iPhone 13 Pro - Let's Talk

The iPhone 13 Might Look Boring, But I Have Breaking News

This video is sponsored by Rhinoshield.

The iPhone 13 may look boring to some, but I have breaking news that might change your mind. In the past, I've done many videos on iPhones and used them extensively. However, they've never been perfect devices. The perfect device does not exist, at least according to me.

One thing I think has been a difficulty for me is always being tempted by something on the Android side. Whether it's 5G, whether it's a folding device, or whether it's a 120 Hertz display - these features have always caught my attention. It's like I'm constantly comparing apples and oranges between iPhones and their Android counterparts.

I've tried to maintain an open mind about Apple devices, but at the same time, I've also been curious about what Android has to offer. The temptation is real, and it's something that I think many iPhone users can relate to.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This video issponsored by Rhinoshield.The iPhone 13 might look boring,but I have breaking news.This might be the first iPhone ever where,I can't complain about anything.In the past, I've certainlydone many videos on iPhones.I've certainly used iPhonesand they've always been good,but they've never been perfect.And certainly the perfectdevice does not exist.But what I think isbeen a difficulty for meis that I've always been temptedby something on the Android side,whether it's 5G, whetherit's a folding device,whether it's a 120 Hertz display.To me, it's always been like,"The iPhone is great but...""It's great for everyone except..."There's always beensome kind of qualifier.But with the iPhone 13 Pro,that qualifier can reallykind of be dropped out.This phone now does basically everything.So one of the things Ithink is most interestingabout these phones, ishow similar they look.I mean, you look at this iPhone 13 mini.And from the back,short of the camera beingslightly different looking,is pretty much exactlythe same as the 12 minithat's been living in mypocket for the last year.Same thing goes for somethinglike the iPhone 13 Pro.Yes, it's got some new colorsand yes, that camera bump is Chungus-y.Technically Chungus, wait, Big Chungus-y?So I always say Chungus, what's the...- Chungi.- Chungi.In my first video, when thesethings were first announced,I talked about how the iPhone 13 itself,not the Pro, but the 13,is I would say, a little bitof a tougher sell this year.In the past, I thinkit's been a little bitof an easier conversation to have,because when you go betweenthe regular 13 and the Pro,it's like, oh, it'sbasically the same phone,this one's slightly different.But this year, for notthat much more money,the Pro is a significant step up.But I would argue that all ofthe iPhone 13s are actuallya bigger upgrade than mostpeople give them credit for.So there's a lots to like here.Of course, you've gotthose high-end specs,the Apple A15, take a lookat all the benchmarks,it is incredibly powerful.But what's interesting this year,is that unlike on thestandard 13 and 13 mini,this has a more powerful GPU.So this has five coresinstead of four cores.Realistically,that's not going to makea massive difference.But when you think about thisas a no-compromise device,the Pro is really this sortof more complete package,especially when you consider the display.The iPhone 13 Pro and ProMax have ProMotion displaysaka Apple's fancy marketing termfor 120 frames per second panels.Now, the iPhone has alwayshad the performance, right?For seven, eight years now,iPhones have pretty universallybeen the most powerfulphones that you can find.However, over the lastfew years, in my opinion,they've been a little bithamstrung by their displays.60 Hertz is fine, it seems smooth enough,but once you experience 90 or 120 framesper second on a phone display,you really can appreciatejust how smooth things are.And in a world where $200 Android deviceshave 90 Hertz displays,and even if they have afraction of the performance,they have that sort of smooth scrollingand that kind of capability,it makes the more powerfuliPhones feel inferior.But no longer is that a downsidebecause the displays onthese phones are terrific.Now I don't want to sound biased here.I mean, I certainly spend a lot of timewith my Z Flip 3, for example,which is still really myoverall favorite phone,but that is a phone thatis filled with compromise.And the iPhone justisn't this year, right?I mean, yeah this phonelooks exactly the sameas the iPhone of last year.People were like, "Oh,it's an iPhone 12S."But if you think about whatyou get with this deviceand the upgrades, theyare significant, right?Not only do you get the better cameras,which we'll talk about in a second.Not only do you getthe better performance,but you also get a bigjump to battery life.Anywhere between an hour and a halfand two and a half hoursmore than Apple quotes,based on which model you pick up.And in my limited testing,that seems pretty accurate.I mean, all of these phones,but especially when you get to the Proand especially the Pro Max,they have serious longevity,which is great when you pair itwith the rest of the package.Now, are there nitpicks? Sure, absolutely.Especially when you lookat the Pro and the Pro Max.These things are just heavy.And while that might not necessarilybe the be-all, end-all of a phone,if you're using this thingone-handed for awhile,you've got to get some forearm strength.Is that the finger strength?What am I using to hold thisright now? I'm using 1, 2, 3.Yeah, forearm strength.- No, do you thinkit's called forearmbecause there's three fingers and an arm?(beeps)- Speaking of iPhones,this video is sponsoredby our friends over at Rhinoshield.Now we've done a lot of testson Rhinoshield stuff over the past.And these, in my opinion,are the most durable casesand the most durablepackaging of any devicethat I actually would want to carrywith me on a daily basis.These have survived some serious drama.How many times have you dropped my phonefor a Rhinoshield spot?Why, what are you doing?(Ken makes gleeful noise)The nice thing about these,is that not only do they fit perfectlyfor the brand new iPhone 13mini, iPhone 13, Pro, Max,as well as a lot of theother earlier iPhones.I've got my 12 mini herein that sweet PewDiePie "Floor Gang" case.- We got NBA.- NBA?- We gotLeague of Legends.- League of Legends?We got NASA.- NASA?- We got Pac-Man.- Pac-Man?- We got dinosaur with soldiers.- I don't think that's a collab...Is that collaboration?- I don't know.- There's alsoa lot of customizationwith the Mod NX line,which can go fromeverything from a bumper,and you can add the rear protection.You can also swap out thecolor of just the buttons.Rhinoshield sell excellentscreen protectors.And you can also protectyour other Apple deviceswith things like cases for AirPods,as well as your Apple Watch.So if you're ready to protectyour brand new iPhone 13,or maybe even an olderiPhone or Android device,definitely be sure togo check out the linkin the description whereyou can get up to 20% offfor the first week this videogoes live, or 10% after that.They've got worldwide shipping.You've got full lifetimereplacement warrantyif you're ever able to somehowdestroy your Rhinoshield.So of course, hugethank you to Rhinoshieldfor sponsoring this portionof our iPhone video.The biggest upgrade on the iPhone 13that's really noticeable areof course, the new cameras.Not only on the standard 13 and the mini,but especially on the Pro and the Pro Max.So this entire video is beingshot on the iPhone 13 Pro Max.And we've been using a varietyof different lenses and stuff.And we'll talk a little bit moreabout some of the specifics.But the thing that I really appreciateis how big of an upgrade this truly is.What I like about this is the factthat Apple has put somereal effort into...What are with all the bugs?Is it because I'msitting on the bug bench?'Cause there are like antscrawling on me right now.So this is the setup we're usingto record the video with right now.Ken's using the Pro Max,as well as we're using withsome of these Rode Lavs.Which of course, the audioon an iPhone is decent,but it's never as good asusing something external.But the nice thing is thisis the entire rig, right,there's nothing else to this.Which makes a big differencewhen it comes to actuallymaking our content simplerand easier to shoot.So the iPhone 13 sees aslightly smaller camera upgrade.So the ultra-wide has been improvedand the standard lensis a little bit better.Essentially, it's verysimilar to what we hadon the iPhone 12 Pro Max last year.But the Pro is where it'sat, not only do you havea much improved ultra-widecamera with macro mode,you've got the new main camera,you also have the telephoto.And when we put all thistogether with, more ants on me,then you'll find thatthere's a, I would say,a significant upgrade iniPhone camera performance.Now, no one would say that the iPhone 12of last year was a slouch.I mean, honestly, a lotof videos on the channelhave been shot somewhat or primarilyon an iPhone 12 mini, right?You've used the 12 Pro Max.Look, we use iPhonesall the time in videosand it cuts pretty seamlesslywith a lot of our muchmore expensive cameras.But the Pro this year,really does take it to the next level.I'm gonna wipe some more antsoff me before we continue.'Cause they're definitely on my arms.- I'd say that,especially with people doingTikTok more.- Yeah.- And Instagram more,this phone is absolutelymeant for those people.- Absolutely.The Pro is a true, uh.The Pro name was alwayskind of weird to me,but it does feel like itis meant more for peoplewho actually rely on these camerasfor more than just takinga quick shot, right.Like these are somethingthat you can actually do pro things on.So the video what you're seeing right now,is being shot in the standard 4K 24 mode.However, there's also cinematic mode.This is an example of whatcinematic mode looks like.Now you can essentially think about thisas portrait mode for video.Now, as you saw from a lot of the footagefrom earlier in the video,you actually don'talways need portrait modeto get this kind of likeshallow depth of field.But this cinematic modedefinitely does lots of amp it up.There are some sacrifices.So not only does this notwork on the ultra-wide,so it only works on the 1Xand the 3X telephoto lenses,but it also only records at1080p 30, which 1080p is fine,although it'd be niceif we could shoot it 24instead of 30, for some weird reason.One thing I will say is thatthere is still more to comespecifically on the Pro model.So ProRes, the codec iscoming to these devicesat some point later this year.We shoot a lot of ProRes onour more professional cameras.And it is a good codec becausethere's a lot of data there,but that's, I think,a little bit more of aminor thing, honestly.Because I think, at least for a video,this is the best smartphone you can buy.- So obviously we use theiPhone a lot for video,but something that I personally likeis the fact that the iPhonehas really solid camerasfor still photography.So for my social media stuff,for Twitter, @kenbolido,I actually upload a lot of stillsand I like shooting andediting on the iPhone.Now what I want to tryis, the ultra-wide camerafor normal stuff has neverreally been that great,especially when thereare people in the shot.I'm gonna take a photo of Austin here.Yeah, it's not the most impressive thing,but it is better than it was before.- It was really bad before,I think that's the thing.- It was.- Ultra-wide is like,so if I can switch toultra-wide right now, right?So this is what the videolooks like on the ultra-wide.And I actually think the videois a little bit kinderto it than the photos.Because like, I mean, this is a cool look,like I can get right on top of you,and yet this still looksfine and we have auto-focus.- Yeah.- But when you go between thisand the standard mode,there's a prettysignificant bump in quality.Something else worthconsidering is the price.So these devices arepretty much universallythe exact same price astheir 2020 counterparts.There is one exception to that,which is the iPhone 13 and the 13 mininow have double the base storage,which is a nice improvement.That's about roughly a $50 price cutcompared to where they were last year.But in a year that has beenfilled with chip shortagesof everything from cars to GPUs,that has massively inflated pricesand certainly made it moreexpensive for everyone,Apple included, to gettheir hands on chips.I actually do want to saythat it is a good thingthat Apple has been able todeliver these phones on timeand at the same price.It would have been the easiestthing in the world for Appleto be like, "Oh, well, youknow, due to chip shortage,et cetera, et cetera, we'regonna bump up the priceof all the iPhones thisyear by $50 or $100."And they would havemade billions of dollarsin additional profit,but they didn't do that.Now, I guess on the flip side,can I really be that happy about a companywho didn't raise their prices?Probably not.But in a world where I pay double MSRPon graphics cards on a regular basis,it's certainly something to consider.The iPhone 13 Pro is anincredibly solid package.And I'm really curious, whatdo you think it's missingoutside of something like Android?Seriously, let me knowin the comments below,because as far as I'm concerned,this is not only one ofthe most complete iPhonesthat they've ever sold,this is one of the mostcomplete Apple productsthat I've tried in a very, very long time.(chilled music)