9 Horrible Car Engineering FAILS

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**Everybody Makes Mistakes: Car Company Blunders That Cost Millions**


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**Everybody makes mistakes, and that includes car companies.**

But if a car company makes a mistake it can cost millions of dollars and sometimes even people's lives.

This list includes exploding tires, gas-loving spiders, and going way too fast in reverse.

How did this stuff happen? How did they fix it?

**Exploding Tires: A Safety Concern**

One of the most alarming mistakes made by car companies is the issue of exploding tires. These unexpected incidents can be deadly, causing serious harm to drivers and passengers alike.

**Gas-Loving Spiders: Unwelcome Passengers**

Another bizarre mistake was the appearance of gas-loving spiders in some vehicles. This unsettling phenomenon caused significant distress for drivers who discovered these unwanted co-pilots on their journeys.

**Going Way Too Fast in Reverse: A Recipe for Disaster**

Perhaps one of the most astonishing mistakes made by car companies is when a vehicle is designed to go way too fast in reverse. This oversight can lead to devastating consequences, putting lives at risk every time someone gets behind the wheel.

This is a story about how these mistakes happened and what steps were taken to correct them.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Everybody makes mistakes,and that includes car companies.But if a car company makes a mistakeit can cost millions of dollarsand sometimes even people's lives.This list includes exploding tires,gas-loving spiders, and goingway too fast in reverse.How did this stuff happen?How did they fix it?This is "D-list".Epic engineering fail.The biggest shocker about this oneis that they did it on purpose.Mercedes, good old reliable 250,000 milesbefore it needs an oil change Mercedesonce tried to makebiodegradable wiring a thing.Biodegradable wiring.It all started in a quainttime called the 1990swhen Germany passed a lawrequiring a certain percentageof all cars being producedto be biodegradable.Good, that's a good rule.So that when you junked it in the futurethose parts would break downand return to the earthfrom whence they came.Schping, schmang, schoom,we're all stardust,we're all made out of carbon.I think it's a pretty good idea.But Mercedes decidedthat instead of doing something normallike making biodegradable seat coversor headliners or something,the part they replacedwith an eco alternativewas the rubber thatcovers all of the wires.Well, what happened next?I think you can probably guess.Over time the wires becameexposed to the elementsand they degradedcausing a nest of short circuiting copperand spicy electricityjumping all over the place,like in "Star Wars" whenhe's was like (mimics static)"Give me back me son!".And what's even worseis that Mercedes has neverissued a safety recall,even though a wiringharness with no insulationis incredibly dangerous.The rumor is that so manycars would have to be recalledthat they would never recoverfrom this financially.This is a sad fail.Between 2005 and 2010 Toyotahad to recall over 9million cars in the USdue to floor mats.Toyota fitted removable floor matsto practically all ofits cars in this periodin an effort to make themeasy to take out and clean.Floor mats are great,I have some floor mats.What they didn't expectwas that the floor matwould move around on thefloor as you stepped on themand eventually slide upover the accelerator,forcing the car to accelerate rapidly.Like your car starteddriving as fast as it couldand lots of people couldn't stop.This resulted in thousands of crashesand somewhere between 59 and 89 deaths.So keep your floor mats tight, a'ight?I don't throw empty sodabottles underneath your seat.I'm speaking from experience here,they get caught behind your brakes.My girlfriend does it all thetime, it really worries me.Yet another epic fail.Y'all know about G Wagon.Kim Kardashian ownsgosh darn nine of them.Big old, big old refrigerator truck.I don't mind them, Ithink they're pretty cool.Originally they were only usedby the military and German farmersand they were more like a slow truckin terms of performance.But now they're fast, real fast.They got a handmade AMGtwin turbio 621 hrspr,they'll zero to 60 in five seconds,which is crazy because it isclassified as a tiny house.Despite having four wheel driveand all the modern day Mercedes technologyto help keep them on the road,their tall stance andrelatively narrow wheelbasemean that they're pretty sketchy feelingwhen you're going fast in them.But everything is scarierin reverse, all right.You ever ridden Superman:Escape from Kryptonat Six Flags Magic Mountain?Because forwards and it's scary,and then at the end it goesbackwards and it's way scarier.Well, in 2016, 20 G65AMGs sold in North Americahad to be recalled becausesomeone had a few too manySchneider Weisse Aventinus Eisbocksand forgot to program anelectrical speed limiterfor the reverse gear.Now without this littletiny piece of softwarelimiting the reverse speed,the car could achieve speedsin an excess of 60 miles per hour,going backwards in a tiny house.Now I know what you're saying.James Dog, 60 miles per in reverse-skisounds like a blast.But here's the thing, guys.In a big old truck brick like the G Wagon,it's supposed to be limited to15 miles per hour in reversebecause these big baby boys love to --.It's a dumb one I knowbecause the fix was just toalter a bit of code in the ECU.But still, how'd nobody check that?Must've been done on aFriday, you know what I mean?Uh, god fail.The Aztek is so gross it's awesome.It's like eating your own boogers.Back when it came out in the early 2000sit was basically one ofthe first crossovers ever.It came with all wheel drive,it sat high on the road,and had room for lots of people inside.It was ahead of its time.You could even get one with a tent.A tent!It had a tailgate with cup holders in it,had a removable coolerin the center console.And did I mention that it had a tent?People criticized it for its looks,but the simple fact is that20 years after its creationwe're all over here driving crossovers.So Pontiac got it right.Rest in peace, Pontiac,rest in peace to the Aztek.I like to think that Pontiac is up therewith Lil Peep and Tupac,eating barbecue ribswith Pope John Paul IIon the tailgate of his Aztek.Yeah, Pope John Paul IIdrives and Aztec in heaven.But for all of its subtle future-proofing,the Aztek had a really, really,really annoying achilles' heel.(sighs) The AC drain plug.It sat right above the car's main ECU,and in the summer thecondensation from the ACwould drain right onto the computercausing a short and frying,and frying, and frying,and frying the car's brain.Tons of people reported the issuebut GM never officially acknowledged it.I'm starting to see a patternwith these big old guys.Which sucks.It's like Lil Pump.Future classic with a fried brain.Right in the fails.If you've ever been a person in the pastyou might remember this one.Firestone and Ford, two ofAmerica's greatest sons,literal best friendslocked in a court battleover exploding tires.This whole story began whenpeople started crashingin Ford's brand new SUV, the Explorer.The first reports back from the policewho inspected the crash siteswere that the tires appearedto have de laminated,with the entire tire tread surfacecoming away from the tire core.Firestone and Ford hadbeen working togethersince the days of the Model T.That is back in great grandpop's times.And both companies wereabsolutely and rightfully sohorrified by the findings.Firestone instantly recalled6.5 million wilderness radial tires,which were all put onto explores.However, even after thisrecall the crashes continued.Eventually Firestone came out and saidthat the problem wasn't theirtire but the Explorer itself,which Firestone said was unsafeand would roll over in a crashregardless of what tire it was on.The SUV was, at the time,a new and highlyprofitable market for Ford.So they were quick todeny those allegationsand they broke up with Firestonein a cowardly attempt tokeep on selling their SUV,bringing a 100 yearrelationship to a bitter end.What are you thinking?And another Ford one.This one is also definitely their fault.Between 1988 and 1993 Ford built7.9 million cars and truckswith an ignition switchthat due to its locationnext to the enginewould overheat and fail.And how would you know thatyour Ford ignition switchhad overheated and failed?Well, it was easy.Your Ford would stalland then you would losecontrol of the steeringand the braking.That's two of the mostimportant things about driving.You got steering, you got braking,a hot snack, some good tunes.And if you were really unlucky,the ignition would set itself on fireand your entire carwould burn to the ground.And allegedlyFord was aware of theproblem during development,but instead of moving themodule to a cooler locationas their engineers had suggested,Ford chose to just beef up the moduleto make it last just long enoughto exceed the warranty period,forcing owners to bearthe cost of replacementwhen their car burns to the ground.It's weird guys.It's almost like these big companiesdon't even care about people.The module had been installedin over 22 million Ford cars and trucks,but by the time the governmentmandated recall was issuedonly about one third ofthem remained on the road.Uh, yeah, I'd say this is an epic fail.This one is freaking -- terrifying.The Mazda 6 had a problem,an eight-legged problem,and no, I'm not talking about four people.I'm not even talking about two wolfs.I'm talking about a spider.A certain species of spiderknown as the yellow sac spideris attracted to hydrocarbonssuch as gasoline.Aren't we all?Problem is on 2009 and 2015 Mazda 6sthere was a way for the tiny spidersdrawn by the smell of gasto climb in the fuel systemwhere they would spin their webs,which would eventually clogeverything up and get all gunky.These eight legged freaks,not to be confused with the 2002David Arquette classic"Eight Legged Freaks",crawled their way intoa small auxiliary hosemeant to allow excess gasfumes to leave the fuel systemand keep the pressure withinthe system all normal.Remember normal before I knewthat gas spiders existed?Once the spiders getin and spin their webs,the gasses can't escape like they need toand the pressure builds up in the system.Mazda became aware of the problemafter 13 owners in the USactually had their gas tankscrack and leak fuel dueto buildup of pressure.And eventually they had torelease a software patchthat regulated the fuel system pressureeven if the spiders did startliving inside of your Mazda.They couldn't even getrid of the spiders, okay.They just learned how to coexist.I've heard of bug fixesbut this is ridiculous.Yet another epic fail.Toyota's live forever.Well, most Toyotas live forever.Jeremiah made a video about itI'll throw to at the end of this video.From 1994 all the way to 2004first gen Tacomas sufferedfrom frame rustingdue to their box framestrapping water inside.Now this forced the companyto recall 800,000 trucks.But for the next generation of TacosToyota decided they wantedto outdo themselves.So from 2005 to 2011Tacomas suffered from a different,even worse rust problem.690,000 Tacomas were recalledbecause the rear leafsprings would rust and rotcausing them to snap,and in some very unfortunate cases,puncture the brake linesand even the gas tank.The problem wasthe cheap steel being usedto make the leaf springsrusted very easily.Toyota initially offered steel clipswhich when around the rotting leaf springsthat held them together,but understandably ownersweren't happy with this fix.And so a full recall was ordered.Guys, we love the Tacoma.It's one of the best looking trucks ever,the first gen and second gen.But if you're gonna buy one,make sure these problems are taken care ofand maybe don't buy onethat's ever been in a snowy environmentor on the coast or near anysort of rain or condensationor if the owner had a poolor ever cried on their tailgateafter losing a football game.Epic fail.In at number one is an engineering failwhich makes me so mad!The RX-7, this beautiful fast, vascular,yet supple little beast has dirty fuel.That's no problem, James.I'm nifty with a set of spanners.I'll just pop the bonnetand replaced the filter.Go ahead.I'll wait.Oh, what's that?You can't find the fuel filter?It's because it's not in there, Jimny.That's right, where a gooddesigner would make surethat all the importantthings you would needto access in order to maintainyour lovely new rotary-powered sports carwere under the hood or inother easy to reach areas,the designers of thethird gen RX-7, well uh,they didn't do that.Instead, they put the fuel filter here,right at the back of the carbetween the differential, thesubframe, and the sway bar.That means you have to literallydisassemble the rear suspensionand drop the entire subframeto change your fuel filter.A job that usually takes 10 minutesand it should be doneroughly every 20,000 miles,but with the RX-7 it was such a huge,and if you couldn't do it yourself,expensive job thatpeople just didn't do it.And this led to the filtergetting dirtier and dirtier,and eventually that dirtfound its way into the enginewhich caused a lack of powerand eventually breakdowns.Look, I get it, designinga car ain't easy.I've done it before, it's hard.But come on, design guys.Let's all try to be better, huh?No more rusty frames, bad wiring,cars that are secretly full of spiders.That last one is very important.And if you're wondering whyI didn't put the Pinto on this list,it's because I'm sick of talking about it.Thanks for watching this video.If you'd liked it hitthat Subscribe buttonand the notification bellso you don't miss anything.We make a video likepretty much every day.You want to learn more about the Tacomaand that box frame issuecheck out this episodeof "Bumper 2 Bumper"hosted by my good friend Jeremiah.He's great, you'll love him.Follow Donut on Instagram @donutmedia.Follow me @jamespumphrey.I love you.