I try to teach and inspire people with and about electronics, and I think as long as I do that successfully, I can be happy with the result, and I hope you are looking forward to my new videos in 2022, in which I will hopefully get to complete my quad-copter project.
And with that being said, let's switch over to the house subject. Now first off, I usually do not share private details about my life with my audience because I like to keep those two worlds apart. But due to the house, the way I will be making videos will change quite a bit, and I am also looking for a bit of feedback.
So let me tell you that I found a fitting plot around June/July, which was right around the time the view drop occurred, and that made me double anxious. Because of course when it comes to financing the house and everything around it, I had to get a loan, and if YouTube collapses for me, then I would have to quickly find another job.
Basically, it was the worst timing, but in hindsight, I am happy that I got the plot, and in the end, everything turned out fine somehow. But moving on because the next step was finding a company that specializes in building houses, because I honestly do not have the time or knowledge to do something like this on my own.
After checking out three companies, I decided on one, and right now, most of the planning is done, and I am happy to present to you the layout of the ground floor. Now nobody cares about the living room and so on because there are only two important rooms there.
The first one will be my electronics lab, and the second one will be a 3 by 9m garage, which I am honestly most excited for. I was so excited that I already planned and bought everything for the electrical installation, and that will definitely be a separate video.
Another video will be about setting up the electronics lab, and then I got a couple more topics on my imaginary list like learning how to weld or building a proper solar system for a roof.
And here is where I would love to hear your feedback; what topics would interest you when it comes to house projects because I am ready to do them all, maybe. If I am allowed to.
Another thing where I would love some feedback is time management. You see, I spend around 60 hours on each video, and when the house is complete, I will have to paint all the walls and do some flooring, which will take up a lot of time.
So, I am thinking about reducing the video release schedule to maybe one video every two weeks, which I will hopefully be able to pull off. Of course, I will have to introduce this new release schedule a bit ahead of time so that I can pre-produce some content.
Is that fine with you or are you more like, no, do your 3 videos per month thing, then just do a longer break for the house and then come back. Let me know what you are thinking.
And finally, let's move on to the Q&A segment in which I will answer all the questions that my Patreon supporters asked. First off, from Daniel Banasik who asked: “Hey. I watch your videos for some time now, and I keep wondering – what’s your background? Are you an engineer, are you self-taught?
Obviously, your videos are great, and I just would like to know how did you get into making them?” First off, thank you for the compliment. And I actually started my electronics journey with an apprenticeship as an electronics technician, and then studied at a technical college electrical power engineering, and got my bachelor’s and master’s degree there.
But then again, college or university is great, but you can learn so much more by simply doing projects and learning on your own which I did since I graduated, and I learned so much more about the topic, so I can highly recommend that.