macOS Monterey Beta — Forward to the Mac!

**The Latest Updates to macOS**

Apple has recently released several updates to its popular operating system, macOS. One of the most significant changes is the addition of spatial audio with dynamic head tracking. This feature allows users to experience immersive audio that follows the direction they are looking at. While this feature was previously available on Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad, it is now also available on Macs.

The spatial audio feature works by using the Mac's built-in motion sensors to track the user's head movements. However, since the Mac does not have the same level of motion sensing as some other Apple devices, the system assumes that the direction the user is looking at most of the time is where the Mac screen is located. The spatial audio feature then calculates the differences in movement from this assumed location and adjusts the audio accordingly.

In addition to the spatial audio feature, macOS has also received several other updates. One of these is the ability to takeover your iMac screen with your MacBook screen, mirror it, or extend it. This can be useful for presentations or when you want to share content between devices. Additionally, users can now beam something from their iPhone to their Mac using AirPlay.

Another feature that has been added to macOS is support for full keyboard access. This allows users to perform tasks without having to switch between the mouse and trackpad, making it easier to work with certain applications. There are also new accessibility features available, including a more intuitive way of controlling the volume and brightness of your Mac.

**Shortcuts App for Mac**

Apple has also released an update to its shortcuts app, which is now available on both iOS and macOS devices. While some may have expected the shortcuts app to be a catalyst app, it appears that Apple has decided not to use this approach instead opting for a full-fledged app kit under the covers.

The new features in the shortcuts app are designed to make it easier to perform repetitive tasks. The app allows users to create custom shortcuts that can take any task and reduce its complexity by 2 or more clicks. This can be particularly useful for tasks that require multiple steps, making it easier to get work done quickly and efficiently.


For those looking to learn new skills and expand their knowledge in areas such as computer science, physics, and mathematics, Apple has partnered with to bring high-quality educational content to users. Brilliant is a website and app that offers courses on topics ranging from character recognition to quantum mechanics, all taught through interactive exercises and real-world challenges.

The benefits of using Brilliant include the ability to learn at your own pace, with instant feedback provided by the system as you complete each exercise. This makes it easy to identify areas where you need improvement and tailor your learning accordingly. Additionally, the platform is designed to be fun and engaging, making complex concepts feel accessible and enjoyable.

By providing access to such high-quality educational content, Apple is helping to empower users to develop new skills and pursue new career paths. Whether you're looking to enhance your existing knowledge or simply want to learn something new, is a valuable resource that can help you get started today.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- New Safari tab bar.Tab groups.Tabs everywhere.Anywhere even.Universal control for iPad and Mac.AirPlay to Mac. AirPlay speaker from Mac.Spatial audio with heads tracked.Shortcuts on Mac.New Books app.Hello screensavers and wallpapers for all.Privacy indicators.Privacy protections.Split-view swapping.And a ton,an imperial metric ton ofiOS crossover features.Date and frickin hallelujah date.It's the macOS Monterey public beta.It supports the MacBook back to 2016,the MacBook Air and Pro back to 2015,the Mac mini back to 2014,the iMac back to 2015,the iMac Pro andthe Mac Pro back to the trashcan.You can download it now,but just remember beta really means beta.So don't put it onanything mission critical.Now let's do this.Sponsored by Brilliant.I'm breaking downall the most important featuresfrom all of Apple's public betasand doing a slew oftechnical deep dives as well.Hit the subscribe button and belland you won't miss any of them.Time was iPhone would get abunch of fancy new featureseach year, every year, but itwould take additional yearsif not, never, for themto come to the Mac.Well, not today softwareSatan. Not anymore.Thanks to reorgs. Thanks to swift UI.Thanks to Apple Silicon.Thanks to Federighi finallygoing full on Fahy levelApple cinematic universefrom FaceTime to messages,SharePlay as shared with you,live text to translate.The vast majority of allthose fancy new iOS featuresare now coming on time, andat the same time to macOS.I covered all of them in theiOS and iPadOS beta videos.So I won't recapitulate them all here.But there's some interestingMac specific techgoing on as well.Live text, for example, onlyworks on M1 Macs, not Intel.Because live text is literally live.Apple's doing it on thefly and in real time.No pre-processing or indexing.No server round tripping.As soon as you encounter animage, any image, new or old,including images on webpages,it gets sent straight to the neural engineand any and all text ismade instantly selectableand actionable withoutimpacting the other workthe CPU and GPU need tobe doing at that time.And on-device and continuous dictation,powered again by the neuralengine on the M1 Macsthat'll personalize to you over time.Same with portrait mode in FaceTime.Apple's using the neuralengine in the M1 chipto do real time monoculardepth estimation,and segmentation maskinglike the 2020 iPhone SE.You can toggle that and audiomodes in control center.You can also see up to 20people in the new grid viewas well on any Mac.And if you have more thanthat on your table read,the others will be rosteredand rotated in and out as they speak.There's also a new hot mic indicator.Software not hardware likethe hot camera indicator,but it will show up nextto the control centeron the menu and above thecontrol center interfacewhen you expand it.So you can see exactly when and whatis listening to you at any given time.Because the Mac is a full onmulti-windowing environment,SharePlay on the Mac can bejust way less constrainedor just let you get way more distractedthan is possible on the iPhone or iPad.Will tell my family.And the Mac will even let you switch appsin split-view now,without having to justburn down the whole setupand start over again,which is something I've beencomplaining about for years.And I'm so happy it is finally fixed.20 years ago, Don Melton, Ken Kociendaand Richard Williamson kicked offthe Alexander project at Apple.They forked KHTML, Conqueror, made WebKit,the rendering engine andthe Safari web browser.Apple's browser.Under the singlequiz atattarock of zero regression.It just doesn't slow down, not ever.With macOS Monterey,that obsession continueswith the new tab bar,which I've actually beenkinda hesitant about.I was very much oldnavigator yells at cloudswhen the address bars and search fieldswere first conflated and seeingApple further conflate themwith tab bars now, I wasscreaming a little bit.In my heart.But it's workingand it's significantly reducingthe amount of interface,Chrome, not Chrome, but yeah, that too,around all of my web content,which can never get enoughpixels as far as I'm concerned.So I'll just wait andsee how I feel about thatcome release.What's been much more of aninstant win for me though,is tab groups.Put all the pages you use together,all your web workflows,and then invoke them, switch between them,add new tabs to them, evenshare them at any time.And if you have multiple apple devices,they'll sync between yourMac, iPhone and iPad.So you can easily instantlyget to any of your tag groupsfrom any of your devices.The new quick note feature,which I covered in the iPadOS videois baked right in as well.So you can jot down some thoughts,highlight some text and thequick note will persist.So you can revisit or update itany time you go back tothat specific website.Web extensions, whichhave been a bit of a mixedas in every time theyupdate, they disappear,until I jumped through inordinate hoopsto get them somehow re-enabled.Blessing for me, on Big Surare going cross-platformwith the iPad and iPhone now as well,which will just not abideany such shenanigans.So I have all my fingerscrossed, that those will be fixedand fast as well.And if you subscribe toiCloud+ which up until now,just meant paying for extra iCloud storageor Apple One Private Relaywill help protect your identityfrom profilers online.Basically it hides theaddress of the websiteyou're going to, even fromyour ISP and your IP addressfrom not just the website you're going to,but any data harvestersthey're connected to.I have a whole entire deepdive video up on that alreadyand I'll link to that in the description.Because while it is absolutely not a VPN,the implementation isstill really, really cool.And there's a built-in authenticator nowfor two-factor security tokens.So you don't have torely on just a passwordor use the, nobody shouldbe using, easy to SIM swapSMS system to protect your accounts.There's even an iCloudpassword app for the weband an edge extension forWindows users in the edge store.So Satya Microsoftasks, Tim Apple answers.With universal control,you can use your Mac to control your iPad.Two iPads, an iPad andanother Mac. You get the idea.It's not a screen takeover like Sidecaror projection like AirPlay.Both of those are still thereand you can still use them.This just is not turning your iPadsor other Mac into a secondaryor tertiary display.The iPads stay iPad.The Mac, extra Mac stays.It's a Mac, an extra Mac.You can just use a single Mackeyboard, mouse or track padto control the iPads or that other Mac.And it's instant setup.If you just drag your mousecursor from your main Mac andkeep dragging it in the directionof your iPad or other Mac.But you can also configurea static or frequent comboin system preferencesfor literally zero setup.Then you can just pointclick, swipe, type, open,close, drag, drop, across bothdevices, multiple desktops.You can even switch betweenthe different Mac keyboards.It's just the biggest escalationin Apple's continuity system ever.Like we've all just beenecosystemed again, son,daughter, child, whatever.Of course there's a lot more going onespecially behind the scenesfor privacy and security.And I've got, you guessedit, a whole entire videoup on that as well.And that link is also in thedescription. I've been busy.Now, AirPlay for Macwill let you stream videofrom your iPhone, iPador other Mac to any Mac.Just pick the Mac the wayyou would, any AirPlay sourceand use your Mac like,like it was a televisionattached to an apple TV.It's not target display mode.The late still lamentedhard line that let you usean iMac as a legit secondscreen for your Mac.That's been lost to framestitching for 5k displays fora few years now.This has higher latencyto ensure the sync.Which you can minimizeby doing it over a USBcable, if you really want to.But stillit's not ideal.But if that's all you want,and for many applications,it'll be all that you really need.You can use it to takeover your iMac screenwith your MacBook screen, tomirror or extend your display,or just beam something from your iPhoneto your much bigger iMac screen.And if you don't wantto, or don't have video,you can even target your Mac nowas an AirPlay to speaker for that audio.I have been literallywaiting for this.Asking for this for years now.So I am super happy it is finally here.Spatial audio with dynamic head trackingalso works on the Mac now.And it works the same way thefeature does on the Apple TV,which is different than the iPhone or iPadbecause the Mac, like the Apple TV,just doesn't have the same motion sensors.So it can't always calculatethe difference in positionbetweenthe AirPods in your earsand the device in your hand.So the system is just assumingthat the direction you arelooking most of the timeis where your Mac screen's atand then it bases all of the dynamics,all the calculations for thedifferences, the changes,in movement from that.In addition to the accessibility featuresApple previously announced,and I previously covered,the Mac is also gettingcustom mouse pointers.So you can set your ownoutline and fill colorsand just make it easier to seeas it moves and changes modes.There's also better supportfor full keyboard access.So you can do way, waymore without having to everswitch to the mouse or track pad,ever take your hands off the keyboard.You can factory restore your Mac,blowing away all content and settingswithout having to reinstall macOS,just always been just a huge pain.It basically just destroys the T2 or M1hardware encryption keys,so your stuff is justgoner than gone, gone.Just Summary D resolutionin Tron parlance.And hey, here's something interesting.The shortcuts app for Macis not a catalyst app.It's not UI Kit for Mac, not at all.It's a full on mackety Mac app.An app kit under the coversapp with swift UI on the top.Which just makes me go hmm,for a whole number of reasons,but mostly because swift UI seems to bestaking its claim as thefuture of cross-Apple apps,sticking it right throughthe heart of catalyst. Maybe.Either way, anyway, you canuse shortcuts on the Mac,just like shortcuts on iOSto take any tasks you need to domore than two or three times a day,or any tasks that requiretwo or three more clicksthan you otherwise have justany patience to give themand let shortcuts do allthat heavy lifting for you.And if you're new to shortcuts,Apple has a gallery full ofbasics to get you startedand maybe inspire you tomore cunning and complexshortcuts of your own.And here's something elsethat's really interestingabout shortcuts for Mac.It's the start of amultiyear transition fromye old automations of yore, to the bold,bright future of Workflow.And what that means for nowis that automator isstill around on the Macand you can import your existingautomations into shortcutsto prepare them for that future.Then you can find yourshortcuts with Spotlightin the finder's contextsensitive preview paneon the menu bar, even in the doc.In other words, just exactly whereyou'd expect to find anything on the Mac.And when shortcuts whets your appetitefor higher level coding conquest, isthe best place to continue.Brilliant is this awesomewebsite and app that'll teach youthe fundamentals of algorithmsand neural networks.Everything from character recognition likelive text to search like Spotlight.But also math, science,more appropriate for this,computer science,logic and deduction,physics, quantum mechanics,game theory, even cryptocurrency and more.And it, because it's builton learning while doingand solving real challenges in real timewith no memorizing long,messy formulas or fact sheets,no tests or grades,just instant feedback thatcoaches you bit by bit.So you can rapidly improve and learnthe foundational concepts behindall the most important new careersliterally before you even realize it.So if you wanna go fromjust using macOS to maybeone day working on it,you can get your starttoday with Brilliant.Just go to click the link in description.Pick a course and get started clicking on that linkreally helps out the channel.Hit the playlist above forvideos on all the public betas,more features I didn'thave room to cover hereand a bunch of deep dives to come.Just hit that playlist andI'll see you in the next video.\n"