Converting MDA_CGA_EGA Graphics Output to VGA!
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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enGreetings and welcome to an LGR thing, justin from Belgium!I was psyched to receive this pre-productionreview unit from Serdashop because this istheir version of the MCE2VGA project.It’s set to be sold in various kit formsthrough Serdashop, like this one I receivedwith a 3D printed enclosure, and is basedon the open source work by Luis Antoniosi.What’s so exciting about this is that itallows you to finally solve a decades-oldproblem: getting monochrome, CGA, and EGAgraphics cardsto output through a standard VGA monitor.And I don’t mean by using a VGA card andrelying on backwards compatibility, I meanusing the original graphics hardware with9-pin d-sub connectors meant to drive a TTL display.While I get a kick from using each purpose-builtmonitor for each graphics standard, I admitit’s a pain to swap bulky CRTs so often.Plus these vintage displays are getting olderand more costly all the time, so alternativesare a welcome thing.This is the problem the MCE2VGA attempts toaddress, accomplished by combining a custommain board with a CoreEP4CE6 FPGA boastinga specially-programmed Altera Cyclone IV.There are a few buttons and switches to messwith, but for the most part it’s as simpleas plugging your retro graphics card intothe RGBI portand the VGA output to your display of choice.Now I’ve tried tons of TTL converters overthe years, from cheaply-made Chinese scalerboxes to the venerable GBS-8200 converterboard.So I’m not saying there haven’t been anysolutions, some of those things are how I’vecaptured low-res PC game footage for years.But the MCE2VGA is the first time I been ableto convert RGB video signals from IBM PC compatibleswith this clean a signal and with so littlefuss.Finally I can use a single VGA monitor todisplay MDA and Hercules graphics cards, 4-colorCGA cards, and 16-color EGA cards.That’s a lotta retro computing in one place.Then there are things like the Tandy graphicsmode found in computers of the same name,and composite CGA graphics which uses artifactingto show 16 colors when connected using an RCA jack.Yep, the MCE2VGA can work with those too,converting all of these old display modesinto a standard VGA resolution and horizontalrefresh rate, with a few tricks up its sleeve as well.So let’s go ahead and try it out, whichfor mebegan with fastening the boards into the enclosure.This is a pre-production kit so the finalversion may change a bit, but even as it ishere the process is easygoing.Only four screws for the PCBs, four buttonsto drop into the top of the enclosure, andfour screws to sandwich it all together.You’re left with handy openings on the top,left, and right hand sides to hook up yourdisplays, plug in a standard mini USB cablefor power, and adjust the display settingson the FPGA.One issue I didn’t anticipate though ishow to hook up the RGBI side to my retro PCsbecause, well.I dunno about you but all of my TTL displayshave the video cable permanently integratedinto the monitor itself.So I grabbed one of these 9-pin male-to-maled-sub cables, which thankfully are still easyto find online.However, do make sure that it’s a straight-throughserial cable, not a null-modem serial cable,because the wiring differs and won’t workfor what’s needed here.Anyway with that sorted we can now plug theMCE2VGA into a PC.All you need to do is flip these four switchesinto the proper position and yeah man.We’ll start with MDA and Hercules graphics.Straight away it works fantastically!When going through a CRT I honestly can’ttell it’s being scaled or converted at all,it simply looks crystal clear with no noticeablelag whatsoever.And with monochrome in particular there arealso options to switch between emulating thethree most popular phosphors: white, green,and amber.Hehe, yeah this feature was one of the thingsI was most excited about -- if you’ve seenmy numerous videos gushing about amber andgreen monochromethen you know how much I love this stuff.And while it’s not a perfect recreationof the experience, the fact that I can displayan actual Hercules card in amber monochromeon a modern ultrawide display made my day.Speaking of which, the experience changessomewhat when using an LCD panel, althoughhow much varies depending on the model ofmonitor you’re using.But on the LCDs I tried, most DOS softwarewas scaled to 640x480, even though the MCE2VGAitself was outputting more appropriately-scaledresolutions like 720x480.So yeah, there’s more than likely goingto be an adjustment period on both the LCDpanel and the converter itself, but you canlikely still get it looking pretty good.And even when some things just look a littlewonky, like pixel shimmering while scrollingvertically or uncooperative overscan, it’sstill an overall better result than most otherRGBI scalers I’ve used.CGA looks wonderful as well, or at least asgood as CGA can get.It’s still CGA after all, hehe.Personally I love this aesthetic more andmore the older I get, in both warm and coolcolor palettes.You can even display some of the more obscureCGA modes like the tweaked 80-column textmode providing an effective 160x100 resolutionat 16-colors.But yeah, on both CRT and liquid crystal displaysI was more than happy with the CGA results here.You can even enable some convincing scanlineemulation on certain display modes as well,a nice touch if you’re into that kinda thing.It’s pretty much of no use on a CRT of course,but the result looks quite nice on a 4:3 aspectratio LCD, though I still prefer the unfilteredlook myself.Another thing I was really excited to messwith is the ability to display composite CGA,which is something you’d normally be unableto do over a VGA monitor.Pressing the reset button will enable emulationof 16-color composite CGA mode on the gamesthat support it, meaning that you no longerneed to rely on an old TV.Even though there aren’t a ton of DOS gamesthat make use of this I love that they wentout of their way to include support for itanyway.And we still have EGA to try on this, whichis perhaps my favorite retro PC graphics mode.What, you don’t spend entire afternoonsarguing the merits of quality EGA graphicswith your friends?I do, EGA’s awesome, and as you’d expectby this point the MCE2VGA performs admirablyin both low and high-res EGA modes.Again you can enable scanlines, but whetheryou like it raw or filtered you’re gonnaget some lovely results in EGA.And yes, being that Tandy graphics will displayon a traditional CGA or EGA monitor, the devicehandles games running in Tandy mode, no problem.Which is great because I have some older VGAmonitors that look quite nice sat on top ofa Tandy 1000, so I look forward to makinggreater use of them now.Sadly, the MCE2VGA does not do many favorsfor persnickety VGA capture devices, a bitof a bummer as someone who’s frequentlycapturing retro PC gameplay.Chances are, if your capture device doesn’talready accept CGA or EGA rendered througha VGA card, it probably won’t accept theMCE2VGA either.This really depends on your capturing setupof course, but I didn’t have any luck withthe devices I have that dislike 70hz videoat wider aspect ratios.I have other devices that it works just finewith, but then, they already captured low-resvideo no problem so it’s not surprising.But yeah, that’s about it!I just wanted to share my experience and letmore people know that the MCE2VGA exists.I’m continually receiving questions in myLGR inbox about graphics cards, monitors,and RGB scalers for DOS games, so I’m happyto recommend this one for certain situations.As with most competent scalers though it’snot super low in price, currently costing59 euros for the main board only, 89 eurosfor the main board and the requisite FPGA,and 114 for the entire bundle I showed inthis review from Serdashop.So it’s still a whole lot less than buyingoriginal TTL monitors, but depending on yourplanned range of uses it may not be worththat kinda cash.For me though it is a no-brainer consideringthe work I do and the hundreds of old PCsI have, all of which need a display.After all, vintage CRTs won’t last forever,so if anything it’s a bit of future-proofingand I’m glad to have it.And if you enjoyed this retro PC stuff thenmaybe you’d like to try some other retro PC stuff.LGR is a show that’s all about that kindathing so subscribe if you’d like to keepup with the videos arriving weekly.No matter what though, as always, thank youfor watching!\n"