The Negatives of Sponsored Videos: A YouTube Creator's Responsibility
First and foremost, it is super wrong if you're making a sponsored video and you don't make that clear to your viewers. Although I personally encourage sponsored videos and think they're a great accessory to all YouTube communities, there are still stigmas about YouTubers who get paid. Withholding that information from your viewers to avoid that backlash is really, really wrong. It's illegal to do this anyway, so like by moral obligation, you should be telling people that it's sponsored.
If you're pushing a product onto me and I later find out that you were paid to like it, it's going to make me question how genuine your opinions are. I trust all of the YouTubers that I watch, but if you're receiving funds to create and upload a video to YouTube just for the opportunity and commission, the responsibility is on you to be honest with your viewers about the real intentions and situations surrounding that video.
I hate not even have to discuss this, but it's super, super wrong of you to accept money for a video that is based on false opinions. You're telling somebody you loved something when you really didn't like it just for the money. That right there is outright lying to your impressionable audience. In day one of reviewing 101, you should already know that you should never lie in a review of any sort. That completely breaks the trust of you and your viewers. It's especially shady if you do it for money.
Don't lie if your video is sponsored or not. Not only is it illegal, but it's super wrong. And don't lie about your opinions on products that you're being sent just because you're being paid. My final thought on sponsored videos on YouTube is probably a little bit more controversial than a lot of the things I've mentioned so far.
In my personal opinion, this is just how I feel about it. From being on YouTube since I was 13 years old, I personally think that if you're going to accept a sponsored video request, it should only be on top topics that have already been discussed on your channel. Kind of like what I said before, I think the main priority of taking up a sponsored video request should be to benefit the interests of your viewers.
If it is something totally and completely out of the ballpark unrelated to the content that you're producing for all of this time, that is given you this large enough following of people with the same interests where you've gotten these opportunities to do sponsored video requests, it just doesn't look like you're doing it to benefit your viewers. I think it's totally fine if you post book videos but you've also posted makeup videos and then you do like a lip Swatch review for Makeup Company that's totally fine in my opinion.
Of course, everyone on YouTube is able to post whatever content they want. Nobody's expected to fit into one specific community. If you really want to take out sponsored videos that have nothing to do with your channel to get paid, that's fine too. I just don't agree with it. But in my opinion, if you've made a name for yourself as a book cheber by uploading only book related videos for the past 3 years and then all of a sudden you just upload like a sunglasses review that a company sent you and paid you for, to me that says I took this opportunity for myself not for you.
Everyone on YouTube is allowed to take opportunities for themselves. That's fine maybe I just care too much for the viewers' experience on YouTube that's just me. But as a viewer myself, which I feel a lot of people forget, just because you make book videos doesn't mean that you don't watch book videos every booktuber is also a book viewer. I know from my experience that I just absolutely hate watching sponsored videos that were created for nothing more than a few more numbers in that YouTuber's bank account.
That's really it for my thoughts on sponsored videos on YouTube. I hope you guys learned something from this video and maybe gained a little bit of clarification. You didn't have before that opens up your mind and allows you to see things from a different perspective. I would love to hear your opinions on sponsored videos on YouTube, I have been so excited to make this video, I've been buzzing until the point that I could film it cuz I'm so excited to discuss this topic with you guys because I feel that everyone has such an individual opinion on it and I just I want more points of view. I want more discussion. I want to know what I can do better and what can benefit the community.
I'm just, I'm so excited to talk about this with you guys but that is it for this video. Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new video bye
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what's up hello my name is Emma and today we're going to be talking about something that is quite a controversial Topic in our community that is sponsored videos throughout my internet travels I've come across a lot of generalizations and misconceptions about sponsored videos on book so I just wanted to make a video talking about this topic and kind of putting in my own two cents this video was a combination of a little bit of research I did as well as my experience on book Tu whether that be me as a viewer of book Tu who is watching all of these sponsored videos or as a content creator that is actually making these videos I'd like the first part of this video to clarify some definitions for you guys so that we're all on the same page as to what we're actually talking about so I left some articles and videos that have really helped me out with understanding the whole concept of sponsored videos if you guys would like to check them out all of those references are going to be in the description of this video so let's just start right off the bat with those definitions now first before we go into that I do want to leave a little disclaimer here I'm not a business major I've never taken a business class in my life I really don't know anything about advertising or anything of that sort other than the research I've done for this video specifically I am a 20-year-old girl who just looked this stuff up on the internet and interpreted it so if something like a little tiny detail is a little bit wrong don't crucify me we all make mistakes this is just my interpretation of the research that I've done it's for that reason that I've left all of those references below because that is where you're going to get the professionals expertise and not just how I'm interpreting it so if you're kind of curious as to what I'm really talking about you might want to check out some of those references the first definition I want to make known is editorial content which is what you guys are watching right now editorial content is the everyday YouTube videos blog posts and articles that you read that are created in order to express the publisher of that contents thoughts and opinions so this video is not sponsored in any way there's no influence as to why I'm making this video other than the fact that I want to then we move on to Native advertising which is a promotional ad that blends into the nature of the Publisher's normal content in order to convince the viewers or audience of something I don't know if this is for sure this is just how I view things I feel like this is the type of videos that we see on book because the reason that Publishers send all of these booktubers new books is because we want to convince you to read them am I right just as another little disclaimer that I feel is appropriate to put into here I only ever created two sponsored videos on this channel in those videos I make it very clear that it's sponsored by saying this video is sponsored by and including another little disclaimer in the description but it was still a book rated video that was posted in nearly identical format to the rest of my videos so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of you didn't even pick up on that at the time in those videos I was compensated by a company to suggest that you guys maybe go out and read this new book or check out this new service while not disrupting your viewing experience by introducing something completely out of the ordinary and that's what I feel makes it native advertising so book hauls and tags and other videos that booktubers are paid to produce kind of fit into this umbrella that is native advertising because it still fits in line with all the other videos that you're normally seeing from them so then we move on to the words sponsored content cuz that is something individual in itself and while it is very very difficult like there's a very fine line in between native advertising and sponsored content sponsored content is more focused on informing viewers or the audience rather than convincing them of something what really sets it apart for me is that these types of ads are created mostly by the brand provider and then posted to the editorial content Creator's audience to inform you guys of something the best way I can really distinguish between native advertising which is what you normally see on book and sponsored content is the times when you're like scrolling on your Facebook feed and there's a little ad in the corner for you to click off site and go to someone else's website that's really what sponsored content is you probably just watch sponsored content before this video because a company is paying YouTube to display their ad before my video to inform you of something now while in need of advertising and sponsored content are two forms of sponsorship the last definition I want to provide you with is sponsor because I feel like that's the one people get the most confused about the verb to sponsor means to provide funds for so that means anytime somebody tells you that a video or a piece of information on the Internet is sponsored they are getting money in exchange for posting that content it's really disappointing to see so many people assume that whenever a booktuber hauls a bunch of books that were sent in them by the publisher or maybe do an unboxing for a book subscription service that they're getting paid for it but a lot of times that's not the case not only is a general YouTube etiquette and it's also mostly required by anyone who is sponsoring a video it also goes in line with the Federal Trade commissions that you need to explain when a video is sponsored so generally if you're watching a respectable YouTuber who also follows legal guidelines they're going to tell you if the video is sponsored if they don't say it's sponsored hopefully it's just their own thought thoughts and opinions so whether you're watching like a book haul or unboxing and somebody doesn't say this video is sponsored by and they say I was sent this book or Box by It generally means that they were provided with the product that you're being shown but they weren't paid to show it to you so now that we have distinguished the line between native advertising and editorial content and sponsored content and what a sponsored video actually is let's stop assuming that every single time a booktuber posts the video where they're hauling books that Publishers have spent them that they only produce sponsored videos it's just really upsetting to me to watch the people that I love in this community get misjudged because people aren't aware of what actually consists of a sponsorship and that's why I'm making this video for you guys to give you a real life example of this misjudgment this wasn't like a nasty comment whatsoever this girl was really really sweet about the situation on my had to have the perfect reading Marathon video where I showed you a bunch of different items I was sent by red bubble that I wasn't paid to make I was just sent the items someone commented that even though they don't really enjoy sponsored videos normally they really enjoyed mine and while this viewer was completely understanding when I politely corrected her and told her that it wasn't sponsored that I was just sent the items it's these types of situations that I want us to avoid on YouTube because we all have the capability to be well informed so with this very basic but also very long explanation of the different types of advertising on YouTube let's talk a little bit about how it plays into our community and how I personally feel about it as not only a viewer of book but an actual booktuber who is making some of these videos I think sponsored videos can be a great asset to our community I can tell you from a Content Creator's point of view it is not easy to juggle school and work and friends and hobbies and social life and actual reading for us booktubers here and also making quality videos the more income a YouTuber has the more they're able to experiment with new things and try new videos and buy better equipment now I personally I don't really care for like the subscriber number I don't have any subscriber goals and I never really will but if I have like a long-term goal for YouTube It's to have it be considered like a stable form of income that I can dedicate solely to making videos so whether that means that I receive money from sponsored videos or from Google ads s which is the easiest way to make money on YouTube but not the most amount of money through this experience of being a YouTuber my goal is to get enough money back that I can put it back into these videos and make better quality videos for you guys it's not that I want YouTube to be a job it's that I want to get enough back from it that I can put more into it it's like a give and take situation if that makes sense like I have a million ideas for artsy videos and skits and parities and just general cool videos that I physically cannot produce because I don't have the finances for it nor do I have the time in my day cuz I'm spending so much time working so I think if a booktuber is able to gain more income through YouTube and then put those funds back into their videos it's a win-win situation for everyone Also let's just take a step back and just think about all of the influence your favorite booktubers have had on you think about how many books you've read and bought because they talked about them on their Channel or how many different new companies that you found out about through them if viewers are truly getting something out of your videos whether it's a new novel to try or a new website to check out that may be of interest to them I see absolutely no problem with sponsored videos cuz they benefit you guys and me as well cuz I'm a book viewer and I found a lot of stuff that I really like from sponsored videos and that being said that's also the main reason that I would ever take up a sponsored video request as a YouTuber my priority is making videos that I enjoy as well as you will enjoy I will never accept books to review or comedy to shout out unless I feel that you guys can truly benefit from them that's just the way that I see this whole YouTube viewer experience kind of thing for example I get a lot of emails from clothing companies that I've like never heard of that are like hey we'll give you credit to our store and you can buy a bunch of clothes so that you can a haul and then will'll also pay you for it but I don't take those up because I'm not a fashion YouTuber and you know what some of you may benefit from that video maybe there's people watching right now that love clothes I know I love clothes and I might show something in that haul that's of interest to you but because I have made a name for myself as a booktuber and I produce book rated videos I'm never going to show you clothing that isn't book rated that's just the way that I see my channel that's the way that I want to run my channel and everyone is able to run their Channel however they like again that's just my personal preference but if I made a name for myself on this community and I made 300 book rated videos and then I post a video on a completely unrelated topic that's clearly sponsored in my opinion that looks like it's less about me giving you guys the opportunity to bring something of Interest into your life and more about me making a QuickBook which kind of leads me to my next point of this video which is talking about the negatives of sponsored videos because obviously with every positive in the world there are some negatives that need to be addressed first off I think it is super wrong if you're making a sponsored video and you don't make that clear to your viewers although I personally encourage sponsored videos and think they're a a great accessory to all YouTube communities there are still stigmas about YouTubers who get paid and I think withholding that information from your viewers to avoid that backlash is really really wrong again it's illegal to do this anyway so like by moral obligation you should be telling people that it's sponsored it just kind of feels like lying to me like I trust all of the YouTubers that I watch but if you're pushing a book on to me and I later find out that you were paid to like that book it's going to make me question how genuine your opinions are so if you are receiving funds to create and upload a video to YouTube with that opportunity com the responsibility to be honest with your viewers about the real intentions and situations surrounding that video speaking of honesty I hate not even have to discuss this but it is super super wrong of you to accept money for a video that is based on false opinions where you're telling somebody you loved something when you really didn't like it just for the money that right there is outright lying to your impressionable audience in day one of reviewing 101 you should already know that you should never lie in a review of any sort that completely breaks the trust of you and your viewers and I think it's especially Shady if you do it for money bottom line don't lie if your video is sponsored or not not only is it illegal but it's super wrong and also don't lie about your opinions on products that you're being sent just because you're being paid my final thought on sponsored videos on YouTube is probably a little bit more controversial than a lot of the things I've mentioned so far in my personal opinion this is just how I feel about it from being on YouTube since I was 13 years old I personally think that if you're going to accept a sponsored video request it should only be on top topics that have already been discussed on your channel kind of like what I said before I think the main priority of taking up a sponsored video request should be to benefit the interests of your viewers if it is something totally and I mean like completely out of the ballpark unrelated to the content that you producing for all of this time that is given you this large enough following of people with the same interests where you've gotten these opportunities to do sponsored video requests it just doesn't look like you're doing it to benefit your viewers I think it's totally fine if you post book videos but you've also posted makeup videos and then you do like a lip Swatch review for Makeup Company that's totally fine in my opinion and of course everyone on YouTube is able to post whatever content they want nobody's expected to fit into one specific community and if you really want to take out sponsored videos that have nothing to do with your channel to get paid that's fine too I just don't agree with it but in my opinion if you've made a name for yourself as a book cheber by uploading only book related videos for the past 3 years and then all of a sudden you just upload like a sunglasses review that a company sent you and paid you for to me that says I took this opportunity for me not for you and again everyone on YouTube is allowed to take opportunities for themselves that's fine maybe I just care too much for the viewers experience on YouTube that's just me but as a viewer myself which I feel a lot of people forget just because you make book videos doesn't mean that you don't watch book videos every booktuber is also a book viewer I know from my experience that I just absolutely hate watching sponsored videos that were created for nothing more than a few more numbers in that YouTuber's bank account so that is really it for my thoughts on sponsored videos on book I really hope you guys learned something from this video and and maybe gained a little bit of clarification you didn't have before that opens up your mind and allows you to see things from a different perspective I would love to hear your opinions on sponsored videos on YouTube I have been so excited to make this video I've been buzzing until the point that I could film it cuz I'm so excited to discuss this topic with you guys because I feel that everyone has such an individual opinion on it and I just I want more points of view I want more discussion I want to know what I can do better and what can benefit the community I'm just I'm so excited to talk about this with you guys but that is it for this video thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new video byehey what's up hello my name is Emma and today we're going to be talking about something that is quite a controversial Topic in our community that is sponsored videos throughout my internet travels I've come across a lot of generalizations and misconceptions about sponsored videos on book so I just wanted to make a video talking about this topic and kind of putting in my own two cents this video was a combination of a little bit of research I did as well as my experience on book Tu whether that be me as a viewer of book Tu who is watching all of these sponsored videos or as a content creator that is actually making these videos I'd like the first part of this video to clarify some definitions for you guys so that we're all on the same page as to what we're actually talking about so I left some articles and videos that have really helped me out with understanding the whole concept of sponsored videos if you guys would like to check them out all of those references are going to be in the description of this video so let's just start right off the bat with those definitions now first before we go into that I do want to leave a little disclaimer here I'm not a business major I've never taken a business class in my life I really don't know anything about advertising or anything of that sort other than the research I've done for this video specifically I am a 20-year-old girl who just looked this stuff up on the internet and interpreted it so if something like a little tiny detail is a little bit wrong don't crucify me we all make mistakes this is just my interpretation of the research that I've done it's for that reason that I've left all of those references below because that is where you're going to get the professionals expertise and not just how I'm interpreting it so if you're kind of curious as to what I'm really talking about you might want to check out some of those references the first definition I want to make known is editorial content which is what you guys are watching right now editorial content is the everyday YouTube videos blog posts and articles that you read that are created in order to express the publisher of that contents thoughts and opinions so this video is not sponsored in any way there's no influence as to why I'm making this video other than the fact that I want to then we move on to Native advertising which is a promotional ad that blends into the nature of the Publisher's normal content in order to convince the viewers or audience of something I don't know if this is for sure this is just how I view things I feel like this is the type of videos that we see on book because the reason that Publishers send all of these booktubers new books is because we want to convince you to read them am I right just as another little disclaimer that I feel is appropriate to put into here I only ever created two sponsored videos on this channel in those videos I make it very clear that it's sponsored by saying this video is sponsored by and including another little disclaimer in the description but it was still a book rated video that was posted in nearly identical format to the rest of my videos so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of you didn't even pick up on that at the time in those videos I was compensated by a company to suggest that you guys maybe go out and read this new book or check out this new service while not disrupting your viewing experience by introducing something completely out of the ordinary and that's what I feel makes it native advertising so book hauls and tags and other videos that booktubers are paid to produce kind of fit into this umbrella that is native advertising because it still fits in line with all the other videos that you're normally seeing from them so then we move on to the words sponsored content cuz that is something individual in itself and while it is very very difficult like there's a very fine line in between native advertising and sponsored content sponsored content is more focused on informing viewers or the audience rather than convincing them of something what really sets it apart for me is that these types of ads are created mostly by the brand provider and then posted to the editorial content Creator's audience to inform you guys of something the best way I can really distinguish between native advertising which is what you normally see on book and sponsored content is the times when you're like scrolling on your Facebook feed and there's a little ad in the corner for you to click off site and go to someone else's website that's really what sponsored content is you probably just watch sponsored content before this video because a company is paying YouTube to display their ad before my video to inform you of something now while in need of advertising and sponsored content are two forms of sponsorship the last definition I want to provide you with is sponsor because I feel like that's the one people get the most confused about the verb to sponsor means to provide funds for so that means anytime somebody tells you that a video or a piece of information on the Internet is sponsored they are getting money in exchange for posting that content it's really disappointing to see so many people assume that whenever a booktuber hauls a bunch of books that were sent in them by the publisher or maybe do an unboxing for a book subscription service that they're getting paid for it but a lot of times that's not the case not only is a general YouTube etiquette and it's also mostly required by anyone who is sponsoring a video it also goes in line with the Federal Trade commissions that you need to explain when a video is sponsored so generally if you're watching a respectable YouTuber who also follows legal guidelines they're going to tell you if the video is sponsored if they don't say it's sponsored hopefully it's just their own thought thoughts and opinions so whether you're watching like a book haul or unboxing and somebody doesn't say this video is sponsored by and they say I was sent this book or Box by It generally means that they were provided with the product that you're being shown but they weren't paid to show it to you so now that we have distinguished the line between native advertising and editorial content and sponsored content and what a sponsored video actually is let's stop assuming that every single time a booktuber posts the video where they're hauling books that Publishers have spent them that they only produce sponsored videos it's just really upsetting to me to watch the people that I love in this community get misjudged because people aren't aware of what actually consists of a sponsorship and that's why I'm making this video for you guys to give you a real life example of this misjudgment this wasn't like a nasty comment whatsoever this girl was really really sweet about the situation on my had to have the perfect reading Marathon video where I showed you a bunch of different items I was sent by red bubble that I wasn't paid to make I was just sent the items someone commented that even though they don't really enjoy sponsored videos normally they really enjoyed mine and while this viewer was completely understanding when I politely corrected her and told her that it wasn't sponsored that I was just sent the items it's these types of situations that I want us to avoid on YouTube because we all have the capability to be well informed so with this very basic but also very long explanation of the different types of advertising on YouTube let's talk a little bit about how it plays into our community and how I personally feel about it as not only a viewer of book but an actual booktuber who is making some of these videos I think sponsored videos can be a great asset to our community I can tell you from a Content Creator's point of view it is not easy to juggle school and work and friends and hobbies and social life and actual reading for us booktubers here and also making quality videos the more income a YouTuber has the more they're able to experiment with new things and try new videos and buy better equipment now I personally I don't really care for like the subscriber number I don't have any subscriber goals and I never really will but if I have like a long-term goal for YouTube It's to have it be considered like a stable form of income that I can dedicate solely to making videos so whether that means that I receive money from sponsored videos or from Google ads s which is the easiest way to make money on YouTube but not the most amount of money through this experience of being a YouTuber my goal is to get enough money back that I can put it back into these videos and make better quality videos for you guys it's not that I want YouTube to be a job it's that I want to get enough back from it that I can put more into it it's like a give and take situation if that makes sense like I have a million ideas for artsy videos and skits and parities and just general cool videos that I physically cannot produce because I don't have the finances for it nor do I have the time in my day cuz I'm spending so much time working so I think if a booktuber is able to gain more income through YouTube and then put those funds back into their videos it's a win-win situation for everyone Also let's just take a step back and just think about all of the influence your favorite booktubers have had on you think about how many books you've read and bought because they talked about them on their Channel or how many different new companies that you found out about through them if viewers are truly getting something out of your videos whether it's a new novel to try or a new website to check out that may be of interest to them I see absolutely no problem with sponsored videos cuz they benefit you guys and me as well cuz I'm a book viewer and I found a lot of stuff that I really like from sponsored videos and that being said that's also the main reason that I would ever take up a sponsored video request as a YouTuber my priority is making videos that I enjoy as well as you will enjoy I will never accept books to review or comedy to shout out unless I feel that you guys can truly benefit from them that's just the way that I see this whole YouTube viewer experience kind of thing for example I get a lot of emails from clothing companies that I've like never heard of that are like hey we'll give you credit to our store and you can buy a bunch of clothes so that you can a haul and then will'll also pay you for it but I don't take those up because I'm not a fashion YouTuber and you know what some of you may benefit from that video maybe there's people watching right now that love clothes I know I love clothes and I might show something in that haul that's of interest to you but because I have made a name for myself as a booktuber and I produce book rated videos I'm never going to show you clothing that isn't book rated that's just the way that I see my channel that's the way that I want to run my channel and everyone is able to run their Channel however they like again that's just my personal preference but if I made a name for myself on this community and I made 300 book rated videos and then I post a video on a completely unrelated topic that's clearly sponsored in my opinion that looks like it's less about me giving you guys the opportunity to bring something of Interest into your life and more about me making a QuickBook which kind of leads me to my next point of this video which is talking about the negatives of sponsored videos because obviously with every positive in the world there are some negatives that need to be addressed first off I think it is super wrong if you're making a sponsored video and you don't make that clear to your viewers although I personally encourage sponsored videos and think they're a a great accessory to all YouTube communities there are still stigmas about YouTubers who get paid and I think withholding that information from your viewers to avoid that backlash is really really wrong again it's illegal to do this anyway so like by moral obligation you should be telling people that it's sponsored it just kind of feels like lying to me like I trust all of the YouTubers that I watch but if you're pushing a book on to me and I later find out that you were paid to like that book it's going to make me question how genuine your opinions are so if you are receiving funds to create and upload a video to YouTube with that opportunity com the responsibility to be honest with your viewers about the real intentions and situations surrounding that video speaking of honesty I hate not even have to discuss this but it is super super wrong of you to accept money for a video that is based on false opinions where you're telling somebody you loved something when you really didn't like it just for the money that right there is outright lying to your impressionable audience in day one of reviewing 101 you should already know that you should never lie in a review of any sort that completely breaks the trust of you and your viewers and I think it's especially Shady if you do it for money bottom line don't lie if your video is sponsored or not not only is it illegal but it's super wrong and also don't lie about your opinions on products that you're being sent just because you're being paid my final thought on sponsored videos on YouTube is probably a little bit more controversial than a lot of the things I've mentioned so far in my personal opinion this is just how I feel about it from being on YouTube since I was 13 years old I personally think that if you're going to accept a sponsored video request it should only be on top topics that have already been discussed on your channel kind of like what I said before I think the main priority of taking up a sponsored video request should be to benefit the interests of your viewers if it is something totally and I mean like completely out of the ballpark unrelated to the content that you producing for all of this time that is given you this large enough following of people with the same interests where you've gotten these opportunities to do sponsored video requests it just doesn't look like you're doing it to benefit your viewers I think it's totally fine if you post book videos but you've also posted makeup videos and then you do like a lip Swatch review for Makeup Company that's totally fine in my opinion and of course everyone on YouTube is able to post whatever content they want nobody's expected to fit into one specific community and if you really want to take out sponsored videos that have nothing to do with your channel to get paid that's fine too I just don't agree with it but in my opinion if you've made a name for yourself as a book cheber by uploading only book related videos for the past 3 years and then all of a sudden you just upload like a sunglasses review that a company sent you and paid you for to me that says I took this opportunity for me not for you and again everyone on YouTube is allowed to take opportunities for themselves that's fine maybe I just care too much for the viewers experience on YouTube that's just me but as a viewer myself which I feel a lot of people forget just because you make book videos doesn't mean that you don't watch book videos every booktuber is also a book viewer I know from my experience that I just absolutely hate watching sponsored videos that were created for nothing more than a few more numbers in that YouTuber's bank account so that is really it for my thoughts on sponsored videos on book I really hope you guys learned something from this video and and maybe gained a little bit of clarification you didn't have before that opens up your mind and allows you to see things from a different perspective I would love to hear your opinions on sponsored videos on YouTube I have been so excited to make this video I've been buzzing until the point that I could film it cuz I'm so excited to discuss this topic with you guys because I feel that everyone has such an individual opinion on it and I just I want more points of view I want more discussion I want to know what I can do better and what can benefit the community I'm just I'm so excited to talk about this with you guys but that is it for this video thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new video bye\n"