11 New Car Trends That Need to Die

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**The Evolution of Automobiles: Progress and Its Pros and Cons**

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Auto-making is all about progress.

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of speed, distance, and safety has become an essential aspect of automobile manufacturing. The question remains, who can go the fastest (engine roaring) and farthest while looking the coolest for the cheapest?

As new trends emerge in the automotive industry, many are indeed awesome. For instance, boosted economy cars have become increasingly popular, along with automatic lights and standard air conditioning. Additionally, cooled seats offer a level of comfort that was previously unimaginable.

However, progress sometimes gives us some duds. Vinyl roofs, bubble tops, and an excessive number of cup holders have been criticized for their practicality and aesthetic appeal. As consumers, it is essential to raise our voices together and demand better from the automotive industry.

By doing so, we can work towards creating a future where technology, innovation, and style come together seamlessly, resulting in vehicles that are not only impressive but also functional. The onus lies with us, as car enthusiasts, to push for improvements and hold manufacturers accountable for delivering high-quality products.

It's time to shout out our demands and make the automotive industry listen to what we want: faster, farther, safer, and more stylish cars that meet our evolving needs without sacrificing functionality or style.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Auto-making is all about progress.Who can go the fastest(engine roaring)and farthest and safest,(crashing)while looking thecoolest for the cheapest?Most new trends are awesome,like boosted economy cars,automatic lights, standarda/c, cooled seats,but sometimes, progressgives us some duds.Like vinyl roofs, bubble tops,and way too many cup holders.It's up to us, as the car consumers,to raise our voices together and shout,"We don't need paddleshifters in our minivans!"Look, I know I probablysound like a cranky old manthat's scared of the future,but some of these trendsreally grind my gears.With a new decade upon us,we're gonna look at 11 factory car trendswe need to leave behind in the 2010s.(upbeat percussion music)Before we get into it,make sure to hit that likeand subscribe and letus know in the commentswhat car trends bug you!Let's start with the one featurethat's in basicallyevery new car nowadays,from econoboxes to luxury SUVs.Touch screens are cool lookingcenterpieces for your dash.Luxury brands are pushingthe boundaries though,seeing how much of the driving experiencecan be controlled througha single touch screen.It's usually convenient,but sometimes convenience goes too far.Porsche has automated air vents,which means instead ofgrabbing that little taband adjusting it yourselfin half a second,you need to navigate to the climate menu,select a specific vent,(rapid electronic beeping)and then hack itlike some sort of cyber genius.But the worst offender here is Tesla.In some newer models, yougotta use the touch screento open the glove box.How un-intuitive is that?Oh, sorry officer, mytouch screen is brokenand my license and registrationare in the glove box.Besides, a glove box necessitatesdriving gloves, right?And good luck using the touch screenwith your cool-ass gloves on.You do have to wearfingerless gloves to use them.I wore fingerless gloves in high school.(upbeat music)(siren wailing)Responsible driving is a good thing,but when you start up most new cars,a message pops up on your screen,asking you to obey traffic laws.Uh, yeah, no (beep)!This is fine, but it's super obnoxious!The worst offender is Subaru,who has a disclaimer screenthat won't go away until you press agree.Way to shield yourselffrom liability, Subaru,I'm sure you've avoidedat least two frivolous,unwinnable lawsuits.I love the driving experience.My favorite part is whenI sign a legal waiverevery time I start my car.Sure, the message goesaway after five seconds,but that's five seconds I could've spentopening my glove box on my touchscreen.Vents cool your engineand help it breathe.There have been someextremely sweet designsto put an aestheticspin on this necessity.For example, look at the hoodscoop on the 1969 Mustang.It looks amazing.You know what's not as amazing?Vents that don't do anything.Worst offender: the Honda Civic Type R.There are(pencil scratching)no holes in these vents,which means they ventilate nothing.They're just there to give youthat cool street-racing aesthetic,while providing a little extra drag.If your car doesn't have fakevents, but you still wannamake it suck,(farting)you can buy these stick on ventsthat tell the world,(fire roaring)"Hey, I didn't getenough oxygen as a fetus,"and now I'm denying oxygen to my car."Reverse lights,(crashing)were a great idea.They're a simple, automaticway for you to communicateto other drivers, "Eh,I'm backing up over here!"Who's our worst offender?GM.On some newer Chevies, ifyou remote-lock your car,(pencil scratching)the reverse lights come on,(horn beeps)and they can be set to stay on(ticking)for two minutes.Why do they do this?This is so pointless, knock it off GM.(enthusiastic music)If luxury cars have proven anything,it's that people will paymore for better stuff.They've also proventhat these manufacturerswill push it sometimes,offering features and servicesfor a premium, when theyreally shouldn't costanything at all.The worst offender here is BMW.Up until December of 2019,BMW charged $80 a yearfor Apple CarPlay, which is available freeon pretty much every other new car.After public outcry, BMWfinally stopped chargingfor this universally free feature,which means BMW is atleast listening to people,so that's pretty good, I'llgive 'em credit for that.But, if you can't offerfree things for free,I guess just make your carcost more, that's right,BMW, I demand that you makeyour cars more expensive.BMW subscription servicesdon't end there, though.You can get in car wifi for $20 a month,real time trafficinformation for $6 a month,you can remote start(engine turning over)and lock your car,(electronic beep)with your phone, for $20 annually,there's a conciergeservice for $100 a year.You can even subscribe to the car itself,for as low as $1,000 a month,you can get BMW Access,where a BMW is deliveredto you, wherever you areand whenever you want.It comes with a full tank ofgas, insurance is included,maintenance is taken care of,that actually doesn't sound that bad.Right now, they're running BMW Accessas a pilot program in Nashville.But to be honest, I'm kinda interestedto see how it shakes out.It could potentially change the waythe car industry operates.Either way, I'm glad BMWstopped charging moneyfor something that should be free.(peppy percussion music)Safety features arewell intentioned, right?I love my safety, butsometimes they can be annoying.Like a mom, or, if you're lucky, a dad.Not everything done in thename of safety, though,is a great idea.For example, today, mostnew cars will beep at youif it thinks you'redoing something unsafe.Which is fine, I guess, unlessyou're not doing a thingthat's unsafe.For example, if you put something(bell rings)heavy enoughin your passenger seat,(repetitive beeping)it'll beep at you until you(lock clicks)fasten that seatbelt.Not helpful, 'cause that'swhere I keep my rocks.The worst offender here is Toyota.When their cars(loud beeping)are in reverse, some Toyotaswill do the reverse beep,like you're backing up a van, right?But, the beep(muffled beeping)is only inside the car.(wheels screech)Who are you warning, car?I know I'm going backwards,I'm pulling into my narrow-ass driveway.I have to live in a crampedplace, because I moved to LA,and make internet videos with my friends.We won a Streamy.I'm following my dream!(jazzy music)(engines revving)Most automakers have started messingwith the standard PRND automatic shifter,introducing shifter dialsor digital shifters.Like any new technology,there have been some reportsof the new design beingconfusing, imprecise, or finicky,which begs the question,"Why change it all?"'Cause if it ain't broke, please,don't break it for no reason.If you talk aboutautonomous vehicles enough,you'll hear about how they're planningon integrating social media into your carand how you can communicate with friends,or Tweet blooper vids while your cardoes the driving for you.But, in my opinion,until the task of drivingis fully automated, social mediabelongs nowhere near a car!But Tweet that to theworst offender, Porsche,who integrated Twitterinto Porsche Connect,(farting)their onboard user interface.If you have a Porsche,everyone in your lifeprobably already knowsthat you have a Porsche,that's why people get Porsches.Right?They don't need to bereminded every 10 minutes,and you don't need tolook at Baby Yoda memeson your touchscreen,when you can just scrollthrough Twitter on yourphone while you're driving.Right?Look out for that tree!(screeching)(crashing)Like, like what?(intense heavy metal music)If police are gonna pull youover for looking at your phone,why the hell would amanufacturer put a big-ass phonein your car, that they'regonna make you look at?This is the dumbest (beep)that's on this list,I can't even believe this.My tweets, however good theyare, are not worth your life.However, they are worththat follow @nolanjsykes,on Twitter and Instagram.(electronic beeping)As gas engines get more efficient,they can produce the samepower with less wasted energy.This means engines are getting quieter.But drivers associate noise with power.We love that rumble, right?(engine roaring)No argument there.Car makers realize this.We have a lot of worst offenders here:BMW, Volkswagen, Ford, and others,that are piping fake engine noise(horns tooting)into the cabin.Look, I like the sound of anengine, but not like this.Gesture control might seemlike a cool idea, right,you wave your arm to answer the phone,you twirl your finger upto turn up the volume,you do this to outrun thecops, that's offensive,but, it doesn't take a prophet to seehow this might become problematic.Worst offender, look, BMW Iknow I'm saying your name a lot,but look at it like this,you're taking a lot ofchances on these features.Some are good, some are gesture control.I got an idea, how aboutthe gesture for everythingis pushing a button, like it already is?Dash interfaces have gottenpretty user-friendly and simple.You know what's neither of those things?Having to learn sign languageto communicate with your car.I'm swiping left on that idea.(tires screeching)Some crossovers are awesome,like the El Camino with a Subaru BRAT.What makes those so awesome,is that they take two extremesof the consumer car spectrumand force them together.(electric buzzing)As twisted as the people who drive them.Most people, don't need a car-truck,but there's a vehicle for every need.If you want something bigger than a coupe,then go with a sedan,then a station wagon,then a van, than an SUV, then a truck.That should be enough variety, dammit.The worst offender is Honda.Look at the Honda CHR,which they're calling a"crossover coupe," it's an SUV, Honda.So there you have it, 11 factory trendsthat we need to leave behindas we flip the calendar to 2020.(electronic beeping)Hey guys, we made a show called- "Car Wars!"- It's the Donut gang going againstsome of your favoriteYouTubers, like MatPat.- I was one point away from failingmy first ever driver's test.- We did some crazy challenges.- So I was like,"I wanna win I don'twanna eat that chip," so.- Loser had toeat a very spicy chip.- Victory is sweet, but defeatis spicy.- Is spicy.(laughing)- Spoiler alert, I hadto eat it a couple times.Very spicy, very uncomfortable,but very fun to watch.So please check it out, "Car Wars,"it's on YouTube and Facebook, right now.It was a lot of fun.Eh, I'm backin' up over here!Eh, I'm backin' up over here!I'm walkin' over here.This is what we have to deal with.Be kind, see you next time.Little pupper!Ooh, little pupper!Go bug Graham.There you go.