Best iPhone Twitter App? Tweetbot Review
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**Review: Tweetbot for iPhone and iPod Touch**
Today I'm here with a review of Tweetbot for the iPhone and iPod touch.
So this launched last night, and there were a bunch of people absolutely loving it. My Twitter stream was half-filled with people saying...
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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enToday I'm here with a review of Tweetbot forthe iPhone and iPod touch. So this launchedlast night and there were a bunch of peopleabsolutely loving it, my Twitter stream washalffilled with people saying "Oh this is thegreatest thing ever, you've got to check thisout,"so I downloaded it and I've been using itfor the better part of last night and thismorningso let me give you guys my full review. Spoileralert: it's actually really really good, thisis my new default Twitter client. So as youcan see here the UI, the first thing thatwilljump out at you is that the UI is very nonstandard.Typically you know most iPhone appsthey look pretty similar, they all have thesame kind of look to them however Tweetbotis really surpassed, not surpassed that Isuppose but they really went a different wayand while it doesn't really necessarily blendin when you go from app to app it looksa little bit different but I like that, itlooks really nice, very very polished. Soas youcan see here here's my Timeline I can scrollthrough here and take a look at whateverI like so actually I just did this test tweetfor an example. If you tap on the tweet youget a little list of options like I can @replymyself, retweet that, favorite it, I can pullup some options so if I wanted to delete thattweet, post a link to it, copy it, email itI can do any of that or if I hit this buttonI can go into more detail. So as you can heresee here the test tweet it shows what time,where it's from we can take a look atrelated tweets, actually I'll show you guysthat in a little bit more detail and takealook at the retweets. So there's a coupleof other things, I can't actually show youthis, if you swipe over to the left you cantake a look at the rest of them in theconversation so let's see if I can, let'ssee here, yeah here we go, here's a tweetyou swipe over to the left and it pulls upthe conversation view so as you can see hereI was talking to somebody on Twitter the otherday, all you have to do is swipe tothe left and you can take a look at all ofthe mentions in that conversation. On theother hand you can swipe over to the rightit will pull up the related tweets. Now youguys are probably getting the gist of it now,this is very user friendly it's very easyto do so you can swipe left or right and ifI want to triple tap I can just open up anew@reply and you can actually customize that,I'll show you guys. You back up tothe options and hit settings, there are awide variety of them including the tripletap so if you want to triple tap to retweetor reply, I prefer reply but you can dowhatever you want. While we're here in thesettings I'll give you guys a quick littledemo, there's a lot of sounds, automaticallyit does play all it gets a little bitannoying I will admit so I have it just onnotifications only but totally up to you,you can go to do font size I like to haveit a little bit smaller but for this videoso you guys can see it I made it medium. Soif we open it up you can see youcan add multiple accounts and if you wantto, for example, oh. SoldierKnowsBestjust beat me. Isn't that lovely, haha. Butanyway, there's a shoutout to him hebeat me in the video but anyway if you wantto refresh just can just pull it down,as you can see very cool little animationthere and you can just release to refreshjust like you would expect with most Twitterclients that allow you do do that thesedays. Anyway guys that's just about it, therewe go we've already got somebody@replying me but anyway guys that's aboutit, the only other thing really I can showyou is making a tweet, I guess I could dothat really quickly you know you can justtweet whatever or if you want to click hereyou can add photos of video from yourcamera, you can view drafts or you can addyour location so pretty standard sortof stuff. There's also favorites which I don'thave any favorites and then there'sthe searches where you can take a look atthe trends and all of that kind of stuff.Anyway guys, that's it for my review of Tweetbotfor the iPhone and iPod touch.If you guys are interested, it is a littlebit expensive it is $2 in the App Store howeverI think that's absolutely worth it this isby far the best Twitter application I haveeverused, if you guys are anything like me andyou use Twitter a lot you definitelywant to have the best so for $2 I definitelyrecommend it, take a look at it in theApp Store of course it is called Tweetbot.If you found this video helpful be sureto subscribe, I do lots of other iPhone appreviews and a wide variety of tech relatedcontent so go ahead and hit that subscribebutton above and you'll be notifiedwith all of my new content.