thefeatures in this carthat are standard in RX-7,this is a 10th anniversaryand it got a couple different upgrades.It got a MOMO steeringwheel, a MOMO shifter,and it's got 10th anniversaryembossed right on the frontwhich is really really cool.Which brings me to mythird fact about this carand that is that they madethree special edition RX-7'sfrom the factory.The Infini which was a JDM only modeland they made the GTUs whichwas the Turbo II platformwhich didn't have a turboin it which was kinda weirdand then they made the allwhite 10th Anniversary Editions.Now companies, all the timego hog wild with special editionsand this is one of thoseeditions that they builtjust to sell more cars.There's nothing particularlydifferent about this carexcept for a coupledifferent added things.It has bronze tint on it,like I said it hasdifferent steering wheels,but from a performance standpointit's the exact same car as the Turbo II.It's more of an aestheticspackage but you knowgotta sell cars somehow.(electronic music)Okay so I'm gonna take agood ole fricken' whiff.The smells like a brand new car would.You can smell theleather, it's new leather.That's the overbearing scentwhen you get in this car.It is just new carsmell, new leather smell.It doesn't smell old and musty,it literally smells like a brand new car,and again, this car is 32 years old.Go into your dads closet andsniff his leather jacket.That's what this smells like.(upbeat music)So you guys wanna hear what a1,800 mile 13 BT sounds like?(car beeping)(car engine revving)I want to give her the berries.(car engine revving)It's really smooth.There's like no vibration in this car.Alright.(car beeping)Now, we didn't hit redline there but if we did,you woulda heard something,you woulda heard a little(shift buzzing)and that's because, thisRX-7 has a shift buzzer.You might of heard of a shift light,a light that illuminateswhen it tells you it's time toshift when you hit red line.Instead of having a shift light,this car has a shift buzzer.That's a rotary thing that Mazda developedand it's all becauseof what's going on underthat hood right there.(electronic music)Now the whole reason thatthis car has a shift buzzeris cause of this little puppy right here.The 13B Turbo II rotary engine.So rotary engines areknown to be high revving.They're not like a reciprocating enginewhere you got a lot of movingparts going up and down.Everything is rotational.So a couple benefits to that.One, there's no vibration.This car, when I started it before,you can barely feelanything moving at all.There are some people who thinkthat there are reliabilityissues with these motors.Because it's rotary, it can over revand it can go too high inthe rev range and blow up.So they have a reputationfor being somewhat unreliablebut that's really not all that fair.If you keep oil in this motorand you don't over rev itthese things are very, very reliableand that's not to saythat you should baby it.No, no, don't do that,don't baby a rotary.You gotta get it up in thehigh RPM's every now and thenor else it'll justbuild up carbon depositsand you don't want that.So if you do have a rotary,give her the beans every now and thenand get her up there to 7,000.(electronic music)Now this is a 1.3 Liter rotary engine.It makes 182 horsepower and183 foot pounds of torqueand because this engine is so small,they can put it more towardsthe center of the car.Now this car has a perfect50-50 front and rear balancewhich makes it really, really goodunder the hands of professional racers.Where my RedSuns at?(electronic music)And speaking of racing, thiscar was really, really goodin the IMSA series in competed in.So good, that we're gonna go to the backand show you another funfact about this FC RX-7.(feet shuffling)(electronic music)Now this car came orderedwith factory louvers.Some people don't likethem, some people do,but we're gonna pop 'em open'cause what I really want to show youis what's underneath these louvers.(upbeat music)These things, they feellike I could rip them off.They're pretty fragileand you gotta hold itso washing your rearwindow is a two person job.But the thing that I wannashow you specificallyis this little sticker right here,which is our 5th factand that is that the RX-7won the IMSA GTU Championshipfrom 1980 to 1987and they have specialstickers put on the carfrom the dealers and they changedepending on the year of the car.This one, since it's an '88 saysIMSA GTU RX-7 MazdaManufacturers Championship 1987.You don't see these on a lot of RX-7'sone, because certaindealers didn't put them onand two, they probably gotremoved over the years,but this one has it, it'soriginal from the factoryand it's pretty sweet.(electronic music)You wanna know howa 1,800 mile mint conditionFC RX-7 came about,the story is actuallyreally super interesting.The person who found this lowmileage car was Cody Walker.His wife's grandfatherwent in to the dealership to buy a truckand walked out with a truck and this car.It sat for 20 years under acover until Cody discovered itand then he sold it to my man Sean Leewho brought it all theway down from Oregonto the streets of Southern California.Sean has only put about600 miles on this carover the last five or six years.So he's saving this carby driving it around alittle bit each year.- So I was at JCCSand somebody made me anoffer I couldn't refuseso I sold RX-7.- Yeah I couldn't resist.Proud owner of the lowestmodel FC in the world.- James did not buythis car from Sean Lee.It's part of Sean Lee'scollection of cars.It's not James, James likes it,I like it, but Sean won't sellit so we're busting myths.Bye for now.