iOS 15 Beta 2 Released - What's New

**iOS 15 Beta Two: A Closer Look**

In this latest installment of our iOS 15 beta series, we take a closer look at the new features and improvements brought to us by Apple. The current version, beta two, has already shown some promising results, with improved performance and a more seamless user experience.

**Performance Scores**

To gauge the performance of the device, I ran a quick test on my own iPhone 12 Pro, which is my daily device. The results are as follows: a single-core score of 1586 and a multi-core score of 41,17. While these scores may not seem too impressive at first glance, they do indicate that the device is performing well under load. In comparison to beta one, where we saw scores of 1597 and 4126 on the day of its release, there's a noticeable drop-off. However, it's essential to remember that these scores are just an estimate of the device's performance and don't necessarily reflect real-world usage.

**Battery Life**

One of the areas where beta two has shown significant improvement is in battery life. As we all know, battery life can be a major concern for many iPhone users, especially those who rely on their devices throughout the day. While it's still too early to make any definitive statements about battery life, I'm cautiously optimistic that Apple has made some positive changes with this update. With the amount of bug fixes and app crashes addressed in beta two, I expect to see a noticeable improvement in battery life, especially for older devices.

**A Closer Look at Beta Two**

In my follow-up video on Saturdays, I'll be taking a closer look at the new features brought to us by iOS 15 beta two. From improved multitasking capabilities to enhanced security measures, there's a lot to explore and discuss. I'll also provide some hands-on testing and insights into how these changes affect real-world usage.

**What's Next for Apple?**

Given that we've already received beta two on a Thursday, it's hard to predict what Apple will do next. Will they stick to their usual schedule, releasing the public beta next week, or will they surprise us with another release date? One thing is certain: Apple has proven themselves to be unpredictable, and we can expect anything from this point forward.

**Developer Beta Schedule**

Assuming that Apple sticks to its current developer beta schedule, which appears to follow a two-week cycle, we can expect the third developer beta in mid-July. The exact date may vary, but it's likely that we'll see some form of iOS 15 update during this time. Additionally, as we discussed earlier, Apple has promised a public beta release in July, although they haven't specified an exact date.

**iOS 14.7 and Future Updates**

It's also worth noting that Apple is expected to release iOS 14.7 next week, either in the form of a fourth beta or a Release Candidate (RC) build. This update may address some of the issues present in iOS 14.6, such as bug fixes and performance enhancements. With iOS 15 just around the corner, we can expect Apple to make any necessary adjustments before releasing the final version.


In conclusion, iOS 15 beta two offers a promising glimpse into what's to come for iPhone users. While there may not be any revolutionary new features or groundbreaking changes, the updates that have been made thus far are certainly worth noting. With improved performance and enhanced security measures, Apple is taking steps in the right direction. As always, we'll continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on our channel.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's up guys,my name's Brandon and todayapple released iOS 15 beta two toregister developers a little over twoweeks after the release of the first beta.So in addition to this iOS release,we also got iPad of Wes 15 betato watch a west eight to beta two,and TBOs 15 beta two.So we did not get Mack westMonterey beta two today,but that should be out prettysoon. But of course, in this video,we're talking all about iOS andiPad of Wes and what is new.So let's start off with the size ofthis update and you can see here,the size came in at around one and ahalf gigabytes on most of my devices.So this is on the iPhone 12 pro max,but the size was around 1.5 gigabyteson most devices that I installed it on.So if we go head over to our settingsto check out the build number,let's go to general about 15.0,you can see the buildhere is 19 a 5, 2 8 1 H.So we do have an H at the end of thebuild there, which means of course,we still do have several betas to go.And if we go down a little bitto the modem firmware down here,you can see the modem has alsobeen updated with this update.So that should improve anything relatedto the modem. So cell connectivity,if you had issues switchingfrom 5g to LTE like me,that could be resolved in this update,thanks to that modem firmware updates,but I will let you guys know of course,in my follow-up video after I've usedthis for quite a while, but anyways,now let's talk about what'snew here in beta two,because there are quite afew changes and this updates.So the first thing I noticed afterupdating is the new maps icon.So you can see there, the appicon for maps has changed,and we saw this at the worldwidedevelopers conference on stage.They could see that as the old iconover here on the left new icon,on the right throughout the video,I will have iOS 15 beta one on the leftand beta two here on my right to showthe differences. So we do have thatnew little maps icon right there.There's also a slight changeinside the maps application.If we go in there real quick,when you go to select thetype of map you want to view,if you tap that right there,you can see there is aslight difference in the map,little images that shows down here forexplore driving transit and satellite.You can see just slightlydifferent images down here.These little thumbnail images areslightly different here in beta two.Now another big change in beta two isthe fact that share play is now enabledinside of FaceTime.So this is the big feature of the applespent quite a bit of time talking aboutat the worldwide developers conference.And this is going to essentiallyallow you to have watch parties.You could watch TVs or movies with otherpeople in FaceTime and same with music.So you could like listen to albumstogether. So you could see, right,when you go into music, you get thisnew pop up that says, share play music,or you guys go ahead and juststart playing it right away.And everybody inside the call willbe able to listen along with you.And you can see up top, we havethis little icon right here,and that is for share plan. You can seeit even says, share, play automatically,ask next time or share my screen so youcan see for share play automatically.If I just go and tap on that, itshows this new little popups up top.And now everybody in thecall is able to, you know,listen to the song at the same time.And also I noticed thevolume stays the same,no matter how you change the sliderright here, which is pretty interesting.And if you go into the TBapplication, you see up top,it shows if you want to share play MTV.So I just go and start playinglike a random show right here.You can see we get this newpop-up as well. It says,SharePlex you have platelets.You experience content with otherpeople on FaceTime to be maybe able todetermine who uses shared playtogether and the app. So you could see,you could do play only for me or shareplace. You didn't get that music,but you do get that here inside of theTV application. And on the other screen,you could see you get this new pop-upright here that says TV, and it shows TV,apple TV required to goand tap on view. It shows,I guess I need to have that installed andeven have it installed, I guess I did.So I don't know why it showedthat. So still a little bit buggy,but you will be able to watch thisalong with others right there.So it's not working for TV. Itdoesn't look like at the moment,at least just not on this FaceTime call,but it was working with music earlier.So there are still some kinks to work out,but I'm sure that will be fixed andworking properly and the future. So, uh,you could see, you could also endfor everyone or in just for me.So there's a new options. I justnow saw that for the first time.And for everybody right there and goback into the FaceTime call and I'll showyou guys how to share screen aswell, because that is also new here.So this was great out this littlesection right here, where it says,share my screen. That was great outin beta one, but now in beta two,it's available.And you can see you get a littlecountdown there when it goes to share yourscreen and you'll be able to see it sharesyour screen and your face at the sametime. So like you head back to this phoneand this is what you see on the otherperson's screen.So you can see my screen is showingright there and I can also tap this.If I double tap likethat, it makes it bigger.I can kind of move this around as well.I believe you can make it fullscreen as well. So double tap,you can make the screen biggerlike that on the FaceTime call.It can actually tap on BB screenright here at my screen, right there.There we go and make it full screen soyou can see that's what it looks like.Then you can make this smaller or it'scompletely go away and it can see thescreen right here on the FaceTimecall. So really, really cool.A lot of options withthe share play feature.When you share your screenhere in FaceTime as well,and I will make a full videoon this showing kind ofmore about this as well andhow to set it up and how to getit running properly as well.But share plate isenabled here in beta two,and I can tell this isgoing to be a hit for apple.And we also have a share place sectionhere inside of the FaceTime settings.And if you go into that,you could see that it shows justa kill switch for share play,and also where to shareplay automatically.So I have it set to automaticallyshare, play for music and for TV.So that is really cool.That is there inside of,at your settings and apple also fixedsome of the major bugs with FaceTime herein beta two as well.I know one of the most popular bugs andbeta one was if you had a contact withan emoji and the name, it wouldpretty much just wreck FaceTime.It would just not work properlyat all. You couldn't hang up,you couldn't do a lot of things insideof the FaceTime call that has been fixedand beta two.And now you can have emojis and thecontacts name and have it worked properly.So it's not perfect, stilljust FaceTime overall,but at least that bug has beenaddressed here in beta two.Now another new change hereis actually with me emojis.So if we go into our emojis here,so I'm going to go to likeMiami emoji stickers right here,tap on these three dots, goto edit, and you can see,we now have clothing here inbeta two. So this is pretty cool.So you could put like some outfitson your emoji characters. So like,if I select this right here, you cankind of see what I'm rocking right there.So this is pretty cool.Apple just continues to expand on thesenew emoji characters to just add a lotto it. So really cool.They can have like some newoutfits for your emoji characters,also new and beta two.I noticed that the announced notificationsprompts when I got a text messageactually asked me to repeat the textmessage over again, in case I missed it,it asked me if I wanted to call back.It just gave me a new promptthat I had not heard before.So it was about five secondsafter it read off the message.It prompted me by saying, you know,I could ask Siri to reply or toreplay the message or to call theperson back. So that's pretty neat.And I did not notice that at all.And beta one,we also have some changes to thesafari application here in beta two.So in beta one, safari waspretty much a nightmare. I mean,it was very unstable.It was very buggy had a lot of issuesand beta two addresses quite a few ofthose. So number one, it is morestable overall. It's not as buggy.I haven't had a crash once the addressbar doesn't go away as quickly whenyou're trying to type into it atissues with that and beta one overall,it just seems more stable.It's still not perfect,but it is more stablehere in beta two. Also,when we tap on thesethree icons right here,you'll notice that we have and newsection there for add it to quick note.So that is new. And when youtap on it just nothing happens.So I'm not sure if that meanswe're getting quick note,the feature and iPadwest 15 on the iPhone.I'm not sure if that's kind of anindication of that coming in the future,but as of now,it just doesn't do anything unless Ijust haven't configured it right here inthe iPhone. But I did noticethat as a new change also,I noticed that the animation, when we godo watch the bottom bar really closely,you'll see on the right,how we don't have the animationquite as big as we did in beta one.So you could see the address barjust doesn't get quite as big,but as tall as it did andbeta one for whatever reason.So it seems like the animation is justgone or there's just a slight differencethere and how it acts in a betatwo also in our safari settings.If we go down a little bit,you will see that we have a new featuredown here at the bottom that says showcolor in tab bar. So that is new.That was a new toggle option here atthe bottom of the safari settings.And you could turn that on or off. Also,if we go into the queue inside of themusic application and happy press on asong, that's like way down here,you can see that we have anew option to move to top.So that is new here in beta twoand something that's very useful,especially for somebody likeme who uses the queue a lot.So that was not present inany previous iOS release.So I'm glad that that has come hereinside of the music application.We also get a changeto the weather widget.So if we go to the bigweather widget right here,you could see it shows updifferent on the home screen.So it shows the temperaturesa little bit different.I like it better here and beta two.So if we add this to our home screen,you can see the difference in beta oneand beta two there. So kind of just more,it lines up more with the actual weatherapplication now versus kind of the oldstyle that it was and be at aone. And speaking of weather,we also got a new weathersplash screen here in beta two.So it shows weather maps,notifications and new designs.So that's what people will see.Users will see when iOS 15 rolls out tothe public just to tell them what's newand the update.We also got a new splash screen insideof notes that shows organized with tagsmentions and shared notesand the activity view.So those are the two new splashscreens here in beta two.And if we go back into oursettings and go to notifications,and then to the scheduled summary,you can already see quite a differencethere on this initial screen,right here also for go-to apps in summary,you can see it now showsus how many notificationswe've gotten from that app onthe daily. So our dailynotification average right there,it shows it and set up justshowing basically nothing,but it kills switch andbeta one. So I like that.We also have the a to Z right hereas well. So you can, you know,organize these by alphabetical order.So that is nice to have there. Also,if we go back and then go to,we'll just say,,you will see that the critical alertsnow has a little red little icon there,exclamation point next to it.And it's moved down a little bitcompared to where it wasn't better.One all the way up at thetop with nothing there.It also says always deliver immediatelyright above it. So that is new.And if we go back to thesettings and then go to focus,we also have some changes inside of focushere as well. So if we just go into,let's just go to a shooting, a TikTOK right there, which by the way,if you guys are not following me, I'lltick tock. I am active on Tik TOK now.So that link is down inthe description below.But first off you could see a few changes.So allow notifications and now showsnot allowed right there instead of justshowing nothing. And then also,if we go down a little bitto the smart activation,you could see there is a slightchange and the glyph icon.And then also it says, turnon at opportune times. Idid not say that before.And if we go into smart activation,you could see that the text is moreclean underneath of the kill switch rightthere. Whereas before it just hadthis weird gray box around it,and it looked kind of bugged out andout of place. So that's changed. Also,if we go to lock screen right here,you can see there is aslight change right there.So before it just saidhome screen and options,but now it says lock screen and youcould see there's a change right here aswell. Just shows dim lockscreen and show unlock screen.Whereas before it showed them lock screen,delayed delivery and hidenotification badges. And also now,while we have the focus mode enabled,if we have to press onthe icon right there,you could see that was the animationembed a woman, but now watching beta two.So it's a different animation.And also we don't have thisbig clunky thing up top.We now have this little plus atthe bottom that says new focus.So it's a lot cleaner. The animation isclean. I'll show you guys once again,side by side, you can seethe animation is cleaner.And also we didn't have the littlenew focus down at the bottom.It was just kind of up top righthere and this big clunky area.So that was also new here in beta two.Also inside of the shortcuts application,we have a new function herecalled receive what's on screen.So I haven't messed around with thistoo much, but in my follow up video,I will mess around with this and let youguys know what all you can do with thisnew function here inside of shortcutsand beta two. Also inside of photos,if we go to the memory section right hereand we tapped the little three dots inthe top, right? You can see that wehave managed photos now and beta two.So embedded at one, you could onlychange the title and make key photo,but you can not manage the photosfrom that specific menu right there.You had to do it downhere in the bottom, right?And you didn't have that option.So that was just a small littlechange here in beta two. Now,for whatever reason, we still can notshare these memories and beta two,I thought that would be fixed.I thought apple mentionedthat in the release notes,but we still cannot share thesememories for whatever reason. Also,if we go into our settingsand then into iCloud,you could see that the private relayand hide my email sections are no longerseparated. They're actually in line nowwith all the other settings right here.And then if we go into private relay,you'll notice we have a changehere as well, just in the verbiage.So it is a little bit hanging there.It hangs a little bit right there,but if we go to IP address location,you will see that it used to saypreserve approximate location.Now it says maintain generallocation. And then it used to say,use broader location and nowuse country and time zone.So just a little bit of verbiagechanges here in beta to inside ofthe private relay section.And also private relay should be betterhere in beta two apple didn't mention itin the release notes.It was also something that wasreally annoying and beta one.It would just randomly disconnect andjust cause major issues really overall.So hopefully it in fact hasbeen fixed. And as you know,working properly here in beta two,and then also another small thing Inoticed in beta two is that we can now setour phone brightness again viaSirius. So for whatever reason,they couldn't do that inbeta once. Like for instance,if I said set phone brightness, the 40%you could see Siri wouldjust say that I can't do it,but now set foam brightness. The 40%you can see that Siri can change that.So that was something you were able todo in iOS 14, but for whatever reason,a beta one, it was a bug and you couldn'tdo it, but that has been addressed.And you can now do it again here in abeta two. Now, as far as iPad west 15,beta two goes, we doalso have a few changes.So of course all the changes thatwere in iOS, 15 beta to apply,but also one of the big changes here andiPad iOS 15 beta two is that we can nowdo a quick note with ourfinger from the bottom, right?So we knew that this wascoming, but in beta one,you could only do it with an apple pencil,but now you can bring up the quick notefeature with your finger from the bottomrights. And then also insideof safari here in beta two,you're able to see a refresh button inthe toolbar if you have a mouse or amagic keyboard. So if you're justusing your finger, you will not see it.You actually have to hover over theaddress bar with a cursor to see a newrefresh button there inside of theaddress bar. Now, as far as bug fixes go,apple has addressed a lotof bugs here in beta two.So they have posted the release notespublicly. So you could see these,I will leave these linked todoubt in the description below,but there are a lot ofresolved issues in this update.So apple does outline someof the remaining bugs,but it's also showing a lot of theissues that have been fixed. So we have,you know, two of the worst safari bugsfixed. We have the iCloud relay fixed.So it's functions as expected.Now we have all the FaceTimebugs that have been addressed.We have a few homescreen issuesthat have been fixed as well.And my personal biggest bug that I hadin beta one was the control center.Lacks. Every time I pulledthe control center down,when I was in an application,when I was on the home screen,that control center came down just fine.But when I was inside of an application,it would lag. It would just hang.So I can pull this over here andjust show you live right now,but just go into safari and then tryto pull down the notification center.Of course, it doesn't work that time,but go into like a Twitter right hereand then try to pull down the controlcenter. You can see what I tried to pulldown the control center. It just lags.And sometimes it just doesn't comeup. It doesn't happen every time,but I did notice it quitefrequently on beta one.And I know a lot of youguys had that issue as well,but thankfully the control centerbug has been fixed here and beta two,also apple fixed sharingto messages via quick note.So it now correctly presents a visiblesin button when you are sharing via thatalso, you know, the release dose,just show a ton of issuesthat have been fixed in here,like for focus for thefoundation, got it, access health,so many resolved issues. And again, itwould take forever to go over all these.So I'll just let you guys read throughthose if you want to. And of course,in my follow-up video on Saturday,I will run through some ofthe more notable bug fixesthat I've actually noticedin my day-to-day usage.Some that you'll actually care aboutand actually notice yourselves as well.But as far as remaining bugs go onebug that I did notice right away,or maybe not right away.But I did notice pretty quickly as if Igo into safari here and then go to plusand they go down to edit right hereand I go to the background image.You could see that that is cut off.We can not actually scroll andsee all of the images there,but I noticed that when you disableit and re enable it, they appear.So that's just a minor bug Inoticed so far here in beta two,but everything else seems to be thesame as beta one in terms of bugs.That's the only real bug new bugI've seen here. And beta two,cause that wasn't there a bit of one,but I have been having issues with likethe volume rising when going in and outof applications like YouTube or music,sometimes the volume would just be reallyerratic and just rise out of nowhere.Just go down and volume out ofnowhere, especially over Bluetooth.I've also had issues with wifi justrandomly disconnecting or just randomlyconnecting to LTE or 5g instead ofwifi. So I had that issue. Of course,I had the issue where I cannot share amemory inside the photos application,which I talked about earlier.And then also one of my biggest ones isthat the notification sounds were offfor certain applications.Like for example,Snapchat and ESPN both have their ownnotification sound, but in beta one,it just had the default notificationsound. And I didn't hear the, you know,custom sound that has madefor like Snapchat and ESPN.So I've not been able to tell ifthat's fixed here in beta too,but I would assume thatit has been. And again,I will touch on that in myfollow-up video on a Saturday. Now,as far as performancegoes here in bed two,I will say right away that it doesfeel better than beta one. I mean,it is definitely noticeable,especially like I mentioned earlier,inside of safari, inside of FaceTime andside of messages, the control center,just multiple things,just going around the office for acouple of hours now just definitely feelssmoother and faster overall than betaone, which is expected for a second beta.Now, if we go into the geek benchscores here, I will run a quick test.Of course, this doesn'ttell the full story,but I do just want to go ahead and run atest just to see what kind of scores weare working with here,but just day-to-day usage.I have been able to tell adifference right away. And of course,as time goes on,I will be able to give you guys moredetails as to just how much better it isoverall. I, so you can see here,we got a 1586 on the single coreand a 41 17 on the multi-core.So decent scores, nothing too special.You can see we got a 1597 and a 4126 on the day that beta one came out.So a slight difference there. Soif we compare these real quick,1597 versus 15 86, 41, 17 versus 41, 26,so slightly lower in terms ofscores, compare it to beta one.But of course there are a lotof variables involved with that.And of course it's not reallyindicative of day-to-day actual usage.I just know you guyslike seeing those scores.And I like keeping track ofthem here on the channel. Now,as far as battery lifegoes, of course, as usual,it's too early to tellwith battery life yet,but I would assume with the amount ofbug fixes in this updates and just appcrashes,all kinds of things that are fixingthis update that would have a positiveimpact on the battery life.So I would expect battery lifeto be better here and beta two.And really it can't get much worsethan it was in beta one. I mean,it was pretty bad acrossthe board for every device,especially the older thedevice, just the worst that got,which is kind of typical, but still evenon my 12 pro, which is my daily device,battery life was just not great.So I would expect it to bebetter here in beta two.And I will report back to you guys inmy follow up update video on Saturdays,just to kind of an update on how thebattery life has been performing.So now what is next forapple? So today is June 24.So it's a Thursday.I don't think anybody predictedbeta two to be coming on a Thursday.It's just very unusual for apple.I guess they just weren't readyearlier in the week, but nonetheless,we are still on a twoweek cycle that appears.So that means that we should be seeingthe third developer beta on the week ofthe fifth. So the fifth is a U S holiday.That is when we observe independence day.So my guess is that apple willnot release anything on the fifth,but the sixth is a likelihood ofseeing the third beta, but of course,apple could stick to Thursdays. Now,since we did get beta two on a Thursday,it's hard to tell and we could alsosee the public beta that same week.So there's two differentways this could go.So we could either see the publicbeta next week on July 1st,because apple did say that thepublic beta is coming in July.They didn't say when in July. Soit could very well be July 1st,right there next Thursday.So I could see that happeningfor the first public beta,or we could see developer beta three onlike the sixth of the seventh and thensee the public beta, maybethe eighth or even the ninth.So either one of thosetwo are the possibilities,but of course apple is very unpredictable.It's really hard to predict whatapple is going to do. I mean,they released this bit on a Thursday,late in the day later than usual.And on a day they don't usually push out,you know, big beta releases like this.So we have to wait and see,I would also expect to see somethingwith iOS 14.7 next week as well,either a fourth beta or the RC build.So next week should definitely be,you know,kind of give us some idea as to whatto expect with the next iOS 15 beta.And also when we can expect the finalrelease of 14.7. But anyways guys, there,you have it. That is iOS 15, beta two.I will be having my follow-up video comingon Saturday and we'll talk more aboutmore new features and beta two,because I'm sure there are evenmore than I did not cover yet.And I'll talk about the battery lifeperformance, all that good stuff.So anyways guys, thanksfor watching the video.I hope you did enjoy it if youdid. I would appreciate it.If you give this video a thumbs up andof course, make sure you subscribe.So you don't miss that up video andall of my future iOS 15 content,which I have a lotplanned. So anyways guys,thanks again for watchingand I'll see you..\n"