Did I Get Scammed by DKOldies AGAIN?
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Is DKOldies still scamming people?
We did not want to make this video. Six months ago, we took a look at DKOldies, and while it seems somewhat promising at the beginning, by the end of that video, it was a true horror show. So let's give them another try, shall we?
You have a tweet that started all of this.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Is DKOldies still scamming people?(camera shutters)Now, I did not want to make this video.Six months ago we took a look at DKOldies,and while it seems somewhatpromising at the beginning,by the end of that video,it was a true horror show.So let's give them another try, shall we?So this all started with a tweet."DKOldies controversy?Everyone was/is coveredunder our one year warranty.We listen to all customer'sfeedback and improve.Check out our new and evolvedrefurbishment process."So let's find out what theyneed to be able to slapa DKOldies sticker on a device."All consoles that aredeemed as not functioningand go through our repair processare opened in order totroubleshoot and repaireach component that is causing the consoleto not be functioningin its playable state.Once the console is repairedand considered functioning,all components areassembled and will go backthrough DKOldie's testing process."They do offer a one year warranty,which is not standardfor refurbished consoles.So last time when I gotconsoles from DKOldies,we ordered it under a different namebut shipped it here to the officeand they were all in one big order.And I saw some comments,people saying, "Hey, a little sus,maybe they cotton onto it."So I went a little bitover the top with this one.I split the order into two.It was ordered under different names,shipped to different addressesthat were not the studio,and used different credit cards.And to give them a small bit of creditI actually ordered theseduring their Labor Day sale.So actually, all of these consoleswere 20% off their normal pricing.So I'm going to evaluate thembased on that sale pricing.But I'm almost not gonnacut them any slack either.(graphics whining)Let's take a look.So, I'm going to go with,let's go with this smaller box first.So this is order number one.This will be order number two.So we'll do this one in just a minute.First of all-- Am I the only one that's botheredby that one pink packing peanut?- Yeah, yeah.- There is one, isn't there?Well, you know what, it's fine.That's fine.So first off, we haveour Xbox Players Pak.So this is an original Xbox- One thing I just see immediately.- Yeah.- Which kind of rubbed methe wrong way the last time too.- Yep.- Are they upfront thatyou are not gettinga first party controller?- They are.- Okay.- So if you want a first party controllerI don't know if it was for the Xbox,but I know feel PS2sand PS3s, and whatnot.If you want a first party controllerit's like a 20 or $30 upcharge.So this was listed asa good condition Xbox.So the original price is $210,although after the discountthis was about 168, I believe.So let's see what good condition gives us.I will say first glanceseems to be pretty decent.A little scuff, there's some like,almost looks like a marker or something,but it's just probablyjust scuffs in the plasticover the years.The jewel's in relatively good shape.We obviously gotta dothe smell test. (sniffs)Yeah, I don't know whatthey do to clean these,but they smell delightful.To me, that looks like a very clean fan,which is a promising first signthat this one actually mighthave been properly refurbished.This is a late model.So this is a 2004 Xbox.So this would've beenprobably toward the end.And we can see that theydid access the screwwhich is underneath here.We do have a DKOldies warranty stickerover the other screw hole.So as always, if you wantto open up your consoleand see the quality of the inside,you're going to void the warranty.Although I don't think theycan really enforce thatbut fair enough.It's not like DKOldies is the only onewho tried to void yourwarranty for opening it up.- So for context, on eBayI'm seeing original Xboxeswith first party controller,anywhere from 85 bucks to about 125 bucks.- So my question is not so muchwhat the actual price difference is,it's much more so, "Ispaying all the extra moneyfor a DKOldies console actually worth it?"Well that's a good sign.It immediately pops up.Okay, let's play thelatest Forza Motorsport.The brand new game for 2023.Oh sorry.2003 Forza Motorsport.- You've gotta be kidding me.(Xbox whirring)Wait, no, no, no, no (chuckles).- No.Get...No- This is not actually a thing.No, there's no...No, no, no, no, no.(Ken laughs)You gotta be kidding.(whimsical music)(fist bangs)(whimsical music)- Ah!- What?(Ken laughs)- What?What?Wait, what do you...- Hey-- He just Fonzed it.Oh my God.- Hey he Fonzed it.(all laughing)You know what?(Ken laughing)(hug) this.Who cares?Let's just go, let's just goGoodbye copy of Forza Motorsport.We may never see your like again.I guess we could say that theDKOldies Xbox does function.If you don't mind prying the disc open.Let's go!Mo powah baby!So let's see what's inside the Xbox,and maybe just maybe we can fix it.Here's the thing.So the disc drive actuallydoesn't have anythingobviously wrong with it,which is actually alittle bit of a downside.Oh, oh, holy (hugs)- Wow.That power supply is right(hugs) there isn't it?Woo!Yikes!Okay.And we've got ourselvesa disc drive that's free.It's so huge.Look at the, just thechungusy size of this thing.With our Xbox put back together,let's see if we can get thisdisc drive to work for us,shall we?(Xbox whirring)- No, (chuckles).(crew exclaims)I fixed it!Next up we have our Nintendo DS.So this is the original DS.Fun fact, I've actually,I don't think I've everbought an original DS.So this normally is$150 in good condition.With the discount I paid $120 on sale.Which is, I would say,double what a normal DS is.But, most DSs you findhave pretty rough hingesand also are nowhere near thisgood of cosmetic condition.There are some slightly deeperscratches on the touchscreen.But because this had astylus, I would struggleto find any used DS that does not havesome of those scratcheson the touchscreen.I would say that's very muchin the the realm of normal use.It does come with a power adapter.And this is a third party power adapter,but that's totally fine.Here's one slight problem.Hang on, my battery'sgetting a little low.Let lemme plug it now.Oh, oh.- What's going on over there?What you doing?(Austin blows)No.Oh.- Oh no.- Is it broken?- Well the charger isn't working.- Oh.- Stop wiggling chargers.- Oh.- Ugh.It should go in nice and smooth.- It should go in nice and smooth.I have retrieved a Game Boy Advance SPwhich uses the exact same cable.So let's see if this plugs in.Oh no, you know it's the charger.It doesn't wanna go in here either.It's sort of, if I wiggle it,yeah I've got a littlebit of a light but it's...Okay, so I do think theyjust gave me a bad charger.So now I'm going to plug inan official Game Boy Advance SP chargerwhich is the exact same as the DS.To show that this works,I'm going to plug this intomy Game Boy Advance SP.So we see it immediatelylights up, no problem.It goes in and out nice and smoothly.Now let's try the DS.Oh yeah, immediately, no problems at all.In, out.Okay. So yeah.So DS gets a pass.Fully functional, great shape.Might be my favoriteitem that I've got here.Or at least it gets afull pass on the outside.I haven't opened this up yet.But, seems to be fully functional.The main issue with thisis the fact that it comes witha basically broken charger.So if you look at this screw,so I just tried to open it upand you see that I've got a little bitof a scratch mark on that.These screws,the way I think they'reanodized or whatever.As soon as you open themup you can start to seea little bit of scuffing.You see this screw andthere's also a screw in here.I don't believe that this was opened.Now there is certainly some ambiguitywhen it comes to DKOldiesand whether or not they open the consoles.They say they will cleanthem and open them.But I kind of take that tomean that they open themby removing the batterydoor or the CD tray,or something like that.I don't believe that they opened this DS.But it's not coming out at all.I got, I got it, I got it.- No, no, no, no, no, no.- It's like pullinga tooth or something.- Yeah, yeah. (laughing)It looks clean.- I'd say that's pretty clean.- Gimme gimme.- Sure, give it a try.- There's a screw here.- I took the seven screws out.- There's one right there.- That would explain whyit's really hard to get out.(Matt breathing deeply)Let's see what's inside the DS, shall we?- Wow, look how easy that was.Such a simple...(Matt laughing)- We cut nothing out.That was live in the seven seconds it took.The only thing I can say about thisis that now that I've opened it upI actually have much easieraccess to clean it properly.Before you can't get atthe edges quite so muchso some of this dirt anddust can't come off as well.But with that being said, the DSI think it's an unmitigated pass.I think it's clean, it's well maintained.I mean clearly this was avery high quality consolethat I don't think DKOldiesreally needs to do anything with.Maybe they cleaned it up a little bit.I can't tell.But I mean contacts, everythinglooks to be super clean.We've got ourselves the Game Boy Advance.So this is an end...Oh God, it's...(sighs)Let me show youwhat this good conditionGame Boy looks like.So there's a film on the screenwhich I'm gonna peel off in a second.But that's clearly not right.It does look great on the front.That's in good condition.This (sighs), um um.How much did I pay forthis Game Boy Advance?- You paid, 150normally and you paid 120.(Austin sobbing)- I'm gonna cry.Can I just say something?I'm gonna do this on camera.I'm curious.I do somewhat suspect thatthey've replaced this screen.'cause you can see there'sa little plastic piece.It looks like if you puta new screen lens on itthat's the way it came.I'm gonna peel that up live.I'm curious 'cause the screenlens look super scuffed.But I'm curious if this was...'cause I don't think it was original.Yeah.So I do believe thatthey refurbished this one.That is definitely a new screen lens.As you can see it is absolutely mint.So there's nothing wrong with this door ,even though it's clearly the wrong color.Do you see right herewhere this little clip'ssupposed to go in there?That looks broken off to me.Now I can't say for surewithout another Game Boy to compare it to,but it looks like wherethis is supposed to go init's just been snapped off.I will say the new screen lens they putin here does look really nice.Wait, wait, wait.Oh good lord.No it's not.If you look really closelyon the left and the rightthe screen lens seems likeit's slightly too small.So you actually see some ofthe edges of the display,especially when you get in the lightyou can definitely notice it.All right gang.Let's see what's insidethe Game Boy Advance.Oh.Oh actually that's quite nice.Wow.- I forgot how nicethat board looked.- Yeah, yeah, yeah.No, this is actually in really good shape.So the contacts are slightlyworn but not too bad.Again, I don't know if theydefinitely did stuff to this,but it does look clean.I actually will say, nowthat I've removed the shell,both buttons are clicking better.There's not a whole lot tosay with the Game Boy Advance.It's very clean, thespeaker's a little dirty.But I mean honestly, considering the age,this has either beenreally well taken care ofor DKOldies did actuallyopen this up and clean it out'cause I've seen much, much worse.Next up, we've gotourselves a Game Boy Color.Uh oh.So that's not a good looking screen lens.Holy.This Game Boy Color was$150, discounted to 120in good condition.So looking at it on the back,again, I will say this isclearly the original shell.So if I pull this up,yeah it does have thelittle DKOldies sticker.Contacts are actually pretty clean.It does have the original sticker here,which that's very, very standard.I mean I feel like mine lookedlike that when I was a kidafter a year.And while they did do agood job of cleaning it up,there's a lot of actual plastic missing,will be the way I would describe it.So if you look here,plastic's been worn down.So around the d-pad, over bythe Nintendo logo over here.It's physically just beenworn down over the yearswith honestly probably justfinger rubbing and sweatand whatnot.Because I wanted to trypurchasing a game from DKOldies,which apparently is somethingthat a lot of people do.I purchased this, a copy of Pokemon Red.One question I haveis whether or not they'vereplaced the battery.So it's not necessary for all games,but specifically Pokemon games.There's a little, I think it's a CR 2032.A little watch battery thatlives inside the cartridgewhich helps to keep your save file intact.- Kind of all over theplace with Game Boys againwith conditioning.But for a good condition,I'm seeing about 90 bucks.- I guess what we cansay about the Game Boyis that it's actually notan egregious price here.Now, outside of the scuffingI do think this is gonnawork, but let's find out.- That is a good looking screenthough.- Well if you look at,but look at this huge scratch right here.- Oh yeah, yeah.- Yeah, it's not actually...Yeah, there you go.That's what the screen looks like.- Oh no.- Oh, Jesus Christ.- Okay.From our angle, thatchanges it drastically.- Yeah.Cool.Great.Let me go through thetutorial, try to save the gameand see if it saves.Okay, so it does let me continue.Oh that is a new battery.Yeah, that's definitely a new battery.Okay, so you know what,I will give them that.They did actually swap out the battery.To be fair, the Game Boysare quite easy to work on.Now the only thing I'm looking for here,everything seems to bequite good condition.I'm just looking to seehow easy it is to swapthat screen lens.So all I need to do is justremove this, which I'm...You know what?I'm just gonna do it.Whatever.There are all my buttons too.See, here comes the fun part.Can I peel this 20 year old foam offwithout it completely collapsing on me?'cause I don't think I can.So now with the screen liberated,I will say the screen actuallyis in fairly good shape.So I could actually reuse this screen.But what is a problem ismy actual screen lens.Which I think can just come loose here.One moment please.- Oh no.- Oh, I don't like that.- Oh no, Austin.- What are you doing?- Nooo.- Bro.- They put a new screen lens in.(Ken laughs)- My bad, Joey.- You just lost all credibilityin this video whatsoever.- It was a really wellapplied screen protector.- You are a quack.- Yeah.Boy that looks a whole lot better.Okay, so you know what?Remember that stuff I saidabout the screen being a little scratchedon the Game Boy Color.(mimics stuttering) My bad.Whoops.- I can't believe he gaslit usinto thinking that DKOldies was bad.- Well, okay, now.(Ken laughing)Okay, so I did purchase A Wii U.So this is the Wii U gamepad.- (laughs) Why?- Because the we use Wii U is good Matt.It was, it was okay.Yeah, you know what this is all right.I think this is fine.A little slightly scuffed,but considering that thisis all shiny black plasticI'll give them that.This seems fine.Ah! (laughs)What?Wow!That's a lot of scratches.That is just, ah good Lord.Technically, this isprobably in good condition.It is really, really, really scuffed up.Matt, is this where you tell methat I could buy a Wii Uon eBay for like $17 and-- How much did you pay for it?- So it was 175 aftertheir discount, over doubleif it was original.- To get onethat actually doesn'thave scuffs and whatnot.- Yeah, you're paying a lot on that one.- $285.- Yeah.- 'cause if you've used your Wii U at allit probably looks like this.So I've got it plugged in.I do have a power LED,so that's a good sign.Here's one of manyproblems with the Wii U,It's slow.Yeah.But you can really seethat this screen has seen better days.It's significantly darkerand yellowed on the bottom.Well it does come with Mario Kart 8.- The black onecame with Mario Kart 8for the longest time as a bundle.I know because I-- It wasn't digital though.Was it?- I have a feeling that it was.- Oh, Matt heard Nintendo and then-- Hold on.Wait.- Nintendo sucks. (mimics Mario Kart theme song)- And I have a mushroom now I think.(Matt and Ken mimic MarioKart sound effects)- Oh no!- Ah!- We just did all ofthat for you to get fourth?(console beeping)- Okay, so I know this one.So if I remember correctly,this is the only console I've purchased,which was not in good conditionbut in acceptable condition.This is a PSP 1000.Ready?And...- Ah!No!No!No!No, no, no, no, no.Oh good lord.That's not acceptable, there's fricking...Yo, it comes with onegig Memory Stick Duo.That's worth hundredsof dollars on its own.- The sad thing is that's accurate.- Without considering sale pricing.This is typically $150 for good conditionand a hundred dollars for acceptable.And because it was onsale, I got it for 80.Wow, those scratches are bad though.I mean, I guess I'm notsurprised, but like, ugh.Okay, PSP actually doesseem to be functional.Let me actually throw a game in here."Star Wars Battlefront:Renegade Squadron."You know, I will say something,I'm surprised that that PSPUMDs have held up so wellconsidering that this islike a spinning optical discand a handheld portable.I just kinda assumed that, you know,after almost 20 years theywould've all collapsed into dust.You see the left side.So you see on the right side, no play,left side, a lot of play.I do think that the mechanismis kind of worn out.It's closed and working, butyou see that it's got like-- So I hate to break it to you.- What?- That is also weirdly normal.- Okay?- My PSP 1000, very muchwiggled on one side.- God, I forgot how hardit was to do a third personor first person shooterwithout a second analog stick.And I'll say I've nevertaken apart a PSP before,but what could go wrong?So I could tell you something.Yeah, they didn't open this thing upbecause the screws aredirty and rusty as hell.I'm not making any progress.'cause the screws isn't turning.I'm just like wrecking my thread.You gotta try man.It's bad.Oh, you actually get it.- Teamwork makes a dream work.- It's gonna be really hard to get,but can you see how much rustis on the top of that screw?It's very, very small.So I've ordered not onlya new screen, a new lens,probably are gonna need toget a new battery as well.Make sure to subscribe.I'm actually gonna do a YouTube shortall about refitting thiswith some functional parts.But for nowlet's see how much work Iactually really have to do to it.Warranty...Oh yeah, they definitely did get into it.You see the warranty voidsticker has not been removedso it's definitelystill never been opened.Alright, let's see if I can actually...Oh, oh.Okay.Well that actually cameapart really nicely.Ooh.Ooh.This is a good sign.It's a good sign.Okay.So I'm removing this sort of top shelland I can immediately say,while all my buttons fall out,that the damage is entirely on the shell.You can see that it all hascome up nicely together.There's a bunch of stuffthat's dangling off here,but that's a really good sign.Now I'm gonna go aheadand be swapping out the display anyway.But, the good part about thisis that I'm gonna beswapping out this displayfor a much brighter, more modern IPS.But the actual damage tothis PSP, man, you know what?DKOldies could have fixedthis by spending $9 on Amazonand buying a new cover for it.Let's pull out, I believe ourfinal console in this box,which is the PS3 Super Slim.And I will say that basedon that last console-(PS3 parts cluttering)- (laughing) That's a great sign.- Well, this is gonna go well, isn't it?Behold, our PS3 Super Slim.That's...Oh yeah.Remember the disc drive didn't work well- It didn't lockor something before.- Yeah 'cause there was somethingin the actual mechanism.It seems to function fine.So that's good.Yeah, so 168 bucks.But this is the same price,the same everything reallyas the first time Ibought the PS3 Super Slim.So this should have a250 gig hard drive in it.I'm just gonna just takea quick little peek.Just you know, just tomake sure that I didn't get(chuckles) no hard drive in it.Yes, 250 gigabyte hard drivewhich is what should have shippedinside this PS3 Super Slim.So that part is all fine.What happened here?It's all smashed, you see?So that should be a flat piece of plastic.You see, especially right here.It looks like it was dropped.So I'm plugging in our Super Slim PS3.And can I just pointout, if you look at this,look at how far that moves.Do you see the whole plugis moving around on me here.It's almost like the damage down herehas maybe ruin some ofthe structural rigidityof my power supply.- What, you don't jiggle your cable.- You know, jiggle jiggle,not good when it comes to a cable.So I guess so far PS3does seem to function.We're getting into the XMB.All right, that's a menu.We're seeing things happen.I still forget how muchof this thing's plastic.Look, it's literally allplastic, every part of it.Oh you know what?Yeah, yeah, we are actuallygood on the damage.You can see right here,it didn't go through.So it's on the outside of the shellbut there's like an inner piece here.I can remove this plastic shroud,but that didn't go all the way through- Man,every time Austin takes aparta PlayStation a fanboy cries.- No.Every time I take apart aPlayStation someone at Sony cries'cause they know that I do nothing good.Love the fact that there's a huge denton the side of the PS3.Thankfully there is norust anywhere to be found.All of this combined with thefact that DKOldies' pricing,even on sale, is quite difficultto justify with most items.There are a couple that were okay.But most of these prices were quite bad.Now there has been someevidence to make me believethat DKOldies has done somemodifications, some repairs,some replacements of some of the fansand some bits and bobs and certainlylike the Game Boys were actuallyquite clean on the inside.Same thing with the DS.And the big issue thatI have with DKOldiesis that if I'm going tobe paying the premiumthat DKOldies are chargingI expect the best.I expect no issues.I expect it to be clean,to be well maintained,to be fully repaired, fully refurbished.And I simply don't have that guarantee.Lemme know what you think about DKOldiesin the comments below.I'm very curious.We tried to do this one as anonymouslyand as thoroughly as wecan and I'm just not happy.Just it's not,it still isn't it.