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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(hip-hop music)- "All I wanna do is see yabounce with me, bounce with me."Those are the words of young Lil Bow Wowfrom the song "Bounce With Me"("Bounce With Me" by Lil' Bow Wow)The concept of bouncing isgreat in this classic song.You know where bounce is bad?Suspensions!(electronic music)There's billions of types ofsuspension, not literally,but I'm not gonna golook up the exact numberlike some kind of a nerdso maybe not billions,but there's a lot ofdifferent types of suspension.There's suspensions like whenyou're suspended from workfor biting the camera man,there's suspensions likethe suspension of disbeliefwhich allows you to believein make believe stufflike Superman can fly orlife's gonna work out,and there's the suspensionsystem on your vehicle,and those vehicle suspensionshave a huge variety of types as well.There's more types of vehicle suspensionsthan the types of DNA strandsthat were found in my bedroomnine years ago on thatfateful night in September.(crowd gasps)That number was three.We got a knife.With such a wide variety of types,we're barely gonnascratch the surface hereand touch on the basics in afew of the most common types.So all of you in the commentssaying I forgot aboutthis thing or that thing,nah, I didn't, I know all about it,In fact, I just leftit out to tick you off.(crowd booing)So get off my back, David.Alright, when they inventedthe car it was awesome,they're all smoking cigarsand patting each other on theback, eating some cold cutsand congratulating each others like,"This will revolutionize travel."The piston engine willget us places so fast.""I love cold cuts."But then, record scratch,(record scratches)they realized all the powergenerated by an engine's uselessif the driver can't control the car.(engine revving)And almost as soon as the four strokeinternal combustion engine was mastered,engineers went to work onperfecting the suspension.Horse drawn carriages had suspensions,but they only went so fast.You hit those same bumps inthe road at a greater speed,it's gonna get a lot bouncier.- Ow!- The job of a car suspension is to one,maximize the friction betweenthe tires and road surfaceduring acceleration,cruising, and braking,and two, provide steeringstability with good handling,and three, ensure thecomfort of the passengers.If all roads were perfectly flatwith no irregularities orbumps or waves or anything,suspension wouldn't be as necessary,but unlike me, even fresh laid pavementhas some imperfections.Now, let's get science-yup in this garage.Newton's Law of Motionsays forces have bothmagnitude and direction.A bump in the road causes thewheel to move up and down,perpendicular to theroad surface, direction.The magnitude depends on whether the wheelis striking a giant bump or a tiny speck.The wheel experiencesa vertical accelerationas it passes over an imperfection,and that means the wheel goes up.Without an intervening structure,the vehicle's vertical energyis transferred to the car's frame,which moves the same direction, up.The wheels can lose contactwith the road completelyand then, 'cause of gravity,the wheels would slam backdown into the road surface,and that is bounce, brother.And if there was no gravity,that bump could sendyou hurdling into spaceuntil you go out into hyperspace and see the event horizon.Spooky.You need a system that absorbs the energyof the vertically accelerated wheel,allowing the frame andbody to ride undisturbedwhile the wheels follow bumps in the road,and that's all part of vehicle dynamics,the study of forces atwork on a moving car.Auto engineers come at thisfrom two perspectives, ride,(engine revving)a car's ability to smooth outa bumpy road and handling, oop,and handling, a car'sability to safely accelerate,brake, and cornerand those break downinto these principles,road isolation, thevehicle's ability to absorbor isolate road shock fromthe passenger compartment,cornering, the ability of avehicle to travel a curved path,and road holding, the degreeto which a car maintainscontact with the road surfacein various types of directional changesand in a straight line.For example, the weightof a car will shiftfrom the rear tires to thefront tires during brakingbecause the nose of thecar dips toward the road.This type of motion is known as dive.The opposite effect, squat,occurs during acceleration,which shifts the weight of the carfrom the front tires to the back.These are the challengesthat the suspension system has to handle.Like I said earlier,there's a buttload of suspension varietiesand a car can, and usually does,have a different type ofsuspension on the front and back,and in those you can eitherhave a dependent system,where a rigid axle binds the wheels,or an independent system where the wheelsare permitted to move independently,but the three fundamentalcomponents of any suspensionare springs, dampers, and anti sway bars.Those are the bars that hateformer MTV News reporter, Sway.Wait, oh no, I'm being told thatthey're actually just usedalong with shock absorbersor struts to give a movingautomobile additional stability.Sway bars a metal rodthat spans the entire axleand effectively joins each sideof the suspension together.You suck, Sway.Let's get back to talking aboutone of three fundamentalcomponents of suspensions,and my third favorite season, spring.Now there's a couple of typesof springs that can be used,there's leaf springs,several layers of metalbound together to act as a single unit,and these are usuallyused on a lot of trucks.They haven't been on aton of US cars since '85.There's torsion bars, hereone end of a bar is anchoredto the vehicle frameand the other end is attached to wishbone.The wishbone acts like a lever that movesperpendicular to the torsion bar.When the wheel hits a bump,vertical motion'stransferred to the wishbone,and then, through the leveringaction, to the torsion bar.The torsion bar thentwists along it's axisto provide the spring force.These are more common on European cars,and there's coil springs,basically a heavy duty torsionbar coiled around on an axis.These are the most common.Anything above the springsand supported by 'em onthe vehicle is sprung mass.Anything below the springbetween the springs and the road,like the wheels, forexample, is unsprung mass.Unsprung mass was my nickname in college,or it was until that fateful nightthree years ago in September.Spring stiffness effectshow the sprung mass respondswhile the car's being driven.Loosely sprung cars, such as luxury cars,swallow bumps for a smooth ride,but they're prone to dive and squatduring braking and acceleration,and can have body sway,or roll during cornering.Tightly sprung cars, like sports cars,are less forgiving on bumpy roads,but they minimize body motionso they can be drivenaggressively, even around corners.(engine revving)(ding)But you can't use justsprings, you silly goose.Springs absorb energybut they stink when itcomes to dissipating it,that's why you need dampers.One common dampeningstructure is a shock absorber.Shock absorbers slow downand reduce the magnitudeof vibratory motionby turning the kineticenergy of suspension movementinto heat energy that can be dissipatedthrough hydraulic fluid.A shock absorber's uppermount connects to the frameand the lower mount connects to the axle.In a twin tube design,the upper mount isconnected to a piston rodwhich is connected to a pistonand sits in a tube filledwith hydraulic fluid.Feels like I said that.The inner tube's knownas the pressure tube,and the outer tube isknown as the reserve tube.The reserve tube storesexcess hydraulic fluid.When a wheel hits a bump in the roadand causes the spring to coil and uncoil,energy of the spring istransferred to the shock absorberthrough the upper mount,down through the piston rod,and into the piston.Orifices perforate the pistonand allow it to leak throughas the piston moves up anddown in the pressure tube.Because these orificesare relatively tiny,only a small amount offluid, under great pressure,passes through.This slows down the piston,which in turn, slows down the spring.Shock absorbers work in two cycles,the compression cyclewhen the piston moves downcompressing the hydraulic fluidin the chamber below the piston,and the extension cycle,when the piston moves towardthe top of the pressure tubecompressing the fluid in thechamber above the piston.All modern shock absorbersare velocity sensitive.The faster the suspension moves,the more resistance theshock absorber provides,so they can adjust to road conditionsand control all the unwanted motionthat can occur in a moving vehicle,including bounce, sway,ah, I hate that guy,brake dive and accelerating squat.Another common dampeningstructure is the strut.Basically it's a shock absorber mountedinside a coil spring.Struts provide two jobs,dampening function likethe shock absorbers,and structural support forthe vehicle's suspension.They do a bit more than shock absorbers,which don't support vehicle weight,they only control the speedat which the weight istransferred in a car,not the weight itself.The Mac Daddy of strutsis the MacPherson strutinvented by Earle S. MacPherson.No one knows what the S standsfor except for Wikipedia,which says is stands for Steele, cool.The MacPherson strut consistsof a single control armin a strut assemblywhich allows tire and wheelto move upward and downward.Its design allows for areduction in a number of parts,lowering unsprung mass, aswell as smooth driving comfort.These are pretty small,not too complicated,and not too expensive,so they're pretty common.They don't take up muchspace horizontally,so they're super commonin front suspensionson the front wheel drive vehicles.They do take up a lot ofspace vertically, though.Another common type of frontindependent suspension,the double wishbonesuspension or an A-arm,doesn't take up as much space vertically,but is a horizontal hog.That one guy in the comment section.While there's several differentpossible configurations,this design typically usestwo wishbone shaped armsto balance the wheel.Each wishbone, which has twomounting positions to the frameand one at the wheel, has ashock absorber and a coil springto absorb vibrations.Double wishbone suspensionsallow for more controlover the camber angle of the wheelwhich describes the degreeto which the wheel tilts in and out.(car squeaking)They also help to minimize roll and sway,and they provide for moreconsistent steering feel.That's why double wishbonesuspension's so commonon the front wheels of larger cars.(claps)Real quick,let's look at a couple of rear suspensionsand a split second pictureof my belly button.These are usually a little simpler'cause you don't need tointegrate the steeringfor a dependent rear suspension,if a solid axle connects withthe rear wheels of a car,then it's pretty simple,based either on a leafspring or a coil spring.Leaf springs clampdirectly to the drive axle,and the ends of the leaf springsattach directly to the frame.The shock absorber's attached at the clampthat holds the spring to the axle.You can have the same basicdesign with coil springsbut in this case, thespring and shock absorbercan be mounted as a singleunit or as separate components.When they're separate, thesprings can be much smaller,which reduces the amount of spacethat the suspension takes up.For independent rear suspensions,if both the front and backsuspensions are independent,then all the wheels are mountedand sprung individually,resulting in what some ads callfour wheel independent suspension.Any suspension that can beused in the front of a carcan be used on the rearand versions of thefront independent systemsdescribed in the previous sectioncan be found in rear axles.Of course, the rear of thecar, the steering rack,the assembly that keepseverything togetherand lets ya turn, well, it's not there,so that means rear independent suspensionscan be simplified versionsof the front ones,but the basic principles are the same.Suspensions!Hey, thanks to Bombfell forsponsoring this episode.Bombfell is an easier wayfor men to get their clothes.I know what you'rethinking, you're thinking,"Bart, you only wear one type of shirt"and is says Donut on it,"and I'm pretty sure you'renot wearing pants under there."Well you'd be wrong.Yeah, I don't have a lot of time to shop'cause I'm stuck in the lab all day,but Bombfell makes it easy.You just answer some quick questionsand you get matched one toone with a dedicated stylist.Let's look at what my stylist,Michael, hand-picked for me.He emailed his selections, Igave my input and it shipped.And Michael's got pretty good taste,but I could've made any changes I wanted,or even canceled altogether,I was in total control,and then when I got the clothes,I had seven days totell 'em what I thought,what I wanted to keep, and Icould've sent the rest back.The more you keep, the more you save.You keep four, you get 20% off,keep three, you get 15% off.keep two or more, and you get 10% off,and because I'm such a likableguy, I convinced Bombfellto offer 25% off your first purchaseif you head to guys, it's completely flexible.You can receive clothes when you want,and you can pause it orcancel it at any time.They never charge above retail price,they offer free shipping and returns,convenient home try on,and the ability to previewand edit your stylist's picksbefore you order ships.That's, open and clothes.Guys, make sure you click this button,this is how you subscribe to Donut.We've got new shows comingout almost every day.Follow us on Twitter andInstagram @donutmedia.Follow me at @bidsbarto.Check out this episodeof Hot Lap, I talk in it.Check out this episode of Miracle Whips.Don't tell my wife I cutthe springs on her car.