The Pixel seems to be a little bit warmer when you're doing things like running the camera, or doing anything that's mildly intensive.I always find that the Pixel is a little bit morewarm to the touch, but partof that could be because this is an aluminum phone, where the other threeall have glass backs.Now, all of these phoneshave thermal mechanisms.So essentially as the temperature,either of the processoror of the actual exteriorof the phone gets too hot,it will pull the power down.First of all, to save your battery life,but also just to keep the phone from beingphysically too warm.I'm sure at this point, allof them with the potentialexception of the Pixel, maybe the Note 20are sort of lowering theirperformance as the test goes on.But that being said, I mean,that's a pretty major difference.I have no idea what'sgonna happen when we flipthese phones over when the test is done.I have no idea.This really puts it into perspective.The Pixel is ice cold by comparison.The Note is pretty warm.If I actually touch it,that's pretty toasty,that's a little bit warmerthan I'd like to actually use.But the 12 and the 11 bothare really really hot.I think there's a clear difference thoughbetween totally fine,pretty warm, very warm,extremely warm.Now I guess all that's leftto do is to see exactlywhat the scores are tosee if all that heatmeans that the 12 Pro canoutperform the 11 Pro,or whether the new phoneis just slightly coolerand less powerful?Let's see what we've got.So they should be almost done.12 Pro, 20ish FPS, so yeah,we're definitely seeingthat these phones have thermal throttled.Although you know what, look at that.The 11 Pro I can see justside by side looks to bethe same, if not slightly faster.Oh, that's really close.All right, so, oh yeah,you can see right there.Look, it definitely kindof lowered over time.So stability 71% on the 12 versus 64.But the scores were very similar,but I think the 12 Pro,that's a tough one.That's certainly not amajor improvement at all.At all.The first thing I wannatake a look at is thestability number.So that is the differencebetween the best and the worstcase scenario.So you can see here that we basically havevery consistent performanceon the Note up untilabout the 12 minute line andthen it started to come down.The Pixel, though, isalmost a dead even line.You can see that, it is a 94% stabilityversus 81 on the Note.On the iPhone, it is significantly worse.71% and 64%.But that being said, the iPhones,even at their worst casewhere they're losinga lot of performance,4600 is still much betterthan even the best casescore on the Note 20.So the best loop isdefinitely on the 11, right?If you're looking at the raw performance,the 11 is best.However, if you look at theway that the performancekinda dropped and came back,short of a couple of low numberson the 12 for some reason,it seemed like it held alittle bit more consistent,whereas the 11 definitelydropped a touch more.So regardless, the iPhones,surprise, surprise,are more powerful than anyAndroid phone out right now.That is not a huge contest.I mean, the fact is theiPhone team has beenabsolutely killing it onthe spec side of thingsfor many years.But it is not quite asclear cut going fromthe 11 to the 12 as you might expect.Yeah, on the CPU side, the12 is the undisputed king.When it comes to graphics,it's a bit of a toss up.I still think I wouldprobably take a phonewhich is close to thatsame level of performancebut runs a little bitcooler and doesn't burn upquite so much battery,but that's a littlebit of a toss up there.So curious, which phone doyou think won the speed test?Let me know in the comments below.Make sure to subscribe to the channelfor lots more content like this.Until next time, I'm gonnago enjoy the cool Pixeland let the toasty boysdo their own thing.
iPhone 12 vs iPhone 11 SPEED TEST!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- We all know that the iPhone 12 is fast.However, how fast is it really?To find out, we have aseries of tests to runagainst the iPhone 11 Pro, theSamsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra,as well as the little Google Pixel 5.To start out with, we'regonna start out withthe good old classic of Geekbench 5,one of my favoritetests to really give youa good sense of theoverall system performanceof each of these devices.So we'll start out on the iPhone 12 Pro,and we'll get started on the 11 Pro,on the Note 20, as well as on the Pixel 5.Now, going into this,I absolutely expectedthe iPhones to do very well here.Traditionally the iPhone 11 Pro has beenthe most powerful smartphonethat you can buy right now.And the 12 Pro promisesto be somewhere in the15 to 20% better range.Now, that doesn'tnecessarily mean that it'sgoing to be a massive step forward.It's one thing to have ahigher geek bench score,and it's a very differentthing to actually seethat performance in real world use.For example, the GooglePixel 5, by far the leastpowerful phone here, does have somethingthat the iPhones lack, whichis a high refresh rate display.I'll just say, assomeone who's been dalingthat Pixel 5 for a little while,the smoothness that youget from the displaycan oftentimes make itfeel more responsivethan a phone that, while it,yes, has a lot more poweron the inside, doesn't havethat fluidity on the screen.But of course when itcomes to benchmarkingand using a phone,there's a lot more to itthan just the smoothness of the scroll.For example, if you are rendering videoor playing a game or something,that is where these benchmarks can makea much bigger differencecompared to the just,ah, this feels fast.All right, 1605 singlecore, 4033 multicore.That is, well, betterthan the iPhone 11 Pro.So it's not a huge marginso we have a couplehundred more, just alittle bit less than 300on single core, about500 less on multi core.But that is still areasonable improvement.And you also have to keepin mind that specificallywith that iPhone 12Pro, the A14 chip insideis the basis for all of the new Mac chips.So what you see with theperformance on this iPhoneis probably not goingto be wildly differentthan the kind of performance that you seein a full fledge Mac that wewill be getting fairly shortly,which is impressive in some ways.Although that's fast.Let's see how the Note comes in.And we get 980 singlecore, 3246 multi core.So it does get closer on the multi coreand that is because bothof these Android phonesactually have eight core processors,whereas the iPhones have six cores.The Pixel 5, look, it'sthe little guy, right?So it is powered by aSnapdragon 765G processor,a mid range, but a very confident chip.It can't quite compete.But that's fine becausethere's a whole lot more to itthan just pure benchmarks and pure CPU.I'm not saying that becauseI feel bad for the Pixelright now.He's like less than halfof any of the others.Next up we have a benchmarkwhich is a little bit moretailored toward the actual web performanceof these devices, which is JetStream two.So the way this worksis not wildly differentthan Geekbench so it runsa series of different testsand then gives you a final score.But this will give youa much better sense forhow performant these devices arewhen it comes to things like webpages,which when you look at apps,are pretty much everywhere these days.This internet thing, it's got a future.It's funny looking at these phonesand just how massivethe Note 20 really is.I feel like I'm over big phones in 2020.I want the small boys, Iwant the little chunkesis,I want the medium chunkis.Okay, we have a score:182.6 on the 12 Pro.And we have 156.7 on the iPhone.All right, I mean, thatis roughly consistentwith the difference we saw in Geekbench.And our score is 73.Wow, so the Note 20 isless than half the scoreof the 11 Pro, much less the 12 Pro.I mean, there's clearlya lot more than justthe pure hardware going on here.I do think the differencebetween Safari and Chromeis one of the big differencesthat we're seeing.So these two are certainly much closer,then there's the gap betweenthe Android and the iPhones.So this isn't particularly close.But you know what is close?The segue to our sponsor today, Audible.I was much more proudof that one in my headthan I actually am in person.Audible of course are the leading providerof spoken word entertainmentand audio books.And recently they've rolled out their newAudible Plus program, which as a member,gives you access tonot only a wide varietyof Audible originals, butalso access to a ton ofother content includingaudiobooks, podcasts,fitness programs, and so much more.It literally is a bigstep up from just the old,oh, I listen to a book onAudible every once in a while.They have you covered across the board.If you're an Audiblesubscriber you get accessto one credit per monthwhich you can use forany audiobook in their library,and there are thousandsand thousands available.So recently I've been listening to Artemisby Andy Weir, the author of The Martian.But of course you can pickliterally whatever you wantthat Audible has.And believe when I say,they've got a lot of options.So what are you waiting for?Go check out Audible, thelink in the descriptionat or youcan text Austin to 500500.Again, that's text Austin to 500500.And as always, huge shout out to Audiblefor sponsoring this video.So the test that I most wannasee is the graphics test,specifically when it comes to gaming.So we have 3DMark Wildlife.Essentially this is a one minute benchmarkthat does its best toemulate what it would be liketo running a very very highend game on your device.And immediately the iPhonesare doing really well.Surprise, surprise.Now, this is a short demo,it's only one minute long,and it is meant to emulate what it is liketo play a very very intensive gamebut short bursty segments.So you're not gonna seethat sort of 20 minutestress test which we're about to do.This is more so the best casescenario for these phones,almost kind of taking thecooling out of the equation.'Cause pretty much any phone can run warmfor at least a minute.And we have some scores.We have 39 FPS on the iPhone and wow,we burned three percentof battery in one minute.Wait a minute, hold on, hold on, hold on.The 11 Pro beat the 12 Pro?I don't know if I believe that.So we burned three percentof battery on both of these,and the frame rate was waymore inconsistent on the 11 Proso it was 21 to 60 versus 31 to 47.Interesting.So we definitely need to run this again.I don't know if I necessarilytrust that the 11 Prois faster, but it's veryclear that the pixel graphicsare way way behind.Six FPS compared to 25compared to 39 and 42.Let's run this one more time and see.That's very interesting.The 11 Pro is still consistently stayinga little bit above it.God, the pixel's so slagged.Wow, the 11 Pro beat out the 12 again.Are you trying to tell me right nowthat the 12 Pro does notperform as well in graphic taskscompared to the 11?That's really surprising.So generally speaking,when it comes to graphics,there are a couple things to watch.First of all, it was theoverall frames per second,so higher is better, smoother.But the downside to that isthat that's just an average.So what you can see hereis that while the averageon the 12 Pro is lower,it stays very consistent.It went from 32 to 42 butit stays very close to 40the entire time.The 11 Pro is way more sort of peaky.So yes, it does go up higher.Also there are a lot ofpoints where it can go lowerthan that 40 FPS line.Okay, you know what we need to do.We need to do the stress test.So there's another portion of this testwhich will allow us totake a closer look atwhat these phones willdo under sustained loads.So this is just a one minute benchmark,but the full stress test is 20 minutes.That I think will help us determinewhether or not the 11 Prois just sort of peakingand it's going to hit somekind of thermal barrier,or if the 12 Pro islegitimately slower in gamesthan the 11 Pro.Oh, this just got spicy, my friends!So while these benchmarks are running,I have a Seek Thermalcamera which will give usa little bit of a better ideaof how warm they're gettingand specifically where the warm spots are.So first of all, wow,there's a major difference.The 11 Pro is very warm,that's looking at, what,43 degrees, but it's spread out acrossa huge part of the phone.Whereas with the 12,what you can actually seeis where the MagSafe, the coil is,is slightly cooler.Interesting.Now we look at the Samsung,I mean, it's not even close,it's nowhere near as warm.We're looking at 35 degrees or so.And the Pixel is like ice cold.That's very interestingbecause actually in sort ofreal world use, I've noticedthat out of all these phones,the Pixel seems to be a little bit warmerwhen you're doing thingslike running the camera,or doing anything that's mildly intensive.I always find that thePixel is a little bit morewarm to the touch, but partof that could be becausethis is an aluminum phone,whereas the other threeall have glass backs.Now, all of these phoneshave thrawling mechanisms.So essentially as the temperature,either of the processoror of the actual exteriorof the phone gets too hot,it will pull the power down.First of all, to save your battery life,but also just to keep the phone from beingphysically too warm.I'm sure at this point, allof them with the potentialexception of the Pixel, maybe the Note 20are sort of lowering theirperformance as the test goes on.But that being said, I mean,that's a pretty major difference.I have no idea what'sgonna happen when we flipthese phones over when the test is done.I have no idea.This really puts it into perspective.The Pixel is ice cold by comparison.The Note is pretty warm.If I actually touch it,that's pretty toasty,that's a little bit warmerthan I'd like to actually use.But the 12 and the 11 bothare really really hot.I think there's a clear difference thoughbetween totally fine,pretty warm, very warm,extremely warm.Now I guess all that's leftto do is to see exactlywhat the scores are tosee if all that heatmeans that the 12 Pro canoutperform the 11 Pro,or whether the new phoneis just slightly coolerand less powerful?Let's see what we've got.So they should be almost done.12 Pro, 20ish FPS, so yeah,we're definitely seeingthat these phones have thermal throttled.Although you know what, look at that.The 11 Pro I can see justside by side looks to bethe same, if not slightly faster.Oh, that's really close.All right, so, oh yeah,you can see right there.Look, it definitely kindof lowered over time.So stability 71% on the 12 versus 64.But the scores were very similar,but I think the 12 Pro,that's a tough one.That's certainly not amajor improvement at all.At all.The first thing I wannatake a look at is thestability number.So that is the differencebetween the best and the worstcase scenario.So you can see here that we basically havevery consistent performanceon the Note up untilabout the 12 minute line andthen it started to come down.The Pixel, though, isalmost a dead even line.You can see that, it is a 94% stabilityversus 81 on the Note.On the iPhone, it is significantly worse.71% and 64%.But that being said, the iPhones,even at their worst casewhere they're losinga lot of performance,4600 is still much betterthan even the best casescore on the Note 20.So the best loop isdefinitely on the 11, right?If you're looking at the raw performance,the 11 is best.However, if you look at theway that the performancekinda dropped and came back,short of a couple of low numberson the 12 for some reason,it seemed like it held alittle bit more consistent,whereas the 11 definitelydropped a touch more.So regardless, the iPhones,surprise, surprise,are more powerful than anyAndroid phone out right now.That is not a huge contest.I mean, the fact is theiPhone team has beenabsolutely killing it onthe spec side of thingsfor many years.But it is not quite asclear cut going fromthe 11 to the 12 as you might expect.Yeah, on the CPU side, the12 is the undisputed king.When it comes to graphics,it's a bit of a toss up.I still think I wouldprobably take a phonewhich is close to thatsame level of performancebut runs a little bitcooler and doesn't burn upquite so much battery,but that's a littlebit of a toss up there.So curious, which phone doyou think won the speed test?Let me know in the comments below.Make sure to subscribe to the channelfor lots more content like this.Until next time, I'm gonnago enjoy the cool Pixeland let the toasty boysdo their own thing.