Overwatch - $350 Gaming PC - Pentium G4400 - GTX 750 TI

Overwatch: A Game of Strategy and Fun

I recently had the opportunity to play Overwatch on a $350 computer, and I must say, it was an incredibly playable experience. The game is not brand new, but it didn't come out last week, so it's usually on sale at one of those three places. I would encourage you to go check it out if you don't own a copy. The cool thing about Overwatch is that it's buy once, play forever - there is no subscription, and there's not even a subscription option. However, players can purchase loot boxes, which are cosmetic items only - skins and things that you don't need to play. Once you've bought the game, you can play it forever.

Quick Gameplay and Q Times

Q times are very quick in Overwatch. I rarely have to wait more than a minute or so for a battle, unless it's really early in the morning or very late at night. But overall, it's pretty quick to get into a fight. There are different maps, game modes, and even ultimate abilities to consider. I was excited to try out some of the characters, including Tracer, Sombra, and Reinhardt. While Tracer is a lot of fun, I prefer playing as a ranged tank with plasma guns.

Teamwork and Strategy

One of the things that sets Overwatch apart from other team-based games is its emphasis on teamwork and strategy. Players must work together to achieve objectives, such as capturing points or escorting payloads. The game requires communication, coordination, and quick thinking - all of which are essential skills for success. I was impressed by how quickly my teammates and I were able to coordinate our efforts and execute a winning strategy.

The Importance of Healers

Healers are crucial to the success of any Overwatch team. Without them, we would struggle to do well. When you have a healer on your team, you can dish out damage while staying safe behind them. However, when there is no healer, it's very tough to do well. I was grateful for my teammates who were skilled healers and kept me alive throughout the match.

A Quick Win

In one of our matches, we found ourselves in a 9-player kill streak - 5 kills in just 12 seconds! It was an incredible feeling, especially when it came down to winning or losing. We had to defend against a team that was trying to capture our objective, and if they succeeded, the match would be over. The tension was palpable as we worked together to clear out their players and secure our victory.

The Technical Specifications

In terms of technical specifications, my $350 computer was able to handle Overwatch with ease. I recorded gameplay at 61 frames per second, with a minimum of 37 and a maximum of 89 frames per second. While some of the frame rates may have been influenced by respawns or other game events, overall, the performance was impressive.


Overall, my experience playing Overwatch on a $350 computer was incredibly enjoyable. The gameplay is quick, strategy-based, and fun - making it accessible to players of all skill levels. I highly recommend checking out this game if you're looking for a new challenge or just want to have some fun with friends and family.

Build Video: OverWatch on a $350 Computer

For those who are interested in building their own gaming PC, my build video is available now. In it, I'll show you the exact components used to create this powerful machine - including the graphics card, processor, memory, and more. It's a great resource for anyone looking to build their own gaming rig.

Links and Resources

If you're interested in purchasing Overwatch or building your own gaming PC, be sure to check out the links provided in the video description. These include Amazon, New Egg, and G2A - all of which offer competitive pricing on gaming hardware. I also recommend checking out my other videos on this channel for more build guides, game reviews, and tech-related content.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello and welcome to Tech deals game performance review OverWatch we're playing OverWatch today on the custombuilt $350 computer with the Intel Pentium g4400 CPU that I built in the summer of 2016 this computer has 8 GB of system RAM and an NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti dedicated gaming graphics card with 2 GB of vram we're playing today at 1080 P full HD resolution High detail preset 88% render resolution anti- elsing on and vsync is turned off fraps was used for the minimum maximum and average game performance numbers that you will see at the end of this video it was not used to record the video you're watching instead an external hd60 Pro Hardware capture card was used to record the video that you are watching no performance was lost for recording this video in fact the machine doesn't even know it's being recorded the numbers in green at the top left corner of the screen are from MSI afterburner a free program that you can download from msi.com this gives you real time information about what your machine your graphics card your CPU are doing while you're playing games as we look at the numbers in green I want you to notice something interesting the graphics chip is actually not the limitation to further performance in this game in fact the CPU is this game game would run much better on an Intel i36100 than it does on this g4400 this is a very Bargain Basement entrylevel processor it's good it does the job but if you look at our GPU percentage we're currently using between 60 to 65% of our graphics performance the GTX 750 Ti however the CPU the third line we're using 80 plus% and that occasionally spikes to 100 so we actually are using a larger percentage of our CPU power than our GPU power so a CPU upgrade would get us more performance here than a graphics card upgrade would OverWatch frankly is not a highly demanding game it will play on many uh computers not just the latest and greatest now the temperature of our CPU and our GPU are both very very low take a look at this because neither one is being used 100% our graphics card is below 50° C and our CPU is below 50° C it's worth noting that the graphics card is a single fan very basic card and the CPU is being cooled with the Intel stock cooler there's nothing special on here the fan speed is reported as zero RPM that is simply incorrect I needed to close and relaunch MSI After Burner to get it to record correctly the order in which I launch fraps and MSI After Burner does matter for that particular item so the fan speed wasn't recorded I I could have redone this but this was actually a pretty cool battle side decided to just use it rest assured the fan is actually turning so that is not accurate the clock speed of the GTX 750ti is 1320 MHz and that is correct now the third the second line memory that is the vram the video RAM on the card we have 2 GB of vram and as you can see we're using about 1.2 of it for 1080p gaming OverWatch does not require more than 2 GB of a vram in fact if we were playing at normal detail a 1 gab graphics card would actually be enough not that they really sell those anymore but it would be so we are we don't need any more vram than 2 GB the fourth line is in fact the main system Ram now this computer has 8 GB of system RAM installed in theory if you only had four this game would work there's no reason to build a machine with 4 GB of main system Ram in 2016 it would but there would be stuttering and there' be some swapping to the hard drive because it would be fully utilized and there'd be nothing left available for a ram cache however 16 is not necessary for games like OverWatch for what you're going to use a $350 computer for 8 GB is plenty and in many of my videos I say yes upgrade to 16 yes 16 is great well that's true for $500 to $1,000 machines this is a $350 machine four um eight is plenty excuse me and then finally you can see our real time frame rate now in this really busy battle scene here it's dropped below 60 frames per second but in much of this it's been above fact right there at 67 66 frames per second it varies above and below 60 considering how little this computer cost to put together the fact that the frame rate is as good as it is at high detail level mind you this is we're not running it low we're running it high detail yes there is ultra yes there's epic above this and given the GPU usage we probably could have set it to ultra but I figured high would give it a better chance to hold over 60 frames per second so that's ultimately what I did hey my ultimate's ready let's see if I actually make good use of it and there we go will I get him will I get him come on no they ran away Boo for those of you who haven't played OverWatch this is entirely too much fun I originally bought OverWatch simply to Benchmark it because it was popular and new and everyone was talking about it and I thought okay I do benchmarks I have a YouTube channel I've got to have OverWatch so I bought it I did did some game performance videos in it and didn't think much more of it but then I gave it another try for some reason I don't remember why maybe another test and I started to get into it I tried a couple of different characters until I found Diva now for those of you who have watched game performance videos from me you might notice a reoccurring theme this is the all diva all the time Channel yeah I've tried the other characters I'm sorry I'm a Diva fan I love the mech I love the fact that she's got these guns that never need to be reloaded did they just fire endlessly I love the fact that she is a semi- ranged tank okay these guns have terrible long range accuracy they're they're they're mostly harassing fire at range but they do damage at range not a lot but sometimes you don't have to do a lot of damage instead when the enem is being hit they often will react to me even though I'm not effective I could shoot at them for a minute and not kill them but players Panic they get they get they get their damage indicator that comes up and they go oh God I'm taking damage I have to respond and so while they're busy with me the real DPS the real damage characters go and kill them which is pretty cool so I get a lot of supporting kills with Diva not direct kills per se unless they're at very close range in any case this game is fun I will put links in the video description below to Amazon kingwin and g2a where you can get a copy of OverWatch um you can usually find it discounted anywhere from 20 to 40% off it's not brand new it didn't come out last week so it's usually on sale at one of those three places I would encourage you to go check it out if you don't own a copy the cool thing is is it's buy once play Forever there is no subscription there's not even a subscription option there are loot boxes you can buy which is one way they make reoccurring Revenue but they're cosmetic items only they're skins and and things you don't need any of them to play so once you've bought the game you can play it forever Q times for battles are very very quick hey I just got a nine player kill streak that's pretty cool um Q times are really quick I rarely have to wait more than a minute or so for a battle unless it's really early in the morning or very very late at night but otherwise it's pretty quick to get into a fight uh and it's and there's different Maps there's different game modes there's escort defense attack oh my ultimate's ready again will I get him will I get him hang on let's see here got to wait for them oh there we go come on use my ultimate I actually don't remember whether I used my ultimate I recorded this more than a week ago I um there we go and and and one kill well that wasn't very impressive ah we've got 2 minutes and 5 Seconds to defend so basically we have to keep them from capturing this objective for the next 1 minute and 58 seconds if we do we win if they capture it they win it's as simple as that yeah it's not hard to pick up and play which is what I like about this the other thing that's nice is the characters do not grow in power over time what is that you say they don't grow in power no because it would be tremendously unfair and unbalancing if somebody who had been playing this game for a month was more powerful than you who just started otherwise youd just get defeated over and over and over until you finally leveled up like everyone else somebody's shooting me from behind that's not good oh and but see I'm not dead my Mecca was destroyed and I got somebody cool or at least I got partial credit for doing some damage to them there is that Mercy healing me oh healers all of you who play healers I appreciate and love you without healers we would not do as well a team with no healers really can struggle to do well it's very tough if you don't have a Healer but when you've got a Healer you can dish it out cuz you can then stand in the line of fire oh got oh well that was just a turret but hey it's a kill it's points it's experience it's something this game is not about leveling up your character becoming more powerful this game is about having fun strategy using the various characters well I say using the various characters there are I believe 28 different Heroes you can play now even though this is the all diva all the time Channel what can I say I've tried Tracer I've tried that new stealth character they just came out with Sombra I think her name is I tried playing as Reinhardt which is which is a a cool character with the shield and the hammer and the charge and I get it it just yeah I prefer to have the plasma guns what can I say ranged tank is pretty cool as far as oh I got knocked up in the air five player kill streak 12 seconds 10 9 8 I think we're going to pull it off now if they're contesting the capture point when it gets to zero it goes into overtime we have to clear them out and 1 second and victory we won how cool was that let's go take a look at the results shall we OverWatch on a $350 computer 61 frames per second average a minimum of 37 and a Max of 89 most of the time it was between 50 and 70 frames per second that minimum of 37 may just be a respawn from being killed and going back whatnot it was incredibly playable there was no point at where this wasn't playable in fact I ended up playing several matches I am only going to show you one of them but it was a lot of fun and completely playable for a $350 machine what a deal like this video if you like it don't if you don't remember to subscribe to my Channel with the big huge red button down below questions and comments in the comments box and as always check out my video description links to my full playlist of videos including the build video on this $350 computer links to buy OverWatch on Amazon kingwin and g2a and links to Amazon and New Egg for all the parts used in this machine thank you very much for watching I will see you next timehello and welcome to Tech deals game performance review OverWatch we're playing OverWatch today on the custombuilt $350 computer with the Intel Pentium g4400 CPU that I built in the summer of 2016 this computer has 8 GB of system RAM and an NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti dedicated gaming graphics card with 2 GB of vram we're playing today at 1080 P full HD resolution High detail preset 88% render resolution anti- elsing on and vsync is turned off fraps was used for the minimum maximum and average game performance numbers that you will see at the end of this video it was not used to record the video you're watching instead an external hd60 Pro Hardware capture card was used to record the video that you are watching no performance was lost for recording this video in fact the machine doesn't even know it's being recorded the numbers in green at the top left corner of the screen are from MSI afterburner a free program that you can download from msi.com this gives you real time information about what your machine your graphics card your CPU are doing while you're playing games as we look at the numbers in green I want you to notice something interesting the graphics chip is actually not the limitation to further performance in this game in fact the CPU is this game game would run much better on an Intel i36100 than it does on this g4400 this is a very Bargain Basement entrylevel processor it's good it does the job but if you look at our GPU percentage we're currently using between 60 to 65% of our graphics performance the GTX 750 Ti however the CPU the third line we're using 80 plus% and that occasionally spikes to 100 so we actually are using a larger percentage of our CPU power than our GPU power so a CPU upgrade would get us more performance here than a graphics card upgrade would OverWatch frankly is not a highly demanding game it will play on many uh computers not just the latest and greatest now the temperature of our CPU and our GPU are both very very low take a look at this because neither one is being used 100% our graphics card is below 50° C and our CPU is below 50° C it's worth noting that the graphics card is a single fan very basic card and the CPU is being cooled with the Intel stock cooler there's nothing special on here the fan speed is reported as zero RPM that is simply incorrect I needed to close and relaunch MSI After Burner to get it to record correctly the order in which I launch fraps and MSI After Burner does matter for that particular item so the fan speed wasn't recorded I I could have redone this but this was actually a pretty cool battle side decided to just use it rest assured the fan is actually turning so that is not accurate the clock speed of the GTX 750ti is 1320 MHz and that is correct now the third the second line memory that is the vram the video RAM on the card we have 2 GB of vram and as you can see we're using about 1.2 of it for 1080p gaming OverWatch does not require more than 2 GB of a vram in fact if we were playing at normal detail a 1 gab graphics card would actually be enough not that they really sell those anymore but it would be so we are we don't need any more vram than 2 GB the fourth line is in fact the main system Ram now this computer has 8 GB of system RAM installed in theory if you only had four this game would work there's no reason to build a machine with 4 GB of main system Ram in 2016 it would but there would be stuttering and there' be some swapping to the hard drive because it would be fully utilized and there'd be nothing left available for a ram cache however 16 is not necessary for games like OverWatch for what you're going to use a $350 computer for 8 GB is plenty and in many of my videos I say yes upgrade to 16 yes 16 is great well that's true for $500 to $1,000 machines this is a $350 machine four um eight is plenty excuse me and then finally you can see our real time frame rate now in this really busy battle scene here it's dropped below 60 frames per second but in much of this it's been above fact right there at 67 66 frames per second it varies above and below 60 considering how little this computer cost to put together the fact that the frame rate is as good as it is at high detail level mind you this is we're not running it low we're running it high detail yes there is ultra yes there's epic above this and given the GPU usage we probably could have set it to ultra but I figured high would give it a better chance to hold over 60 frames per second so that's ultimately what I did hey my ultimate's ready let's see if I actually make good use of it and there we go will I get him will I get him come on no they ran away Boo for those of you who haven't played OverWatch this is entirely too much fun I originally bought OverWatch simply to Benchmark it because it was popular and new and everyone was talking about it and I thought okay I do benchmarks I have a YouTube channel I've got to have OverWatch so I bought it I did did some game performance videos in it and didn't think much more of it but then I gave it another try for some reason I don't remember why maybe another test and I started to get into it I tried a couple of different characters until I found Diva now for those of you who have watched game performance videos from me you might notice a reoccurring theme this is the all diva all the time Channel yeah I've tried the other characters I'm sorry I'm a Diva fan I love the mech I love the fact that she's got these guns that never need to be reloaded did they just fire endlessly I love the fact that she is a semi- ranged tank okay these guns have terrible long range accuracy they're they're they're mostly harassing fire at range but they do damage at range not a lot but sometimes you don't have to do a lot of damage instead when the enem is being hit they often will react to me even though I'm not effective I could shoot at them for a minute and not kill them but players Panic they get they get they get their damage indicator that comes up and they go oh God I'm taking damage I have to respond and so while they're busy with me the real DPS the real damage characters go and kill them which is pretty cool so I get a lot of supporting kills with Diva not direct kills per se unless they're at very close range in any case this game is fun I will put links in the video description below to Amazon kingwin and g2a where you can get a copy of OverWatch um you can usually find it discounted anywhere from 20 to 40% off it's not brand new it didn't come out last week so it's usually on sale at one of those three places I would encourage you to go check it out if you don't own a copy the cool thing is is it's buy once play Forever there is no subscription there's not even a subscription option there are loot boxes you can buy which is one way they make reoccurring Revenue but they're cosmetic items only they're skins and and things you don't need any of them to play so once you've bought the game you can play it forever Q times for battles are very very quick hey I just got a nine player kill streak that's pretty cool um Q times are really quick I rarely have to wait more than a minute or so for a battle unless it's really early in the morning or very very late at night but otherwise it's pretty quick to get into a fight uh and it's and there's different Maps there's different game modes there's escort defense attack oh my ultimate's ready again will I get him will I get him hang on let's see here got to wait for them oh there we go come on use my ultimate I actually don't remember whether I used my ultimate I recorded this more than a week ago I um there we go and and and one kill well that wasn't very impressive ah we've got 2 minutes and 5 Seconds to defend so basically we have to keep them from capturing this objective for the next 1 minute and 58 seconds if we do we win if they capture it they win it's as simple as that yeah it's not hard to pick up and play which is what I like about this the other thing that's nice is the characters do not grow in power over time what is that you say they don't grow in power no because it would be tremendously unfair and unbalancing if somebody who had been playing this game for a month was more powerful than you who just started otherwise youd just get defeated over and over and over until you finally leveled up like everyone else somebody's shooting me from behind that's not good oh and but see I'm not dead my Mecca was destroyed and I got somebody cool or at least I got partial credit for doing some damage to them there is that Mercy healing me oh healers all of you who play healers I appreciate and love you without healers we would not do as well a team with no healers really can struggle to do well it's very tough if you don't have a Healer but when you've got a Healer you can dish it out cuz you can then stand in the line of fire oh got oh well that was just a turret but hey it's a kill it's points it's experience it's something this game is not about leveling up your character becoming more powerful this game is about having fun strategy using the various characters well I say using the various characters there are I believe 28 different Heroes you can play now even though this is the all diva all the time Channel what can I say I've tried Tracer I've tried that new stealth character they just came out with Sombra I think her name is I tried playing as Reinhardt which is which is a a cool character with the shield and the hammer and the charge and I get it it just yeah I prefer to have the plasma guns what can I say ranged tank is pretty cool as far as oh I got knocked up in the air five player kill streak 12 seconds 10 9 8 I think we're going to pull it off now if they're contesting the capture point when it gets to zero it goes into overtime we have to clear them out and 1 second and victory we won how cool was that let's go take a look at the results shall we OverWatch on a $350 computer 61 frames per second average a minimum of 37 and a Max of 89 most of the time it was between 50 and 70 frames per second that minimum of 37 may just be a respawn from being killed and going back whatnot it was incredibly playable there was no point at where this wasn't playable in fact I ended up playing several matches I am only going to show you one of them but it was a lot of fun and completely playable for a $350 machine what a deal like this video if you like it don't if you don't remember to subscribe to my Channel with the big huge red button down below questions and comments in the comments box and as always check out my video description links to my full playlist of videos including the build video on this $350 computer links to buy OverWatch on Amazon kingwin and g2a and links to Amazon and New Egg for all the parts used in this machine thank you very much for watching I will see you next time\n"