Are New Cars Worth Buying Let's Find Out

Relative Octane Adjustment and Vehicle Performance

This vehicle will run on any kind of gasoline if you use high test gasolinafter all, this one puts out 301 horsepower if you use regular it puts out less horsepower but it will run perfectly fine because the computer knows how to adjust for whatever octane is in your car. There's no need to worry about running low-octane fuel in a vehicle like this. The fuel injectors are also well-functioning, with four three no fault and two no fault indicating that they are operating within normal parameters.

Faulty Sensors or Computer Glitches

The fuel rail control pressure status is no fault, which suggests that the sensors may be faulty but not causing any actual problems with the car's performance. A code for the fuel pressure sensor did appear, but it seems to be a minor issue and can be ignored. Sometimes these warning systems go a little too far, and in this case, the computer has detected something that doesn't actually exist. The barometric pressure is also being compensated for, which is necessary for optimal performance at different altitudes.

Road Test and Vehicle Inspection

The vehicle was taken for a serious road test to see how it performed under different conditions. Although there were some initial concerns about the codes appearing on the dashboard screen, the car ran smoothly and handled well. The mileage on the vehicle was impressive, with only 147,000 miles on the clock. However, the parking brake seemed to be malfunctioning, which could cause issues when coming to a stop.

Transmission Problems and Repair Costs

The transmission issue with the Hyundai was causing problems, including rolling backwards when the car came to a stop. The repair costs for this problem were reportedly high, which suggests that it may not have been a simple fix. In some cases, these types of problems can be caused by worn-out parts or faulty sensors. However, in this instance, it seems that the issue was more related to the parking brake itself.

The Importance of Emergency Brakes

The emergency brake on the Hyundai was found to be causing issues, but fortunately, it is still functioning properly when used correctly. It's essential to use the emergency brake correctly, as failing to do so can cause problems with the transmission or other parts of the vehicle. In this case, retraining oneself to use the emergency brake effectively may help prevent future issues.


In conclusion, relative octane adjustment is not a concern for vehicles like the 2010 Hyundai launched at 147,000 miles. While there were some initial concerns about codes appearing on the dashboard screen, these turned out to be minor issues that didn't affect the car's performance. The road test showed that the vehicle handled well and performed smoothly under different conditions. However, the parking brake issue highlighted the importance of using emergency brakes correctly.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines today I'm gonna showyou how this 2016 Mustang EcoBoostfour-cylinder engine car has fared it'sgot almost ninety three thousand mileson it and the customer wants to be toservice it and tell them what kind ofshape it's in should he get rid of itshould he keep it so here we go now justchanged the oil and so far so goodnot burning any oil at all a lot ofpeople abuse four-cylinder enginespecially turbocharged gasoline directinjection ones like this but almostninety three thousand miles didn't burnout any oil at all now I took it for aroad test it seemed to ride okay butlet's look at the struts struts are dryas a bonethere's no leaking nothing's cracked thebrakes we can rotate it around we cansee we peak on the side they're stillrelatively thick the distance betweenthe backing plate of the brake and therotor is still pretty thick so the padsare in good shape and the leaks wellcheck for wear here no play no play theydon't bind go under and shut thedrivetrain so far everything's beautifulit's dry as a bone there's no leaks youcan see the exhaust system still inimmaculate shape not rusting and it'sgot the traditional saddle tanks for gasone on one side one on the other formore even weight distribution and sinceit's a newer Mustang it's not that oldclunky suspension it's got independentsuspension in the back too not just thefront and that's dry as a bone toonothing's leaky nothing's worn out sofar there's four-cylinder Mustangschecking out pretty good but I had a lotof Donna we're gonna do some serioustesting with the old computer sodown it goesand out comes my fancy computer youcan't hide from these things get downinto the nitty-gritty here there it iswell plug it in there we go got powerdon't we let the old computer do itsthing Diagnostics put it on for the wayit goes till he reads the VIN startsdoing its thing as you can see it knowswhat kind of car it is turbocharged direct-injection2.3 automatic so of course yes and nowit's gonna really get into some seriousanalytics while I rest and turn the airconditioning off because it may be thebeginning of February but here inHouston we're having a heat waveautoscan takes a while but it scans thewhole thing it is gonna give us moredata than you could shake a stick atit's found a few things they can bemeasure they could be a minor the firstone is the computer the powertrain modulehas a fault so we shall read it andsee what it says retrieved codes here wego got this really long numbered codebut it's the fuel pressure sensorcircuit is low that's a problem thesethings often have but if they run fineit's the stupid sensor half the timethat goes bad a lot of guys will justlive with it but it's not the major solet's check some more well it has twocodes and they both say invalid datareceived from the anti-lock brakingsystem control module very complexsystems they often trip codes like thatwhich doesn't mean anything I'm gonnareset all the codes and I'm done andthen when he drives it aroundI can re check it to see if any of them areserious or it's just stupid glitchesthat come and go a lot of no faults thelast fault is any power steering controlmodule so we'll check that it's readingpretty slow maybe needs to go back toschool and learn how to read faster Idon't know again it's similar to theother ones invalid data from anti-lockbrake controllers communications ABSinvalid data from electronic controlmodule involved data from ABS anti-lockbraking system control module now thisis the kind of problem with all moderncars they have all this computercontrolled junk and the computers think so fast and analyze so fast they geta little glitch maybe a little powersurge trip a code this thing seems torun and break ok I'm gonna reset themI'll Drive it and see what happensquick erase we're gonna erase them alland see what happens there's no codeon any of them we're new road test in a second but first we're gonna just lookat live data well I did watch it off alot of data so as you can see it'sloading it you can take a little whilewith the information on modern cars boyit will make your head spin when you seewhat this thing is going to show as yousee here look at the insane amount ofdata it's going it's going it's goingeven further and it's still going thereis a tremendous amount of data that canbe analyzed now you see we're stillgoing we're still going this is allfresh information we're going evenfurther I mean you think I'm making thisstuff up look this is how muchinformation you can get out finally outto the end the last one is voltage it'sthe battery terminal Scotty all thatdata how on earth can you possibly sitthere and analyze it off well I knowwhat quite a bit of it means but it'scolor coded if they're black they're innormal range the color crip there's aproblem it'll change colleges go orangeor red but I'm going to look at somespecific data parameters now that tellme a lot about this car now theturbocharged is working fine but I seeall the turbocharged data there's nofaults things are working like they'resupposed to but if we get into theactual engine analysis short term fueltrim it's gone minus point seven eight 0% 0% is absolutely perfect so it's completequite well I mean if it's more than 20%off you've got a problem and this isalmost perfect it's going between 0 andminus 0.78 and that's a very good signalthat this engine is in excellent shapemisfire events zero that's what you wantno misfires the computer countseverything and there we have learnedrelative octane adjustment as I saidthis vehicle will run on any kind ofgasoline if you use high test gasolinethis one puts out 301 horsepower if youuse regular it puts out less horsepowerbut it will run perfectly fine becausethe computer knows how to adjust forwhatever octane is in your car there'sall the fuel injectors four three nofault2 and 2 no fault that's exactly what youwant to see here's something else you want tosee the fuel rail control pressurestatus is no fault now it did say thatthere was a code for the fuel pressuresensor so that tells me that the sensorsprobably just breaking down there's noactual problem with the car because itruns perfectly fine there's no faults inthat system so sometimes these warningsystems go a little bit too far I warnyou for stuff that's really no seriousmatter these babies just so sophisticatedeven though the barometric pressure tomake the car run perfectly at allaltitudes weren't sea-level here theywere on better but you take this baby upin the mountainsyou know compensate for it this vehicle is in pretty good shape let's take itfor a road test and see what happenswith the stupid codes that it had beforewe'll take it for a serious little road testwhere we go and blast offstill rides and handles nice and crispafter I was driving let's check the codesee if any of them came back okay theonly one that came back was the fuelpressure sensor B circuit low like Isaid the sensor is probably going badit's a known problem on these that runsperfectly fine otherwise but if youwanted to keep it truly up to snuff yougo change that fuel pressure sensor thisfour-cylinder EcoBoost Mustang is inpretty good shape for the mileage thatit has yes got that nagging code andprobably if you want to change thepressure sensor that's on the rail theco2 go way but it runs perfectly fineand the data shows that the pressure isactually perfectly fine there's nofaults on it in the computer systemitself so that's probably just some kindof ridiculous feedback from the sensoritself isn't giving the right data tothe warning system but it's runningperfectly fine and since they don't evenstock this part at the local Ford dealerobviously it's not something to reallyworry about yo get it look glitchythings that basically you're best living withI'll tell him to keep the car it seemsperfectly fine to me and here's somebonus questions and answers my fieldforces Scotty I'm stuck in a decisionbetween a 2002 Honda Accord 4-cylinder115,000 miles and 2004 Civic Auto152k if you had to choose what would be the wiser choice the 02 is 18 years old the otherone is 16 years oldthey're both relatively old cars if youwant a smaller car that gets the bestgas mileage it has the least problemsI'd go with the Civic even though it hasmore miles the problem with the 2002Accord is if their automatictransmission goes up because theirengines are stronger than the Civic it'sgonna cost you a fortune and they do goout and assigned of course and thatchoice I would go for the Civic butrealize it's a 16 year old car don't paytoo much money for it regardless of howgood Honda's are a 16 year old car thatcomes with no warranty does not have areal high value so you don't want to paymuch more but I'd say there would be thewiser one jason-2 says Scotty I got a2010 Hyundai launched 147 thousand milesthe parking province I'd my transmissionwon't engage let's the car rolledbackwards they want a ton of money tofix it what should I doI see them break all the time on those and I got a customer has beenbroken for five years that way it'scalled the emergency brake got your fixjust when you come to a stop pull theemergency brake on then put it in parkthe park won't keep it from rollingbecause the pradhan but otherwise I'mgonna hurt anything the only thingthat's for is to keep the car fromrolling the emergency brake works fineuse your emergency brake because it is avery expensive fix to take the wholetransformation apart to change thatproducts not an easy job and what techemergency brakes work right just retrainyourself and I know people asyou get older they say you can't teach anold dog new tricks but we're not dogswere people so try to train yourself touse your ebrake, so if you never want tomiss another one of my new car repairvideos, remember to ring that Bell\n"