Here is the rewritten article in a more structured format:
Oh that was a cool move oh Bang Bang! I like this game, can I beat this up nope. Hey what was that okay cool I got the moves bro I got the moves.
**Gameplay Experience**
I'm trying to figure out all the buttons here and I'm trying to figure out the d-pad is smoother we're going to find out I just switched to d-pad let's see how the d-pad performs in this game. Damn it they're dogs all right okay there's one way to kill him oh music got the oops don't do that whoa that was neat.
**Controls and Performance**
Some of these moves I have no idea how it's happening or coming see now here's the problem why can't I am I hitting them oh oh that guy's big down doggy here's a bone here's a bump on a bone here here here here I'll give you a bone come back here oh don't do that.
**Sound and Graphics**
I gotta say this game is working as I'm asking it to so that is a plus. The sound quality on this thing has been absolutely pretty darn good um whether it's true to the uh actual reproduction that's a great question because I've never played this game before.
**Console Performance**
The screen is beautiful and when I was talking about the uh IPS part of the screen I keep forgetting that IPS is really side to side and if you go side to side it's actually really good it's only when you uh tilt it that you see fade so that's just something I wanted to mention.
Pretty cool I'm kind of happy and I I think I'm just gonna keep playing this for a while because I spent a long time I got it for myself for Christmas yep I said that for myself for Christmas. And overall with games like this it makes it worthwhile.
**Final Thoughts**
You're making me mad you're making me mad you're walking around with no body Bam Bam haha anyway guys till next time thank you and uh I Wanna Lay a beating down on some more of these guys and until next time game over damn you you wrecked my Barrel I keep dying.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enguys welcome back to another game console handheld whatever you want to call it review and this is supposed to be the pow Kitty x70. one thing right off the bat this thing boasts a seven inch screen so I'm hoping it's a nice screen but I have seen some other reviews out there as I'm getting ready to do a review sometimes you like to do your homework uh sometimes you don't agree with those uh statements that are made and again that's why I tell people to not only watch me but watch other people when you're looking to buy something because I'm not I guess a crazy in-depth in-depth person I do the basic functions and what is it like for the regular person that's going out to get it now what's weird about this Packaging there's no pow Kitty marked anywhere and I know that it's supposed to be one and even here it doesn't say it I think here so it's it's easy to say that this x70 is made by somebody and maybe rebranded numerous ways and maybe the Box reflects that so if pow Kitty made it they made it if they didn't they didn't but I bought the pow Kitty x70 so let's open this up I'm not gonna lie I did open just to take a look at the the actual size of the unit and everything and I thought that was pretty cool so we're just going to put that off to the side first take a look at what really comes with it which is basically nothing you have a quality control uh thingy you have your USBC so that's good USBC charging cable and your x70 moving that aside let's take a look at the handheld so right off the bat it's a good looking handheld it reminds me they even made the grooves here I always wondered if that was able to come off because it made it look like it could but it doesn't and what I gotta say is it's very Nintendo switch like kind of cleaner but it is um you you have your two analogs here you have your d-pad your buttons which are quite I guess I want to say sharp sharp edged and somewhat springy so I don't know if I like them or dislike them yet the d-pad feels okay I'm not gonna and there is no maybe this one but this one doesn't have a click or well maybe they do I'm not sure and if they did it probably is no reason for it and I'm going to guess that this here is it looks like a a recycle logo so it's probably like a refresh or bring you back to home I don't know yet there's start select and on the top here we're greeted with the SD card slot which there's an SD card in there with their preload you have your power button volume mini HDMI and headphone jack for those people traveling or whatever you don't want other people you know listening or pissing them off you have a left and right bumper which okay they feel good no no issue there they feel good again until I turn it on and play with it I don't know what the responsiveness is like and on the back of course it does tell you everything that I just said here in little logos and this is the model X 70. I don't see pow Kitty on here anywhere either we'll have to see if it is on boot up so on the bottom here we have your USBC power and these are actually two joystick ports so you can add joysticks if you want and maybe 3D print a kickstand or something and uh and have it up while you're playing with friends or family um and then there's the reset in a hidden in here reset button looks like a speaker here and a speaker here I will check with my ear and see if there are actually two speakers or one and if I had to make a guess I'm going to say there's a speaker here but not here the only reason why I say that is in the venting here for the speaker I see uh something here and I don't really see anything here so I'm not 100 but most of these uh overseas units are kind of like that so right off the back here I'm going to peel off the ever so wonderful screen protector oh yeah it's going to turn on now so wow that's actually a pretty Crystal Clean screen going on there um you on the angle that I'm looking at it it does seem a little faded but seeing it on the video over to the side here with my 32 inch screen it's uh looking good so let's find out if it really is um it said welcome I don't know if it's still booting up or is the same welcome to your charging I have no idea doesn't do anything soon I will hit the power button again let's hit the power button again oh so because it's charging oh now it's loading maybe it's got enough now to start it up so it looks like when you're turning it on and you're greeted with Chinese or or whatever it is um and you need to change that so I don't know what I did to get back okay thank you oh my God all that and there it is ah language is the top one guys so if you're looking at this and you're having trouble language is the a right here switch it to English that was ridiculous I wish they had something to tell you a little better so now we have a list type history favorite sea whatever that's supposed to be and file so we're going to go back to uh game list so what I want to do now is I want to test something well actually let's see I'm curious right off the Hop PlayStation and again everything is not English so the system's now in English but nothing's English I'm just going to pick again because I have no idea what I'm picking and I know that most of the games and don't get me wrong you can change the games that are on here and make it all English that is up to you Sony Computer Entertainment presents stereo speakers you have speakers on both sides wow it's got some volume let's turn that down all right and that did do what I okay so here we hit this button and now we can return to game restart uh we can save game load game settings and exit and here we're going to exit because I don't have a clue what that is and I'd rather play something and see something that I know what I'm playing oh the sound is actually pretty good let's see oh sweet looking I gotta say this is smooth oops I died did it okay now we have it up on the screen so you guys can see everything proper and you can see that I'm moving it around we so this is literally the menu if you go to list then it's just going to nice no file that's beautiful that might be because it was something I'm supposed to create I don't know but anyway here's the type here's my history of what I played in a wonderful language that I can't speak uh favorites I didn't do any yet I don't oh search sea is search that makes sense and file it's saying there's no disk well that's interesting let's find out if that's true so let's go to type let's go hmm let's go well let's go here again just to take a look at everything recorded no file interesting okay we're back so is this some sort of weird um thing that happened I don't know go to type now we can go back in okay let's I'd love to know yeah again a lot of street fighters that's not my kind of game but I mean you know what to some this is an awesome thing but I mean there's only so many the street Jam cool there's only so many freaking Street Fighters you want on here again like I said you can make and put your own games on a card and be done with it so don't worry about that and I think this system here can actually be modded with a different Os or a cleaner OS so that those are up to you I'm just giving you the review of what I think of it out of the box and this is what I think I was playing so let's take a look cannot remember so so far I'm liking the output to the computer with no issues like that is oh coin so coin is actually select just to give you an idea all right now I don't think we're recording sound on this anymore I am pretty certain of it let me just double check but I don't think so because I'm not hearing anything out of the unit and I don't think I have the unit to set to record it and that's for reasons that you know it's sometimes really hard to to be a YouTuber and have all this stuff put out and oops so I guess I learned a lesson on what that was Crush you all whoa whoa oh I've seen that coming I love the explosion effect I mean that's more realistic than the game is it's pretty cool hmm I've got some power-ups yeah yeah I'm not God boom yeah here like I said you gotta restart if you just want to restart the game return to the game from where you are you have your save game load process settings for the game and if you go into settings I think that's yeah keyboard mapping sound output which oops if I went here what would it say on so all right um so you're mapping if you want to change your uh button layout and of course you know that everything is technically a keyboard when it comes to a Gamepad most people don't know that but it's actually true screen size so of course you can go full screen or you can scale I'm just going to stay at full screen because well so far hasn't made anything look weird joystick mode digital or analog that's kind of cool and reset settings okay now if you look at the picture it looks like I have to press it I have to I have to press it look like a terrible an adult game almost haunted castle completely different from what that picture showed so looks like a knockoff of uh uh I can't remember the game Castlevania or something let's just see here ready and that's pretty much what it is game over well I don't want to be game over okay so you still have to put a coin in for that so I'm guessing these I'm gonna guess it's all Capcom and the Capcom stuff is uh-oh oh there we go I don't know how this is supposed to run but so far it's uh I don't know I find it kind of maybe I gotta use the d-pad yeah I find this a little clumsy I don't know if this is the way it's supposed to be and I can't very well say that because well I've never played this before let's go to uh I guess this would be no famicons right here so what is this FBA ah let's try some metal slug it's funny because this is Capcom 2. but Neo Geo apparently so it's the neo-geo game in this mix now I think there is a Neo Geo section too so coin is uh select and now we're going to hit start yes I don't really care I just want to see what the game is going to play like die die you die people you all die oh I'm supposed to save that guy screw you I don't know if I really want to save people what's a waste of time oh fire fire Fight Fire with Fire oh look at them burn it's been a while since I played these uh Classics to be honest so it's kind of cool oh we don't want that coming around bombs I die looks like it might be a top down let's try that out duh trying to give my own sound effects maybe I gotta hit credits oh I think I know this game yeah okay you can take off a little faster than that please see all you have to do is say please okay now I'm using the analog stick and I'm gonna switch to the uh that's weird how this thing shoots how come there's no power-ups power up and then I die getting the power up I'm like there's a power up and then it kills me it's like when I'm driving or when I'm flying this plane so it shoots straight it almost like it doesn't Shoot Straight it's weird huh okay but I mean it works well and this is the analog stick so let me try the d-pad okay the Deep dive needs to in my opinion some getting used to I definitely have a lot more control on the analog Pad but it does work I just find it touchy and which is please don't tell me to have a Nintendo button somewhere else it's super okay it's gonna be stupid to have famicon and then they had uh you know Super Nintendo or Nintendo or something like that should be all under this life force okay I don't know what it is I think I do start oh okay let's try pew pew pew pew I just killed myself and I just killed myself I just wanted this stupid thing so I'm using a d-pad right now just to yeah the d-pad is uh quite no I don't like the d-pad I'm going to be flat out honest so let's just try the same game with the analog stick why isn't it continuing maybe I have to hit start yeah okay same game now with the analog stick oops my bad I got no other weapons by the look of it ah that doesn't seem like a very good upgrade oops nothing else happens just to shoot and that's it okay the d-pad is definitely uh shitty in this game for sure the analog stick is better my gaming just isn't itself but to each of their own clothes turtle power come on everybody remembers this this is the old Nintendo one oops I don't know if I meant to go down I guess you got to all right I'm only using analog because I'll try the d-pad again I don't like it ow turtle's doing a half shell turtle power yeah I can't use the d-pad so let's go back to analog why is is that a delay wow it might just be me not a hundred percent I'm gonna hit jump right now right now I feel like there's a bit of delay now now well maybe it's just me oops didn't mean to do that okay let's try another game or another console I mean the games are running okay um I think there's a little bit of delay there but uh let's Game Boy Advance there's one though that's not normally easily ran look at that Sonic right off the hop right off the Hop all right yes English please trigger sorry I had to do it myself start come on get past all this crap I have no idea it said English remember whatever maybe I had to move it down or something who knows Turtle Tyler jumping now jumping now jumping now jumping now oopsie Daisy big mean thingy majuki oh that's cool hey all right no now I'm getting annoyed then don't keep doing that right that's great oh I was up there again let's do it right here oh stupid stupid b all right this game is actually oops all right we're gonna have to go back here and go back here there we go it's funny because you look at this and you think the game's gonna hey it's going pretty quick now but you will you don't think that he's that quick in this type of game but he is pretty darn quick it's a really cool game I haven't played this version uh only in testing sometimes and I have to say kind of enjoying it so we know that Sonic is working in a Game Boy Advance so in order to double check that pressing down pressing now pressing now it seems like it's getting better um the only way to really test this is to try a different game now in this thing that might be a little I mean Sonic's fast right so I would expect that to give me a harsh run and there's some more Sonics look at this my favorite console already and then there's this weird stuff that I have no idea what it is Castlevania Fire Emblem these are things that aren't my games I mean Fire Emblem is popular I get that but not for me why does it feel like I just went through the same thing again how many fire emblems do they need to be Final Fantasy not my game either but kind of cool Mega Man Zero I don't know if I was much of a I like the original Mega Man's I don't think I like these zeros Shining Soul I mean it looks like there's a lot of cool games because I know the games that I don't like that I talk about that they're popular right so um not gonna you know bash it people have their tastes I just don't think it's mine and uh what's that Cadillacs and dinosaurs maybe English crash all right let's try crash that should be a little bit harder to run crash bandico crushy are you Crusher Universal Interactive this is the crappy Graphics now this is only probably gonna put out I think it says it puts out 1080 but I'm gonna look at the video quality after because I can actually check what actually did record at and I'm going to think it's more 480 or 720 based on what the console was I don't think it's really upscaling because that still looks kinda yeah I hate having to go through all this crap crash let's go crash let's go yeah don't care just go let's go all right no no no no and played this in Forever oops well you can't touch anything in this game forgot about that so either the delay is let's see yeah I uh I either suck or there's a delay here let's see ready jump jump jump I mean the game is still running smooth it must be me oh that's it there we go it's always me I just don't know what I'm doing I get it and it's kind of like a weird Sonic take off because you're actually collecting these apples or whatever it is instead of um can you shoot those I couldn't remember if you can shoot them oops Yeah so uh I'm not sure if there's a delay there or I just really suck dude I'm not gonna bother with Game Boy because if Game Boy Max is running I can't see them screwing that up um let's go Super Nintendo it's nice to see all those games there we go Super Mario World now keep in mind I'm still playing on the analog stick um I don't know it just let's see how smooth it is all right so I am going to use um I forgot that I can pick those up well that was really sad I am using the d-pad and I'm starting to think I might be regretting that I'm going to use the analog this time now what was it that pick damn it wow I think there's a delay here I'll try this one more time and see if I'm right or wrong yeah I can't do a double jump um again I'll do this one more time but I feel like oh okay yeah I can I guess I thought there was a way to carry that yeah see I'm not exactly happy with that I mean the game's running smooth I don't know if it's just me but I think the uh I think there's a bit of a delay in the trigger but I mean okay let's go back in and I'm going to hit jump jump jump jump there's a delay I can see it comment below if you think you can see it too because I hit jump jump I mean it's not terrible but it's there and it's enough to get you killed uh certain stuff yes I'm scared to play battle toads on this Dicky con let's see how it runs with the actual uh extra processing power going on because these games were a lot harder to run than the others come on get past it yeah past it 1995 Nintendo digicon diddy diddy diddy all right one the players this is where you can plug in your second joystick and have fun let's see what I get all right let's jump roll so jump jump jump okay let's see how that goes I am a donkey donkey donkey Kong I know that Barrel is probably important well so far oh it's there hey you day when that was my error but so far I've seen pretty good funny how the simpler game seemed delayed to me and uh the higher end game did not so now we're gonna go to the Mega Drive my favorite out of all these systems from this era oh gotta play some hockey I don't remember what's what is this one uh who am I am I this guy yeah apparently man this game makes you look bad icing bro whip shot oh bruh oh hey what's up no anyway it's working good is this my normal I can't play hockey very well but these are my favorites I love like Lem you hockey and stuff like that they're my favorites I don't like this new stuff this is so much easier so much better on 99. does that make any sense to anybody Donkey Kong 99 under the Mega Drive yeah that seems right oh is this sudden strike or Urban strike this is one of my favorite games I love these but I love a top down and this one here takes it a little bit different but awesome and I loves it so much I love this game okay the analog stick is probably not my friend here let's try the d-pad let's shoot there we go oh I think I need to be uh yeah the analog stick is actually better for this no you die hahaha I'm a jerk ah I'm being shot like really bad hey okay takes a bit of getting used to with the analog stick but I like it more maybe I gotta anyway I'm not a big uh fan of the controls any game like newer PS PlayStation that kind of stuff where you can use the analog pad uh proper using the sticks I can see this console being great for that um maybe plugging in another controller for the games that I'm not happy with but at the same time there's not a lot of controllers that are going to be USB that you're going to have to convert to the USB micro hit Neo Geo that now here's the thing you're going to be a lot of King of Fighters here so I'm going to go to the bottom drift out Road something Road Army oh Road Army Road Army let's check it out anyway so now we're in Neo Geo um I don't know uh I'm I'm kind of on the ledge here with this system um if it's gonna play more modern titles like the PlayStation maybe and I say maybe uh some consoles in that era then like let's say this Neo Geo for example if I'm happy with the controls then this is the kind of Shoot Em Up type things that I like um I'm not playing yet oh credits so credits again every time is Select okay and yeah whatever let's game start all right let's see what this is like oh yeah I should be able to look at the screen when I'm doing this now that I think about it I don't know why I was being so upset about that that's the idea seems to be no delay as far as that goes so all right here we go all right let's see you die you die all right the analog stick is perfect for this so let's see how it helps up oh that was a cool move oh Bang Bang I like this game can I beat this up nope hey what was that okay cool I got the moves bro I got the moves oh I got a weapon by the look of it yeah I got me as a baseball bat made out of steel hey that was a jerk thing to do I wasn't trying to hurt anybody oh oh nest there's no delay I gotta say this game is working as I'm asking it to so that is a plus the shoulders do anything nope just trying to figure out all the buttons here and I'm trying to figure out the d-pad is smoother we're going to find out I just switched to d-pad let's see how the d-pad performs in this game damn it they're dogs all right okay there's one way to kill him oh music got the oops don't do that whoa that was neat some of these moves I have no idea how it's happening or coming see now here's the problem why can't I am I hitting them oh oh that guy's big down doggy here's a bone here's a bump on a bone here here here here I'll give you a bone come back here oh don't do that now is that ghosting or was that like a thing it actually does because that was weird but I have to say uh that was with the d-pad hey and now we're back on the analog stick which I think is the smoothest right now okay guys what do I think of this thing well as I said if you're going to use the game for Neo Geo Navy PlayStation then I have to say uh so far I like that Game Boy Advance wasn't too bad I did see or I do feel the d-pad is to me the d-pad's garbage I don't I don't like it but I can't get that now but it is what it is I mean you can't have everything so but at the same time I paid about 60 bucks for a console I plays games like this but no delay and it looks awesome so I'm pretty happy about that and the sound quality on this thing has been absolutely pretty darn good um whether it's true to the uh actual reproduction that's a great question because I've never played this game before and I know we can't really hear it because for some weird reason my HDMI out to my thing is not really recording the audio from the console at least I don't think it is and pretty sure it isn't I'm pretty sure I at one point said it that way because every time I do a Nintendo game for example they take my video and try to make their monetization off somebody else I think that's just criminal but welcome to Nintendo welcome to Nintendo anyway so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this I hope this helped out if you're looking for a system that you want to have some fun with this one definitely uh does work well the screen is beautiful and when I was talking about the uh IPS part of the screen I keep forgetting that IPS is really side to side and if you go side to side it's actually really good it's only when you uh tilt it that you see fade so that's just something I wanted to mention so someone's sitting there watching you play can see that no problem and and so on but I guess at the same time why do we really care if the IPS as long as you're looking at it and it's working well then that's all you really need so pretty cool I'm kind of happy and I I think I'm just gonna keep playing this for a while because I spent a long time I got it for myself for Christmas yep I said that for myself for Christmas and uh so far um I'm happy I don't open things till I actually go to review it so sometimes that sucks boom but overall with games like this it makes it worthwhile I have to say until they do that you're making me mad you're making me mad you're walking around with no body Bam Bam haha anyway guys till next time thank you and uh I Wanna Lay a beating down on some more of these guys and until next time game over damn you you wrecked my Barrel I keep dyingguys welcome back to another game console handheld whatever you want to call it review and this is supposed to be the pow Kitty x70. one thing right off the bat this thing boasts a seven inch screen so I'm hoping it's a nice screen but I have seen some other reviews out there as I'm getting ready to do a review sometimes you like to do your homework uh sometimes you don't agree with those uh statements that are made and again that's why I tell people to not only watch me but watch other people when you're looking to buy something because I'm not I guess a crazy in-depth in-depth person I do the basic functions and what is it like for the regular person that's going out to get it now what's weird about this Packaging there's no pow Kitty marked anywhere and I know that it's supposed to be one and even here it doesn't say it I think here so it's it's easy to say that this x70 is made by somebody and maybe rebranded numerous ways and maybe the Box reflects that so if pow Kitty made it they made it if they didn't they didn't but I bought the pow Kitty x70 so let's open this up I'm not gonna lie I did open just to take a look at the the actual size of the unit and everything and I thought that was pretty cool so we're just going to put that off to the side first take a look at what really comes with it which is basically nothing you have a quality control uh thingy you have your USBC so that's good USBC charging cable and your x70 moving that aside let's take a look at the handheld so right off the bat it's a good looking handheld it reminds me they even made the grooves here I always wondered if that was able to come off because it made it look like it could but it doesn't and what I gotta say is it's very Nintendo switch like kind of cleaner but it is um you you have your two analogs here you have your d-pad your buttons which are quite I guess I want to say sharp sharp edged and somewhat springy so I don't know if I like them or dislike them yet the d-pad feels okay I'm not gonna and there is no maybe this one but this one doesn't have a click or well maybe they do I'm not sure and if they did it probably is no reason for it and I'm going to guess that this here is it looks like a a recycle logo so it's probably like a refresh or bring you back to home I don't know yet there's start select and on the top here we're greeted with the SD card slot which there's an SD card in there with their preload you have your power button volume mini HDMI and headphone jack for those people traveling or whatever you don't want other people you know listening or pissing them off you have a left and right bumper which okay they feel good no no issue there they feel good again until I turn it on and play with it I don't know what the responsiveness is like and on the back of course it does tell you everything that I just said here in little logos and this is the model X 70. I don't see pow Kitty on here anywhere either we'll have to see if it is on boot up so on the bottom here we have your USBC power and these are actually two joystick ports so you can add joysticks if you want and maybe 3D print a kickstand or something and uh and have it up while you're playing with friends or family um and then there's the reset in a hidden in here reset button looks like a speaker here and a speaker here I will check with my ear and see if there are actually two speakers or one and if I had to make a guess I'm going to say there's a speaker here but not here the only reason why I say that is in the venting here for the speaker I see uh something here and I don't really see anything here so I'm not 100 but most of these uh overseas units are kind of like that so right off the back here I'm going to peel off the ever so wonderful screen protector oh yeah it's going to turn on now so wow that's actually a pretty Crystal Clean screen going on there um you on the angle that I'm looking at it it does seem a little faded but seeing it on the video over to the side here with my 32 inch screen it's uh looking good so let's find out if it really is um it said welcome I don't know if it's still booting up or is the same welcome to your charging I have no idea doesn't do anything soon I will hit the power button again let's hit the power button again oh so because it's charging oh now it's loading maybe it's got enough now to start it up so it looks like when you're turning it on and you're greeted with Chinese or or whatever it is um and you need to change that so I don't know what I did to get back okay thank you oh my God all that and there it is ah language is the top one guys so if you're looking at this and you're having trouble language is the a right here switch it to English that was ridiculous I wish they had something to tell you a little better so now we have a list type history favorite sea whatever that's supposed to be and file so we're going to go back to uh game list so what I want to do now is I want to test something well actually let's see I'm curious right off the Hop PlayStation and again everything is not English so the system's now in English but nothing's English I'm just going to pick again because I have no idea what I'm picking and I know that most of the games and don't get me wrong you can change the games that are on here and make it all English that is up to you Sony Computer Entertainment presents stereo speakers you have speakers on both sides wow it's got some volume let's turn that down all right and that did do what I okay so here we hit this button and now we can return to game restart uh we can save game load game settings and exit and here we're going to exit because I don't have a clue what that is and I'd rather play something and see something that I know what I'm playing oh the sound is actually pretty good let's see oh sweet looking I gotta say this is smooth oops I died did it okay now we have it up on the screen so you guys can see everything proper and you can see that I'm moving it around we so this is literally the menu if you go to list then it's just going to nice no file that's beautiful that might be because it was something I'm supposed to create I don't know but anyway here's the type here's my history of what I played in a wonderful language that I can't speak uh favorites I didn't do any yet I don't oh search sea is search that makes sense and file it's saying there's no disk well that's interesting let's find out if that's true so let's go to type let's go hmm let's go well let's go here again just to take a look at everything recorded no file interesting okay we're back so is this some sort of weird um thing that happened I don't know go to type now we can go back in okay let's I'd love to know yeah again a lot of street fighters that's not my kind of game but I mean you know what to some this is an awesome thing but I mean there's only so many the street Jam cool there's only so many freaking Street Fighters you want on here again like I said you can make and put your own games on a card and be done with it so don't worry about that and I think this system here can actually be modded with a different Os or a cleaner OS so that those are up to you I'm just giving you the review of what I think of it out of the box and this is what I think I was playing so let's take a look cannot remember so so far I'm liking the output to the computer with no issues like that is oh coin so coin is actually select just to give you an idea all right now I don't think we're recording sound on this anymore I am pretty certain of it let me just double check but I don't think so because I'm not hearing anything out of the unit and I don't think I have the unit to set to record it and that's for reasons that you know it's sometimes really hard to to be a YouTuber and have all this stuff put out and oops so I guess I learned a lesson on what that was Crush you all whoa whoa oh I've seen that coming I love the explosion effect I mean that's more realistic than the game is it's pretty cool hmm I've got some power-ups yeah yeah I'm not God boom yeah here like I said you gotta restart if you just want to restart the game return to the game from where you are you have your save game load process settings for the game and if you go into settings I think that's yeah keyboard mapping sound output which oops if I went here what would it say on so all right um so you're mapping if you want to change your uh button layout and of course you know that everything is technically a keyboard when it comes to a Gamepad most people don't know that but it's actually true screen size so of course you can go full screen or you can scale I'm just going to stay at full screen because well so far hasn't made anything look weird joystick mode digital or analog that's kind of cool and reset settings okay now if you look at the picture it looks like I have to press it I have to I have to press it look like a terrible an adult game almost haunted castle completely different from what that picture showed so looks like a knockoff of uh uh I can't remember the game Castlevania or something let's just see here ready and that's pretty much what it is game over well I don't want to be game over okay so you still have to put a coin in for that so I'm guessing these I'm gonna guess it's all Capcom and the Capcom stuff is uh-oh oh there we go I don't know how this is supposed to run but so far it's uh I don't know I find it kind of maybe I gotta use the d-pad yeah I find this a little clumsy I don't know if this is the way it's supposed to be and I can't very well say that because well I've never played this before let's go to uh I guess this would be no famicons right here so what is this FBA ah let's try some metal slug it's funny because this is Capcom 2. but Neo Geo apparently so it's the neo-geo game in this mix now I think there is a Neo Geo section too so coin is uh select and now we're going to hit start yes I don't really care I just want to see what the game is going to play like die die you die people you all die oh I'm supposed to save that guy screw you I don't know if I really want to save people what's a waste of time oh fire fire Fight Fire with Fire oh look at them burn it's been a while since I played these uh Classics to be honest so it's kind of cool oh we don't want that coming around bombs I die looks like it might be a top down let's try that out duh trying to give my own sound effects maybe I gotta hit credits oh I think I know this game yeah okay you can take off a little faster than that please see all you have to do is say please okay now I'm using the analog stick and I'm gonna switch to the uh that's weird how this thing shoots how come there's no power-ups power up and then I die getting the power up I'm like there's a power up and then it kills me it's like when I'm driving or when I'm flying this plane so it shoots straight it almost like it doesn't Shoot Straight it's weird huh okay but I mean it works well and this is the analog stick so let me try the d-pad okay the Deep dive needs to in my opinion some getting used to I definitely have a lot more control on the analog Pad but it does work I just find it touchy and which is please don't tell me to have a Nintendo button somewhere else it's super okay it's gonna be stupid to have famicon and then they had uh you know Super Nintendo or Nintendo or something like that should be all under this life force okay I don't know what it is I think I do start oh okay let's try pew pew pew pew I just killed myself and I just killed myself I just wanted this stupid thing so I'm using a d-pad right now just to yeah the d-pad is uh quite no I don't like the d-pad I'm going to be flat out honest so let's just try the same game with the analog stick why isn't it continuing maybe I have to hit start yeah okay same game now with the analog stick oops my bad I got no other weapons by the look of it ah that doesn't seem like a very good upgrade oops nothing else happens just to shoot and that's it okay the d-pad is definitely uh shitty in this game for sure the analog stick is better my gaming just isn't itself but to each of their own clothes turtle power come on everybody remembers this this is the old Nintendo one oops I don't know if I meant to go down I guess you got to all right I'm only using analog because I'll try the d-pad again I don't like it ow turtle's doing a half shell turtle power yeah I can't use the d-pad so let's go back to analog why is is that a delay wow it might just be me not a hundred percent I'm gonna hit jump right now right now I feel like there's a bit of delay now now well maybe it's just me oops didn't mean to do that okay let's try another game or another console I mean the games are running okay um I think there's a little bit of delay there but uh let's Game Boy Advance there's one though that's not normally easily ran look at that Sonic right off the hop right off the Hop all right yes English please trigger sorry I had to do it myself start come on get past all this crap I have no idea it said English remember whatever maybe I had to move it down or something who knows Turtle Tyler jumping now jumping now jumping now jumping now oopsie Daisy big mean thingy majuki oh that's cool hey all right no now I'm getting annoyed then don't keep doing that right that's great oh I was up there again let's do it right here oh stupid stupid b all right this game is actually oops all right we're gonna have to go back here and go back here there we go it's funny because you look at this and you think the game's gonna hey it's going pretty quick now but you will you don't think that he's that quick in this type of game but he is pretty darn quick it's a really cool game I haven't played this version uh only in testing sometimes and I have to say kind of enjoying it so we know that Sonic is working in a Game Boy Advance so in order to double check that pressing down pressing now pressing now it seems like it's getting better um the only way to really test this is to try a different game now in this thing that might be a little I mean Sonic's fast right so I would expect that to give me a harsh run and there's some more Sonics look at this my favorite console already and then there's this weird stuff that I have no idea what it is Castlevania Fire Emblem these are things that aren't my games I mean Fire Emblem is popular I get that but not for me why does it feel like I just went through the same thing again how many fire emblems do they need to be Final Fantasy not my game either but kind of cool Mega Man Zero I don't know if I was much of a I like the original Mega Man's I don't think I like these zeros Shining Soul I mean it looks like there's a lot of cool games because I know the games that I don't like that I talk about that they're popular right so um not gonna you know bash it people have their tastes I just don't think it's mine and uh what's that Cadillacs and dinosaurs maybe English crash all right let's try crash that should be a little bit harder to run crash bandico crushy are you Crusher Universal Interactive this is the crappy Graphics now this is only probably gonna put out I think it says it puts out 1080 but I'm gonna look at the video quality after because I can actually check what actually did record at and I'm going to think it's more 480 or 720 based on what the console was I don't think it's really upscaling because that still looks kinda yeah I hate having to go through all this crap crash let's go crash let's go yeah don't care just go let's go all right no no no no and played this in Forever oops well you can't touch anything in this game forgot about that so either the delay is let's see yeah I uh I either suck or there's a delay here let's see ready jump jump jump I mean the game is still running smooth it must be me oh that's it there we go it's always me I just don't know what I'm doing I get it and it's kind of like a weird Sonic take off because you're actually collecting these apples or whatever it is instead of um can you shoot those I couldn't remember if you can shoot them oops Yeah so uh I'm not sure if there's a delay there or I just really suck dude I'm not gonna bother with Game Boy because if Game Boy Max is running I can't see them screwing that up um let's go Super Nintendo it's nice to see all those games there we go Super Mario World now keep in mind I'm still playing on the analog stick um I don't know it just let's see how smooth it is all right so I am going to use um I forgot that I can pick those up well that was really sad I am using the d-pad and I'm starting to think I might be regretting that I'm going to use the analog this time now what was it that pick damn it wow I think there's a delay here I'll try this one more time and see if I'm right or wrong yeah I can't do a double jump um again I'll do this one more time but I feel like oh okay yeah I can I guess I thought there was a way to carry that yeah see I'm not exactly happy with that I mean the game's running smooth I don't know if it's just me but I think the uh I think there's a bit of a delay in the trigger but I mean okay let's go back in and I'm going to hit jump jump jump jump there's a delay I can see it comment below if you think you can see it too because I hit jump jump I mean it's not terrible but it's there and it's enough to get you killed uh certain stuff yes I'm scared to play battle toads on this Dicky con let's see how it runs with the actual uh extra processing power going on because these games were a lot harder to run than the others come on get past it yeah past it 1995 Nintendo digicon diddy diddy diddy all right one the players this is where you can plug in your second joystick and have fun let's see what I get all right let's jump roll so jump jump jump okay let's see how that goes I am a donkey donkey donkey Kong I know that Barrel is probably important well so far oh it's there hey you day when that was my error but so far I've seen pretty good funny how the simpler game seemed delayed to me and uh the higher end game did not so now we're gonna go to the Mega Drive my favorite out of all these systems from this era oh gotta play some hockey I don't remember what's what is this one uh who am I am I this guy yeah apparently man this game makes you look bad icing bro whip shot oh bruh oh hey what's up no anyway it's working good is this my normal I can't play hockey very well but these are my favorites I love like Lem you hockey and stuff like that they're my favorites I don't like this new stuff this is so much easier so much better on 99. does that make any sense to anybody Donkey Kong 99 under the Mega Drive yeah that seems right oh is this sudden strike or Urban strike this is one of my favorite games I love these but I love a top down and this one here takes it a little bit different but awesome and I loves it so much I love this game okay the analog stick is probably not my friend here let's try the d-pad let's shoot there we go oh I think I need to be uh yeah the analog stick is actually better for this no you die hahaha I'm a jerk ah I'm being shot like really bad hey okay takes a bit of getting used to with the analog stick but I like it more maybe I gotta anyway I'm not a big uh fan of the controls any game like newer PS PlayStation that kind of stuff where you can use the analog pad uh proper using the sticks I can see this console being great for that um maybe plugging in another controller for the games that I'm not happy with but at the same time there's not a lot of controllers that are going to be USB that you're going to have to convert to the USB micro hit Neo Geo that now here's the thing you're going to be a lot of King of Fighters here so I'm going to go to the bottom drift out Road something Road Army oh Road Army Road Army let's check it out anyway so now we're in Neo Geo um I don't know uh I'm I'm kind of on the ledge here with this system um if it's gonna play more modern titles like the PlayStation maybe and I say maybe uh some consoles in that era then like let's say this Neo Geo for example if I'm happy with the controls then this is the kind of Shoot Em Up type things that I like um I'm not playing yet oh credits so credits again every time is Select okay and yeah whatever let's game start all right let's see what this is like oh yeah I should be able to look at the screen when I'm doing this now that I think about it I don't know why I was being so upset about that that's the idea seems to be no delay as far as that goes so all right here we go all right let's see you die you die all right the analog stick is perfect for this so let's see how it helps up oh that was a cool move oh Bang Bang I like this game can I beat this up nope hey what was that okay cool I got the moves bro I got the moves oh I got a weapon by the look of it yeah I got me as a baseball bat made out of steel hey that was a jerk thing to do I wasn't trying to hurt anybody oh oh nest there's no delay I gotta say this game is working as I'm asking it to so that is a plus the shoulders do anything nope just trying to figure out all the buttons here and I'm trying to figure out the d-pad is smoother we're going to find out I just switched to d-pad let's see how the d-pad performs in this game damn it they're dogs all right okay there's one way to kill him oh music got the oops don't do that whoa that was neat some of these moves I have no idea how it's happening or coming see now here's the problem why can't I am I hitting them oh oh that guy's big down doggy here's a bone here's a bump on a bone here here here here I'll give you a bone come back here oh don't do that now is that ghosting or was that like a thing it actually does because that was weird but I have to say uh that was with the d-pad hey and now we're back on the analog stick which I think is the smoothest right now okay guys what do I think of this thing well as I said if you're going to use the game for Neo Geo Navy PlayStation then I have to say uh so far I like that Game Boy Advance wasn't too bad I did see or I do feel the d-pad is to me the d-pad's garbage I don't I don't like it but I can't get that now but it is what it is I mean you can't have everything so but at the same time I paid about 60 bucks for a console I plays games like this but no delay and it looks awesome so I'm pretty happy about that and the sound quality on this thing has been absolutely pretty darn good um whether it's true to the uh actual reproduction that's a great question because I've never played this game before and I know we can't really hear it because for some weird reason my HDMI out to my thing is not really recording the audio from the console at least I don't think it is and pretty sure it isn't I'm pretty sure I at one point said it that way because every time I do a Nintendo game for example they take my video and try to make their monetization off somebody else I think that's just criminal but welcome to Nintendo welcome to Nintendo anyway so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this I hope this helped out if you're looking for a system that you want to have some fun with this one definitely uh does work well the screen is beautiful and when I was talking about the uh IPS part of the screen I keep forgetting that IPS is really side to side and if you go side to side it's actually really good it's only when you uh tilt it that you see fade so that's just something I wanted to mention so someone's sitting there watching you play can see that no problem and and so on but I guess at the same time why do we really care if the IPS as long as you're looking at it and it's working well then that's all you really need so pretty cool I'm kind of happy and I I think I'm just gonna keep playing this for a while because I spent a long time I got it for myself for Christmas yep I said that for myself for Christmas and uh so far um I'm happy I don't open things till I actually go to review it so sometimes that sucks boom but overall with games like this it makes it worthwhile I have to say until they do that you're making me mad you're making me mad you're walking around with no body Bam Bam haha anyway guys till next time thank you and uh I Wanna Lay a beating down on some more of these guys and until next time game over damn you you wrecked my Barrel I keep dying