Adding the Box to Place
The box is added into place with the wires pointing straight up and the computer cable and earthwire coming out of the side. This ensures that everything is properly positioned and secured before moving on to the next step. The wires are then covered with buttercream, which helps to conceal any visible wiring or cables.
Adding Chocolate Details
For those who are concerned about not knowing where the box is when cutting into the cake, the computer cable coming out of the side should serve as a reminder. To create a seamless look, temper some milk chocolate and spread it onto some foil, making sure it's slightly bigger than the cake. Once the chocolate starts to set, place some paper in the size of the cake over the top and cut around the outside.
Measuring the Wires
Measure the position of the wires on your cake so you know how far in and how far up they are sitting. This will help you locate the correct spot on the chocolate and cut out a circle using the back of a piping tip. The circle should be slightly larger than the wires to ensure a snug fit.
Adding Chocolate Details (continued)
Once it is set, remove the foil and add it over the top of the cake feeding the wire through the hole. This will help create a channel for the sauce to flow. Now put some baking paper over the top and rest the white chocolate over that. Use a knife to draw on where each of your holes are, this is important as you need to get them in the right spot.
Twisting the Wires
Twist the wires around and curve them into a circle, we're just trying to make them a bit shorter. Then spread them out, fan them out so they're not touching each other. Use some tempered chocolate to hold them in place. This will create a secure base for the cake.
Creating Channels for Sauce
Now we want to create a channel for our sauce to flow through it can make a circuit with the wire, that way we don't have wires through the whole cake, we can just have them all right here next to the box so we can take that out in one piece. To do this, use chocolate and Twizzlers to make the channels. Remember you want one wire in each channel.
Adding Sound Effects
To add a fun element to the cake, create sound effects using Sign up for a free account and click on events. Drag 'when space key is pressed' over into the spot on the right-hand-side, and then drag 'play sound until done' underneath. Press the arrow next to Meow and choose 'record.' Record your desired sound and press the square to stop recording.
Adding Customizations
Name your recording so you know which one's which. Then click on the 'scripts' tab to go back. When you press down next to Meow there, your new sound is there. Keep doing that for a,s,d,f, and g, as these correspond to where the wires are plugged into on the back of Makey Makey.
Assembling the Cake
Once everything is set up, plug the computer cable into the computer with Scratch open and running, and attach the earth wire to tweezers. Now it's time to play! The cake is ready for assembly and presentation.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardonand this week we are making something superfun, it's an Operation game cake that actuallymakes sounds!This week's notification squad shoutout goesto Beautiful Nature.For your chance at a shout-out turn on notificationsand write 'done' in the comments so I knowthat you have done so.To make this crazy cake you will need flour,gelatin, baking powder, salt, sugar, creamof tartar, egg whites, water, oil and eggyolks.And I'll put all these recipe quantities onthe website for you andof course I'll put a link to that below.To start with put the gelatin and the bakingpowder and the salt and the sugar into theflour.Whisk those together to get rid of any lumpsand to aerate the mixture.Make a hole in the centre just using yourspoon to scoop it to the edges.And then pour in the oil, egg yolks and thewater and you want to not stir that, justleave it as it is to one side.Add the cream of tartar to the egg whitesand whip them up on high speed until you getsoft peaks.Now use your beaters to mix together the flourmixture on low speed until all those ingredientsare just combined.Add in the egg whites and fold them carefully,scooping down to the bottom and up over thetop keeping as much air in your cake batteras you can.Pour that into two trays and you want to bakethose in the oven until they are done.While that is baking let's make our strawberrysauce.Wash and hull your strawberries then placethem in a pan with strawberry jam and thewater.And you want to stir that until it boils andthen let it simmer until the fruit becomessoft.Turn off the heat and just leave that to cool.Once your cake is cooled trim off the edgesso that you have a nice rectangle.Make up a double batch of my vanilla buttercreamand again that recipe is on the website, andI'll link you to that below.Put a small amount of buttercream onto yourcake board and add your first tray cake.Brush this with vanilla simple syrup to keepthe cake nice and moist and then cover itin the buttercream, then add the next cake,brush that with simple syrup too then coverall of the top and the sides with buttercreammaking it as smooth as you can keeping anyleft over buttercream because you'll needthat later.Now on our game, we are only going to have6 different sounds so you are going to needto decide which ones they are going to be.I am going for the heart, the arm, the ribs,the foot and the leg.Now you want to cut those out to make it easyto mark where they are on the cake.I'll put a pdf of this print-out on the websiteto help you.Spread some tempered white chocolate ontosome baking paper in the size of the cakeor just a little bit bigger.As it is starting to set cut around the shapeof your cake and then place your patient ontop and make incisions where you have chosento operate.Tracing around each one and then leave thatcovered with baking paper and a tray whileit sets.Roll out some pink fondant and cut out theshorts shape remembering to cut out the horseas well.Now cut out little hearts from the shorts,now I am using a home made cutter - if youwant to know how to make your own cuttersyou can see my Twitter dessert video and I'llshow you in detail how to do it there.It is very handy for things like this, whenyou want a specific size and you're probablynot going to use it again.I'll link to that video at the end.Now use the cutter to cut some red heartsin the exact same size of course and thenadd them into place, sliding them from thetop of the heart in first and then gentlypushing them down.You can of course just trim the ones thatare overlapping on the edges.Keep a spare heart and squash it down a bitflatter and then cut down the middle in azig-zag to make it look like the broken heartthat sits on his chest.To make the Teddy cut around the shape outof light brown fondant and then cut out littleskinny triangles of fondant from around theedge to give his fur that jagged furry look.Add a lighter coloured ball of fondant tohis tummy and flatten that down.And then add another one in place for hislittle nose and his feet and ears.Use some black gel food colouring to painton his nose, his mouth, his eyes and his eyebrows.And then begin to outline the rest of thebear.Use white food colouring to lighten the centreof the bandaid and add a highlight to hiseyes and a little bit on his nose.Now use some powdered brown food colouringto add shading to the bear which just makesit look a bit more 3D.Add a little red fondant thermometer and heis ready to go.Back to our white chocolate.When I was trying to remove the little bitsit cracked so I'd suggest that you take themout while the chocolate is still soft.So I am just repairing mine with a littlemore white chocolate and then taking out thoselittle spaces that we needed cut out now whileit's still soft.Roll out some yellow fondant and place itover the top of your chocolate.If you have a silpat which is this siliconmat, rolling the fondant out on that willgive it a slight fabric texture.Gently press on the fondant to find wherethe holes are in the chocolate and the edges.Cut away the edges, then place the printoutover the top to see where the yellow sheetis supposed to come to.Cut across just there and then remove theprintout and extend those lines to the edgesand then peel off the excess yellow fondantaway from the top.Cut out each of the holes following the shapeof your chocolate.And then take that extra bit of fondant out.Then draw a line across the top of your sheetand add little indents across the top forstitching.Now if you didn't have a silpat then you canadd some fabric texture by making little indentsone way using your knife and then turn it90 degrees and go across it the other way.You don't need to do this over the whole thing,just in some patches and your mind will fillin the blanks.Just like on a cartoon building they onlydraw in some of the bricks and your mind justassumes that it's a brick wall.If they are too pronounced just give it agentle little rub to bring it back a bit.Add some blue fondant across the top of thebed and then trim the edges.Using the rounded end on the back of a paintbrushindent the pillow shape, so you know whereit's going to go.Then use gel food colouring to outline thepillow.Use some watered down colour for the shadowingand then use black gel colour to shade behindthe pillow.Using some fondant in the colour of his skinroll it out and cut around all of his bodyand his hair.Place that onto the cake and cut out the holes.Add his shorts into place, just tucking itunder his tummy there, and then cut out andadd in each of his legs.Put some white fondant over his bandaged footand then begin to outline the rest of him.Now you could of course print this designusing edible ink onto fondant or rice paperand that would be quicker, but for those ofyou who don't have access to that this worksjust as well and look better and brighter.Use some red to outline the shorts and somesilver mixed with lemon juice to outline theholes. and don't forget to add his belly button.Add some white fondant for his eyes and alittle bit over the top for his eyelids.Then paint the details on his face just likeyou did on his body, following what you cansee on the picture on the box.If you do make any mistakes just wet a cleanpaint brush and gently rub the little bitof food colouring that you don't want andthen dab paper towel and it will come straightoff.Add a rounded cylinder of red fondant forhis nose.And then using white food colouring highlighthis nose, eyes, just under his eyes, a littlebit on his lip and streaks through his hair.Again just looking at the picture on the boxso you know where those highlights go.Now paint on the pictures next to each holeof what is supposed to be in each one.And then use the end of your paintbrush tomake a hole for his mouth and add a snakeof red for the thermometer.Put a ball of red on the top, outline thatwith white and then add the lines for thescale up the thermometer.Use powdered brown food colouring to add shadingto the skin just like we did on the teddybear.Speaking of the teddy, let's add him intoplace on the pillow just next to your man.Now to make the cake make sounds.I am using a really small cardboard box andMakey Makey which is a really easy to usecustomisable board.Draw on the side of your box where the spaceneeds to be for the cord to come out and wherethe wires are, with Makey Makey it comes withthese white wires that you can push into thebase or with alligator clips.You want to use the white wires for this becausethe clips are too long and bulky for insidethe cake.Remove the areas that you drew with the knifeand then pull the wires through the hole sothe board sits inside the box.Then thread the earth wire and the computercable through the other hole on the side ofthe box.Next you want to completely cover your boxin tape to make it waterproof.I am using wide packing tape and giving ita couple of extra coats all over the box andaround where the wires exit the box.Now in one corner of your cake cut out a piecethe size of the box and remove that cake.Add the box into place with the wires pointingstraight up and the computer cable and earthwire coming out of the side.Then cover that with buttercream.For those of you who are concerned that youwon't know where the box is when you go tocut the cake the computer cable coming outof the side should be a good reminder foryou.Temper some milk chocolate and spread it ontosome foil making sure it is slightly biggerthan your cake.Once it is starting to set place some paperin the size of the cake over the top and cutaround the outside like we did before.Measure the position of the wires on yourcake so you know how far in and how far upthey are sitting, and then find that locationon your chocolate and cut out a circle usingthe back of a piping tip.Add some baking paper and place a tray overthe top to help stop the chocolate from curlingas it sets.Once it is set remove the foil and add itover the top of the cake feeding the wiresthrough the hole.Now put some baking paper over the top andrest the white chocolate over that.Draw on using a knife where each of your holesare, this is important that you get them inthe right spot, that is why we put the whitechocolate on.Then you can take the white chocolate offand mark them clearly with an x where eachof them are.Twist the wires around and curve them in acircle, we are just trying to make them abit shorter,then spread them out, fan them out so theyare not touching each other.Use some tempered chocolate to hold them intoplace.Now we want to create a channel for our sauceso it can make a circuit with the wire, thatway we don't have wires through the wholecake, we can just have them all right herenext to the box so we can take that out inone piece.I am using chocolate and Twizzlers to makethe channels.Remember you want one wire in each channel.So that is two, three, four, five... whereis six?I've missed it, there it is!Okay close that one off so there's one wirethere and bring the other one around.And you also want to add more around the edgesand in the spare areas that's just to supportthe white chocolate.Puree your cold sauce to make it smooth sothere's no lumps in it.Then add sauce into each section, making sureyour sauce goes all the way up to the wire.Pipe some buttercream around the top and nowadd your white chocolate piece into placeto hide all the Twizzlers and the sauce.Cut a strip of red fondant that's the heightof the cake and rub it with a little oil ontop and then roll it up, place it on the sideof the cake and unroll it, wrapping it aroundto cover the edges.And this just makes it look like edges ofthe game because they are bright red.Add a snake of fondant all the way aroundthe base just to make it super neat.And then cut out tiny shapes to go in eachof the holes, or if there will be lots ofkids wanting to have a go you could just avoidthis step and use mini m&m's instead.Now on your computer go to a website and sign up for a free account.Once you've got that open, click on eventsand drag 'when space key is pressed' overinto the spot on the right-hand-side.Click the arrow next to space and choose 'A'.Now click on sound and drag 'play sound untildone' over and join it underneath.Press the arrow next to Meow and choose 'record'.Press the circle button to record and saywhat you want it to say and then press thesquare to stop recording.Select any blank pauses at the start and endof your recording and delete them so thatour sound happens immediately when they touchthe sauce.Name your recording so you know which one'swhich.And then click on the 'scripts' tab to goback.Now when you press down next to Meow there,your new sound is there.Next click on control and choose 'wait 1 second'and add that to the bottom.This is just so the sound doesn't just repeatimmediately, it gives a moment for them tomove onto the next one.Keep doing that for a,s,d,f and g that iswhere are wires are pugged into on the backof Makey Makey.Then plug the computer cable into the computerwith Scratch open and running and attach theearth wire to tweezers.And then it's time to play.Hey, that's my heart!You can of course customize the sounds tosuit the age level at the party.Are you some kind of quack!Woah, it makes a noise, that's so cool!\"Ouch!\"\"You're making me nervous!\"\"He he, that tickles\".Click here for the recipe details, here formore of my videos.Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday!\n"