Ice Cream Recipes HOW TO COOK THAT Ann Reardon starburst chocolate

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And today, let's make ice cream in 5 yummy flavours. We used to live in Western Australia and every week end we'd head to Fremantle and get some yummy ice cream and these delicious flavours of ours.

To start with our first flavour rich egg-free chocolate ice cream, you will need sugar, milk, cocoa powder, skim milk powder, dark chocolate, and cream. Pour the cream and chocolate into a bowl and microwave on high for 30 seconds stir, 20 seconds stir and then repeat 10 seconds stir until it is smooth and glossy ganache like this. Set that aside and then combine the sugar, cocoa powder, and skim milk powder in a bowl. Then add enough milk to make the mixture wet.

If you rub some between your fingers you will feel the sugar crystals and we want to dissolve them to get rid of that grainy feel. You can do that by heating it up in the microwave or over a double boiler on the stove top. And just continue to heat and stir until it feels smooth. Pour the milk, cocoa mixture, and ganache into a blender and mix together or you can do this by hand with a whisk if you prefer.

Pour that chocolately mixture into a bowl and refrigerate until it is chilled. Once it is cold you can pour that into your ice cream machine and churn for 30 minutes and then yummmo! For our next flavour, we have green tea icecream. Attach the tea bags to the top of a heatproof jug, I've just used a peg and a pipe cleanerto help me with that.

And then add 300ml of hot water. If you need to adjust the teabags so that they are all in the water do so. I am using 16 teabags here and that amount gives a good strong tea flavour, so if you want more of a subtle flavour you can use less than that. Leave it to brew for about 5 minutes then remove all the teabags and let that tea cool.

You will need cream, milk, the green tea that we just made, sugar, and egg yolks. And just like before add the sugar and eggs into a bowl and whisk until pale. Heat the milk and cream until just boiling and then tip a little at a time into the egg mixture, whisking as you do. Return to the saucepan and heat to 185F or 85 C, uh oh I've gone a little over here.

You'll see when I pour this in its started to go a bit lumpy because we went a little bit hot, but I think we'll be able to get away with it because it hasn't gone too far. Add the green tea and a little green colouring if you want to. Place that mixture into the fridge to chill. Once it is completely cold pour it into your ice cream machine and churn until you have green tea ice cream.

Now, I am not really a tea lover so I didn't like this one but my husband assured me that it tastes good. Our next flavour is starburst ice cream my kids and husband's favourite one out of all of them. Firstly, slice four starbursts candies into small pieces and set those aside we are going to use those chunks at the end.

Measure out your sugar, egg yolks, and you will notice I am using much less sugar than normal because we have sugar in the starburst candies of course. And then we need cream and milk. Add the milk and cream and the starburst lolliesto a saucepan and heat stirring continuously until the candies have completely dissolved.

You can use any flavours you like, I chose the strawberry and cherry ones for this. Remove from the heat and let it cool slightly. Whisk your egg yolks and sugar until pale then whisk in the starburst mixture a little at a time. Pour that back into the saucepan and heat to 185F, then immediately pour through a sieve into a bowl and chill.

Once it is completely cold churn in your ice cream machine for 30 minutes, then mix in those chunks of starburst candy that we had at the beginning and then freeze until firm. If you love ice cream click the thumbs up button. Let me know your favourite flavours in the comments below.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook ThatI am ANN REARDONAnd today, lets make ice cream in 5 yummyflavours.We used to live in Western Australia and everyweek end we'd head to Fremantle and get someyummy ice cream and these delicious flavoursjust remind me of then.We've got rich chocolate, roasted strawberry,choc chip cookie dough, green tea and thenstarburst cherry ice-cream, the kids favourite.Lets start with chocolate chip cookie doughPlace the egg yolks and sugar into a bowland whisk them together until they are palein colour.For all the recipe quantities you'll needfor all of these different ice creams in gramsand ounces go to the website howtocookthat.netI'll put a link in the description just belowthis video.Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan andheat it over high heat until it just startsto boil, then remove it from the heat.Pour a little of the hot milk into the eggyolks and whisk them to combine then pourin the rest and whisk again and you can addin some vanilla essence here too if you like.Then return that mixture to the saucepan,add a candy thermometer and heat to 185 degreesF or 85 degrees C stirring while you do.Now I often get asked 'what if I don't havea candy thermometer?'They are so useful for so many sweet recipesand they're not that expensive, so I'd suggestyou just get one.I'll link you to the one I have below butyou don't have to have that, you can get anyone you want.But I will also make one of these ice creamstoday without any eggs so you don't need athermometer for that one.Take it off the heat and immediately pourthrough a sieve.Straining it gets rid of any little bits ofegg whites that you might of missed when youseparated your eggs.Chill that in the fridge or the freezer untilits cold then pour it into you ice cream churner.If you don't have an ice cream machine thenyou can watch one of my previous videos onmaking ice cream without one, you won't getas smooth and aerated result without the icecream machine though.Basically it's just constantly stirring itas it freezes so you don't get any big icecrystals forming and it is incorporating airas it goes.While that's churning lets make our cookiedough.Heat the sugar and water in a saucepan untilthe sugar is dissolved.Add your milk, then the butter and finallythe flour and stir that in well.Return it to the heat and stir some more untilit thickens, this just gets rid of the flourytaste.Then spread it onto a tray to let it cooldown quickly.30 minutes after we started churning and theice cream is fluffy and see how it has increasedin volume, that is because of all the airI was talking about that has been churnedinto it.And that air makes it soft to scoop out onceit is frozen it wont be a solid mass.Add chocolate chips to your cold cookie doughand then fold chunks of it though into theice cream.Pour that into a container and place intothe freezer to firm up.Now for my favourite roasted strawberry icecream.You will need cream, egg yolks, sugar milkand some lovely fresh strawberries.Wash and hull the strawberries and slice eachone in halfThen place them cut side down onto a traylined with non-stick baking paper.Then sprinkle them with some of the sugarand then place them in the oven for around15 minutes, mine took 13 so just keep an eyethem because every oven is different.While they are roasting place your egg yolksand sugar into a bowl and whisk together untilthey are pale.Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan andheat until it just begins to boil.Remove from the heat and pour a small amountinto the eggs and whisk to combine, then addthe remaining hot milk and whisk it well.Check on your strawberries, look the sugarhas melted onto them and they are nice andsoft.Just perfectReturn the milk egg mixture to the saucepanand heat to 185F or 85C, remove it from theheat and pour into a blenderThen add the strawberries and any juice thathas come out of them while they were in theoven and blend them all up in the blender.If you don't have a blender you could usea stick mixer or you could just push the wholething through a sieve and just keep pushingthat fruit through.Once it is blended then we will strain itto get rid of all of those seeds.Then place the mixture into the fridge tochill.Once it is cold pour into the ice cream machineand let it churn for 30 minutes.It tastes so good this one, do you have afavourite ice cream flavour that you'd liketo see how to make?Let me know in the comments below.Now for chocolate mmmm chocoalteTo make our rich egg free chocolate ice creamyou will need sugar, milk, cocoa powder, skimmilk powder, dark chocolate and cream.Pour the cream and chocolate into a bowl andmicrowave on high for 30 seconds stir, 20seconds stir and then repeat 10 seconds stiruntil it is smooth and glossy ganache likethis.Set that aside and then combine the sugar,cocoa powder and skim milk powder in a bowl.Then add enough milk to make the mixture wet.If you rub some between your fingers you willfeel the sugar crystals and we want to dissolvethem to get rid of that grainy feel.You can do that by heating it up in the microwaveor over a double boiler on the stove top.And just continue to heat and stir until itfeels smooth.Pour the milk, cocoa mixture and ganache intoa blender and mix together or you can do thisby hand with a whisk if you prefer.Pour that chocolately mixture into a bowland refrigerate until it is chilled.Once it is cold you can pour that into yourice cream machine and churn for 30 minutesand then yummmo.Now for Green tea icecreamAttach the tea bags to the top of a heatproofjug, I've just used a peg and a pipe cleanerto help me with that.And then add 300ml of hot water.If you need to adjust the teabags so thatthey are all in the water do so.I am using 16 teabags here and that amountgives a good strong tea flavour, so if youwant more of a subtle flavour you can useless than that.Leave it to brew for about 5 minutes thenremove all the teabags and let that tea cool.You will need cream, milk, the green tea thatwe just made, sugar and egg yolks.And just like before add the sugar and eggyolks into a bowl and whisk until pale.Heat the milk and cream until just boilingand then tip a little at a time into the eggmixture, whisking as you do.Return to the saucepan and heat to 185F or85 C, uh oh I've gone a little over here.You'll see when I pour this in its startedto go a bit lumpy because we went a littlebit hot, but I think we'll be able to getaway with it because it hasn't gone too far.Add the green tea and a little green colouringif you want to.Place that mixture into the fridge to chill.Once it is completely cold pour it into yourice cream machine and churn it until you havegreen tea ice cream.Now I am not really a tea lover so I didn'tlike this one but my husband assure me thatit tastes good.STARBURST ICE CREAM my kids and husbands favouriteone out of all of them.Firstly slice four starbursts candies intosmall pieces and set those aside we are goingto use those chunks at the end.Measure out your sugar, egg yolks, and you'llnotice I am using much less sugar than normalbecause we have sugar in the starburst candiesof course.And then we need cream and milk.Add the milk and cream and the starburst lolliesto a saucepan and heat stirring continuouslyuntil the candies have completely dissolved.You can use any flavours you likeI chose the strawberry and cherry ones forthis.Remove from the heat and let it cool slightly.Whisk your egg yolks and sugar until palethen whisk in the starburst mixture a littleat a time.Pour that back into the saucepan and heatto 185F, then immediately pour through a sieveinto a bowl and chill.Once it is completely cold churn in your icecream machine for 30 minutes, then mix inthose chunks of starburst candy that we hadat the beginning and then freeze until firm.If you love ice cream click the thumbs upbutton.Let me know your favourite flavours in thecomments below.If you haven't already click that subscribebutton to see all the crazy sweet creationsthat we come up with.This is last weeks giant kit kat bar, clickon this other button to go to the channeland all of the videos we've already done.Or click up the top to go to the howtocookthat.netwebsite for all the ice cream recipes andall the other recipes are there as well.Have a great week and I'll see you on Friday.[music: the boat song by with permission]\n"