Adam Savage Incognito at Comic-Con 2018!

The 49th Anniversary of the Moon Landing at San Diego Comic-Con

It's Adam and I am here at San Diego Comic-Con, which is a momentous day for two occasions. Firstly, it's the 49th anniversary of the moon landing, and that's just amazing and awesome and cool because I love NASA and I love space exploration. As I look around, I can see the excitement and enthusiasm from fellow fans, all eager to celebrate this historic event. My cosplay for today is shockingly spacesuit-themed, and I chose to make the very first space suit – Wiley Post's iconic white eyepatch and rugged pilot costume.

Wiley Post was a true pioneer in space exploration. In the 1930s, he realized that he couldn't fly high enough unless he brought his own atmosphere with him. He convinced B.F. Goodrich to build him an anthropomorphic rubber suit that fit his body, which allowed him to fly above 45,000 feet. I replicated this design of course, and our team shot videos of the manufacturing process, which we will post on Tested soon.

I went through over a thousand yards of upholstery thread to put this together, and I can see now how everything is quilted and multi-layered. To match it, I had to go through an extensive sewing process, literally not wanting to look at my sewing machine when I was done with this baby. This is only the second time I'm putting this on; I put it on in the shop before packing it up for Comic Con right before I put the upper part of this suit on.

I decided to add boots because it's going to take a bunch of lacing, and I believe that I managed to find the exact boots that Wiley Post wore in 1934 – Red Wings with 11 eyelet holes going up their sides. They were all over eBay, and I found a pair I liked; I had Freddy polished them up several times until they looked just like the ones in the Smithsonian.

Wiley Post's original suit is on display at the Smithsonian, and it's also where I got footage of him wearing his suit on camera for the film Air Hawks. The reason why the suit was made to fly a plane rather than walk around is because it was designed to pressurize the suit while sitting, making it almost impossible for him to walk in there. There are photos of him walking to the plane with the suit, where he's struggling to stand upright due to its design.

I'm almost ready to complete my cosplay, which includes a pair of gloves and a helmet. I needed help for some reason; Nomar came stepping in, ladies and gentlemen. I am almost ready to complete this costume, which is a pair of gloves and a helmet but I'm going to be sweating a lot in that helmet. To solve the problem, I put in one contact lens, which allows me to see clearly at close distance viewing – why on earth did I decide to do that? It was an impulsive decision.

For the helmet, I used Worbla and camping mat foam, which made everything super light. We cast multiple nuts around this to make it super accurate, but we cast them in resin so again, everything on here is super super light that makes it much more wearable. I think we're ready; let's go exploring! Yes, yes, how are you nice to meet you? You two men all right.

This costume is quite comfortable, and it's very lightweight – it doesn't cause me any physical distress. But oh here's the early reveal of just how sweaty I can get in a costume yeah Wow that it is not a practice for the claustrophobic. I don't get claustrophobic but you if you could look in here and see just how much moisture there is inside this helmet – that it is not a practice for the claustrophobic I don't get claustrophobic but you.

The early reveal of just how sweaty I can get in a costume. That's just been dripping down my face the whole time, the front glass has been fogged since almost the moment I put this helmet on so everything had rings of haze around it. But it was awesome people really dug the costume – I don't think anyone figured out what it was. I ran into a no-face that was beautiful and got the inspiration from our build which is so cool.

I took a picture with him in my spacesuit now, I'm enjoying the breeze across my face feels like freedom thanks for watching this video if you were thinking boy I wish you tested sold a t-shirt your prayers are answered I am wearing the first test andt-shirt that proudly proclaims that one day builds always take longer than a day – buy yours right now in the link below

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey, Tested. It's Adam and I am at SanDiego Comic-Con and it's a momentous dayfor a couple of occasions. One, it is the49th anniversary of the moon landing andthat's just amazing and awesome and cool because I love NASA and I love spaceexploration. Two, it's because I am aboutto hit the floor in this year's cosplayand my cosplay is shockingly spacesuitthemed. I chose to make the very firstspace suit if you look up the firstspace suit you're gonna be reallyimpressed this guy Wiley Post who had awhite eyepatch and was this badass pilotin the 1930s realized that he couldn'tfly high enough unless he brought hisown atmosphere with him and he convincedBF goodrich to build him what theycalled an anthropomorphic rubber suitthat fit his body and he flew above45,000 feet in this suit and Ireplicated it antacid of course we shotvideos of the manufacturing process andwe will put those up on tested but forright now I'm gonna get dressed up toplay this is the first part this suit itmight not look like much but if you lookclosely you'll notice that everything'squilted and multi-layered and in orderto match it I went through over athousand yards of upholstery thread toput this together you'll see in thevideo we postI got enough sewing to last me forseveral months I was literally didn'twant to look at my sewing machine when Iwas done with this baby this is only thesecond time I'm putting this on I put iton to make sure it worked in the shopand then I packed it up for Comic Conright before I put the upper part ofthis suit on I'm gonna put the boots onbecause it's gonna take a bunch oflacing I believe that I managed to findthe exact boots that Wiley Post wore in1934 and they're just a simple set ofRed Wings which happened to have 11eyelet holes going up their sides theywere all over eBay I found a pair Iliked had Freddy polished them upseveral times until they looked justlike the ones in the Smithsonian nicelittle found part thereI wasn't as bad as I was fearingseriously except for tying a pair ofshit the biggest part of putting thiscostume on is tying the shoes this mightbe and hadn't occurred to me until nowthe easiest to wear cosplay costume Ihave ever put together look at that whenI went looking for reference materialthere's some amazing reference materialWiley Post was even in a film called airHawks in which he wore his suit oncamera and I got footage of that butWiley Post's original suit is on displayat the Smithsonian and it's on displayand we'll post this photo right hereyeah it's on display in a seatedposition and there's a really coolreason for that it's because the suitwas made to fly a plane in so it notmade to walk around he had to be able topressurize the suit while sitting so itwas optimized for that it meant that itwas almost impossible for him to walk inthere's photos of him walking to theplane with the suit he's walking likethis because he can't stand uprightbecause it's built for sitting I likethat kind of design thing uh all rightI've got to put this guy on hereI could use help for some reason here wego Nomar chant stepping in ladiesgentlemen ah I am almost ready tocomplete this costume which is a pair ofgloves and a helmet but I'm gonna besweating a lot in that helmet so I'mgoing to do my standard comic-con thingand putting in one contact lens why onewell if I put in both contact lensesthen I can't look at my phone for theduration of the cosplay and I'm actuallyhelpless to read anything so I put oneinch for distance viewing and I leavethe other eye out so that I can seeclose up because I'm nearsighted thatwas way too long an explanation for asimple contact lens alrightthese gloves were made commissioned byme by this amazing Etsy seller who goesby the name like Linda they do the bestgloves this is right now I'mcommissioning two other pairs of glovesfrom them and they made these just fromthe Smithsonian photo and did all theweathering actually I did wear thesefrom one episode of mythbusters' jr. toget the weather a little more involvedand this is it here comes the helmet asI said we covered the building of mywiley post helmet on tested and we'regonna put that video up but the thingfor you to know is that this is helmetright here weighs maybe about a poundand a half it looks heavy and it looksmetal in fact it's all sheet plasticworbla and camping mat foam I found Ifound the nut that wiley post used isactually a early dive suit nut from theearly part of the 20th century I boughtone of themit cost me $70 and then we castmultiples and put them all the wayaround this to make it super accuratebut we cast them in resin so againeverything on here is super super lightthat makes it much more wearable here wegoall right I think we're ready let's goexploringyes yes yes how are you nice to meet youthank you you two menall right that was a successful walkthis mask is actually this costume is inand of itself quite comfortable it'svery lightweight it doesn't cause me anyphysical distress but oh here's theyearly reveal of just how sweaty I canget in a costume yeah Wowthat it is not a practice for theclaustrophobic I don't getclaustrophobic but you if you could lookin here and see just how much moisturethere is inside this helmet that's justbeen dripping down my face the wholetime the the front glass has been foggedsince almost the moment I put thishelmet on so everything had rings ofhaze around it but it was awesome peoplereally dug the costume I don't thinkanyone figured out what it was I raninto a no-face that was beautiful andgot the inspiration from our build whichis so cool I took a picture with him inmy spacesuit now I'm enjoying the breezeacross my face feels like freedomthanks for watching this video if youwere watching it in thinking boy I wishtested sold a t-shirt your prayers areanswered I am wearing the first test andt-shirt that proudly proclaims that oneday builds always take longer than a daybuy yours right now in the link below\n"