The Power of Schmitt Triggers: Unlocking the Secrets of Operational Amplifiers
When it comes to working with operational amplifiers (op amps) in circuits, understanding their behavior is crucial. In this article, we'll delve into the world of op amps and explore how they can be used to create square waves on their output.
Connecting a Voltage Reference to an Op Amp
As you may know, when we use an op amp in a circuit by connecting a voltage reference to its inverting input, and a triangle voltage between 0 and 5 volts to its non-inverting input, the resulting output is often a square wave. But what's behind this behavior?
The First Golden Rule of Op Amps
The reason for this behavior can be explained by the first golden rule of op amps, which states that an op amp will do anything to achieve a zero volt difference between its inputs. Without a feedback system, the output either swings up to the positive supply voltage if the non-inverting input has a higher voltage potential than the inverting input, or swings down to zero volts if the inverting input voltage is higher than the one on the non-inverting input.
Op Amps as Comparators
This behavior makes op amps useful as comparators. A comparator is an important circuit when it comes to monitoring voltages and activating alarms if they fall below a certain threshold value. However, comparators are not perfect, and observing the output voltage while the monitored voltage crosses the reference voltage reveals that there's not one definite transition – instead, we see tons of pulses.
The Solution: Schmitt Triggers
To solve this noise-related problem, we need to turn our comparator into a Schmitt trigger. This can be achieved with just a couple of resistors and depending on how they're connected to the comparator, we can create either an inverting or non-inverting Schmitt trigger.
What is a Schmitt Trigger?
A Schmitt trigger offers two threshold values – a high one and a low one. Only if the to-be monitored voltage passes the high threshold value does the output get pulled high, and only if the low threshold value gets undershot does the output get pulled low. This hysteresis voltage (between the two thresholds) means that there's no switching of the output possible.
The Functional Principle of a Schmitt Trigger
This functional principle is similar to a non-inverting Schmitt trigger, while an inverting Schmitt trigger would reverse the output state for its high and low threshold values. We can calculate the hysteresis and threshold voltages for both types of Schmitt triggers with various formulas.
Focusing on the 74HC14 Hex Inverting Schmitt Trigger IC
Since building a Schmitt trigger with an op-amp is rarely done nowadays, let's focus on the 74HC14 hex inverting Schmitt trigger IC. Its datasheet tells us the universal symbol of a Schmitt trigger.
Connecting the IC to a Supply Voltage
After connecting the IC to a supply voltage of 5 volts, we can connect our to-be monitored voltage to one of the six data input pins and observe the schmitt trigger signal on its corresponding data output pin. This is in bursts due to the name of this IC.
Getting Rid of Inversion with Two Schmitt Triggers
By utilizing two of these Schmitt triggers in series, we can get rid of the inversion. We can use a potentiometer on the input to slowly rise and lower the voltage in order to find out that the two threshold voltages are around 0.7 volts.
RC Network for Bouncing
If you're trying to add a push button to an Arduino circuit, you wouldn't need the RC network for bouncing since the digital inputs of the microcontroller already offer high and low threshold voltages similar to a Schmitt trigger.
Creating a Simple Relaxation Oscillator
To create a simple relaxation oscillator, we can use a capacitor and resistor with a Schmitt trigger. Due to the hysteresis voltage, the capacitor gets charged/discharged continuously, resulting in a square wave on the output. Using a potentiometer as a resistor makes it easy to reach frequencies in the kilo Hertz range.
Schmitt Triggers for Noisy or Worn-Out Data Signals
Finally, a Schmitt trigger is very useful if you have a noisy or worn-out data signal that you want to freshen up. With this understanding of schmitt triggers, you should now be familiar with the basics and understand why they're often important components.
In conclusion, schmitt triggers offer a solution to many noise-related problems in electronics and are often used for filtering out unwanted signals. By understanding their behavior and how to use them effectively, you can unlock the secrets of operational amplifiers and create more reliable electronic circuits.