**The Confusing World of Games**

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god how'd you get to can play it back and like a hammer or two days remain like the fake okay okay try to find my way out again huh boy okay all right I don't know why I'm here I don't know what I did wrong I think that all of these games the three games that I've been playing are somehow connected which is odd but it's pretty clear at the same time there's some story that's being told. I know when they were developing this game they also made the other ones as like small additional games I don't know why hey let me restart this because I think I it up okay now through the hole in this time I'm not gonna be a stupid and I'm not gonna move where I shouldn't go give me the lighter give me what I need to close this up let's not leave any suspicions oh wait it's not there why is it not there what I said out there well that's weird.

Oh okay alright then I guess we don't have to worry about that for some reason or another I have the paperclip nods right there okay so so what about that what's the sound meter for but that wasn't locked before no this is weird a rock okay well I got another rock I don't know where to throw the rock got some sleeping know what that was so I need to bash this no I need to bash that's good news don't do that. So he unlocked the door and now I can move on that's my understanding anyway wasn't there a button for an alarm too wasn't there an alarm button somewhere over here like in one of these other rooms I could've sworn I remember seeing one it's simple but now that it's unlocked I should be able to yeah let me go get the hammer let me go get the hammer radar I don't need the radar oh god they've randomized where the things are they've randomized a lot of things about this okay there's no gas pumping out of that thing anymore which I suppose might be a good thing but I'm not a Harmison sure what's good and what's bad anymore hammer there's no hammer then I forgot I don't know this guy love you corpse how long have they been here too long probably oh hippity-hop right over it easy-peasy and nothing interesting here oh hi okay a rock good another rock I don't know why I need another rock but I've got another rock.

I mouse rat or whatever you are a pile of flesh yeah probably not probably not human flesh probably not there's locked squish not opening that Wow Kim metal door ah the metal door like like babysitter era like um like the power drill massacre that's what that's like Oh God into the basement okay yeah I think that's the room that I was in before but I didn't know I don't know where this guy is right now string of convenience or abductions baffled police yeah they baffle me too because I have no idea where I am. Okay there's an electrical box screwed shut so we need to find a screw oh no this was not the house okay so I need to find like a screwdriver and wire cutters probably oh boy that is enough power okay let me go do something drastic here I'm gonna trigger this because hopefully he's gonna he's gonna come out of something yeah and once he comes out of somewhere then maybe I can get into wherever he came out of what was he coming out of that grid on the door was I think yeah No No how did you no no no no two days remain huh well I don't have two days unfortunately okay.

I'm gonna consider this one on cause from not done not done with this one because I've barely scratched the surface of this one but unfortunately my voice is just to thrash to be able to continue that one but this has been a long three scary games so if you want to play any of these games I'll put them down in the description below. They were all through puppet combos patreon which is how they're funding their projects which is a really cool way to do it because they're an indie developer I think they're just a dream team of three people and they're funding their games just from patreon and they're really cool games they're terrifying they're horrifying they're absolutely scary and that's cool. So thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want some cool clothing know that jacksepticeye and I have made a clothing brand called cloak with some really cool comfortable stuff I'm wearing one right now you can check it out at cloak brand.com if you want to see for yourself and thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enOh Oh wouldn't it notice this hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to three retro horror games now you probably know the developer of these games or at least you know some of the games that they've made before they have made games like power drill massacre babysitter bloodbath and other games and her 80s inspired horror movie slash games so this one that we're gonna start out with is called nun massacre which I can only assume doesn't mean that the nuns are gonna be the ones that are massacred it is me and the nuns are the enemy well maybe not baby maybe see other way around what am i doing oh I'm taking a bath oh I'm doing barrel rolls in the back a little scrub-a-dub-dub in my tub haha hi another thing about these ones is that they're deceptively low fidelity graphics and when I say deceptively I mean deceptively low it may seem like it's one of those games that's not particularly well made I live in a shiny oh dear mrs. McDonald I hope this letter finds you well your child is sick and needs your immediate attention we would normally handle this a second hose in the middle of brilliant thing right well the roads closed oh oh can I get around no yeah I can hop over I don't know if I was supposed to oh good I have a stamina stamina bar at least it's pretty robust and not comparable to what it was before I don't know why my eyeballs is a VCR recorder but I'm just gonna let that slide by I'm assuming that I'm a vlogger back in the 80s don't know where I'm going down to no more than whether oh there we go as we do not have a telephone service you will need to appear in person in a piece of Christ mother Apollonia okay I don't know I don't know why this place is so pup in the mountains why oh no the nun massacre I it's good then there's no massacre it's the nun massacre non-god massacred including me now why do I get a climb a mountain rock climb to be able to get to my kid I guess way up in the mountains oh hey there we go thank you mother Apollonia what mother mother Apollonia mother Apollonia whoa wait whoa hey whoa I see somebody I see somebody hang on a second who's it oh you're gone oh okay you're just gone just like that you're just gone okay I should have sumed in on that person wait mother mother Apollonia I'm here wherever here is I don't remember this in the brochure how did you build this on this it's a skyscraper good god what the hell how'd you do this how do i how do I get in do I want to get in I don't think I do all right mother Apollonia you have got a robust establishment here filled with many interesting hit pieces of history but I'm kind of at a loss I can't see a front door I don't see a dingdong doorbell mother of oh hey we found some hey what is this what are we looking at I hate it I hate it okay I found it it was around the side not around the front where I thought it would have been mother ellonija oh I hate it oh I hate it oh I hate everything about it oh this is oh no no oh good they've got chains and wire over the windows for safety mommy dropped me off at my new school I'm gonna miss my old friends I brought Bongo with me though we have a teacher named sister Euphemia she has an assistant named sister Kalina they're teaching us all about Saints and what wonderful lives they live today we learned about Saint Lucy her eyes were put on a plate and she became a martyr that's a weird word sister Euphemia said that her love for God saved her from the evil Romans that tried to hurt her sister Oh said the mother of bolonia is gonna take care of us oh good good good god this is good I'm glad about this this is good I feel like this is a good thing barge right in here Oh they've got TVs just a TV VCR I needed tape why do I need a tape why do I need it why do I need a tape I don't wanna watch anything this is a confessional booth oh oh oh I'm I'm I'm oh I'm so boned I'm so strongly incredibly Presley boned I'm impressively boned Oh what is that barbed wire pit looks like I'll die he whoa I think I saw did I see what was I crazy were you back there where are you where are you I don't know open open open open for a tape for a table look first day I hate sex I hate this I hate this you go dead you go and die you could do you go and die just worry where are you none none No I got one blank I know what to do with this I know what to do with this I know what to do this I gotta I got to put this right here and then I'm a and then I'm good I don't have my lighter anymore but that's fine who needs a lighter when you've got foot spa rock good my first line of defense a rock map I drew a map so I wouldn't get lost I'll take the rock though I think the rock I like the rock rocks good body rocks good rock real good never mind just bash my face on that rocks real good rocks real gun rocks go down first wait wait wait this is da da this is da da da they die it's the same place where that nun was with a nun ha dad with a demon there was a demon why is there a demon okay well there's nothing here so there's no point in looking for the the demon the demons are dumb and stupid and no demons oh god I can't that way I can't this way I can what is in here it's a closet why I don't know ah in here No okay I don't know where I am this is the same please it is okay I got a rock I got a rocking good this why can't I go up I can't go there we go I can't go okay okay I can't go up anyway I need to get oh okay I just don't know what I'm looking for Oh what him what what what is what is map oh I don't need the map there we go OK ROCK again I've got the rock ok so I opened this radar oh that's some how terrifying that somehow more terrifying I can't see I don't know where I'm going how are this going where is this where am I I don't know I wish I had some light I just want some light I would do anything just to get some light whoa wait I mean this this was locked so it's now not locked okay mannequin organ wait wait I just put away the radar so if I oh I have it I have it it's a scroll wheel to get it okay Oh wouldn't it notice this huh oh oh god I didn't know I was going down here again okay I don't know how that nun got in the vents but that's not okay this radars useless this great arse useless they sure do a good job of making me feel not safe in these vents boy I'm glad that they do such a good job of that that's a great job that they're doing there about that mm nope it's not on the radar I don't know what I'm looking at okay it's a lamp okay ah oh I see ah ah mannequin arm I can't carry any more items well you know what the radar do me any good it's sharp okay a steak well okay here we go back in it no radar radar wasn't helping anyway I don't know where these mannequin pieces are supposed to go oh oh is this what it always looked like I think yes I think maybe yes hmm Oh I don't want to play anymore oh I don't want to play this anymore I don't want to lose anymore what is that mother Apollonia hates me she pulled me out of class today but I didn't do anything I got the ruler five times I hate it here I can't make friends nobody wants to talk to me I really don't believe in God if God was a real thing wouldn't be many bad people in the world I miss mommy and my old friends I want to go home to a normal school yeah yeah you know I don't think this is a place for children let alone anybody let alone me definitely not me I deserve to be in a better place than this I deserve to be in a way better place than this I deserve to be a better place in this okay that's like that's like oh it's a god oh god here comes it's coming here we go I'm about to be born I'm about to be royally bonded I'm about to be strongly boned for something in there junction box wire need something to cut it that's probably to the fan oh boy okay need something to cut that that's good I don't have nothing ooh a weird operating table that's not a bed that's not a bed at all that's if you think that's a bed you got some issues cuz that's clearly not bed material oh oh I don't like that room must be something different behind there yeah okay okay ah this yeah that's not an operating table either that's a dentist chair oh boy who's bad bandages I can't carry anymore well you know if I die I die at least if oh god is horrible at least if I die I don't have to play his game anymore I need to pee really bad in class but mother Apollonia wouldn't listen I couldn't hold it I try to pee a little at my desk but she found out everybody laughs at me I had to clean it up and walk around in my underwear the rest of the day the other kids call me pee pants now I'm never gonna have friends I'm trying to pray more if Jesus is watching me but I feel so alone I don't know what to write so the end for now yeah a good story a good story a child's chair just a chair okay stretcher for all patient used for medical purposes yeah this seems like a nice Hospital it's slowing me into a sense of security and I don't like that at all I don't like that none I don't like none of it I like zero of it because it's soon as I let my guard down I know that I'm going to be incredible and I don't want to be incredible I would rather not be incredible I think this leads to bi that back to that room where the organ was I would rather not be incredible at this moment I have no idea what I'm looking for I've got organs which is weird don't know why but I've got them no no wait a minute you didn't tell me you could do that now shitty tits oh tits oh all right you bastard where are you I'll you just you - you you I'm going for it you my guess nothing I guess those easy alright ok alright there's got to be something in this ventilation system that I can use it's gotta be like some other items something can be done I don't know what what why give me give me give me give me give me through no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh oh oh well well well oh oh oh this is oh wire clipper let's replace the map with the wire clipper wait this is good then I think I know exactly where to go okay so we do this we're gonna clip the wire we've got it we go clip it bingo and Bongo and then we outie are we out ejust like that okay we've got that clipped that's good so now we need to go back to the vent to the vent wherever the vent was out of don't there hair then we go back to the vent in the vent we can go where that fan was let's go for it baby let's go for a baby let's go for it baby baby I don't know what that's about I don't know my business my business my business it's none of my business none of my I think I think that maybe might be a bit of uh might be a bit of a problem whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey oh oh my god okay all right then okay just okay all right okay there we go okay holy all right well that broke ah and was terrifying that was terrifying so let's move on to the next one shall we let's move on to the next one dude oh man my voice no God that really thrashed me that was terrifying except when it broke of course like it wasn't scary when it broke but goddamn that was terrifying all right then well this one's called feed me Billy so feed me Billy feed me Billy oh hi okay after drop item okay so similar thanks her phone yes you have completed our series you are now the enlightened learn it in the ways of your father's vision as you know your goals are and observe its contents you now have your goal well what's my goal what was my goal well it's my goal what's what's my goal what what's my goal what's what's my goal what is my goal what's my goal never leave this way never leave through the front door what's with the weird big pulsating vagina oh boy Oh feed me Billy oh you got it buddy those is dr Lister driving his driverless drive let's driver and Sewer go for a drive I think I might have broken it I might have broken it in the attempt to shoot a hole because my problem was I tried to put a hole in a hole and that's no good for any okay Oh God huh I'm not so sure about whatever's about to happen because I've got a bad feeling I'm about to murder somebody and that ain't good for nobody but I gotta feed the hole in my house and then father father said that everything was a-ok that's okay I wasn't gonna you have a family that's good you keep you keep family I like your Goku hair I didn't do what I just walked up I walked up I don't have a gardener I didn't I didn't do nothing I was just you know oh no I'm just gonna walk okay goodbye goodbye have a good day I just I like wearing clown masks nothing wrong with that on a moonlit night ah dah dah dah dah okay that's that's marginally less horrible that's this slightly less horrible what'd you make me do why'd you make me do this why'd you make me do this and this and certainly not this I can't but don't shake your head at me like that okay well alright then I guess we are underway good okay and cap lunk all right no one's gonna notice that it's completely uncovered great oh boy oh boy oh boy okay oh I know oh boy oh boy okay well here we go thanks how to put I gotta put bottle geez I gotta put bodies into the big ol hole in the ground with teeth Oh two more days two more days - why okay I don't know what till but okay great hello what are you I know what you do at night I know it's you I know is you I know okay great I love Jazzercise okay yeah okay here we go again apparently I feel bad about my actions I have a lot of regrets and I think that this is bad but here I go again apparently on the same exact stretch of road that I was at before any tie no this is different is it different where am I I don't know where I am oh hello hi hi diddly hoho hello did somebody say burgers oh god oh god oh god oh boy oh boy oh boy okay well I'm all loaded up I'm sorry Oh God why do I do this why am i doing this why would anybody do this why is this a thing to do oh boy okay well load them up I guess oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay dub a blog now to blog in devote into the whole you go one but you another day another murder ow ow ow ow ow why why would you do that there was no reason to do that one way or another hello yes okay hi how are you doing good great I need more I need more I need more okay you got it buddy you won't get away with it stupid who do you think you are I don't know I don't know who I am I don't think I'm anybody actually well time to go gotta get to work the old daily grind you know how it is you know how it be okay let's see what we're gonna be doing today it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood didn't edit it there hello um all right whoa-oh-oh this one got messed up oh this one's messed up oh all right okay all right whoa whoa boy pull boil war boy war boy oh this one's messed up who is what's not right there's ones now right this one's definitely not right I should put it back a guy yes there you go time to go all right well what am I supposed to do with these guys okay okay all right all right into the hole you go and I'm no more problems think of that one so you owe me good okay good what happened what happened I don't even know I don't even know I don't even know okay I don't know what the hell just happened but that was pretty good I guess and scary and creepy and just weird so I guess it was good all things considered okay so I've got one more game here I've given my voice a little bit of a break as well since I come across okay now this one's called stay out of the house now this one's not done but this one is not done this one carries a similar theme to babysitter bloodbath I am mad in that I'm in a house and I shouldn't be there which seems to be a common scene in a lot of Howard anger doesn't have to be something that you lose yourself like all things I'm experiencing in the world they can be a tool I will show you how to utilize oh oh I don't know what I did oh I know what I did okay cool I'm good whew it's like the first game with the nan massacre oh that's a problem okay hello what would happen what would happen if I just bow down oh and everything's fine hello I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to do that no one knows I'm here no one knows hi okay oh right this is uncomfortable yeah no joke yeah no joke no joke about that huh Oh something there okay come on give that oh god I can't read this I must feel all I must feel all you think that would get Appetit Deus after I can't read that I don't think I have time to read it either oh this is where I was supposed to come out oh okay Oh night shift abductor strikes again okay that's good that's real good about that when is he gonna notice that I'm gone when is he gonna start coming after me toilet lid fixed it for you boss it's using a lot of the assets from the other games but then again I think they probably do that or maybe all those were leading up to this one though okay hammer 80 ho then why do I need a hammer I don't know why I need a hammer can I bash that guy in the head with a yeah maybe whoa Zach gasps oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god how'd you get to can play it back and like a hammer or two days remain like the fake okay okay try to find my way out again huh boy okay all right I don't know why I'm here I don't know what I did wrong I think that all of these games the three games that I've been playing are somehow connected which is odd but it's pretty clear at the same time there's some story that's being told I know when they were developing this game they also made the other ones as like small additional games I don't know why hey let me restart this because I think I it up okay now through the hole in this time I'm not gonna be a stupid and I'm not gonna move where I shouldn't go give me the lighter give me what I need to close this up let's not leave any suspicions oh wait it's not there why is it not there what I said out there well that's weird oh okay alright then I guess we don't have to worry about that for some reason or another I have the paperclip nods right there okay so so what about that what's the sound meter for but that wasn't locked before no this is weird a rock okay well I got another rock I don't know where to throw the rock got some sleeping know what that was so I need to bash this no I need to bash that's good news don't do that so he unlocked the door and now I can move on that's my understanding anyway wasn't there a button for an alarm too wasn't there an alarm button somewhere over here like in one of these other rooms I could've sworn I remember seeing one it's simple but now that it's unlocked I should be able to yeah let me go get the hammer let me go get the hammer radar I don't need the radar oh god they've randomized where the things are they've randomized a lot of things about this okay there's no gas pumping out of that thing anymore which I suppose might be a good thing but I'm not a Harmison sure what's good and what's bad anymore hammer there's no hammer then I forgot I don't know this guy love you corpse how long have they been here too long probably oh hippity-hop right over it easy-peasy and nothing interesting here oh hi okay a rock good another rock I don't know why I need another rock but I've got another rock I mouse rat or whatever you are a pile of flesh yeah probably not probably not human flesh probably not there's locked squish not opening that Wow Kim metal door ah the metal door like like babysitter era like um like the power drill massacre that's what that's like Oh God into the basement okay yeah I think that's the room that I was in before but I didn't know I don't know where this guy is right now string of convenience or abductions baffled police yeah they baffle me too because I have no idea where I am okay there's an electrical box screwed shut so we need to find a screw oh no this was not the house okay so I need to find like a screwdriver and wire cutters probably oh boy that is enough power okay let me go do something drastic here I'm gonna trigger this because hopefully he's gonna he's gonna come out of something yeah and once he comes out of somewhere then maybe I can get into wherever he came out of what was he coming out of that grid on the door was I think yeah No No how did you no no no no two days remain huh well I don't have two days unfortunately okay I'm gonna consider this one on cause from not done not done with this one because I've barely scratched the surface of this one but unfortunately my voice is just to thrash to be able to continue that one but this has been a long three scary games so if you want to play any of these games I'll put them down in the description below they were all through puppet combos patreon which is how they're funding their projects which is a really cool way to do it because they're an indie developer I think they're just a dream team of three people and they're funding their games just from patreon and they're really cool games they're terrifying they're horrifying they're absolutely scary and that's cool so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want some cool clothing know that jacksepticeye and I have made a clothing brand called cloak with some really cool comfortable stuff I'm wearing one right now you can check it out at cloak brand.com if you want to see for yourself and thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye byeOh Oh wouldn't it notice this hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to three retro horror games now you probably know the developer of these games or at least you know some of the games that they've made before they have made games like power drill massacre babysitter bloodbath and other games and her 80s inspired horror movie slash games so this one that we're gonna start out with is called nun massacre which I can only assume doesn't mean that the nuns are gonna be the ones that are massacred it is me and the nuns are the enemy well maybe not baby maybe see other way around what am i doing oh I'm taking a bath oh I'm doing barrel rolls in the back a little scrub-a-dub-dub in my tub haha hi another thing about these ones is that they're deceptively low fidelity graphics and when I say deceptively I mean deceptively low it may seem like it's one of those games that's not particularly well made I live in a shiny oh dear mrs. McDonald I hope this letter finds you well your child is sick and needs your immediate attention we would normally handle this a second hose in the middle of brilliant thing right well the roads closed oh oh can I get around no yeah I can hop over I don't know if I was supposed to oh good I have a stamina stamina bar at least it's pretty robust and not comparable to what it was before I don't know why my eyeballs is a VCR recorder but I'm just gonna let that slide by I'm assuming that I'm a vlogger back in the 80s don't know where I'm going down to no more than whether oh there we go as we do not have a telephone service you will need to appear in person in a piece of Christ mother Apollonia okay I don't know I don't know why this place is so pup in the mountains why oh no the nun massacre I it's good then there's no massacre it's the nun massacre non-god massacred including me now why do I get a climb a mountain rock climb to be able to get to my kid I guess way up in the mountains oh hey there we go thank you mother Apollonia what mother mother Apollonia mother Apollonia whoa wait whoa hey whoa I see somebody I see somebody hang on a second who's it oh you're gone oh okay you're just gone just like that you're just gone okay I should have sumed in on that person wait mother mother Apollonia I'm here wherever here is I don't remember this in the brochure how did you build this on this it's a skyscraper good god what the hell how'd you do this how do i how do I get in do I want to get in I don't think I do all right mother Apollonia you have got a robust establishment here filled with many interesting hit pieces of history but I'm kind of at a loss I can't see a front door I don't see a dingdong doorbell mother of oh hey we found some hey what is this what are we looking at I hate it I hate it okay I found it it was around the side not around the front where I thought it would have been mother ellonija oh I hate it oh I hate it oh I hate everything about it oh this is oh no no oh good they've got chains and wire over the windows for safety mommy dropped me off at my new school I'm gonna miss my old friends I brought Bongo with me though we have a teacher named sister Euphemia she has an assistant named sister Kalina they're teaching us all about Saints and what wonderful lives they live today we learned about Saint Lucy her eyes were put on a plate and she became a martyr that's a weird word sister Euphemia said that her love for God saved her from the evil Romans that tried to hurt her sister Oh said the mother of bolonia is gonna take care of us oh good good good god this is good I'm glad about this this is good I feel like this is a good thing barge right in here Oh they've got TVs just a TV VCR I needed tape why do I need a tape why do I need it why do I need a tape I don't wanna watch anything this is a confessional booth oh oh oh I'm I'm I'm oh I'm so boned I'm so strongly incredibly Presley boned I'm impressively boned Oh what is that barbed wire pit looks like I'll die he whoa I think I saw did I see what was I crazy were you back there where are you where are you I don't know open open open open for a tape for a table look first day I hate sex I hate this I hate this you go dead you go and die you could do you go and die just worry where are you none none No I got one blank I know what to do with this I know what to do with this I know what to do this I gotta I got to put this right here and then I'm a and then I'm good I don't have my lighter anymore but that's fine who needs a lighter when you've got foot spa rock good my first line of defense a rock map I drew a map so I wouldn't get lost I'll take the rock though I think the rock I like the rock rocks good body rocks good rock real good never mind just bash my face on that rocks real good rocks real gun rocks go down first wait wait wait this is da da this is da da da they die it's the same place where that nun was with a nun ha dad with a demon there was a demon why is there a demon okay well there's nothing here so there's no point in looking for the the demon the demons are dumb and stupid and no demons oh god I can't that way I can't this way I can what is in here it's a closet why I don't know ah in here No okay I don't know where I am this is the same please it is okay I got a rock I got a rocking good this why can't I go up I can't go there we go I can't go okay okay I can't go up anyway I need to get oh okay I just don't know what I'm looking for Oh what him what what what is what is map oh I don't need the map there we go OK ROCK again I've got the rock ok so I opened this radar oh that's some how terrifying that somehow more terrifying I can't see I don't know where I'm going how are this going where is this where am I I don't know I wish I had some light I just want some light I would do anything just to get some light whoa wait I mean this this was locked so it's now not locked okay mannequin organ wait wait I just put away the radar so if I oh I have it I have it it's a scroll wheel to get it okay Oh wouldn't it notice this huh oh oh god I didn't know I was going down here again okay I don't know how that nun got in the vents but that's not okay this radars useless this great arse useless they sure do a good job of making me feel not safe in these vents boy I'm glad that they do such a good job of that that's a great job that they're doing there about that mm nope it's not on the radar I don't know what I'm looking at okay it's a lamp okay ah oh I see ah ah mannequin arm I can't carry any more items well you know what the radar do me any good it's sharp okay a steak well okay here we go back in it no radar radar wasn't helping anyway I don't know where these mannequin pieces are supposed to go oh oh is this what it always looked like I think yes I think maybe yes hmm Oh I don't want to play anymore oh I don't want to play this anymore I don't want to lose anymore what is that mother Apollonia hates me she pulled me out of class today but I didn't do anything I got the ruler five times I hate it here I can't make friends nobody wants to talk to me I really don't believe in God if God was a real thing wouldn't be many bad people in the world I miss mommy and my old friends I want to go home to a normal school yeah yeah you know I don't think this is a place for children let alone anybody let alone me definitely not me I deserve to be in a better place than this I deserve to be in a way better place than this I deserve to be a better place in this okay that's like that's like oh it's a god oh god here comes it's coming here we go I'm about to be born I'm about to be royally bonded I'm about to be strongly boned for something in there junction box wire need something to cut it that's probably to the fan oh boy okay need something to cut that that's good I don't have nothing ooh a weird operating table that's not a bed that's not a bed at all that's if you think that's a bed you got some issues cuz that's clearly not bed material oh oh I don't like that room must be something different behind there yeah okay okay ah this yeah that's not an operating table either that's a dentist chair oh boy who's bad bandages I can't carry anymore well you know if I die I die at least if oh god is horrible at least if I die I don't have to play his game anymore I need to pee really bad in class but mother Apollonia wouldn't listen I couldn't hold it I try to pee a little at my desk but she found out everybody laughs at me I had to clean it up and walk around in my underwear the rest of the day the other kids call me pee pants now I'm never gonna have friends I'm trying to pray more if Jesus is watching me but I feel so alone I don't know what to write so the end for now yeah a good story a good story a child's chair just a chair okay stretcher for all patient used for medical purposes yeah this seems like a nice Hospital it's slowing me into a sense of security and I don't like that at all I don't like that none I don't like none of it I like zero of it because it's soon as I let my guard down I know that I'm going to be incredible and I don't want to be incredible I would rather not be incredible I think this leads to bi that back to that room where the organ was I would rather not be incredible at this moment I have no idea what I'm looking for I've got organs which is weird don't know why but I've got them no no wait a minute you didn't tell me you could do that now shitty tits oh tits oh all right you bastard where are you I'll you just you - you you I'm going for it you my guess nothing I guess those easy alright ok alright there's got to be something in this ventilation system that I can use it's gotta be like some other items something can be done I don't know what what why give me give me give me give me give me through no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh oh oh well well well oh oh oh this is oh wire clipper let's replace the map with the wire clipper wait this is good then I think I know exactly where to go okay so we do this we're gonna clip the wire we've got it we go clip it bingo and Bongo and then we outie are we out ejust like that okay we've got that clipped that's good so now we need to go back to the vent to the vent wherever the vent was out of don't there hair then we go back to the vent in the vent we can go where that fan was let's go for it baby let's go for a baby let's go for it baby baby I don't know what that's about I don't know my business my business my business it's none of my business none of my I think I think that maybe might be a bit of uh might be a bit of a problem whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey oh oh my god okay all right then okay just okay all right okay there we go okay holy all right well that broke ah and was terrifying that was terrifying so let's move on to the next one shall we let's move on to the next one dude oh man my voice no God that really thrashed me that was terrifying except when it broke of course like it wasn't scary when it broke but goddamn that was terrifying all right then well this one's called feed me Billy so feed me Billy feed me Billy oh hi okay after drop item okay so similar thanks her phone yes you have completed our series you are now the enlightened learn it in the ways of your father's vision as you know your goals are and observe its contents you now have your goal well what's my goal what was my goal well it's my goal what's what's my goal what what's my goal what's what's my goal what is my goal what's my goal never leave this way never leave through the front door what's with the weird big pulsating vagina oh boy Oh feed me Billy oh you got it buddy those is dr Lister driving his driverless drive let's driver and Sewer go for a drive I think I might have broken it I might have broken it in the attempt to shoot a hole because my problem was I tried to put a hole in a hole and that's no good for any okay Oh God huh I'm not so sure about whatever's about to happen because I've got a bad feeling I'm about to murder somebody and that ain't good for nobody but I gotta feed the hole in my house and then father father said that everything was a-ok that's okay I wasn't gonna you have a family that's good you keep you keep family I like your Goku hair I didn't do what I just walked up I walked up I don't have a gardener I didn't I didn't do nothing I was just you know oh no I'm just gonna walk okay goodbye goodbye have a good day I just I like wearing clown masks nothing wrong with that on a moonlit night ah dah dah dah dah okay that's that's marginally less horrible that's this slightly less horrible what'd you make me do why'd you make me do this why'd you make me do this and this and certainly not this I can't but don't shake your head at me like that okay well alright then I guess we are underway good okay and cap lunk all right no one's gonna notice that it's completely uncovered great oh boy oh boy oh boy okay oh I know oh boy oh boy okay well here we go thanks how to put I gotta put bottle geez I gotta put bodies into the big ol hole in the ground with teeth Oh two more days two more days - why okay I don't know what till but okay great hello what are you I know what you do at night I know it's you I know is you I know okay great I love Jazzercise okay yeah okay here we go again apparently I feel bad about my actions I have a lot of regrets and I think that this is bad but here I go again apparently on the same exact stretch of road that I was at before any tie no this is different is it different where am I I don't know where I am oh hello hi hi diddly hoho hello did somebody say burgers oh god oh god oh god oh boy oh boy oh boy okay well I'm all loaded up I'm sorry Oh God why do I do this why am i doing this why would anybody do this why is this a thing to do oh boy okay well load them up I guess oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay dub a blog now to blog in devote into the whole you go one but you another day another murder ow ow ow ow ow why why would you do that there was no reason to do that one way or another hello yes okay hi how are you doing good great I need more I need more I need more okay you got it buddy you won't get away with it stupid who do you think you are I don't know I don't know who I am I don't think I'm anybody actually well time to go gotta get to work the old daily grind you know how it is you know how it be okay let's see what we're gonna be doing today it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood didn't edit it there hello um all right whoa-oh-oh this one got messed up oh this one's messed up oh all right okay all right whoa whoa boy pull boil war boy war boy oh this one's messed up who is what's not right there's ones now right this one's definitely not right I should put it back a guy yes there you go time to go all right well what am I supposed to do with these guys okay okay all right all right into the hole you go and I'm no more problems think of that one so you owe me good okay good what happened what happened I don't even know I don't even know I don't even know okay I don't know what the hell just happened but that was pretty good I guess and scary and creepy and just weird so I guess it was good all things considered okay so I've got one more game here I've given my voice a little bit of a break as well since I come across okay now this one's called stay out of the house now this one's not done but this one is not done this one carries a similar theme to babysitter bloodbath I am mad in that I'm in a house and I shouldn't be there which seems to be a common scene in a lot of Howard anger doesn't have to be something that you lose yourself like all things I'm experiencing in the world they can be a tool I will show you how to utilize oh oh I don't know what I did oh I know what I did okay cool I'm good whew it's like the first game with the nan massacre oh that's a problem okay hello what would happen what would happen if I just bow down oh and everything's fine hello I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to do that no one knows I'm here no one knows hi okay oh right this is uncomfortable yeah no joke yeah no joke no joke about that huh Oh something there okay come on give that oh god I can't read this I must feel all I must feel all you think that would get Appetit Deus after I can't read that I don't think I have time to read it either oh this is where I was supposed to come out oh okay Oh night shift abductor strikes again okay that's good that's real good about that when is he gonna notice that I'm gone when is he gonna start coming after me toilet lid fixed it for you boss it's using a lot of the assets from the other games but then again I think they probably do that or maybe all those were leading up to this one though okay hammer 80 ho then why do I need a hammer I don't know why I need a hammer can I bash that guy in the head with a yeah maybe whoa Zach gasps oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god how'd you get to can play it back and like a hammer or two days remain like the fake okay okay try to find my way out again huh boy okay all right I don't know why I'm here I don't know what I did wrong I think that all of these games the three games that I've been playing are somehow connected which is odd but it's pretty clear at the same time there's some story that's being told I know when they were developing this game they also made the other ones as like small additional games I don't know why hey let me restart this because I think I it up okay now through the hole in this time I'm not gonna be a stupid and I'm not gonna move where I shouldn't go give me the lighter give me what I need to close this up let's not leave any suspicions oh wait it's not there why is it not there what I said out there well that's weird oh okay alright then I guess we don't have to worry about that for some reason or another I have the paperclip nods right there okay so so what about that what's the sound meter for but that wasn't locked before no this is weird a rock okay well I got another rock I don't know where to throw the rock got some sleeping know what that was so I need to bash this no I need to bash that's good news don't do that so he unlocked the door and now I can move on that's my understanding anyway wasn't there a button for an alarm too wasn't there an alarm button somewhere over here like in one of these other rooms I could've sworn I remember seeing one it's simple but now that it's unlocked I should be able to yeah let me go get the hammer let me go get the hammer radar I don't need the radar oh god they've randomized where the things are they've randomized a lot of things about this okay there's no gas pumping out of that thing anymore which I suppose might be a good thing but I'm not a Harmison sure what's good and what's bad anymore hammer there's no hammer then I forgot I don't know this guy love you corpse how long have they been here too long probably oh hippity-hop right over it easy-peasy and nothing interesting here oh hi okay a rock good another rock I don't know why I need another rock but I've got another rock I mouse rat or whatever you are a pile of flesh yeah probably not probably not human flesh probably not there's locked squish not opening that Wow Kim metal door ah the metal door like like babysitter era like um like the power drill massacre that's what that's like Oh God into the basement okay yeah I think that's the room that I was in before but I didn't know I don't know where this guy is right now string of convenience or abductions baffled police yeah they baffle me too because I have no idea where I am okay there's an electrical box screwed shut so we need to find a screw oh no this was not the house okay so I need to find like a screwdriver and wire cutters probably oh boy that is enough power okay let me go do something drastic here I'm gonna trigger this because hopefully he's gonna he's gonna come out of something yeah and once he comes out of somewhere then maybe I can get into wherever he came out of what was he coming out of that grid on the door was I think yeah No No how did you no no no no two days remain huh well I don't have two days unfortunately okay I'm gonna consider this one on cause from not done not done with this one because I've barely scratched the surface of this one but unfortunately my voice is just to thrash to be able to continue that one but this has been a long three scary games so if you want to play any of these games I'll put them down in the description below they were all through puppet combos patreon which is how they're funding their projects which is a really cool way to do it because they're an indie developer I think they're just a dream team of three people and they're funding their games just from patreon and they're really cool games they're terrifying they're horrifying they're absolutely scary and that's cool so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want some cool clothing know that jacksepticeye and I have made a clothing brand called cloak with some really cool comfortable stuff I'm wearing one right now you can check it out at cloak brand.com if you want to see for yourself and thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye\n"