**The AMD RX 6000 Series: A New Era in GPU Performance**
The AMD RX 6,600 is one of the latest additions to the company's lineup of high-performance GPUs, designed to take on the likes of NVIDIA's RTX 3060. With its aggressively low power target and low wattage requirements, the RX 6,600 promises to deliver impressive performance scaling, making it an attractive option for those looking to upgrade their gaming rigs.
**Performance Comparison**
When pitted against the RTX 3060, the RX 6,600 holds its own, with some tests suggesting that it is even surpassing the NVIDIA card in certain scenarios. However, when pushed to its limits, the XT model's performance begins to edge out the RX 6,600. Despite this, AMD's latest GPU still manages to keep pace with the RTX 3060, making it a solid choice for those looking for a high-performance GPU without breaking the bank.
**Power Consumption and Thermal Performance**
One of the standout features of the RX 6,600 is its power consumption, which draws a peak of around 188 Watts throughout testing. This is significantly lower than the RTX 3060, making it an attractive option for those looking to reduce their energy bills or keep their system noise levels down. The dual fan XFS cooling system also performs well, maintaining core temperatures comfortably below the 65-degree mark.
**Target Market and Value Proposition**
So, who is the RX 6,600 intended for? AMD seems to be targeting system integrators and power-conscious users with its aggressive low-power target and low wattage requirements. This approach may not resonate with those looking for peak performance at all costs, but for those who prioritize efficiency and don't mind sacrificing a little bit of performance, the RX 6,600 is an excellent option.
**Value Proposition: Worth It?**
So, is the RX 6,600 worth it? That depends on one's priorities. If you're looking for better RayTracing performance or productivity, then maybe the RTX 3060 is a better choice. However, if you're simply looking to play games at high settings, the RX 6,600 is more than capable of delivering. At $329, it's not cheap, but it's certainly worth considering.
**The Price of Progress: The Consequences of Modern GPU Design**
The rise of modern GPUs has led to a significant increase in prices, with some models commanding upwards of $300 for the base model. This is partly due to the complex manufacturing process involved in producing high-performance GPUs, as well as the increasing demand from gamers and content creators alike.
**Second-Hand Market: Finding Deals on Last Year's GPU**
In a world where chips are scarce, buying second-hand can be a viable option for those looking to get into gaming without breaking the bank. The RTX 2080, for example, can sometimes be found going for as much as $300 on the street – a far cry from its original launch price of over $1,000.
The AMD RX 6,600 is a powerful GPU that delivers impressive performance scaling and low power consumption. While it may not surpass the RTX 3060 in every test, it's more than capable of holding its own. At $329, it's worth considering for those looking to upgrade their gaming rigs without breaking the bank.
**Affiliate Links**
If you're interested in purchasing one of these GPUs, be sure to check out our affiliate links below. We've partnered with reputable retailers to bring you the best deals and discounts on the latest hardware.
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**MSI Sponsored Video**
Thanks to MSI for sponsoring today's video. MSI's Spatium M470 NB M.2 SSD offers sequential read speeds of up to 5,000 megabytes per second and write speeds of up to 4,400 megabytes per second. With built-in data security and error correction capabilities, this drive is perfect for those looking to take their system performance to the next level.
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**Linus Tech Tips: Linux Gaming Challenge**
Don't forget to subscribe to Linus Tech Tips, where our friends Luke and Linus are currently running a Linux gaming challenge. They're putting their home-built systems through their paces and sharing all the latest updates and insights with their audience.
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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Do you like 1080p? Gottoo much money lying around?Think the world needsa little more e-waste.Well, as AMD got an offerfor you starting today,you can get your veryown radio on RX 6,600,and brand new piece of 10AP graphics card hardware ata price you won't believe.- But hold up can itcompete with the RTX 3060?And if it can, why isn'tAndy talking about it?I mean, I'll gladlytalk about our sponsor.Crucial, thanks to Crucialfor sponsoring this video.Get more done with crucialP5 Plus NBME SSD with up to6,600 megabytes per second,sequential reads and a five-year warranty.Crucial makes tech to last get yours todayat the link below.(electronic music)Whenever any GPU from AMDor NVIDIA is released,there's at least some kindof reveal and anticipationleading up to it. Heck even the RTX 3060,had an announcement a littleover a month ahead of timeback at CES 2021.So why the radio silenceon this one? Well,it might have something to dowith the ongoing supply issuesthat have been plaguingthe entire industry forsome time now.I mean,AMD might simply not see agood way to launch these cardswithout stirring up controversy over yet.Another thing that people can't buy,particularly since thisis using the same GPU,physically speaking as theRX 6,600 XT right down to theeight gigs of GDDR6 and32 megs of infinity cash.The difference of course isthat these are bent down partswhere even the memory is runningout of reduced bandwidth.So the RX 6,600 couldactually be good for supply.If these parts wereotherwise sitting on shelvescollecting dust,and yet this review might bethe first you've heard about itoutside of leaks.Is there something AMD'strying to hide here?There's this press deck that we saw?Sure looks good, but you know,we need to do some more diggingto find out for ourselves.And the best way to dothat is through benchmarks.We'll be sticking to Windows10 for our GPU bench untilWindows 11, gaming performanceis better understood,but we've got a total of fiveGPU's to test today from bothteams over this generationand the previous one.Well right off the bat at F1 2021,AMD's looking pretty good witha lead over NVIDIA's RTX 3060with Ray tracing off.But that predictably changeswhen you turn Ray tracing onthe X team variance foradditional compute units that theNanex T lacks really do matterfor tracing those rays andRay accelerators that AMD hasincluded aren't as mature asNVIDIA's, Forza Horizon fourpicks back up with commandinglead for the 6,600 comingwithin spitting distance of itsbiggest brother, actually,and just released for our sixisn't too shabby for the newGPU either.Although it is trailing teamgreen by a few FPS here,with Ray tracing on however you could say,AMD is a far cry fromNVIDIA's performance.(laughs)I can't believe I wrote that.As an aside, it's worth mentioning thatFidelity FX super resolution issupported by that title and F1 2021.So you can squeeze a bit moreperformance out of it at thecost of some visual clarity.FSR has really come into itsown as a better than yourmonitor, kind of the traditional scaler.But while it's good at that,it's not going to try andrecreate missing details likeNVIDIA is deep learning,super sampling well.So you can only expect it to do so much.Back to gaming,Hitman 3 puts up some goodnumbers for the 6,600 thatare just a hair off of what the RTX 3060shows and Assassin's CreedValhalla makes up about asmuch of a significant leadas team green has in CS go.Although the letter title'salready high frame rate makesthis less of a win.The number of times the RX6,600 dipped below 60 FPS in allof these tests is three to the 3060's one.So while imperfect, it's nota bad showing by any means.What's more while it's fasterfor traditional rendering.In most cases, if you averageall of our gaming results,the RX 6,600 and the RTX 3060 traded blowsso precisely that it is 100.00% thesame performance,which is just mathematically impressive,just not objectively impressive,like the array of colorsavailable for Lanyard's onlttstore.com, 10 bucks, a popand nine destructible too.Unlike the RX 66 hundredsproductivity performance.Oh yeah, this is a cardthat is low on the ladder.So it's not going to bepurchased with this in mind,but it's becoming more of athing thanks to work from home.So here it is.DaVinci Resolve turns intosome less than ideal numbers,even failing to matchthe last gen 5,600 XT.Thanks to that cards,greater compute unit count.The same story, more orless persists throughoutPugetBenche for CreativeCloud, where only premier iseven close.It's not even a contest withLuxMark or Indigo Renderereither where even themore expensive XT model isthoroughly stomped.Man.Remember when AMD hadproductivity on lockdown,power consumption does bringgood news for AMD though,as the RX 6,600 draws a peakof about 188 Watts throughoutall the testing and comes incomfortably below the powerdraw of the RTX 3060 for similargaming performance, Pin padit's worth keeping in mind thatneither NVIDIA nor AMD havefirst party cards for these GPU's.So thermal performance shouldn'tbe taken with a grain ofsalt,particularly given the overbuiltcooler on our ACS RTX 3060still in a closed test bench,our dual fan XFS 6,600doesn't do too bad comfortablysitting around the 65degree mark where like theother cards,it maintains its peak corefrequency pretty well throughoutthe run.That brings up an interesting question.This is the same physicalSilicon as the RTX 6,600 XTcan we push the power limitand core clocks to close thegap?Well, we can match the core clocks,but with fewer compute units,we'd have to push it muchfurther in order to come close tomatching the XT'S performance.There does seem to be a lotof headroom baked into thesecards,largely thanks to theiraggressively low power target andlow wattage requirements.That suggests that AMD istargeting system integratorsand other power conscious folks byleveraging our DNA two'simpressive performance scaling.Of course your mileage mayvary greatly depending on thecard you get.But still is the RX 6,600even remotely worth it for yetanother 1080p max settings graphics card.Only if you thought theRTX 3060 was worth it,which is probably a big fat, no, at $329,the RX 6,600 is steadfastlykeeping with the pattern ofmatching the RTX 3060 for better or worse.We'll have affiliate links forthese cards below in case youactually want to buy them.But realistically you probablywon't until prices come backdown to earth.If however,we assume that we don't livein the real world and considerit solely based on the MSRP,you have to ask yourself some questions.Do you want better RayTracing performance?Do you want betterproductivity performance?Then maybe you should look at NVIDIA,but if you just want to play games,then the RX 6,600 is a goodfit for AMD fans or say Linuxgamers who enjoy an open-sourcedriver compared to NVIDIA'sproprietary blob, getsubscribed by the way,because Linus and Luke aredoing a Linux challenge wherethey actually run it on their home PCs.And you don't want tomiss that. I know I don't.Of course these MSRP are wellabove the $200 price point.This level of hardware commandis a few short years ago.We've already discussed atlength why this is happening.So I won't repeat myselfhere other than to say, yeah,it sucks.We're at me buying a GPUin the real world today,I would go with a usedhigher end previous gen card.You can actually find RTX2080s going for as much as3060's on the street,which is probably what theRX 6,600 we'll go for once itsells through. Even better,if you don't care about RayTracing or productivity,GTX 1080 eyes are sometimesgoing for even less than that.Neither is actually a gooddeal in an objective sense,but you've got to takewhat you can get in thispost-apocalyptic wasteland ofa chip shortage that we foundourselves in,but you don't have to settlefor bad segues to sponsors likeMSI. Thanks to MSI forsponsoring today's video,emphasize Spatium M470 NBMESSD has a sequential readof up to 5,000 megabytes per second,and write speeds of up to4,400 megabytes per second.You can do that up to 3,300terabytes of written data.They run on a four-lane PCIexpress gen four interface withbuilt-in data security anderror correction capabilities.You can get them in one terabyteor two terabyte capacitiesin the M.22280 form factor.And they've got a five-year warranty.Learn more today at the link below.Thanks for watching guys.If you're feeling particularly frugal,go check out our recent videoon whether four cores is stillenough in 2021.Maybe we should do onefor older GPU's too.Let us know in thecomments below actually.I think we did one recently,but it's kind of changingnow, the windows 11 is out.\n"