Shatterproof Windshield & Crashproof Fuel Tank? | Drift Corvette Build w/Matt Field
Gotta Do Cleaning: Making Life Easier
There's nothing like a clean and organized workspace to make life easier. It comes down to just making sure everything is tidy and in its place. I already blocked out the areas where we need to work, and it fits up on herethis parcel panel tray cover has the stops that hold the window to set the window height, so I just set it left for tonight.
I said on this roof seal then I'm gonna go ahead and start marking it, drilling it, and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put self-tapping screws in it to hold it in place all the way around where I want it. Then I'm gonna pull the window out, drill it for the correct-sized rivet nut for five mil, and then go ahead and put my five rail rib nuts in the chassis all the way around.
Well, I'm doing the window stuff, we have Jay here from black tracks who came today to start measuring out the engine wiring harness. We got a Holley EFI flying leads engine harness because what Jay ended up doing before last year is we had the whole harness and he ended up cutting off all the connectors, deepening it, and then doing it all with rake em nice loom and everything. So instead of having to do that, fortunately Holley sells a flying lead harness to do exactly what Jay is going to do so he's here we're figuring out where we're gonna do.
We're just gonna keep it simple but he's got his toolkit as a man I work so my first mark marks out on the window I'm gonna go ahead and drill it, it's a little scary sometimes they don't want to mess up. Sometimes just got to go for it. So I got this top set all on self-tapping screws I'm gonna come down the sides then come across the bottom then that's when I pull the window drill it all out and start doing all the riv nuts.
Now I gotta figure out where I want to put these for the bottom, how high a lot of room to play with and what that lower piece did is actually held the window in the right height for me to make sure that it's all sitting nice and square. Got all the self-tappers in the front window now I need to pull the window out drill out the body for all the riv nuts, pull all the riv nuts in and then drill out the window so that accepts the 5mm hardware.
This is the hardware that we're gonna be using right here to 5mm countersunk with this nice plastic washer so it will go in place there. Look really really good and then it keeps the window from getting scratched and cracking because it has this nice little cushion here today we just did some preliminary work, just kind of mapped out what wires are needed, what wires are needed Matt buying the flying lead harness was actually a good choice because he's got Holley's assortment of color of wires that we actually depend on.
Of the harness that we can use for other things like other accessories and stuff on so pretty much we've lightened the harness by pretty much in half all this is all that extra stuff that we don't need and we'll be I'm sure we'll be using that on the car for accessories and probably throughout the season if we run into any you know electrical issues there emergencies. Other than that I mean today was pretty primary we wanted to build a pin map, you know our teams use Google sheets and Google Docs for days forever so this way we can just kind of map out what is what and when we run into issues and we need to reference we just go online pull it up on our phone pull it up on our laptop and it's there the information is there.
So you'll have a bulkhead pin-up you'll have this Holly superseal connector pin map and everything else including same data acquisition that whole system will all be pinned out and that way at any point at any time we can all reference it online.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat up guys?I'm Matt Field--professional Formula Drift driver.Except that was my 2017 car.This year we're building a 2013 Chevrolet Corvette.Now I don't know Corvettes pretty much at we're kind of figuring this out as we go.I made a stupid mistakegetting this power steering fitting onis not funAnd I'm taking you guys along for the rideWelcome to Field Prep!This week we're gonna be working on the fuel system.I got the actual cell from Fuel Safe. Filters, fittings,We're also going to be working with some of the wiring and electronicsand we got to put it all together and make it workSo it's gonna be a challenge, but that's okay.That's why building racecars ain't easy!What we're doing right now is taking off thesupercharger so that we can put thecorrect key way and spacer and everything in the pulleyWe're gonna do it; get that locked down so we can forget about itand know that it's good to gowhen we start to final assemble the car.So what I'm also gonna do is put in ournew power steering fitting that I gotfrom Turn1. The other fitting that wasin the pump was too long and it wasgoing to run into the secondary drive sothey sent me a shorter fitting that Ineed a screw an adapter fitting in tomake work but I want to check it andmake sure it's all gonna clear sinceit's a couple of different level things.So what I'm doing here,these are actually the key ways for thesupercharger pulley on the supercharger itself.With the abuses of drifting we'vefound that the on/off throttle constantabuse can actually cause some slack inthe belt and gives it a good whip andcan sometimes make the keyway dent orturn sometimes so this is a prettysimple process where you keep the metal red hot and then you douse it indirty oil and it absorbs the carbon andhardens the outside of the steelYou can see we have two pieces here sothe reason for that is I want to utilizethe the entire channel here to make surewe get as much surface area as possibleand as much engagement to spread theload out on that keywayensuring that it lives a long lifeThat's pretty good.We need to lift the engine up to pullthe oil pan off because we have to makesome modifications for it like thesupercharger oil return we're gonna goahead and bolt this to the engine. It'spretty cool it's made for an LS neverhad one of these before. Had an LS forhow long and still we've never used itand put this on, lift the engine up, dropthe oil pan, make the modifications we need.So we're taking the baffle out of theARE dry sump pan so that we can drill andtap it for the supercharger return.They thread lock the bolts in for the baffleso that they don't come loose so we're having to heat upthe bolts, pull them out, so that we can get in here and drill and tap for the oil return of the blower.Jesus Christ!Maybe we aren't taking the baffle off!Maybe we'll just give it a go without it.It might be thick enough that it only needs to go into there you know?We decided we are gonna pull the baffle off.We still should probably get the baffle off;there's no way to tell if all the metal's gone..It's not worth the risk ofknowing if there is an aluminum in theresince we can't see it.-And that stuff's gonna go right into rightful into thepump if there is any metal in there.Can't trust it so the baffles coming offAll of them broke loose no problem withthese guns but one so we got a weld itweld another bolt to it that will breakall the Loctite off, we'll pull it outand replace it with some new hardwareYeah, two benefits of that is one it givesyou a better surface to grip and theheat from the TIG welder itself actuallyhelps loosen up the threads so you everhave a really stubborn bolt or you stripthe threads, it's generally the easiestway to get it out.Looks like ARE's got some really cool littlescreens built in here to protect youroiling system in case of any type offailure. Really cool. A lot of thought put into these pans.and you can see I got the depth thread cut to the right depth.Verify the fitment's good, and pull it out, clean the pan, put some thread sealer on that,reinstall it and that's a wrap!So this is something that I'm very very excited about.I was able to work and talk withthe guys over at Fuel Safe.We came up with an idea that we were gonna actuallybuild a fuel cell inside of the stockCorvette gas tank.Now if I wanted to fit in the stocklocation it needs to be this shape soinstead of trying to measure and formand build it with an aluminum box whynot just use the tough plastic outerliner it's good it's strong it's gonnabe abrasion resistant with it sits up inthere because it just pinches itselfwithin the chassis then of course wehave an actual bladdered fuel cellversus just using the stock tank whichis plastic and definitely not as safesomething very interesting with thisspecific fuel cell is that this has apressure pod and what that is is you cansee these bolts around here all of thosebolts hold a can on the inside probablyhalf a gallon or so maybe three quartersof a gallon and there's two Aeromotive340 fuel pumps within this fuel cellthat feed into this pod now this pod hasa relief valve of 10 psi so that meansthe pump which is being drawn the youknow the pickup basically going to thepump always has 10 psi of head pressurethe pump is never gonna starve on aninitial startup it's never going to bedry or anything so you don't have toworry about cavitation issues any ofthose things always gonna have 10 psihead pressure until it starts pumpingout of there and then it usuallybalances out and doesn't have anypositive pressure but it's greatespecially like when we had themechanical pump in the s14 we had thesame setup a lot of times cranking overand the initial startup with amechanical pump takes a while because itfeel has to get drawn through the pumpbut because we had to electric fuelpumps feeding 10 psi head pressureworked perfectlyso this thing is going to go into thestock location we're still gonna have tofigure out our feed because it needs togo to the left side of the car and thisis on the right side to the opposite ofme overall it should be a pretty easyfit and finish I'm so pumpedthank you very much over to the guysthat feel safe you you killed itso what I'm doing right now is puttingon the stock gas tank mount because wehave our fuel cell that got made by fuelsafe inside of the stock tank and kindof see it up in there with the top plateand the filler and everything and itshould pull right into the factorylocation with the factory mount so I'mjust checking to make sure that it isand that we don't need to do anyclearancing or anything so it's mountedjust like that right into the factorylocation no need for tabs or mounts oranything oh yeah and it's in there goodthe next thing I got going on is workingon the lexan front window this isamazing because literally all you do isyou buy a front window from optic armorit already comes blocked out on thecorners it already comes perfectly cutto shape you lay the window on I'm gonnarip nut it in because I do like takingthe window out or having the ability totake the window out at the end of theseason when it's time to take it out oryou gotta do cleaning whatever it justmakes life a little bit easier it comesjust like thisI already blocked out it fits up in herethis parcel panel tray cover has thestops that hold the window to set thewindow height so I just set it left toright I said on this roof seal then I'mgonna go ahead and start marking itdrilling it and what I'm gonna do is I'mgonna put self-tapping screws in it tohold it in place all the way aroundwhere I want it then I'm gonna pull thewindow out drill it for the correctsized rivet nut for five mil and then goahead and put my five rail rib nuts inthe chassis all the way around well I'mdoing the window stuff we have Jay herefrom black tracks who came today tostart measuring out the engine wiringharness we got a Holley EFI flying leadsengine harness because what Jay ended updoing before last year is we had thewhole harness and he ended up cuttingoff all the connectors are deepening itand then doing it all with rake em niceloom and everything so instead of havingto do thatfortunately Holley sells a flying leadharness to do exactly what Jay is goingto do so he's here we're figuring outwhere we're gonna do we're gonna beusing these fancy guy bulkheadswe're just gonna keep it simple but he'sgot his toolkit as a man I work so myfirst mark marks out on the window I'mgonna go ahead and drill it it's alittle scary they don't want to mess upsometimes just got to go for I got thistop set all on self-tapping screws I'mgonna come down the sides then comeacross the bottom then that's when Ipull the window drill it all out andstart doing all the riv nuts.Now I gotta figure out where I want to put these forthe bottom how high a lot of room toplay with and what that lower piece didis actually held the window in the rightheight for me to make sure that it's allsitting nice and squaregot all the self tappers in the frontwindow, now I need to pull the window outdrill out the body for all the Riv nutspull all the riv nuts in and then drillout the window so that accepts the 5mmhardware and this is the hardware thatwe're gonna be using right here to 5mmcountersunk with this nice plasticwasher so it will go in place therethere look really really good and thenit keeps the window from gettingscratched and cracking because it hasthis nice little cushion heretoday we just did some preliminary workjust kind of mapped out what wires areneeded what wires are needed Matt buyingthe flying lead harness was actually agood choice because he's got Holly'sassortment of color of wires that weactually depend out of the harness thatwe can use for other things like otheraccessories and stuff on so pretty muchwe've lightened the harness by prettymuch in half all this is all that extrastuff that we don't need and we'll beI'm sure we'll be using that on the carfor accessories and probably throughoutthe season if we run into any you knowelectrical issues there emergenciesother than that I mean today was prettyprimary we wanted to build a pin map youknow our teams use Google sheets andGoogle Docs for days forever so this waywe can just kind of map out what is whatand when we run into issues and we needto reference we just go online pull itup on our phone pull it up on our laptopand it's there the information is thereso you'll have a bulkhead pin up you'llhave this Holly superseal connector pinmap and everything else including a samedata acquisition that whole system willall be pinned out and that way at anypoint at any time we can all referenceit online Thank You Jayyeah sure I hope you guys enjoyed thisweek's episode definitely things areslowing down people being out of theoffice waiting for parts but I'm happythat I'm standing back here the fuelcell from fuel safe showed up got awhole lot of work to do back herefortunately the body panels andeverything from hgk are gonna be ontheir way shortly so we should havethose in a couple of weeks and we canreally move back here getting a littletired of looking at and stressing overwhat's going on in the engine bay socontinue to follow along check back innext week where we're gonna be hopefullybuilding our fuel filler neck andgetting some more parts in and who knowswhen the stuff shows up so hope everyonehave happy holidays like comment sharesubscribe let us know what you think. Ah, pulling my hair out--I want to work back here already!