PS4 Pro - Does It Suck
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The PS4 Pro: A Mid-Range Console Worth Considering
It's not every day there's a new PlayStation, it's not every day there's a new console. Well, this one, it's not exactly a new console, it's kind of like a mid-way sort of new console. It's the pro, and if you know me I gotta buy anything that has pro in the name 'cause I'm a professional.
This is the PS4 Pro and you're probably wondering how it stacks up against its predecessors.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enIt's not every day there's a newPlaystation, it's not every day there's anew console. Well, this, it's not exactly a newconsole, it's kind of like a mid-way sort ofnew console. It's the pro, and if you knowme I gotta buy anything that has pro inthe name 'cause I'm a professional.This is the PS4 Pro and you're probablywondering \"Why does it have that promoniker? What's so special about thisthing?\" It just came out. First thing, andprobably most importantly, this is now a4k gaming console. Now, that's not goingto matter to everybody right awaybecause not everybody has a 4k TV ordisplay that they're gonna hook this up to, butI love pixels! If I could get moreresolution, of course that's what I wantand this is the way to do it. Now, the PCpeople, the PC gamers are out there are like\"Well, excuse me?\"\"Yeah, whatever resolution you want withsome fat graphics cards\" It's true, but aguy like me likes to sit back on thecouch sometimes, controller in hand,super relaxed. I'll put the game on mutelittle NBA 2K17 on mute, with thepodcast running on the side.Let's get inside. I'm noticing that thecontents of the box are listed over here.Looks like all the cables you're goingto need are included. Spectaculargraphics. If you don't have a 4k display,you still might see some minorimprovements on a 1080p display, youmight get a few more lines of verticalresolution, may be slightly bettergraphics, a more natural appearance thething has more horsepower, sotheoretically even on a 1080p screen, there'sgoing to be some improvements. Supportfor faster frame rates as well. This willstream 4k video from Netflix as well asYouTube. Unbox Therapy, one of the firstshows in the world to be fully 4k.Alright, you can tell I'm excited.Here we go. It's the old box inside thebox trick. Slides right out...There's also some other things that havebeen improved here for one, it's got oneterabyte drive in it now, one terabyte ofstorage, and it's also got extra USBcharging capacity.Ooh, look how they did that, that's a nice littletouch, Jack! The symbols from thecontroller, those are the feet that thesystem stands on. Some attitude there,that's cool. It adds a USB port to the back, sonow there's a third one, two on the front,one in the back. Your LAN port for wiredconnectivity if you choose to get thosesweet speeds. There's also digitaloptical audio out. There's this auxiliaryport here for accessories and then theHDMI out, and I like how the powerconnector is recessed in here. Two moreUSBs, these are the main ones that peopleuse, the buttons,I like this, I like that they did this.So, I've had a number of differentPlayStation 4s but what they've donehere now, is the power switch is over onthis side, and the eject switch is overhere. It's tougher to mistake one for theother which happens all the timeespecially with new people that areusing your PlayStation, maybe they're XBOXusers, they come over they're just slammingthose buttons getting the wrong results.You can tell, you see them stacked up, I mean the designaesthetic is pretty similar. The pro is alittle bit wider this way, it's a tinybit taller and the depth is roughly thesame. It's got a little bit morehorsepower, it's a little bit larger insize. An HDMI cable, this is clutch. You'vealso got the very basic chat headset. It'sto get you started, I recommend somethingbetter than this.It's also the new controller which Ihaven't seen this one yet.You can now see the light bar from thefront so- essentially the same. There'salso a micro USB cable and that's aboutit. So, the unboxing experience is verysimilar to the stock PlayStation, butyou're the one that knows you've got a pro.This also is going to enable someimprovements for PlayStation VR. Some ofthose similar enhancements that youmight have gotten on a 1080p displaywill also apply to the PS VR headset.You're going to get slightly smoothergraphics enabled by the greaterhorsepower of the pro unit. Theoreticallyyou'll have a better PS VR experience.Smoother graphics and more potential,higher frame rates potentially, it'salmost like a PC-style upgrade where;same platform plays all the same gamesbut can just do so at a slightly moreoptimal scenario. There's a long list of gamesthat will see improvements on thePlayStation 4 pro. So, a quick note about4k resolutions in the PS4 pro, just makesure that your display or TV supports 4kat 60 Hertz to get the most out of this.Now, most newertelevisions do, but it's something tocheck up on before you invest in thissystem and hope to get a beautiful 4ksignal. So there you have it, PS4 pro.Should you buy it? Does it suck? No.I think- I think this is a cool step in theright direction.I think if you're on an old model and anold TV, it's probably a little too muchof a step because then you got to get a4k display to really take advantage ofit and the system itself, but if youdon't have a PlayStation, yeah you'relooking for something to do this holidayseason maybe you're a parent, I say step upto the pro, future-proof yourself alittle bit so you're ready when you doget that 4k display and if you alreadyhave a 4k display, then come on man!Get yourself some extra pixels! Candy foryour eyeballs!\n"