**The Power of Dry Ice: Cleaning Cars with a Frozen Twist**
In the world of car enthusiasts, maintaining a clean and pristine vehicle is a top priority. While traditional methods like sandblasting and laser cleaning have been effective, there's a new player in town that's making waves - dry ice. This frozen wonder has been used to remove contaminants, grime, and even surface rust with ease.
So, how does it work? According to the experts at Inglewood Propulsion Laboratory (IPL), dry ice is incredibly cold, reaching temperatures of -109 degrees Fahrenheit. By freezing the contaminated area, the dirt or debris literally "pops off" the surface, leaving a clean slate. The process is surprisingly efficient, with some tests showing results in just seconds.
Another fascinating aspect of dry ice cleaning is expansion. As the solid sublimates (turns directly into a gas), it expands by an astonishing 800 times, creating a mini-explosion on the surface that effectively removes any remaining contaminants.
**A Real-World Demonstration**
Inglewood Propulsion Laboratory put this process to the test on a rusty NSX headlight, comparing the results to traditional methods like sandblasting and laser cleaning. The dry ice method proved surprisingly effective, removing surface rust and leaving the area looking brand new.
While the IPL team found that dry ice cleaning is more suitable for smaller-scale applications or for preserving delicate surfaces, it's clear that this technology has a lot of potential in the world of car maintenance. With its ability to remove contaminants without causing damage, dry ice cleaning might just become the go-to method for many enthusiasts and professionals alike.
The use of dry ice in car cleaning is an innovative approach that offers several benefits over traditional methods. By leveraging the power of this frozen substance, enthusiasts and professionals can achieve impressive results with minimal effort. As technology continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how dry ice cleaning adapts and becomes more accessible to a wider audience.
**Special Thanks**
A big thank you to Matt at R20 Motorsports for allowing the IPL team to test their equipment and share this experience with the world. Be sure to follow him on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for more exciting content!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This is a $50,000 dry ice gunand it can clean justabout any part on your car.That looks great.Now, Justin and I both haveour methods for cleaning gunkoff a car that are certainlycheaper, but are they better?You're sweating.- Yeah.Is this high tech fog machine worth it?Let's find out.(ice crackling)- Thanks to DealDash.com forsponsoring today's video.- Welcome to everybody'sfavorite game show, Price Shock,the game where you guessthe right DealDash.comselling price, or you get shocked.- Wait, no, we don't want to get shocked.(audience laughing)- Well then, don't get this wrong.On DealDash.com, how muchdid user agambrel1211 bidto win this $4,000 Schultz TV?- I'll say $3,000.(buzzer sounds)- Oh, final bid was $591.(Nolgang shouts)(electricity buzzes)Shocking, isn't it.- Do I gotta play this?- DealDash is where deals come true.Operating for more than 10years, it's the longest-runningand most trusted pay-to-bidauction site on the internet.Now Jobe, how much did user gabe7272 bidto win this $200 Kamikoto chef's knife?- So I guess I'm gonna cutit in half and say $100.- Good guess, Zach,half off is always nice,but DealDash.com cansave you more than that.Final bid, $11, 85 cents.(buzzer sounds)(electricity buzzes)DealDash offers hundreds ofexciting auctions each day,all starting at just $0with free shipping included.Plus you can enjoy a90-day money back guaranteeon your first bid pack purchase.So get some great deals bygoing to dealdash.com/donutor download the app on iOS or Androidto place your first bid today.- Okay, so the absolutecheapest way to do this isto get some degreaser,a brush, and use goodold-fashioned elbow greaseto get this dirt off.- So a bottle of degreaserconcentrate'll cost youyour round $12, that's pretty cheap,a brush, $2, water, should be free.Degreaser may be super simplebut it's actually super scientific.The molecules in degreaser have two sides.One side is hydrophilic,so it sticks to the water.The other side is hydrophobic,so it likes to stick to the oil.So once you scrub and rinse this all off,it takes both things with it.You're gonna wanna wear glovesbecause this stuff is really strong.(cheerful music)- All right, Justin, well, that looks likeit's coming along prettywell, but it looks likea lot of effort and I hate effort.I got a pressure washer andit should be pretty easy.You're sweating.- Yeah.- But I'm gonna be cool as a cucumber.This is my pressure washer.This one costs about 300 bucks.It's a nice little electric unit.You can get them for cheaperthan that, less than $100,but this is what we haveand it should make cleaning a breeze.Not only does a pressurewasher use a lot of pressurebut it uses water, whichgets into nooks and cranniesreally well, so it doesa good job of cleaning,you know, complex contours and surfaces,like we've got on this valve cover,without dispensing any elbow grease.What I'm gonna do is spraythis thing down with degreaserto get a little extra actionand hit it with a pressurewasher, and it should comepretty clean almost instantly.Just throw some eye protection onand pretty much ready to go.You might get a little damp, though.(exuberant music)(camera operator shouts)All right, that took me about 30 seconds,how long do you think you took?- About 10, 15 minutes.- And I didn't break a sweat,although my feet are wet.- Yeah, my forehead's wet.- Let's compare results.Looking pretty dang similar.- Yeah, that looks pretty good.- I would say your nooks andcrannies are a little worsethan mine because thepressure washer's so goodat getting in those little tiny crevices.- Exactly, that that goesto show with more effort,I could have gotten a smaller brushand got all that extra gunk out.- Right, but it is moreeffort and more time.- And I'm lazy.- If you can afford a pressure washer,it seems so far, thatthat's the way to go.(whip cracks)(bell chimes)(explosion bangs)All right now, as far ascleaning actual engine bays goes,degreaser and pressure washersare great for that task.The only thing is you haveto be careful a little bit.You have to take some precautions.Painted surfaces, likeyour paint on your car,doesn't like degreaser.It can cloud up the clearcoat or kind of startflaking it off altogetherand pressure washers,again, use a lot ofpressure and a lot of water.So you wanna be carefulwhat you're spraying.You need to cover up youralternator, cover up your airfilter and try to avoiddirectly spraying anyelectrical components, especiallyany that are in bad shape.And what I hear is thatyou don't have to useany of that caution with a dry ice gun.It's safe for use on painted surfaces.It's safe to use on yourair filter, your alternator,and everything on the car.Let's go blast some fricking ice.(hood snaps)(quick bouncy music)All right, we're here at R20 Motorsportsand this is Matt, the dry ice man.What can you clean with dry ice,what can't you clean on a car?- We can clean metal,we can clean plastic.- Oh wow.- Wiring, almost, youname it, we can clean it.- And that's moreversatile than I expected.- We charge about $250 an hour,so you're in the 250, 300 upto $500 for a car like this.(fast music)(ice sloshing)- All right, so to get usstarted, Matt's gonna show ushow to use this thing on the engine bay.He's gonna go throughand clean some stuff up,probably blow our minds,and then we'll put the caron the lift and Justinand I will take a shotat cleaning some of the parts underneath.Matt, let's see it.(explosion thunders)(fast exciting music)(machine hissing)- I mean, that's back to new.- Golly, that's awesome.- Dry ice cleaninghas three simple properties.The first is impact,so you guys talked about sandblasting.We are doing the same thing.We're flinging a dry iceparticle at the contaminant,trying to remove it off the part.The second thing is cold.So dry ice is -109 degrees Fahrenheit.So literally we try to freeze that partand freeze the material.It literally causes thedirt or the contaminantto pop off the part.And then the last piece is expansion.So dry ice sublimates, itgoes from a solid to a gas,And when it does that,it expands by 800 times.It's like a little miniexplosion on the part.- Fricking rad.All right, let's throwthis thing on the liftand give the underside a shot.Ready to get our shot at this thing.The laser wasn't this friendly,so let's see what we can do.(fast clanking music)- All right, so a lot of German cars comewith a substance on the underneath of 'emand all throughout 'em,really, called cosmoline.It's a waxy substance, andit's really just a protectantfor shipping across the ocean.So it's kind of a grimy, ugly substance.It's all this gold stuff you seeon the heat shields andit's sort of throughout.And the dry ice does a really good jobof taking it off really quickly,which is awesome forsomebody who's a clean freak.So let's see how well it does.We're gonna pick some hot spots,some stuff that'll shine upreal nice, see how it works.So first I'm gonna hit this heresub-frame mount and see how it cleans up.Exciting.(machine hissing)That's pretty cool.And that was quick and this is fun.All right, let's clean some other stuff.(fast music)What?Well, that is bothsatisfying and addicting.That looks brand new, I'm impressed.(fast music)- That's fun, that's a lot of fun.(fast music)It took no time at all.It's just like sand blasting,except it just preserves your materials.It's just removing everythingthat's on top of it.- Okay, so obviouslythis thing cleans really well,but we've been comparing it toa couple different products,the laser and sandblasting,that actually can remove rustby resurfacing whatever the material is.Let's give this thing ashot on a nice rusty rotorand see what it can do.- It may not remove all the rust there.I mean, this is a much softerprocess, made for cleaning,but we can at least getit to a better conditionthan when we started.(leaping music)- Well, sir, I'd say youundersold it a little bit.- I was gonna say the same thing.- Looks amazing and it workedjust as fast as that laser did.- That's a pretty good surface rust.If the rust was probablydeeper in the middle,- Yeah, a little more pitted.it's not gonna do it.The laser's gonna take more off.Sand blasting is gonna take more off.- Well, that's pretty useful.I mean, it does a great job cleaning dirt,gunk and grime, and surface rust.Pretty cool, but at$50,000 for the machineor $250 an hour, versusour elbow grease methods,what do you think?Is it worth it?- For broke car guys like ourselves,It's not really worth it.(deep chords boom)(bell chimes)(explosion bangs)But if you've got something really nicethat you wanna preserve-- Exactly, so when theday comes that I gota flip-up headlight NSX, I'mgonna dry ice the whole thing.(deep chords booming)(static hissing)In case you didn't know,Inglewood PropulsionLaboratory is what we callour shop here in Inglewood.Now I've been testing thishat out for a few months.That's why it's sodirty, but it's working,so we decided to release it.So go to donutmedia.comto get yours today.Right now, go, click it, best hat ever.These coming soon, garagedoor is not for sale.(lyrical music)So if you're the typeof person that does havea really nice car andyou do wanna do this,there's something calledDryce, which is basicallya dealer network, so tospeak, that helps you findsomebody in your area thatdoes this on a level like this.Super big thanks toMatt at R20 Motorsportsfor letting us come check thisout and use his equipment.You can follow him onInstagram at R 20 Motorsports,or TikTok as well, andYouTube, go follow him.And while you're doingthat, you might as wellsubscribe to donut, likethis video, throw somethingin the comments and go followme on Instagram at zachjobe.Follow Justin at justinfreeman.See you guys next time.