iOS 14 - my top 10 features for iPhone users!

**Exploring the Widget Center in iOS 14**

The widget center is a dedicated area on your home screen that allows you to add, remove, and rearrange widgets as desired. This feature was introduced in iOS 14, providing users with more control over their home screens. The widget center is like a miniature version of your home screen, where you can browse through various widgets and select the ones you want to use.

You can see that I have the podcast and battery widget, the clock widget, and the weather widget on my widget center. These are just a few examples of the many different types of widgets available in iOS 14. One of the unique features of widgets is their varying sizes, which allows for greater customization and flexibility. You can arrange your widgets in any way that suits your needs, creating a personalized home screen experience.

**Editing Widgets**

To edit your widgets, you simply long press on them, and then select "Edit Home Screen." This will bring up the widget center, where you can add new widgets, remove existing ones, or rearrange their positions. You can also tap the plus button to add a new widget, or the minus sign to remove an existing one.

As you navigate through the widget center, you'll see different categories and search options available. The top section of the screen features a list of widget suggestions, which are based on your device's settings and usage patterns. You can scroll through these suggestions to find the perfect widget for your needs. The bottom section of the screen lists all available widgets, including third-party apps.

**Adding Third-Party Widgets**

One of the exciting features of iOS 14 is the ability to add third-party widgets to your home screen. These widgets are provided by developers and offer a wide range of functionality, from music players to weather forecasts. I'll be adding a DuckDuckGo widget to my widget center later on, but first, let's explore some of the default widgets available.

You can see that the stocks app has three different size options for its watch list widget, as well as a small symbol widget. This shows that third-party developers are getting creative with their widgets, offering users more choices than ever before. When it comes to adding widgets, you'll need to tap on the "Add Widget" button, which will bring up the widget center.

**Stacking Widgets**

One of the coolest features of iOS 14 is the ability to stack widgets on top of each other. As long as all the widgets are the same size, you can create a vertical or horizontal stack, depending on your preference. This feature is perfect for saving space on your home screen while still having access to multiple apps and services.

To stack widgets, simply drag one widget on top of another. You'll notice that the widgets will resize themselves automatically to fit together seamlessly. Stacking widgets also allows you to create a smart stack, which will display information based on Siri suggestions. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to access their most frequently used apps or services.

**Smart Stacks**

Speaking of smart stacks, let's take a closer look at this feature. As mentioned earlier, the smart stack will display information based on Siri suggestions. To enable this feature, simply long press on one of your widgets and select "Edit Home Screen." Then, tap on the "Stacks" option, which is located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

The smart stack will display a list of suggested widgets that are relevant to your current activity or location. For example, if you're listening to music, the smart stack might suggest playing more music from your favorite artists. This feature is designed to make it easy for users to access the information and services they need, without having to manually search for them.


iOS 14's widget feature is a game-changer for home screen customization. With its vast array of widgets, including third-party apps, you'll be able to create a personalized home screen experience that suits your needs. From stacking widgets to smart stacks, the features available in iOS 14 are designed to make it easy for users to manage their homes screens and access the information they need.

Whether you're a seasoned power user or just looking for ways to customize your iPhone, iOS 14's widget feature is definitely worth checking out. With its intuitive interface and wide range of widgets, you'll be able to create a home screen that's both functional and visually appealing. So why not give it a try? Explore the widget center, add some new widgets, and start customizing your iPhone today!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- How's it goingladies and gentlemen,boys and girls?Jeff Benjamin with 9to5Mac.In this video, I explore mytop iOS 14 changes in features.Check it out right now.9to5Mac on YouTube is sponsoredby Tenorshare's Reiboot.Ever filmed your iPhone, stuckon an Apple logo like this?Not only Tenorshare'sReiboot fix this problem,but it can also do a whole lot more.Simply connect your iOS device to your Macand instantly gain accessto awesome featureslike the ability to enteror exit recovery modewith a single click like this,that feature by itself seems cool enoughbut with Reiboot, you gain accessto a whole bunch of otherrepair features as well.In fact, TenorShare saysit can fix 150 plus iOS,iPadOS in tvOS issues.It can help you recover iOSto normal without data loss.It can even help you downgradefrom an iOS Beta like this,click the link in thedescription for more detailsin special things to TenorSharefor sponsoring 9to5Mac.So iOS 14 brings so manyusability features to the table.For instance, you know what it's likewhen you're browsingalong and this comes up,I mean, you're glad yourfriends calling you,but you're annoyed at the same time,because it basically justtakes up the entire screen,which is super annoying.In iOS 14,that is a thing of the pastthanks to the new banner styleincoming call notification.When you go to settingsand you go to phone,you're gonna see whereit says incoming calls.By default, this is set to banner.I said, it's a full screenso I could just demonstrateto you how annoyingthe full screen used to be.But in iOS 14, you can now set thisto a banner style incoming display.And this is one of myfavorite features easilybecause this is somethingwe've been dealing withever since the original iPhone where...Whatever you happen to be doingwas completely interruptedby an incoming phone call.But now yes, as you can see there,now, look, I'm still browsing along,the incoming call comes in,I can acknowledge it,I can take action, I can answer it,I can dismiss it if I wanna do that.It is really nice, by swipe up like thatyou could still see youthe call is ringing.Just tap there, there'sthe full screen interface.It is such a nice changeto have that in iOS 14.Another much wanted featureover the years in iOSis the ability to changethe default browser.So you saw DuckDuckGo there,you saw Google Chrome.So if I go into the settingsof the preference panelfor one of the eligible browsersand your browser of choicewill need to be updated foriOS 14 for this to work.But there you can go in andassign your favorite browseras the default browser.So when I open a link,it's gonna open in the default browser.So I'm just gonna give itpermission that first timeand then from there on out,I can open up links inthat default browser.Now, there is a bug inthis version of iOS 14where when you reboot,it will reset thatbrowser back to default,so just keep that in mind.My next big favorite feature in iOS 14is Picture-in-Picture support.Of course, we've had thison the iPad for a while,but it is so niceto have Picture-in-Picturefinally own the iPhone.Man, three features in a rowthat are just knocking it out of the park.I can go ahead and browse alongor do whatever I wantto do, use whatever appsand still enjoy thevideo at the same time.If you simply swipe up like that,that will automaticallyinvoke Picture-in-Picture.And that is an optionthat you can set up hereor by default it's enabled,start Picture-in-Pictureautomatically in the settings.You can also toss it aroundthe four different areasor four different corners of your iPhone.You can dismiss like that,still keep the audio playing.If you're wanna give fullattention to what's on screenand then bring it back just like the iPadcan do with Picture-in-Picture.And you can also double tapthe interface to make it largeor make it smaller, just like that.Now what's really coolis that you can do Picture-in-Picturewith FaceTime calls.So you're talking to a friendor you're talking to a frog statue,Hey, I'm not judging over here,but this is so cool because youcan carry on a conversation.So you can be in another app,maybe you're readingsomething from a websiteand that friend can seeyou at the same timeand you can see them, super cool feature.Now iOS 14 comeswith lots of differentprivacy enhancements.We're just gonna talk about a few here.The first one I wanna talk about,the one that stands out the mostis the ability to enableapproximate locationsinstead of having a precise location.And so all you need to do isonce it requests your location,you can tap the precisebutton to turn that offand that protects your privacybut not pinpointing exactly where you are.It just gives a generallocation in the area.So that's perfect for weatherapps and things like that.So here you can see, I gointo the privacy settingswhere I can toggle theprecise location on or off.Another really awesomeprivacy oriented featureis the ability to limitthe amount of photosthat you share with an app.So previously it was all or nothing,you either gave accessto all of your photosor you didn't allow access at all.But now in iOS 14, you can goin and select specific photosthat you wanna give access to.So here, I'm just gonnaselect a few photosand that's all I wantInstagram to have access to.Just these four right here.Now, hopefully Apple willcontinue to build on this,make it a little bit more intuitive,but I love what they're doing herebecause it still allowsyou to use the appswithout giving full accessto all of your photos.So you can go into privacyand go into photos here,and then you can go in andedit the selected photosif you wanna addadditional or remove photosthat you've given access to.Now another new privacyoriented feature in iOS 14is the ability to be notifiedwhen something accesses the pace board.So here you can seemessage pasted from Safari.So that was a manualoperation that I did there,but sometimes applicationsas you can see therewill automatically pullfrom the pace boardlegitimately in a lot of cases,but it's still nice toknow when that happens.And then here you get theprivacy report in Safari.So this will tell you all about trackersthat are trying to profile you.And it'll tell you whichtrackers have been blocked,it'll show you the websitesand the associatedtrackers on those websites,so you can sort by that,or you can go in and look at justall the trackers in generalacross all the websites.And iOS 14 includes the lotsof home screen enhancements.We'll talk about just a few right now.So one of the cool thingsis that if you slide yourfinger on the page dot,you can quickly cyclethrough all of your pages,just like that.Now, another thing isthat you can tap anywhere,tap and hold anywhere on the home screento enable jiggle mode.Now, if you tap the page dots,while jiggle mode is enabled,you can enter the edit pages view.And this allows you to disableor enable any of the homescreen pages with just a tap.So you can see I've disabledfour of the pages, five,I'm gonna re-enable one of them.So now I just have two pages enabledand you can see that reflectedright there on the page dots.Just those two pages are available.And you're probably wonderingwhat happened to all the apps?We're gonna talk aboutthat in just a second,but let's go back in reenable some of those pages.And tap done, and there we go.So where did the apps goon the home screen pages that were hidden?Well, they didn't go anywhere.All of your apps are alwaysavailable in the App Library,and this is a game changer for iOS 14.So first and foremost,let's break down how theApp Library is organized.You can see all these various categories,these categories are allautomatically generated.And if you tap on one of the app icons,one of the large ones,it will launch into that app immediatelyand if you tap in thebottom right hand cornerwith the smaller icons,it will list all the appswithin that generated category.So for instance, I cantap on the app store herethat launches directly into the app storebut when I tap the iconsin the bottom right handcorner of utilities,that shows all of the appswithin that category again.So let's go ahead andgo to this settings app.Let me show you the home screensection of the settings appand this pertains to the App Library.So basically when you download an app,you can select to add itdirectly to the home screenand that's the default setting,or you can choose to addit to the App Library only.So now when I download apps,it's only going to befound in the App Librarynot on the home screen.You can see nowhere do I findUber Eats on the home screen,but if I swipe over,you could see it's underthe recently added sectionof the App Library.So really cool way to keepyour home screen cleanif you don't want all those app icons,maybe you've arranged itexactly how you want itand you don't wantadditional icons litteringyour home screen.I really like the App Library,I think it could berefined a little bit more,I'll talk about that in another video,but I really like whatit does for the user.And as you can see, you can tapat the top in the search barand search for an app directlyor you can also swipe down like thisand see all of your apps, yes indeed.All the apps you haveinstalled on your phonein alphabetical order.So you can easily identifyand locate the app that you're looking foreven if you don't haveit on the home screenin a variety of different ways,courtesy of the App Library.Now let's talk aboutsome of the awesomemusic app enhancements.The biggest enhancement that you'll noticeis with the now playing interfacethat displays the album artworkwith corresponding matchingor a complimenting background.So here you could see the backgrounddefinitely complements this album artwork.When I go to the next, lookhow it changes rapidly.Now we get a green background,now it goes back to pink.I don't know you guys think,but I think the new music app looks great.And another featurethat you may appreciateis that it will rememberwhere you left off.So if I kill the music app like thatand I go back to the now playing screen,I can resume the musicright where I left off.Very nice feature to have.And now there's also Autoplay,so we'll say I'm playing one songand it will end afterI played at one song.Well if tap the Infiniti button there,iOS 14 will intelligentlygenerate an up next queuebased on the music thatyou're currently listening to.So that will help you tokeep the tunes flowing.App Clips are lightweightversions of apps in iOS 14that allow for some functionality.And this is handy because as you can see,if you really need anapp right at the moment,sometimes they take along time to downloadas is the case here,but lightweight App Clips haveto be 10 megabytes or less.So they more or less launched instantly,as you're gonna see here,here's the app clip card,just tap open and the WaterMinderapp launches instantly.Now of course, this is just a clipor a portion of the app,you can download the full app later.But this allows you toget instant functionalityto some parts of the app, just like that.And this could be handy,so you're in a coffee shopand you need to get your rewards.We can download portion of the appto allow you to redeem your rewardsor whatever the case may be.And these app clips can launchvia location-basedseries suggestions, NFC,or as you can see here, direct link.But most of the time,you're probably gonna seean NFC tag in a storeor something like thatif you wanna quicklydownload a portion of the appthat you need right then and there.So again, here's GB Studiofrom our friend Gee Rambo.I think as time goes on,you're gonna see a lot moreapp clips out in the wild,very cool functionality forquick access to app features.Now there's also Emoji Search,and I know a lot of peopleare gonna say Jeff emoji search?You're gonna make this a top feature?Well, for me, as someonewho loves to use emoji,I think this is a great feature.This allows you to quicklysearch for any emojiin the full emoji library.How many times have Isaid emoji by the way?But this is genuinely useful,I find that I use this all the timewhen having iMessage conversationsand I like how it suggestsrelated terms as well.Alright, so now let's talkabout widget improvements in iOS 14.Just like in previousversions, if you swipe over,you get the sort of widget center areawhich is dedicated exclusively to widgets,and you can add or remove widgets here,rearrange them if you want to.So let's talk about that right now.So you can see a have thepodcast and battery widget,I have the clock widget and Ialso have the weather widget.And you can see they're allthree different sizes herefor these widgets.And that's something that's really coolabout widgets in iOS 14.So let's talk about editing.So if I long press, I canselect edit home screen.And you may have noticed that plus buttonin the upper left hand corner before.We'll discuss that in a few,but that's how you add additional widgets.You can also tap the minus signto remove a widget, just like that.And let's go ahead andtap the plus button,and now you see your listof widgets you can search,you can scroll through yourwidget suggestions at the topand then there's your full categoriesat the bottom.And this includes third parties as well,but here's the music widget.You see three different sizesfor recently played,small, medium and large.And if you wanna add thatto the widget center,you can simply tap addwidget down below like thator a drag and you can seethere's kinda a bug here.So you have to swipe over,swipe back over, sorry,that's a little bit embarrassing,but hopefully Apple will addressthat bug in future updates.Alright, so I'm gonna re-addthat large weather widget,just tap add widgetand there it appears right there.So our widget areas looking pretty nice.Now I can long press and alsoedit certain widgets as well.So in this instance, I cango in and change the locationfor the weather forecast.So let's head over toApple HQ in Cupertino,and there we go.Now, certain apps can havedifferent types of widgets.So you see here for stocks,I have the watch listthree different sizes,but I also have a smallsymbol widget as well.So there can be different types of widgetsalong with the different sizes as well.So we're gonna add the thirdparty things app widget,there we go.Both a mix of third partyand first party widgetsare possible within iOS 14.And if you haven't alreadybe sure to check out our videothat highlights some of the topthird party widgets as well.But now let's talk aboutthe really cool thing,adding widgets to the home screen.Works the same way, just tap add widgetin there it goes.Notice how the app iconsmove out of the wayas I repositioned this widget location.And I can also tap anddrag to the home screenor to the widget centeras well, just like that.So now that's looking reallycool, can be organized.But here's somethingreally cool about widgets,you can stack them.As long as that are same size,you can stack a widget on top of another,just like that,and then scroll between them like that.So you gain all that functionalitybut you save space at the same time.I'm gonna stack thisone on top of this one.So now I have three differentwidgets in this stack.There's also a smart stackthat will display informationbased on Siri suggestions as well.So you can check that out inthe list of available widgets.But let's add a third party widget,I'm gonna add DuckDuckGo,and you could see a little bitof a buggy situation there,but we have it on screen.So this allows us to notonly search with DuckDuckGobut also launch our favoritesdirectly from the home screen like that.So pretty cool widget.There's gonna be,like I said, a ton ofdifferent widgets available.Be sure to check out our videothat kind of highlightssome of the top ones.And we're really just seeingthe beginning right nowof widgets on iOS 14.So you can see, I stack thosetwo together to save space.And of course you can move widgetsover to other home screens as well.Home screen pages just like that.So ladies and gentlemen,what do you guys andgirls think about iOS 14?In particular what do you think aboutmy top feature picks for iOS 14?Let me know down below in the comments,and if you appreciate this video,please leave me a thumbs up,it helps other people find it as well.This is Jeff with 9to5Mac.Special thanks to Tenoshare's Reibootfor sponsoring 9to5Mac.Have you ever been stuckon an Apple logo like this?Well, Reiboot makes iteasy to fix that problem,plus it can do all sortsof other cool thingslike booting directly in a recovery modewith just a single click.Yep, it's that easy,click the link in thedescription for more.(soft music)\n"