I just I'm picking the sinkwell here's here's something for you do to get all that stuff out there some toothpicks you can use them against other people in the girls to pick for you oh no reason why it's it's just normal to use toothpicks warps dears Halloween party costume full head animal mask latex duck mask forkids except adults wearing it and it is so normalousoh my gosh why is it so creepy what are they doing kids mask also suitable for petite adults soft and easy to wear see through themask size and the mouse's hole haha I think they made mouth and think they made because there's a hole in themouthI love this thing I thought it was really creepy and I could sneak up on people and spooked him so far however no one has been even the least bit scared but I think it's so awesome call me a quack I don't care quack Ted difficult to see out of but perhaps my head is a bit lumpy it's good stuff that's good stuff I don't think I'm gonna get this that's just that's just too creepy empower skip Pitts laughs sweat and feel like a kid again when your tone your lower body and burn as many calories as running but what about your upper body but if you want your upper body tone huh is that not do anything for you patent pending design perfect for instant recess what does that mean so what you do is you put this on your leg and it's like jump rope but you like swinging around and that it's way more difficult than it looks look we got a video I love videos now you can laugh sweat and feel like a kid again with this gift from and power fitness that looks like it takes a lot of coordination money compact and portable you can take get fit anywhere for a quick cardio workout is it virgilian and adult so the box says adults only I bought it for my granddaughter but didn't give it to her for that reason and because it said California says it contains materials known to be harmful some glitches but overall fun way to work out wish it came with willpower I need to use it more the band snapped as I was using it displeased displeased I'm so displeased let's try it add the cardskip the gym for a calorie question workout that is just as effective as running but way more fun five-minute move approved burn 330 calories when used for five minutes or five times per day they're always look there's a little astrix proven to burn as many calories as running 6.7 miles per hour is that fast that's a decent pace I highly doubt that a man he's the one with the degree in Kinesiology can't argue with Bryan oh geez ok I did not break it tonight now I didn't break it we're gonna try it out yeah right here Yeah right hereso here's what I want to do I want to put it around my ankle that's how they get the coordination is I very good coordination brine I'm thinking I'm gonna have it go out what the hey dude he was really dangerous if I swing this thing hits my no no spot I bet this is justice ok what is no spot watch oh yeah sure always getting serious about getting serious nowOh Blackie the face to your question I got up blood skin is super scared bro that's a lot of exercise men mini desktop cannon pocket artillery CNC machine stainless steel barrel black anodized aluminum base brass hardware what is this like is this real does it shoot that's what I want to know the person that has everything a desktop mini cannon makes an awesome paperweight so if I put a desktop many can on my desk right I like said it somehow so that like when anyone comes into my office don't just shoot like a cannon bottom but cool toy for big kids really works useless but not worth returning was not the size I expected absolutely terrible i got maybe five shots out of it before quick-firing and it didn't shoot very hard at all didn't even dent aluminum can also spend thanks dude so sadly I'm not gonna get that one but it seems pretty pointless but it does seem like it actually shoots which is kinda cool guys make sure you click that video right there it is the last ten weird and strange things found on Amazon that we did also if you haven't seen that video before make sure you click subscribe if you're new here because we make videos like this three times a week high five oops missed high five well Oh high five
10 Strange Things On Amazon!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhe was really dangerous if i swing thisthing wronganything goes and hits my no no spot Ohwhat's going on Cybertron welcome to 10strange things on amazon that Brian andthe gunner found Brian and Gunnar lookedand found on amazon they tried to lookfor some of the weirdest strangestthings that are for sale and then i'mgoing to review them look at them andalso make sure you click the bell iconto get notified of when i upload videosbecause when i upload a video i will becommenting back for the first 30 minutesof every upload and i will not commentback to you know fake spam comments andmy gosh like this it's broken justcoming something realyou know Abby real person here becauseI'm a real person rant overfirst thing lick and chicken includesfour rubber chickens at target disk anda score pad great family game encouragesphysical activity and so said but sosaid that has to be a productdescription nowadays encourages physicalmovement haha is itBochy what it was that rubber chickenfoot but these people just throwingrubber chickens like tossing theirrubber she just kick it did you justpunch a chickenwhat wait what the word gravel is gonnaget hurt for real good player with thelowest score winsit's that simple someone walks up andlike I what are you doing I'm justflicking the chickenthey're gonna call the cops on you righthow big is the target how heavy is thetarget should be concerned and win maybeif it's fart windok no educational value but the qualityof family times i'm sorry but if youneed flippin chicken to restore yourfamilies quality time I don't know manyou got bigger issues right game wasboring and two out of the four chickensruined after three games but this afterreading all the reviews and thought itwould be a fun game for kids to play theparty the kids got bored with it reallyfast not wear this it's just so weirdthat like you would buy product i didn'tentertain my kids at all stupid productthree out of four chickens head came offin the first game i took him camping andthought it'd be a lot of fun i'll letdown it's a good idea but needsimprovement here's the here's myquestion rightdoesn't matter if the chicken's headcomes off I don't know we're going tofind out because i'm gonna add that tothe cartOh what is this multiple award winnerhaha multiple awards won by the freakingchicken dude let's let's see the qualityof these chickenshow does the head come off you gotta belike really like throwing it by the heador somethingI mean it seems alright you want to playaround do let's flip the chickentogether it's gonna be a friendly gameright friendly this guy always likefreaks out team as dudes always got towin it's a friendly game right I'm gonnatoss this the closest we can flick thechicken through that wall penalty thingready for chicken do quickly put stonethe head from the head 00 SE they bouncethat's the issuewatch like the grandma'd I'm way closeragreement shot she did under the leg dothat all marked man going to layok a better grouping dunno i have had agroup members to the whole so we sofirst to the whole the minute that upyou just want to lick your chicken moredude that's what you can do for cheatingnext item keyboard waffle ironthis is definitely weird so if you makea waffle you can make it into a keyboardmy product is called the keyboard waffleiron is a stovetop waffle iron thatmakes computer keyboard shape wafflesI'm talking gourmet belgian-stylewaffles that talking to form abelgian-style control delicious controlall deliciousthat's clever that's clever one star butwhy unfortunately aluminum aluminumshould never be used for cooking it canhave serious health risks includingtypes of canceractually that is slightly true fivestars apply syrup to enable stickiesideas on screen keyboard to write thisreview because bluetooth not detectingkeyboard but it still gets five starsbecause the keys give plenty of tactilefeedback just makes the keyboard is likenot working not working i was gonna buyit but then for some reason I didn'tbecause I thought it'd be too Idifficult to make bottles in the officebut Jonathan Morrison channel down thedescription below go check him out heactually bought one of these and testedit out so go check out that video thatlink will be in the description belowit's pretty funny and it looks deliciousand I'm a little bummed out that Ididn't try itaccoutrement squirrel coffee cup ok sothis is a coffee cup for a squirrelI don't really know what the deal iswith that I just don't get it what's theneed for as you sit down for yourmorning coffee have you ever consideredsharing with the squirrelsno I haven't actually just pour a littlehazelnut coffee in this porcelain scrollcoffee cup set it down on your windowlegen wait for the scroll to come andenjoy with you my gosh could you imagineis this copy cup microwave anddishwasher safe hahaamazon sentence question for me toanswer our squirrels don't havemicrowave so I don't know this is one ofthe most ridiculous things I've everspent money on but totally worth it loveit was all fun and games until he tookit up the tree and onto my roof a littlepicture or squirrel hear that totallystole it man that's gross huge maybeeight cups tiny actually haven't seen itoh my gosh no you have to like theyactually head squirrels bring addedalright so let's test this one outproceed to checkout know i have to addthe cardoh my gosh you're gonna break itthe little squirrel coffee cup worldproved world's smallest fills his timeat with coffee and said on your backporch so your squirrel friends can enjoya morning cup of coffee with youthat's awesome dude is awkward why didit means a big bag just for the brandinglet's let's show you how small thispuppy is have tiny this little guy isit's so tiny OMG is from China i'm gonnatry to make my normal coffee right herewhich is a mocha so I'm gonna try tomake a mocha in this time to make somecoffee i have it set right here and wantto make a the lowest i can go is a fourounce cup and only think that's half anounce so we have to do a swapall right here's what we're gonna do I'mgonna do a little swap here try not toburn myselfbecause I don't want to waste coffee ohit's so hotthere we go oh my god i filled it up abit too much a bit too much because ihave i'm gonna try to make a mocha hereright now I can do thislook see that look at you see that milkin there looks good man what's goodcocoa powder just a bit i'm just goingto sprinkle it in there just going tosprinkle that final touches how Iusually make my mocha is I spin it istir it I this is a frother rightoh gosh I guess you can't profitsquirrel coffee there's a little leftoh that's not good custom Nicolas Cagepillowcase standard size on my goshsee you in my dreams that's creepy dudedon't know you're in a super creepy howto get barnhow did you burn like how to get burnedout of your barn don't know guaranteeyou this is not authorized like they'venot authorized to put Nick's cave NICcages face on a pillow case facepillowcase wow well I'm just like whywould someone want that maybe is like amean kind of like as a joke consultantpost a picture of it I here has lowresolution I'd like to see what it lookslike in real life if it's not too muchtrouble hello all the pictures areprinted on it and it is clearly thankyousomeone clearly wanted someone to buy itand take a picture of it so they couldsee the quality of the product and Ilike know the pictures on the productthe smooth texture and high-resolutionmake and feel like Nick is really in bedwith methis made me one happy momwhat oh my it's a huge pillow and thatguy is falling asleep on itcan you imagine sleeping with that baseright next to you next productaccoutrements bacon flavored toothpicksbestseller unless it's actually baconI can't stand bacon-flavored anythingit's just not good it's just not good 80toothpicks bacon flavor comes in its owntime with a slide off lid this theseslender sticks of woodyeah are generously flavored with theunparalleled drool inducing flavor ofbacon great idea this is a great ideafor product i'm a huge lover of baconbut they really didn't get the taste orsmell right it tastes like dog food seethat's what yeah that's what it alwaysthe fake bacon always tastes like dogfood no one you know one this isterribledoesn't smell like bacon it smells morelike smoke pieces of crap when I boughtthis I thought they would smell good andat least have a decent taste but trustme they don't these never made it intomy mouth because the smell made me sicki had to throw them away and I lovebaconyuck well let's try it out and cartbacon flavored toothpicksnot much to approximately 80bacon-flavored birchwood toothpickslet's find out if they are actuallyhorribly centerI can't get this thing open dude therewe go I really slide itoh I even read that was a slight offlate bro to show you yeahoh holy Mac role was thinkingwalmart these senior woman with asthmainhaler peel and stick wall d healthok so this is a meme obviously right andi think the mean came from thoseimagesstock websites because this samewoman can be seen with a gunthis is such a popular meme that you canget it in a huge ball extra-large 48 x41 wallposters that is incredibleshe's just a beautiful woman justconfident elderly excited for theinhaler the smooth as a sly smile i cansee it a sly smilewhy would anyone buy this not noteveryone gets it nor should be you thinkI'm odd for buying this i am sad for youthat you don't understand itsomeone just got shook why would anyonebuy this one's like hey hey this isawesomethe best never ok please how easy is itto get offwhy would you want to take it off weirduh put it up right next to my framed oilpainting of an old man measuring hispills into a daily dispenser looksamazing i was looking for a large walldecal of a stock photo of a woman usingan inhaler and this fits the billperfectly thank youit came quickly it was easy to apply andit looks great on the wall only downsideis if you have a Sam I textured surfaceit will not stick by there being likelegit with this review they likeactually bought and they're like thisgood I want to sell my wife forever andever and everedible and dehydrated zebra tarantulaoh my gosh actual product packagingmaterials may contain more or differentinformation than what is shown ourwebsite what does that meanso like you you open it up and it's likeoh by the way this particular one that'sin it is not edible it's poisonous sodon't need it are the spiders mail as afeminist I could never eat a femalespider haha are these organic / organicfed or wild really haha forget baconbits these things are delicious istyping on salads never again waste ofmoneyi bought this and to my surprise ittastes like a spider sick i'm thoroughlydisgusted absolutely delicious yum yumtaste like beef jerky but the aftertasteis rancid though I still wanted anotherone without the salt on it or betterseasoning discussing which means let'ssee if we can get anyone to eat itadd the card let's get into this guy'szebra tarantula cooked and dehydratedwith a light dusting of salt i assumethat it's legit tarantula it feels likenothing is its light and feels likenothingI was in thereoh I don't like spiders bro but i'mgoing to i will get over my fear if youdon't like spiders this is the time codethat you can skip to but if you want toskip this partit's better if I just don't look wellI'm touching it look at thatlet's go see if we can get anyone to theoffice to try this kevin do you havewhat it takes the guts to try zebratarantula got to eat it you take a bitejust a bite and you don't have to i'lldo 4 by panaka the whole thing I don'tactually the elevated yes i have thegutsoh that's gross wrong just take a littlemy mother was a chocolate you're kiddingwith me I don't know it's a trancheAllah now that you know it's actuallyrealum yeah I'm going back out i don't knowif i would I mean it was water goesthrough and throughout that it waschocolate manOh hairy legs yeah there's very littlesmell thoughalright don't try the next person expertnot know okay Mike said no it's actuallytarantula it's edible only thing thatmakes me feel betterfully edible ok sure it's edibleabsolutely one hundred percent my goshno oh really is a real gag and spit itoutOhoh I study purity of his mouthI just I'm picking the sinkwell here's here's something for you doto get all that stuff out there sometoothpicks you can use them againstother puke in the girls to pick for youoh no reason why it's it's just normaltoothpickwarp dears halloween party costume fullhead animal mask latex duck mask forkids except adults wearing it and it isginormousoh my gosh why is it so creepy what arethey doingkids mask also suitable for petite adultsoft and easy to wear see through themask size and the mouse's hole haha ithink they made mouth and think theymouth because there's a hole in themouthI love this thing I thought it wasreally creepy and I could sneak up onpeople and spooked him so far however noone has been even the least bit scaredbut I think it's so awesomecall me a quack I don't care quack Teddifficult to see out of but perhaps myhead is a bit lumpy it's good stuffthat's good stuffI don't think I'm gonna get this that'sjust that's just too creepy empower skipPitts laughs sweat and feel like a kidagain when your tone your lower body andburn as many calories as running butwhat about your upper body but if youwant your upper body tone huh is thatnot do anything for youpatent pending design perfect forinstant recesswhat does that mean so what you do isyou put this on your leg and it's likejump rope but you like swinging aroundand that it's way more difficult than itlookslook we got a video i love videos nowyou can laugh sweat and feel like a kidagain with this gift from and powerfitness that looks like it takes a lotof coordination money compact andportable you can take get fit anywherefor a quick cardio workout is itvirgilian and adultsthe box says adults-only i bought it formy granddaughter but didn't give it toher for that reason and because it saidCalifornia says it contain materialsknown to be harmful some glitches butoverall fun way to workout wish it camewith willpower I need to use it morethe band snapped as i was using itdispleased displeasedI'm so displeased let's try it add thecardskip the gym for a calorie questionworkout that is just as effective asrunning but way more fun five-minutemove approved burn 330 calories whenused for five minutes or five times perday they're always look there's a littleastrix proven to burn as many caloriesas running 6.7 miles per hour is thatfastthat's a decent pace i highly doubt thata man he's the one with the degree inKinesiology can't argue with bryan ohgeez ok i did not break it tonightnow I didn't break it we're gonna try itout here Yeah right hereso here's what I want to do I want toput it around my ankle that's how theyget the coordination is I very goodcoordination brine i'm thinking i'mgonna have it go out what the hey dudehe was really dangerous if i swing thisthing hits my no no spot i bet this isjusticeok what is no spot watch oh yeah surealways getting serious about gettingserious nowOh Blackie the face to your question Igot up blood skin is super scared brothat's a lot of exercise menmini desktop cannon pocket artillery cncmachine stainless steel barrel blackanodized aluminum base brass hardwarewhat is this like is this real does itshoot that's what I want to know theperson that has everything a desktopmini cannon makes an awesome paperweightso if i put a desktop many can on mydesk rightI like said it somehow so that like whenanyone comes in my officedon't just shoot like a cannon bottombut cool toy for big kids really worksneed a little practice but cool toy whatuseless but not worth returning was notthe size i expected absolutely terriblei got maybe five shots out of it beforequick-firing and it didn't shoot veryhard at all didn't even dent aluminumcan also spend thanks dude so sadly i'mnot gonna get that one but it seemspretty pointless but it does seem likeit actually shoots which is kinda coolguys make sure you click that videoright there it is the last ten weird andstrange things found on amazon that wedid also if you haven't seen that videobefore make sure you click subscribe ifyou're new here because we make videoslike this three times a weekhigh five oops missed high fivewell Oh high five\n"