The New Pink MacBook 2016 Sucks! Lets Cut It Out Apple
Hey, what's good guys? Keaton here, so I got the brand new MacBook. Comes in pink, but it still sucks. So, I'll tell ya why.
So Apple dropped the MacBook last year, and it kinda took a lot of people by storm just because this MacBook right here is trying to replace a MacBook Air. This is my MacBook Air right here, and this is the 2nd generation in 2016, and it's just really not cuttin' it. So the MacBook as a whole, it's a pretty good idea.
Some of the things I really like include the size and weight. Here's my 13-inch MacBook Air and here's the MacBook. It is a 12-inch screen. So, you can definitely see how much they have cut down just on the MacBook alone, and what I really like about it is it's a 12-inch screen but it doesn't look like a 12-inch screen. It looks a lot smaller and that's because they've shaved down these bezels and they've made the laptop so thin that you don't even get an illuminating Apple logo, which is kind of a staple to these laptops, and that's really great.
This thing is super light. It comes in at just around two pounds and it's perfect. I feel like I can take this thing everywhere. It's a chill laptop for the couch back there. It's perfect for a plane. Feel like an iPad but can do more than an iPad.
Another thing that's really sweet is the keyboard. According to Apple, the laptop is so thin that they can't have a normal keyboard which has when you press down it's a very far press, so what they did is they have these things called butterfly keys and it feels like you're not actually typing on it, but you are.
The last awesome thing about the MacBook is the battery life. I was able to get around six to seven hours just on a normal day's worth of use. Now I'm a student, and I'm also a big Netflix fan, so I was watching a ton of Netflix and I was actually writing a paper on this and I was able to get around six to seven hours.
Now for the stuff that I freaking hate on the MacBook. I've never made a video on a MacBook. So, I get to complain about this. It's this one port right here. Do you see that? Yeah, that's the only port on the MacBook. You have a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack here so you can listen to your music. But, this one port here is a USBC port and that's really great and all, but that's it.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't own a ton of USBC devices. This is the only cord that I have and it's to charge it, and after I'm done charging it, I have to go buy an adapter to get USBs so I can have more ports and it's just not convenient.
And the price. When they first dropped the MacBook, everyone complained about the one port here and the price. And that's totally fair. The same kinda stuff applies right now. Basically, if you wanna get one of these things, you're looking at spending a minimum of $1,300 which for a lot of people is really steep.
It's really steep for me, especially what you're getting offered here and who's calling my phone? I don't even know who's calling. Especially for what you're getting, but $1,300, it's not really selling it for me. This computer is meant to kind of kill the MacBook right here. So, if they want to do that, Generation 3 is where it's gotta go down. More ports, price it around a thousand bucks. And then, I could actually recommend this computer.
That's pretty much it for this video. If you guys enjoyed it and kind of agree that this computer still sucks, drop a Like on it, and get subscribed if you're new around here.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThe New Pink MacBook 2016 Sucks!Lets Cut It Out Apple.Hey, what's good guys?Keaton here, so I got the brand new MacBook.Comes in pink, but it still sucks.So, I'll tell ya why.So Apple dropped the MacBook last year, andit kinda took a lot of people by storm justbecause this MacBook right here is tryingto replace a MacBook Air.This is my MacBook Air right here, and thisis the 2nd generation in 2016, and it's justreally not cuttin it.So the MacBook as a whole, it's a pretty goodidea.Some of the things I really like include thesize and weight.Here's my 13-inch MacBook Air and here's theMacBook.It is a 12-inch screen.So, you can definitely see how much they havecut down just on the MacBook alone, and whatI really like about it is it's a 12-inch screenbut it doesn't look like a 12-inch screen.It looks a lot smaller and that's becausethey've shaved down these bezels and they'vemade the laptop so thin that you don't evenget an illuminating Apple logo, which is kindof a staple to these laptops, and that's reallygreat.This thing is super light.It comes in at just around two pounds andit's perfect.I feel like I can take this thing everywhere.It's a chill laptop for the couch back there.It's perfect for a plane.It feels like an iPad but can do more thanan iPad.Another thing that's really sweet is the keyboardso according to Apple, the laptop is so thinthat they can't have a normal keyboard whichhas when you press down it's a very far press,so what they did is they have these thingscalled butterfly keys and it feels like you'renot actually typing on it, but you are.The last awesome thing about the MacBook isthe battery life I was able to get aroundsix to seven hours just on a normal days worthof use.Now I'm a student, and I'm also a big Netflixfan, so I was watching a ton of Netflix andI was actually writing a paper on this andI was able to get around six to seven hours.Now for the stuff that I freaking hate onthe MacBook.I've never made a video on a MacBook.So, I get to complain about this.It's this one port right here.Do you see that?Yeah, that's the only port on the MacBook.You have a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack hereso you can listen to your music.But, this one port here is a USBC port andthat's really great and all, but that's it.I don't know about you guys, but I don't owna ton of USBC devices.This is the only cord that I have and it'sto charge it, and after I'm done chargingit, I have to go buy an adapter to get USBsso I can have normal devices plug in.Do you get the kind of point here?They pretty much are skipping ahead with newtechnology, which is awesome but only havingone port, requires me to carry around atonof cables, which I just hate doing.Apple doesn't even give you any adapters so,you're lookin at around an $80 investmentif you go the Apple route and around $30ishon Amazon.It's just something else you gotta carry andlook out for.Another thing they did, is they made the newMacBook faster.So, I got the $1600 model here which has themiddle-of-the-line processor.It has the M5, so you got your M3, M5, M7and I didn't notice any speed difference.Now what I got here, is a baseline, 13-inchMacBook Air, that I bought for $1,000 twoyears ago.So this is 2014 laptop, has four gigabytesof RAM.This is like, half the computer this is, atleast on paper.But, in real-world performance, this thinghas eight gigs of RAM, so double the memory.So this thing handles apps better, and I canhave more apps open at once.That's great, but other than that, it's notreally faster than this guy and if that'sa selling-point or kind of one reason whyyou wanna upgrade, hold off, you're not gonnareally notice a difference.Oh, and another thing, the battery life onthis thing, is awesome.We've already established that.The problem is, I think my voice just crackedthere.The problem is when you wanna charge it, ittakes forever to charge.I'm using the standard USBC cable that camewith it.Ya know, doing everything official and whenyou go to plug it in, my voice just crackedagain there, I don't know what you're doinvoice.When you go to plug it in, it takes aroundthree to four hours to charge.That is a big problem if you're a studentor just someone who's on-the-go constantly.I don't have time to wait for this thing tocharge.I don't know what's goin on, if there needsto be some sort of update.This thing charges in 90 minutes.My Retina MacBook Pro back there charges intwo hours and that's like five times the computerthis is.I don't really get it.And the last thing that kinda just seals thedeal on why this thing sucks, is the price.When they first dropped the MacBook, everyonecomplained about the one port here and theprice.And that's totally fair.The same kinda stuff applies right now.Basically, if you wanna get one of these things,you're looking at spending a minimum of $1,300which for a lot of people is really steep.It's really steep for me, especially whatyou're getting offered here and who's callingmy phone?I don't even know who's calling.Especially for what you're getting, but $1,300,it's not really sellin it for me.This computer is meant to kind of kill theMacBook right here.So, if they want to do that, Generation 3is where it's gotta go down.More ports, price it around a thousand bucks.And then, I could actually recommend thiscomputer.That's pretty much it for this video.If you guys enjoyed it and kind of agree thatthis computer still sucks, drop a Like onit, and get subscribed if you're new aroundhere.And yeah, I'll see you guys soon.Peace.\n"