Make Some Noise for Robert Aralo and Uh Guys We Got Some Classic Drivers Down Here Reading Their Sponsors Off Their Cars So That's Always Handy Now Mate You've Done Australia Proud Haven't You Yeah The Big Guy On The Podium What's It Mean For You Brother Oh Man It Was Just The Best Weekend It Was Just So Surreal And Just The Crowd And Everything I Was Getting So GED And Yeah I Couldn't Help Myself In That Wall We Just Had A Relationship Yeah I I Don't Know If She's Going To Be Calling Back Yeah Well I Don't Reckon I'll Fix It Up Too Much We're Back Here For Hightech In Two Weeks So I'll Probably Do The Same Thing Rock On Brother Make Some Noise For Your Third Place Winner Jordan Sanderson Doing Australia PR In The You Thank You MZ And That Is The End Of We're Going To Get The Champagne Flying Here Dan It Has Been An Amazing Year Look At That Those Three Have Battled It All The Way Through Today But Not Only Today What An Amazing Series This Was Just An Idea Between A Crazy Idea It Was A Crazy Why Don't We Just Do Insane Idea Why Don't We Do Fun Events Around The World Borrow Cars Get To Know The Local Scene The Local Drivers So Many Of These Put Them Against Each Other But Look At These New Stars We're Creating Everywhere We Go Because The Eyes Are On And They're Deserved Stars Because They're Amazing Personalities Everywhere We Go Australia You Have Been Incredible I Also Want To Thank Everybody Who's Been A Part Of The LZ World Tour All The Way Start Us All The Way To Ireland To To All The Way To Canada All The Way Here To Australia It's Been An Amazing Time Want To T Adam LZ For Putting Trust In His Whole Team And Us To Put This All Together Specifically This Weekend I Want To Thank Keeper Reed For Doing An Amazing Job Of Keeping This All On Track Keeping A Re Keeping It Right Keeping It On Track Doing Australia Proud Dan It's Been A Pleasure Me Down There Doing An Amazing Job This Weekend Loved Everything About It You Guys Here In Attendance It's Been An Awesome Time Positive Vibes You Can Comment You Can Put Your Critiques You Can Put Your Opinions But It's Positive Vibes So Start To Finish All Four Events And Thank You So Much Dave It's Been An Absolute Pleasure To Be Announcing With You At These Events I've Learned So So Much And It's Been So Fun This Is This Is The Type Of Event That You Will Never Forget No Matter Where You Are On The Planet So Thank You For Allowing Me To Come With You On This Journey It's Been It's Been The Funniest Drift Events That I Have Ever Been To It's Been Awesome We've Been All Over The World This Year And Every One Of These Events I See New Stars New Faces New Vibes Get To Meet So Many Amazing People We Throw All These Different Content Creators Stars Drivers Amateurs Pros Together This Is All About Fun Ladies And Gentlemen And Fun Is What Drifting Should Be It Should Be A Good Time It Should Be An Amazing Time For Everybody In Attendance All Smiles On Faces And There's Some Of The Biggest Smiles Today
C Martin The Winner Of The Final Stop Of The LZ World Tour He's Blind He's Got A Mustache He's Lost His Aviators The Rear End Of His Car But Boy Did He Drive Well And He Is The Winner In The End Guys Thank You So Much For Tuning In At Home Thank You So Much For Coming Out To Caler Park We're Going To See You Guys Very Soon Next Year What'll Happen Next Year You're Going To Have To Wait And Find Out Cuz Even We Haven't Figured It Out We Need At Least A Couple Of Drinks Before We Can Even Start Talking About That Cuz We're About To Celebrate Thank You Guys For Everything And All The Support This Year We Did Something New We Did Something Different And We Hope You Guys Enjoyed It We'll See You Soon As We Now Leave A Four Turboed VL Shooting Flames Beside Three People In Australia That Are On The Podium It Doesn't Have To Make Sense That's What This Championship Is All About From Dan I Mez And All The Crew Here At The LZ World Tour We'll See You Next Year Let's Let The Burnouts Commence So See So Unfortunately Guys We Got To Leave You On The Stream But Here In Attendance We Are Going To Have An Expression Session On Track So If You Want To See All The Rest Of The Drivers Go Out There And Have Some Fun Look At Some Flames Pop Out Of The Keeper Weel You Guys Stick Around Here In Attendance You Guys At Home As I Said The Sentiments Are Resonating From All Of Us Here In The Tower Thank You So Much For Watching We Appreciate Each And Every One Of You We'll See You In 2024 For Bigger Brighter And Better Things From The LZ World Tour This
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enladies and gentlemen welcome to the final stop of the LZ World Tour here in calar park in Australia what an event this has been so far we are now here at the main event my name is Dave from drift games I'm joined by my good buddy Dan Brockett here in the tower we're going to be talking you through all of the action here today and it is going to be action pack yesterday qualifying Last Chance top 16 Dan it was the most ridiculous day of drifting I think I've ever seen the '90s abounded there was so many ' 9s we had cars being swapped crashed people lending their cars being beaten by people and then giving them their cars if you didn't see it go back and watch it because I don't even think we could explain it if we had half an hour it's very difficult and it would take too long so today we have a little bit of an overcast day here in Calder Park slightly they brought the Ireland well this they had rain earlier on and I said to them this kind of rain back home we call it sun so it's not that bad but basically the track conditions are perfect and we are going to have a hell of a show and also a little bit cooler for the people in attendance and the engines which have been going through going through the ropes for about two days now through the ringer at this point a lot of cars a lot of damage but that's all For Your Entertainment remember this show is all about having fun it is an exhibition of car culture on the sport of drifting it is about putting crazy people and crazy builds together it's about putting the audience in front of the things they've seen on the Internet only but now they can feel touch and hear them in the flesh mostly here yes most or if it's Mad Mike's car you can hear nothing after it it is just so loud but we have a really cool crowd here everyone's vibing out we're building up the the grand stands we're going to be getting towards the main event and what we do every time we come is go to the fantasy battles but before we move into today's I want to talk about yesterday but I don't want to talk about it I want to show you guys what went down yesterday in caler park check this out B definitely was and it's Mitch larer Mitch l gets the win there you have it guys it was an amazing event yesterday was Mitch larner that took the win even though he started with 700 horsepower he finished with 300 with his supercharger ratchet strapped on still won the competition at the end which is an amazing feat and very stylishly it's like the car wasn't missing in half of its horsepower exactly so what we're going to do is have a look at the Battle format this is for later in the show the fantasy battles are a little bit more fun but each driver is going to take turn at lead and Chase for the the fantasy battles also and in the fantasy battles unlike this the scoring in a draw and all this about the judges the judges have nothing to do with the fantasy battles they are all about the audience so everybody here in attendance you are now the judges for our fantasy battles for the star of the show which means Australia you're going to have to start getting loud you're going to have to start getting rowdy and you're going to have to start but I think putting yourself in the mix here you're going to decide some of these pride-filled battles you guys are important at this point so we need some participation so what I think we're going to do is we're going to see if Australia is with us so Australia I know you guys are packing in the stands we're all getting warmed up but are you with me getting me Make Some Noise oh we got some people in the house noise I I I felt something a little a little tingle we've been to Forest stops all over the world on this tour we've had some amazing audiences but Australia you are representing your nation today you've got to be the loudest yet and what we've got on the line for our first fantasy battle is basically Adam LZ versus the Australian Adam l z yeah they call him the Adam LZ so everybody confuses him with Adam LZ he is a big fan of Adam LZ but K Martin we're going to put you in a battle with Adam LZ for the first fantasy battle it is LZ in the cream s13 going up against C a dream batttle for con Morton here yeah this is uh this is a come up for him nothing like looking like somebody and then getting to battle them in real life convenient that they're both drifted absolutely Cort in that four-door or or 33 and then we have Adam LZ who's on a mission this weekend to try and get this car working they've had so many mechanical issues with it but it looks like it's working pretty good now as LZ takes it to the wall but look at Mor up on the door fantasy battles for nothing judged by the crowd and these guys are door to door now you can pick your favorite driver here if you're in the audience or you can just be a proper judge and decide who's done the better run LZ was in the lead K Morton in the chase now remember what I said this is stuff that never happens anywhere where does a fan get to go drive with their hero and that is exactly what K Morton is doing right now he said to us hey man I would love just to do one run with LZ we said you know what not only will you do one run you'll do two and he'll do it in front of everybody watching so he's having a good time out there I can't wait until they get out of the cars and they're standing next to each other so we can see how much alike they actually are I wonder will they switch cars in the second run we never they switched cars already maybe we don't know who the real LZ is it's like it's like a where's Waldo you just go which is the real LZ So Adam LZ is going to be in the chase position this Adam not getting a whole lot of practice this weekend got a whole lot of practice fixing the car though yeah because what happened was is they've refreshed this whole car which has been abandoned for 4 years keep it re I've done an amazing job of getting it together but it's got some teething issues just like any new build and they have been working tirelessly to get that car ready all night last night the people who rebuilt the engine last night did not go to sleep just to make sure this car was here in front of you guys today which is an we want to thank all of those guys absolute Heroes right hugely everybody pulling together to make their show this ass sure the show is as good as it can be and look at C Morton he is in dreams he thinks he's going to wake up in bed this morning again and go had this weird dream I was battling Adam LZ in the middle of calra Park but it's reality C and you are now in the lead position with LZ hot on your heels let's see exactly what they can do Cam's chucking it in AKA LZ Jr at this point and LZ getting right up in his business he's like you know what let's put on a show and they are doing just that L's got a lot of driving to go ahead of him so the fact that he's even out here doing this is pretty fantastic and these guys aren't leaving anything on the table it's not like the are going easy on each other a little bit of a bump on the wall there as cam deep into that pocket hits the wall again he hit the wall three times all the way around K Morton putting that orth I mean the back of that car is pretty far away from you when you're driving but still he hit the wall three times somehow finished the Run yeah did not put the front end of the car in so that's fantastic LZ was doing a pretty good job on the first half of the course following but we're going to leave it up to you guys that a great transition that transition from LZ man LC has a top 16 main event to go to so he's out here just having some fun camore knocked out a competition yesterday so he's just throwing the car into the wall onto the wall and smashing the wall because it's his last couple of runs of the weekend oh my goodness how he he hit another wall that wasn't even on the track oh my that is impressive stuff as they get out of the cars guys give it up for Adam LZ and K Moran Ma how are they feeling down there he's like get over here man all right cam you were just checking out your lovely C half work that you did at the end of the wall there you got a bit Keen there mate but how good was it drifting with your brother from another mother oh was absolutely awesome he's very consistent I just lay it on him um yeah ah stoked mate you can't wipe the green off Adam long brother what was it like there and did you know you had a brother here yeah we haven't driven together for four years so it was cool to get to uh did we did we lose audio yeah no it was good it was a good time guys I surely zoom in on these faces it's grin's Galore out here all right cam when's the uh paint job booked in for Mellow Yellow cuz you got the masterash you Vlog when are you doing the thing no it's not my thing I'll keep the silver all right it's shut down okay now it's time crowd to get involved because we want to find the winners oh one more time I don't know if that's an option brother Make Some Noise if you think cam Martin is is your winner GE geez you guys were waiting a little bit there but uh Adam got it started Make Some Noise if you think Adam LZ is your winner all right we're just going to have to quickly do that once again cam Martin winner Adam LZ winner ah yeah look I I think cam Martin's got that one but hey you're going to be back out for another fantasy battle later absolutely Matt Mike there we go baby Make some noise what a great fantasy battle back to you guys well I got to say the crowd definitely leaning into the dream street there I love that they were like well maybe people like a more affordable Adam l i I think so I think he's it's a it's it's achievable at this point an achievable Adam a more approachable that's a weird that's a weird thing to even have come out of your mouth it's a strange thing we had Adam L versus Adam l in the first battle you didn't expect to see that today did you no so it is going to be Adam's going to come back for another fantasy battle we can't wait to tell you who that's against cuz you guys are going to be very excited about but we're moving back to the start line to our next fantasy battle which I've been looking forward to ever since I saw those names come up on the sheet I'm looking forward to it it is going to be a little celebration burnout though for the two Adam lzs we got L on LZ action they got out of the car and I started chuckling and then I looked at Dave and Dave was also chuckling because they are very very similar looking that is just that you know what this event doesn't have to make sense no it doesn't I don't I dare you to try and make sense of any of this I dare you so we're going to go back to the start line look at this it is Mr keeper Jason Fen in the car don't look at me in his uh crazy bar powered Skyline wagon and he's going up against Stewie Bryant who has a nicer Skyline t no he did not paint it I was going to say he's done some work to that over you know you know whose car this is no this is his dad's car this is Stewie Bryant's dad's car my dad's car doesn't look like this yeah my dad's car is an F-150 there you go so don't Don't Drift that so here we go Jason f in the lead Stewie Bryant in the chase position in a car that he's never driven this weekend Noe brand new laps with Stewie Bryant in a similar chassis different car as they come through Jason Fen putting on a smoke show right now Stewie just having to learn how to drive the car all over again I'm sure his e bra setup may or may not be different than maybe he's missing some calipers that might be what's happening Jason just putting those beans down and Stewie having some problems keeping up I think if Stewie Bryant didn't have a problem with a four-door Skyline in the Run would be more unusual Stewie doing a good job yesterday getting himself onto the podium of the last he's back in the show today but he's in another car I don't even know what's going on anymore why is this the borrowed car when the it looks better than the actual car I'm just saying better than the actual it's a very present I like the art project but I do appreciate this one as it's pretty sweet so you can see just losing out a little bit of pace as he tries to stay with Jason fer but that car is an absolute Beast yeah it's a station wagon the barel Wags station wagon the bar Wags is a it's a pro level car and just going to say Stewie br's car may not be so this is all for fun though this is warming us up for that main event top 16 guys just to get you guys warmed up I know it's been a little chilly here in kler park but you know what it's not so bad the clouds are starting to clear we have conditions are perfect for our main event later today that's going to be an amazing time that top 16 is looking absolutely stacked it is like the best of the world Australia and New Zealand all put into one mix with bunch of influencers which a bunch of content creators thrown in as well which I quite like so here we go we're going to come back around here it's going to be the second half of the battle between Stewie Bryan and Jason Fen now Jason Fen one of our higher qualifiers yesterday yeah what what normal people would do and Jason f is not a normal person would be like I don't want to ruin my car here because obviously I got to do loads of botles later today but I feel like Jason faren he's just going to go crazy here I think so he's gone crazy every single lap doesn't matter if it's practice didn't matter if it was qualifying who was on the wall he was dooring people pushing people around the end of the season so I'm not leaving I'm not leaving this car in one piece that's a dangerous thing to say and then he gets out of the car and he's just like yeah he's like ah broke the car again no no big deal so here we go it's going to be Stewie Bryant in the lead Jason F oh a little bit of a gap what happened there maybe missed the gear three I don't know he is's a very laid-back guy Jason faren but that was a little too laidback on the start line he's like you know what I'm going to play a little bit of catch up I'm I'm going to give him a slight advantage and he did I think I think Jason's got an issue here I think Jason Fen car how to Mechanical issue on the first half of the run which maybe bringing Stewie Bryant back into the mix Jason Fen though found power towards the end oh there we go how cool as that shot across the insane that's a lot of fun so we got two Australians would we say that this is like old school versus new school because it really is Su Bryant old school legend Jason far and new school Legend new school legend going up against each other and it looked to me like Jason faren having some issues I I think we're going to say that the Bonnet being off that car probably telling the story as well I know they were having some alternator problems this morning maybe the car just didn't want to stay on who knows maybe it's turned off he we've I've had runs before where you the car shuts off and you let the clutch out and it just jumps itself back up again which is terrifying but uh he got back in at the end trying to put a show on for the fans here it's Stewie Bryan and Jason Fen all right bringing these guys up I'd like to hear what happened from both of them yeah I think Jason's going to tell us what happened there but we're down to Mez he's down with the drivers on the track how are the boys feeling down there Jason mate Dave wants to know how you're feeling yeah not bad um so we've been breaking alternators we on our second no our third alternator this weekend and the boys just got that in there and it's playing up straight away again so it was like spluttering and I was just trying to kick the clutch keep it going U so that's annoying but lucky I've got like five cars here so I've got one to choose from I did notice you have quite the Expendable Fleet of drift cars at your disposal so it wasn't a tactic to just embarrass stey Bryant with with a 10 km Gap you did have car issues yeah there was definitely issues going on there all right Stewie come on over mate get on this side get in between us mate you've gone back as if you uh just got your license from high school you borrowed dad's car yeah the uh the other one had a few issues so we decided to bring the this one out as a spare um she's uh she's definitely a little bit less poker than the other one so uh on the on the chase I was giving her all the clutch I felt I was in a k70 and she was just not taking it so I straighten up behind Jace on the on the chase there and yeah the 20 she's a she's a great little engine but she didn't quite have the Poke for that one oh well them's the breaks but you guys still put on a little bit of a show like if we just took the video from that second half beautiful now let's go to the crowd two absolute heavyweights of the drift scene in Australia Make Some Noise if you think the winner is Mr keep it re Jason faren oh oh he it it is local boy stuff isn't it here Make Some Noise if you think the winner is JY Bryan oh come on come on that's a tough crowd brother but I think I think the winner is Jason faren boys you should be stoked of that back to you boys in the booth thanks M and yeah local boy Melbourne boy Jason faren getting a little bit you know what he did pretty good and I think they're going to have to put four alternators in that car for the battles that are on a minimum of four alternators would that thing singing again so we've got another little bit of celebratory Donuts I'm imagining even though Jason F's going to probably struggle to turn the car on here he's got so little Vol maybe he might need some help with a jump start but if he gets it going maybe Stewie will just do donuts around him who knows what's going to happen here he got to go yeah both of these guys in the competition later on so you know what I mean it's going to be interesting to see how they get on and here we go let's bake some fresh donuts for the people for you guys out there in the crowd our judges our beautiful judges we got a lot of Judges so all you guys are are going to get Abus Us by the internet later on everyone in the crowd I'm sure these drivers will have a lot of feedback for each and every one of you absolutely so uh when drivers got an issue with a decision we send them into the thousands of people here and say you can find them all if you want good luck here we are so we got another fantasy battle out of the way remember we are winding up towards our main event later on and here's an interesting one we got Gaz wider taking on Ben Jenkins so these are both teammates but they have similar cars but two very different power plants supercharge for Gaz wider and we got the 2JZ for Ben Jenkins and then it also looks like you're you're photoshopping a mirror image here because they look very very similar they've both lost many things from these cars over the last day but this is going to be a big Smokey one here in the fantasy battles for sure it's super nice to see team graphics on these cars it's like these are the things you see at like super D and final bout and all the style based events these are very very stylish cars and they're coming blasting through different tastes and wings I'm noticing here I am a big fan of the the low Wing I don't know about you are you a big Wing guy oh it depends on the day but look at oh wheel to wheel from G wider and Ben Jenkins it was sort of all you know very uh political and along the way and then all of a sudden they forgot just like yep we're we're we're doing this they were like oh let's not take it too seriously guys come on it's only a fantasy batt then oh no wait bang door door put in um of course front wheels I wonder CU they SWA the door from one car the other after the battle that would be interesting just sorry about that I'll I'll I'll take the bad one you can have mine you can have the bad one uh so yeah nice job here from both of these guys Gaz Wier in the lead Ben Jenkins in the Chase and a very early Snappy transition from Ben put him on that inside line but it leted him to catch look at look at the wall run from Gaz wider at the end there impressive stuff he's going to be one of the favorites today in the competition I think he's absolutely been ripping so there was a bit of contact but that's okay Robin's racing I think they're fine nobody Bunny Hop nobody ran into the wall that was fine and that might not be the end of that story today I think I think there may be some caler Park wo has always been an issue here because it's it wants to take all the attention it wants to be the star of the show it's very tall it's very brightly colored it's very solid yes there is no movement look at look at the wall run from G Wier running that spoiler all he's done this almost every single run this weekend and that spoiler has just a little bit of fiberglass crack on it that's how accurate he is on that wall and look at this for proximity from Ben Jenkins as he puts a little Mark on the door as he comes across the finish line impressive stuff from these two teammates and I I I love to see it I love to see it these guys out here no trophy on the line no nothing on line no big paycheck on the line just doing it for your entertainment Australia so we want to hear you get involved when these guys get out of the car at the end of this run now good drive I feel that gazeer is not going to be impressed with that little bump at the end of the run I want to see multiple bumps I want to see a couple of half Moons I think goder is going to go for it here I I think he should I think he he knows his teammate Ben has got a lot of talent he's going to trust him and also he goes oh well you know it's end of the season let's leave some body panels on the track here we go second half of this fantasy battle is going to be Gaz Wier in the chase B Jenkins in the lead and look at this gazeer comes in on that inside line here we go look at that as gazeer putting the pressure on Ben Jenkins as they come back around through the Power Alley kind of a little lackluster there I'm feeling we're going to have to leave that one to the judges I know that's going to be a tough decision can he put the pressure this is where it needs to happen and I don't think we saw it I just I was hoping for more we got a lot more proximity at the start of the run from gwi but Ben had more at the end and we're not the judges guess who's not guess who's not the judges right now the judges the judges are not the judges are happy that they don't have to do a thing they're in there saying well thank God all the people here have to do that one cuz that was tough so they are going to uh take a little breather and watch this one before they have to make all those tough decisions later on and look at this it's it just seemed to me like guys who didn't have the pace to catch him down that back straight no no no he he could not not keep up and did not get into that nice little pocket created between their widebody kids exactly so they're going to come back down in front of the crowd I want you guys to give him a big round of applause put your hands together these guys are getting pumped up for the rest of the day the louder you go the louder and crazier they go that's how drifting works these guys are all attention Seekers deep down and they want to steal the show so we want to show show the appreciation as they stop up will you give it up please for G Wier and Ben Jenkins so we're going to we're going to get MZ down there to talk to them MZ that was a great set of battles guys how does it feel to get absolutely DED by your teammate that's what it's about bro these these tires they're not grippy but it just makes for amazing battles and yeah good fun on that wall hey what's it like performing in front of a crowd like this it's been a hot minute I'm sure oh mate we don't get these crowds in New Zealand like this I haven't competed for a few years so it's great to have so many loud supporters around that's exactly it and they're about to make some noise when they vote very shortly Benny Jenkins team Jenkins Motorsport got this car going again but uh mate now Gaz is sort of the uh poster boy for Phoenix do you do you think you're going to be uh putting some words into Adrien maybe try to get uh a little bit more up the top spit well I definitely think I've racked up the biggest damage bill for the old Phoenix team here for sure in and out of that wall but it's all what it's all about is putting on a show M thanks to the team they jumped on straight on board and fix the cast we get out here and laid out some laps and G is amazing Drive back in New Zealand so it's a stok to get here and try and get up on his door might have been a little bit too much but you'll see how we're going hey you guys are good boys I'm sure it's all kosher there in the pits Let's uh let's try find a winner what do you reckon yeah okay crowd are you ready to Make Some Noise if you think Gaz wider is our winner Let It Roar woo not bad guys not bad if you think our boy Benny Jenkins is the winner make some noise oh oh that's a little bit close and just uh out of respect for the OG I'm going to go again if you think it's Gaz Wier Make Some Noise if you think it's Ben Jenkins makes some noise oh that that has got Ben Jenkins written all over it Well Done boys back to the booth thanks MZ and you know what I love this crowd interaction because it's it shows what the fans appreciate and what I realize is they're all just wanted some crashing because Ben Jenkins did more crashing than guys wi everyone's like I love a bit of crashing I think they're fantastic judges I I don't think they're looking for crashes I I think that they are finely tuned instruments each and every single one of them and they are paying close attention to these runs 110% looking for crashing Dan looking for crash they're looking for crashing so it is basically who hits whose door that's that's the game yeah a g a good old fashioned game a door hitting and it was Ben Jenkins who got the door hit on gazeer said maybe I'll save the door hit for later on in the main event I mean everybody always talks about banging doors but do you ever actually get to bang doors well they definitely did that is for sure so guys wi B Jenkins you'll see both of these guys in the top 16 later on in the main events as he's rolling a big old smokey burnout down the front straightway make sure to breathe in all that tire smoke it's a good tactic cuz if you you can't see it they can't judge it that that's how it works true back to it's going to be two of the smiliest men the friendliest men in drifting Jimmy Oaks and Mike Lake we got Jimmy Oaks all the way from the USA going up against the local boy Mike Lake and Mike he's all about having fun and having a good time and having a styled car so is Jimmy Oaks they said hey let's do a battle Jimmy Oaks going to lead him out in the keeper read or 34 Mike Lake in the Chase and we got Jimmy Oaks he's been doing those big flick entries all weekend keeping it the same and a big under steer from Mike Lake it's crazy because looks like Chris is out there Chris rodnick was driving his car yesterday did the exact same thing in the exact same spot yeah looks like that car has a lot of grip all in he's getting back into the mix here though as Jimmy Oaks takes it to the wall one more time in caler Park look at that wall run from Jimmy Oaks towards the end and Mike Lake catching up towards the end making up for that big under steer he had on the first corner it happens to the best of us it does and it's unfortunate and it happens all the time and that's okay because Jimmy Oak's wall ride was absolutely beautiful I think that may be one of his best wall rides and we're just doing demos here well he had some wall rides he had some wall hits he's had it all this weekend Jimmy Oaks he's driving one of the largest cars on the grid he said he's having a lot of fun something different this weekend and of course A lot of these guys you got to give a biger respect that they're jumping into cars they've never driven before chassis they've never driven before an an engine setups they've never driven before on a track they've never driven before that's a lot of never before it's a lot to take on the local boys with that much of a disadvantage but looks to me like Jimmy Oak's doing a great job there of he's feeling it out I have a feeling because you you know Jimmy is going to be looking to put some marks some some beautiful tire marks on all that pink and purple right because I think Mike lak's car survived Chris rudnik Jimmy Oak said look I think it's got the lifespan it's over its best before date right now it needs a little bump it needs some marks on it I mean it's a souvenir from this amazing event absolutely I don't think Mike Lake will stop smiling if anything happens here because Mike is always smiling put on jimy Oak yeah slamming the door and saying hey Jimmy you got to get on the door Jim says well I mean if you said it now I in front of all these people that they all saw it on the camera so yeah let's put some marks on Half Moon Jimmy that's what the people want this is what the people need it's the fasy battle between Mike Lake and Jimmy Oaks second run Mike Lake leading them in Jimmy Oaks in the Chase and going very close on the entry Jimmy Oaks a little bit early too up on the curb but no under steer there so we are two steps ahead of the last round Jimmy Oaks putting all the pressure and a big bunk there we were Mike Lakes car shutting down and Jimmy Oaks hitting the back end of Mike Lake's car I'm not sure what happened there that that that that was uh unfortunate unfortunate and again unnecessary because uh we wanted to see a better run and Mike L car just has been letting him down this weekend but you know what he's just going to try and do some burnouts too some donuts he's got a little Mark on the back end Jimmy Oaks will give that little was a mark in the wrong spot we weren't we were looking for door not rear of the car exactly Jimmy Oaks putting on a big burnout guys giveing up for Mike Lake and Jimmy Oaks look at all the look at all the smoke coming out of the hole where the tail light used to be yes that R34 is had a weekend it deserves a cool beverage at the end of this weekend that car as you can see as they came through that first corner it looked to me like Mike Lakes car it was all glory here everything was going great Jimmy was in the pocket they transition and all of a sudden right here it looks like Mike maybe misses a gear something happens and his a little bop to the back of the car but it's all good guys once again give it up for Mike Lake and Jimmy Oaks all the way from the USA MZ all smiles even though it wasn't the cleanest BS we got a bit of romance down here boys there was a bit of kissing on happening over there just two nice guys of drift what happened out there Mike the uh the old E36 finally gave up I think something's wrong with the gearbox it's stuck in the gear but it means we can still do skids right now so I'm I'm a happy man and uh for some skids is the main thing isn't it Jimmy meeting a fellow nice guy does it feel good out there knowing that you uh he's just won a decent bloke oh for sure I figured what ever happened in this battle if I parked down the entry I spawn or he won or whatever it was going to be great times either way so Mike's the man oh look at the two grins here I'm just in awe guys uh we I suppose we don't have to vote but still let's make some noise Make some noise for Mike Lake come on people there we go and what about Jimmy Oaks yeah well done Jimmy just quickly mate at the start of the uh the event you were like oh I don't know you know the car's I'm not getting used to it and now you're just out there blitzing brother you're on fire I'm I'm trying my best she's definitely not my style but we're making it work oh that's all we can ask for all right ladies and gentlemen Make some noise for these two great drivers back to you boys there you have it the boys did not finish both of their runs but they uh they're happy nonetheless hugs and smiles all around always look at that there's a lot of very cool sort of old school liveries going on BM goodness the BMW 36 the or 34 all looking good got a little sprinkle of rain coming down here in Calder Park oh there it is little sprinkle but uh it's going to make things a little bit more interesting for the end of these fantasy battles I think yeah nothing like uh going out on unknown track conditions love it everybody loves unknown track conditions so I don't think it's going to do enough to make the track super greasy right yet but it's I hope it's going to make it a bit interesting either way we got Mike Lake heading off back into the pits something definitely broke on his car but it broke in front of all the fans which is the best time for it to break the best time for and it's still able to do a big Smokey burnout as he exits the track so not All Is Lost absolutely as we now see Jimmy Oaks doing some burnouts as well showing off to the fans give it up guys one more time for Jimmy Oaks they'll never it and still going currently Jimmy Oaks still doing a burnout all the way back to the pits we got on the line Colette Davis kette in the Ora 32 Skyline the car has been having some issues but she said you know what everyone came here this weekend I want to say hi to everyone I want to go out there and do some runs so she's going to test the car live in front of everybody why not yeah I mean hey why not shake down in front of all these beautiful judges so she's going to roll out here and I think she's got a special passenger in the car with her as well yeah so Colette Davis coming all the way over from the USA this weekend she had a great botle with Jimmy Oaks yesterday good qualified good qualifying session she says she really likes the car she's out here having some fun and she says she wants to come down and say hi to everybody you know again this is such an amazing time to see so many you know I would say amazing people coming together to celebrate this sport to celebrate car culture and kette wanted to come down and just put on a show for everybody say she the keep it read or 32 lighting up those back tires I think she found where the limiter is I I I I feel like she found where the limiter is I'm just it's just a guess she said she's going to she said she had some Tire left but she doesn't really want to and look at this for a burnout an absolute smoke show from Colette Davis absolutely fantastic it's great she's the only girl in the competition she did very well yesterday had an unfortunate hit with the wall is back and is now doing one of the most Rowdy burnouts that we've seen thus far you know what there's something very Primal about the fact that I just want to see burnouts and donuts all the way through and she wants to put some some heat up the track right oh dry it off a little bit sprinkle of rain kette says don't worry I got this I'll heat the whole place up one more time guys get up for Colette Davis doing it for all the ladies all the ladies in the crowd This Could Be You Someday yeah kette inspiring so many of females into the sport because she's doing so well what an ambassador exactly such an ambassador always smiling she's been jumping between so many different chassis this year and even her own her own bills are rotary Corvettes all sorts of crazy stuff amazing stuff from Colette as we see her uh absolutely pop the tires on the back of that or 32 guys one more time get up for kette Davis I'm not sure there's any tires left on that car right now no and that's okay oh we got M oh we got we got we got come and see if the car is okay I think everything might be okay let's see if it is okay MZ that was some Smoky burnouts from kette Davis right there Make Some Noise Colette Davis Colette drifting I mean it's pretty good but how good's a burnout oh it's great I was actually surprised the P tires didn't pop but I did my best it was so awesome and big shout out and thank you to Jason and the entire T at Rec crew for getting these cars not just prepped for us but just letting us rip on them all weekend I absolutely love this car and I had a blast oh you love to hear it now how have you enjoyed your time in Australia and you've just done an Australian send off I've had an amazing time we've mostly only been at the track but I'm really excited to come back and go exploring more but this has been awesome you guys are amazing I've got to meet so many of you and I hope we get to come back oh you love here it makes some noise for Colette Davis everyone and we also have a special guest uh passenger I saw you you were the Vlog man there Grant Anderson yeah I'm just learning from you I know your Vlog skills are A+ so just learning from the best but uh I want to give Colette a five-star Uber rating for my great ride and uh just thank her for the the great passenger lab and uh you're going to be uh using conditioner shampoo to get the rubber out of the hair surely why does it not look good it's a little bit tacky oh Jesus all right grant Anderson kette Davis Make Some Noise ladies and gentlemen and uh kette what gear did you get up to there in the skid so I lost third earlier so I just had to stay in second I know next year maybe third or fourth I down to Fourth hey it's an RB y'all this my first time driving an RB so I don't know maybe fourth is possible maybe why stop at Fourth Let's Go fifth there we so oh you love to see it all right get back in this rig because it's uh definitely cooled down by now and I'm sure it's good to go for another skid all right ladies and gentlemen Make Some Noise guys give it up for kette Davis and Grant Anderson and they having some fun that's what this event is all about remember people this isn't a super serious competition stop treating it like it is this is all about having a good good time just like drifting should be in the first place this is pro wrestling this is monster trucks this is the LZ World Tour we've got characters from All Nations and all sorts and all sizes as I said this event is All About Smiles on faces and hitting the random Car and Driver generator every time we press pass we we should have a big red button where we just go random car random generator we got Grant Anderson passenger kette Davis it's it's like cludo just a burnout in front of people in Australia so what we got now on the line is I I have put this in the show this was not a this is a me choice on the line we got a guy called Marcus mccy but they call him baky mccy byy M and I said to him today I was like why do they call you that and he was like well I could go out and show you and I went I can allow it I kind of run the show around here I can allow it so what he's going to do is show you exactly why this guy is baky mccy here we go in the PS3 Sr there we have it big py from and he wasn't joking not just the clever name just yesterday he did now Marcus mcy he's in the competition later on folks but he is treding his best to put some big old angle into these runs look at this wall run in the SR for Marcus maccy and this is just for fun give it up oh my goodness for baky mccy as he puts in a monster entry into the first corner just showing us what's you know 360 wall run baky what more do you want from a run that was absolutely beautiful in every way shap that's a hard thing to do especially in front of this many people like the pressure was on and he made it happen he made it happen we're going to get the replay of this look at the angle folks that is past 90° full over 90° correction on the steering it is beautiful it's textbook it's very tough to do I've tried this I would probably be somewhere in that gravel trap there oh I would have for sure both of us would be in there going I don't even know how we did that or I would have came up 50 ft short and it just would have been embarrassing exactly that's why we don't get in the show down and we're trying but we just can't get in there so we just wanted to see a backwards entry I didn't I don't have to explain it to anyone I just wanted to see one I just put it in the show I also said we're going to finish who we near hit the wall after that that was that so he did the backwards entry easy the 360 might have been a disaster but this is the battle I think we if you look at been waiting yeah the official merchandise for this event the T-shirt the hoodie I saw it a couple of weeks ago it was Mad Mike it was Adam LZ and I said I'm not going to leave this to chance that these guys won't be cuz they're on both opposite sides of the bracket they would have to meet in the final today so just in case that doesn't happen let's just see it happen either way so we got Adam Z and Mad Mike doing a run in the fantasy Batts two the biggest names in drifting where would you ever see it happen and caler park it's happening right in front of your eyes and look at this Adam taking that Sr S3 versus a three roer MX5 AKA Miata blasting through the course Adam has been on a heater when the car is working and Mt Mike doing everything he can to stay up with him as they come across the line insane that's that's what I love about this event is you would never in your lifetime ever see these two guys in the two cars or styles of cars that made their name up against each other in Australia yeah neither of these guys from this country but here they are just putting on a clinic you know just doing it for the people not even doing it for a skateboard deck just doing it I said this is what I love about this entire series and Australia I hope you guys are having fun out there because we're having fun up here and this is just what I want to see I just want to see Mad Mike chasing Adam Z on a wall in Australia is that too much to ask is it too much to ask it's it's not because these guys are all crazy and they'll just say yes both of them in the competition later on this is essentially risking their cars for entertainment but you know what both of these guys were straight in and said oh yes we're doing can we do that we're doing it we're doing it so fantasy battle is the last fantasy battle before we take a small break and head towards our main event parade we got the exhibition drivers and when I say that I got some builds lined up for you guys that you will not even believe are going to go around this track and have no business being on a racetrack in general every single car in the exhibition should have been a bad idea stopped at the start it's now a real thing but it's going to be fun we got the second half of this one Adam LZ Mad Mike the world of drifting from all sides right now on the Star Line love to see it big names big cars even though the the Miata and his uh SR20 are making basically the same amount of horsepower we're going to see if Adam can actually put the pressure on Mike chucking in the back he he was like you know what that that so madik A backward entry in the CR corner now LZ starting to try and get up in his business will LZ be able to make the dive towards the wall Last Chance Saloon yes he will big angle oh there on the door hand out the window wing on the wall there were so many things happening right there at the end caler park there you go that is what it's all about we want to hear you guys getting live and excited here today if ever there were a show this is it the pen that is the you know the the the Mount Rushmore of wildness there is what you see look at this Adam was not ready for that back Adam was like where's he going oh he did it he did a backwards entry in the lead position Mad Mike Adam LZ if you are in attendance if you're in attendance right now we want you to make some noise and nobody's going to hear it over the sound of three screaming rotors anyway look at look at these scenes look at these scenes here in CER Park Australia are you not entertained as they get out of their cars two of the legends of the sport will you give it up for Adam LZ and Mad Mike yeah those guys are pumped all right down here with Adam Adam little bit hard to hear mate I'm sure so I'm just going to yell in your ear forgive me for that how was it driving with Mad Mike with this cool car in your own car in another country well I can't hear anything anymore but no that was that entry was wild that was fun chasing that down and uh Mike mate normally it's uh serious be comps Pikes Peak that type of stuff this event you get to let it hang loose oh dude this is so good I've been waiting for this all year the event where you know you drive for the fans you know it's hardest thing with drifting is a you know a lot of people say it's a judge sport for me it's a spectator sport we come out here entertain I got to thank Adam LZ the entire crew out here for LZ World Tour it's just really cool to be a part of it love coming to Australia and um yeah man we're just getting started as fantasy battles we got top 16 this afternoon so can't wait hey the crowd that deserves some noise the part's just getting started people and Adam you got this thing purring now oh it's great we've we've definitely had the past 48 Hours like I got to give a massive massive shout out to agus at skas racing built an entire motor through the night to get this car here today to put on a show for you guys so I'm super happy to be driving it and it it's it's singing We love to hear it people all right let's get to a little bit of a decision time and this one I think is going to absolutely shake the asbestos off the roof if you think Mad Mike is the winner make some noise oh oh if you think Adam LZ is the winner make some noise oh that's that's way too tough people that's way too tough Mad Mike Adam LZ oh that's can we do it one more time do we do we have that I've got no radio capabilities so I'm just going to um get back in in behind the fence and I'm just going to let you guys decide we're just checking the tires Mike said he peeled half of them off off there you're good to go yep we're doing one more time everyone woo leave the man with no radio communication to dictate what's going on MZ has taken things into his own hands down on the track we said clearly no one more time but he's decided the memo was thrown out the window the horse has come off the carart here Dan very early and and we have no control I I thought I was you know oh I can make whatever I want happen Mees has taken a leaf out of my own book and said he wants it one more time I'm sure everybody here once and one more time before they get back in the cars CER Park makes some noise for Mad Mike and Adam LZ who' have thought that this is H how that was going to pan out I feel this is not reality because this is like one of those this is like you could see these both You' probably see both of these cars on a setto Corsa or Forza is as close as inter is it close as you're going to get to seeing this this is real life they've vote a Mad Mike still a huge burnout who's blown his tires completely off this car so I'm not sure if he's any Tire LZ doesn't care if he's got any Tire they're going to go back at it again now let's look at the tactics LZ smashing walls Mad Mike doing backwards entries nonsense all around there's no way of deciding this except for just smiling and watching I do think that that was impossible for our crowd of judges to actually do any judging because it was that amazing it was awesome and I don't think anyone here is going to complain about seeing it go one more time no no I I'm not sad turn of events first one more time we've ever had in a fantasy battle because it's not an option so it now is apparently an option that you can go one more time and that's what it's all about having some fun how cool is it it just doesn't it look like not real life seeing these two drivers on very video game especially from the Drone footage it's amazing so is Mad Mike still doing burnouts he is still doing he is Angry Angry Michael is I mean he's going to do the things that he does I mean you know someone's like when they say they're oh I've got this friend he's mad and you go he's probably not that mad they just you know when they need to say he's mad he's not I am 100% guaranteeing you that mad Mike is mad because he will do anything in that car he will blow it up For Your Entertainment he will do donuts and you know what it's one of those everyone says well it's a road is very got to be very precious with it you got to put it right you leave it at 12,000 RPM 247 he just says Nah send it mate just straight into the corner backwards entries and I mean I don't even think I've ever seen anyone do a backwards entry in an NC Miata before no it's not a thing that doesn't happen and and Mad Mike has now done it three times that we've seen him yeah he he's almost habitually backwards entering it's uh yeah Mad Mike doing exactly what what he says in the tin he he is as advertised as it were yes he comes and you say well you get what you paid for with Mad Mike you come and see him drive and he's says I'm not going to leave anyone here without a smileing their face LZ I got to say big big commitment from his team this weekend that car has been has been the work that's been done on the car they reckon in normal circumstances would take 3 weeks and they've done it in 48 hours five mechanics an engine tuner engine builders just to get this car out in front of all you beautiful people to do fantasy battles and a one more time that was random yeah just to get it out here to battle Mad Mike for just cheers from the crowd for the for the heck of it it doesn't need to make sense it doesn't have to stop trying to make sense out of things it doesn't we're going back at it again Adam LZ in the lead position Mad Mike in the chase position neither guy with any tires left oh this is going to be sketchy here we go at least it's not raining we're going to give that some credit Adam LZ trying to do his best impression of the backy king let's see and Mad Mike even with no tires is putting it in to Adam's business that SR20 is singing it's a brand new motor and he is just this is how you break in a motor everybody there is no no more appropriate way the three roor just holding on because whatever Mad Mike does with rotary is untouched territory Magan he's a it doesn't exist the flame from the back of that car doesn't the Batmobile as it goes down it doesn't the flame doesn't go out until it gets back to the start line which is incredible this is a really good run if this was a top 16 main event this was a phenomenal run for both D I hope this is a foreshadowing of what we're going to actually see when they're imagine they're competing for nothing imagine if they were competing for something as valuable as a skateboard deck I mean a skateboard deck I would trash my multiple tens of thousands car for a skateboard deck that that's me and uh I also don't have mad in my name so this guy definitely is in Mad Dave just doesn't have the same room first first hand up was mad Michael on skateboard deck all right yeah I'm in I'll wreck my car for that no problem I'll bring it across some water and uh into a different country and I mean nobody has uh put Mazdas through enough stress testing like Mad Mike has he is uh he's number one at the factory I'm sure for they're like this is UN like bring in Mike we'll see how unbreakable it is it I think that stems from his like Freestyle Motocross background he just wants to put on a show exactly no matter what and he's such a these guys are probably two of the biggest ambassadors in the where would drifting be without Mad Mike and Adam LZ that's a big question and and I say it totally seriously because these guys have such a following and they promote it so positively to so many people completely different ways exactly like totally different ways of doing it but it shows that there's so many ways to do it yes and these guys have excelled in their particular field and now we got to take a breath and hope both of them make it to the top 16 cuz here we go again battle that was a burnout from both guys all the way down the straightaway Mad Mike thrown in a back and Adam matching his angle as they come back around into the Power Alley Adam doing a good job of mimicking wherever Mike's car is going and Mike's car is probably not going where he wants it to because it's out of tires as they dip into the wall looks like Adam's having a little bit of an issue Mad Mike rounding it around and banging into the wall himself oh my goodness gracious I I didn't breathe for a moment there that you I was like we we nearly lost we already lost LZ and Mad Mike in the one corner run we were like no no no no no no no oh my goodness this is all mez's fault for this one more time I told him I told him don't do it look look at the entry and LZ beautiful matching the angle but right here you start to see Adam's Car just not produce enough smoke from the rear tires and just starts to run out of steam a little bit bit here right and then just shut her down and Mad Mike's like you know what I'm going to carry on I'm going to the wall 1 2 3 four five times they're like you know what I've done really well and now I've decided to crash into the wall yes guys one more time as they get out of their cars get up for Adam LZ and Mad Mike all right firstly boys thank you very much for that um I kind of weasel that one more time out for the crowd and uh I understand that I might have uh pushed my luck a little bit there so thank you for that uh was it worth it oh it was worth it as a bummer I I think I popped a couple or something so that's why I shut it down but uh that was a blast I'm glad we got to do that again hey you gave the fans what they wanted and that's what they came here for and Mr showman over here himself little bit of a scrape there all good of a wall stick it to the wall it's probably the wrong motto it's an expensive one but it's a good one cuz it entertains but yeah you never know what's happening behind with the rotary cuz it's so loud but usually you can see you know the color of the door I'm not sure what's happening behind me but that was a lot of fun oh unreal now we couldn't really decide with the vote so what do you reckon that we just make some noise for two great drivers who just put on an absolute show Adam LZ Mad Mike giving the fans what they wanted hell yeah hell yeah Adam you going to have this thing good to go for the top 16 I'm sure it'll make something happen oh otherwise there's that a you Falcon in the waiting the might a you Bea beautiful ladies and gentlemen once again Mad Mike Adam LZ Make some noise for these two absolute heavy weights of drifting back to you guys thanks man I think a draw is a fair result was very fair yeah there there's no Rhyme or Reason and I'm sorry guys we took the power out of your hands you've judged that there is no winner it is a draw and they are going to go back and get ready for the main event which is coming up very shortly it is uh not far away we're we're we're we're about to get into the thick of it we're back at 3:30 p.m. local time and we are going to be on track Mez and I are going to go down about 3:15 talk to all you guys see if you're all pumped up so don't go anywhere too far we're not going to be uh waiting too long before we send these boys back out on track but M quick bathroom break quick bathroom break get on your phone message all your friends say you just saw Adam LZ and mad mik crash and break things a lot and here's your battle bracket for later on look at the heavyweight stacking up if we want to see Mike and LZ again it's going to have to be in the final and they're going to have to go all the way all the way to the final look best of New Zealand best of Australia best from around the world all in that top 16 later on as M Mike sends it one more time that poor car will never get a break he's going back around the bank he's going the wrong way around the circuit right now which is absolutely fine according to our Marshals who are also panicking right now and Mad Mike leaving the venue and leaving us in a cloud of smoke as we head towards our top 16 Main Event later today caler Park you've been amazing don't go too far we're back at 3:30 or before it for the main event here today in Australia see you then since 1997 vibrant performance made its Mark as one of the industry leaders in the development and Engineering of exhaust and induction components for the automotive aftermarket over the years vibrant has seen its Evolution pivot from the chambers of an exhaust and induction components brand to becoming the primary source of professional fabrication components for professional Fabricators please be sure to find us at vibrant hey guys Steph Jones here I'm Dylan Hughes I'm Travis reader I'm Ken I'm matfield I drive link they are the most reliable e around and they always deliver their Global Tech Support gives me the advice I need every time I need it their products are super easy to install and easy to set up for the performance that I want they stand behind their products and support their customers they're always innovating and delivering great new products and performance features I drive I drive I drive I drive I drive link yeah this is u ladies and gentlemen is the final event of the year for the LZ World Tour we're here in caler park Australia and Australia is buzzing a little bit but we're going to ENT to our top 16 my name is Dave from drift games this is my boy MZ and we're going to be talking through all the action alongside our friend off San the tower mes it's been a wild event so far I've seen things I've never seen in drifting before builds I've never seen we got people borrowing cars crashing cars changing cars it's been a lot of fun you've been down here track side the speed through here is crazy too mate just watching the cars pan through on the wall up close I mean these drivers haven't even entered the top 16 competition yet this was just the jam session and they're going absolutely ham so it's really great to see and uh boy are they really putting on a show 100% we are now the top 16 stage our parade is making its way from the line down here so we get to see all the cars all the drivers and those 16 will become three will become one winner so every round we've had a winner from a different country so our first round in English town we had an American winner second round was in Ireland we had a UK winner third round we had a Canadian winner will we have an Australian winner in Australia now I know there's some crazy guys that drive here but a lot of guys from New Zealand jumping in the mix too well that's exactly it we have a order's finest guys like Gaz Wier a fourth time d1nz champ Benny Jenkins he's he's the young blood coming through and then you've got the man the myth the legend Mad Mike um yeah and they are all absolutely putting it on the wall so it's really anyone's game but I really do hope it's someone from the southern hemisphere well let's see we might have an America we might have a kiwi we might have an Australia there's a lot of mixes in there what we got is all of them leaving the line they're going to roll in front of you guys here in attendance you guys got to check out who's made a truth to the top 16 and it's been a tough battle they got to go through qualifying and then they got a lot of guys coming through from the last chance top 16 yesterday we got some big names in there we got some interesting cars we got some Utes we got some rotaries we got some 2js we got some V8s we got some Orbeez we have got the biggest mix I've ever seen in drifting when it comes to machinery and they are rolling down in front of this amazing crowd here in caler park that's exactly it I mean all walks all walks of life and it's really one of the great things about drifting is the variety you get and it doesn't matter cuz it's all about putting on a show and as uh our ears are just about to absolutely get harassed as these guys make their way to Seline I have absolutely no idea what you said because it is so loud on this track some wild Machinery lining up for this top 16 parade there is drivers that I haven't seen in years there's new names to the sport youngsters and some of the biggest names from content creation all mixed together in a little stew for being you to enjoy for the rest of it today yeah and once again Dave I had no idea what you said but I did hear that you said content creators and competitive BLS and yeah honestly that's one of the things I have been so excited about this show coming here to Australia because it shows what drifting can be and should be as uh yeah we're going to have to do and uh but yeah it shows what drifting can be and that's just putting on a show making a lot of noise because we all want attention our way don't we Dave that's exactly what we want there is a lot of noise on this track right now now as we line up all 60 drivers ready to take to the Circuit wow wow that was pretty loud that was pretty loud as we wait for the drivers to turn off their cars we see that Adam L has pulled in here in a ute for this top 60 parade which is pretty wild and we're just waiting for our last go to drivers to get out of their cars before we get front of the crowd here today it's even chaos in the top 16 trying to park these 60 drivers they're so amped up for this that they Adam LZ making the most noise in the most underpowered car on the grid right now in the keep it read you as they all exit their car we got 16 amazing drivers Here For Your Entertainment and uh we got some big names we got some newcomers we got some youngsters we got it all in the mix this weekend now I know I have to apologize publicly I have to apologize to all of our drivers here today because we've been playing a trick on you guys so we're having a little talk before you came out about this crowd I mean this crowd is pretty quiet right it's pretty quiet they're not really that intake anything um so sorry or we may have just been in cahoots the whole time because Australia makes some noise we are ready for this top 16 are you ready for this top 16 this is the biggest drift event in Australia but is it the loudest drift event in Australia you guys have got to get on your feet every single person oh off your seats now everybody up over here everybody up on the banks everybody up we're going to get one shot at this before we start these 16 Maniacs on this grid Australia 3 2 1 Make some noise now we are going to head to battle 16 drivers Become Three Podium Paces but we've only got one winner and before we get anywhere I've got to talk about what is going on over here this is the uncest s13 I've seen in some time Adam yeah it's a it's a it's a good good whip good good car now there's rumors that you didn't like the practicality of the 180 and you just need a little bit more space for activities yeah you know I can put my spars in the in the trunk or the bed whatever you call it so what we're saying is you're going to take to the top 16 in Australia's very own youth for this top 16 is that what we're about to see here you never know guys give it up one time for bringing it all the way from the US to Australia Adam LZ so we're going to get one more huge it's going to be the biggest cheer it's got to be the biggest one because the last one before these guys start these cars get back in and I remember that all of these guys as professional as they look in their race suits and they've got all these lovely liveries and everything they're really just massive attention Seekers the more you get amped the more they get amped so if they get the biggest cheer possible they're going to go out and probably destroy all of these cars for your entertainment but they're only going going to do it if it's worth their time so for the last time Australia I need you to Make Some Noise we are ready to go they're ready to go I've got one more phrase before we send them to the start line gentlemen start your engines and I'm going to stop talking give it back to MZ and head to the tower cuz I am not going to hear anything you're not going to hear anything it's time for the top 16 yeah see the we all right everybody as our top 16 drivers are heading back to the start line we are waiting for our Master of Ceremonies Dave Egan to get back up here into the tower you guys did an absolutely fantastic job of pumping these guys up because that it half of them aren't going to have tires by the time they get to the start line so very well done you guys rattled the tower up here and I'm sure you made each and every one of those 16 drivers the happiest that they've ever been to be here you guys are an amazing crowd it's one of the biggest crowds apparently that this place has ever had and I think you may have won Dave ean's favor so we will see how that goes hopefully everybody's going to have a good time we've had some crazy stuff happen throughout this weekend we've seen some crazy cars out on track we have even crazier stuff ahead this top 16 is going to be one of the most intense battles you guys have pro drivers you have amateur drivers you have influencers you have the whole gamut of cars engines packages it's like somebody took random things out of a hat and was like you know what I'm going to take this engine and this car and this is what's happening this is our top 16 we have some legendary battles on both sides of this bracket it's going to be interesting to see who can make it down like Dave said there is a strong chance that an Australian could win this event but he's gonna have to work very hard compared to everybody else on this list we've got some great drivers from the USA we've got New Zealand we've got USA Dave Egan back up in the tower hope you didn't catch did you catch your breath no you you were winded just like I was when I had to run over here that's a lot of stairs but as you can see you guys are lovely I know it's cold out there I hope you got warmed up a little bit by the uh calisthenics that Mr Egan had you doing he did tell me you're you're you're one of his favorite crowds I I think I think we can work on that as this day goes on we want to see a lot of crowd interaction as we go through this we want these drivers to know you appreciate everything that they're doing for you all the crews that keep these cars running to make the show happen this is a magical event and I'm so proud to be part we're having so much fun Dan that that crowd is what I have no voice left before you would haven't even started usually this is the end of the event when you're like this I Blown Away by the enthusiasm and I know it's a little chilly out there but everyone's having so much fun so many Smiles on faces and I can't wait to see the battles that's what we came here to see that's exactly these guys go head-to-head have some fun enjoy themselves but with a little bit of competitiveness as well you could see it the driver's like their it's an exhibition sure but it's not really an exhibition when you're changing a tire pressures that much on your toe and your camber is it really no things got a little serious you try and turn off the pro and some of the guys they can't do it turn off the pro turn up the nitrous exactly so we got a little sprinkle of rain but it's not too bad hopefully it stays away for this top 16 and we're going to go to our first battle very soon Dan what a stacked grid I mean we've got huge drivers here huge names like names that have never met each other in competition before would never and that's what I love about this you you know when people say oh these guys be better than this guy we just make it happen we just put them all sprinkle them all in the stew it's real life and it's real life you're going to see guys go head-to-head that have never you've got Adam LZ out there and a you he's not sure if he's going to drive the 13 or the you he can't even decide and I will add I think he did an almost proper tip in a tip in a tip in is that what it's called I don't know I'm learning things as I'm being here we're learning the lingo apparently that's not a knife is not something that people in Australia know at all so we now move on to our first battle and is an interesting one because Jason faren having those alternator issues means he switched his car to the or 33 four-door which Grant Anderson was driving he's in the key there a ratchet strap from the from the screamer pipe to the bumper bar holding it all together that is a it's it's one way to do it it's looking more like Stewie's car now than it ever has Stewie's like I was ahead of the trend I was ahead of the trend he goes up against and I'm telling you this in real life a th000 horsepower SR20 well Sr 2.4 essentially that thing is Rowdy I went looked at it I touched it and I wanted to get some of its magical powers so if I'm not mistaken this guy has finished right up at the top of the Australian national series Jason faren competing in the d1nz Series this year so you got a little bit of a mix here in this first batt as they come off the line Jason Fen in that lead position position and it's going to be bro m in that's in that chase position nice from bro getting up close and personal to that or 33 as they come through look Brody M sort of turning it up a little bit oh almost contact between both of these drivers as they fire down the Power Alley look at this Jason faren get a little bit of a run here as Brody me that transitions back up onto the door this is what we came to see BU on walls the wing hits the wall loses the wing and we are up and running in the top 16 yeah I I see a little bit of rain on the window up here so I'm assuming the track conditions aren't exactly optimal ah they're optimal enough they're optimal obviously optimal enough they're still making smoke is there such a thing so here we go look at this I love this from Brody Mar at start goes so aggressive through these first two transitions gets up he almost makes contact here the wing was like got away with that one and then the wing had no idea what was about to happen later on as it went to the wall he went so close to the wall that the wing just said good luck and here we are look oh Jason a hit that last one was not I think Jason fen's done more damage than Grant Anderson did all weekend in one run I think so this is going to be an interesting he's got another chance to do it's going to be an interesting Insurance claim because I'm not sure that maybe Grant Anderson circled the sheet before he gave the car back and said I hope he didn't take pictures yeah this is uh this is what I did this was this is no this was definitely previous Jason F's like oh you broke the wing and everything he's like I was watching Jason there's a replay it's on a screen you broke your own Wing I may have ratchet strapped the intercooler up but you definitely did the that poor Skyline is like it was beautiful that Skyline has been looking at its watch since about half five yesterday evening going really am I still here getting disabused but bro Mar did a good job but he dropped off a little bit just towards the end maybe Jason faren with I mean it's hard to tell it's almost half 32 Skyler with the headlight brought so far back on the front of that 33 yeah yeah soone say he's improving the looks of an r33 by removing I actually like that one I like and I'm currently liking it in its condition that it's in now well it's also missing a lot to to termin it a 33 but anyway it might be missing more by the end of this run it's the second half of the bottle between Brody M and Jason Fen Jason faren in the chase position Brody got the pace on him here at th000 horsepower SR20 God's motor times four chucking it in as Jason Fen is doing a fantastic job of keeping up with Brody as they blast through the Power Alley and into the most dangerous part of the track by far and losing bumper losing Wing as they round the last Corner there're just like you know what yard sale absolutely Australia are you not entertained these boys are hidden walls For Your Entertainment remember the grand prize all the money in the world wouldn't buy you that skateboard deck that they get at the top of the podium worth smashing every car into every wall yeah that was a that was a lot of Smashing and this was the first battle there are so many more to go I have a feeling this is going to be a very sketchy but entertaining top 16 I am fully into it and so are these guys obviously they're sending it for this crowd out here and it is a fantastically overcast Irish day it's beautiful this is uh the height of summer for us this kind of weather um but so as they come across through the vibrant Finish Line towards to get their results and you can see the damage the stay to that or 33 at this point has seen better unbelievable Australia Mak It Make some noise for Brody Mar and Jason Fen that was an interesting one lot of lot of crashing lot of hitting things things were Happ some good wall runs some bad crashing a lot of wings got lost in that one and hugs all around for these two drivers as they await their decision from the judges it's going to be a tough one for the judges Dan this is there was there was a lot of mistakes made on both sides so whoever made the least amount I think is going to be the one that will be victorious today how is that car Hoff look like a 33 and a 32 at the same time I don't know what's happening we're going to get a winner here though decisions dropping in going through to the top eight is Brody May Brody Meer gets the win Brody Mayer gets the win and goes through to our top eight Jason Fen has put all of his cars to rest now no more can well well this one he may not have to worry about for a little bit the rest of them he still there a long way from here to the end of the show D I feel like Jason will has gotten too many cars in there not to cause a bit of ruckus later on yeah but Brody Maria hitting the wall but making a few less mistakes than yeah is this yours this is mine yes that looks like yours I'll take that back yes that means an SR20 has a chance of winning this event again well I'll tell you what wasn't hell of an SR20 it's like an SR20 asterisk afterwards there's many like five many many asteres but it is Brody going through to that top eight here in Park as Jason faren bows out Jason the proximity from Brody was the key you look at Jason through the first section of the course very shallow not much proximity Brody doing a better job there they both hit the wall I mean that was kind of canceled each other out um but it is going to be yeah Jason Fen broke two cars in the space of one battle so there you go and he will return back Jason faren uh and of course Jason Fen told us there's a rule here in Calder Park that you're not allowed to do a static burnout and these are these are anti-sta you want to know why that rule is there guess who did that static burnout that that was the problem who did it Jason Fen Jason so he created the enforcer of the rule is the creator of the rule absolutely and as you can see in the keeper re or 33 doing a good job guys give it up for keeper re Jason faren as he bows out a competition and it is going to be a little bit of a I mean look at this th000 horsepower SR20 doing some donuts it is poetry in motion and Brody doing a great job just getting rid of the last of those tires as he heads through to the top eight who wanted those tires anyway there was no need that was that was worth it look at that then the B this could be you that could be could be burn do burn nor it might not I would those are words that I would have never said exactly so we move on to our next bile it's going to be uh Robert arbolino against age panaro so this is going to be an interesting one we got the PS3 we going up against the E90 with the big V8 this is a a big horsepower discrepancy big style discrepancy two beautiful cars going at it giving him a little bit of a lead and just pouring on that power you saw that smoke start to pour out as Robert aralo having a little bit there he goes diving in really aggressive there oh my goodness gracious from age look at them go Robert through the Power Alley chucking it into the wall right up into that pocket could have got in there a little bit sooner but they are in it to win it as we round out this last Corner hand on the roof he is pumped crowd is pumped we are pumped that was fun it to me it looked like a made the mistake on the entry just didn't initiate it just was very strange kind he was admiring the E90 and said oh no I'm in this battle too he has a problem it looks like a handbrake problem as he goes through here though he knows he's make the look at the transition there that is look at that that is the closest anybody's been there so he knows he's made the mistake so he's trying to you know reel him back in very very quickly so trying to you know get some points back in the run I think he does a great job he's on the door for the rest of the r but that one mistake at the start that might that might have been the the season Ender for that one but we'll see again not in our hands not in our hands not not over yet so so they make their way back around to the start line and it is going to be a switch up so we're going to have to see Robert in the chase position and AJ panaro in the lead now a has got to figure out that entry because that's going to be a nail in the coffin if he does that twice but he does climb up look at this BR this is outrageous and that's coming off of the transition like that was absolutely insane to be up at somebody's front fender on the end of a transition is a very very difficult thing to do properly without running into the car in front of you that's wild and I mean he he got away with it it just choked him up a small bit so he had to back off and then he got back on it for the last wall again so they're back on the line Dan this is halfway done big mistake from AJ panaro in that ps13 on the initiation however it's not over yet switch around pretty quickly I'm looking forward to seeing which way they switch around because I have a feeling that Robert is going to be you know he's got a decision to make does he go close does he play cautious I can guarantee ad is going to be up and gone like a rocket here so he's got to deal with that and he's going as quick as he can to blast down the let's hope he doesn't have that same bubble because that'd be a horrible thing to have to come back from as Edge is rounding the first Corner into that second flip yeah Robert doing a good job here but he's not too close but maybe he's just playing a cautious waiting for that last 12 big transition from Robert got himself in a strange position how did he get away with it I don't know what just happened that was they were going two different directions at one point there going into that corner that didn't make any sense to me I thought they were going to switch spots I thought it was going to be an overtake on the side and no one goes high on turn three as they say in Days of Thunder that was a little crazy did not expect any of that to just happened it was like Robert said I think I'll play it cautious and then he went no I'm I'm going to do rocket ship stuff so look at this through this transition Robert loses a little bit of ground and it's like he said I could just hand break or I could just see what happens it's like he found all of the grip he got so much like where is wow how does he get away with that it's the wrong line and again the advantage for a uh for Robert in the first one could be overturned by that I don't know the J is going to let us decide with the results but give it up for a panaro and Robert arino two really cool cars Co cars very different cars very different power plants it was wild it was sketchy and I enjoyed it I enjoyed he's in rever he's in Reverse getting to the start line I don't know it's very confusing I don't know what's happening good Drifters bad three Park uh parking guys not so good at I wouldn't let three-point turn is not their strong point e turns we'll give it oh amazing I would imagine they were dangerous in in a shopping center car park these guys as they get out of the car give it up for Robert arino and AJ panaro once again hugs all around just showcases how friendly this Motorsport is oh for sure and it's all about fun and smiles this weekend but someone's going to win someone's going to lose and the winner is going to be a one more time the winner is both of us in the tower because we get to see that Madness play out even more so we're going back at it again that was interesting I again I can see it big mistake on one run from agj on the entry big mistake from Robert in the chase on the power rally that's a good call from the judge is it an easy one I think at that yeah balances it out and they go back at it not a lot to write home about no want to see a clean run want to see a clean battle want to see these guys put on the best show possible and with big mistakes like that coming through from both drivers that's not possible so absolutely so as they pass through the vibrant Finish Line they're going to head back around we'll probably going to run another battle get them a you know give them a little bit of time to cool down yeah yeah and get back at it again it's top 16 as we move forward here at the LZ World Tour big shout out to all of our partners here this weekend we got can Wheels give 25% off wheels this weekend good yeah code I shouldn't say it out loud but don't say2 don't say it nothing has been said you shouldn't know this you didn't hear that from us you didn't hear that from us and if we will deny it we will deny it publicly so we move on to our next battle it is going to be a very interesting one we've got two car similar colors but not very similar colors and that's that's where it ends we've got this cred Jordan Sanderson in the Ute going up against Scott Miller in the S14 the opposite of a ute yeah not as practical no but it looks cool and the Ute also looking very cool and you know what Jordan Sanderson makes this Ute look like it is a very very capable chassis I've been watching his driving all weekend he's been hitting things but he's been running great lines let's see what happens look at this Scotty Miller getting aggressive on the run up here as Scotty Miller fires into that first Corner in the chase position big angle from Jordan Sanderson he's a bit wide here but he's allowed Scotty Miller to do all work in the chase position and Scotty got to take advantage here now be careful on the transitions look at that nose of the car in backing it off waiting for that big dive onto the wall and Scott Miller does exactly that as he fires up onto the door look at Sanderson though in the wall look at that beautiful that was an absolutely fantastic run from both of these guys and it was nice it looks like they're almost teammates like we do this all the time but they're not teammates they're not teammates they're very very different chassis and uh I think it's going to be a very interesting call as we go through it and you know what because I can just make this show up as I go along Dan yes I've got a guest for you who's this because what's happened here is they've let two morons decide what the opinions are here we're going to get the opinions of a Pro driver we got Darren Kelly in the building Darren sit yourself down Darren Kelly the legend is here Darren you're in the building you're watching some Madness going on here we're going to get some expert advice from Darren here for a couple of runs because I think he's well able to tell us who's doing well so yeah hey how's it going good man I'm Hello nice to meet you yeah you too so what do you think of everything that's transpired have you seen much of the event yet uh yes I've been lucky enough to come over here and unfortunately not be driving but uh be helping a couple of mates Taylor James and mchana Mad Mike G Wier they're all uh nice uh well much is Australian but the rest are from New Zealand and um yeah we are all good mates and uh yeah help help each other out as much as we can this is obviously an event that everyone gets together and and helps each other as much as possible it's all about getting out there and having some fun so it is oh I'm glad you're having a good time we're glad to have you up here in the booth I want to hear some Pro driver from this side of the world talk about some of the pro drivers that you're seeing on the track now and you've driven here obviously I'm assuming yeah I I haven't driven this layout I've driven on the uh the infield layout over on the uh inside the oval all right and here we go we're actually getting back into that next battle we' got scottt Miller leading this time in the sesis versus a you which is something we don't have in the USA we have one or or two I think we had a Subaru and then we have uh the old El Camino as it were but it never really caught on and you guys have them absolutely everywhere including drifting which is a nice thing to see it's such a different type car different type chassis how do they get rear grip like it seems to me like there isn't any to be had it's um it is a very unique thing it's I guess that's what drifting is entirely is like building unique cars doing something different this is very Australian so yeah something different but this chassis is very similar to the the sedan version of of a Holden commodor so suspension wise um you can make them work they are obviously a little bit lighter I would imagine in the but um these guys make them work oh he's making it sink and and it's already V8 swapped and I mean they just come with that in it you can see he's got all of his accessories in the bed of the truck y yeah put as much weight in the back as you can and try to get as much traction in there as you can and and these cars again very similar looking very different very different driving Styles but absolutely put on a show for us today here at Calder Park we are waiting hopefully the judges are making a decision they're taking their sweet time over there but we're going to see what we can do out here ladies and gentlemen Round of Applause for these two guys for putting it all on the line for you today got a little bit of neon showing got a little bit of red little bit of white doing it for you guys people we are going to get a decision Jordan Sanderson is is going to get the win congrats bud the you moves on yeah yeah so through the top eight uh definitely not an easy job for the judges today some of the battles uh obviously these guys have had a lot of track time this weekend some of the practice battles everything has been like if you're in their seat I I don't envy them today so no no that's what we keep saying we like to be on this side of the things where we don't have to make the important decisions that actually matter we're just going to talk about it express our opinions but nothing that we say is going to sway them because we are in a separate room so it's absolutely fantastic these guys are going to do some celebratory donies as we get ready for our next battle all right that was uh and it's still going yep he's definitely happy he won I think I I I I'm just going to go out on a limb and just guess that this is only top 16 wait until they get into the the top four this is this is top 16 these have been some crazy battles so far and it is indeed Mad Mike versus Matty hill now kiwi yeah I want you to explain this run to us as they go through so mad Mike chucking it in Mad Mike all about the style big entry M Hill great driver good chaser he's obviously trying to close the gap a little bit here m a pretty good line through there out to the out of Zone man Mike is nailing the line little mistake there by Mike but uh he'll definitely put it on the wall all the way around here into theall s right as they round out and careful don't follow too too close behind mad mik you will get caught on fire all the way down the front straightway so it's a it's a danger zone he was just like oh yeah back it up back it up I'm going to have to back off of that just a little bit but Mad Mike has absolutely been nailing these entries he is at 90° or past 90° almost every single time yeah in a very underpowered car it sounds like Mad Mike's car is making a million horsepower yeah yeah I don't think he lifts off the throttle I think he flicks that switch on and the throttle stays jammed and he just pumps the clutch all the way through the Section so yeah and he was saying he only makes like 390 and like like I said like 8 foot pounds of torque cuz it's a rotary even if there's three of them but it sounds absolutely glorious yeah yeah that's uh that's Mike's style like he's he's all about putting on a show and definitely does yeah it's definitely not the most like the best competition guy but he's out here completely putting it on on the limit competing with some of the best car in Australia oh he does and he's putting on a show it's for the people and that's what the people want to see is a screaming rotary going by making them all deaf this run will definitely be like Mike does not hold back at all so this run is going to be oh that's what I like to hear and you know they're competing for a skateboard deck right yeah oh yeah when the last time you did that yeah wellow kind I have yet yeah that's not not a thing that most people do as they Chuck their $100,000 race car at a wall and here we go this time Mad Mike is going to chase let's see if he can put all of the pressure on I'm going to leave it to you to explain this one again all right so Mike's Dro back a little bit but he up again he's got a good line through there bit of a B I see one of those guys different places little there but regaining proximity mty's on a really good line so going to allow mik to get up here on his a few mistakes were made but there's Mr Kelly thank you so much for joining me today it's it's it's always an honor to have another professional in the room yeah thanks for having me and uh yeah hopefully next time I can come back and bring it out yeah we'd like to see you down there doing some skids instead of sitting up here talking into a microphone yeah next time for sure thanks buddy appreciate it thanks you Darren amazing to have you here and of course uh the only professional that will be on the mic this weekend that knows anything yes and I would say so now the level has dropped again so I was watching that in front of the Quire the noise the smoke I mean it was a beautiful battle to watch some bobles from both drivers though it's going to be an interesting one to see which way it goes and Mad Mike I mean it's just he's pushing I mean I I would say rotary sound amazingly but this car he said is quite old school uncut Knuckles 400 horsepower so and he's pedaling against some big machines today machines so it is awesome as they get out of the car guys we want you to show your appreciation to Mad Mike and Maddie I'll tell you what this is going to be a close one for the judges they're having a little bit of a deliberation I can see over my shoulder um some mistakes on both sides but Matty Hill not wanting to take his helmet off can he take can he take his helmet off I think it's stuck I think the helmet may be stuck on his head so here we go it is going to be a decision for a spot in the great eight will it be mad Mike will it be Matty Hill who's going to get the win here we go and it's m Hill mty Hill getting the win that was an excellent display I think you can see just hard thing to judge there though yeah the pace of mty Hill really tough for M Mike mes you're down with Mike on track all right yeah MD mty Hill did get the win Mike you put on an absolute show for the fans the crowd have been absolutely loving it have you been loving it oh yeah like I say man like like drifting they say it's a judge sport for me it's a spectator sport we come out here for the fans for you guys put on a show I've been fortunate to be in this sport for like 16 years Chasing the Dream to entertain it came from freestyle Motocross breaking a lot of Bones and now I can do I feel pretty safe with the roll cage around me and being able to put it on the wall for you guys so thank you thank you for coming out thank you Adam for the invite and we'll see you soon see you next time hell yeah Make some noise for Mad Mike ladies and gentlemen Maddie I might interview you later brother back to you guys in the booth thanks May and it is of course uh Mad Mike I feel though it might not be the last time we see him today I'm hoping it won't be the last time you can't keep that man away from a crowd he mad he is mad and and I feel like we could tell him no Mike you're out of the competition and he would go I don't comp I'm going to insert somewhere yeah I don't understand what that means I kind of want to drive some more so we might see him later on for something I'm not saying what it is but it might be a little bit something always been a fan of everything his whole package the cars that he builds are absolute weapons they have the coolest sounds they always shoot flames and Mike is such a nice guy oh and he's you know what he epitomizes you yesterday he was right in the middle of the fans was high five and everybody he's just you know he is as adverti signification of what a Motorsports professional should be and also he's a little bit like you know of a showman that we need lots of showman in the sport because drifting does allow you to express yourself more than many other Motorsports because you can kind of build what you want and what you're looking at here is probably the silliest MX5 that's ever been built but he makes it work one most stylish and he's always so precise with his builds his sound his style guys one more time give it up for a Mad Mike that is uh fully sick as they say as they he would be stoked on that we wouldn't say that in but that's a very uh International phrase right now stoked on that and that MX try he can't even see where he's going I think I'm pointed in the right I'm going to do more burnout more Flames more rotaries nobody is complaining beautiful sounds of my M what are unique sound that's not something you ever get to hear no and look at the flame this thing is about to pop after all that heat black car is insane he's clutch kicking down this straight away Mad Mike what a show oh incredible so we're going to go back to the one more time between age panaro and Robert arino I want to see clean runs I want to see an entire run happened we had some wildness we had some mistakes we had some Mis initiations but both guys get to reset and go back at it again Dan that's what they'll be all about here is trying to clean up those mistakes and here we go as they both blast down that that b ba powered BMW is so quick I think he's oh oh oh oh oh There was a mistake that was made we have a crash we have a crash on the first corner it was a light crash it was more of a dance I think they just I think there's some pieces of of Ages car Rob car I'm not sure it was a it was a weird way to go through theu it's a fender part of a fender it's a part of a fender oh his wheels are pointed in two different directions we got a problem here on track we got a we got a problem we that's that's not that's not how it's supposed to be no we got a TI Rod broken I think on the BMW which means it's going to need recovery however is he going to be able to continue in the competition who's deemed at fault we're going to have a little chat with the judges later on to see what that's all about but uh we're going to try and see once they've got a decision we we we'll check in yeah we'll we'll check in I have the the technology to walk away from here and just ask them you could do that I could do it I'm going to wait for them to finish their discussion they're having a he out of his car pulling body pieces off unfortunate way to be inter one my my question is is that from that car or is it from the other car yanking body yeah I like that Fender I'm going to take that I like what you've done there I'll take that with me that's mine now so let's have a quick look at this Don what's your thoughts okay as he's burning out all the way down he Chucks it in and then it's it's heart he was a magnet and it just sucked his front tire around the other side of so here here we've got a classic case of who went too fast and who went too slow right so to me oh he is pushing that wheel all over the place the question is how much angle did the BMW put into that first corner and was he accelerating when he was supposed to was he breing when he was supposed to or did he just get too aggressive in the follow and bnk his front wheel very late on the accelerator on the first corner is Robert Aro and you can see from age panaro's position he's very aggressive so this is a tough one slightly aggressive yeah so I think what we've got here is a little bit of shared fault however the judges are going to have to because it's an incompleted run because somebody has to fix their car somebody has to be right somebody has to be wrong so they're going to have a good look at this one and you guys can make your decisions here in attendance or at home of who you think was at fault yeah you get to run back the replays as many times as we we do and also this is another reason for us to not make a decision on this and let you guys figure it out for yourselves it's hard to say I mean it's a very long ebre drag from the lead car looks like he's washing panaro looks like he jumps in very aggressively now you could argue one way that panaro will have to adjust to the league car you can argue the other way that or Robert has got too slow into that corner so like that's the argument I'm not saying what's the right and wrong answer because that's not my position and he did get a really good jump as a follow car you have the option to jump the start line so when they tell the lead car to go the lead car has to go as the following car you can jump if you know you don't have the horsepower of the lead car and he chose to do that and timed it quite well he was able to keep up with them even though there was probably a pretty big horsepower discrepancy between those but again who knows what happened it's all up to the judges we have the judges are going to have a conversation on this one and I'm going to maybe see if I can get some insight into what they're saying I'd like to hear it as well Dave as they're getting that thing up on the trailer yeah so I'm going to just walk into another room here because I have the technology and I'm going to go ask our head D Dan Dan what is your guys opinions on what happened there well the other two guys are still having a little bit of a look at it I've made a decision um so I'm not going to say anything just too much let them make an independent decision it's really important and I think we do that that um for me though you can see that it's it's a tricky one for us right if we watch the replay now you can see Rob's a little bit later on the handbreak and getting on the throttle uh and age is just trying to dive in there right up onto the store so it's a tricky one I have got a decision for it I don't know if the boys have got a decision uh they're still looking at it but yeah we will make a decision we'll let you guys know as soon as we can but thanks Dan well I'll tell you what I I mean we thought we got answers we got no answers because it's the toughest decision of the whole weekend so what we're going to do is take our time on this one Dan and uh yeah so what I'm going that was an e for effort try to squeeze some information out of a judge I tried to I tried to get them on the jump but he was very diplomatic diplomatic he told me everything I will not sway the other judges he told me everything and nothing I wanted to know he told me that they're looking at it they haven't made a decision yeah they are looking at it as we are now I'm going to be honest with you if I was to make a decision on this it would be very tough yeah I I mean it it's almost six of one half dozen of the other like you got a Chase car in age going way my opinion picking up pace shallow Pace on the inside to try and stay on the door and then we got the lead car who should be on power he he's only really on power I can see that's what I'm going to tell you that's what the judge is looking when does those rear wheels start spinning on that BMW so he's on the handbrake here he's on the handbrake he's on the handbrake there a late handbrake still into the corner and then now we see some power so he's he's pretty far into that corner before he goes on throttle however you look at age he's on a very shallow line yeah he was actually ahead of his car not chasing the Le carry s of diving across in the chase position so it's going to be a tough one for the judges they're going to have to ascertain fault and I would imagine happy to not be part of that Imagine by the 17.7 th000 replays we've watched of this that they are still having a good all and again it's a fun competition it's an exhibition but they want to be judged Fair they want to be judged fairly and the judges of course do not we are not going to take it too seriously but they have to because that's their job and in a case like this you have contact somebody has to be deemed default for the contact because that person needs to be allowed to either fix their car or call five minutes or whatever they need to do so it's this is an important call for sure so as we recover the car from the track we're going to be getting things underway very shortly here with the rest of our top 16 and we've had wall runs we've had wings knocked off and now we've had a collision on the first Corner we didn't get to the second Corner then first corner all over this this track could have been a lot shorter for these guys just first Corner sort of and hanging it up exactly so um we have got the uh the BMW of Robert being taken away off the track they went one more time and we said well we want a clean battle Dan said I did want a clean battle and that was immediately thwarted yeah it was not as clean as we thought that was unclean yes that battle smasheroo on the first Corner those guys some soap yeah but as he comes by I mean this is a this is a an economical way to get back to the pits for it is he's saving on gas he's saving on tires he's saving on wear and tear his starter is thanking him and he's still going to give a wave to all the fans as he goes by so can we doing it for the people look at this putting it all on the line Robert arbolino give him some give him some words encouragement ladies and gentlemen as he heads back to try and fix it we got our head judge Dan he's come up Dan you gave me the most diplomatic answer on the planet earlier on I need some facts I need some stuff that happen decisions made what's going on look like I said before it's a really tough one to decide you know we had that situation where the one car was sort of a little bit late to go AG is a really really aggressive driver and he wanted to get onto it he was sitting there waiting waiting waiting we think he's made the choice to go yep I've got to go now he's gone a bit too early he's caused that contact so he's the the one at fault so therefore Rob will get till the end of the bracket now to get that thing repaired and hopefully we'll get him out and settle that battle on the track love it we know what's happening nice we got an that that was a great answer too you know what I agree completely because I think that's the problem is you're aggressive in the chase you you have to can overdo it you can overdo it easy you got to mirror the lead you got to adapt to that lead car and he was going regardless of what was happening here we go some more aggressive boys on the start line right now got yesterday's Last Chance top 16 winner Mitch L Thunder from Down Under going up against Gaz Wier we got one the newcomers in the sport Mitch going up against the OG of G Wier this one is going to be wild as they come off the start line gwi is in the lead position look at this Mitch oh contact before the first corner and they stay in it mitcher hitting the back end of Gaz wier's S15 this is going to be close this is going to be insane Mitch knowing how good G Wier is he's watched him all his career be amazing it big at that sparks flying as they transition what happened there Learners in the door Learners in the wall and he all the way across the vibrant Finish Line that was a phenomenal I don't even know what happened that was nutty and you have to think Mitch has so much driving and tandem time now on this track he may have a pretty big advantage that was aggressive right from the get go so Mitch hits the back end of gwi's car gets away with it and then as they transition back just watch the last transition before the wall Sparks came out of somewhere I'm trying to figure out where they came out of as they transition back they transition oh that had to have been through something on the front of his car is it a bumper bar to Bumper bar spark I don't know what happened there never seen anything like that boys out here trying to start a fire the hard way yeah um Like Flint on on both front um but of sticks out there and it might have went up you know what I don't know that was amazing that chase though it's great but you can't have a good Chase without a good lead and Gaz Wier was doing what happened here look what is Spar is it an exhaust off the front of the car I think it was maybe no it's falling it's falling falling out of someone's car there were Sparks from somewhere we know Sparks are going to fly here this weekend folks literally they just flew out of the back of back of a car it looks like the back of G wier's car did his exhaust get touched on the on the and then just hit the ground or something I don't know I'm so confused we know nothing I know that that was exciting I know that that brought me to the edge of my seat has he got a spark button to make it more exciting which is drop some titani yeah which has now given me an idea Sparks be cool like you know those low riders that drop and Sparks guys have them over in the States oh that's New Mexico man we didn't get the king of that yes so we have seen G Wier go you know what I got my own idea so Mitch the Thunder from Down Under is now in the lead position Gaz Wier is like I don't know Sparks coming out of my car I got hit from both sides I got hit from both sides things are happening and Gaz Wier is going to know cuz he's felt all those bumps that Mitch was there throughout the whole competition he knows he's got to be aggressive he's got to be aggressive from the off here this one's going to be one for the Highlight Reel I think as gwi checks up through the gears into the first Corner mitcha nice initiation look at G Wier though he's right there he doesn't want to go home early in the competition no he does not and he's been driving all weekend with that same proximity so we will see exactly what happens as they Chuck into this last one this could be the determining factor for this battle right up in his business oh my goodness look at that lead run from Mitch on that wall that was fantastic I just can't believe that they built that car in the last couple of weeks it is a completely fresh build why would you put that size of an engine in that small a car and just think everything's going to work they rebuilt the entire engine yesterday completely rebuilt it top to bottom he missed qualifying got in the battles battled all the way through the battles to the final right now he's looking pretty strong as G wider looks to me not having the same level of proximity here through the Power Alley no no no no and and he definitely lacked on proximity and I don't know the horsepower difference now between the two because everything has changed so much throughout this but there was a a car length versus inches it was wild either way and as they could that was the a battle of the day so far for me amazing stuff from both of these guys I got to say I have to say that it's just incredible driving that's what we want to see we want to see incredible driving that's the whole point and that's what the fans want to see guys give it up for Mitch larner and Gaz wider hero of the sport right now doing exactly what we want them to do putting it all on the line in two very very different machines very with similar engine setups but that's about it and we're going to get a winner and we're going to get a decision here between gazeer and Mitch lner who's going to go through to the top eight a one more time one more time between gazeer and between Mitch one more time that is incredible we're going to get to see that one go back out of because that those were good runs those were exciting runs those got me to my edge of my seat and I get to do it again along with everybody else here absolutely absolutely love it look at these two guys out here saying what happened I don't know did you hit me I hit you there was Sparks coming out of your car at one point but he really was there that's incredible you bmed me I didn't feel it I'm just happy that I'm still here so they're in the one more time they're going to go back in I assume with these level of power machines they will need some Tas after those two runs so they're going to go and maybe they go back to the start line nobody knows they're having a little discussion about it so Mitch Darner and gwi are heading back up to one more it's going to be even closer than that that car that S15 is so Beau what the body kit is just so unusual but it works so well and then you got the DeLorean line the DeLorean froner on the K yeah that's a weird thing it's cool everything this is Australia and New Zealand right here just just doing things oh they do them very well they do it and they go you know that thing you were doing I'm going to do the opposite of that but still make the same results happen so here we go MCH Turner and Gaz Wier give him a round of applause they head back up for a One More Time battle really good driving for both of those guys as far as I can tell and judge is not able to decide that one saying we want to go back at it again a couple of bumps couple of hits I was thinking larner with the better maybe chasing KNE but then he hit that big mistake hitting him on the on the first Corner that's something you don't want to do you always got to yield to the car that's in front of you and when you bump him on Entry you probably made a mistake right get a little bit sketch a little bit sketch so we're going to move it along to our next bottle which is going to be a huge one if you've tuned in because you're on the man's Channel watching the event oh those people the Adam LZ he is on thez is this is incredible so when was last time in competition you saw an SR20 go up against an SR20 we've got Adam LZ in his cream EST so they got it going again I thought compression he said it yeah didn't know they said that they got it going again who knows what's going on I think maybe sheer will has gotten that car back on track Adam LZ is in the s13 it is going to be baky mccy in the chase position Marcus mcy great driver two s13s in their correct chassis as they go this is a '90s battle if I've ever seen one and it's very Japanese style Adam actually chucking it all the way out to the outside Marcus having to reel that backy system in so we'll see what they can do as they blast through the Power Alley Adam hanging that thing out again having issues it's hard to drive a car with confidence when you've been having issues so much had him into the wall a little bit I saw his wing move up and down but stays in it makes it all the way through with a bump for Marcus at the very end oh my goodness this is getting personal out there Adam LZ hits the wall Marcus mccy hits LZ to the old one2 the old one2 combo this is a great run from both of these guys it's aggressive both of these guys with stylish looking cars this this is the the fantasy battle this should be a fantasy battle SR20 versus SR20 s chassis versus S chassis but Coupee versus hatch and this is look at this perfect lead run from LZ as he transitions back to wall goes in super early and super deep oh he was in there it's that little Kink that we were talking about but stays in it stays in it you see him jump on right at the very end Marcus with a bit of a hit towards the end and I'm going to look at this from a Finish Line perspective and say he absolutely slams into the he opened his gas door wow hey man you need a refill that is incredible was get a little greedy towards you trying to just get but you know what he's a showman he's all smiles I'm sure they're all thumbs up this is they're having fun out there and that's what it's all about you can all say what's a competition everybody has be you know super competitive have a look at your screen right now two sr20s smash into each and remember these cars look like they're in 2005 they're now 15 times the price right now just using them like the $3,000 incredible look at these things absolutely units look how low that car is by the way again tuck and rim tuck and rim so many cars here tuck and rim mlz got the blackout tint on the 180 of course you know look at the back end of that car got a little smashed in on the wall smashed in on the wall but now LZ has got to be very aggressive here from the off hopefully nothing happen to that back wheel as he Chucks it in we're going to see and here we go backy mccy going a little easier then I think he just was like you know what I'm going to be a gentleman about this I'm going to enter nice and clean I'm going to put down a hell of a lead run so that Adam can put down a hell of a Chase and Adam is doing just that as they round into this last outer zone m karthy deep into that pocket LZ follow him exactly where he needs to be hand out the window these guys are stoked great run from Adam LZ and Marcus mccy as they uh you know what for me it's just so cool to see these type of Batts because nowadays with very high level Pro drifting you just don't get to hear the four banger out there screaming around the track two of God L pulls in the chase more angle than the lead car uh mccy a little bit wide on those two sections but LZ just as transition was really nice just here it looked like Adam's Car just didn't have the pull you can see him actually on the brakes there trying to keep the car moving so it looks to me like that car having trouble staying on throttle watch this here as Adam's Car just starts to die off on power very early right at the end yes so not sure what the issue is there they've been fighting that car all the way through and we're going to have a decision from the judges of who goes through to our top eight both of the guys out of the car Smiles all around look at this both champions in my I love is you just get to see these battles where everybody look wall smashes door smashes that's what it's all about putting on a show for the fans guys give it up for Adam LZ and Marcus mccy happy guys look at those Smiles Marcus hasn't stopped smiling since yesterday morning he's having a good time but we're going to have to find a decision on this one we're going to have to see who is going to go through to the top eight decision dropping in from the judges 3 2 1 it's Marcus MC get the win and goes through to our great eight and you can see it Adam just running out of steam a little bit on that last Corner straighten up before the Finish Line MZ is down with the man himself it looked like he was struggling a little bit MZ but he got there in the end yeah absolutely uh fighting with a wounded soldier here are you yeah so the car ran great we actually broke a rock arm when I thought it was a coupler before so we change the limiter settings to make it a little safer and I I think we went a little bit too crazy because it was just like cutting power completely um but it still ran great we had a good battle so I'm stoked and uh when Marcus sort of gave you that love tap after the line did you pick up the boxing gloves out of the glove box ready to go when you got to the start line or it was all kosher honestly I have to say one of the realest things he ever did on the line I left in third and he could have just rolled me down the whole stet and he waited for me and that was really cool so thank you for that ah awesome awesome you love to say it unity in the community all right Make some noise for Adam LZ ladies and gentlemen so um we apologize for the swearing but then we don't really because it's his own channel so it's his own show it's his own channel he can say what he wants but uh you can tell the emotions high and I got to give it up to Marcus mccy because this is why drifting Works in this format any other time of day if you've got a wounded car the other driver is going to leave you for dead Marcus mccy holding on to let LZ get back in the battle and this is what drifting should be about I agree mono on mono fair game who's going to do it over the two runs blow you was it a disadvantage Demarcus no because again he's good driver he was able to stick it out was a close spotle I absolutely love sports absolutely that's what makes drifting so unique it's so different we're all just as stupid as each other so let's let's work together against each other right that's the way it works listen to those sr20s saying couple of God's Motors just hanging out on a Saturday I saw some people put their umbrellas on cuz they didn't want to get hit by the rocker arms uh coming through the sky but uh it's amazing and we got Marcus mccy and an SR20 into the top eight two sr20s in the top eight right now now there's even more of a chance do the math 25% SR20 in the top eight yeah some good odds any day of the week and Now for Something Completely Different a k with a V8 and an S15 with a V8 and an SR20 in sight no the opposite there was twice the amount of cylinders that there was in the last battle it is going to be the rematch between Gaz wider and Mitch we had contact we had wall runs we had spoilers coming off this one is going to be look at the run that Mitch is going to take here I'm going to tell you right now this is going to be a highlight re this is not going to be an easy one to watch it's going to be sketchy it's going to be close but that's what it's all about here at the LZ World Tour gwi are leading in Mitch learner and here we go as they both flick in and Beautiful from Mitch in that follow position absolute bang on line from Gad as they round through that first inner and we come through the Power Alley he is not giving him any room to breathe as they blast oh look at that lead run and putting it into his door Mitch learner as they come around that last bank my goodness gracious Dave that was some of the most aggressive driving that I have seen thus far I'm going to go ahe in the limit and say that's the best leading Chase I've watched on this track all from start to finish there's been moments but that one was the complete package this this is a tough battle because both of these guys with the way they're driving don't deserve to lose at this stage of the competition I could just see them do 16 more of these and I'd be happy like ler is taking risks here on those transitions very late on the transition being aggressive this one is the biggest risk of all goes Super Snappy and close gets up onto the door that's incredible but then you got to look at the lead run it's absolutely inch perfect from Gaz wider this is this is going to be tough because now the tail light so he was on that wall I got to you got to think about if your guys wher right now you're returning to the sport he took a little step back and now he's coming in here he's got this youngster m going oh this is things have moved on things are crazy now you got to go absolutely 100% from the 16 look at that I wonder when he dropped his tail light cuz I saw it dangling as they were driving away I wonder if it was right at the end that's moment right there as you see two guys Full Tilt onto the wall as they go across the vibrant Finish Line I got to say this this for me is the biggest challenge of the day so far for G Wier he's got to really push here like his radio is challeng is going to be like I don't know guys I don't know I can you do 19 how many of those front bumpers are there in the world because we might need to sacrifice one here for a win boys get the paint ready this is going we're going hard there's a guy already mixing the fiberglass in the background gun I'm not so sure the back end of the car are absolutely folded in yeah oh there we go structural tape look at this look the corner of his wing that's what we were talking about when he was rubbing up against the wall it was just that Wing just bopping along and the and the thing is this is the most damage he's done all he's been on that wall since the first run of practice he has so here we go mitchar will be in the lead position gwi this is just the top 16 folks this is the final or the top four and there people taping cars back together to stay in the game there you go here we have MIT in the lead position now look gazeer starting to roll through the gears as they look at gazeer he's hungry for this one as they go into the first Corner big proximity already there we go and this is exactly what he needed to do Gaz putting all the pressure on as Mitch on that perfect lead line again these are two fantastic back-to- back runs trying not to lead a little bit of a discrepancy between on that transition let's see what they can do through here this is the most exciting part G leaving a little bit of room to be desired oh my goodness Mitch just putting the beans on him right there it's like he found another gas pedal and smashed it through his floorboard that was unbelievable if you're a drift fan you're here in attendance or you're watching an home you got to appreciate the speed and the level of risk these guys are putting on the line G doing a great job but I'm going to talk you through my opinion on this one and I'm not sure it counts for much but right now guys at this part of the r GW is killing it transitioning through doing everything he needs to do now watch this leaves this transition a bit early which what him on a breaks he's got to back off a little and Mitch doesn't now he's got to do a big dive to the last corner as he Dives in he's going to hit Mitch so he's got to back off a little allowing Mitch to get that accordion effect away from and that is g Wier trying a last ditch effort to get on the door getting there but only momentarily you know Dave I think I think uh the way that you explained that I think you've seen a thing or two maybe a time or three I have watched at least one event in drifting which maybe just I would have guessed that but but I'm just saying you could tell that they want the win so bad that they're taking risks that normally they wouldn't have to do so early in the competition but as they get out of their cars we got to give a huge amount of appreciation to guys throwing down on track give it up for Mitch lner and give it up for G Wier we got to find definitely the best B of the day so far but who's going to go through to the top eight it's G wider getting the win G wider gets the win and goes through it was a little bit away from my estimations but you know what I could go and talk to Dan our head judge here for a moment you know it looked exciting from both sides but you decided guys just had the better two runs yeah look and to be quite honest I was going back on the other runs as well and having a little bit of think about it I think I know the boys were doing the same um when we came down to we always make sure we judge a lead line versus a lead line so we've got to give those opportunities for the chase driver to get up in the pocket and really take on that battle I mean Mitch did a great job doing that and it often looks like he's doing a better job in the chase position but it's because the lead line was a little bit better than Mitch was giving Gaz so we believe that that's why it was a little bit better in the end for G it was a really really close decision I'll tell you what we are split leing hands up here well spin Harris top 16 going to be a long day for the judges I actually completely understand now so we're looking at the chase so we're thinking the chase guy does this the chase guy does that but he was able to do so because of the lead run because the lead run was so good and that's why we don't judge because we will always take the naturally most exciting thing I take the emotional way that felt like that guy we look at it like fans like you guys too but from a judging perspective remember if you're rules if you're chasing right and the lead driver maybe not giving you the perfect run you you don't have the ability to show off your skills so you feel a little H by but the Jers watch that and say hey let's be honest it was very close either way there was no major discrepancies here but gwi's lead run smoother than Mitch lers therefore they looked at and said that Mitch a better opportunity to stay doing a great job of entertaining us all weekend he's done more violence than anybody at this point because he gave all the way through yesterday true to today and he bows out at top 16 stage to gazu and the OG of New Zealand drifting is in the top eight OG prevails and then on to his teammate who they battled in the fantasy battles around Ben Jenkins he's pumped up and ready to go he is look at him there we oh here's here's Tim Tim's got an SR20 he wants to join God's mot the SR20 crew in the top eight more sr20s than anything else in the top crazy so look at the run in that he is taking right now he's like Bud I need to catch up I know you got a lot more cylinders you got a lot more horsepower let me keep up I want to put on a good show and Tim Rogers coming back from an accident first lap out got the car back together qualified and is now doing battle with Tim Rogers so Ben with the hero story trying to get that thing back and running and a big horsepower discrepancy but staying in the game as they come through into the last outer zone and oh no Ben jenin kind of getting on and off line back and forth Tim Rogers with some contact what happened I'm not sure what happened there and I was just about to jump in down and say I love this you get to see the street car style taking on the big Pro Car style and he was doing an amazing job was until that last corner but what happened there you don't know and let's check it out in the replay it was going pretty well that's a that's a an insane thing to do in an SR20 powered car that was heavier than the car that it probably came out of and he's doing everything he can a little bit straight through there but hanging with him and staying on his line but then he kind of dipped out of the pocket and then he just dipped out of the screen yeah it looks to me like B doesn't have major wobbles there I don't know what happened I think maybe you could see the eagerness of Scott maybe because he went on the shallower line he's coming in real fast on the door and he kind of Hit the front himself a and then went yep and everything just spit around and rather than smash into the car in front of you you take one for the team you don't the thing is it's not about they're afraid of crashing their car they just don't really want to unnecessarily damage someone else's car and especially you can see here as they're coming up on the wall Ben not all the way out to the wall to be fair but it looks to me like I think he just a lot of smoke yeah a lot of smoke pouring out of the lead car though to be fair maybe he got lost in it yo yeah his helmet is covered in Smoke oh filled his cab I I don't I think maybe he got lost in the smoke I don't know I'd like to weird I don't know I want to know what happened Yeah Tim yeah he's like I don't know I bumping him around so Tim I think is giving us the international sign love I went too close and I spun around Tim Rogers oh the old the age old yeah two hands together showing you the run here we go Tim Rogers in the lead position Ben Jenkins in the chase now Ben giving a lot of room here because of course he's now assuming that he has the advantage here A big one from the spin of Tim Rogers but uh as he come through here Ben St you can't really slow that S15 down too much because it's got a lot of power as he transitions back look at this late oh Ben is way wide here oh hard was that Ben was a Oh Tim Rogers falling out that fantastic job from Ben avoiding dis disaster there there was a lot of I just have to stop talking and make noises that's that was my sentiment I was like so H Tim this is good from the start Tim doing a good job he's been driving really well this weekend um and you can see that Ben's probably going let's feel this one out let's not get too crazy too soon but you can see Ben's car starting to he has to pick pick up pace here because his car is going pretty straight line so he can't slow down that much he goes way too early on the transition he just about keeps it on the concrete makes a mistake but as makes the mistake the lead car makes another unforced mistake in front of him so oh that was a sketch I think maybe that was a little case of the nerves there's a lot of people here maybe he's never driven in front of a crowd like this this beautiful crowd that is J let him here and so give it up for Tim Rogers as he gets out of the car Tim oh kick the door of a SC come on Tim come on Tim that was aggressive close it gently close it that was aggressive Bud yeah there was there was no need to kick the door it's a beautiful car we got it there we got B Jenkins out of the car they're all got to get the hat out having fun fantastic mustache on Tim Rogers I must say if there was a battle for that he'd already have won here we go who's going to go through to the top eight decision in it's Ben Jenkin moving Ben Jenkins gets the win he is a happy man right now and Tim Roger as well he's just going to have a a crash a great mustache and a great weekend yeah he did and he got to do a ton of driving once they got that car fixed so he's done some laps out here he's put on a show for us he's done some pretty good driving those unforced errors unfortunately taking him out of the competition it looked like he had the same issue on the me you know what I'm thinking maybe there's an issue with the car shutting off or something because it's weird to have the same issue twice on two runs especially in the lead position so maybe there's something else going on um I'm sure Tim will let us all know on social media because every race driver has to say immediately afterwards I thank everybody that helped me and this happened and it wasn't my fault that is the two things you always yeah race driver talk you want to be a race driver you don't even need a car you need an Instagram account and say here's what uh thank you and this is why it's not my fault i' like to thank my sponsors and I'm sorry for disappointing yeah but I didn't see the card something I have many you should see my book it's quite long oh beautiful take I just take a copy and I'm might take a book of race car excuses and you can just randomly P the page take that copy it onto your Instagram and it'll be like something like uh ate a bad banana this morning you know I was I was struggling with it I couldn't see I went blind I went blind halfway through the Run both my tires yeah both my tires were opposites from different things and you know it's one of those things the fuel pump slash uh the timing uh you know hit in the face with a Lea who knows exactly we'll move on to our next battle the last battle of the top 16 before we head back for the one more time between Robert arbolino and age panaro this one's going to be Saxon Moyes cam Morton cam Morton you saw me in the battle of the fantasy battle with Adam LZ is going up against Saxon Moyes Saxon has been on Rails this weekend highest qualifier and super oh look at C Mor though bringing the fight back to Saxon Moyes as he fires through the power R Saxon getting up onto the wall giving a good lead run but look at K Mor he's giving away a little bit of horsepower he's not any proximity that was insane that was a beautiful run again still on top 16 two very talented young men behind the wheel that was beautiful that was really good to watch enjoyed tear tear came to my eyes you were like the future is bright their future the future is youngsters in very high horsepower cars yes we got Saxon in that lead position he's been just putting in the perfect runs he really hasn't made any mistakes this weekend and then you've got cam Morton the only mistake he's had is having that mustache very similar to LZ that's probably the only mistake I don't know if that's a mistake it could be even a marketing point they got him a battle with mlz which is pretty good say he's on there's going to be a lot of people growing mustaches over I agree mustache is back it is I've seen a bunch of them here along with window louvers which is not really a thing in the US interior window blinds yeah the blinds and the mustaches and then all in the car show if you guys look at some of the car show cars um blinds yeah why is there so many blinds answer this question in Australia internal blinds in the back window of a car I know it's sunny in Australia so it's probably a practical reason but I've never seen it anywhere else in other sunny places either so let me know there was a bunch of them answers in the comment hash weird # window blinds in my car it's long hashtag I'm going to work on that the off yeah we're to go back that's a good thing but we're going to go back to the start line we got two more runs or one more run to see between these two guys sax and Moyes C is is it C though could be LZ you don't know he could have snuck back in he's he's Shifty like that you don't know he could end up on the podium and jump out and take off knew all the time so here we are it is going to be cam Morton in the lead position Saxon Moyes in the chase position saxon's going to get aggressive here look at that mimic of that entry as they Chuck into the first turn got to say C Mor doing a good job here as Martin does a really nice job into I'm surprised Sax's not being a little bit more aggressive here in the Power Alley Saxon going to go for that last second dive will he get it done he will get it done get up onto the door both guys on the wall C Morton buried in the wall as they go around the window hey buddy come on let's go that was beautiful love to see it love to see it that was impressive I enjoyed every moment of that so closer these guys get move I'm going to be honest I thought that we would see sax and Moyes sort of steamroll through here we he did not see that casual I feel like he was casual and C Martin does a great job in the line like that lead line is absolutely fantastic cuz he had every ability he was a big angle through the Power Alley which the harder thing to do goes early to the wall which no one really does and he does it and he's definitely hit it if he didn't hit it he was the closest thing he was ever been without hitting it a tough decis that was impressive so guys as they get out of their cars will you please give it up for Saxon Moyes and K Martin love it two future Heroes of the sport I would agree they're my heroes already I'm putting the seal of approval on that one saying that these guys you're going to hear their names a lot in the future the future but we need a decision from our judges we need somebody to go through to the top eight and somebody to bow out in top 16 who's it going to be I don't know do you know nobody knows except the judges so we're going to wait for their decision and the judges are currently judging there's also a registration plate on that or 33 Scot which is incredible or Saxon Moyes who's it going to be and it is going to be a one more time one more time between sa and mo look on his face they were very happy with that one sax and Moyes Delight look at do again pure joy more driving this is great more driving bud can you sign my tire so no I think he's saying have you got the tire I he's checking the other guy's Tire I would just say yeah you're fine you're when he's on absolute nothing I would say oh it's fine everything's fine you're great he said you're mint don't trust him don't TR LZ making things happen don't trust dreams come true yeah he also looks like a highway policeman a little bit a little bit if if it didn't work out in the drifting I'm just saying he has that look so we are going to go back to uh or one more we got two one more times to go through we got a lot of one more times a lot of one more times very close battles I feel we're going to see a lot of driving that's very that's what happens when you have an entire field full of 90 point runs you know what you're not speaking the lack of Truth there Dan because that is a good point everyone here has scored probably almost perfect almost above 90 in qualifying every one of these drivers so it's going to be very interesting now we go back to the the age old battle I see what see there between I did learn that the D is Silent not ad it is age age with age comes wisdom two in a row age panaro goes up against Robert arbolino and here we go arino leaving a little bit of a gap here Robert's got a catch up to puto coming in really hot into that first corner is a he's got to cut the the control on and I'm going to make things happen Power Alley still not able to catch up can he make it in just getting there right at the and still even for much much more proximity super fast car and you know you think oh this will be an interesting battle where you know in my opinion it looked like age panaro would have the advantage however I'll tell you what I think is going on here too much power in the9 for the street tires we're running this weekend so he's not getting the grip and the side bite and all the forward bite to catch up and they can only goes so down in PSI before you start debting so there's a limit to the grip you can find with a set of Street radio exactly and it it sort of can be a disadvantage sometimes for cars with a lot of horsepower cuz they're built to run semi- stick tires super gripped up suspension and you can't really find it other than mechanically here this weekend you're not going to find it in the tire you can overheat the tire very quickly with a lot of wheel speed that may have been the case on that particular one oh here we are coming it's the second half battle yeah it was a collision on the first one so I'm just goingon to say h panaro deemed at fault for the Collision so will it be enough in that second B but I'm just thinking right now it probably won't be so here 3 2 1 and Robert arbolino gets the win Robert arbolino gets the win and goes through to our top eight fantastic driving from age though once they got around that little Rotator at the beginning yeah so basically the Collision on the first half which was seems like ages ago was deemed by you see what I did there age panaro actually was deemed at fault therefore regardless of that beautiful lead run he did it didn't really make up for that big Collision it basically zeroed the first exactly and he's angry with that he's going to send this thing letting that the Pistons are flying to the moon on the way out here that is a limiter ladies and gentlemen if you didn't know what a limiter is look this up with the dictionary you'll see AG going pointing guys give it up for these two absolute Superstars here today had to go through some collisions some some one more times we have a winner and it is going to be Robert arino getting himself into the top eight and C D Robert you got to survive some more battles so you know just keep a chill and uh yeah really good stuff for both of those guys but unfortunately age panaro's crashed B not an advantageous Tech look at this the most beautiful way away from the truck with all those show cars look at that how cool does that look and and we did we took a walk through that uh Runway earlier crown down there beautiful we saw some interesting stuff we did the license plates you guys are on point with the license plates so we got some surprises for you right surpris you like surprises I love surprises what we're going to do cuz you think oh it's a top 16 it's going to be a top eight it's going to be boring it's never going to be boring we're throwing some cool stuff in we have got a top eight uh almost decided it's going to be sax and Moyes and cam Morton going at it before we get there we got we got some surprises so what I said was Happ I tell you what I said wouldn't it be fun right it would be fun no to for my entertainment if we did some cool stuff so what we got is some of the coolest builds that I have spotted in Australia all right all right told I told them can they drift and they went yeah I said do you want to drift them at the LZ World Tour I said absolutely and when you see some of these cars you will doubt the logic behind it and then also some of those guys are going to come out in the break so when top 16's over we're going to do something crazy when we got top eight we're going to do something crazy and we're going to do top four and as we go it's going to get crazier and crazier right throughout the entire compet comp see this this is why it's good to put people like you in charge because I like crazy I like random I like stuff that should work but does work exactly so what we aren typical so what we've been watching a lot of about here so there's someone there yesterday his name is Ty he said I don't know the style needs to be brought back into the event we need some Style and I said what do you mean he said we're going to bring all the styly boys out for one run of the track three car train Ty Jeff Hayden dickin and Julian Jacobs from Allen the style three car train we haven't seen a three car train all has and a backwards entry from jul Jacobs in the middle of a three car train what is happening what is even going on right now my heart can't handle all this oh bumper flying oh oh no everything lot of we go stacking up into the oh my goodness gracious it's ping pong out there absolute Carnage on track wow a demo amid you know what amid top 16 demo never hurt anybody it may have hurt a few bumpers these were the three most stylish cars in this 100% and some of the stylish drivers and we said that's just throw all look at Julian in the chase on on the big 90° chucking her on in but and the lead car I'll have you know automatic transmission an automatic diesel8 speed BMW gearo s some amount of speed it's not correct even make any sense what's happening right now he has buttons in there to turn it into a manual he's got clutch pedals that are electronic he's got all sorts of weird there was probably a moment in that run where everything on a photo looked great and everything else was chaos and and I love every I'm here for all of it TI guys in the audience please make some noise for Ty Jeff ayen dick finny and Julian Jacobs and look at that St he is street sweeping right now with those S skirts that thing is super low they're oh Lambo doors had the flex on them didn't you Ty Jeff with the flex incredible stuff May's two three very stylish man on the track after some chaotic runs we got some hot boys in the house and uh yeah I'm not talking about physical appearance Julian you uh little bit uh you know little bit of trouble with the car but surely it was all worth it just for that bit of Awesomeness oh man yeah I wish I got to do more driving I almost spun out on the entry but I was able able to kind of see get back on him what's it like uh performing in front of a crowd like this Hayden it's uh take your helmet off Brother come on show everyone your lovely self oh get TI tie mate this is the big this is the dream come true how's it been yeah it's been sick to come out and drive with the boys and everyone in front of Melbourne yeah the boys let's go that was a I dove in on Julian and I was like oh we're not going anywhere it B up I having a good show for the fans so yep that's it you get that on the big jobs and uh how shattered are you about the front bar uh n should be right mate we'll get another one and go again don't Li to the crowd mate no great experience Hayden you finally got that helmet off brother bit of a street sweeper here um have you been cleaning the front lip off all all day yeah trying to um sort of demolish it before I leave would be awesome so yeah that's what we're trying to do my panel be I made a a bold statement and said he'd fix everything that I break so I'm just trying to sort of ruin the car well you don't get that offer too often so uh yeah I reckon just keep running the wall brother and uh give it a red eye crack ladies and gentlemen yeah I reckon you guys should do some burnouts do you guys want to see some burnouts I said do you guys want to see some burnouts yeah all right put your helmets on boys and uh back to you boys in the booth so here we go we're going to get some uh this is always got to close the Lambo door now watch you got to close it like a Lambo door and then you got to close it like a real door he's in the reverse of Leonard DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street he's climbed back in through the Lambo door for chaos he lud free in that one I think so they're going to do three car burnouts in front of you guys here in attendance look how cool all these cars and I mean Tai used to look cool he lost the bumper the other guy lost the rear bumper the other guy there's no bumpers left but it's fine look at this Lambo door oh hold on we got ourselves a little bit of a yes this is old school ja this is old school option video you guys close your eyes in your 2006 is back look at that in 4x3 somebody filmed that with a an old school camera and that would be a magical moment that S14 is the lowest drift car I've ever seen on track it's ridiculous and you know what great to have every part of drift culture here this weekend from it's crazy cuz you want the cool people you want the competitive people you want the personality driven people all mixed in the bunch and these three guys Kings of Instagram but also Kings of the track here today yeah it's fantastic this is just one of the ways you can express yourself through drifting is through the style of your car through your driving through your build through your social media channels it's it's it's insane what you can do with drifting and that was showcased right there also to see these these Legends of the game so Julian Jacobs I'm a big fan of Julian Jacobs and animal style for years the way to do things the way they drive just to have him here this weekend even to put a couple of runs in and of course a good sport to come out of you know he's out of the competition but he comes out with a couple of other cool cool cats to do some runs I absolutely love it and we go back to the last battle in our top 16 bracket which will be the rematch between Saxon Moyes and K Martin K Martin getting one more time against the GT86 can he do it again then I'm very excited to see if they can and here we go the Saxon boys absolutely pedal to the metal again these guys are dialed on that Entry Way Way wide though however as he comes into the dirt a little bit that was very uncharacteristic you haven't seen him make a mistake like that maybe he didn't warm the tires up enough maybe the tires were slippery I don't know what just happened as they come back around a lot of once the beginning of the run is messed up it's really hard to put it back together for the rest of the Run especially as a follow driver and again that's something that the judges take heavily into account for sure if you you wash that drop a wheel or whatever or mess up the chase run early in the run it's hard to get back into it for me you're right sax and Moy is making the first error of the day for him actually of the weekend yeah goes a little too hot a little too wide look at this drop into the just a little bit cam has to back off completely at that point and it's losing that momentum on the now I will say for the Highlight rail this wall run from sax and Moy is pretty damn special like look at this boom he and GT86 is have about 4 in between the wheel on the rear end of the car and that was uh6 he's on the wall towards the so trying to make up maybe for that error on the first Corner does a good job but is it enough we'll find out I we still have a whole another half a battle to go we do have a whole another half of battle go so you can see that sax and Moy firing through look at that just droing you I'm not going to follow you off the track bit he nearly hit the Drone is what he did with with with some rocks trying to shoot try trying to shoot down the drone look at the Drone it's like everything's fine oh no no no yeah surely nothing could possibly go wrong with to me up here in the sky and as they come through it looked to me like the Drone nearly got scattered with that with gravel and rocks yeah trying to see what happened with that lead did he slip in something what happened he was way off the The Zone anyway so I think just a huge mistake just an accident everybody makes mistakes what a pretty car though that's GT86 and GT86 is in my opinion not always the easiest car to make look great that one looks great I love the window thing they got going on even know what you call that and more louers it's just a big thing louvers they love louvers here uh so here we go it's going now can cam Martin turn it around in that lead position K Martin thrown into that first Corner smooth from K Martin that's what you want to see that's exactly they're supposed to go through that and sa's getting every opportunity to put on a good Chase now so that's what you want to do as the lead driver is give the opportunity for good Chase and that's what's being showcased by cam here as they dip into the pocket Saxon MO is putting way more pressure on through that section but is it going to be enough was that aggressive enough of a run Dave I don't know I don't to balance out the mistake I get I I don't I don't know we never know look at the smoke wafting up here near the tower it's nice to get a whiff of that every once in a while it's the sand of my people the scent scent smell of my people of Race Fuel and smoke and general gravel it's so funny cuz when you've been drifting for so long you can tell you I don't know if you'd be able to pick out different tire brands but you can definitely tell different tires being used by their smell it's strange a weird skill to have strange that we know this I'm now also in the same position with race field I can tell what type of race fuel is in a car just by the smell interesting I feel like they're senting it anyway we got to find a decision it's the last B our top 16 one of these guys going through to the top eight one of them getting knocked out oh here we go decision is going to drop in guys one more time give it up for a Saxon Moyes and K Martin some of the best battles we've seen some of the biggest Smiles who's going to be smiling now it is K Martin getting the win cam Martin cam Martin gets the win there you have my goodness LZ the LZ moving on we don't know if it's LZ we don't know if it's not we can't tell anymore he's got him in the trunk somewh I think maybe what a great look at sax Moy he's pumped having a great time these these guys are having put the camera out of focus and everything on that Cam's like just stand back I'm in the splash helped so it is going to be a C Martin mov you know what well deserved in my op that was great that was great driving so we have eight drivers remaining in the competition but we got a lot I'm just going to say you guys we got a lot of surprises still to come if you like crazy builds you like crazy cars we got all men I would actually say guaranteed all man of crazy cars coming later on and if you say crazy I'm uh I tend to believe that because well it's the craziest exhibition we've done all year I think in terms of Madness I don't even know why these cars exist should exist they shouldn't be on a RAC track they shouldn't even be running someone should have just said hey uh we don't need this to exist and they go you that's a good point no I think it should I'm going to build it anyway yeah so uh we are have great crowd you guys here in Calder Park amazing audience we've had so much fun today Jud good judges great judging Great Cars Great track back hope you guys at home are having a good time watching the stream and uh what we want to you want Dan you want to talk a little bit about that last Dan wants to say Dan wants to say something he's he's he's looking through the window Dan come here come here look look they haven't seen Dan's beautiful face yet look you got you got we got we got to scoot we got to scoot there's Dan what happened talk Pap a squat Bud yeah yeah so cam we had Cam and sax in all smiles but you went with Cam over the two runs well interestingly in the end we were actually split so it was still a two to one decision and what we've done uh we all ended up going back to where we were with the exception of one of the judges on the first run so that second one saon dropped a wheel we saw that obviously there's a deduction for that but then the rest of the Run was so Flawless and cam even though we gave him a little bit more of Advantage even through zone two because of the of the wide line he just still wasn't able to get back to it and the waiting we've got with the track obviously that last wall ride is one of the heavier weighted sections of the track so then he he cam couldn't get back to the door and then Saxon in his Chase he knew he dropped the line and that was one of the best chases we've seen all weekend he got there he got onto the door all the way up took all of the points here and so that ended up overcoming that one wheel in the first one we went back to our first one our first run decisions and that's where we came up with the the reward now I know Dan you didn't understand the word of that because your brain just melted I understood everything perfectly Dan it made perfect sense to me thank you for coming in here and explaining to us because we couldn't have done such a good job cuz we were just watching the smoke and the driving of the cars Dan back to the hot seat we'll see you in a moment and uh what watch this scoot scoot as we were all right guys we are finished up with our top 16 bracket we're going to have a little look at where it it SS got Brody Miner coming against Robert arbolino Jordan serson against Mighty Hill G Wier against Marcus mccy Ben Jenkins against K Martin but also we have a ton of surprises dropping in all the way through we're back very shortly we're going to give you a couple of words for our partners here at the championship of course these are the guys supporting us making all these events happen across the world so check out the small ad roll we'll be back after this see since 1997 vibrant performance made its Mark as one of the industry leaders in the development and Engineering of exhaust and induction components for the automotive aftermarket over the years vibrant has seen its Evolution pivot from the chambers of an exhaust and induction components brand to becoming the primary source of professional fabrication components for professional Fabricators please be sure to find us at vibrant hey guys Steph Jones here I'm Dylan Hughes I'm Travis reader I'm Ken I'm matfield I Drive Lake they are the most reliable e round and they always deliver their Global Tech Support gives me the advice I need every time I need it their products are super easy to install and easy to set up for the performance that I want they stand behind their products and support their customers they're always innovating and delivering great new products and performance features I drive I drive I drive I drive I drive link he d this is so we are back ready for our top eight here in Calder Park we are it's stacked this is a stacked grid Dan this is going to be some of the wildest battles Calder park has ever seen yeah these are some pretty Heavy Hitters uh as far as driving goes as far as cars go as far as the show goes there's some insane stuff absolutely Jo has already I was on to talk with him in the break saying it's tough today lot of down to the wire decisions it's going to be tough which is crazy because this is a casual competition they shouldn't have this respons fun competition that's being taken very seriously by a lot of great drivers our first B up will be an incredible one bro Mar in the 1,000 horsepower SR20 the champ from Australia going up against Robert arbolino in this incredible they got a little run into it but they got it fix it's a 427 I've learned you did which is almost which is almost 7 L it's a lot of milk so here we go Robert arbolino in the lead position bro Mar in the chase firing in look at this off the line very quick quick for Robert aralo a big dive in from bro M into that first Corner as we go V8 verus God motor on steroids I'd say they BL through the power rally oh look at all that smoke he's making I don't think I've seen him make that much smoke he wants to win as he dips down into the pocket and Brody getting a little bit lost in that I think I don't know if he was expecting it I don't know if he thought he was offline but he dropped way back we're going to have to watch the replay and kind of see what transpired there but that's not what he wanted to do I'm assuming had a quick chat with Robert aralo last night I'm not going to say it was or it wasn't at a bar and he was saying he hasn't done a whole lot of driving this is a new build and he's growing in confidence every run and I think he's back in that statement up now because every run he's getting smoother and smoother and Brody I think struggling a little bit with the pace at our BMW and look at that the the smoke that he's making through that Power Alley nobody's done that yet that was insane I don't know if he I don't know if he got lost maybe he just couldn't keep up well defitely making more smoke that any other car on the track which again it will make it hard to see yes it does it's a bold move it's a bold move and trying to drive through the smoke if you've never done that which probably many of you never have it's one of the most difficult things to overcome in drifting you are completely blind and hoping you're not going too fast or you're not going too slow or there's a wall there I'm going to explain this to you what it's like so you know when you play gr Turismo or Forza and you've got the Bonnet Cam and you've got the third person cam we're in third person cam watching these drivers but they're on the bondet cam with all that smoke quite scream you just every now and again you'll see the opponent and you hope he's where you think he is but you've got to be super close and when you get a little bit of a drop off maybe two three car lengths the whole track is just covered in smoke so you're just firing through going off muscle memory exactly you don't know where they are what's going on it's happened to both of us down in the past happens to us quite a bit actually we got left behind often we were in the wrong place at the wrong time smoke where we should and we're like well that's the end I don't know where I am you're looking GPS system or something to find your way of it so Robert already him now in the Chase and we haven't you know he hasn't been tested in the chase position as much yes today and we know Brody Mar is going to be FAS here as well so this going to be interesting as they come off the line it looks like BR getting a good jump on the start time Robert Robert is absolutely doing a burnout through that whole thing I don't know why he had to drop back so far he has the power to keep up and absolutely spooling out I don't know what happened Robert there again doing just a giant rolling burnout there in the both guys making mistakes in almost the exact same places yet again I'm right up on the door at the end for Robert aralo but is it too little too late after we saw big Separation on the first run we saw even bigger Separation on the second run this is going to be nuts to judge it's what happen I I mean for me stuff like this when there's two giant mistakes in the runs where basically somebody's driving straight I'm going to tell you right now it's too I think it's too much wheel speed I think the tire is just doing a burnout it's not even getting any for bite and Brody you can see less smoke coming from the car I mean he's got a lot more grip and he's moving faster through the course but but we're going to have judges decide this one when they come back around but either way both guys putting on an amazing show today for you guys here it's for a spot in the final four look at that give it up for Robert arbolino give it up for Brody mer I don't know I don't know what happened big old bully boy smoke in the tires big old school boy I mean SR20 obviously is going to be a little bit lighter but that can't account for a school bus and a half of Gap no so I'm not sure what happened there but it looked like and you see this crazy dive into the last a big one that was and then just stay yeah he was like ah a good cool move but it's very late in the day yeah very late in the day so we're going to have to get a decision on this one for who's going to get the win mes you're down with both of these drivers before we get the decision how did that feel to them mate they are absolutely ecstatic uh the energy I'm getting from both of these two you two uh can't separate each other absolutely flying this's a national champion man it's not that easy um man when you driving with drivers like this and they just throwing it down it's so easy to drive with them it's crowd like this it's all worth it I don't care how the bent the car gets we're going home happy this Legend and uh Brody uh you're going up against the hard charge of Robert Abino you know you had to bring it didn't you oh I knew I had to bring it uh this car is absolutely no joke and uh Rob can always throw down I might be the national champion but Rob's been out of the seat for a little while but when I built this car obviously with big SR20 a lot of inspiration come from Rob and what he did so uh yeah this feels a little bit fitting and uh we pitted next to each other so all Good Vibes we're having fun all smiles out there Smiles Galore all right let's find out the decision back to you guys in the booth well here comes the decision is dropping in what we got a winner we do not it's a one more time one more time between Robert not a choreographed one more time but or one more time is fine the hand two didn't work out 10 they need to work on that never go for a high 10 too much risk just one yeah it's tough enough to get that that Chris Pi five 10 I love theis confident so we got it one more time between these two guys and no sep well a lot of separating them is the problem there was lot separation so the judges want to see that one no real proximity to write home about so I mean I I was there that was that was my snap decision that I made it was just there was giant gap on the first run and giant gap on the second run everything else was mediocre but yeah and there they are one more time we get to see them do it again we get to see them go back they have to impress the judges they have to make it the judges choice they you want to make it so that you're beat fairly or you get beat for sure we're going to move on to our next top eight battle which we'll see mty Hill go up against Jordan Sanderson mty Hill dispatching Mad Mike in the top 16 so he's feeling confident as we move on to the next run it will be Sanderson in the Ute in the lead position Matty Hill in the chase position it's into that first cor might he going early in the chase making it work and as Jordan comes in you the size discrepancy between these cars is absolutely insane watching an S chassis go around that Ute and I mean you really have to go around that car because it is long and it is tall but you might be able to slip the front end of that car underneath as they come in through this last turn listen to that thing sounds like a NASCAR out there looks kind of like a NASCAR from the kind of does that was an incredible run from Jordan Sanderson on Matty Hill mean we talked about the separation no such issues there for those guys no they were they were doing things they they they got the memo and they listened and there was proximity there was proximity to be had all through this fantastic lead run and he was able to put the car in the chase where it needed to be at all times Chong and smokes maybe the track is gripping up maybe the temperature is changing I don't know why but cars seem like they're really smoking through the Power Alley there might even be Blue Skies coming soon I don't want to get you too excited but I'm looking across the hills here and I'm saying we might have a sunny little finish to this one I'll take it as a man that will take it either way cuz I'm Irish I have no choice I would just leave my country the same 2 hours you want you want good weather you don't stay where we are but we get a little you even have the hope of sunshine even the the idea of sunshine yeah is enough for us as an Irish person to go I feel warm because the sun is shining somewhere exactly we can radiate it somewhere else so it's it's important to projecting Sunshine yes we you I I think Ireland's so nice because the people emit the heat because there so friendly someone said to me they they they exhibit heat oh for don't have well we have such bad weather we have to be upbeat or what would we do but that's neither here nor there I also like someone we don't have air conditioning in ourand because we would never need it because for the 3 days year we just complained so here we are Matty hill going up against Jordan Sanderson Sanderson look at him he's pumped up in there in his you in his Ute he is up against Matty Hill in the beautiful S15 here we go off the line it's for a spot in the final four all on the line here as Matty Hill fires into that first Corner Jordan Sanderson big lock up all four lock up into the first Corner trying to stay aggressive with Matty Hill as they transition through this time Matty Hill putting on the power as he actually pulls a little Gap here on Jordan serson sers is going to have to cut the line and try and make that big last ditch dive and he does Sanderson on big angles trying to stay with him mty hill absolutely up and gone but look at these door to door two incredible machines across the Finish Line awesome stuff caler Park show your appreciation for this awesome driving we're seeing here today I'm loving this that s chassis that lead run from the S chassis was almost Flawless so that's an S chassis what's the other one then Dan that is a u chassis it's a a u chassis U chassis nice I try to put you on the spot because came straight up there it is and it's a bent U Chassy as you can see so it's more of a a w chassis it's a w chassis on the rear end yeah there a there's a lot okay there's there's a li a machine gun limiter thing someone anti likeed that was some heavy did some anti so we are going to have these two boys roll down and get their decision it's for a final four spot this is big this is big this is a big one this is big this is this is chance at all of the marbles here yeah so um both these guys going to hop out of the car we're going to get Mez to have a little quick little quick chat with them because like to hear what fa want to see the Pumped up faces of people driving silly machines at this level no looks like we are uh waiting on yeah me is going to roll in have a little conversation with Jordan s MZ what an car an interesting battle mate this is the Australian dream we just need a cement mixer in the back weighing it down just to keep the weight over those Wheels Jordan absolutely purring this V8 how you feeling out there you're looking hard to truck oh man just love it this thing St this weekend we're having fun just hitting this wall and just putting on a show that we need a new rear end so we might as well just keep putting it in there yeah I was about to say you've uh hit the rear end more than once brother Matty hill come back in here mate our part-time model you took down Mad Mike are you feeling good man I'm loving it like how good is it to be driving the best event in Australia am I right y now the driv is here are awesome it's been amazing we've had a few issues over the weekend and the team's been amazing as well and to battle against guys like Jordan and Mad Mike it's an amazing experience so glad to be here he I reckon the crowd might be a little bit salty that you beat Mad Mike but you've won them over all right let's find out the decision back to you boys thanks M well see who's going to go through to the final four here the big decisions about to drop in who's going through it's Jordan Sanderson getting the win and an Australian youth into the final four the script has been written you know the tried and true W chassis that we all have come to love here is in the last 10 minutes because we've called it a w chassis now it wasn't U chassis now it's a w it might be a v by the end of this competition very well may be so we have got Matty Hill beaten Mad Mike then getting beaten by a you none of it has to make sense because it's the LZ World Tour that's what happens which the script is never I think if we scripted these events people would say that's not realistic that would never happen well it's happening right now in front of your eyes so it is going to be Sanderson moving into the final four he will get two shots at the podium looks like a man that could looks like a man that could score store a skateboard deck or two in the back of that thing D going to be honest skateboard deck maybe two maybe three he can take every all of them back to the pits for somebody if they didn't have I'm just going to make a call could get a skateboard wrap for him to bring home in the back of that thing cuz he oh yeah let's put a quarter pipe in there he could probably fit that in there Matty Hill put a big old smoky burn it out what a great performance he's had today I'm a big Mighty Hill fan got the style got the car he's also got the hype I like it he's he's having a good time and he bows out at this stage of competition now he gets to watch he gets to become a fan he gets to enjoy the LZ World Tour like the rest of us I'm having an absolute blast this has been an insane couple of days here we've got way more battles to go and some surprises I'm I'm excited I'm always excited for Dave surprises because they are absolutely insane sending some WhatsApp stand cuz I'm trying to hook some stuff up go I can see that and I'm trying not to look at your screen I'm going to surprise everybody here we go next up we got Gaz wider going up against the man Marcus mccy who took down LZ wider took down yesterday's winner mitchar but now they're going head to-head V8 supercharge versus SR20 let's oh my goodness gracious that's an entire football field guys Wier just went to the moon on the initiation don't understand how he accelerated so quickly something must have gone wrong with Marcus's car because that was a huge discrepancy Marcus now firing through the track somehow he's managed to catch up oh oh my goodness transition Marcus mccy doesn't even make sense how is he where he is right now what happened he was a football field behind in a much slower car that was that was nuts that was absolutely hands down nuts and the award for transition of the day husband Marcus MCA he came through this at at four degrees of angle mcy is M look at this transition this is scary look whoa my goodness and then just right there and he's like I'm back in business you know how hard it is to catch up with a car that has probably double your horsepower when you have a football field in front of you he wasn't going down without a fight there that's for sure he that was impressive Marcus M Cathy as they head back around he definitely has the disadvantage through the first half of the run but he did a pretty nice transition pretty nice transition pretty good on the wall this look at this it was still exciting this should this is what you call this should be a crash but look at this oh oh come on ladies can we get a round of applause for that transition that is what we came here to see everybody those brick headlights were like those brick headlights were like we are far too expensive to be this close to turmoil look at this transition that was that was a thing of beauty that was a real thing of beauty could put a frame that that's all you need is the photo yeah and they'll be like was the rest of the run good Mark's like I don't want to talk about it I don't want to talk about the rest of the Run great beginning not so much yeah it was good at the end we got the we got the shot we got the phone so now Marcus mcca's in the lead will he throw an all backwards entry to throw him off the banking mcy back his classic backy mccy he might just throw it in uh he's still hyped Oh's he's the gearbox it's the gear coming out of the ah missed an old gear it's I wonder is it an s or oh no it's a weird gearbox in this car that's the one the the ar5 yeah strange gear box well strange coming out under his radio guys wi out in the chase position as they come into the first Corner guys with the advantage but a big angle initiation would we expect any less from from baky mccy as he comes through now got water start to turn to screw get close and personal to the back end of Marcus Macy's car he doesn't need to go too aggressive but try telling guys why that as they go back down towards the wall mccy goes wide on the circuit guys about are playing like a cat with a mouse here I think that is the OG Maybe seal of the deal yeah he he had the experience there he didn't need to be super aggressive but he wanted to put on a good show and that's exactly what he did he was in all the right places where he needed to be and just you know put the nail in the coffin I think unfortunately when you miss a gear down the straightway there's nothing else you can do I me he did everything he could to come back but it would never have been enough with a follow run like this from G and in a shocking turn of evance time oh no if Marcus Marcus mccy was to go out of competition okay that would be all of the sr20s out of the competition no yeah moment Silence from the crowd please it's not it's not done yet we haven't got a decision yet but I I feel I've watched a run or two that's that's disheartening that is a that's a sad day sad day for the SR20 um but it is going to be a good day for either of these drivers if they go through I think this might be a more obvious decision Mez there's a Mis gear somewhere there from maybe one of these drivers but it was still a great battle marus come around mate we need you close brother all right we get the compulsory high five out of the way little bit of a quick yarn just tell the crowd exactly what you told guys I just uh missed the gear was too busy playing around with it to get on him oh too easy now uh while I'm still with you Marcus it was dubbed uh transition of the day now pure Precision or just hope for the best that was uh full sand and definitely pray to God moment yeah I'm glad it paid off that was sick but yep the crowd absolutely loved it Gaz what was it like gone against this street style I mean I think he drove it here the other day yeah he's driving at home tonight bit of a throwback to the days of all yeah it's sick the as I said before the tire even everyone up you know so it's just amazing driving against everyone like this on an even playing field yeah 100% the radial does work let's find out the winner of our battle back to you boys yeah we're going through to the final four is the decision will it be gazer will be Marcus mccy the results are about to drop in 3 2 one and the winner is G wider gets the win and goes through to the final four making a call and I made a big mistake D there's still an SR20 in the competition not a normal one but there is there is Brody Mars still that's I was thinking wait minute forgot about one more time th horsepower one that shouldn't be considered an Sr I always forget about the thousand horsepower one because it's not a thing because it's it's not reality it's not a thing so it is gazeer the OG coming back into competition going through to the final four and gazeer will join Jordan Sanderson in the final four so we've got a Supercharged V8 S15 a V8 Ute Ute Ute uh in the in the final four of course this is just Australia and Australia things are happening yes they are we've got a New Zealander now also in the top four so one we got a kiwi and we got an Aussie in the top four I'm not saying there's a rivalry but this was a predicted thing I mean you basically called it when you named all the people that won all the different events it's like the person from that country wins the event yeah well let's see what Marcus MC was looks like he has definitely found second gear and third gear on those Marcus mcy doing a great job he entertains with the back his entries he did the transition of the day so while he didn't win the event he has the two highlight real moments Hearts he won our hearts won our hearts so here we are back at it again Robert arbolino who is just the burnout master from the start line he's got so much power and we go up against Brody Mar so these guys are going back at it again Dan big separation the first time around let's hope we get a little closer I I want to see some I want to see the proximity you old Garrett start line getting left in the dust as we blast down again that big rolling burnout from Robert as they go through the first inner Ro right there that's the proximity that we're looking for as that smoke train just keeps coming out bro doing everything he can to keep up I know that that BMW has a lot of built-in mechanical grip and finding any kind of grip like that in an S chassis is hard and adding street tires on top of that is difficult bit of a gap half in between on that last one so again not the proximity we were looking for from that well the exclamation mark you want is to be close coming across the vibrant Finish Line you want to be on the door it's what the judges and the fans last remember what we remember where we get excited if you don't get that proximity just there sometimes you know you can even cheat it a little bit by going shallow just to get it because it looks good but on that occasion it looked to me like Robert having the better Pace over the some to be some to be desired I mean he was pretty decent through most of the run and then on this dive in it's like he bobbles up e breaks too soon locks the front tires up and then just gets left in the dust because he wasn't back on throttle soon enough yeah I don't know it's going to be a tough fun for the judges you know especially we saw this better proximity there than the first one yes it but now but now it's on Robert because he had maybe even less proximity when he started spinning up those tires in the e92 he did there was a little too much wheel speed yeah he just couldn't catch Brody Mar so let's see if Brody can put the foot down get away here and get the win or as Robert figured out this is this this could be it for the old sr20s so I mean a lot of people's you know lot of people's Collective Hearts around the world will be broken if we we've had we've had an SR20 in the top four twice this year yes we have which is fantastic unheard of which is the only reason we even did the whole competition to be honest it was a very elaborate ploy to go all around World SR20 World Tour we we had to sit down all the SR20 owners and said we need to really be elaborate here but we need to get them so here we go Ro Meer in the lead position it is Robert arino in the chase position into that first Corner Robert smoking tires already he's got to manage that wheel speed but Ro Mar will leave him in the dust here as he com through the first cor look at that big smoke again from Robert yes much clever this time not putting down as much power trying to get that proximity as they come through the power Al couple of Miss zones from bro M as look at this big initiation into that last corner for bro goes to the wall but Robert arino goes to the door and on to the wall woo that was dangerous that was exciting that's the kind of driving we wanted to see the Finish Line the vibr finish line is I think that where you going to get that photo that photo means were you there or were you not there to this to be fair both of these guys they learned a lot from the first battle and it was a much better cleaner battle that was this this should be something that the judges can actually judge this isn't I think there should be a decision out of this one I'm feeling one way I'm not going to voice my opinion but I I'm feeling strongly leaning towards One Direction yeah good Bond yeah thank you when they broke up I was devastated to but I think Harry Styles has done pretty well since then I would agree so we are going to to the decision here for a spot in the final four now Mees these guys been battling each other for about 6 to 8 weeks now they must be tired but we might have a decision this time can somebody get them a water they look thirsty and it has been a while all right I'm down here with Rob Rob I've heard stories about what a nice guy you know you're taking the tire fits Chicken Kebabs and whatnot but mate you are an absolute bully just then M I'm sort of fighting with a wounded bull here I don't have as much lock to the left as I do to the right so the car tries to over rotate on Me on the second left-hander so I don't know man it is what it is I don't care what happens from now on I qualified I'm happy no matter what sorry for the swearing but we'll continue moving on Brody what's going through your head to tackle this Beast Man honestly um this this event's just at a crazy Vibe I feel like there's no losers here no matter what actually happens I decied to put down two solid runs it's really hard to see and smoke with this car um it absolutely chalks him off and kind of like crabs up the track but I was just trying to be in there and committed I knew Rob was going to be on it so just trying to go a show yeah it's always good when you can have faith in that lead driver all right let's find out a result hey back to you boys in the booth thanks it's going to be a top four finish and a top four stop for bro M or Robert aralo who's going to get it it's Robert arbolino moving going through to the final four and that proximity towards the end made difference I was definitely leaning his Direction it was just cleaner cleaner as a lead run cleaner as a Chase Run and had all that aggression and excitement that we are craving it's what we need it's what we want as drift fans for me I think you're right we want to see door on door and even if it's sketchy getting there we still want to see it we still want to see it so we have got all of the SR out of the competition which is sad everybody 4 one out 4 one out but we do have some crazy drivers remaining guys show your appreciation for bro M and Robert aralo putting on a show awesome awesome see just 1,000 horsepower SR20 bur now classic the Old Faithful the old Sr with 1,000 horsepower classic Australia so uh Ben Jenkins he's on the line he's pumped up he's ready to go he's going to be taken on K Martin K Martin having the dream we been on a rer K Martin did one botle without a MSY and said you know what I'm turning pro I'm turning pro it's all going to be great but he's got to go up against a heavyweight in Ben Jenkins here as he fires through in that S15 cam trying to get very close on the initiation left foot breaking in there he's got the proximity down from the off wow did you see all of that angle that Ben threw in kind of threw cam off a little bit but he did a fantastic job of adjusting to that as they blast through this Power Alley and into The Equalizer most of the points being taken or given here and drone kind of FL off into the distance there I I don't know what happened because I couldn't see it I'll tell you what happened cam Martin just went full Ham on The Chase Run he went up onto the door I think that was one of another phenomenal transition but you can have a good chase a good lead and Ben Jenkins doing that job and the his big angle there allowing C Martin back into the run the transitions though almost mimicked exactly between both cars and again here so very good driving for both of these guys cam cutting the track a little bit to get that proximity but this is where it gets really interesting big left foot lock up and look at K Martin get right up in the pocket but Ben Jen is touching the spoiler off the wall that is perfect from both of those guys again two goodlooking cars and and and strangely enough almost similar looking liveries and again they could be teammates could be teammates but uh I feel Ben will have to commit to the mustache I feel that's going to have to happen I think I think that more people should commit to the mustache I think that's I'm aof look what it's done for K Martin driving when he had no mustache not very good had a mustache very good yeah I think it's just gives you that confidence automatic star exactly you look like a star so you can act like a star is that guy in the movies yes he is is that the guy but uh so we go back to the start line it's for the final spot in the top four we're getting towards the semi-finals here guys and that's going to be when it's tough because it's win or lose trophy I say trophy skateboard deck skate or no skateboard deck and I'm going to be saying I'm going to put it out there not the best skateboarders left in the competition I don't think we're going to see well can they do a kick fli there's no the problem with the skateboard deck and I found this myself there's no wheels on it so it's really difficult you got to bring your own trucks you got to bring your own trucks to it here we go second half of the ball C Martin against Ben Jenkins oh look at Jenkins really close on the initiation to back off a little bit he got too close h on the perfect lead line Jenkins up on the curb trying to transition back as we go for the last step in the final four the figh tooth and nail for here is Kar right right to the edge of the circuit that big or 33 getting through the zones now C Mar up onto the wall but Ben Jenkins with a big lock up makes an Ben Jenkins makes an eror goes too hot too soon and are we going to see the dream weekend for cam M continue that was good what a lead run that was wow big mistakes were made though I think mistakes were made mistakes happened to me that was a phenomenal lead run and I think up until a moment of mistake that it looked to me like it was Ben jobs doing a great job were like oh boy we're going to have to do another one more time yeah I saw this distress in their eyes a little bit and then they were like oh please someone make can someone just be bad at drifting for one minute so we can have a break stop putting down 90s so look at this Ben goes in I think he Dives too soon hits the front break over rotates it slightly so C look at this having no such issue in the lead position as he fires through that's impressive stuff it was love to see it here we go we're going to have a decision two white helmets two silver cars door shutting on its own m they must be pumped after that one oh it sounds like we got some cam Martin fans down here but I'm here with Benny Jenkins Ben that was you know you had to push hard against an operator like cam Martin 100% cam puts on Flawless leads uh he snuck me out out there I was almost going to be straight in the back seat of this r33 but we battled before and uh yeah he's just a class act all right Black Market Adam LZ what's going on here's a wish cam Martin don't worry H yeah I'm sorry that was a sick run by both of this um I could just trust him completely and I was able to just slam it straight on his door no marks luckily but it was like so close so happy with that run so there was no funny business coming into the ball here watch your helmet no definitely not no he's a a Class A class driver he knows what he's doing and um he's not trying to play no games he's yeah gentleman no I was employing it was you all right let's find out the result and go back to the B well it's for the last step in the top four who's going to get there K Martin or Ben Jenkins the decision is dropping in 3 2 1 it's C Martin he's going top four Ben Jenkins bowing out of competition you know the next time I'm on Alibaba I think I'll order myself up and knockof LZ because he is an absolute unit of a driver well I tell you what that is our top four decided we will see Robert arbino go up against Jordan Sanderson gazeer against C Martin there's your top four but that's not all we're getting ready talk to me talk to me da I'm going to do some fun stuff now talk to me Dave because we got we're through the top eight L we're through the top eight and we're going to do some fun stuff that we shouldn't really do but it's a kind of an LZ World Tour thing that we kind of put some cool stuff together so we are going to send some incredible cars onto the track that are not in the competition but I saw them in the car park and I said they should be out here like like like this and our first will be this is pro if you've ever looked at a car where an engine is attached to a car rather than the other way around this is it Mitchell pen is going to do a run for us on this track after this and I need to just explain that this is the wildest looking drift car in an must be the wildest sassis in the world has to be so we this car has and I'm going to just read the notes here cuz I have no idea so it's an LS base 350 it goes to 9,000 RPM and it is over 800 for okay yeah um now you had me from the first word that you said so basically this car it's kind of like a drift car but he can't see anything so what we're going to have here is a run from Mitch all the way through down onto the track here he comes into that first Corner look at this thing absolutely chew through the tires he can only see where he's going when he's on angle down look at look at that thing go look at listen to the sound of that thing he's about to clutch kick those people out of existence this car is absolutely insane what a monster and I saw it and I said are you do the competition no I'm not doing the competition you get you get in that competition we need to see that thing out there that blower must weigh as much as a Volkswagen Beetle on the front of the largest engine setup I've ever seen in a car drifting and it's he drifts it so so well look at this thing imagine the view from the driver's seat as it's going around the track where you can only see 30% of the track because of the blower on the coming out through the hood but it's amazing car and he drives it so well this would have been a really good qualifying run it was look at the smoke I mean the wheel speed's got to be at least 9,000 mph there yeah and this thing revving so high what gear do you think he was 000 I'd say he's in 14th gear it does 9,000 RPM but that's not the only crazy car we got here this weekend more to yes we have got I don't even know how to describe what this is this is Levi Clark Levi Clark has this it's like a drift Rod I guess is the right way to say it he's even got the raccoon tail this thing is a classic Hot Rod it's a classic Hot Rod it's got the the steering from a Toyota Supra okay and the suspension from a Toyota Supra okay and that's where the Supra ends stops and the hot rod begins this car is absolutely unbelievable as you guys can imagine open wheels so not clear it for competition but it's that really it's kind of a fun day so we can just send them look at this thing guys take your phones out if you're watching at home this is Australia right now building Madness in front of our very eyes into the first Corner we got Levi Clark throwing in oh Loops it a little too much the pressure got to him of this incredible solo run where did that thing go look at that red spinning in the breze have you ever in your lifetime seen two cars that are of larger intakes these two that we've just seen onto the wall look at this this shouldn't be happening ladies and gentlemen but it's the other world tour so we do what we want that is a very very high revving V8 that is incredible Levi Clark I mean for me those two cars are absolutely Sensational builds and that's what the LZ tour is all about guys it's not just about competitive drifting it's also about showcasing builds cuz if you watch Adam's Channel or any of the guys that are here guest czy they do crazy stuff and build Crazy Cars and we want to celebrate that why they built these cars we have no idea but they are absolutely outrageous machines the guys give it up for the incredible incredible Mitch pulling and Levi Clark look at that thing that is so cool there's a raccoon tail out of the there's a lot going on incredible you know what more than anything I want to say hello to me down there me I want to find out more about these machines because they they are just incredible why and what are they and what's happening and why are they so good at drifting just why all right I'm down here with Mitch p and brother I got to I got to ask where did you get the idea for this God just figment of my imagination that we brought to life here mate so just a bit of fun we thought and keep all the crowd entertained and here we are doing it yeah mate I think you're doing a good job of entertaining the crowd let's walk over to Levi Clark as well Levi Mate A lot of people might know this they might not know this but you uh beat cancer earlier this year and last year yeah make round of applause for that and you're building this absolute weapon as well but now you're you're here drifting it on the world stage keep going brother yeah no it's been awesome man this track sunre it's the first time driving this track and we finally got it dialed in that corner there I nearly spun but the rest of it been awesome so yeah loving it hope all the crowd enjoy it and uh you're you're pretty tall and uh that cabin is pretty small how do you fit in I don't really you could got to drive it in race boots and you're sort of pushing back and forth and hitting the wrong puddles but yeah you get there and uh just a little whoopsy moment and uh the first corner there yeah I don't know what happened there it went too hard but if the crowd want another one I'll do it oh we get a oh Mitch what what are your thoughts have you got enough rubber on the back there yeah there's still wheels on it so I mean I'm good to go well I might just keep looking at our race director with a bit of communicado and uh or maybe we just get him to do a big massive burnout ah oh burnouts radio I think we want do some burnouts I'd like to see I'd like to see some burnouts too from car I've heard I've heard that Australians are pretty good at doing burnouts apparently Australians are the best at doing burnouts apparently they can be professionals at doing burnouts that could only exist as a sport in Australia professional burnouts apparently and and I'd love to go see it maybe he's an amateur but I want to see a professional grade burnout look at the shot on the screen right now that is just Australia personified for me absolute Madness in front of you and and again I got love the Ingenuity of building cars here that are just nonsense just but but it's so fun and we get to see them do what and they don't just look good they work good that's the best thing it's all mechanical these guys have been driving all weekend they've been drifting I'm going to put it out there better than some of the guys in the competition in these novelty cars so you never know we may see them in competition in future we're going to need to put some fenders on that Ford thing I don't even know where can you imagine turn you imagine turning up to form a drift scrutiny with that going they don't even have enough ink in the pen to to go through that one and no and all of this doesn't make sense we're going to see some burnetts on track from Levi Clark and Mitch Pullin we that's what we came here to see Levi Clark come on guys get pumped up if you get pumped up they're going to absolutely send the tires off these cars For Your Entertainment get your phones out get ready because they want to put on a big old burn for you look at this N Pull wow that is a smoke screen Dan apparently Australia can do burnouts those poor tires are under severe pressure right now Street radios ladies and gent for all your holding on for their dear lives for all your burnout needs Street radio look at this thing just light them up the torque is ridiculous give it up ladies and gentlemen for Mitch pulling wow okay there are bits and pieces of stuff hitting the window of the tower that's an outrageous thing that was insane that was obnoxious is probably the right word for that car that sort of blower and then Levi Clark has gone back to the start line cuz he wants to just do another full lap of the track cuz he said the first lap wasn't great oh I see he wants to one more time himself he's one more timed himself which is an unusual thing that's a new thing new thing a lot of new things today so here we go he's on the one more time look at this he much better entry from Levi Clark can he link this whole course together that's what we're looking for he's like guys I can do better than that I can do better than that and he is this is a great line this is a huge qualifying run here from Levi Clark in an absolute ridiculous machine is he going up to the wall he is going up to the walli CL running the wall 360 out beautiful that was well executed wow wow that was some choreographed stuff right there this is I'm just a kid in a candy store at the moment because fantastic what a show what a show if that's what it's all about it's been having a fun time Levi Clark well if he could see anything right now he would see smiley faces in that you see I thought he was just leaving I thought he was just like you know what I'm going to let that other guy with the gigantic blower do a burnout and I'm not going to try to top that and I think he's trying to top it he's absolutely sending this those tires are not going to hold on much longer here as Levi Clark absolutely rips a huge burn out everybody in attendance give it up for Levi that raccoon tail is definitely going to smell it after that wow the great thing about his car is you can see the lack of Tire he has at the end of that man your tires Evol yeah let's do some more he's going again he's going again look at it's turning yellow there was a little yellow every time he gets heavily into one of those lines his smoke turns yellow for a second just limiter shifting to limiter I love that thing I love everything about everything that just happened no part of me has questioned in the logic here the last 10 minutes but we should we should Levi Clark Mitch Bo well if that hasn't warmed you up for our final four What will what will then you have no soul we have got more surprises to come though so if you think that's the best you're going to see today we saved our best to last so next on the line we have got the top four it is going to be Robert arino going up against Jordan Sanderson I'm on my feet right now down you're on your feet because we're we're hyped up we're ready but before we do we are going to go to a small commercial break because you know what we got excited we're supposed to do a commercial break going through burnout things going on we forgot about it we stood jump around but now we're going to take a chill and we're going to be back in a few moments time with all the action from the final four here at the LZ world tours stop in Australia don't go anywhere since 1997 vibrant performance performance made its Mark as one of the industry leaders in the development and Engineering of exhaust and induction components for the automotive afterm Market over the years vibrant has seen its Evolution pivot from the chambers of an exhaust and induction components brand to becoming the primary source of professional fabrication components for professional Fabricators please be sure to find us at vibrant hey guys Steph Jones here I'm Dylan Hughes I'm Travis reader I'm k I'm bfield I drive link they are the most reliable e round and they always deliver their Global Tech Support gives me the advice I need every time I need it their products are super easy to install and easy to set up for the performance that I want they stand behind their products and support their customers they're always innovating and delivering great new products and performance features I drive I drive I drive I drive I drive link sh yeah this is back and we are back guys it is now the crunch time the business end of the weekend the final four drivers you can see that uh that very very expensive Prize Package in the background there a showcase real wood Dan real wood wood and real vinyl on top of it you can't buy them Place LZ world tour Australia if you see that on eBay place a bid or two hopefully nobody's selling their first place skateboard decks but never know it's definitely going to stand out in the trophy cabinet that's for sure don't fall off it though we we we we we don't accept any liability for what you do with the skate deck if You' W it I was still hoping we would see Nate Hamilton do a kick flip with one but I don't think we've seen the video we haven't seen it yet here we go is the final four four drivers remain three spots on the podium who's ready Australia are you ready they are ready then let's go let's go the drivers heard that so they are on their way down the front straightway the beginning half of the first battle of our top four with a ute versus a BMW Fates screaming in the distance as they're coming closer shooting into the first turn oh big mistake from Robert in the back unfortunately the youths just carrying on like nothing happened all casual businesslike as he chucks in towards a very tall very hard wall and Jordan getting back up into his drill big mistake oh Robert aralo still here Robert aralo putting a tire mark on the door of the ud as they came across the Finish Line it's getting hard fought now remember if you win this battle you're guaranteed a Podium place and that's what they know to me it looked like Robert again just not getting that grip through the first two corners and look at that Jordan Sanderson beautiful line Robert just washing a little bit there I think he's struggling to find grip he's got too much at times and too little at others and look at this as they fire down it looks to me like Jordan doing a great job in that lead position right up onto the wall and this is where Robert starts to get really close and up person on there right look at that poof on the door lovely I love to see it love to see it great stuff from both of these guys I need to do things because I forgot to do things and then I did them at the very end yeah a little time of course a long run back to the start line here me a little bit of time to think about things think about your strategy think yeah have a think about what way you're going to approach it look at this oh that's the shot right there look at that tire on the door on on a tire logo with a tire on it there you go on a you on a b he was just calling out the that there was a tire there absolutely that was an incredible run from Robert arino there at the end but the start just took a took took some time to get into the proximity there we switch him around this time it will be Jordan Jordan could we get a ute in the final of the LZ world tour with that that would be pretty fitting but let still half of this battle to go as we see them come through the gears one more time Robert arino Big Smoke and it's going to be tough for Jordan Sanderson to see what's going on here if he doesn't get close but he is close on big angle but too much angle from Sanderson he drops back a little bit goes a little bit too greedy now he's losing ground having to cut the track and Robert arino having no such problems as he heads back towards that wall up onto the wall it maybe too little too late for Jordan s wow what a turnar around yeah that that was unexpected and every way shape and form it's great to see it though you never know in drifting when the battle is really over you think you can predict it but it's like in you're watching a soccer match it's 3 n and all of a sudden one goes in two goes in and then it switches right around and it rarely happens in soccer but it happens quite a bit in drifting where you'll see things turn turn right around and look at that on the transition he got it looked to me like Sanders just took too much out of it he did and the lead run again just carry it on like nothing else matters absolutely as they come back didn't get the proximity so maybe if the you would have been up in his business all the way through rubbing a half moon on his door this could have been a one more time yeah but I don't know I mean we we wait the judges will make a decision of course today they're watching things much more critically than we are as entertained fans yes and let's see if we are going to get a decision it's going to be for the final mes that one looked a little scrappy out there what are the drivers thinking oh Robert aralo is absolutely pumped Jordan sanderson's about to prepare himself for a roll back it's all going on down here rob you absolutely charged hard in the paint there brother but first he's got to show some love oh you love to see it don't you rob mate 2 v8's absolutely going for it should be an SR20 um it's like I said I understand why everyone puts V8s in their cars now it's it's magical and uh Jordan Sanderson could you just tell the crowd how long have you been drifting for uh I started the start of last year you hear that folks started the start of last year and he's producing chases and stuff like that mate that's absolutely unreal would you guys like to find out who the winner is really okay well I might just get out anyway well here we go it's going to be for the final who's going through to the final of the LZ World Tour here in Calder Park Robert aralo Jordan Sanderson it's Robert aralo gets the win going to the final and he can't believe it he may have swore at the camera yes I can neither deny or conf very angry happy face he was very happy about he cannot believe it Robert arino is going through to the final and it is going to be a third and four Place playoff for Jordan Sanderson took the out still got a chance to put a ute on the podium which is what it's all about yeah yeah is it what it's all about today it's what it's all about for me it was what it's all about I love that thing I can't believe that guy's only been drifting for a year we drifted a lot longer than that D and we have not got those skills yet no what what happened to us we have made mistakes we didn't build a ute that's what we didn't do if we had built a ute we'd be out there being great as well I'm getting on Craigslist and looking for w chassis when I get yeah that could be us me and you D look at that we we have so much room for activities I mean we could have a cooler back there we could store all of our spare tires in the car on our way to the truck it's amazing suntan lotion in the back put a toe bar on it tow some things no another you that's a spare you we'd probably need one yes we would so there you have it Jordan sers he's probably forgotten he's got a third and four Place playoff and he's like oh I'm just roasted oh no wait I've got to keep the car going for one more run today in the third and fourth place playoff that means we have got one finalist in the bag it is Robert arbino in the BMW and now we move to our other semi final which is going to be two guys that I think have been really deserving of being in this position it is going to be Gaz Wier going up against cam Martin this is good cam Martin has been on he's been on it fire so this is another battle of well I'll tell you what K Martin's taking out Ben Jenkins God wier's teammate could he take out the two Phoenix rat can you please move out of the way I have a skateboard deck to win he's looking across I thought I battled you already no different yeah different similar oh you thought you had a bigger Wing last time so he doesn't really care he'll take them all down K Martin he won against Adam in the fantasy B he might take down he is literally the Giant Slayer today Camp Martin has been the hero the underdog hero phenomenal mustache Aviator sunglasses or 33 L may end up winning the event anyway who who knows who knows it'd be a good Photoshop I guess it would be and K Martin he's got all the style 33 four-door aviators and mustache and and there's only three people the dude's got some things going in his direction there's only three people in the world that can pull off that combo and Kam is doing a good job we also have the OG gwi so we got someone fresh in the sport we got somebody like Gaz Wier who's really established the sport in New Zealand he's been a hero even in Ireland we were watching this guy back in the day in awe last time I saw him drifting was actually on the streets of Liverpool at Red Bull drift shifters oh that was drift shifters yeah and he was there and being incredible as well so here he is at the LZ World Tour gell that car is absolutely unbelievable looking as well but it that's not what matters here it's not about how it is Fashion Show to most people but it is to the judges mean zero no and if you can make an or 334 look good look at all the GoPros on that thing incredible so K Martin has all the GoPros every family member has put their GoPro on the car at this point as he heads into this top four battle can he get to the final or with gazeer reain Supreme and go to face Robert arero it looks like we are waiting for the judges to make their uh their call that the track is ready it'll clean up after the last run going on here we go we're ready for look at the jump from K Maron ready for this one as they come off the line in the lead position Gars Wier going through the gears but K Martin not letting them get away he's definitely not got the horse barar but he's got The Bravery into the first Corner as K Martin attacks the legend gazer gazu putting a wheel up on the concrete there K Martin has to back off now as they transition back through K Martin can he find the pace can he find the move to get up onto the door last minute dive Sparks from Gaz wher again and K Martin's right there on the wall wher on the wall and K Martin on the door yeah Martin what a monster he's he's such a timid looking little guy and then he's just an absolute monster behind the wheel I love this you've got the the underdog hero story look at G I think gwi's exhaust is just sparking the ground I think it's when he's grabbing his eere he must have some crazy pads he's got such strong brake pads that they creat Sparks or he has got no brake pads one the other metal on metal at that exactly he's just doing what he can but this is It's textbook from Gaz Wier in the lead position C look at the angle Gaz is throwing down just so cool to watch these two cars which almost look like teammates in very different chassis different engine setups but doing a great job of putting on a show for the fans here in Calder Park we've got very few battles left to go but we have got some beautiful sounds I'm just going to give you a clue some beautiful sounds surprises is what I'm there's more surprises to come we're going to leave the best to last we're going to leave everybody here with smiles on faces we appreciate everybody here in caler park that's come out to support this event we love each and every one of you without you it wouldn't have happened it's been a chilly day today but you guys have still been bringing the heat all the way through the stands and the banks we appreciate it so much Dan because we want to keep creating cool events all around the world and without people like you we wouldn't be able to do it you guys are doing so much for the drift scene in your nation putting it on the map that you should be so proud of yourself this weekend for all your energy for all your enthusiasm and everybody I've spoken to this weekend is just the coolest coolest Vibe it's bringing a tear to my eye bab I'm emotional we we're a long way from where we started on this tour Dan and I'm so happy we're ending it here in Australia A fitting end to a beautiful season and gwi doesn't care about any of that he just wants to smash the doors cuz he wants to go to the final C Martin has done well in the chase position but now gwi's got to show that experience show that enthusiasm to get to the final and he's already he's eyed up C Morton here nice initiation for both of these guys left foot breaking in there from GW oh almost a transition and a hit from GW but he makes it work experience counting there as they now pull down to Power Alley for the last time in this particular battle as we go to the wall cams up into the wall he's hit the wall cam is buried in the wall and G wi are not on the door I cannot believe that Gaz had the opportunity to get into the pocket had the opportunity to put down a perfect follow him cuz that lead run was absolutely a banger didn't get to do it so this is in the judge's hands oh I mean I'll be honest I think Gaz wier's lead was really good I think Pam's lead was really good G watch this he goes a little greedy oh there's a nice little left fo right there gets away with it come in put him in an off just going to watch cam Martin's lead run here see wasn't spot on really good left to right and this is it for me watch this look how wide he goes here early out to the wall ear he nobody else the wall but he doesn't really Bobble the car and G maybe backing off a little bit saying this guy's going to hurt himself he's in the wall he didn't he just didn't he got away with it guys can't he is on cloud n you got to give it up to this young man for putting on a show today against some of the biggest names in the game what a dream day for him G wier's all smiles as he gets out of the car CER Park if you're still with me give it up for K Martin and G Wier oh no oh that did catch the mic yeah everyone found it okay k mate you're going up against the four time d1nz champion and you're just absolutely on song did you have your weix this morning um no I actually eat this morning but um no I don't know I'm just again another killer driver you know you can just absolutely lay all on the line you can trust him completely so I did what I had to do you know like it's driving hard and he's on my door and I'm on his door so it's it's buy so much fun I'm loving this oh you can feel the enthusiasm Gaz you got to be close to running out of tires oh I think there's a few more left there but um yeah I felt I I messed up a bit on my lead there I I kind of had a bit of an underst stare but hopefully I clean it up enough for him to do a good Chase yeah look put on a show for the crowd do we want to find out who's going through to the final battle we're about to find out mes we're about to find out who is going to the final to face Robert aalo 3 2 one decision in it's come the giant has beaten everybody today LZ gwi a whole lot he's beaten both Phoenix radiator cards that is absolutely somehow and he's bent the back of his or 33 to Pieces he he is into the final that is absolutely insane look at him kicking the back end he's trying to kick the car doing car repairs in front of the people and gwi will play off if their third and fourth against the Youth of Jordan Sanderson and that is going to be the last two battles of the day K Martin the hero story to C Martin has skateboard decks in his eyes he has the vision he already has one now it just depends whether it says first or second yeah the wish the wish LZ the wish LZ the LZ from wish you know what sometimes I've bought stuff from I've have to and it comes in never what you would expect I think I would order him I was about to say I would order I think he's a reliable product I think he's a very reliable product he should be copied and uh yes Cam LZ is into the finals cam LZ he's got to stay calm because he's got a big final and again he's driven very hard today taking down some of the big as you said four time d1nz champion in that's crazy in gwi the legend now oh what is that is that support vehicle here comes another surprise for everybody in attendance these two cars I spotted these guys in the car park this is the one guy Jay who built both of these cars this is what you call Madness what we have here is a datson prairie with a running gear of an a86 suspension and a 2JZ na under the hood oh okay and on the other side well you've just got your Classic Honda Odyssey with a 2JZ drift car I told you guys that you're going to see stuff here today that doesn't make any sense what we have got now is the Battle of the minivans this is a classic example of things that should never exist we're going to have a minivan battle before we get to the final you guys in Calder Park excited for this one two minivans owned by the same guy Dale campaign drive and the Odyssey 2 Jay-Z drift car and we got the man himself Jay driving that is insane this Nissan or daon Prairie which is stupid kind of us we've never even heard of a it's taller than it is wide I think I'm not sure the lower got to be on 12in Wheels so here we go into the first battle and there we are it is into the first Corner this I don't even know how to describe What's Happening Here Jay Dua in the Nissan Prairie na2 JZ oh a little bit of it out you know things that should not be happening this is what happens at 4:00 a.m. when you get bored on Grand rismo when you try start again like I built this on to Odyssey for 1,000 horsepower and for drifting and everybody just looks at you weird or you just go out and do it this is incredible on the wall in the Honda Odyssey it's not like that's an easy fix you want to know something even crazier about that Cara I'm not going to spill all the beans but that Honda Odyssey is the shell of a Honda Odyssey placed on the chassis of a 350Z which has been lengthened which kind of defeats the purpose in one way but he did it anyway and it's got a 2JZ sitting almost under the air conditioning system and it has got four bride booket seats for oh so he could give all sorts of Ride Along and then in the other one you've got the Nissan Prairie it's 2JZ 3.2 stroker so it's an NA with a stroker kit wow and a k70 Flor I I don't even know what I'm reading here this is just silliness but guys we got to give it up as they come in front of you for these two ridiculous minivans putting on a show give it up for Jay Dua who built both of these cars can we get a huge huge round of applause as they step out of the cars this is just absolute fun and Madness on track a drift lap from two minivans before the final the final M I got to just ask some personal questions here what inspires these situations Jay mate these are two unique rides what is going through your head when you build these things I just love Vans hey I don't blame you mate I do not blame you um weird thing as a driver being a passenger seat in your own car now what's it like tandeming with your own car that's awesome I just wanted to take out my own door but couldn't quite get there oh now Dale you're used to driving a bit of a competitive rig what's this is this going to are we going to see this in the South Australian drift series next year M it's wild Jay builds Wicked cars everyone should get on his page and look at it it's unbelievable It actually drives really well it's a big car B to get used to but yeah it was awesome getting out there watching both of these cars on track oh you love to see it uh Crow do you reckon we should get these to do a little little burnout together what do you reckon oh that was that was a bit weak don't you reckon Jay that was real weak yeah we crowd do you want to see the guys do some burnouts yeah a that's that surely that's worthy all right all right I like V we just want Tock pop the hood look at this contration oh what are we working with down there j o anodise blue wow that's way cooler than I thought it was going to be all right well the crowd has made the noise the burnouts are going to come and uh back to you boys in the booth well M thanks for throwing us up uh what we don't know or what we're watching I feel like I'm in a Dreamland mines are collectively blown up here in the tower I just feel like I wanted just a a poster of Jay with a script that says I just like Vans just like Vans I just like I like turtles and most people would say that I mean the shoes but he genuinely means Vans and I'm not sure about what is there isn't even a b pillar in this car what's what is this thing there isn't a billar he's had to build his own B pillar he's got beautiful Stitch work in the back the Plaid is pretty pretty nice there got a nardy in there look at that and it's um and everything else I have no idea and then there's an odyssey with a 2JZ which Dale said drove pretty well which is a testament to Jay building cars because how does that drive well neither of those cars should drive well and they both just did now now they're both doing burnouts with a door open this is the minivan Death Match burnout competition which you never needed what you should have wanted I now I now like that just soak it in folks just soak it in the LZ World Tour bringing uh something I don't know man a lot of I've seen a lot of things this year Dan and you you've seen more than most I've definitely not seen what I'm seeing right now no the best thing is you could park beside this Odyssey in the car park and know nothing you just be like that's a cool oh it's cool hey buddy you're lost you're on the track the car Park's over there um and can you imagine how fast the shopping gets home like you are at you got that milk in till and then B bam you're home it's it's a practical machine what's this well well I'll tell you what this is Dan this is a you know one of those casual things that happens again you've just had the minivan burnouts why don't we go with some Madness with a six rotor you can't even see how far those go back in the engine base this is what everybody's been waiting for Muka Motorsports incredible 6 rotor RX7 who wants to hear this thing rip up the track this is what we're here for we're here for nonsense and now I feel we're getting there let's get some more nonsense let's hear some sounds that you don't normally hear this is about as close to a Formula 1 car at a drift event that you'll ever here in your life didn't even know there was a thing called a six rotor until this and here's an amazing thing this is his second day drifting ever ever Benji is drifting for the second day ever in a six row to oric 7 breathe this in just let it happen what a sound that is a it sounds like for everybody that can still hear us what yeah what was that I I I I don't I can't hear myself think in this Tower six rotor orx 7 that is just the wildest thing ever six rotors and essentially for layman's terms that is three orx 7 engines put together in one orex 7 which is ridiculous this is an amazing build for the guys at Muka Motorsports also representing sp2s Benji giving it a spin for everybody give it up for one of the craziest cars built all around the world and it's built right here in Australia that machine is a is just a monster I will never get that out of my head exactly MZ if you can hear anything down there which I'm sure you can't have a chat with this man and and just find out what was the idea behind this incredible car what all right I'm down here Benji you are just D kiding which you need all the safety gear when you're behind a weapon like this what was uh what was the idea behind this brother oh just to do something different um always loved rotaries just they just been sick ass and basically the six road is out there in the world from what 2013 now and it just needs to be showcased really so you just need to get out there and Bash it and give it a go and that's what we're trying to do so look I think you're doing it pretty well you the fans are loving the sound their ears aren't but they are loving the sound now your first time drifting when was that uh just basically like a month ago I went to Manfield for a couple of hours but pretty much the whole time we just uh you know configuring out the calling system so we got a couple of laps down and then I went to Hampton Downs and we had a vibration so we got a couple of laps down there but um the the main Tim is here so first time you know officially three three days here at elito so it's been it's been a wild ride that's for sure not a bad way to debut the big old six roader that's for sure oh we revealed it here at the keeper re workshop and then obviously at this this event so yeah it's been pretty epic experience and the the networking and and of course the crowd uh the atmosphere here is huge so we loved it that's a businessman networking First Entertainment second all right Make some noise for Benji sned and and his six Road uh you know taking a car like this with a motor like this oh and having to push start it because it's a rotary well this classic rotary things but what I love about what I love about this is that he's such an like a well smoken Cam man for a car that is absolutely outrageous on the track and then you know three days of drifting and send it at the wall yeah I'm gonna correct myself the car was built in New Zealand not in Australia it's NZ not o right one of the Z's one of the Z's so there you have it is the uh the six rotor is on track I'm not sure if it's ready to rock or not ready to rock they've been push starting they're getting pretty good at it so it is uh again one of those cars where I think it has done a lot of laps this weekend and get a little tired it managed to do one though and everybody got to hear the noise of this amazing machine and again remember this is a experimental vehicle so it is not something that normal people build so this is all part of the parcel testing the car is I mean I've built cars that are far less complicated than this and they have not worked at all to build a six r that can come out here and do some laps is absolutely unbelievable and you can follow the mamura sport on Instagram and all that just just keep an eye on this thing if if you ever feel like you're having a quiet morning and you don't want it to be door card like that is that is a pretty impressive door card just uh yeah just very excited love to I can't wait to see the progression when they get this thing dialed in and and really turn it up it's going to beaz learn how to drift more than on three days worth three days worth of drift Panic to get it ready for this event guys one more time give it up for mamot sport and Benji in the six rotor RX7 and unfortunately it's not leaving like it arrived but we will see it back again again I'm sure down the line Dan I'm into it with a lot more madness and as I said that car has done a lot of laps this weekend guys give him a wave as he heads off the circuit and unfortunately that is the end of the madness here this oh no wait sorry I'm completely mistaken again because we have got one man who said uh my car is working can I go out and crash it into things and he also is one of the co-founders of this event it is Jason Fen from keep it re in the bags it's back from d1nz this year back for this event and he is said he is going to go and maybe break a lot of things in this run he's got a passenger in the passenger seat he's going to go ah and put a he was one of the highest qualifiers yesterday expect some very rare tailights to be very rare no more on the wall Jason faing going for a big run guys this wouldn't take your phones out this car is wild 4 L Bar powered or 30 Skyline wagon doity to make sense weird words again coming out of suspension massive burnout from the line is this going to be the biggest smokiest run of the weekend Jason Fen firing it in look at this absolutely tearing through the course keep an eye on that wall he's definitely going to look for it as they fire down into the last section this is going to be sketchy goes early goes late onto the wall Jason far pushing that wagon up onto it guys give it up for keep it reach Jason Fen pass passengers got a heck of a ride along there oh that was impressive what a wild machine that is such a cool concept like not a not a not a rear light left on that car after this weekend that other guy likes Vans he likes station wagons he does I mean I really like wagons what I've realized in Australia is that you guys like Madness but practical Madness which means it's got to got covered parking in the it's got to have a bed it's a minivan it's a four-door I mean you guys have all the practicality here but then completely ruined that by putting roll cages and radiators exactly as he steps out of the car guys will you please Make some noise for the man that put a lot of this event together brought the LZ World Tour to Australia give it up for Jason Fen from keeping Reit all right I'm here with the hometown hero Jason I got to keep it quick mate I just want to know what gear were you in when you were doing that uh yeah so that means four so yeah yeah I got I did get that memo and I was like is that fourth saw the smoke yeah you know it's probably not the best time to like get the car working how it should would have been good in the competition but glad to get the car out uh for all the fans stoked to be out here it's been amazing you love to see it fourth gear baby Make some noise for Jason faen ladies and gentlemen Mr keep re I'll tell you what Jason fer is going to leave here in a very respectable manner Dan that's the kind of guy he is he doesn't make much noise he doesn't make much smoke he doesn't want to he doesn't want to be in anyone's way there's no way his own workmate is telling him just Jason if you could just leave here in a quiet timely fashion you're in a station wag all the guys who came here in station wagons are only going to be inspired to do stupid things just just keep it practical let's keep his ah he ignored everything I'm not sure I'm not sure what's happening right now oh hold on shots are being fired there's a lot of anti-ag happening right now Jason don't do it Jas he's doing it he's doing it already it's decided it's decided it's over with I mean it's austral this is going to be one big bur all the way in front of the fans here the limiter on that thing I think he needs a limiter for his limiter there are so many times this weekend I've gone I don't even know what I'm looking at this car shouldn't exist it's a silly thing makes loads of noise guys give it up one more time for keeper re and Jason Fen putting on a show before we head to our final two botles of the event this is what it's all about this one is for all the marbles if you want to get a skateboard or you want to just watch a guy get a skateboard deck because it's for third and fourth on the podium yeah it is going to be our third and fourth place playoff between Jordan Sanderson and Gaz Wier Gaz in the oh big contact before the first Corner Jordan sanderson's folded in the back of Gaz wier's car as they went through the first corner now it's getting messy now it's getting aggressive the gloves are off they want those skateboard decks real bad Jordan firing in and the ud in the chase but and his G just destroying the back end of his car there wow what just happened G wider just exploded that S15 which was already exploded from the first corner on the wall at the end putting on a show guys you got to love it these are very expensive things being broken For Your Entertainment my goodness that poke right at the beginning I don't I don't know what happened there big crash on entry and then all of a sudden we've got this moment at the end where gwi just loses his mind and says I'm just going to drive into the wall back back end's messed up anyway I'm going to drive as close to the I'm going to drive through the wall because I have less back in he didn't even drift the wall he just skateboard railed the wall he was he just he just hey there's some pieces and if you want some G white or memorabilia you can pick it up inside barrier four at corner two there's a lot of S15 down there just scattered around there was a lot of things that happened in that one run and we haven't even got to the second half of the battle yet exactly God Wier now in that lead position Jordan Sanderson oh absolutely punts into Gaz Wier on the initiation somehow Gaz still gets the right line after that he did he pushed him a little more into angle it's uh it's like you know I need to be as aggressive as I can I need to is just having a look at that lead car position was he uh a little too far over does he hand bre the wrong direction here yeah that's very strange from G Wier it's like he pulled the hand bre to the right it's not Tire smoke from power right so that's but the judges is going to have a look at here looking at look what the handbreak drag to the wrong direction on the first Corner strange from gazeer and maybe that's why Jordan serson went into the back a sudden slowdown is not what you're expecting as you're blasting down into entry especially on the flick yeah just a strange place to pull the hbre guys why just do a little handre the wrong direction we used to see it you know we us to see a clutch kick that way or a weight transfer which is sort of acceleration not deceleration Jo is going to have a good look at that one yeah that's an interesting uh turn of events there in slowmo replay got to love it got to love the judges being so techop exactly and you can see Jordan sers also hits the wall in the chase position no respect for the rear end of these cars whatsoever good thing is looking like a beer oh no G wier's car not uh that's seen better days yeah that tail there's one tailight and that one tail is not facing is facing down yes and that is not the standard position for S5 T somebody was behind you and you hit the brakes you wouldn't know you wouldn't even know here we go it's going to be this second half of the Run car is looking great everything looks great on the Star Line both these lot of tape lot of Dreams lost here both cars absolutely wrecked For Your Entertainment folks do we want to hear you make some noise it's for third step on the podium will it be wider will it be a you on the podium here in Australia with Jordan s of pressure on that huge shoulders right now so let's see what happens we don't know what the judges have called on the first half of the run so it's still all to play for we're getting the word we're going to send these boys down the straight hopefully we get I'm interested to see what his Wing's going to do at speed now it's going to fall off down is what it's going to do here we go Jordan Sanderson in the lead position gwi he knows he made maybe made an eror he doesn't know anything he's going to have to go for Jordan serson with the big angle and gwi on that front break transitioning very close to Jordan s now we're getting really really close here on the transitions as gazeer wants to redeem himself on this run Jordan Sanderson going hard to the wall but look at gazeer diving in Sanderson hits the wall puts the thr to the floor this is insane driving for both of these guys oh my goodness gracious what a show these guys are putting on here at CER Park well you know what deserving of this third and fourth place playoff that is for sure let both look at the angle from Jordan Sanderson I've never seen a on 90° of angle anywhere unless it's parking and it's unbelievable that Gaz Wier does start reeling him in here doing some crazy transitions he's got a little bit more Pace I think in that car and as they transition by watch Jordan he goes so wide and just bounces off the wall here as he stays on throttle I'm folded in just a little bit more is the Catalina wine mixer of drift vents knock he's knocking the duct tape back off the car look at the rear end of these two cars as they pass in front of you that is how hard they're driving For Your Entertainment Calder Park so make some noise for these warriors on track right now ruining their own cars so you guys have some Smiles on faces that is what it's all about and there you have it it's going to be gazeer and Sanderson to get a decision it's for third step on the podium it's a big one they f guys give them some noise give h on a wall sound as they get out of the cars all right just down here with gazer Gaz nice rear end mate what what happened there ah just a bit of a bump on the first corner it sort of threw me wide and after there it was a bit of a mess trying to clean it up but it was still a blast hell yeah and Jordan what about what was it like from your angle oh yeah a little bit of a touchup into the first corner and then yeah man I just having a blast having so much fun um maybe you guys could get a two for one down at the panel beers what do you reckon it's looking a bit that way pretty sad all right boys well done I'm sure we want to find out more well for third step on the podium who's going to take third step will it be Jordan Sanderson will it be gazeer here we go Jordan Sanderson get get the win gets third step on the podium there's a ute on the podium Australia look what just happened it is an incredible achievement there's never been a ute on the podium anywhere I've been before so I am very pleased to see it it's the first time for everything it's incredible we'll see him back for the podium celebrations and of course Jordan will be carrying out the podium and all the the paraphernalia because he has the space to bring it all out exactly and if you want you could probably bring out a new rear end to gazeer eventually if he wanted to and of course the judge is saying that that was again a little handbreak the wrong direction on initiation you can't be doing it you can't be doing it guys for strangely some reason did it and the judges said that was the cause of the contact the cause of the separation and Jordan gets the win and goes third step on the podium leaving us with just one battle to go for the final here at caler Park what an amazing day we've had D what an amazing weekend yesterday was wild today was even Wilder it's a little bit colder than it was yesterday but it's colder Park so name see what you did there the wall doing a burnout guys wi just put it in the wall doing a burnout on purpose this is when all the gloves are off all the tires are getting blown off things are happening people are just Walling their cars he's like you know what I don't care at all anymore wow G wi is sending it into the wall what is what is happening someone get G Wier off this track he's lost his mind he's just lost his mind he's smashing into things he's running walls where walls shouldn't be what a show guys w we got to see more of this guy back in the sport because he is an absolute Entertainer taking fourth place today and uh he's been a standout star for me this whole weekend it's been awesome to watch great watching him drive a treat watching him take all the banners Off the Wall this has been now we are on to the final battle of the day caler park are you still with me I don't think Dave do you need to get back out there on this track and do warm go back out there don't make me go back up CER Park we need you to make some more noise than that are you ready for the final there we go that's much better guys thank you Smiles for Miles as two underdogs take to the final we got Robert aalo against K Martin K Martin in the chase Robert in the lead K throwing it in on the door through the first Corner as Robert putting a beautiful lead run in right now as they transition back but look at C Martin he's all up in his business as they transition back towards the wall and up onto the wall but a bit more Pace from robertt as he fires it hard and wide to the wall into the wall goes robt arero Tom Martin just dropping off towards the end what a run crazy that was crazy the angle the proximity there could have been a little bit more on the back wall but fantastic run from cam in the followup position but a absolute unit of a lead run unbelievable stuff from all of these guys as they now wait for the decisions to drop in who's going to take the win and that we one more run to go and I guess what I'm thinking now is Con Martin's got to be trying to be fast and Rob has got to try and be on the door because that's the way he's going to win this one this is this is exactly how he he may or may not know that there were some mistakes made behind him and then also Robert doesn't get to that out zone until very late so the lead run not perfect the Chase Run not perfect I think it's all going to come down to this second run the last run potentially of the day K Martin Robert Aero these guys are going for that number one the number one on the skate deck you don't want the number two on the skate deck you don't want people walking into your house oh I see you got a second place one I see you got a you must have been really second that day you don't want that you want the first place that's what you want you lost first you want to be the guy that beat everybody when all the big guests were there and the Champions were there and the best of Australia the best of New Zealand the best was all there and you came out on top these two guys are buzzing either way I guarante you they don't care less at this point but there is one run to go Robert aralo he is the man with the plan right now he's got to get onto the door of that or 33 sky on K Martin off the line he goes this is it this is for all the marbles as K Martin goes into that first quarter late initiation Robert has to back off on that one as they come through camar in that lead position as he transitions back here we go robt aralo right up onto the door now as they come through but no proximity from Robert aralo K Martin starting to pull a bit of a gap here as they go into that last corner now the big dive for Mar I believe was on the inside of the track con Mar's out on the wall they're both on the wall this one is going to go to the judges that's nuts again not the perfect run not not exactly what these guys want to do I think they may have gotten in their own heads I have to do better I have to be aggressive I have to do things that I haven't done yet and I think they may have overdriven or underdriven where needed so we're we're checking back through the replays the judges are toiling again not envious of those guys position absolutely fantastic job that they have done all weekend long it's a thankless job being a judge but these guys absolutely slay it all have a wealth of knowledge about drifting because judging is difficult it really is is so what I was talking to judges I was saying so what we do right now is we line them up we have to ask we have a decision no we have to ask them do we have a decision or it's a one more time and then if it's a one more time they go back at it again but if it's a decision we're going to bring down third place Jordan Sanderson and we're going to have the podium we're going to announce that just as they're going on the podium so leave a little bit of tension guys they have been incredible all day will you please get up for Robert arbolino and K Martin men how are they feeling down there they must be pumped I did uh just speak to Robert just then and uh he said I hope it's not a one more time my arms are knacked Rob takes a bit of muscle pedal this thing does it oh dude I need to go back to the gym or something hey um I'm just speechless hey I need five minutes bro speak to him first all right now was this the plan all along did you speak to Adam LZ and you were like Hey brother I know it's your show but do you reckon maybe I could uh window on up to the top step uh no I sort of knew it was going to happen but um I'm joking I'm joking no just I sick driv is he just going to drive hard and I don't know I'm the same I'm not to say I'm a driver I'm not a talker no you've proven that just in one sentence all right Rob you're back you're back a little bit mate you uh jumped the line not jump the line but you went to scando a little bit and then he wasn't moving yet yeah I don't know like I don't know if I'm still I don't know if I'm awake asleep still I don't know what's going on but he's he's overdosing on adrenaline ladies and gentlemen Rob 5 years since you've uh last competed and now you're here in the final battle at the LZ World Tour not a bad way to kick things back off yeah I don't know all right he's he's bugged let's give him a minute back to you boys and uh you you you left that man speechless he's totally speechless his mind is blown arm areh no nobody in this whole place it means more to be in this final than these two guys and I can announce that we do have a decision a decision has been made a decision has been made between the two drivers in the final we know that Jordan Sanderson has taken third place but who is going to take TOP Step today here at the LZ World Tour it it all comes down to this I'm I'm even nervous right now I I think yeah I think I both of these guys would take second place with smile but they are emotional wrecks on the track right now I think we all are we've all been along for this ride this whole weekend it's been an absolute Banger of a weekend but let's see what we got let's see what we got the decision is in who takes the win my goodness gracious we have a decision and the winner of the Australian event of the LZ World Tour is C the LZ takes the Big W what it might not be LZ but today say he was every bit as good what a story what a story takes the win goes top step on the podium and give it up for second place Robert arbolino in second position on the podium incredible stuff K Martin is your winner of the event MZ we got to hear from the man himself he's just won it oh hang on just threeway all right we got to interrupt that mate you are off the charts ecstatic what does this mean to you and what does it mean for your future Vlog youtubing series ah it's massive um it's such a big event with so many insane drivers I like I knew I could possibly take it but like to actually have it happen and be here on like holding this right now I'm like over the moon I cannot thank my sponsors enough Elite Auto Garage Custom Performance garage hyper gear Body Shop flash panles 21 Fab race work Jet Automotive uh low key and Cube um can't thank my pit crew enough they actually smashed it helped me so much with like even just cleaning up the garage and stuff um ah making life so easy um misss I haven't been home like before 12 a.m. for a month I've done it all night of Thursday to get this thing done I had no sleep Friday so I was driving like crap um Saturday got a little bit better and then Sunday just stepped it up a not and did even better again so I'm just so happy yeah look I didn't want to say anything Frid was like K Mar's are not on but ladies and gentlemen Make some noise for your first place winner of the LZ world tour Australia Edition well deserved Rob have have you recovered a little bit no he's not he's still ecstatic mate what what does it mean for you are you are we going to see more of Robert aralo competing now that you're back in the group I have another five years off now um no we're not leaving man I've got the sponsors I've got behind me they're more GED than I am ain't stopping now we're we're going as far as we can go um I just like to thank sha projects Australia those guys are amazing they've done everything for me this weekend um LZ World Tour keep it re drift games um let me go to the side of the car uh Towing and go shock Works race Works ears flamingos Cafe and car War sh civil Australia glass effects detailing men are all amazing most of all cranked motorsport for the machine of a car Make some noise for Robert aralo and uh guys we got some classic drivers down here reading their sponsors off their cars so that's always handy now mate you've done Australia proud haven't you yeah the big you on the podium what's it mean for you brother oh man it was just the best weekend it was just so surreal and just the crowd and everything I was getting so GED and yeah I couldn't help myself in that wall we just had a relationship yeah I I don't know if she's going to be be calling back yeah well I don't reckon I'll fix it up too much we're back here for Hightech in two weeks so I'll probably do the same thing rock on brother Make some noise for your third place winner Jordan Sanderson doing Australia PR in the you thank you MZ and that is the end of we're going to get the champagne flying here Dan it has been an amazing year look at that those three have battled it all the way through today but not only today what an amazing Series this was just an idea between a crazy idea it was a crazy why don't we just do Insane idea why don't we do fun events around the world borrow cars get to know the local scene the local drivers so many of these put them against each other but look at these new stars we're creating everywhere we go because the eyes are on and they're deserved stars because they're amazing personalities everywhere we go Australia you have been incredible I also want to thank everybody who's been a part of the LZ World Tour all the way start us all the way to Ireland to to all the way to Canada all the way here to Australia it's been an amazing time want to T Adam LZ for for putting trust in his whole team and us to put this all together specifically this weekend I want to thank keeper Reed for doing an amazing job of keeping this all on track keeping a re keeping it right keeping it on track doing Australia proud Dan it's been a pleasure me down there doing an amazing job this weekend loved everything about it you guys here in attendance it's been an awesome time Positive Vibes you can comment you can put your critiques you can put your opinions but it's positive vibes so start to finish all four events and thank you so much Dave it's been an absolute pleasure to be announcing with you at these events I've learned so so much and it's been so fun this is this is the type of event that you will never forget no matter where you are on the planet so thank you for allowing me to come with you on this journey it's been it's been the funnest drift events that I have ever been to it's been awesome we've been all over the world this year and every one of these events I see new stars new faces new Vibes get to meet so many amazing people we throw all these different content creators Stars drivers amateurs Pros together this is all about fun ladies and gentlemen and fun is what drifting should be it should be a good time it should be an amazing time for everybody in attendance all smiles on faces and there's some of the biggest Smiles today C Martin the winner of the final stop of the LZ World Tour he's blind he's got a mustache he's lost his aviators the rear end of his car but boy did he drive well and he is the winner in the end guys thank you so much for tuning in at home thank you so much for coming out to caler park we're going to see you guys very soon next year what'll happen next year you're going to have to wait and find out cuz even we haven't figured it out we need at least a couple of drinks before we can even start talking about that cuz we're about to celebrate thank you guys for everything and all the support this year we did something new we did something different and we hope you guys enjoyed it we'll see you soon as we now leave a four turboed VL shooting flames beside three people in Australia that are on the podium it doesn't have to make sense that's what this Championship is all about from Dan I Mez and all the crew here at the LZ World Tour we'll see you next year let's let the burnouts commence so see so unfortunately guys we got to leave you on the stream but here in attendance we are going to have an expression session on track so if you want to see all the rest of the drivers go out there and have some fun look at some Flames pop out of the keeper weel you guys stick around here in attendance you guys at home as I said the sentiments are resonating from all of us here in the tower thank you so much for watching we appreciate each and every one of you we'll see you in 2024 for bigger brighter and better things from the LZ World Tour this\n"