Should You Play Dark Souls III [PC 60FPS]

The Art of Dark Souls 3: A Cautionary Tale

I got him easy, easy for careful I don't really know which one I should have been aiming for here, I'm guessing the big one, but they all seem like big ones. Careful, careful I've got this under control I think, oh kind of under control, oh they're meant to be attacking each other and they're not doing it now, there's three of them. Oh, I'm under pressure here, I'm out of Puck as well, do you look at my B? Am I am I out of Puuk?

No, this is the last go, this isn't a bluff, this is the last go right. So as this is the last go, uh probably should clean up the should you play question, should you play Dark Souls 3 well at the moment you can get it around 38 so the sensible people among us and my honest recommendation would be unless you really want to play right now you should wait and get it when it's a little bit cheaper. But if you're hoping watching this you haven't played the game and you're debating whether you should give it a go because as I said I never really played Demon Souls until after the whole Dark Souls thing came out and I remember reading a PC Gamer review, the PC Gamer website their review and it sold me on the game, trust me if you've never experienced it before unless you actively know that uh it's going to cause you some damage and some stress just give it a go cuz really it is cracking.

And if you don't want to pay the full price for the game well then if you haven't played the others then start with either the first one or the second one, I it doesn't really make too much difference but smart money would say the first one even though the PC for second is a lot better. Oh come on, come on, come on but yeah it's absolutely cracking game and if you're prepared to pay the price I really don't think you're going to be disappointed um just yeah just don't get too angry with it because it's very easy to do.

Oh right, I've got my Souls back no, you jump too far and you know what even though you feel like it's not time the game is pretty fair. Oh oh no and most of the time it's only yourself to blame because you're doing silly things so I think I've got to oh Christ oh God he's coming for me there's two of them, there's two of them get out get out get out get out get out I do feel stressed very very stressed at the moment see look I've almost done enough damage he's almost dead. Oh that was silly wasn't it that was silly that was silly get out get out get out get out get out that's going to be the way to do it, I think no definitely not careful look he's the one to go for now careful careful careful right.

I'm going to recharge now oh Jesus Christ oh I just need to recharge need to recharge let him attack there you go that's it that's it surely right there we go right we're on stage two, he's down for the count okay this is it there's no skip either so I know we've seen this before my stomach is very tight at the moment I want to do this I don't want to let the side down okay don't want to let the side down but I feel like I'm going to oh yeah Cal and collect he's got flaming sword, flaming dwagon as they say in Tropic Thunder, he's not a dragon though so yeah so he's got flaming sword what's weak against that.

I don't really know but we're going to find out do I have anything poison no no I don't my shield will not fully BL block fire damage so I need to I don't know I just don't know it's this is a tough one actually this is a very tough one but we're going to do it but then there's there's another one isn't there they oh there you go look that's fine oh Christ oh no no no no no no no careful careful careful careful careful F, just need need to sus him out need to sus him out.

That is not how we do it okay so I've worked out how not to do it I'm going to I'm going to crack open an ember no now that is not fair that right that's how we end it that's how we end the video thank you so much for checking in, that is not fair I've just wasted an ember what is that? Thank you so much for watching the video, thank you to Corsair for sponsoring the channel as always if you like this video then like it if you haven't then um don't um and like I've done the Subscribe bit and that's it see you later.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what is up guys and welcome to should you play Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls is just been one of the games and one of the series that I have been absolutely in love with with the last with the last 3 years really I have to confess that I never really played demons Souls very difficult game to say correctly um until the whole Dark Souls craze sort of came out and then after that I was hooked so this is a review of Dark Souls 3 I've been playing this now for hours and hours and hours and hours um probably more so than I should have done being mind the amount of time I actually have uh but there we go that is just what this game does to you if you don't like spoilers I'm going to try and keep this to an absolute minimum because I'm well aware of the fact that uh people want to explore this for themselves having said that this is a story based game and I basically have a choice of don't play the game and review the game uh without playing much of it but then I won't really know what I'm talking about or play the game and then uh sort of basically uh review review stuff but show you things um so unfortunately that's what I've got to do here uh but to be honest I'm only going to show you one area we're not going to be teleporting about and we're not going to be showing you a load of in-game Secrets I haven't played uh the area I'm about to explore so it will be completely new for me as well but what is Dark Souls 3 well obviously it is the sequel to Dark Souls 2 and like the Dark Souls 2 sequel was to Dark Souls 1 it basically tweaks the formula a little bit and feels like not I wouldn't call it a new game it feels like a different game I think is the best way uh to describe it um but a different Dark Souls game what do I mean by that well if you did play a demon souls then you'll notice at the top left hand corner of the screen that we have a blue bar and that is our sort of magic point points and this is back so unlike Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 uh you now can cast the same spell unlimited uh n you can cast it as many times as you like as long as you got the appropriate amount of magic points so this is a little bit different and it doesn't completely change the way get the game plays at all it just means that you have to use Attunement points to gain additional magic uh points now you may have noticed if you look in the bottom left hand side of the screen that we have an Estus flask we've got six uh and then we have plus three so the usual way of upgrading your Estus flask uh to renew your health applies but we also this one which is an ashen Estus flask and it's this thing uh that will revive your magic points so you can actually allocate this and it's all uh sort of done from the start it shows you exactly what you need to do there's not really much uh ambiguity here you literally uh can just decide whether you want want to be someone that has less life and more magic or vice versa the build I've gone for here is more of a sorcerer but I do have a manual weapon uh this is currently an Crystal weapon uh so it will build on my strengths of intelligence rather than building on my strength stat and things like that now it's the usual Dark Souls way of the fact that you can sort of build your character exactly the way you want to and it's not going to get in your way you've got many many different builds to do so and I'm sure most of us that have played Dark Souls 2 and the original Dark Souls or at least replayed the game will know that the game really does change depending on how you want to play if you want to go for more of a melee only uh it can be a lot harder than if you want to play as a ranged character but obviously that's going to that's going to completely depend on the way you want to play it difficulty wise I'm not sure whether this game is harder um than Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 1 or demon souls for that instance uh for that matter I think what it is for me it feels a lot easier but I think that's just I've had so much practice on the other games and it fundamentally feels identical to be perfectly honest with you uh with the other games but just a few new things to keep me interested and I've done the thing where I sort of go through the game I just am really anticipating around uh whatever's around the next corner and this whole emotional response to a game is something you just don't see very often the first game uh that I actually got this was one of my first ever games actually and it was the original Tomb Raider where you sort of walk to a new area and you're really skeptical about what's going to come around the corner and uh this this game just does that more than anything else and it's one of those few games that I can just sit down and play for hours and hours hours on end uh without getting bored or wanting to leave it's just you know you get a a little bit hungry I would assume this is a boss um so if you don't want to see uh what the boss looks like um then you may want to look away now but we're going to play you do get cut scenes from time to time you don't tend to get that many uh usual Dark Souls stuff applies but we will talk about that in a moment I will let the cut scene roll so eie and we're now going to have to kill the boss and the bosses are what this game is all about this is very much jumping in at deep end if I known I may have gone a different way but oh dear get out get out um but oh very uh very different ways you can play these bosses to be honest I almost seem a little bit overpowered at the moment I would have actually uh oh dear there's more okay okay okay okay maybe I'm maybe I'm not maybe I way too soon build I've gone for is quite lightweight it's about 60% um of of sort of weight so I'm sort of a little bit agile but not really oh dear I don't know how there's probably going to be more of them there really have to concentrate um but basically if you want the too long didn't read even though it's a video uh so I guess it's too long didn't watch oh my god oh they can attack each other okay um I'm assuming you probably wanted to uh finish them off really quickly and I have not done that and I'm in trouble here I'm in danger yeah if you want the too long don't want to watch um version of the video then this is more or less Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 1 so if you like that um then obviously you're going to feel right at home here and the the amount of game time you're going to get is probably around 30 hours plus depending on how experienced you are with dark souls but obviously if you are experienced you probably going to want to play the game multiple times but yeah I'm definitely enjoying every single uh moment of it and uh if you've never played Dark Souls I really uh suggest you do give it a go but what's different about this particular game anyway compared to the last one well I've touched on the sort of main gameplay difference and that is the fact that you have magic points and uh you have Embers now so if I go along here this is almost like your Humanity uh it doesn't reverse your hollowing but so it gives you oh dear it gives you uh full health and then as once you die once your health is then reduced so it gets rid of the system from Dark Souls 2 where every time you yeah good thing I didn't use the Ember so yes it goes on the uh it gets rid of the thing that you have had in Dark Souls 2 where every time you die yeah you lose a bit of Health which to be honest was quite annoying um I'm pretty sure that was the point uh but it I sort of didn't really like that I sort of preferred it as it was uh but Dark Souls 2 felt easier overall than the original Dark Souls anyway so it didn't bother me too much I actually quite like what we've got here because if you want to explore an area and you've got a fair amount of Health uh then you sort of can just go forward and oh dear oh dear oh dear I'm just going to go for the boss I'm just going to cheese it which could be a mistake but I'm just going to anyway yes I prefer I like this system and I think that it just it's almost like to be honest it does seem like it was changed just for a change because it does make it different to the others but um personally I'm not really that bothered about that and it does mean that it does Play Slightly differently to the others so that's not really too much of a bad thing oh get out get out get out you also though one thing that is quite cool is you have these specials and I will have to show you in a second because every weapon and every Shield has a special ability now with a shield it's the Parry so nothing uh that spectacular there nothing we ever seen before but weapons actually oh dear actually have a special oh dear dear dear dear dear oh dear and if you hold down left trigger yeah you use your special and I just died didn't that oh dear and I lost my souls brilliant and you have a special ability and every weapon has a different special ability and then this then gives you a different way of uh using weapons so if I hold down left trigger now I now got a buff to my attack but every weapon has a different one of these so if I go into the inventory actually go into the equipment screen and we go here to say this Crystal axe show the uh item info you see that there has a skill so this is what every weapon does and so each one has one so this butcher knife has sharpen this club has war cry that one's war cry and then stance and things like that and everyone's different and some of the more elite weapons will have better special abilities so in some of them you might have to decide if you want to go for outright power or something that has a really useful special ability and that's just adds another element of sort of uh skill I guess um in the way you want to play so if you are a really skilled player um then you might find you get on better with one particular weapon that might do less damage because it has a particular skill but if you're less experienced maybe uh you want to just go for outright power but the point is you can play around with it however you like and adds another dimension which is pretty cool oh dear right I'm going to try and be clever here uh should have blocked him there not really that happy about that oh dear dear now this is the first Dark Souls game that I think I played as well where I'm not using any sort of guides at all I think uh they don't ruin the game but uh they make a bit easy oh dear dear dear dear oh this is dangerous this is dangerous oh get out get out oh this was meant this was meant do you remember when I said oh this was too easy clearly not PC version of the game problems I've had the main problem being that I keep getting logged out of the bloody game for some strange reason and then it resets you to the menu cuz then you have to go into offline mode which is really weird and I don't like that at all and it's done this I think every single time I play so it's gets very frustrating oh man this is not the right tactic is it right now they're attacking each other that is the right tactic I think you want to get them to attack each other I've got my block up man come on oh dear oh go I need to go around the back again don't I go back no dear but yeah other than that PC version of the the game seems to be pretty good is a lot harder to run though uh than Dark Souls 2 was now I'm assuming that's because they don't have to rely on making it compatible with the other versions of uh like the older consoles so there's no Xbox One version and then there's no uh PS3 version so generally the game does look better uh but it's certainly not one of the best looking games on PC far from it I mean I'm playing this on a PC monitor at the moment whereas normally I would play on a sort of big TV at 1440p and uh it it looks good but yeah it doesn't look amazing okay they sort of killed each other there didn't they there you go boss fight that was that took about the right sort of length really didn't it happy with that so yeah I mean cut scenes as well actually tend to look a lot better and than they did before if you compare them to like the original Dark Souls uh yeah completely different oh something going on here oh dear I'm assuming this is the real boss fight I did think that seemed a little bit too too simple unless he's going to be my friend but somehow I doubt that haven't had any game crashes though um like I say is quite difficult to run so running on a 980 I do get drops I can't run it up Max at 60 frames a second and I can't uh sort of Run the game at 4K either oh dear oh could be a mistake could be a mistake and it was a mistake good effort though oh I'm happy with that as well he does fire damage probably should go for a different approach here OHA no I'm I'm really I lack the skills here to pay the necessary bills oh that was stupid I'm really dim sometimes get the hell out of there mate and that's a mistake as well that is a big mistake right can I go behind it that's the question oh thank you thank you he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't like that I didn't like that though oh oh oh oh oh careful now careful now mate I haven't done much damage I don't really stand much of a chance yet jez it that was a big mistake why would I do that and I think my controller's lost battery and it has it has I'm going to have to keyboard it oh and I've never played keyboard before that was always going to end in TS wasn't it that is that is why you need to charge your controller so it doesn't run out on you halfway through the game and then you don't have to have this awkward conversation in the video either right we have one charging cable and we're ready to rock and roll now I think there we go yes yes yes yes yes we're ready keyboard controls haven't really tried using i c switched them now they definitely seem a lot better than they did uh in especially Dark Souls 1 that was not a very good place um Dark Souls 2 as well but realistically this is a sort of controller game uh you're going to find it a lot easier with a controller I can more or less guarantee that um some of you out there will probably say no but trust me uh from my experience uh I would always recommend using a controller with dark souls it was basically designed for that but if you're swear by mouse and keyboard controls then I believe they've worked on the PC version to make the controls better than they were on the previous two games which isn't very difficult to say on the first one do I have to yes I do I have to do the whole thing again oh Christ oh come on mate right I've literally just a and like and controll is disconnected again this is a nightmare this shouldn't be called a review this could be a let's play or let's let's not play this is terrible i've now got to go to the other side of the route to grab my charging cable and the thing is as well I like most people would say oh maybe you should redo the video no I think this isn't this is this is entertainment they always say make the video you want to make this is it well maybe not I should rename the video though shouldn't I should call it how to uh plug a controller in Midstream that's why I should call it right let's let's rethink our strategy here because it seems to me that this is going to require some form of skill to do well obviously that's a given but I mean we've got to carefully plan out what we're going to do here we need to take him out quickly that's option one option two would be to sort of get them to attack each other now that seemed to work last time but it's high risk and that is high risk why did always Sprint past him because I don't have the time of day so just get in get out that's what I say right don't even have time now to cast Magic Shield but I don't think I'm going to need it anyway right so let him come for me there we go then just literally oh dear dear dear he's quick he's quick fellow isn't he oh should have thought about that I need to go for more of a rolling action I think I I'm brown bread here aren't I unless they attack each other yes yes yes they're going to attack each other now surely now they're in syn oh no they're meant to be attacking each other man oh I will do this I will do this there will be a cut off but I will do this I'll make sure I do this right right I'm going to get mean going to get angry here was meant to be talking about the game whether you should buy the game should you play I think I kind of already answered that normally in a review I'd be talking about what the game's like to play I would talk about this story I would talk about the graphics if you really want that well okay story not really existent really I mean well there is but there isn't the promise is you've got to go and kill some bad guys and get their souls that's pretty much the story um so the story enough I mean I don't have an emotional attachment to any of the characters but the only character you should care about is you you've got NPCs yeah yeah that's right NPCs you got NPCs oh get out oh this guy tell you what he does too much damage I'm not happy about that and then look you a oh for goodness sake this is the dark Soul's experience ladies and gentlemen if this was this is what you want to be doing when you come in from work you come in from school you want to come in and you want to relax this is the game to do kind of um maybe relax isn't the right word um well for me it's relaxing is it's a form of escapism isn't it and it's a bloody good one at that it really is it just gets you very annoyed even if you're a seasoned Dark Soul player with 150 hours under your belt it still get annoy the hell out of you and you're still not good enough to play the game is how you feel it sometimes but it's just it's it literally is like no other because okay I'm having a hard time here he's beating me and I'm definitely the loser at the moment but I know that when I do kill him and it will happen when I do defeat the boss I know I'm going to feel ecstatic and that is what Souls is all about it's about perfecting your Technique it's about basically getting good oh great heavy that's the wrong one and annoying yourself immensely in the process right there you go damage does a u magic does a lot so I vote go for Magic oh now there's three of them this is this is dead oh get out roll away roll away roll away roll away oh right he's attacking each other now okay okay okay he's coming for me he's coming for me he thinks he's he thinks he knows what he's doing but I say doesn't oh Jesus Christ they're on me they're on me there's all of them there's too many there's too many there's too many and I can't do that oh I made I made it somehow I did it I did it I did it I'm happy about that except he went through my shield there not happy about that and then again he's block it block right come on come on come on come on careful thank you okay no failed failed there a are you enjoying this I hope you're enjoying this because I know it sounds like I'm not enjoying this but I I am I am enjoying this that's what you say you have to keep reassuring yourself that you're in the right place am I playing this game for the right reason am I enjoying myself and you keep telling yourself yes yes I am and then and then it will get to the point right you die another few times and then you go you get really angry you go so no right that's it that's it that's enough and then you quickly realize that it's not enough and you want to have another go and then you have another go and then you go no that's it and you throw your controller across the room but then you pick it up again and then you say right I have another go and then you get really close and then you fail and then you turn it off an anger you Al F4 and then when you Al F4 you load the game and you find that it's corrupted your save that is what happened to me with Dark Souls 2 and I'm trying not to do the same thing with dark souls 3 because when you are 40 hours into the game and you have a corrupt save trust me it's not good so just like you have to be careful with gambling these days there should be dark souls aware because it's not good for you if you uh if you rage and just don't all F4 this is the other thing if you never played Souls before surely you know by now but in case you don't there's no pausing the game right so if I want to if something like the doorbell goes right now that's it I have a choice I either answer the door or I basically don't die is pretty much uh what happens here oh got him got him got him easy easy for careful I don't really know which one I should have be aiming for here I'm guessing the big one but they all seem like big ones careful careful i' I've got this under control I think oh kind of under control oh they're meant to be attacking each other and they're not doing it now there's three of them oh I'm under pressure here I'm out of Puck as well do you look at my B am I am I out of pu oh no and he's beating the absolute crap out of me we don't do swearing on this show this is a familyfriendly show but sometimes you want to right this is the last go and this isn't a bluff this is the last go right so as this is the last go uh probably should clean up the should you play question should you play Dark Souls 3 well at the moment you can get it around 38 so the sensible people among us and my honest recommendation would be unless you really want to play right now you should wait and get it when it's a little bit cheaper but if you're hopefully watching this you haven't played the game and you're debating whether you should give it a go because as I said I never really played Demon Souls until after the whole Dark Souls thing came out and I remember reading a PC Gamer review the PC Gamer website their review and it sold me on the game and trust me if you've never experienced it before unless you actively know that uh it's going to cause you some damage and some stress just give it a go cuz really it is cracking and if you don't want to pay the full price for the game well then if you haven't played the others then start with either the first one or the second one I it doesn't really make too much difference but smart money would say the first one even though the PC for second is a lot better oh come on come on come on but yeah it's absolutely cracking game and if you're prepared to pay the price I really don't think you're going to be disappointed um just yeah just don't get too angry with it because it's very easy to do oh right I've got my Souls back no you jump too far and you know what even though you feel like it's not time the game is pretty fair oh oh no and most of the time it's only yourself to blame because you're doing silly things so I think I've got to oh Christ oh God he's coming for me there's two of them there's two of them get out get out get out get out I do feel stressed very very stressed at the moment see look I've almost done enough damage he's almost dead oh that was silly wasn't it that was silly that was silly get out get out get out get out get out that's going to be the way to do it I think no definitely not careful look he's the one to go for now careful careful careful right I'm going to recharge now oh Jesus Christ oh I just need to recharge need to recharge let him attack there you go that's it that's it surely right there we go right we're on stage two he's down for the count okay this is it there's no skip either so I know we've seen this before my stomach is very tight at the moment I want to do this I don't want to let the side down okay don't want to let the side down but I feel like I'm going to oh yeah Cal and collect he's got flaming sword flaming dwagon as they say in Tropic Thunder he's not a dragon though so yeah so he's got flaming sword what's weak against that I don't really know but we're going to find out do I have anything poison no no I don't my shield will not fully BL block fire damage so I need to I don't know I just don't know it's this is a tough one actually this is a very tough one but we're going to do it but then there's there's another one isn't there they oh there you go look that's fine oh Christ oh no no no no no no no careful careful careful careful careful F just need need to sus him out need to sus him out that is not how we do it okay so I've worked out how not to do it I'm going to I'm going to crack open an ember no now that is not fair that right that's how we end it that's how we end the video thank you so much for checking in that is not fair I've just wasted an ember what is that thank you so much for watching the video thank you to Corsair for sponsoring the channel as always if you like this video then like it if you haven't then um don't um and like I've done the Subscribe bit and that's it see you laterhey what is up guys and welcome to should you play Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls is just been one of the games and one of the series that I have been absolutely in love with with the last with the last 3 years really I have to confess that I never really played demons Souls very difficult game to say correctly um until the whole Dark Souls craze sort of came out and then after that I was hooked so this is a review of Dark Souls 3 I've been playing this now for hours and hours and hours and hours um probably more so than I should have done being mind the amount of time I actually have uh but there we go that is just what this game does to you if you don't like spoilers I'm going to try and keep this to an absolute minimum because I'm well aware of the fact that uh people want to explore this for themselves having said that this is a story based game and I basically have a choice of don't play the game and review the game uh without playing much of it but then I won't really know what I'm talking about or play the game and then uh sort of basically uh review review stuff but show you things um so unfortunately that's what I've got to do here uh but to be honest I'm only going to show you one area we're not going to be teleporting about and we're not going to be showing you a load of in-game Secrets I haven't played uh the area I'm about to explore so it will be completely new for me as well but what is Dark Souls 3 well obviously it is the sequel to Dark Souls 2 and like the Dark Souls 2 sequel was to Dark Souls 1 it basically tweaks the formula a little bit and feels like not I wouldn't call it a new game it feels like a different game I think is the best way uh to describe it um but a different Dark Souls game what do I mean by that well if you did play a demon souls then you'll notice at the top left hand corner of the screen that we have a blue bar and that is our sort of magic point points and this is back so unlike Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 uh you now can cast the same spell unlimited uh n you can cast it as many times as you like as long as you got the appropriate amount of magic points so this is a little bit different and it doesn't completely change the way get the game plays at all it just means that you have to use Attunement points to gain additional magic uh points now you may have noticed if you look in the bottom left hand side of the screen that we have an Estus flask we've got six uh and then we have plus three so the usual way of upgrading your Estus flask uh to renew your health applies but we also this one which is an ashen Estus flask and it's this thing uh that will revive your magic points so you can actually allocate this and it's all uh sort of done from the start it shows you exactly what you need to do there's not really much uh ambiguity here you literally uh can just decide whether you want want to be someone that has less life and more magic or vice versa the build I've gone for here is more of a sorcerer but I do have a manual weapon uh this is currently an Crystal weapon uh so it will build on my strengths of intelligence rather than building on my strength stat and things like that now it's the usual Dark Souls way of the fact that you can sort of build your character exactly the way you want to and it's not going to get in your way you've got many many different builds to do so and I'm sure most of us that have played Dark Souls 2 and the original Dark Souls or at least replayed the game will know that the game really does change depending on how you want to play if you want to go for more of a melee only uh it can be a lot harder than if you want to play as a ranged character but obviously that's going to that's going to completely depend on the way you want to play it difficulty wise I'm not sure whether this game is harder um than Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 1 or demon souls for that instance uh for that matter I think what it is for me it feels a lot easier but I think that's just I've had so much practice on the other games and it fundamentally feels identical to be perfectly honest with you uh with the other games but just a few new things to keep me interested and I've done the thing where I sort of go through the game I just am really anticipating around uh whatever's around the next corner and this whole emotional response to a game is something you just don't see very often the first game uh that I actually got this was one of my first ever games actually and it was the original Tomb Raider where you sort of walk to a new area and you're really skeptical about what's going to come around the corner and uh this this game just does that more than anything else and it's one of those few games that I can just sit down and play for hours and hours hours on end uh without getting bored or wanting to leave it's just you know you get a a little bit hungry I would assume this is a boss um so if you don't want to see uh what the boss looks like um then you may want to look away now but we're going to play you do get cut scenes from time to time you don't tend to get that many uh usual Dark Souls stuff applies but we will talk about that in a moment I will let the cut scene roll so eie and we're now going to have to kill the boss and the bosses are what this game is all about this is very much jumping in at deep end if I known I may have gone a different way but oh dear get out get out um but oh very uh very different ways you can play these bosses to be honest I almost seem a little bit overpowered at the moment I would have actually uh oh dear there's more okay okay okay okay maybe I'm maybe I'm not maybe I way too soon build I've gone for is quite lightweight it's about 60% um of of sort of weight so I'm sort of a little bit agile but not really oh dear I don't know how there's probably going to be more of them there really have to concentrate um but basically if you want the too long didn't read even though it's a video uh so I guess it's too long didn't watch oh my god oh they can attack each other okay um I'm assuming you probably wanted to uh finish them off really quickly and I have not done that and I'm in trouble here I'm in danger yeah if you want the too long don't want to watch um version of the video then this is more or less Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 1 so if you like that um then obviously you're going to feel right at home here and the the amount of game time you're going to get is probably around 30 hours plus depending on how experienced you are with dark souls but obviously if you are experienced you probably going to want to play the game multiple times but yeah I'm definitely enjoying every single uh moment of it and uh if you've never played Dark Souls I really uh suggest you do give it a go but what's different about this particular game anyway compared to the last one well I've touched on the sort of main gameplay difference and that is the fact that you have magic points and uh you have Embers now so if I go along here this is almost like your Humanity uh it doesn't reverse your hollowing but so it gives you oh dear it gives you uh full health and then as once you die once your health is then reduced so it gets rid of the system from Dark Souls 2 where every time you yeah good thing I didn't use the Ember so yes it goes on the uh it gets rid of the thing that you have had in Dark Souls 2 where every time you die yeah you lose a bit of Health which to be honest was quite annoying um I'm pretty sure that was the point uh but it I sort of didn't really like that I sort of preferred it as it was uh but Dark Souls 2 felt easier overall than the original Dark Souls anyway so it didn't bother me too much I actually quite like what we've got here because if you want to explore an area and you've got a fair amount of Health uh then you sort of can just go forward and oh dear oh dear oh dear I'm just going to go for the boss I'm just going to cheese it which could be a mistake but I'm just going to anyway yes I prefer I like this system and I think that it just it's almost like to be honest it does seem like it was changed just for a change because it does make it different to the others but um personally I'm not really that bothered about that and it does mean that it does Play Slightly differently to the others so that's not really too much of a bad thing oh get out get out get out you also though one thing that is quite cool is you have these specials and I will have to show you in a second because every weapon and every Shield has a special ability now with a shield it's the Parry so nothing uh that spectacular there nothing we ever seen before but weapons actually oh dear actually have a special oh dear dear dear dear dear oh dear and if you hold down left trigger yeah you use your special and I just died didn't that oh dear and I lost my souls brilliant and you have a special ability and every weapon has a different special ability and then this then gives you a different way of uh using weapons so if I hold down left trigger now I now got a buff to my attack but every weapon has a different one of these so if I go into the inventory actually go into the equipment screen and we go here to say this Crystal axe show the uh item info you see that there has a skill so this is what every weapon does and so each one has one so this butcher knife has sharpen this club has war cry that one's war cry and then stance and things like that and everyone's different and some of the more elite weapons will have better special abilities so in some of them you might have to decide if you want to go for outright power or something that has a really useful special ability and that's just adds another element of sort of uh skill I guess um in the way you want to play so if you are a really skilled player um then you might find you get on better with one particular weapon that might do less damage because it has a particular skill but if you're less experienced maybe uh you want to just go for outright power but the point is you can play around with it however you like and adds another dimension which is pretty cool oh dear right I'm going to try and be clever here uh should have blocked him there not really that happy about that oh dear dear now this is the first Dark Souls game that I think I played as well where I'm not using any sort of guides at all I think uh they don't ruin the game but uh they make a bit easy oh dear dear dear dear oh this is dangerous this is dangerous oh get out get out oh this was meant this was meant do you remember when I said oh this was too easy clearly not PC version of the game problems I've had the main problem being that I keep getting logged out of the bloody game for some strange reason and then it resets you to the menu cuz then you have to go into offline mode which is really weird and I don't like that at all and it's done this I think every single time I play so it's gets very frustrating oh man this is not the right tactic is it right now they're attacking each other that is the right tactic I think you want to get them to attack each other I've got my block up man come on oh dear oh go I need to go around the back again don't I go back no dear but yeah other than that PC version of the the game seems to be pretty good is a lot harder to run though uh than Dark Souls 2 was now I'm assuming that's because they don't have to rely on making it compatible with the other versions of uh like the older consoles so there's no Xbox One version and then there's no uh PS3 version so generally the game does look better uh but it's certainly not one of the best looking games on PC far from it I mean I'm playing this on a PC monitor at the moment whereas normally I would play on a sort of big TV at 1440p and uh it it looks good but yeah it doesn't look amazing okay they sort of killed each other there didn't they there you go boss fight that was that took about the right sort of length really didn't it happy with that so yeah I mean cut scenes as well actually tend to look a lot better and than they did before if you compare them to like the original Dark Souls uh yeah completely different oh something going on here oh dear I'm assuming this is the real boss fight I did think that seemed a little bit too too simple unless he's going to be my friend but somehow I doubt that haven't had any game crashes though um like I say is quite difficult to run so running on a 980 I do get drops I can't run it up Max at 60 frames a second and I can't uh sort of Run the game at 4K either oh dear oh could be a mistake could be a mistake and it was a mistake good effort though oh I'm happy with that as well he does fire damage probably should go for a different approach here OHA no I'm I'm really I lack the skills here to pay the necessary bills oh that was stupid I'm really dim sometimes get the hell out of there mate and that's a mistake as well that is a big mistake right can I go behind it that's the question oh thank you thank you he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't like that I didn't like that though oh oh oh oh oh careful now careful now mate I haven't done much damage I don't really stand much of a chance yet jez it that was a big mistake why would I do that and I think my controller's lost battery and it has it has I'm going to have to keyboard it oh and I've never played keyboard before that was always going to end in TS wasn't it that is that is why you need to charge your controller so it doesn't run out on you halfway through the game and then you don't have to have this awkward conversation in the video either right we have one charging cable and we're ready to rock and roll now I think there we go yes yes yes yes yes we're ready keyboard controls haven't really tried using i c switched them now they definitely seem a lot better than they did uh in especially Dark Souls 1 that was not a very good place um Dark Souls 2 as well but realistically this is a sort of controller game uh you're going to find it a lot easier with a controller I can more or less guarantee that um some of you out there will probably say no but trust me uh from my experience uh I would always recommend using a controller with dark souls it was basically designed for that but if you're swear by mouse and keyboard controls then I believe they've worked on the PC version to make the controls better than they were on the previous two games which isn't very difficult to say on the first one do I have to yes I do I have to do the whole thing again oh Christ oh come on mate right I've literally just a and like and controll is disconnected again this is a nightmare this shouldn't be called a review this could be a let's play or let's let's not play this is terrible i've now got to go to the other side of the route to grab my charging cable and the thing is as well I like most people would say oh maybe you should redo the video no I think this isn't this is this is entertainment they always say make the video you want to make this is it well maybe not I should rename the video though shouldn't I should call it how to uh plug a controller in Midstream that's why I should call it right let's let's rethink our strategy here because it seems to me that this is going to require some form of skill to do well obviously that's a given but I mean we've got to carefully plan out what we're going to do here we need to take him out quickly that's option one option two would be to sort of get them to attack each other now that seemed to work last time but it's high risk and that is high risk why did always Sprint past him because I don't have the time of day so just get in get out that's what I say right don't even have time now to cast Magic Shield but I don't think I'm going to need it anyway right so let him come for me there we go then just literally oh dear dear dear he's quick he's quick fellow isn't he oh should have thought about that I need to go for more of a rolling action I think I I'm brown bread here aren't I unless they attack each other yes yes yes they're going to attack each other now surely now they're in syn oh no they're meant to be attacking each other man oh I will do this I will do this there will be a cut off but I will do this I'll make sure I do this right right I'm going to get mean going to get angry here was meant to be talking about the game whether you should buy the game should you play I think I kind of already answered that normally in a review I'd be talking about what the game's like to play I would talk about this story I would talk about the graphics if you really want that well okay story not really existent really I mean well there is but there isn't the promise is you've got to go and kill some bad guys and get their souls that's pretty much the story um so the story enough I mean I don't have an emotional attachment to any of the characters but the only character you should care about is you you've got NPCs yeah yeah that's right NPCs you got NPCs oh get out oh this guy tell you what he does too much damage I'm not happy about that and then look you a oh for goodness sake this is the dark Soul's experience ladies and gentlemen if this was this is what you want to be doing when you come in from work you come in from school you want to come in and you want to relax this is the game to do kind of um maybe relax isn't the right word um well for me it's relaxing is it's a form of escapism isn't it and it's a bloody good one at that it really is it just gets you very annoyed even if you're a seasoned Dark Soul player with 150 hours under your belt it still get annoy the hell out of you and you're still not good enough to play the game is how you feel it sometimes but it's just it's it literally is like no other because okay I'm having a hard time here he's beating me and I'm definitely the loser at the moment but I know that when I do kill him and it will happen when I do defeat the boss I know I'm going to feel ecstatic and that is what Souls is all about it's about perfecting your Technique it's about basically getting good oh great heavy that's the wrong one and annoying yourself immensely in the process right there you go damage does a u magic does a lot so I vote go for Magic oh now there's three of them this is this is dead oh get out roll away roll away roll away roll away oh right he's attacking each other now okay okay okay he's coming for me he's coming for me he thinks he's he thinks he knows what he's doing but I say doesn't oh Jesus Christ they're on me they're on me there's all of them there's too many there's too many there's too many and I can't do that oh I made I made it somehow I did it I did it I did it I'm happy about that except he went through my shield there not happy about that and then again he's block it block right come on come on come on come on careful thank you okay no failed failed there a are you enjoying this I hope you're enjoying this because I know it sounds like I'm not enjoying this but I I am I am enjoying this that's what you say you have to keep reassuring yourself that you're in the right place am I playing this game for the right reason am I enjoying myself and you keep telling yourself yes yes I am and then and then it will get to the point right you die another few times and then you go you get really angry you go so no right that's it that's it that's enough and then you quickly realize that it's not enough and you want to have another go and then you have another go and then you go no that's it and you throw your controller across the room but then you pick it up again and then you say right I have another go and then you get really close and then you fail and then you turn it off an anger you Al F4 and then when you Al F4 you load the game and you find that it's corrupted your save that is what happened to me with Dark Souls 2 and I'm trying not to do the same thing with dark souls 3 because when you are 40 hours into the game and you have a corrupt save trust me it's not good so just like you have to be careful with gambling these days there should be dark souls aware because it's not good for you if you uh if you rage and just don't all F4 this is the other thing if you never played Souls before surely you know by now but in case you don't there's no pausing the game right so if I want to if something like the doorbell goes right now that's it I have a choice I either answer the door or I basically don't die is pretty much uh what happens here oh got him got him got him easy easy for careful I don't really know which one I should have be aiming for here I'm guessing the big one but they all seem like big ones careful careful i' I've got this under control I think oh kind of under control oh they're meant to be attacking each other and they're not doing it now there's three of them oh I'm under pressure here I'm out of Puck as well do you look at my B am I am I out of pu oh no and he's beating the absolute crap out of me we don't do swearing on this show this is a familyfriendly show but sometimes you want to right this is the last go and this isn't a bluff this is the last go right so as this is the last go uh probably should clean up the should you play question should you play Dark Souls 3 well at the moment you can get it around 38 so the sensible people among us and my honest recommendation would be unless you really want to play right now you should wait and get it when it's a little bit cheaper but if you're hopefully watching this you haven't played the game and you're debating whether you should give it a go because as I said I never really played Demon Souls until after the whole Dark Souls thing came out and I remember reading a PC Gamer review the PC Gamer website their review and it sold me on the game and trust me if you've never experienced it before unless you actively know that uh it's going to cause you some damage and some stress just give it a go cuz really it is cracking and if you don't want to pay the full price for the game well then if you haven't played the others then start with either the first one or the second one I it doesn't really make too much difference but smart money would say the first one even though the PC for second is a lot better oh come on come on come on but yeah it's absolutely cracking game and if you're prepared to pay the price I really don't think you're going to be disappointed um just yeah just don't get too angry with it because it's very easy to do oh right I've got my Souls back no you jump too far and you know what even though you feel like it's not time the game is pretty fair oh oh no and most of the time it's only yourself to blame because you're doing silly things so I think I've got to oh Christ oh God he's coming for me there's two of them there's two of them get out get out get out get out I do feel stressed very very stressed at the moment see look I've almost done enough damage he's almost dead oh that was silly wasn't it that was silly that was silly get out get out get out get out get out that's going to be the way to do it I think no definitely not careful look he's the one to go for now careful careful careful right I'm going to recharge now oh Jesus Christ oh I just need to recharge need to recharge let him attack there you go that's it that's it surely right there we go right we're on stage two he's down for the count okay this is it there's no skip either so I know we've seen this before my stomach is very tight at the moment I want to do this I don't want to let the side down okay don't want to let the side down but I feel like I'm going to oh yeah Cal and collect he's got flaming sword flaming dwagon as they say in Tropic Thunder he's not a dragon though so yeah so he's got flaming sword what's weak against that I don't really know but we're going to find out do I have anything poison no no I don't my shield will not fully BL block fire damage so I need to I don't know I just don't know it's this is a tough one actually this is a very tough one but we're going to do it but then there's there's another one isn't there they oh there you go look that's fine oh Christ oh no no no no no no no careful careful careful careful careful F just need need to sus him out need to sus him out that is not how we do it okay so I've worked out how not to do it I'm going to I'm going to crack open an ember no now that is not fair that right that's how we end it that's how we end the video thank you so much for checking in that is not fair I've just wasted an ember what is that thank you so much for watching the video thank you to Corsair for sponsoring the channel as always if you like this video then like it if you haven't then um don't um and like I've done the Subscribe bit and that's it see you laterhey what is up guys and welcome to should you play Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls is just been one of the games and one of the series that I have been absolutely in love with with the last with the last 3 years really I have to confess that I never really played demons Souls very difficult game to say correctly um until the whole Dark Souls craze sort of came out and then after that I was hooked so this is a review of Dark Souls 3 I've been playing this now for hours and hours and hours and hours um probably more so than I should have done being mind the amount of time I actually have uh but there we go that is just what this game does to you if you don't like spoilers I'm going to try and keep this to an absolute minimum because I'm well aware of the fact that uh people want to explore this for themselves having said that this is a story based game and I basically have a choice of don't play the game and review the game uh without playing much of it but then I won't really know what I'm talking about or play the game and then uh sort of basically uh review review stuff but show you things um so unfortunately that's what I've got to do here uh but to be honest I'm only going to show you one area we're not going to be teleporting about and we're not going to be showing you a load of in-game Secrets I haven't played uh the area I'm about to explore so it will be completely new for me as well but what is Dark Souls 3 well obviously it is the sequel to Dark Souls 2 and like the Dark Souls 2 sequel was to Dark Souls 1 it basically tweaks the formula a little bit and feels like not I wouldn't call it a new game it feels like a different game I think is the best way uh to describe it um but a different Dark Souls game what do I mean by that well if you did play a demon souls then you'll notice at the top left hand corner of the screen that we have a blue bar and that is our sort of magic point points and this is back so unlike Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 uh you now can cast the same spell unlimited uh n you can cast it as many times as you like as long as you got the appropriate amount of magic points so this is a little bit different and it doesn't completely change the way get the game plays at all it just means that you have to use Attunement points to gain additional magic uh points now you may have noticed if you look in the bottom left hand side of the screen that we have an Estus flask we've got six uh and then we have plus three so the usual way of upgrading your Estus flask uh to renew your health applies but we also this one which is an ashen Estus flask and it's this thing uh that will revive your magic points so you can actually allocate this and it's all uh sort of done from the start it shows you exactly what you need to do there's not really much uh ambiguity here you literally uh can just decide whether you want want to be someone that has less life and more magic or vice versa the build I've gone for here is more of a sorcerer but I do have a manual weapon uh this is currently an Crystal weapon uh so it will build on my strengths of intelligence rather than building on my strength stat and things like that now it's the usual Dark Souls way of the fact that you can sort of build your character exactly the way you want to and it's not going to get in your way you've got many many different builds to do so and I'm sure most of us that have played Dark Souls 2 and the original Dark Souls or at least replayed the game will know that the game really does change depending on how you want to play if you want to go for more of a melee only uh it can be a lot harder than if you want to play as a ranged character but obviously that's going to that's going to completely depend on the way you want to play it difficulty wise I'm not sure whether this game is harder um than Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 1 or demon souls for that instance uh for that matter I think what it is for me it feels a lot easier but I think that's just I've had so much practice on the other games and it fundamentally feels identical to be perfectly honest with you uh with the other games but just a few new things to keep me interested and I've done the thing where I sort of go through the game I just am really anticipating around uh whatever's around the next corner and this whole emotional response to a game is something you just don't see very often the first game uh that I actually got this was one of my first ever games actually and it was the original Tomb Raider where you sort of walk to a new area and you're really skeptical about what's going to come around the corner and uh this this game just does that more than anything else and it's one of those few games that I can just sit down and play for hours and hours hours on end uh without getting bored or wanting to leave it's just you know you get a a little bit hungry I would assume this is a boss um so if you don't want to see uh what the boss looks like um then you may want to look away now but we're going to play you do get cut scenes from time to time you don't tend to get that many uh usual Dark Souls stuff applies but we will talk about that in a moment I will let the cut scene roll so eie and we're now going to have to kill the boss and the bosses are what this game is all about this is very much jumping in at deep end if I known I may have gone a different way but oh dear get out get out um but oh very uh very different ways you can play these bosses to be honest I almost seem a little bit overpowered at the moment I would have actually uh oh dear there's more okay okay okay okay maybe I'm maybe I'm not maybe I way too soon build I've gone for is quite lightweight it's about 60% um of of sort of weight so I'm sort of a little bit agile but not really oh dear I don't know how there's probably going to be more of them there really have to concentrate um but basically if you want the too long didn't read even though it's a video uh so I guess it's too long didn't watch oh my god oh they can attack each other okay um I'm assuming you probably wanted to uh finish them off really quickly and I have not done that and I'm in trouble here I'm in danger yeah if you want the too long don't want to watch um version of the video then this is more or less Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 1 so if you like that um then obviously you're going to feel right at home here and the the amount of game time you're going to get is probably around 30 hours plus depending on how experienced you are with dark souls but obviously if you are experienced you probably going to want to play the game multiple times but yeah I'm definitely enjoying every single uh moment of it and uh if you've never played Dark Souls I really uh suggest you do give it a go but what's different about this particular game anyway compared to the last one well I've touched on the sort of main gameplay difference and that is the fact that you have magic points and uh you have Embers now so if I go along here this is almost like your Humanity uh it doesn't reverse your hollowing but so it gives you oh dear it gives you uh full health and then as once you die once your health is then reduced so it gets rid of the system from Dark Souls 2 where every time you yeah good thing I didn't use the Ember so yes it goes on the uh it gets rid of the thing that you have had in Dark Souls 2 where every time you die yeah you lose a bit of Health which to be honest was quite annoying um I'm pretty sure that was the point uh but it I sort of didn't really like that I sort of preferred it as it was uh but Dark Souls 2 felt easier overall than the original Dark Souls anyway so it didn't bother me too much I actually quite like what we've got here because if you want to explore an area and you've got a fair amount of Health uh then you sort of can just go forward and oh dear oh dear oh dear I'm just going to go for the boss I'm just going to cheese it which could be a mistake but I'm just going to anyway yes I prefer I like this system and I think that it just it's almost like to be honest it does seem like it was changed just for a change because it does make it different to the others but um personally I'm not really that bothered about that and it does mean that it does Play Slightly differently to the others so that's not really too much of a bad thing oh get out get out get out you also though one thing that is quite cool is you have these specials and I will have to show you in a second because every weapon and every Shield has a special ability now with a shield it's the Parry so nothing uh that spectacular there nothing we ever seen before but weapons actually oh dear actually have a special oh dear dear dear dear dear oh dear and if you hold down left trigger yeah you use your special and I just died didn't that oh dear and I lost my souls brilliant and you have a special ability and every weapon has a different special ability and then this then gives you a different way of uh using weapons so if I hold down left trigger now I now got a buff to my attack but every weapon has a different one of these so if I go into the inventory actually go into the equipment screen and we go here to say this Crystal axe show the uh item info you see that there has a skill so this is what every weapon does and so each one has one so this butcher knife has sharpen this club has war cry that one's war cry and then stance and things like that and everyone's different and some of the more elite weapons will have better special abilities so in some of them you might have to decide if you want to go for outright power or something that has a really useful special ability and that's just adds another element of sort of uh skill I guess um in the way you want to play so if you are a really skilled player um then you might find you get on better with one particular weapon that might do less damage because it has a particular skill but if you're less experienced maybe uh you want to just go for outright power but the point is you can play around with it however you like and adds another dimension which is pretty cool oh dear right I'm going to try and be clever here uh should have blocked him there not really that happy about that oh dear dear now this is the first Dark Souls game that I think I played as well where I'm not using any sort of guides at all I think uh they don't ruin the game but uh they make a bit easy oh dear dear dear dear oh this is dangerous this is dangerous oh get out get out oh this was meant this was meant do you remember when I said oh this was too easy clearly not PC version of the game problems I've had the main problem being that I keep getting logged out of the bloody game for some strange reason and then it resets you to the menu cuz then you have to go into offline mode which is really weird and I don't like that at all and it's done this I think every single time I play so it's gets very frustrating oh man this is not the right tactic is it right now they're attacking each other that is the right tactic I think you want to get them to attack each other I've got my block up man come on oh dear oh go I need to go around the back again don't I go back no dear but yeah other than that PC version of the the game seems to be pretty good is a lot harder to run though uh than Dark Souls 2 was now I'm assuming that's because they don't have to rely on making it compatible with the other versions of uh like the older consoles so there's no Xbox One version and then there's no uh PS3 version so generally the game does look better uh but it's certainly not one of the best looking games on PC far from it I mean I'm playing this on a PC monitor at the moment whereas normally I would play on a sort of big TV at 1440p and uh it it looks good but yeah it doesn't look amazing okay they sort of killed each other there didn't they there you go boss fight that was that took about the right sort of length really didn't it happy with that so yeah I mean cut scenes as well actually tend to look a lot better and than they did before if you compare them to like the original Dark Souls uh yeah completely different oh something going on here oh dear I'm assuming this is the real boss fight I did think that seemed a little bit too too simple unless he's going to be my friend but somehow I doubt that haven't had any game crashes though um like I say is quite difficult to run so running on a 980 I do get drops I can't run it up Max at 60 frames a second and I can't uh sort of Run the game at 4K either oh dear oh could be a mistake could be a mistake and it was a mistake good effort though oh I'm happy with that as well he does fire damage probably should go for a different approach here OHA no I'm I'm really I lack the skills here to pay the necessary bills oh that was stupid I'm really dim sometimes get the hell out of there mate and that's a mistake as well that is a big mistake right can I go behind it that's the question oh thank you thank you he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't like that I didn't like that though oh oh oh oh oh careful now careful now mate I haven't done much damage I don't really stand much of a chance yet jez it that was a big mistake why would I do that and I think my controller's lost battery and it has it has I'm going to have to keyboard it oh and I've never played keyboard before that was always going to end in TS wasn't it that is that is why you need to charge your controller so it doesn't run out on you halfway through the game and then you don't have to have this awkward conversation in the video either right we have one charging cable and we're ready to rock and roll now I think there we go yes yes yes yes yes we're ready keyboard controls haven't really tried using i c switched them now they definitely seem a lot better than they did uh in especially Dark Souls 1 that was not a very good place um Dark Souls 2 as well but realistically this is a sort of controller game uh you're going to find it a lot easier with a controller I can more or less guarantee that um some of you out there will probably say no but trust me uh from my experience uh I would always recommend using a controller with dark souls it was basically designed for that but if you're swear by mouse and keyboard controls then I believe they've worked on the PC version to make the controls better than they were on the previous two games which isn't very difficult to say on the first one do I have to yes I do I have to do the whole thing again oh Christ oh come on mate right I've literally just a and like and controll is disconnected again this is a nightmare this shouldn't be called a review this could be a let's play or let's let's not play this is terrible i've now got to go to the other side of the route to grab my charging cable and the thing is as well I like most people would say oh maybe you should redo the video no I think this isn't this is this is entertainment they always say make the video you want to make this is it well maybe not I should rename the video though shouldn't I should call it how to uh plug a controller in Midstream that's why I should call it right let's let's rethink our strategy here because it seems to me that this is going to require some form of skill to do well obviously that's a given but I mean we've got to carefully plan out what we're going to do here we need to take him out quickly that's option one option two would be to sort of get them to attack each other now that seemed to work last time but it's high risk and that is high risk why did always Sprint past him because I don't have the time of day so just get in get out that's what I say right don't even have time now to cast Magic Shield but I don't think I'm going to need it anyway right so let him come for me there we go then just literally oh dear dear dear he's quick he's quick fellow isn't he oh should have thought about that I need to go for more of a rolling action I think I I'm brown bread here aren't I unless they attack each other yes yes yes they're going to attack each other now surely now they're in syn oh no they're meant to be attacking each other man oh I will do this I will do this there will be a cut off but I will do this I'll make sure I do this right right I'm going to get mean going to get angry here was meant to be talking about the game whether you should buy the game should you play I think I kind of already answered that normally in a review I'd be talking about what the game's like to play I would talk about this story I would talk about the graphics if you really want that well okay story not really existent really I mean well there is but there isn't the promise is you've got to go and kill some bad guys and get their souls that's pretty much the story um so the story enough I mean I don't have an emotional attachment to any of the characters but the only character you should care about is you you've got NPCs yeah yeah that's right NPCs you got NPCs oh get out oh this guy tell you what he does too much damage I'm not happy about that and then look you a oh for goodness sake this is the dark Soul's experience ladies and gentlemen if this was this is what you want to be doing when you come in from work you come in from school you want to come in and you want to relax this is the game to do kind of um maybe relax isn't the right word um well for me it's relaxing is it's a form of escapism isn't it and it's a bloody good one at that it really is it just gets you very annoyed even if you're a seasoned Dark Soul player with 150 hours under your belt it still get annoy the hell out of you and you're still not good enough to play the game is how you feel it sometimes but it's just it's it literally is like no other because okay I'm having a hard time here he's beating me and I'm definitely the loser at the moment but I know that when I do kill him and it will happen when I do defeat the boss I know I'm going to feel ecstatic and that is what Souls is all about it's about perfecting your Technique it's about basically getting good oh great heavy that's the wrong one and annoying yourself immensely in the process right there you go damage does a u magic does a lot so I vote go for Magic oh now there's three of them this is this is dead oh get out roll away roll away roll away roll away oh right he's attacking each other now okay okay okay he's coming for me he's coming for me he thinks he's he thinks he knows what he's doing but I say doesn't oh Jesus Christ they're on me they're on me there's all of them there's too many there's too many there's too many and I can't do that oh I made I made it somehow I did it I did it I did it I'm happy about that except he went through my shield there not happy about that and then again he's block it block right come on come on come on come on careful thank you okay no failed failed there a are you enjoying this I hope you're enjoying this because I know it sounds like I'm not enjoying this but I I am I am enjoying this that's what you say you have to keep reassuring yourself that you're in the right place am I playing this game for the right reason am I enjoying myself and you keep telling yourself yes yes I am and then and then it will get to the point right you die another few times and then you go you get really angry you go so no right that's it that's it that's enough and then you quickly realize that it's not enough and you want to have another go and then you have another go and then you go no that's it and you throw your controller across the room but then you pick it up again and then you say right I have another go and then you get really close and then you fail and then you turn it off an anger you Al F4 and then when you Al F4 you load the game and you find that it's corrupted your save that is what happened to me with Dark Souls 2 and I'm trying not to do the same thing with dark souls 3 because when you are 40 hours into the game and you have a corrupt save trust me it's not good so just like you have to be careful with gambling these days there should be dark souls aware because it's not good for you if you uh if you rage and just don't all F4 this is the other thing if you never played Souls before surely you know by now but in case you don't there's no pausing the game right so if I want to if something like the doorbell goes right now that's it I have a choice I either answer the door or I basically don't die is pretty much uh what happens here oh got him got him got him easy easy for careful I don't really know which one I should have be aiming for here I'm guessing the big one but they all seem like big ones careful careful i' I've got this under control I think oh kind of under control oh they're meant to be attacking each other and they're not doing it now there's three of them oh I'm under pressure here I'm out of Puck as well do you look at my B am I am I out of pu oh no and he's beating the absolute crap out of me we don't do swearing on this show this is a familyfriendly show but sometimes you want to right this is the last go and this isn't a bluff this is the last go right so as this is the last go uh probably should clean up the should you play question should you play Dark Souls 3 well at the moment you can get it around 38 so the sensible people among us and my honest recommendation would be unless you really want to play right now you should wait and get it when it's a little bit cheaper but if you're hopefully watching this you haven't played the game and you're debating whether you should give it a go because as I said I never really played Demon Souls until after the whole Dark Souls thing came out and I remember reading a PC Gamer review the PC Gamer website their review and it sold me on the game and trust me if you've never experienced it before unless you actively know that uh it's going to cause you some damage and some stress just give it a go cuz really it is cracking and if you don't want to pay the full price for the game well then if you haven't played the others then start with either the first one or the second one I it doesn't really make too much difference but smart money would say the first one even though the PC for second is a lot better oh come on come on come on but yeah it's absolutely cracking game and if you're prepared to pay the price I really don't think you're going to be disappointed um just yeah just don't get too angry with it because it's very easy to do oh right I've got my Souls back no you jump too far and you know what even though you feel like it's not time the game is pretty fair oh oh no and most of the time it's only yourself to blame because you're doing silly things so I think I've got to oh Christ oh God he's coming for me there's two of them there's two of them get out get out get out get out I do feel stressed very very stressed at the moment see look I've almost done enough damage he's almost dead oh that was silly wasn't it that was silly that was silly get out get out get out get out get out that's going to be the way to do it I think no definitely not careful look he's the one to go for now careful careful careful right I'm going to recharge now oh Jesus Christ oh I just need to recharge need to recharge let him attack there you go that's it that's it surely right there we go right we're on stage two he's down for the count okay this is it there's no skip either so I know we've seen this before my stomach is very tight at the moment I want to do this I don't want to let the side down okay don't want to let the side down but I feel like I'm going to oh yeah Cal and collect he's got flaming sword flaming dwagon as they say in Tropic Thunder he's not a dragon though so yeah so he's got flaming sword what's weak against that I don't really know but we're going to find out do I have anything poison no no I don't my shield will not fully BL block fire damage so I need to I don't know I just don't know it's this is a tough one actually this is a very tough one but we're going to do it but then there's there's another one isn't there they oh there you go look that's fine oh Christ oh no no no no no no no careful careful careful careful careful F just need need to sus him out need to sus him out that is not how we do it okay so I've worked out how not to do it I'm going to I'm going to crack open an ember no now that is not fair that right that's how we end it that's how we end the video thank you so much for checking in that is not fair I've just wasted an ember what is that thank you so much for watching the video thank you to Corsair for sponsoring the channel as always if you like this video then like it if you haven't then um don't um and like I've done the Subscribe bit and that's it see you later\n"