Here is the reorganized content:
**Setting Up Streamlabs OBS**
Now, let's start setting up Streamlabs OBS. The first option is the Output settings, and it's pretty straightforward to explain. You can select any of these options, but we're going to choose the most efficient one.
Next, you have the KeyFrame Interval, and it's a bit complicated to explain, so I'll just tell you that you can set it to zero for now. Streamlabs OBS will automatically select the right setting. Then, the next thing is the Preset, which you should select Quality or Max Quality. This is pretty efficient, but if you run into performance issues, you might want to make this higher and set it to Quality.
Now, let's talk about the Profile. You can just set this to High, then disable Look ahead, enable Psycho Visual Tuning, set your GPU to zero, and set your Max B Frames to two. Now, let's click on Done.
**Analyzing Performance**
Right now, you have to analyze if all these settings are good for your computer. If your computer can handle it, that's great! To do that, click on Control + Shift + Escape, and then click on Performance right here, which is the second tab. Then, right here, you can see your processing power and your GPU.
While this window is open, just go to Streamlabs OBS, click on record, go to your game, play a bit, and then just Alt + Tab out, disable the recording, and then just go back to here. Then, you can analyze how everything went, how high your CPU usage was, your GPU usage. If your CPU usage was like 90 or 100, or you even felt lags, you can go back to the output settings and make some adjustments.
**Adjusting Settings**
Okay, a quick note: I did forget to record something, so I'm recording it right now. For those who don't have an NVIDIA graphics card or the ones who have a really old card and do not have Hardware NVENC, then you should select software x264 right here.
The next thing is the rate control; you should set this to CRF. This is the same as the CQP setting which we used in the Hardware NVENC setting, so right here it's called CRF and you should also select a quality right here between 15 and 25. Let's just set this to 17 for now.
**CPU Usage Preset**
The next thing is the CPU Usage Preset; this is also very important one. Now, right here let's click on it, and we see it goes from ultrafast to very slow and then placebo. Okay, so the slower you go right here, the more to the bottom, the higher the CPU usage will be.
**Final Settings**
Now that we've adjusted everything, let's start our game! If your game is lagging, or your PC can't handle it, then you can make some adjustments to the CRF setting and the CPU usage setting. You should play with these two settings to adjust them to how strong your computer is.
That's everything for now! If you want more guides about setting up your stream, making it better, and growing as an online content creator, make sure to subscribe to this channel because this channel will be just perfect for you.
If you want to engage with like-minded people, you can join the Discord, which I will link on top of this description. Everyone is friendly, everyone is willing to help each other, so make sure to check it out!
I have nothing left to say. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in my next video! Have a good day!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- In this video, I will show you howto set up Streamlabs OBSto record smooth, highquality gaming footagefor your montages,commentaries, et cetera.(light music)What's up everyone, Jellehere with The Video Nerd,and welcome to thisStreamlabs OBS master course.Setting up StreamlabsOBS for recording is notas difficult as settingit up for streaming.First of all, you will needto download Streamlabs OBSif you haven't already.So go to the link in the descriptionto download Streamlabs OBS.Just download it, installit, and then let's start.So right here we are in Streamlabs OBSand for those who are notfamiliar with the program,a really quick overview.On the left we have the scenesand they work like foldersthat hold these sources in the middle.Now on the right, we haveall the audio settings,but for just recording gaming footage,the audio is very easy,it's just your PC audio.So let's do that first,click on the settings iconthen go to Audio, and then right thereas your Desktop Audio Device 1,you should just select Defaultand then your gamingsound will be importedinto Streamlabs OBS.Now, if you're on Discord forexample, with your friendsand you're talking to them tooand you want that to berecorded, then you can do that,and the Discord friends willautomatically be recordedbecause they are PC audio.You are hearing them soit's the audio from your PCand that's coming in into Streamlabs OBSthrough the default setting right here.The only thing you will not be recordingis you talking to them,so to do that just selectyour microphone, right hereas your Mic/Auxiliary Device 1.Right now my headset isn'tconnected so I can't find itbut your microphone should be right here,okay, click on Done.And before going to theactual visual settings,we will first make surethat we can see our game.So in these scenes let's make a new sceneand then just call it Recording, okay.And then right here in themiddle of these sources,we will import our gaming footageso let's click on the plus iconand click on Game Capture.And then it asks me toadd new source instead.Now if you don't get thisoption, don't bother,if you get this option, just enable itand make a new one for now.Okay, so let's just call it game capture.Okay, click on Add Source,and then right, here we get the optionto capture any full screen application.Now if the game that you arerecording isn't full screenor you just want to add a specific gameand you do not want to captureother games accidentallyfor some reason, then you can just clickon Capture specific windowand then you can chooseyour game right here.So I will just select Overwatch,it's not visible because I have to scrolland sometimes it's not that clearso make sure if you don't find your gameto scroll a bit.And then right here it is, Overwatch.Okay, let's click on Done,and then right here, Idid import Overwatch.Now let's right-click it right hereor in the sources, it doesn't matter.Then go to Transform andthen click Fit to Screen.So right here it is, it'sready to be recorded.And on the right, andyou make sure you can seethat my desktop audio is movingbecause that's my gaming soundso everything is working.Now let's click on thegear icon right hearto go into the settingsand then first all let'sgo to the Video tab.Right here, your Base Canvas Resolution,here, you should selectthe native resolutionof your monitor.For me it's 1440p, maybe1080p for you, I don't know,select your highest right here.Then as your Output Scaled Resolution,you can choose right here,it's probably safe to just record in 1080pbut if you have a higher quality monitorwith a higher resolutionand you want really crisp game recordings,then you can select a higherresolution right here.I can select 1440p, but for this tutorial,I'll just select 1080pbecause that's what mostpeople will be using.Then as your Downscalefilter, just select Lanczos,no discussion about that.As your FPS type, Common FPS Valuesand then you can chooseyour FPS right here,and I highly recommend you to select 60because for gaming it's much smootherand I mean, 30 FPS whengaming looks really bad,so select 60 right here.Then the most importanttab is the Output tab,right here you get the options streaming,recording, audio, et cetera.Make sure you are in theadvanced mode right here on top,and then click on Recording.First of all you canselect a recording path,so just click on Browse,choose wherever you wanna save it,select map and it's okay.Then generate file name without space,this is useful in some scenariosfor compatibility withcertain programs, et cetera,but, you can just enable this.Then the recording formathere, you should select mp4.Now right here, you havethe option to selector de-select certain audio tracksand for this I need toexplain something elsethat's very useful, so do not skip this.Click on Done, then click onthe gear icon next to the mixerand right here you seeall your audio sourcesand here you see all the channels.So right now if everything is selected,you will just have all youraudio sent to all the channelsbut if you want to edityour footage afterwardsand you want to cut the voiceor cut the gaming sound,if you want to edit them separately,you need to send themto different channelsso desktop audio is my gaming footageso I can just de-selecteverything except channel one,and then right here for my microphone,there are two that are connected,but let's say I'm usingmy headset microphonewhich is the third one,I can just send that one to channel two,and then I'm not using thisMicrophone High Definitionso I can delete itor I can just de-selecteverything like thisso it will be sent to no channel.So now my gaming soundis sent to channel oneand the audio from my headphonesis sent to channel two.So in your editing program,underneath your video, youwill also see two channels,one for your gamingfootage, one for your voice,so that's very easy to work with.Let's close this and goback to the settings.Okay, the Output tab, then goto the Recording tab again.If you have your desktop audio on oneand your microphone ontwo, de-select everything,because otherwise if you're importing thisinto your editing program,it will add seven audio trackson the bottom of your clip.You can just delete them,but for ease of use,you don't need the other ones,so select only the onesthat are active right here.And then the next option righthere is an important one.If you have an NVIDIA graphics card,go for Hardware NVENC (New),it will be the best one in most scenarios.If you don't have the option,if you don't have an NVIDIA graphics cardor it's a very old one,then you can go for software x264.When selecting Software x264you are using your processorto do all the encoding of the video.If you are selecting HardwareNVENC if it's available,then your graphics card willbe handling the encodingand that will be much more efficient.So since most people willbe using Hardware NVENC,I will be explaining that one firstand afterwards I will go overthe software x264 settingsbecause they are not much different.Okay, let's scroll a bit downand then right here the Rate Control,we should set this to CQP.When selecting CBR, whichstands for constant bit rate,you will be recording a setamount of data each second.Now, this is used when streamingso you can control the about of datathat's being sent toyour stream each second.Now, for recording, itdoesn't matter that muchso we can choose CQP.This allows us to set a certainquality level to record inand then the whole video willbe in the exact same qualityand Streamlabs OBS will adjusthow much data it records each secondaccording to how much data is neededto reach the certain quality.So when you're streaminggames with little movementlike board games,your data per secondwill be lower comparedto when you would be streamingfirst person shooters.Now the recommended quality settingto set up right here is between 15 and 25,I advise you to select, for example 17,then set up all the other settings,start your game and see ifyour PC cam handle that.If it can't handle it, go to 18, 19, 20because the higher you go,the lower the quality will be,the lower you go, the higher the quality.So let's set this to 17and then afterwards you can adjust this.Now the next option isthe KeyFrame Interval,and it's pretty complicated to explainso I will not bother you withthat, you can just select zeroand Streamlabs OBS willselect it automatically.Then the next thing,the Preset right here,you should select Quality or Max Quality.This is pretty efficientso you probably can select Max Qualitybut if you run into performance issues,you should make this higherand maybe set this to Quality,okay, so I will set it to Max Quality.And then the Profile, youcan just set this to High,then you disable Look ahead,enable Psycho Visual Tuning,set your GPU to zero, andset your Max B Frames to, let's click on Done.And right now you have to analyzeif all these settings aregood for your computer,if your computer can handle it.Now to do that, click onControl + Shift + Escape,and then click on Performance right here,which is the second tab.And then right here,you can see your processingpower and your GPU.Now, while this window isopen, just go to Streamlabs OBSclick on record, go to your game,game a bit, and then just Alt + Tab out,disable the recording, andthen just go back to hereand then you can analyzehow everything went,how high your CPU usagewas, your GPU usage.If your CPU usage was like 90 or 100or you even felt lags,you can go back to the output settings,and then, okay, firstgo to the Recording taband then right here, youcan make this number higher,to 20 for example and maybe setthis Max Quality to Quality,and then do the same thing again'til your system is stable.Okay, a quick note, I didforget to record somethingso I'm recording it right now.For those who don't havean NVIDIA graphics cardor the ones who have a really old cardand do not have Hardware NVENC,then you should selectsoftware x264 right hereand a few of the setting are different.So the rate control, youshould set this to CRF,and this is the same as the CQP settingwhich we used in theHardware NVENC setting,so right here it's called CRFand you should also selecta quality right herebetween 15 and 25.15 being a pretty high quality recording,and 25 being a prettylow quality recording.So let's just set this to 17and I will come back to this laterSo the next, the KeyFrame Interval,you can just leave it atzero to make it automatic.Then the CPU Usage Preset,this is also very important one.Now, right here let's click on itand we see it goes from ultrafastto very slow and then placebo.Okay, so the slower you go right hereso the more to the bottom,the higher the CPU usage will be.The faster we select right here,so ultrafast being the fastest option,this is the lowest quality recordingsso I recommend you set to Very Fast, okay,then the CRF to 17, set up everything,and then start your game.If your game is lagging,your PC can't handle it,then you can make thisCRF setting higher to,for example 20, test it again,if it still doesn'twork, set it to Very Fastto Super Fast, et cetera, you get it.Play with these 2 settings,the CRF setting and the CPU usage setting.You should play with these to adjust itto how strong your computer is.So for me it will besomething like Very Fast17 right here, maybeI could select Faster,but Very Fast is okay.Then for the Profile youshould select High, right here.The Tune, you should not change this,and then this should also be empty.Now the recordings will automatically goto the folder which you selectedright here in the outputrecording, right here on this path.So let's click on Doneand go to that folder.Okay, and right here is the last recordingwhich is the game.So you see, this was the game recordingand it's pretty good.So that's everything.If you want more guidesabout setting up your stream,making it better and growingas an online content creator,then make sure to subscribe to the channelbecause this channel willbe just perfect for you.And if you want to engagewith like-minded people,you can join the Discord,which I will link ontop of this descriptionbecause I'm building up theTV and Discord community.Everyone is friendly,everyone is willing to help each other,so make sure to check it out.I have nothing left to say.Thanks for watching, and Iwill see you in my next video.Have a good day.