The Pixel Feature Drop: What's New and Fixed
Recently, Google released its Pixel Feature Drop, which brings a slew of new features and bug fixes to the latest Android version. This update is specifically designed for devices with the latest Android 11 operating system, including the Pixel series.
One of the new features in the Pixel Feature Drop is the ability to translate text in real-time. With this feature, users can select any text on their screen, and it will be translated into multiple languages simultaneously. The text-to-speech functionality has also been improved, allowing for smoother pronunciation and better comprehension.
Another exciting feature is Google Lens, which is used to enable this text translation capability. When you click on the "Translate" button in the Pixel Feature Drop, it uses Google Lens to identify the selected text and provide a real-time translation. This technology allows users to access information about any object or piece of text they point their camera at.
In addition to these new features, the Pixel Feature Drop also includes several bug fixes. For example, one fix pertains specifically to the Pixel 3, 3 XL, 4, 4 XL, and 3A devices, which solves a problem with lost Bluetooth pairing information. Another fix is related to display flicker in certain use cases on the Pixel 4 and 4 XL.
The update also includes several security patches, including 22 framework patches, 19 media framework patches, 40 system patches, and 11 kernel patches. Additionally, there are 20 Qualcomm closed source component patches, as well as three Media Tech components patches and 11 Qualcomm component patches.
One of the most notable features of the Pixel Feature Drop is its ability to create playlists from your now playing history in YouTube Music. This feature allows users to easily curate their favorite songs into a playlist with just a few taps.
Another interesting feature is the new style and grid options for customizing your home screen wallpaper. With this update, users can choose between different styles, including squares and grids, and even customize the size of the grid to suit their preferences.
The Pixel Feature Drop also includes several other bug fixes specific to certain devices, such as the Pixel 3 XL, which solves a problem with static noise in Spotify, and the Pixel 4 XL, which fixes background audio static in third-party camera apps. Additionally, the update supports dark mode in the bootloader for the Pixel 4 XL.
The final fix in the Pixel Feature Drop relates to display alignment issues on certain devices, which are now resolved. The update also fixes a problem with misaligned device orientation when using tap-to-pay in certain regions, making it easier and more reliable for users to make payments with their phones.
Overall, the Pixel Feature Drop is a significant update that brings several new features and bug fixes to the latest Android version. With its improved text translation capabilities, enhanced home screen customization options, and numerous security patches, this update is sure to improve the overall user experience for those with Pixel devices.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi, everyone.Aaron here for Zollotech And today theAndroid 11 December security update wasreleased to pixel devices alongwith a pixel feature drop.Now you may already have the securityupdate if you're on a Samsung phone,but it's up to your manufacturer to decidewhen they want to update it and pushit out to your device.But if you're on a pixel device and thesupported pixel devices for this updateare pixel 3 and newer. So pixelthree, pixel 3 XL pixel 3,a pixel 3a XL, pixel 4 XL, pixel 4a,4a 5G and pixel five that I'm using here.So I've got the pixel fiveand the pixel four XL.And so this particular update was fairlysignificant and it has a lot of newthings in it. So the first thing is,depending on which deviceyou installed it on,it was 136 megabytes on the pixel five.Now it was a couple hundredmegabytes on the pixel four XL.So it's going to vary a little bit foryou now, as far as the build number.Well, this particular build isyou can see it scrolling by there.We'll wait for just a moment.And it says it's RQ 1a.201205.11And this particular build, likeI said, has a lot new in it.So as far as the pixel featuredrop, we'll go over that first.And then we'll go over the fixes andsecurity updates a little bit later.Now the first thing is a little while ago,we got a couple of featuresfor the pixel five,such as Google assistant on hold.That's now available forthe pixel three-year later.So maybe you're on a phonecall and you put it on hold.You want the phone to notify you whento come back. It will do that. Now,if you're on one of the supported devicesand now a new feature that's availableas well is extreme battery saver.So if we go into our settings and thenwe go to battery and then we go down tobattery saver, if we turn it on,we have extreme battery savers.So if we really need to save alot of power, we can save power.It says when to use essential apps andyou can customize this based on what youwant to do. So always useask every time. So as needed,I'll have it ask every time and thenyou can have it select essential apps toactually use or not use. So it willshut all of them off in the background,making sure they don't use any power.So it's really nice that they've addedthat feature and it should get you evenmore battery out of the latest updates.Pixel five has been amazing onbattery and it's just getting better.So that's great to see now to goalong with the extreme battery saver,they've also updated adaptive battery.So now it's more context aware to helpyou get more life out of your battery.So maybe you haven't pluggedit in. You forgot to do that.It will be more aware of what you'reactually doing to help preserve yourbattery over time until you canplug it in or wirelessly charge.Now to go along with that,they've added adaptive battery and thathelps preserve your battery health overtime.So the way this works is basically itwill dynamically control how quickly thedevice charges, but also we'll make sureit's charged by the time you wake up.So plug it in at night. If youset your alarm, for example,you go into your clock appand then you set alarm.And once the alarm is set forsay seven 45 in the morning,it will make sure that it'scharged to 100% by that time.So basically it might charge up to 80%,hold it there until it's time tocharge to get you to 7:45 AM at100%.So it will do that dynamically in thebackground based on what you need and whatyou set your alarm for, and it'scontrolled by the alarm. So that way,if you set it, it will charge that way.Very similar to how iOS does it by basingit on what you do as far as the timeyou wake up or go to sleep.So then you can just put your phone onthe charger at night now to go along withthat, there's also some updates tophotos. So if you're using Google photos,they've changed the interface.So if you go in here and yougo to the edit interface,you now have a little bitdifferent overall interfacefor controlling your edit.So you've got enhance and warmand cool. And then of course,crop and adjust and filtersand everything else,but the interface has just been updated.It looks a little bit more pleasant.It's an easier interface to use.And I think the user interface ingeneral is just much better. Now,if you use Google duo, there'ssome updates there as well.So if you go into duo and in Google duo,if you're on a video call with people,you can now share your screenwith them as well as a video.So before you could sort of sync avideo up and watch it with other people,now you can share your screen as welland show them what you're looking at tobetter collaborate with them. So thatfeatures now updated in Google duo.Now they've updated audio as well.This is a pretty interesting feature.So your pixel can automatically adjustthe sound of the equalizer to betteradapt to the situation in the room.So similar to the Google home,the Google home max,where it listens to the environmentand tries to better the sound.This will do the same. So if we go tosounds and vibration under the settings,we can go to let's find it here, adaptivesound. And now we have adaptive sound.It says, improve speaker sound qualityby adapting audio to your environment.If we turn it on, when you'replaying music, it will adapt.So that's really nicethat they've added it.Of course we have the option to turn itoff if we don't want to now as far as 5gphones. So if you have a pixel fora 5g or a pixel five that uses 5g,they've built it into the background nowwhere it will switch between 5g and 4gautomatically to save you power.And they've actually laid it out thatsaying that it will use 4g for things likeweb browsing or sending texts, whichuse less data and then switch to 5g,watching a movie to downloadlarger files. So it's intelligent.It will do it in thebackground and save you power.And that should continually helpin the future with 5g modems.They've also improved accuracy of theGPS on the pixel five and all the otherpixels as well.So if you're on one side of thestreet for a ride sharing service,you should be able to be seen by thatperson on that side of the street.It will just be more accurateas to where you're located.Of course you can turn offlocations and everything as well,but you can more accurately show whereyou're at and it helps with all of thosesettings. So you've gotGoogle location accuracy on,make sure that's on andyou'll be good to go.Now there's also a new featurethat translates from your screen.Now we've had pixeltranslator, Google translate,but you can now take a screenshot.So maybe you're on a website andI haven't gotten this to work,but if you slide up,take a screenshot or maybe youselect what select text here.You can now translate that text. Therewe go. So if I highlight that tax,I can translate it and we'll useGoogle translate to translate it.And now it's tellingme what the text says,so you can screenshot it or you can selectthe text, translate it in real time,just so you can see what it's doing.Now. It uses Google lens to do that.And there may be additional optionsfor you as well, a little bit later,but right now that's the way to do it.Just go into your app, switcher there,screenshot and select it.So if you screenshot again,you can go in and do thesame sort of thing. Now,if you're using music like YouTube music,and you have your now playing history,you can use that historyto now create a playlist.Now I don't use this app too much,so I don't have a whole lot in here,but you can create playlistthrough your now playing history.So go back through your history ofplaying and then you can create playlistsfrom that within the pixel feature drop,there was something else updated aswell. If we go onto the home screen,press and hold, go tostyles and wallpapers,of course you can changeyour wallpaper. We know that,and you have different thingsin here. So if we go into art,there may be some new ones as well, butwhat they've changed is style and grid.So under style,of course you can customize your iconsto the different shapes you may or maynot want. And let's do thatagain. It'll reset the style.Now they're all squares and we cango back to grid and change the gridsize. So we can go two by twoall the way up to the default.So I'll go back to thedefault style overall,but you now have more options forthat on your phone to customize it,how you'd like built into the OS itself.So those are the things thatare in the pixel feature drop,but there's other fixes aswell. And so for example,a lot of the fixes pertainedto the pixel for XL.So I'll let you know whichdevices they pertain to.But the first thing isin the pixel for XL,the first three fixes pertained to this,there's a fixed forstatic noise in Spotify.So if you use Spotify specifically,it will fix static andalso fix background,audio static in third-party camera app.So if you're using an app otherthan the default camera app,it should fix that issue.And they also support dark mode inthe bootloader for the 4 XL as well.So when it's booting up inbootloader, it will be in dark mode,at least supported in dog dark mode.Now there's a fixed for lost Bluetoothpairing information that pertains to thepixel 3, 3 XL, 4, 4XL, and also the three,a and three Axl. And then they fixeda pairing issue with Garmin devices,with the pixel four andfour XL specifically,there's also a fixed for displayflicker in various use cases,again with the pixel for XL andfor as well as improved hapticvibration intensity. In certaincases with the same phone,the four series phones.Now the last fixed specific to thepixel four and four XL is a fixed formisaligned deviceorientation in certain cases.So if I go to Android's websitehere and we're in landscape,it will now fix any misalignment.The final fix suppresses the power buttonmenu when you're using tap to pay incertain regions. So if you're pressing it,it won't necessarily activate improperlythat's on the pixel two to XL all theway to the four and four XL.So that's been resolved now,as far as security patches,there's quite a few of thoseI'll go over them quickly.So framework there's 22 securitypatches media framework,there's 19 system, there's40, Kernel there's 11,there's Broadcom components, patches.There's two of those threemedia tech components, patches,11 Qualcomm components,and 20 Qualcomm closed sourcecomponents have been passed.And so with the latest securityupdates and everything else,this is definitely something I wouldinstall if you haven't already.So if you're thinking whether ornot you should install Android,Eleven's December security update,I would say absolutely just thesecurity updates in general,along with all those bug fixes,especially if you have a pixel device,our welcome change or welcome fixif you were having those issues.But let me know if you've updatedalready in the comments below.And of course I'll link this wallpaperin the description like I normally do.I would not expect this to affectanything as far as speed, or of course,battery life with that batterysaver, it should be much better,but let me know your experiencein the comments below.If you haven't subscribedalready though, please subscribe.And if you enjoyed the video,please give it a like as always.Thanks for watching. This isAaron. I'll see you next time.\n"