How To Loom Bands Magic Tricks! DIY 6 Magic Tricks with Rubber Band & Unboxing YouTube Play Button
Hey Loves! I Have a Little Bit Different Video for You Today
I have a little bit different video for you today because, well, I recently moved apartment and didn't have time to do anything else. It's true that when you move, your priorities change, and sometimes that means putting other things on the backburner. For me, that meant not having time to film DIY tutorials, which can be a lot of work.
I remember posting my DIY band bracelet tutorial recently, where I showed you some tricks that you can do with bands. And, as it turns out, many of you were interested in learning more about those tricks. You asked if I could film a video on how to do them, and today is the day! So, I wanted to take a little bit of time to create something special for all of you who are waiting.
A Special Request
So, for this first trick, we're going to need a larger band like this one. And it's also good if it's a little bit flat. You can see that this one is a bit flat, which makes it easier to work with. Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "What's the difference between a flat and rounded band?" Well, let me tell you - it really does make a difference when it comes to working with bands.
Preparing for the Trick
To start this trick, we're going to put our band together like this on one side. Then, we'll do the same on the other side with our other hand. And then, we just kind of want to go around and connect these two ends. It's a simple step, but it's an important one. We want to hold both ends with one hand, so I'm going to hold them like this with my pointer and thumb.
Connecting the Ends
Now that we have our band connected, it's time to move on to the next part of the trick. We need to pull the band with our right hand very tightly. And when we do this, you'll hear a noise - it might sound like the elastic is tearing. That's exactly what's happening! The elastic is stretching and tearing as we pull the band tighter.
The Sound of Tearing Elastic
You can see that I'm holding both ends of the band with my left hand, and I'm pulling it with my right hand very tightly. And as you can hear, the elastic is making a noise - it's like a gentle tearing sound. This is exactly what happens when we pull a band apart using this trick. It might seem a little intense, but don't worry - it's all part of the process.
And that's it for now! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to do a band trick with a larger band. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to try it out and see how it turns out. And if you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you all in the next video!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey loves! I have a little bit different videofor you today. If you follow me on instagramthen you may already know that I moved apartmentrecently. And since I moved the apartmentI didn't have time to do anything else...Like I didn't have time to film DIY tutorialsthat take so much time to prepare, film andedit. So today I decided to do something alittle bit different and a little bit special.Remember when I posted my DIY band braceletstutorial, I showed you a bunch of tricks thatyou can do with bands and so many of you askedme if I could film a video on how to do thosetricks. Well, we're doing this today. Makesure to stick till the end because I havesomething special that I want to open withyou, but first let's go on to the band tricks.So for this first trick you need a largerband like this one. And it's also good ifis a little bit flat. You can see that thisone is a little bit flat. It's much easierto work with this kind of band than with aband that would be all rounded. So what youwant to do is: you take your band with yourleft hand and you kind of put it togetherlike this on one side. Then you do the sameon the other side with your other hand andthen you just kind of want to go around andconnect these two ends. You want to hold bothends with one hand. So I'm going to hold bothends with my pointer and thumb of my lefthand. I'm going to connect these two endsand hold it like this. So what you want todo now is pull the band with your right handvery tightly. You can hear that noise, itseems like the elastic is torn.You can say\"oh my elastic is torn now\", but since I ama magician I'm going to fix that. What youwant to do now is connect the two ends againand again hold it in one hand. I'm gonna holdit between my thumb and pointer of my lefthand. So I'm going to go back with the righthand like this and you say \"wait for it, I'mgonna fix it now\" and now you grab just oneend of the band and you pull it away. Andthe band is fixed! Woohoo!The next trick is super easy to make and isactually one of my favorite. The only thingyou need is a small elastic like this one.You want to begin by sticking the pointerand the middle finger through the band looplike this. That's what you want to have rightnow. Then, you're going to stretch the elasticwith your right hand and you're going to stickall these four fingers inside this loop. Youwant to have the elastic between your nailsand the first knuckle. Like this. The onlything left to do now is that you open yourhand like this and the elastic will automaticallyjump from these two fingers on these two fingers!How cool is that!? So when you're doing thistrick you want to do it very quickly. Especiallythe part when you stick four fingers insidethat loop. Like here... You want to do thisvery quickly so that the person that you'reshowing this to doesn't even notice that you'redoing something on the other side of yourhand. So you just put the elastic on and putall four fingers inside the loop... and release.Voila, that's how simple this one is and socool!You can take this trick even further by takingagain a small elastic like before, but alsoa bigger one like this one. You want to startas before by sticking your pointer and themiddle finger through the band loop like this.But then you want to say \"to prevent thatthe elastic will jump from these two fingerson these two fingers, I'm going to make abarrier with the yellow elastic\". So you'regoing to wrap the elastic around your fingerslike this. That's what you want to have rightnow. Then you just want to repeat the samesteps as we did before. So you want to stretchthe pink elastic with your right hand, stickall four fingers inside that loop and makesure that the elastic is above the nails andbelow the first knuckle. And now we just wantto open our hand like this, voila, the elastichas again jumped from these two fingers onyour pinky and your ring finger. It's prettyamazing, I don't even know how it does that,but it's awesome!For the disappearing elastic trick you wantto start off by having a lot of elastics wrappedaround your wrist like this. Like you werewearing them as bracelets. Then you want tochoose one elastic. I'm going to choose thisyellow one and I'm going to pull it with myleft hand and then I'm going to pinch it betweenmy thumb and my pointer of my right hand.Then I'm going to say to the people \"lookI have an elastic and I'm going to make itdisappear\". So you're going to release thosefingers... Where did it go?! It disappeared.But actually it returned to its place on yourwrist. In the next trick it seems like theelastic kind of goes through the thumb. Soto do that trick, you're going to need a biggerelastic like this one and you're going tohold it in one hand like so. Then you're goingto take the thumb of the other hand and you;rejust going to stick the thumb through thatloop and pull it away. Then you're going totake the pointer of this left hand and you'regoing to take the upper part of the elasticand pull it down like so. You can see thatnow on the right side we're going to havea triangle shape. You're going to take yourleft thumb and you're going to stick it throughthat loop. Just like that. So that's whatyou have now and you want to pull the pointerof your left hand out of this loop that isformed on the left like this. And then whatyou have to do with your right hand is justshake it a little bit, just pull it and theelastic comes right through the thumb. Isn'tit awesome?! You're going to take the elasticand you're going to hold it in one hand likethis. Then you're going to take your pointerof the other hand and you're going to stickit through that loop and just kind of pullit away like so. Then with your left handyou're going to wrap the elastic around yourthumb and you're going to go to the pinkyand you're just going to place the elasticon the pinky like so. To make this gun shootall you have to do is just move the pinkyfinger a little bit and the elastic will comeoff here and it will just shoot away somewhere.So, I'm going to do it now. I'm going to shakemy pinky and the elastic has gone behind thebed or somewhere. So those were my band tricksI hope you like them, you can show them toyour friends at school I'm sure you're goingto be the coolest one that day.But now let'sgo on to unpacking this package.I'm so excited to see what's in there. Thepackage says that it comes from Indianapolis.I don't know anyone there... Is anyone ofyou from Indianapolis? Maybe some of you sendit to me. Hm... Let's see what's inside. Itmust be something precious, because it's really,really nicely wrapped. Is this out of glassor something? Oh it's another box... Let'sput that down. Are you guys excited? Let'sdo this.\"One hundred thousand subscribers. That'smore than double the size of a packed RomanColosseum and more than 10 times the numberof people who set the human domino world record.We understand the dedication and talent ittakes to reach 100,000 YouTube viewers. Wewant you to know that we don't take your achievementfor granted. You delivered the audience. Nowwe're delivering the rewards. To commemorateyour milestone of 100,000 Youtube subscribers,please accept with our congratulations thisSilver Play Button. We know you'll continueto create amazing content and bring in morefans, so we'll keep looking for new ways toreward you. Thanks for being awesome. Sincerely,YouTube.\"Let's dig in... Wow! That look so amazing!I didn't expect that it will look so cool!I can't wait to put this on my wall, thiswill be my first decoration of the apartmentand it wouldn't be possible without you guysso I really hope you know how grateful I amfor your support, you literally make me thehappiest person on Earth. Thank you, thankyou, thank you so much! Well this would beit for this video, make sure to check outmy next one, it will be a room decor video.So I'll see you next time! Bye!\"I'm going to shoot towards the camera now,so hide everybody. Oh, that wasn't even close.Uuu, bingo! God... Thanks for watching\n"