AirPods Update: My Experience with the Latest Version
I've had my AirPods for over a week now, and I have to say, they're quite the experience. As someone who loves making fun of products on social media, I figured it would be entertaining to poke fun at them – but also keep in mind that not everyone might share my concerns. One of the biggest issues I've noticed with AirPods is that they don't stay well in my ears. They do work fine when I'm doing simple activities like listening to music or taking a phone call, but as soon as things get more complicated, like editing on my MacBook, they fall out. I know this isn't an issue for everyone, and some people have told me that they've never had any problems with AirPods staying in their ears.
Another major flaw of mine is the slight lag that occurs when using Bluetooth headphones to edit audio on my MacBook. It's not a huge problem, but it does make a difference when I'm trying to stay on beat while editing music. The lag can be frustrating, especially when working with precision. However, I do have to give credit where credit is due – AirPods are quick to connect to both my iPhone and MacBook. This convenience factor makes up for the issues I've mentioned.
One of the things that surprised me about AirPods was how excited they made me feel. As someone who's used Bose headphones for years, it's been a while since I've had a new pair of expensive headphones that truly impressed me. But when I saw that AirPods were finally back in stock at the Bose outlet, I knew I had to give them a try. The first thing that struck me about these earbuds was how they fit over my ears – unlike some other headphones that can be uncomfortable and even give me headaches. Instead of the usual feeling of claustrophobia, AirPods actually feel like they were made for me.
I've also noticed that AirPods are incredibly small and compact. I love that they don't have cords to worry about, which makes them so easy to carry around in my bag or backpack. The only thing I wish I could do is charge them more easily – right now, they come with a Lightning cable, which can be inconvenient at times.
In terms of design, AirPods are absolutely sleek and stylish. Their compact size is one of the things that makes me love them so much. It's also easy to throw them into my bag without worrying about anything else getting in the way. Plus, they're just so cool – I feel like I'm using a piece of technology from the future.
Overall, my experience with AirPods has been mixed, but ultimately positive. While there are some downsides, such as their tendency to fall out when I edit audio or their slight lag on Bluetooth connections, the convenience factor and design make up for these issues in my eyes.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys, how's it going? So I wanted togive you an air pods update. I've had themfor over a week now I have a lot ofcomplaints especially on twitter becauseI was kind of just making fun of themfor the sake of making fun of thembecause they're so easy to make fun ofbut all things considered they don'tstay that well in my ears but they dostay well enough if I'm not doinganything super super crazy I made avideo talking about air pods on theplane which was basically only a 30second clip inside of a 20-minute vlogand people got very upset about it. I'msorry I wanted you to see the vlog so Ihad a title it's something that I knowyou would click. But this video I promise youis only about the air pods but also Iwill feature a couple other headphonesthat i'm currently using. What I likemost about these is how quick theyconnect to my iphone and to my mac so themain downfall for me with these isobviously the huge one that they don'tsay that well in my ears but I think that'sa me problem, it's not an everyone problembecause of my complaining on Twitterbunch of people said I don't have thatproblem i'm able to work out i'm able todo things that I normally would with anypair of headphones and they do not fallout so it really is a case-by-case issue.A huge huge major flaw for me is becausethey are bluetooth there is a slight lagin audio what i'm using my macbook and i'mediting. Now this isn't just air pods,this is a bluetooth issue. There is thatsmall bit of lag, so if I'm editing somethingthat I need to be editing to music Ican't use these. There's absolutely noway because the beat will be off and themusic that I'm singing to is not whatI'm actually hearing so when I am using theseand i'm editing to music I have toactually use the waveforms so that I knowwhere the beat is so that I can edit andmake the cuts there because I can't relyon what I'm actually hearing and editingto because it's not gonna match up.I am very excited though because theseheadphones I think have beendiscontinued for a really long time fromBose. This is one of the first pairs ofexpensive headphones that I'd everpurchased years and years and years agobut, since then, they were broken and I couldn'tfind them anywhere they didn't have themonline. I didn't want to get a used pairoff ebay. I went to the Bose outlet and Isaw that they had these and I was like(GASP)What I like about these is they go overyour ears for whatever reason when Ihave headphones that are really big andover top of my ears they end up giving me aheadache or even the kinds that have likethe little holes in them that go over topof my ears. I just don't like it actuallyif i'm editing and doing something for alot of time I just can't have that on myhead. So these are one of the only pairsof headphones that ever really workedfor me and I didn't want to getbluetooth ones because I can't deal withthe lag so these ones are the wiredversion. So this is what i'm gonna beusing to edit when I need to have thingsplugged in. But if this is too big tocarry, these are Bose sport version whichI don't like as much but I did have tochange out these ear tips to anotherpair that I found on amazon. They werejust the replacement ones. I think Bosehas changed something in the last likeyear or two because these are not thesame sounding as they used to be. I feel likethe sound quality when I first got apair of these maybe 3-4 years ago it wasso much better and they stayed better inmy ears so they definitely changedsomething and I'm not sure what it wasif any of you guys know let me know inthe comments. It could be because theymade these ones water-resistant andthat's really the only thing that I canthink of. But I do like that they have amicrophone built-in so I do a lot ofphone calls and conference calls sothese are the earpods to come with theiphone 7 and I basically just kind ofcarry these around as a backup becausethere's been times where I needheadphones and I don't have them and Idon't have my dongle so these always docome to the rescue.They also don't stay in my ears verywell but they do stay well enough that Ican listen to music or if i'm editing Ican't use these because it's a lightningcable and I have nowhere to plug this in.Good thinking Apple. Good thinking!So, all-in-all AirPods. The top things that Ilike is there super small the design ofthis little thing is just so compact andso cool that I haven't even had tocharge these since I got them. And that's itthey just they just go in it'sautomatically connecting to my phone.They're so easy I don't even have tothink about anything. It's just magic. Itreally does feel like magic. I can justthrow these into my bag.It's super-small, don't have to worry about cords.Don't have to really worry about anything exceptlosing them. The big downfall, like I said,is they don't stay very well in my earsand a little bit of lag when I connect themto my computer and I'm editing. You alsocan connect these to an Android or anyother device that does have bluetoothbut you do have to actually set it upand make any changes using your iPhoneBut as long as you have bluetooth you're ableto pair these and use them on any otherdevice. So that's pretty cool!I'd be interested to hear how these workout for you guys like I said especiallyon twitter I heard a lot of people saythat they didn't work for them but thena lot of people were saying they wereperfectly fine for me so I don't knowwhy you're complaining and I wasn'treally complaining, again I was justpoking fun because it's it's so easy to.I do really like them. I mean this, these are myheadphones right here in this littletiny thing. I don't have to worry about cords.I don't have to worry about the cases I do haveto worry about charging it and I justwish I wish so muchthis was USB-C, because now basicallyeverything is USB-C and... except the iPhone 7's.The iPhone 7S is gonna have to be a USB-C.Like if it's not, I'm gonna throw a fit.I'm going to throw an absolute fit.It'll be a great youtube video but it's afit that I don't want to have to throw.All right guys, I'm gonna let you go. I justwanted to give you a quick update on whatI thought about the air pods and...yeah that's all. Cool. See you guys later!Bye!Just bring the box. Just buy the whole box.You might need a couple extra cause maybe some extra peoplewill come homeoh yeah get the napkins too, Bri.Get those napkinsyou gotta get this big serving platteryeah you gotta get this big bowl for the pretzels!\n"