25 Reasons iPhone 6S Plus Is Better Than Galaxy Note 5

Comparing iPhone 6s Plus and Galaxy Note 5: A Phone Buff Style Review

What's up guys, David here. And the iPhone 6s Plus and the Galaxy Note 5 are arguably two of the best smartphones out on the market right now. So, in this two-part video series, we're gonna be comparing them Phone Buff Style, where we're gonna be looking at a bunch of reasons why each smartphone could be considered better than the other.

Reason Number One: Fingerprint Scanners

While both phones have fingerprint scanners, the one on the iPhone 6s Plus is more accurate, works faster, and is better supported by third-party apps. This makes it easier to use your phone with a single touch, reducing the risk of false readings or errors. With the iPhone's fingerprint scanner, you can quickly and easily unlock your phone, access secure areas, or make payments without having to enter your PIN.

Reason Number Two: Charging Port

The lightning port on the 6s Plus allows you to plug in your charger in either direction, making it especially easy to plug in when the lights are off at night. This feature is particularly useful if you need to charge your phone quickly and quietly, without having to worry about damaging the charging port or overcharging your battery.

Reason Number Three: Physical Vibrate Switch

The iPhone has a physical vibrate switch, which not only allows you to put the phone on silent mode but also provides a tactile feedback mechanism. This means that when you receive a notification or an incoming call, you'll feel a gentle vibration under your finger, indicating that something is happening. This feature is particularly useful in noisy environments or when you're trying to focus on a task without distractions.

Reason Number Four: Audio Quality

Not only does the 6s Plus' speaker produce richer and fuller sound than the Note 5's, but the iPhone also has a more powerful headphone jack. This makes for a better overall audio experience, whether you're listening to music, watching videos, or taking calls. The iPhone's audio capabilities are particularly impressive when it comes to bass response and treble clarity.

Reason Number Five: Slow-Motion Video

From pretty much anywhere, you can copy and paste on the 6 Plus, you have the option to have selected text read back to you out loud. This is ideal for when you're reading a really long article or need help with your typing. The iPhone also offers better landscape support than the Note 5, which takes full advantage of the larger screen in apps like settings, the browser, and even on the home screen.

Reason Number Six: Bluetooth Accessories

Unlike on the Note 5, when you connect a Bluetooth accessory with the iPhone 6s Plus, you get an icon in the notification bar indicating the battery level of the connected accessory. This feature is particularly useful if you have multiple devices that need to stay charged and accessible throughout the day.

Reason Number Seven: Live Photos

Not only does the iPhone 6s Plus offer a longer burst shot but it also has live photos, which make your photos come to life with short, three-second clips. These live photos can be used in a variety of ways, such as adding captions or music to your photos, making them more engaging and memorable.

Shaving with Harry's

Alright guys, that is pretty much it for me in this video. The Galaxy Note 5's version will be annotated somewhere here on this screen, and will also be linked for you down below in the description, so make sure you check it out if you haven't already. But, anyways, thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you in the very next episode.

Harry's is a company that offers high-quality razors at a fraction of the price, delivered straight to your door, and with free shipping. The process of buying razors from Harry's involves going out to the store, waiting in line, and then overpaying for a pack of four blades because really, there are only two other options: cheap, disposable blades that end up cutting your face or something you don't want. But, with Harry's, you get premium-feeling handles, three super high-quality blade cartridges, and your choice of either shaving cream or foaming shave gel.

The Truman set from Harry's is particularly popular among Phone Buffs, and for good reason. It costs just fifteen bucks and comes with a premium-feeling handle, three super high-quality blade cartridges, and your choice of either shaving cream or foaming shave gel. As a special deal for you Phone Buffs, Harry's is hooking it up with five dollars off when you use promo code PHONEBUFF at checkout.

The Truman set from Harry's is a great alternative to overpriced razors and disposable blades that end up cutting your face. It's a fraction of the cost, yet provides a much better shaving experience. The fact that you can get this high-quality razor delivered straight to your door for free with shipping is unbeatable. As always, make sure to use promo code PHONEBUFF at checkout to receive five dollars off.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between the iPhone 6s Plus and the Galaxy Note 5, there are many factors to consider. Both phones have their strengths and weaknesses, but ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and needs. Whether you're looking for a powerful phone with great camera capabilities or a razor-sharp shaving experience, Harry's has got you covered.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- What's up guys, David here.And the iPhone 6s Plusand the Galaxy Note 5are arguably two of the best smartphonesout on the market right now.So, in this two-part video series,we're gonna be comparingthem Phone Buff Style,where we're gonna be lookingat a bunch of reasonswhy each smartphone could be consideredbetter than the other.But before we get into it, Iwanna give a quick shoutoutto Harry's for making this video possible,who actually have a specialdeal for you Phone Buffsthat I'll let you know in a little bit,so stay tuned for that.But, with that said, let's goahead and get ready and do it.(funky music)Reason number one.While both phones havefingerprint scanners,the one on the iPhone 6sPlus is more accurate,works faster, and is bettersupported by third-party apps.Two.The lightning port onthe 6s Plus allows youto plug in your chargerin either direction,making it especially easy to plug inwhen the lights are off at night.Three.The iPhone has a physical vibrate switch,which not only allows youto put the phone on vibratewithout having to turn the screen on,but it also acts as a visual indicator,allowing you to know whether or notyour phone was on vibratewith a quick glance.Four.The iPhone 6s Plus has an aluminum backinstead of a glass backlike on the Note 5,which makes it much lesssusceptible to damagewhen being dropped, andalso isn't anywhere nearas much of a fingerprint magnet.Reason number five.With 3D touch, you have a whole new way ofinteracting with the iPhone,giving you the option to dothings like preview and pop,easily select text, and jumpstraight into shortcuts,all by applying a little more force tothe pressure-sensitive screen.Six.While the App Store and the Play Storeoffer mostly the same things,the App Store on the iPhonestill has the advantageof typically getting newapps and their respective appupdates well before theirAndroid counterparts.Seven.Speaking of apps, on theNote 5 you obviously can'tdownload apps like Siri,iMessage, and Safari.Yet, on the iPhone, not onlydo you get all of Apple's apps,you also get Google's,like Google Now, Hangouts,and Chrome, giving youthe best of both worlds.Eight.As we found in our PhoneBuff Style speed test,the iPhone 6s Plus opens apps faster,and keeps apps readyto go in the backgroundlonger than the Note 5,giving you better overall performance.Nine.The iPhone 6s Plus has moreLTE bands than the Note 5,making it a better option for thosewho travel a lot internationally.Reason number 10.If you use up a lot ofstorage on your phone,the iPhone 6s Plus might be your best bet,as Apple offers a 128 gigabytemodel with the 6s Plus,whereas the Note 5 topsout at just 64 gigabytes.11.If you plan on getting oneof these phones for your kid,the iPhone offers youmore parental controlswith restrictions, whichallow you to block contentand actions through apassword-protected setting.12.With family sharing on the iPhone,you can share your purchasesfrom iTunes, iBooks,and the App Store with upto six people in your familywithout having to use thesame accounts or passwords,offering a significant savings advantagethat just isn't available on the Note 5.13.Unlike on the Note 5, theiPhone 6s Plus gives youan option to undo and redo textsimply by shaking the phone,which could be a pretty big time saver.14.The iPhone 6s Plus comes freeof any unwanted carrier appsand carrier logos, which isnot something you could sayabout at least some versionsof the Galaxy Note 5.Reason number 15.The fact of the matter is,people are taking more selfies,and with the iPhone 6sPlus, you can make surethey look great even inlow light conditions,thanks to the front-facing flash feature,which works surprisingly well thanks tothe big and bright display.16.Because the iPhone gets itsupdates directly from Apple,you'll be updated to thelatest version of IOSpretty much just after Apple releases it,where on the GalaxyNote 5, it can be monthsbefore you get an updateafter it's been released.17.On the iPhone 6s Plus, youcan tap the notification barwhile in any app toautomatically scroll all the wayto the top, which can beuseful for when the listsget really long.18.Historically speaking, iPhoneshave had better resale valuesthan Galaxies, so in a year or two,there's a good chancethat you'll get more moneyback for the iPhone 6s Plusthan you would for the Note 5.19.With continuity, you can move seamlesslybetween your Apple devices,doing things from openingthe notes you were takingon your Mac on your iPhone,to answering a call fromyour iPhone on your iPad.Reason number 20.Not only does the 6s Plus' speaker producericher and fuller sound than the Note 5's,the iPhone also has a morepowerful headphone jack,making for a betteroverall audio experience.21.From pretty much anywhereyou can copy and paste,on the 6 Plus, you have the option to haveselected text read back to you out loud,which is ideal for when you're readinga really long article, orwhen you can't keep your eyesoff from what you're currently doing.22.The iPhone 6s Plus allows you to capturetrue 240FPS slow-motion video in 720p,which gives you betterand smoother slow motionvideo footage.23.The iPhone 6s Plus offersbetter landscape supportthan the Note 5, wherethe larger screen is takenadvantage of in apps likesettings, the browser,and even on the home screen,making the phone feelmore like a little tablet.24.Unlike on the Note 5, whenyou connect a Bluetoothaccessory with the iPhone6s Plus, you get an iconin the notification barindicating the battery levelof the connected accessory.And finally, reason number 25.Not only does the iPhone 6sPlus offer a longer burst shot,but it also have live photos,which make your photoscome to life with short,three second clipsto make reliving thosemoments that much better.Alright, so before we get outta here,I wanna talk about shaving,and more specifically,the process of buying the razors to shave,which consists of going out to the store,waiting in line, and thenoverpaying for a packof four blades becausereally, the only other optionis to get the cheap,disposable blades thatend up cutting yourface, which is obviouslysomething you don't want.And that's really where Harry's comes in,offering you high-quality,German engineered razorsat a fraction of the price,delivered straight to your door,and with free shipping.So I've personally beenusing their Truman set,that costs just fifteen bucks.And it comes with thepremium-feeling handle,three super high-quality blade cartridges,and your choice of either shaving creamor foaming shave gel.And as a special deal for you Phone Buffs,Harry's is hooking it up withfive dollars off when you usepromo code PHONEBUFF at checkout.That's a month's worth ofshaving for just ten bucks,so make sure you clickon that first thing,down below in the description,and don't forget to usepromo code PHONEBUFFat checkout for five dollars off.Alright guys, that is prettymuch it for me in this video.The Galaxy Note 5'sversion will be annotatedsomewhere here on thisscreen, and will alsobe linked for you downbelow in the description,so make sure you check itout if you haven't already.But, anyways, thank you guys for watching,and I'll see you in the very next episode.\n"