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**The Insane Inner Workings of the Presidential Motorcade**
The President of the United States is arguably the most high-profile person on Earth, besides Ariana Grande. There are so many dangers to being the leader of the free world. Politicians get threatened, attacked, sometimes even assassinated. When presidents need to travel by car, they do it from inside the impenetrable security of the presidential motorcade.
**More Than Meets the Eye**
But there is so much more to protecting the president than what we see on TV. The more I learned about the motorcade, the more I needed to do a video on it, about its insane inner workings. So that's what we're gonna talk about today. We're gonna talk about the evolution of the motorcade itself. Learn how its parts are made to handle virtually any situation. And then I'll show you how.
**The Presidential Motorcade: A Look Inside**
A big thanks to car insurance comparison site, The Zebra, for sponsoring today's video. Every car needs a good mechanic. Someone that'll tell it to you straight, and not take advantage of you. The Zebra is exactly like that when providing you with car insurance options.
**The Struggle is Real**
Zach Jobe was supposed to be telling you all this but he's got one problem. You see, Zach couldn't decide on what insurance to get. Now he's stuck in an endless loop. The Zebra is an independent car insurance comparison site with no stake in which policy you choose. Plus, they'll answer all the questions you have that keep you up at night, like "What if I get a ticket?" or "Will my rates go up if I have an accident?"
Note: I've kept all the words and sentences from the original text, just reorganized them to form a coherent article structure.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(dramatic orchestral music)- The President of the United Statesis arguably the mosthigh-profile person on Earth,besides Ariana Grande.There are so many dangersto being the leader of the free world.Politicians get threatened, attacked,sometimes even assassinated.When presidents need to travel by car,they do it from insidethe impenetrable securityof the presidential motorcade.But there is so much moreto protecting the presidentthan what we see on TV.The more I learned about the motorcade,the more I needed to do a video on it,about its insane inner workings.So that's what we'regonna talk about today.We're gonna to talk about the evolutionof the motorcade itself.Learn how its parts are madeto handle virtually any situation.And then I'll show you how.(vehicle engine humming)(electric buzzing)(bell dinging)(upbeat rock music)- A big thanks to car insurancecomparison site, The Zebra,for sponsoring today's video.Every car needs a good mechanic.Someone that'll tell it to you straight,and not take advantage of you.The Zebra is exactly like thatwhen providing you withcar insurance options.Zach Jobe was supposed tobe telling you all thisbut he's got one problem.You see, Zach couldn't decideon what insurance to get.Now he's stuck in an endless loop.The Zebra is an independentcar insurance comparison sitewith no stake in which policy you choose.Plus, they'll answer allthe questions you have,that keep you up at night,like, "Do coilovers raiseyour insurance policy?"But the best part?The average Zebra user saves $670 a year.- $670?James, that's a lot of money!- Yeah!(car zooming)Don't get caught in anendless car insurance loop.Go to find out everythingyou've ever wanted to knowabout car insurance.And now back to the show.(dramatic classical music)- If you've ever lived somewherethat the president has come to visit,you might have thought to yourself,how does one human clogup the entire city,as you punched your dashboardand cursed at the standstill trafficyou've found yourself in, for hours.That's because the presidentialmotorcade rolls deepand each and every partserves an invaluable purpose.(comical plopping)But before we get into its anatomy,and how it would take onany threat to the president,let's take a look at how thepresidential motorcade startedand how it became thetraveling fortress it is now.(movie projector whirring)(pleasant music)In 1899, William McKinleywas the first presidentto ever ride in a car.He took a cruise in thegood old Stanley Steamer,not the carpet cleaner.It was actually asteam-powered automobile,popular in the early 1900sbefore gas-powered carstook over the industry.But he didn't ride publicly.And the steamer wasn't government-ownedand he didn't have any notable security.So it wasn't really a motorcade.Teddy Roosevelt wastechnically the first presidentto travel in an actual motorcade.In 1902, he cleared the streetsof Hartford, Connecticut,and was chauffeured aroundin a Columbia Victoria Electric Phaeton,nicknamed Mayflower.This classic EV was poweredby two 400-volt batteriesand traveled at a whopping topspeed of 12 miles per hour.(engine whirring)Although that sounds really slow nowadays,it was actually a bit too quickfor the brand new Secret Service officersto keep up with on foot.So they rode alongside, in front of,and behind the Mayflower, on bicycles,forming the first everpresidential motorcade ever.If you ask me, it's more of a cyclecade.But I'm not a historian.Anyway, Teddy is saidto have preferred horsesover the automobile,and the full motorization of the motorcadedidn't come along until a coupledecades later in the 1930s.At that time, the motorcadeexisted primarily for publicity.It was a means for thepresident to greet the citizenryand wave to them on thestreets from a luxurious ride,like a beauty queen in a street parade,or a group of touristsin that little train inside Disneyland.You know what I'm talking about.But after the US becameinvolved in World War II,the motorcade security really ramped up.(light music)During FDR's presidency,several vehicles were addedto the White House garage.Not only were these builtto accommodate FDR's physicallimitations due to polio,they were also outfitted withvarious degrees of armoring.These vehicles includedtwo seven-passengerPackard limousines,and two 8,000-pound V-16 Cadillacs,which he nicknamed QueenMary and Queen Elizabeth,after the boats, not the monarchs.But after the attack on Pearl Harbor,the Secret Service gotserious about security,and sent all the president'scars into the shopfor a serious upgrade.It was during this timethat a fun little rumor started to spreadabout the origin of one of FDR's vehicles,that one of his semi-armored Cadillacshad formerly belonged tothe famous Chicago mob boss,Al Capone.What the heck was hedoing with Scarface's car?Well, the story goes thatit was seized from Caponeby the Department ofTreasury for tax evasion,and used by FDR while hewaited for his other carsto be worked on.Sounds pretty credible, right?Well, this myth spread like wildfirewith numerous sourcesclaiming its accuracies,and it's unfortunatelycompletely unsubstantiated,and essentially has been debunked.But hey, it's still a really fun story.It's just not true.FDR's favorite and mostfamous car, however,was his armored 1939 K-Series limousinewhich he lovingly nicknamedthe Sunshine Special.Isn't that sweet?FDR loved the SunshineSpecial for many reasons.It was spacious, which allowedfor better maneuverability,given his disability.It also allowed for severalSecret Service agentsto ride comfortably with him,and it was a convertible which FDR loved.He wanted to be seen by his constituentswhen he passed through.A few presidencies later though,we would learn how tragica droptop ride could befor a beloved president.(suspenseful music)(shutter clicking)The assassination of JFKforced the Secret Serviceto rethink their presidentialtransportation methodology.Kennedy was a differentkind of commander-in-chief.He was young, handsome,and as far as the presidentsgo, this guy was super popular.His likeability made it easyfor the people around himto take his leap.This unfortunately led to a looseningof the security in the motorcade.Like FDR, JFK favoredvisibility over protection.There's a lot of valuein having the citizenrysee the president with our own eyes,instead of just knowingthat they're in a big car.The previous presidential assassinationshappened years prior and at close range.And well, we all know what happened next.- The areais aswarm with police,Rangers and Secret Service men.- Since then convertibles were phased outand the presidential limobecame more or less a traveling bunkerbuilt to withstand any form of attack.(paper flipping)- The modern presidential limothat we've seen through thepast few administrationsis referred to as The Beast.Literally, that's what the Secret Serviceand all the media call it.Though each president hasacquired their own upgrades.The look of The Beast hasremained relatively similar.A long, heavy black Cadillacon a Kodiak/TopKick chassis.It runs on diesel,which is a low volatility fuel,making it less likely to explode.To call this thingarmored would be (laughs),a bit of an understatement.(suspenseful music)(wind rushing)It's completely sealed offfrom the rest of the world.The bulletproof glass isfive inches thick, we think.The armor plating insideis estimated to be eight inches thick.The fuel tank itself isarmored. That makes sense.It has Kevlar tires.It's stacked with a barrageof weaponry and medical supplies,including reserves of thepresident's blood type.I don't even know what my blood type is.Inside is also the nuclear football,which is that little satchelcontaining the nuclear codes,in case, you know,the president needs to blowup the world or whatever.This thing is indeed a beast.But The Beast is justthe tip of the icebergthat is the presidential motorcade,as it exists today.There are generally about 50vehicles in the motorcade,each with its own purpose,place, and function.This is so much morethan just a route car,a pilot car and sweepersthat lead the motorcadeon its route.There's an intricate anatomyto this cavalcade of securitythat makes it so efficient and effective.And I think the best wayto show you all of its secrets,is to break down exactly how the motorcadewould handle three completely hypotheticalsecurity situations.It's time to go to the Speculation Zone.(epic orchestral music)- Scenario one.- For this scenario,imagine that the presidentand his motorcadeare traveling through atropical island locationbut suddenly the groundstarts to shake a little bit.There's a freaking volcano going off.The first vehicle to go into actionis the Intelligence Division or ID Car.What it does is handle thebig picture of the routeand situation at hand.It receives communication fromlocal police and Overwatch,which is the helicoptersurveilling the motorcadeand surrounding areasof seismic activity ahead of them.An underground dormant volcanois erupting, and guess what?They're heading straight for it.I know that soundsridiculous and impossible,but that's what everybody saidin the first "Godzilla" movie,and look where they ended up.All right, back to the volcano.Immediately, the vehicles atthe front of the motorcade,the route and pilot carsplan an alternate routeto escape the approaching lava flowand save the life of the president.Police sweepers on motorcycles,close intersections.They reroute civilians to safetyand help lay the path for themotorcades evacuation route.At this hypothetical point,it seems like the presidentmight have escaped this natural disaster.But that's when the HazardousMaterials Mitigation Unitradio's The Beast withsome pretty bad news.Although they won't run into any lava,this vehicle's biochemical weapon sensorshave picked up that thevolcano is spilling outan unprecedented radioactivevirus spore into the air.(spores whirring)These spores are so microscopicthat they can seep throughthe airtight foam sealof the presidentiallimousine doors and windows.Oh no, what's gonna happen?Well, luckily we wrotethis, so it'll work out.Luckily, The Beast is stockedwith oxygen tanks and gas masks,enough for everyone to be able to breathe,at least until Overwatchcan pinpoint the president's locationand airlift him to safety.(Nolan sighing)Crisis averted.- Scenario two.- The next scenario is the stuffof big budget Hollywood movies,and one of my own personal nightmares.It all starts with this vehicle,the White HouseCommunications Agency Vehicle,code-named Roadrunner.This big old honker of an SUV,sticks out in the motorcade,like a sore thumb.But inside of it is a large comm systemthat allows encrypted communicationvia internet, radio, and video,using the Pentagon's ownsatellites. Very cool.It's like a Wi-Fi hotspot on wheels.Imagine the Roadrunner receives wordfrom the Pentagon itselfthat alien spaceships havebreached the Earth's atmosphere.Ah, crap.They appear to be headedstraight for the presidentand they don't seem to becoming in peace, all right.They came down and they're like,"Hey, take us to your leader."And like, the guy is like, "Why?"And then the aliens were like,"'Cause we're gonna kick his ass."We heard what he was saying."Since The Beast is being pinpointeddirectly by the evil green guys,the spares go into action.These are two to fouridentical-looking vehicles to The Beast,with the same license plates,and highly-trained Secret Service drivers,that act as decoys for theactual presidential limo.They begin to weave in and outof each other at top speed,playing a sort of cup andball game with the aliensto confuse their target-locking systems.At first, the aliensare a little confused.They're intelligent life forms,but for the sake of this exercise,they're not intelligentenough, about as smart as me.Finally, an alien says-- Hey, Blorgus,just target, like, allthose big black limos.Why not just explode themwith our alien lasers?- Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast, Blorgus,because the ElectronicCountermeasure Vehicle,code name, Watchtower, is onto you.This vehicle uses all sortsof complicated contraptionsto jam communication signalsand detonation devices.It can also detect lasersand incoming projectiles.Watchtower scramblesall the alien signals.And finally, the control vehiclethat carries a top military aidewith the highest security clearance level,approves a message of peaceand cooperation to the aliens,who receive it kindly,disengage their weapons,and turn around to head backhome to their home planet,promising to worktogether with the humans,to go on a mission tocolonize Mars and the moon.The president lives happily ever after.- Scenario three.- For our final fake disaster,our cartoon motorcade istaking on a zombie apocalypse.The type of zombies we're talking aboutare "The Walking Dead" style, okay?They're slow, but relentless.They travel in big packsand can be taken downwith complete dismembermentor killing the brain.This horde of zombies attacksthe motorcade from behind.So the first vehicles vulnerableare the ones in the rear guard,which act as a defense bumper.So we're sad to lose a couple of thembut that's what they're there for.When the rest of the motorcadecatches wind of the impending attack,the ID Car radios up to Overwatch,"Hey, what's going on with these zombies?"Is this actually happening?"Overwatch confirms that this is indeeda mother-flipping zombie attack.This type of attack is the perfect timefor the Counter Assault Team Vehicles,code-named Hawkeye, to shine.These cars are full of combat-readycounter assault agents.That sounds so badass.They pop open their tailgatesand unleash an arsenal ofassault, rifles, and grenades.They're also fitted out with combat armor,and they're ready to killsome freaking zombies.Meanwhile, more peskyundead start to pour infrom the sides of the motorcadeand make headway towards The Beast.What do they do? Howis POTUS gonna escape?The president briefly considersaccessing the nuclear football,which sits in the support vehicleto access nuclear codesand blow all these zombies off the planet.But that would also meanthe entire city wouldalso be blown to bits.(comical farting)And probably the president too.There must be another way.As the president and hiscabinet decide, the Halfback,which carries the president'sSecret Service detailand is typically the first line of defenseagainst a frontal attack,starts picking off zombies one by one,but it soon becomes clearthat the president needs to be moved,if he wants to stay alive.A team of armed Secret Service agentscarefully transport thepresident to a spare,but in the confusion,the president's arm gets bit by a zombie.That's not good.If he wants to avoid zombiedom,he needs to cut off that arm fast.Luckily, the motorcade isequipped with an ambulanceand the nearby support vehiclecarries the president's doctor.(Nolan sighing)That was a close one.Good thing that doctorspecializes in arm amputations.The doctor hacks off the scratched arm,saving the president from turning,and the ambulance drives him to safety,while Hawkeye slowly but surelywhittles down the zombiepopulation to zero,like they were playing "Left 4 Dead 2"with their boys in2013, eating some pizza,drinking some Pepsi,having a good old time.Now that I know all aboutthe presidential motorcadeand how it works.I certainly have a deeper appreciationfor the masterful coordinationand foresight of the Secret Service,for this elite driving force.And I hope that you do too.And Mr. President, if you'rewatching, get back to work.But also, I hope you rest easy,knowing that neither avolcano nor alien nor zombiecan take you down.Thanks for watching WheelHouse.Kind of a interesting one today.Hey, if you're a Donut super freakand you want even more content,check out the join button down below.Our membership program iscalled the Donut Underground.You get behind the scenes videos,access to our Discordchannel and stickers too.It's pretty cool.I think I have one inmy backpack. Hold on.Yeah. So here's what it looks like.This is the second edition of the sticker.Yeah, so check thatout. Donut Underground.Follow Donut Media on allsocial media @DonutMedia.That was a lot of media.Follow me @NolanJSykes.Be kind. See you next time.