EASTER EGGS + HORRIFYING BOSSES _ Blood and Bacon - Part 2

The Experience of Playing Left 4 Dead 2

As I sat down to play through Left 4 Dead 2, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The game's atmosphere is already tense, with an eerie soundtrack and a sense of impending doom that permeates every level. But as I began to play, it became clear that the real challenge was not just the zombies themselves, but also my own abilities.

One of the most striking aspects of Left 4 Dead 2 is its focus on teamwork. As one player, I quickly realized that I needed to rely on my teammates in order to survive. We worked together seamlessly, each of us taking on specific roles and working together to overcome obstacles. For example, I took on the role of the "tank" - someone who would absorb damage and protect their team from harm.

As we made our way through the game's various levels, we encountered all manner of terrifying enemies. From giant pigs with razor-sharp tusks, to hordes of undead that seemed to come out of nowhere, every moment was filled with tension. But despite the many dangers that lay ahead, I found myself laughing and joking with my teammates as we navigated through the game's world.

One of the most memorable moments came when we encountered a particularly aggressive zombie. The creature was huge, and it seemed to be fixated on me in particular. As I frantically tried to fend off its attacks, my teammate took out the rest of our team and turned around to help me. We managed to take down the beast together, but not before it did some serious damage.

As we continued through the game, things only got more intense. We encountered electric fences that seemed designed to maim us, and a zombie that was armed with a grenade launcher. The latter proved particularly nasty, as he spent most of his time shooting our team with it until one of us finally managed to disarm him.

Despite the many dangers we faced, I found myself growing more confident as the game went on. My teammates seemed to be getting better at working together, and we began to pull off some impressive combos. We even managed to take out a few bosses - those massive, lumbering creatures that seem designed to crush us all.

As we neared the end of our playthrough, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. The game was ending, and I knew that soon I would be leaving behind the world of Left 4 Dead 2. But as I looked back on our journey, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. We had faced countless dangers together, and we had emerged victorious.

Of course, no discussion of Left 4 Dead 2 would be complete without mentioning its infamous 'head-shooting' mechanic. This feature allows players to kill zombies by shooting them in the head, which proved both infuriating and hilarious at times. I found myself yelling at my teammates when they wouldn't shoot the zombies properly, and laughing when we managed to get our shots just right.

One particularly memorable moment came when I was trying to 'head-shot' a zombie with my trusty shotgun. Unfortunately, I missed the shot by a hair's breadth - the zombie simply walked away from me, leaving me feeling frustrated and embarrassed. But as I looked at my teammates, I couldn't help but laugh at their antics.

Throughout our playthrough, we encountered many memorable moments that left us all in stitches. One of these came when we stumbled upon a 'talking' zombie, who seemed to be giving us sarcastic remarks. We were all caught off guard by this bizarre moment, and it quickly became one of the most memorable parts of our game.

Another notable event was when I encountered Derek Mark Skinnar, a zombie who seemed to have been possessed by some sort of evil spirit. This creature was unlike any other we had seen so far - he seemed almost human-like in his behavior, and could even mimic human speech. We were all shocked and terrified by this encounter, and it proved to be one of the most memorable moments of our game.

As we continued through the game, things only got more intense. One of my teammates mentioned that they thought I was 'getting too close' to a zombie, which made me jump out of my seat in surprise. We quickly took cover behind some nearby objects and began to return fire, but unfortunately for us, this particular zombie had somehow become invisible.

As I frantically tried to locate the hidden enemy, my teammate suddenly remembered that it was actually a common trick used by zombies in the game. With renewed confidence, we launched ourselves at the 'invisible' zombie and managed to take him down once and for all. However, before we could even catch our breath, another threat emerged from nowhere - an electrical fence which seemed to be actively trying to harm us.

Our strategy involved using our trusty shotguns to blast through the fence, while also dodging any additional zombies that might be lurking nearby. With teamwork and communication, we managed to make it past this electrifying obstacle without sustaining too much damage.

One of my teammates joked later on that I was getting 'too comfortable' with playing Left 4 Dead 2, which made me chuckle as we continued to progress through the game. Our banter became more frequent as the hours passed by and our team chemistry grew stronger.

Of course, no discussion of Left 4 Dead 2 would be complete without mentioning its infamous boss battles. The game features a number of massive and lumbering creatures that seem designed specifically to crush our team. These encounters are both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time, as we must work together in order to take down these behemoths.

One particularly memorable moment came when we encountered a giant pig with razor-sharp tusks. This creature was unlike any other we had seen so far - it seemed almost alive, and seemed determined to make short work of us all. But with our combined strength and teamwork, we managed to defeat this terrifying foe once and for all.

As I looked around at my teammates as we neared the end of the game, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. We had faced countless dangers together, and we had emerged victorious. Despite the many challenges that lay ahead, our team chemistry and communication allowed us to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

In conclusion, playing Left 4 Dead 2 was an experience unlike any other. With its tense atmosphere, terrifying enemies, and memorable boss battles, it's a game that will leave you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. And despite the many dangers that lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel proud of our team for overcoming every obstacle that came our way.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enOkay, I'm backWha..? How did I die!?(Suspicious Bob giggles)What happened to me?Did you do that?(Bob's laughter)I'm dead too.What did you--?Oh, you've got grenadesOooooooohI did not get grenades. I gotta show you what I discovered.It's f***ing awesomeOk..let's restart...I did not kill usuh huhI, caused us to be killedBut, I did not do itOkay...Alright, so, so, okay, soWe're just hanging outYeahAnd I was like: Haha! He talks when you shoot him.Uh huhRight? Right? Watch thisD'oh-oh geezwhy am I watching this? hang onit's comingOh, my ballscome on motherfucker i'm waiting forthisIt just does it!You dick!oh my god your arm blew off! my arm blew off?Oh god! Holy fucking shit you don't have arms! I went in side modeoh what have you done?! OOHHH GODDD!Talk to the man we got to get outside! I gotta drink some water and fix this shit!oh god! Jesus Christ! Wait, look at me on the ground. (weird sounds)Wait, why are you down?I was bleeding out. I... I have no arms you dick!Jesus! Hang on, I need water first, hang on.Oh there that's all better!Wooh!I feel good!Mark: Oh man, this game is amazing! Bob: That is awesomealright, this game 10/10 game of the year.Hello everybody my name is MarkiplierAnd, welcome back to Blood and Bacon with Bobso... hi Bob!Hi everybody!This game Bob: It's so good Mark: I... I'm actually not lying I love this game.for people to see the footage of meaccidentally actually discovering thateaster egg while you were gone. we need to... there was like an electrical box yeah over hereelectric fence? oh (Sudden realization)... oh cool! Bob: One of us can go in there? That definitely won't kill me.Bob: One of us can go in there? That definitely won't kill me.ok you want me.. you want me to do the thinglet's try it try it. Neat! nice i wonderif it kills me if I walk through itoh my god it doesn't. Nice! why is that ? ok are we gotta get to the next levelthere's 30 days in this game we wantpeople want to see progress people wantto see us to make it through this gameand do it well with skill that is notwhy people watch my videos I can saythat with authorityok that's absolutely not what peopleexpect from meoh my god is he gonna kill us for theflashlights ignite I i highly doubt thatdo something us old is not there's nowaylook you go kill the pig zombie so wecan progress i'll just keep doing thisok alright then by the way also there'sgonna be no pigs until you get out hereso get them it might as well carry onwith this missionok ok oh my god it's fucking pitch blackout thereyeah it's night now ok but if you wouldjust just grenades us for anything thatwe did everI mean that was great very well you knowwhat your energy woundwhat are some of these are skeletonsdescribed distract them to describe themin I'll just kill them all right gettingthe beer thing I think the thinghell yeah oh oh oh oh my god is thatwhat just oh jeez oh god what rumblednothing who I got an explosionokay we gotta keep like he said we gottakeep about all almost got itwait oh you know what I'm keeping a bodypart in the airwellboy o almost there almost there it's toohighoh yeah fireworks do you know where isthat it's up in the airI did it I did it by shooting body partsup in the air and I see it you weaponokay well how'd you get a body part upin the air you gotta shoot it you gottashoot a piece of it you gotta get apiece the showpiece ok make sure yourbullets full of ammo or a gun whateverand ensure your full bullet and mouthokay then just kind of like well gottado geez that's harder than I got howyeah how many times you have to do it ican only get a few before like its waythat far away that there's like acounter you gotta like I forget how idid it like it must have been a betterbody part in this like the head maybeyeah yeah that's it the head worksbetterso you just gotta get it up and thenthere's like a counter that starts ohyeah i saw that got this oneI'm on it I'm on it I'm on it at thissecant almost there is taking more thanthe last timeyeah we oh yeah yeah yeahs this thisworld is weird but also did you noticethat that up grain silo in the distanceover there with the mound on the side ofthe penisoh yeah oh yeahthere's something at the top of it is akey at the top of itwhy don't we get up there a goodquestion must be aware stand on my headthat that's not a thing you can dook there's got to be a legit can youshoot the thing off the top doubtedthere's a platform there so obviouslythere's got to be like a weapon that canrocket jump or something that would makerocketsoh wow wow said rocket job till I got mymind went to rockets okay i'm gonna talkagain what tomorrow is going to be a daythat you don't want to miss he said weshould use that grounder you gotta use agrounder don't get on grindr find localsingles in your area with grindr thisthe grinder that you gotta get thefarmers only version of grindr crossingthe highway is the hopefully what wouldblow my god is this thing i haveunlimited ammooh my god it does what it needs no reefwhat this amazing i want this is thebest gun ever so also we get grenadesnow apparently Rambo style what did hesay Rambo style he said he put explosiveammo and all the weapons or somethingoh really why how do i use the grenadeone the one buttonwhoa oh my god oh god oh god this isrevenge dayoh yeah is that white oh yeah thesedon't need reload even the AK is likethis only not reloading revolveroh my god this is outstandingthis is next-level gore if it becauseI'm an idiot if itthis is a where's the other are youthere are is just around himgot it revenge day comes once a weekoh boy does it ever wait i wonder if wecanI'm gonna chop down the silo by shootingit that's a good ideaI'msure that'll work maybe I gotta shoot upshoot a pig piece up therewait there's no there's no key up thereanymore what was it only available thatday know how we supposed to I don't knowthis Martian why don't you know thisshit i'm an idiot I didn't finishengineering school that's why that whatyou wanted to hearI actually was fishing for that yeahwell you got what you wantedare you hurts everybody markiplier is anidiotwell i'm getting a sick combo on thisthingmobile not up with no reload requiredthe shoot something up into the airsituation is pretty easyI'm helping I'm helping I'm helping youliterally just hold down the left mouseon the AK and sort of wave at it couldget like I'm not even really aiming atit and i'm still getting hits on itno I'm doing it I'm also helping we'reat work together on thisoh it's probably mostly you that becausei'm seriously like not even reallyaiming at that much well I want I playto win so you need to get your gametogetherthere we go 708 these fiji all rightlet's get to the next day I said worldrecord that is a new world recordso you are aware of the pitch work yeahwell I would be shocked if he wasn'tthat mean he just startedit's just that's how it is so you know Ijust figured he that's because he looksdown like why am I on a walloh god hereoh no and then he instantly dies like heforgot he was supposed to dieOh check out the reload action on thisrevolverok most effective i drop the course Idon't know why I expected there to beboth of who we just get a side actionoh I create bullets yeah hey hey youlike you like my gun like my guns heathehehe did yes that's right in that spotwhere my penis used to beyeah yeah I'm not doing anything doingthat what you do are you doing that youside of your mix these theseinteractions emotion about ityep hey hey hey there's a way out ofthisalright I'm already dead so I feel likethis is kind of loose lose weight so ifi do this yellow lineoh but I do this what I miss me blushI got one you can't die hang on allright okay readyline it up line it up oh look my ballsok when I actually vomited blood andthen just grenades at me whoo dude whoawhat-what there was a there was a darksouls praise the Sun symbol is hesinging the guy when the mom saying usto sleep when I oh no that's going onbut i love it i wanna walk slowly aroundas he's his head tracks me around thisbar and quickly while he's singingthere's also there's also a skull uphere I don't know what it's forthere's an outline of skull up therethere the praise of something was upthereyeah she's yeah oh gee whatno I'm not going back there that lookthrough this with method or we get thisnext one we gotta take a careful lookaround this place because there's somesecrets out here and oh boyalright why is it this color outsidebecause i have pushed the button i shotthe button i'm going to turn theelectric fence on before they all starttravel around and im gonna gather him togather them upI got him don't remember coming for memy goddon't worry I'm black mass blasting allof them nowhere last him I got him rightI'm not there yet beyond its funthere we go that's some fried piggiesthere see ya guysthese ashen oh my god not at all deadlayer not so we need I need health drinksome waterthey seem to be doing a lot more damagethan they have been if I'm a skeletonand drinking this water gave you yourarms back all the wayshouldn't this water like bring me backto life theoretically speaking but I'massuming it assumes that you're not deadconsidering you're walking around thewater is making assumptions about me andthat's why it's racing it's a veryjudgmental water to be honest the tailI don't want to scare you but I thinkthings are going to get a little bitmore tough on youOh start crying oh oh jeez things aregoing to get more tough on usdid you talk to him yeah I talk to himokay oh why were you doing something Iwas just looking around I thought wewereoh that's right I said that around oh Isaid we should look at our surroundingsmore closely so let's go next I ball butshe's i'm an idiot i apologize for ourredo ityeah uh-huh oh jesus what is it I don'tknow I was biggeroh my god they're big all their big ohthey got big hotel ass blowed they doanother don't you just diedyeah they don't ask blowed whoa heyoh god oh my god I'm gonna get somehealth fellow is baby how big they arethey fucking come out of nowhere yeahthat was a biggieholy shit well why did I wonder awayfrom the health water i'm gonna i'mgonna try to shove one of these biganimals insideI don't know G oh my god they do askload yeahoh ok okoh boy you should come get some liquidI'm okayoh my god I'm not okay how do I am idyingwhat I was just dying help may I'mcomingI the pic was dead and I was pushing itand it was just like who you're doing nowell maybe you shouldn't have done thatmaybe maybe I was trying to push himinto the thing is it like if you touchthe tusks when you're pushing it hurtsyouOh what whoa-ohwhat whoa that is weird like if youtouch them on the front it hurts youwell that's not what I wanted I got agrenade sorry sorry okay I'm gonna lookaroundMichonne easy shit thingcome here you big motherfucker we wellbut there was another Sun symbol overhere just but it doesn't do anything ifyou shoot itmaybe it doesn't work because the otherSun symbol is already shot i want toknow how the pigs go all upon whothere's another Sun symbol in here toooh dude it while I can't believe youfound that targetoh ok look up this is a game of manymysteries and also some drugsyeah so why didn't this one work oh it'sjust wanted the door there it bounds areal hardok so there's got to be a bunch of likehidden symbols like that right rightyeah sure yeah okay I can't findanythingwhoa what just went flying in the air ohis that you little pig legok alright if we want to find secrets iguess we could read a guidenow that's for jerks ok well we gotgraphics are you gonna find things nowlet's just going to trigger the nextdon't trigger me ready of triggeredready got triggered don't do it okayapparently we're going to see somethingcompletely new tomorrow like pigs amiesyeah fucked up right zombieslisten we use my psychopathic powers tothe door for youpsychopathic I don't think those are theright words but we're let me use mycycle path hours open that door for youthrough this is didn't rack that'soffensive is really offensive whatpsychopathic peopleyeah don't they have worse problems thatme making out of touch feel about themin Psychopaths know what is happeningwhy did i get around fifty percent of myhealthwhy the heck and I kill thesebutterflies because although hey yeahthere's little pigsit's little things that keep running inand out of my line of sight is like outof the matter how its little bigs getdead little bighello please well they're so fastbut they're weak WowJesus they're getting faster we getfaster than less than shit I don't knowbut I'm hurt oh god oh god okay thankyouoh right there trying trying man tryingto we're done I guessoh sweet alright let's get through dayten I bet there's a boss that day 10hopefully my name blurry men and I carewhat you all by the way that son on thelittle red building it it just made asound when you hit ok we haven't badabsolutely been using only my pistol foralmost this entire thing I mean thatrevolvers pretty good nice cockingaction on itgreat cocking action is quite a kak canI can't stop looking in the skyyeah i know-oh-oh startedmark can we close the door can we undowhatever you do do not think we canoh wow you want to be treated as we canokay god no cheese for girlsok holy shit gr8 wait stop bro stop youdon't know nothingwell this seems bad uh I'll what if youall staying here or used in here one ofus like peek out my god oh my god itshead follows youoh my god i was like oh my god man justwait what just gonna keep on talkingwhat shelf my big fat hair until youshoot me gal gotten to die now bra butnow got a long kay and us it's aboutintelligent he's invisible now holdingshit oh my god this is derek mark markSkinner he states stay close to me he'shere he's always going to you might seeall got here maybe they're makingalright i go to the center going to thecenter Laurel to the centeryeah I'll you know it is open becauseyou know the feelingwhat does that sound like the farmer nookay he's coming to me get ready withthe electrical he's coming to me youcould not everybody all right tell mewhy tell me why i dunno ogz well we'regoing onokay that was good though got rid of thesmaller pigs I'm gonna try and lure himhere i'll stay here we're coming downfrom or he's coming towards me alwayscoming to meoh he was right there dude did I get himknow we didn't get her mind aboutkeeping them up we can see where he iswhen the electric fences giggling areyou hurt you are going for to wear itcomfortably he's close to the middle iam driving about drugOh chasing me and a circle around thehouseokay he's coming to me maybe lighten up10 all you missed itadministrator out of order it says outof order we only get so many uses of itfor tonight and you foldwhoa if you should have any s ask doessomething always got like electric shitis thatwhoa that's King oh he's doing somethingonly one angry we will show angry hisass got blasted off what he's healingwhat he's yelling huh haha oh very scaryvery scary who very scaryyou need to shoot his ass bone yeah hisis because I'm gonna do is I'm gonna getmore ammoit's a grenade or something okay allright xxx-ok grenade was going to 10 I'mdown I'm down I'm downalright i had a drive away how well hesaid he was pleased youhe's nothing but hitting me on theground 0 gie I gotta thank you got yourfriend gonna go go go you only have fullhealthnice he's not to be trusted parking ok Igot getting her dad I'm getting grenadesgot great talk to dickoh I missed on that one lighten up hisis goodwhoa hurry it's that ass blasted me as adamagedoh ya blasted right knee andhe's coming for always liked you bestcome install the melody yeah he needs toclean himself by pressing the tea butare you what are you at health right nowyeah I'm healing up loon everybody'sright hereoh oh my god he did his thing again Igotta get going to get more ammo healingup we need a lot more we should havebeen feel I pistol yeah we should havebeen feeling this thing up because wolfhellooh geez because it like has a reservoirof blood from the previous rounds orsomething oh so it's like filled up allthe way right nowoh geez he lost more pieces of himselfbut he's really going after me I gottago he'll i'll try and a groomI can't believe strategy is a part ofthis this game is amazing by the waydon't hear you motherfucker you can onlyask lesson with your fiscal know the theother gun works i believe I'm notgetting any ass blaster shots with my AKwell a matter happening anymore he wasgetting lots of ass but I don't knowit's just not working it's just notworking right nowoh it's got a Scholastic Oh help yathink he has a new assblaster . becausehe lost something in the water like youare so it's yeahmm oh that's happy oh and he's done he'sdone he's done busyno wait yes yeah yeah yeah fuckin fuckinall day yeah alright no 10 legodivibrant flameokay can we get them into the grinder noI don't we can break like part of themoffya gotta really well on that spine thereor maybe not maybe this is just thesatisfaction thingyeah that's our that's not working okiealright so that was great we did it wethat's only date and game completed gamenot completed yet maybe our play throughthis completed for now maybe that's onemore let us know because this game iswild but thank you everybody so much forwatching thanks for being hereany wise words thanks it's scaryyeah so they're in this video but i havegone up stay down here\n"