The Humble Pocket: A Convenient yet Baffling Design Feature
As I stood there, staring at my arms, I couldn't help but think that it wasn't big after all. My size didn't seem to be the issue, and yet, the front pocket on this product seemed like a superconvenient feature. I could really utilize it, and that was weird. It didn't feel well, like there was something off about it. Maybe it was just my arms, but it felt like they were trying to tell me something.
My boyfriend always has his phone with him, and I thought to myself, "Let's take them out here." He nodded in agreement, and we began to examine our phones more closely. It was nice to have a pillow around your neck kind of thing, supportive and comfortable. The material felt like cotton, and the design was very smooth. It seemed like it would be perfect for gifts for bachelors or men who thought they never needed one.
I must admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. I mean, who needs a towel that's only about half the size of what's shown in the listing photo? But then I saw the size listed as "big" and I wondered if that was just a marketing ploy to make the product seem more substantial than it actually was.
The ladybugs were another story altogether. I had ordered 250, but when they arrived, most of them were dead. I was shocked and disappointed. The packaging had promised live ladybugs, but it seemed like that was just a sales pitch. I decided to set them free, but not before naming some of the survivors. There was Johnny, Bill, and Out for It (or "Just Guy" as I later learned). They were all small, but they seemed to be enjoying their newfound freedom.
As I watched them fly away, I noticed that there were also a few dead ladybugs scattered about. It was clear that not all of them had made it out alive. I felt a pang of guilt for contributing to the death of so many insects, but at least I could say that I was trying to do something good by setting them free.
Moving on from the ladybug debacle, I decided to try out some other products. One of them caught my eye - a mysterious ear thing with a label that promised it would help me not drive while sleeping. I had to see if it worked, so I put it on and took for a spin (or rather, didn't take for a spin). The results were...interesting.
There was also a colon-cleansing formula that claimed to be the ultimate solution for digestive issues. It came in a weird, powdery substance that looked more like sawdust than anything else. I decided to give it a try, but let's just say that it didn't exactly live up to its promise. The taste was...unique, and the texture was even more so.
Finally, there was a product that looked almost like cereal - or rather, poop. Yes, you read that right. It claimed to be the "ultimate colon cleansing formula" with a high amount of soluble fiber. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but at least it was...different. And hey, if it worked for some people, then I'd consider giving it another try.
In conclusion, not all products are created equal. Some of them seem like they were designed with our best interests in mind, while others are just plain weird. Whether you're looking for a convenient pocket or a colon-cleansing formula, there's something out there for everyone - even if some things are better left unsaid.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI'm gonna set you free little guys butfirst i'm going to name you firstthere's Johnny then there's bill thenthere's Alfred Wait why just guy names they'reladies haha welcome what's going on ohhey how dee oo dee? im an Americanand i am doing Amazon That was the worst bilbo bagginsThat was the worst intro that i have every shot in my lifeGuys what's going on I am MatthiasAnd today we're doing ten strange things on amazonBrian went on amazon and he found 10 Of the weirdestweirdest thing Say hello Brian Brian:Hellothat's all you asked for you finally didityea high five dude make sure you clickthat bell icon next to my channel nameon desktop and mobile to get notifiedwhen I upload video because when iupload video will be commenting back for thefirst 30 minutes of every channel videoever i got distractedwhat happened I won't comment back toevery comment that's impossibleHarcos labs zombie jerky teriyakiwhat it's be jerky delicious I like hownumber two was like don't worry its beefjerkey still buy it13 grams protein only one gram of fat it hassignificant nutritional as well asnovelty value the is it free range zombiemeatsadly no the free-range zombie is athing of the pastif I in zombie jerky while I turn into azombie only if you buy the spice jerkyit has some bite left to it way betterthan homemade zombie jerkey for yearsnow I've been forced to purchase zombiemeat off a guy in the walmart parking lotand making the jerky is a whole otherstoryI never thought to add teriyaki andalthough the jerky itself was very tastyi could only give it four stars becauseafter consuming the tasty treat I nowhunger for human brainsI'm now a torn between what could betastier this jerky or my neighborsbrain add to cart oh what that is greenguys that is super green ew what isoh that's part of the packaging I waslike why is it dirty dude they reallywent all out on the specimen namedzombie jerky artificial green color check tastesyummy check chunks check something is offabout this like why would theywhy would they say artificial greencolor check you know usually when theyhave artificial coloring in foodsit's like a bad thing you don't want tolike advertise that you have artificialcoloring right but for this instant thatI think they're legit worried thatpeople are going to think like it'sactually zombie or like moldy orsomething yes they're just like oh it'sartificial everybodys like oh then i'll buyit*gags* Ahnot bad although I trying to make apoint of not eating too many artificialcolors unless it's in gummy snacks *laughs*YJ Moyu 13x13x13 speed cube puzzleblack that is a Rubik's Cube for thegeniusok let's be honest most of us can't do arubik's cube did you actually let merephrase that most of us don't careenough to do a rubik's cube i'm surethat many of us can do it if were patientenough or if you learn the technique Idon't understand why i like this isimpressive if you can do thatthat's impressive how mad would you beif it came like this already mixed upalready mixed upyou'd be like no never Im nevergonna get it back to the original statei paid less for a ps3 really 309 what waitdid I miss somethingoh my gosh $249 309 what would cost so muchmuch about a rubik's cube made out ofplasticI hate this cube it's 309 and a17 x 17 275 like bruh bring down theeffing price you money stealing *beeep*siding with the person charging 309 likeyou can charge whatever you want likethey don't have to give you anythingtheres intitled people in this country these daysmy 21 year old grandson has worked manyspeed cubes your 21 year old grandson might want toget a date haha Roasted *EXPLOSION OF EPICNESS*fashion first days women's subtle buttthe disposable gas neutralizer fivepiece set filter odors from intestinalgas thin and discreet can you imagine ifit wasn't discreet you just had likethis big pad on your butt can these be tapedto ones butt at night so that bed doesnot become a Dutch oven haha how long dothey lastcertainly i don't know but i use one forthree days and the bag contains fivepatches but I can tell you that theyreally workoh can you imagine using it for threedays in a row get how much more littlestored in their big promise no resultdoesn't worknotice zero difference complete wasteof money on top of that uncomfortable tovery disappointed since the packagingmake such bold claim worthless i thinkthese are more of a gag gift bought formy mother who had IBS and they didnothing to help cover the noxious fumesreturned them immediately off you returnthose oh mancould you imagine through the companieslike okay just throw them away we don'tneed them back to throw them awaylet's buy it to add to cart subtle buttas BB breaking wind cut the cheesesubtle butt the disposable gasneutralizer fashion first day you putthis on the outside of your pants put onthe outside just like BAM what it'sfashionable to have subtle but whenyou're done wearing settled by removingthis car it if he said traces remain usea damp cloth removal while birth into itfind work okay look we got two littlestrips and the carbon filter i don'thave flatulence issues i'll say thatfive times fast flashing issues flashingissues flashing this flatulenceflatulence nice he couldn't do it hereso let's do these were used da world okis dad copy debug 11 hours nicemotivational inspiration i see youwanted to get this for me didn't youyou think you are better than me whileyou had more experience microwave anddishwasher safe printed on this sideprinted on both sidesoh it's hundred on this says screamingprinting quality and best side please3-star the worrying smears when washedif you rub it fun fathers day giftother than that it's a mug you drinkfrom it i'm not going to get it but oneday Brian I'll get it for youOh what i hack is Ben pull my finger forten toy if farts are funny this is thepen for you i spent a fortune on newbatteries because I thought maybe theones that came in were bad and that didthe same thing this pen drain thebatteries so quickly it wasn't evenworth buying pissed ripoffwhoa dude chill totally pissed came withno box or instructions stickers werehard to get off at less sticky residueand the pen did not work is my penrespective goddess as a gift for myselfdon't ask one of our eyes the tip of thepen is not down fiddled around with itbut no goforget it dude enough reading thereviews I just gonna buy and test it upmyselfadd to cart so we're or why they put thestickers on it funny party hats art pensis what it says on there how do i getthe pin out here take this deGrassedon't think soOh what it works look I'm gonna pull itthere we go wow that's really awkwardyou like push that back down in there toget the pen out i'm going to go aroundthe office and ask the guys to pull myfingerI guarantee you they're gonna be weirdedout by this they're not going to touchit gonna be like what is the headbecause it does not look like a fingerthat great parts without even thinking Iwant you to pull my fingerlet go of her to come all the way pointfingers just think he's worried abouthis luggage route every funny because itsmells good it does smell it hahaglow-in-the-dark toilet paper about 1star not great reviews why would youwant to touch that your butt though willit make your butthole glow-in-the-darkno no I'm glow and small size the sizeof the role was smaller than average andnever produced a glow the texture wasstiff and dry not fun at all or werethey expecting though like when they'rewiping themselves they're like oh somuch funI'm so happy I'm glowing now down thereusing this product was a real bummerfirefighter better application ofbioluminescence better to wait for thecrack of dawn if you can't see whatyou're doing this product is completelysake i even held it under a light bulb45 minutes which often makesglow-in-the-dark items glow brightly andit did not also it's like wiping withthree box in that good tho to get allthe stuff certainly cut your hey man ifit gets you clean i'm down to get gasthere's clean and I cover- I'm gonnapass pass passboyfriend pillow companion pillow withmushi microbeads what soft andcomfortable body pillow best sleepingbedmate from lonely key feel the hug ofa real man without the snoring smelltossing or turning I don't smell atnight sorry at least Amanda's nose isbad enough where it doesn't detectiveoh no that's just said why she knew theboy some filler she could get a guy andfor some reason she's letting thisboyfriend pillow get to first basedid you like on board with it and thensecond or third movie I don't even knowthe basis it's been so longyou look at those eyes dude waswandering eyes duties like thisboyfriend to everything I wanted it tobe better curl up on the bed alone againwith this comfortable arm that wrapsaround you as if to say as if to saywhat other two must go gophers know ifyou didn't have to say that this is verysmallmore like a toy for a small child verydisappointed for the price I was reallyexpecting standard size pillow ambitiouscat lady is my BF ended things so ibought this as a pacifier he and ireconciled return the unused pillow webroke up againnine out at pillow and the guy who hahapursue that addresswow it's not big is itit doesn't seem like abuse my size butit's got a front pocket that's superconvenient and you can really utilizethatoh that's weird that's not how my armsfeel well hey dude she am i rightbuy me dinner first realistic fullactually pocketsoh my boyfriend's always phone ok let'stake them out herealright why this nice you know likehaving a pillow go all the way aroundyour neck kind of like supports it andthis is probably actually morecomfortable than actual human vibrantwell too slowsuckerwestminster but face towel on a percentcotton and the confusion of which sideto use perfect for the gift for thebachelor in your life this is just heretowards men because they think men neverwatched the towelwell I got news for you it probablyright tinythis item is only about half the sizethat is shown in the listing photo andalso very feels very cheaply made halfthe size of the photo that means thisbig because on my screen cystic justplain booty this towel is a subtlebodiam false advertisement from thephoto you would think that this is ahuge plus B side towels heavyweightthink againeveryone's like wow what the heck is notas advertised bigger please i want topass for patterns i want itsorrya hundred and fifty live ladybugs goodbugs ladybugs you have ladybugsyeah i got ladybugs hello good bugs youknow the good ones i don't want the meanone ok pretty fed all of the ladybugscovers approximately a small yard orbirthday partyladybugs are good bugs for kids that's agood hugno don't play with that spider Johnnythat good bugs I think about not soalive not the best received I over 250got about 12 that are live nowhere neara hundred and fifty in the package tookmy money and send a bad productOh ladybugs are dead oh wait the moneyladybugs died nearly all right welllet's find out on our own data cardlet's not keep them in captivity let'sset them freeit stinks i'm actually quite worriedwell with him with oh look at that thereare moving in there there's time there'sgot oh my gosh to so cute all the goodbugs of such good phonewhoa i'm going to set you free littleguys but first i'm going to name youfirst there's Johnny then there's billthen there's out for it why just guynamed the ladies of the sudden free 250rightyes read remember wait what it saysthere's a thousand five hundred in hereprobably miss thatguys check this out i want to show yousomething Oh ladybug wearing somethingfree right now i'm going to setyou free my little bug my little bug youcoming out what I don't want to get inhere no it's just highlighted bug i knowthey're good bugs its friendly good bugsi think the issue more is the fact thatthere's so many of them that creeps meout a little bitoh my gosh you get out a couple of themare going out oh my gosh look at theseguys dude about the stripline away andlook at this look will be killing theirgathered I'm helping the environmentthat's what I'm doingyou could see a bunch of dead ones fallhere but that's not my fault i wastrying to save them or maybe aresupporting the bed people that were inprison 1 i'm not sure maybe they farmedthem who knows really i know is i'mtrying to do a good thingokwho my god child being highest fiberserio they're like little poop shakesome familiar who's like it here not eatproof only like little pellets oops lookat that dude you put your partay partaythis is not mere cereal it is theultimate colon cleansing formula withhis defenders amount of soluble andinside of Iowa insulted build afast-moving book and soluble to scrubout your squeaky pain cone doesn't eventaste good with milk on ityes but I always thrown from fresh fruituse this whenever you know if you didn'tneed enough veggies imitates very good iusually about this to help regulate mybowel movements like so much proof stufftoday grand friend got a poop thinggoing on herethese are super gross that tasted likesawdust and floating milk haha fact Ithink I'm gonna pass on poop like achampionno offense but I like eating things thatare labeled poop can make sure you checkout this 10 weird tech items that willwaste your money where I try a littlethe ear thing that you can see on thethumbnail right there that's supposed tohelp you not drive while you're sleepyalso click up there subscribe because wemake video three times a week TuesdayThursday and Saturday cool okayhi subscribe\n"