2021 was weird as a YouTube creator, but I bought a House (Big News)

I try to teach and inspire people with and about electronics, and I think as long as I do that successfully, I can be happy with the result, and I hope you are looking forward to my new videos in 2022, in which I will hopefully get to complete my quad-copter project.

And with that being said, let's switch over to the house subject. Now first off, I usually do not share private details about my life with my audience because I like to keep those two worlds apart. But due to the house, the way I will be making videos will change quite a bit, and I am also looking for a bit of feedback.

So let me tell you that I found a fitting plot around June/July, which was right around the time the view drop occurred, and that made me double anxious. Because of course when it comes to financing the house and everything around it, I had to get a loan, and if YouTube collapses for me, then I would have to quickly find another job.

Basically, it was the worst timing, but in hindsight, I am happy that I got the plot, and in the end, everything turned out fine somehow. But moving on because the next step was finding a company that specializes in building houses, because I honestly do not have the time or knowledge to do something like this on my own.

After checking out three companies, I decided on one, and right now, most of the planning is done, and I am happy to present to you the layout of the ground floor. Now nobody cares about the living room and so on because there are only two important rooms there.

The first one will be my electronics lab, and the second one will be a 3 by 9m garage, which I am honestly most excited for. I was so excited that I already planned and bought everything for the electrical installation, and that will definitely be a separate video.

Another video will be about setting up the electronics lab, and then I got a couple more topics on my imaginary list like learning how to weld or building a proper solar system for a roof.

And here is where I would love to hear your feedback; what topics would interest you when it comes to house projects because I am ready to do them all, maybe. If I am allowed to.

Another thing where I would love some feedback is time management. You see, I spend around 60 hours on each video, and when the house is complete, I will have to paint all the walls and do some flooring, which will take up a lot of time.

So, I am thinking about reducing the video release schedule to maybe one video every two weeks, which I will hopefully be able to pull off. Of course, I will have to introduce this new release schedule a bit ahead of time so that I can pre-produce some content.

Is that fine with you or are you more like, no, do your 3 videos per month thing, then just do a longer break for the house and then come back. Let me know what you are thinking.

And finally, let's move on to the Q&A segment in which I will answer all the questions that my Patreon supporters asked. First off, from Daniel Banasik who asked: “Hey. I watch your videos for some time now, and I keep wondering – what’s your background? Are you an engineer, are you self-taught?

Obviously, your videos are great, and I just would like to know how did you get into making them?” First off, thank you for the compliment. And I actually started my electronics journey with an apprenticeship as an electronics technician, and then studied at a technical college electrical power engineering, and got my bachelor’s and master’s degree there.

But then again, college or university is great, but you can learn so much more by simply doing projects and learning on your own which I did since I graduated, and I learned so much more about the topic, so I can highly recommend that.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enSooo 2021 is over and for me is has been acrazy year which is why in this video I wantto sit down for a couple of minutes and talkabout how my video production changed in 2021and how things will move forward in 2022.And no the title you are reading is not clickbaitbut also not completely true because I actuallyonly bought a plot onto which a house willbe constructed in 2022.But you know that title wouldn't have lookedthat good.But anyway here are the main points I wantto talk about in this video and you can choosewhich part you want to watch by simply followingthe time marks in the video description.Before we start though did you notice somethingabout the lighting in here.Yeahh I actually took some time off in orderto install proper aluminium profiles for myLED strips and of course while I was kindof renovating, I also repainted my work bench,sorted all of my electronics components tomake everything look a bit more tidy and alsogot myself a new label maker which will probablybe my new favorite tool in 2022.But anyway let's get back to the main pointsof this video.So let's get started with 2021 has been weirdas a YouTube creator with subtopics like viewdrops, YouTube shorts and clickbait.Now the first half of the year like maybeup to the beginning of June, there was notreally anything special happening.I was working on my videos like usual, theygot watched like usual and I even made twovery popular videos during that time.The first one with right now around 1M viewswas about a PCB printer and the second onewith right now around 2M views was about usinga car alternator to generate electricity.Everything was going on like usual but thenat the beginning of June I noticed that myaverage views per day dropped quite a bit.In hindsight I can say it was around 30%.And when this view drop first started I wasactually quite nervous because you don't knowhow far the views will drop.And since I am a full time webvideo produceror however you want to call it, this was prettyscary.And this drop not only happened for me bythe way.I am in contact with lots of other electronicsYouTubers like EEVBlog, Electroboom and soon and they pretty much all experienced thisphenomenon as well.So someone at YouTube headquarters must haveadjusted the Algorithm so that technologyor educational content does not get promotedthat much anymore.That is at least my theory because even thoughYouTube is from the outside not a very stablesystem, it has been quite stable for me overthe years and this view drop has been prettymuch the first one for me.I think you can see it pretty clearly in thisgraph here how things developed this year.And as another comparison you can see my viewsfor 2020 here and here my views for 2021.Now of course someone out there will say thatmy videos nowadays suck and I deserve lessviews and all that negative stuff.But all I can say to that is that I am veryhappy with my videos and most likely yourvideo demand/taste just changed over the yearsjust like I changed over the years as well.It is normal that such things happen but Ido not think my videos became worse becauseof that and I still have lots of topics andthings I want to make videos about.But anyway I am losing focus here.Another reason why this view drop might haveoccurred is the introduction of YouTube shortswhich you are probably all familiar with.You can find them pretty often in the YouTubetrends nowadays and YouTube is promoting themquite aggressively in order to keep up withInstagram I think.Honestly speaking though I am not a fan ofshorts because I watch YouTube when I wantto enjoy some longer, well made videos andI occasionally also watch Instagram to enjoysome funny short clips which do not have muchof an impact on me besides that I get to knowthe newest music.So I was happy that that there are two separatethings but YouTube wanted a piece of the cakeas well and now I get shorts recommended everywhereon YouTube even though I have no interestin them, brilliant.I actually also tried out making shorts onmy second channel which I very quickly stoppeddoing because if I spent time on making videos,I want to make proper fully fledged GreatScott!videos instead of such snack bit videos.But then again this is all just my opinionand you are free to state your own in thecomment section below.And as a side note I was also doing behindthe scenes videos on my second channel whichI actually also stopped doing because I wassimply loosing interest in documenting myprojects with my phone.I still love sharing behind the scenes picturesthough on my social media, so be sure to followme there.Ok, let's continue with after my views settledon 1.7M in July which relieved me quite abit because even though 1.7M is definitelyless than usual, it is still enough to financemy videos.And since I also got financial support frommy sponsors and Patreon supporters to whichI am very thankful to, I was not so anxiousanymore and thus continued like usual withmy video production.But during the summer I noticed that whatevertopic I tried to tackle, all videos wouldsimply not perform as well as they did before.It was quite frustrating that no matter whatI tried, YouTube always told me that my videowas under performing and by the way this screenright here is terrible for the psyche.So I kept on trying and trying until I watcheda video from Veritasium with the title clickbaitis unreasonably effective.It is a great video which basically says likethe title implies that clickbait is effectiveon YouTube.The reason is the way videos get recommendedto viewers nowadays.As an example If you are a subscriber of minethen you would think YouTube would send everyvideo of mine to your subscription feed butthat is actually not the case unless you rangthe bell on my channel.Only if you showed recent interest in my videos,YouTube is like: “Here is a new GreatScott!video you might enjoy”.But most of the time YouTube recommends myvideos to viewers based on how many peopleclicked on this video before.And what is of course important when it comesto whether you click on a video?Of course, the thumbnail and title and thatis why clickbait is so effective.And apparently this system makes sense forYouTube since it apparently maximizes watchtime which is of course YouTubes goal.But personally I am simply not a fan of usingclickbait because I do not want to trick viewersinto thinking the video subject could be onetopic but then it is a completely differentone.This can often occur with such curiosity gapclickbait.But then again I wanted to change things aroundso I gave it a try during the last half of2021 and all I can say is that is does infact work.I not only put more effort into my thumbnailsbut also the titles of my videos and as youcan see the average views for my new videosdoubled.And as a side not I often ask Patreon supportersfor feedback when it comes to the thumbnails.That means I will basically continue includinga bit of clickbait in my future videos butthen again I will always try to keep it toa fun level instead of a deceiving level.And speaking of deceiving thumbnail, hereis a video from an Indian electronics YouTuberwho won my personal price of worst clickbaitvideo in 2021.The reason is for one that the title and thumbnailis deceiving because no this toy car can notgo anywhere or climb up this tree becauseit can only go up flat even surfaces.And the second reason is that the video styleis very heavily inspired by Mark Rober.It uses the same story line with I built this,let's rewind, here is why I did it and nowlet's make it and it also uses the exact samemusic he uses.Now I do not want to say he stole the videostyle because there is a super tiny probabilitythat this is all just a coincidence.But then again why suddenly adapt this newvideo style along with a super clickbait thumbnailand title.Let's just say I am not a fan and as a creatormyself I see this as an insult to the mediumwe try to create.And here is the big quiz question, how manyviews do you think YouTube reward him withfor this video?It is 5.7M at the moment!Ok, I do not want to talk about it anymoreso let's continue with my own video production.Because at the end of the year I also triedchanging things around in my videos once againby including more engaging and fun scenes.And I think you also noticed by now that Igot a new intro which I did not make by myselfbut instead hired someone from Fiverr.So all in all my videos changed more in thisone year than they did the years before whichsome people will like and other will dislike.But in the end I always try to teach and inspirepeople with and about electronics and I thinkas long as I do that successfully I can behappy with the result and I hope you are lookingforward to my new videos in 2022 in whichI will hopefully get to complete my quad-copterproject.And with that being said let's switch overto the house subject.Now first off I usually do not share privatedetails about my life with my audience becauseI like to keep those two worlds apart.But due to the house the way I will be makingvideos will change quite a bit and I am alsolooking for a bit of feedback.So let me tell you that I found a fittingplot around June/July which was right aroundthe time the view drop occurred and that mademe double anxious.Because of course when it come to financingthe house and everything around it I had toget a loan and if YouTube collapses for methen I would have to quickly find anotherjob.It basically was the worst timing but in hindsightI am happy that I got the plot and in theend everything turned out fine somehow.But moving one because the next step was findinga company that specializes in building housesbecause I honestly do not have the time norknowledge to do something like this on myown.After checking out 3 companies I decided onone and right now most of the planning isdone and I am happy to present to you thelayout of the ground floor.Now nobody cares about the living room andso on because there are only two importantrooms there.The first one will be my electronics lab andthe second one will be a 3 by 9m garage whichI am honestly most excited for.I was so excited that I already planned andbought everything for the electrical installationand that will definitely be a separate video.Another video will be about setting up theelectronics lab and then I got a couple moretopics on my imaginary list like learninghow to weld or building a proper solar systemfor a roof.And here is where I would love to hear yourfeedback; what topics would interest you whenit comes to house projects because I am readyto do them all, maybe, If I am allowed to.Another thing where I would love some feedbackis time management.You see I spend around 60 hours on each videoand when the house is complete I will haveto paint all the walls and do some flooringwhich will take up a lot of time.So I am thinking about reducing the videorelease schedule to maybe one video every2 weeks which I will hopefully be able topull of.Of course I will have to introduce this newrelease schedule a bit ahead of time so thatI can pre produce some content.So is that fine with you or are you more like,no do your 3 videos per month thing, thenjust do a longer break for the house and thencome back.Let me know what you are thinking.And I think that should actually be all theinformation I wanted to share about the house.And finally let's move on to the Q&A segmentin which I will answer all the questions thatmy Patreon supporters asked.First off from Daniel Banasik who asked: “Hey.I watch your videos for some time now andI keep wondering- what’s your background?Are you engineer, are you self taught?Obviously your videos are great and I justwould like to know how did you get into makingthem?“First off, thank you for the compliment.And I actually started my electronics journeywith an apprenticeship as an electronics technicianand then studied at a technical college electricalpower enginneering and got my bachelor andmasters degree there.But then again college or university is greatbut you can learn so much more by simply doingprojects and learning on your own which Idid since I graduated and I learned so muchmore about the topic so I can highly recommendthat.And that is also how I got into making thesevideos.Moving on the next questions which are notquestions at all but instead very nice complimentsfrom my Patrons to which I quickly want toanswer thank you very much.You support is truly appreciated.Ok, next we got a proper question from ESCcrasciwho asks: “What is the best advice thatyou would give to students entering into thefield of electrical/electronic engineering?“I would say try not to get intimidated becausewhen you first make contact with mathematicsall around engineering then most people willback off.But if you stay focused and pull through thenthere will be a point at which everythingjust falls into place and it all makes sense.You can do it.Next question is from George Sorin whose questionI had before in a previous Q&A video and thistime it is a follow up saying that: „Lastyear or 2...I did in a past Q&A a questionregarding the "snubber capcaitors" hoppingthat will solve my problems...but....My problems with my Atmega328 freezing andstuf ware not solve by this.THE solution for my problems came from nowhere, and it was to add *Ferrite beeds* onthe AC cables. and that solved the problem...Now the qustion(s): i am happy the problemis gone but...how is this working?how are those little things filtter so well?and how do you calculate them?“Soo a very interesting development on yourproject.The thing is that I actually already did avideo about EMC in which I also briefly talkedabout ferrite beads so definitely check outthat video to learn more.Now according to my knowledge they are usedto filter out high frequency noise in theMhz region which honestly speaking I didn'tthink was the reason for your problems.But as you can see electronics can be a bitunpredictable sometimes.And when it comes to calculations I wouldsimply refer to the datasheet to get the impedancecurve and use that.And maybe I will find a good demonstrationexample for them in the future and make anexclusive video about them.Who knows?Ok and that brings us to the last questionfrom JukeboxMan who asks: “Since most distributorsin Germany don’t list lead-based solderin their shops anymore, what is your recommendationfor a good lead-free solder?I bought three different kinds but two ofthem are hard to solder and don‘t work forme.The third one is usable and works ok, butit is not as good as the old Sn60Pb40 solderI am used to.“Now I can certainly relate to that questionbecause I also had to look for a new leadfree solder that works for me.But eventually I got this super simple onethat you can get rather cheaply from Amazon.It is of course not as good as lead solderbut it does its job acceptably well.And with that being said all question areanswered and I think you are now familar howthe past year has been for me and how thingswill continue in 2022.If you enjoyed this I don't know story timevideo then feel free to like, share, subscribe,hit the notification and support me on Patreon.The next regular video will come out on Januarythe 16th and I hope you are looking forwardto that.Until then stay creative and I will see younext time